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Something is wrong, this shouldn't have happened. The Grail, once illustrious, now a vile...

Look to the Left

Back from the Void
Something is wrong, this shouldn't have happened. The Grail, once illustrious, now a vile tainted abomination of its former self. And it's all the Einzbern's fault. Consumed with obsession and the need to prove themselves, they attempted to summon All the World's Evils as a servant. What they got was less than nothing. Avenger went and fought in battle, only to fall so easily that it was barely even remembered by any of the combatants. This only fed into the shame that the Einzbern felt. However despite being so useless in battle, its defeat laid the foundations for horrors and tragedies yet to come. Due to its very nature, it affected the Grail, taking control of it as its corruption spreads through it. Then it sat there, biding its time until the next Holy Grail War.

However, there was still a part of the grail that was left untainted by All the World's Evils. A little bit of the True Core of the Grail that knew that something was wrong and barred itself from the corruption as best as it could. There, in the deepest reaches of the Grail, it too waited and plotted in order to remove the vile taint from itself. There it formed a desperate plan. As All the World's Evils slowly built up prana for the next war, the True Core siphoned off just enough that it wouldn't get the full attention of All the World's Evils, but enough to enact what the True Core was desperately planning.

Finally, just 7 years before the start of the 4th Holy Grail War, it's accumulated barely enough to initiate its plan. Normally, it can't summon servants in the normal servant containers with this little prana, so instead it choose a different one. A human body. Thus using all the prana it has gathered, it summons three heroes into the flesh of newborns, each with a message embedded into them, one single line given to them that will materialize in their mind once they've grown old enough to participate in the new war.

"Cleanse the grail."

Nothing more, nothing less. And so three spirits are summoned, three spirits are reincarnated in flesh, three spirits are given the duty of destroying the dark evil that lays within the Holy Grail...

You are one the first of the three spirits. You are...

[X] The reincarnation of the Witch of Betrayal.
-Start with High Speed Divine Words as your sorcery trait
-Have a high affinity with magic
-You are physically weak
-Have to start from the beginning with magic since you're born to a muggle family

[X] The reincarnation of the 12th Paladin of Charlemagne
-Start with luck rivaling that of Taiga (A+ compared to her EX)
-Start with a high end racing bike
-Start with kendo training
-Cute dresses
-Constant rambling (may accidentally let out info about your servant)
-Middling aptitude with magic
-Middling physical aptitude

[X] The reincarnation of the Knight of the Lake
-Start with kendo training
-Start with archery training
-Best in terms of physical strength and endurance
-Fast learner with weapons
-Not so great at magic

[X] The reincarnation of the Emperor of roses
-Well rounded at everything
-Lacks any weakness
-Does not excel at anything
-Chronic migraines

[X] The reincarnation of the Fallen Goddess of the Shapeless Isles
-Start with Mystic Eyes of Petrification
-Start with a high end racing bike
-Best mix of magic affinity and physical aptitude
-You have inharently bad luck
-Your Mystic Eyes of Petrification are currently dormant
-You don't start with any weapons training
-Quite tall

  1. What the GM says goes. No arguments. (Okay, maybe you can argue but it must be a good argument)
  2. Feel free to point out any awkward sentence structures, bad grammar, and spelling mistakes. It'll help me grow as a writer.
  3. Don't be pricks. No one likes pricks. Also it'll bring the mods here if it goes too far and that'll suck for everyone.
  4. You only get three lives. Once they're up, the quest is over.
  5. No meta gaming.
  6. Have fun!
  1. The character you'll be playing as will be limited by their human bodies and thus your overall power will be somewhere in between true servant and a human i.e. having stats going from E-C.
  2. The quest will start the day before Shirou gets shanked by Lancer
  3. You have no memories of your past but you do get strange dreams about them.
  4. All the options have different sets of families and friends.
  5. It's possible to manifest a noble phantasm, but it'll take more prana then you can possibly use in your current condition and you're limited to only one.
  6. No we are not going to play as Lancelot!Shirou.
  7. We are playing as a complete seperate entity from the main cast.
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Primary Class: N/A
True Name: N/A
Current Name: Kishi Hiro
Past Gender: N/A
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Armament: N/A

Appearance: A young girl at the age of 16. She's stands at 157 cm tall. She has a well toned, feminine but flat body. Her hair is a dark shade of purple that's about shoulder length and tied into a pony with peek-a-boo bangs over her right eye.
Past History: N/A

Endurance: N/A
Agility: N/A
Prana: N/A
Luck: N/A

Class Skills:


Personal Skills:

Noble Phantasms:

Rank: ???
Type: ???
Description: ???
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[X] The reincarnation of the Knight of the Lake
-Start with kendo training
-Start with archery training
-Best in terms of physical strength and endurance
-Fast learner with weapons
-Not so great at magic

So this is the fourth war? Sorry Kariya, sorry Saber. No Lancelot for you.
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[X] The reincarnation of the Witch of Betrayal.

I think I've settled for either Medea or Astolfo.

Edit: going for Lancelot due to possible saber interactions.

Swapped back to Medea.
Edit 3: and going to Astolfo.

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[X] The reincarnation of the Witch of Betrayal.

"Stand back, I'm gonna magic the hell out of this!"
[X] The reincarnation of the Knight of the Lake

So are we going to do any character customization or is that all up to you?
[X] The reincarnation of the Emperor of roses

I will note that for Medusa, while she might see "Quite Tall" as a con, most people would not.
[X] The reincarnation of the Emperor of roses

Can't believe I'm the only one so far. Do you not love your emperor?!

RexHeller! You Ninja!
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