War. War never changes.
The end of the world occurred pretty much as the ancients predicted. Too many humans, not enough space or resources to go around. The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones.
The land was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing by the "gods", that quickly raged out of control. Spears of righteous fire rained from the skies. Continents were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans. Humanity was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the background energies that blanketed the land.
A quiet darkness fell across the planet as the weather, seasons, and the length of years themselves changed. Few survived the devastation. Yet humanity is ever a survivor and a resourceful one. In this world he emerged, stronger and wiser. Never again, would such a calamity occur. Or so the people hoped...
You are a young man, born into this world of War and Waste, another peasant to serve the whim of your betters... But yet, Destiny seems to have something in store for you...
Which Wasteland did you hail from?
[] The North (some irradiated areas with a whole lot of snow, there is a great ruined city here guarded by Knights sworn to the Citadel)
[] The Riverlands (some irradiated areas, but no great ruins, however the people here seems to be healthier)
[] The Vale (the Tribal-Wildings are active in this region more so than the others, hence the people tend to be of a more martial nature)
[] The Westerlands (no irradiated areas, some ruins that might not be guarded by Household Knights, monsters though abound in its forgotten mines and hills)
[] The Iron Islands (an under-water city? impossible! Also, the Iron islanders are hated all over Westeros)
[] The Crownlands (the "capital" can be found here and hence tend to be safer, however, its a magnet to the unlawful as well as hostile sentient creatures)
[] The Stormlands (dark rumors abound regarding its sinister forests, particularly the glowing lights at night, the people here tend to be more perceptive)
[] The Reach (there are several Radzones here, however, normal looking green produce and 'safe' salvage can be found, the people here are competitive)
[] Dorne (a true Wasteland compared to the others, yet the people of Dorne survives... Maybe its true that they are luckier?)
When did Destiny call?
[] Aegon's Conquest (Citadel-sworn Knights are more numerous and vigilant in guarding 'ruins')
[] Blackfyre Rebellion (There is an 'artifact' arms-race)
[] The Mad King's Reign (Heroes, Monsters, and Adventures abound!)
[] The War of Five Kings (With Chaos, there is Opportunity...)
What are you like? (pick up to 4) (cannot pick opposite traits)
[] Helpful
[] Cheerful
[] Laid-back
[] Energetic
[] Passionate
[] Lethargic
[] Taciturn
[] Spiteful
[] Sadistic
[] Malicious
[] Sneaky
[] Apathetic
[] Murderous
[] Inquisitive
[] Honest
[] Dishonest
[] (write-in)
What were you before you were called?
[] Farmer (You were born and raised in the wasteland, trying to make the land work for your Lord. Bonus to Endurance and Agility, penalty to Intelligence and Charisma)
[] Smith (You make your living by crafting, repairing, and trading things . Bonus to Strength and Endurance, Penalty to Agility and Perception)
[] Mercenary (You live by your weapons, and eventually you'll die it. Bonus to Agility and Strength, penalty to Intelligence and Luck)
[] Cardsharp (Making money the easy way... Bonus to Charisma and Luck, penalty to Strength and Endurance)
[] Scholar (reading and writing for your less than bright betters. Bonus to Intelligence and Perception, penalty to Strength and Charisma)
[] Write-in (subject to the GM's discretion)
Finally, what is your name?
[] A boy's name (I can't give justice to a female character, sorry)
AN: The setting would be Westeros (yay for nobles and politics!), but with Fallout elements (Westeros is a bit irradiated, mutations abound! Whats a one-headed brahmin? There is no such animal! Power-armor? sure! go find one!) Any questions regarding the setting? just ask, I'm a nice guy!
Generally, there are
NO guns, lasers, robots, computers, democracy, stinkin' communists, cars, nukes, electricity, radios... The Maesters and the Great Houses hoard it/keeps a lid on it, until they allow said item to be used on the wider world. There are similar organizations in Essos which does the same thing and they keep contact with each other. However, there are more ruined cities out there (even mere houses), waiting to be explored...
Most items out there are broken or too mundane and as such holds no interests to the Maesters, which means a lot of stuff are salvaged and recycled junk, and most people's melee weapons & armor are made from old car wrecks and/or re-purposed tools. Hence, tribal-wildings are more dangerous and the civilization of the Seven Kingdoms do not fully control the continent, its people huddle under the 'care' and protection of their lords and masters. Mutated creatures roam the land and far worse things... oh yeah, ASOAIF canon magic exists somewhat.
thanks to
@Automatonation @Iandude0 @Droman @NickolasNockolas @Vesvius @yinko for the inspiration...
*rules are currently fluid and subject to change, hence I didn't write one yet.
*also I may need a co-GM since I'm a bit of a shitty writer, any volunteers?