For two hours, war engulfed the world, and with it all was laid to ruin. A glorious future brought low by greed, consumerism and the arrogance of a few men and women. Still some foresaw the coming calamity and built vaults to hide, protect and shelter the population from nuclear fire. Well that is what they said anyway. We all know the stories of the Vaults. The crazed inhuman experiments. The madness. The despair.
This is the story of Vault 77, originally situated in what was known as the town of Corvallis in the state of Oregon. Its purpose. To study how a population made of one specific demographic of people under constant real threat, would react and overcome that threat. Especially when they couldn't leave until the threat was eliminated.
Thus, unknown to the residents' samples of the FEZ and preserved mole foetuses were placed beneath the vault set to trigger one month after the vault closed. And they did. Diggers, bastards, whatever you want to call them these monstrous creatures were fuelled by an insatiable hunger.
And so the residents of Vault 77 fought back, to defeat the creatures and win their freedom.
Who were they?
We've eventually sorted out our test group into three demographics, now it's up to the board to pick which group gets put in the thing.
[X] Military: Made up of soldiers, veterans and their families, this test group would have reacted best overall. Predictions indicate the constant threat and lack of weapons will have forced them to adapt. Society is strict and regimented. Food is rationed; there is little room for thought outside of battle. Even so, they have turned themselves into excellent soldiers.
{X] Scientists: Thinkers, learners and dreamers, this test group would have reacted worst initially being unused to combat. Still after the initial shock and loss of population it is predicted that depending on the surviving scientists they will pool their knowledge and create a counter to the creatures. It could be advanced robots, laser weapons or something else.
[X] Artists: Another name for these people would be hippies, but lets be fair. When placed in the vault it is anticipated that they will try to live as normally as possible, but when the moles come they may attempt to control them. How we're not sure, maybe tributes of food or soothing music, but our best predictions are that they will control them. It satisfies the terms of the experiment, they will eliminate the threat I suppose.
We are ready to begin the process immediately, just waiting for the word.
It was fascinating to watch on the screen, but here it was. The last battle between man and monsters. Of course, no humans were actually present to fight, but what you built was so that's good enough.
The war against the Diggers had been long and fraught with issues. Bloody things just reconstituted all matter from the ones that were killed resulting in a change in tactics. Eventually a robot was produced that was capable of tracking the Diggers and killing them even when faced with 2:1 odds and better yet the Diggers could not reuse its mass. Too metallic apparently.
This set the tone for the next century or so, a constant war. New robots would be invented to counter new tactics set by the Diggers. Hundreds of variations and resources, but slowly and surely they were pushed back.
Now combining centuries of hard won data your PUNisher was created.
Powered by a dedicated fusion reactor, with no exposed joints or visible weaknesses and sensors that could track a Digger through 10 meters of bedrock, strong enough to crumble steel with a swing of its hands and equipped with two perdition flamethrowers.
A big step up from amped up securitrons your baby is. Shame about how expensive she is though.
No matter she's drawing on the nest and GOOD GOD.
It is a true monster, kill it kill it, KILL IT WITH FIRE.
The PUNisher:d100+high tech+ safeties off=82+10+5=97
The Molemonster:d100-unused to pain=95-5=90
"Time to get cooking." Well that got a reaction.
As soon as the PUNisher started firing the thing screamed so loud you could hear it from where you are and began thrashing around wildly, hitting the PUNisher and cracking the bedrock.
Damage reports are flashing up from the PUNisher, nothing serious, but if the creatures wriggling can do that. Your baby may not make it.
Cooking Time:d100+high tech+ Safeties off=48+10+5=63
Enraged Mom:d100+rage=3+10=13
Jeezus those are large claws, but still it can't hurt your baby OH NO YA BIG FAT BITCH.
Why are you so certain it is female.
For another time. In any case the PUNisher's predictive software has come online and is keeping it ahead of the monster who seems to have gone mad with rage for lack of a better phrase. It keeps charging and hitting walls while the PUNisher burns it's sides and back… even got it in the arse at one point hehehe.
It's weakening and seems to be winding down for the final assault… this is it.
You can't watch.
The PUNisher:d100+High tech+ Safeties off= 86+10+5=101
The Burning Behemoth: D100+Rage+Desperation= 7+10+15=31
It charges, pushing burning muscle and sinew to it's utmost limit and beyond while the PUNisher stands there waiting. Then when it opens its giant mouth filled with acidic saliva the PUNisher raises it's hands and fires the remainder of it's fuel canisters into the beasts mouth.
"You've been... roasted."
The detonation is surprisingly muffled.
In fact the creatures head just explodes.
Anti-climactic really... BUT AWESOME!!!
What happens next isn't anticlimactic... just unexpected.
Alarms immediately start blaring and an automated voice speaks out.
Running as fast as your feat can take you, leaving behind the rest of the less fit members of the faculty, and you are just in time to see the great mechanism of the vault move the gear shaped door out of the way.
The elevator is there and you step on pressing the button to send it up.
And then you see.
Trees taller than you believed possible and immediately you tug your suit's mask, thanking hell that you kept on a containment suit from readying the PUNisher's fusion core because this place is radioactive… its in the mist oh dear that's dangerous.
It's misty, and beautiful… but mostly terrifying.
Looking down you see a puddle. And through the glass helmet of the suit you see… you.
Who are you
Stats: Distribute 30
Learning: 15
Raised by Science: +2 to learning.
Maker of Robots: +2 to learning
I may include good traits IF you can give a good enough explanation for the how's and the whys.