- Location
- Ohio

America stood defiant against the threat that China posed, no one truly thought the powers that be would destroy the world. Yet preparations were made. Vault Tech declaring that one of their great projects outside of [insert here], Vault 124 costing billions, with a select few being chosen (or paying) to be allowed entrance.
The Ohio River Valley, beautiful, blessed with natural resources abound, humanity has lived along the banks of the river for generations. A mode of transportation for business and travel, a vital link to trade networks of the United States. Sections of forest blossom within its reach, animals, and creatures of all kinds calling it their home. Great barges travel its waters up and down, transporting tons upon tons of goods along its watery pathways. Blessed, Beautiful, Scenic. That is how it was until October 23, 2077, the day the bombs fell, the day the world ended.
Three Hundred and Eight Six souls were able to make it to Vault 124 before the doors were sealed, 386 out of millions. Vault 124 had been selected, not just to support life, but also to have a vital experiment be tested that would help rebuild the world when it was deemed safe to do so. Of course, details of the experiment… were never given. For years the people of Vault 124 prospered, least as well as they could within the confines of the Vault, but always wondering just what the experiment was when it would begin, would it begin?
Year after year people were born, people died, families experienced high and low points, careful distribution of resources kept the Vault alive. Within, "political" structures were formed, divisions created, all for the betterment of the Vault, but nonetheless divisions developed, for ill or worse.
The years washed away, new Overseer's appointed, the Vault developed a voting system for the election of the next one after their death, several families becoming quite powerful in their own right, they soon dominating the political realm of the Vault. Jobs were given, people worked, people played, they actually prospered… yet resources dwindled, parts needed became unable, yet the population grew, and always the Overseer would bring up "Prepare for the Experiment".
As resources continued to dwindle many wondered just how they were going to survive, discontent grew within the Vault, rumors soon saying that the Overseer and the "Privileged" had secret stocks of supplies hidden away. Was it true? Why hadn't they given out what was much needed? Anger grew… then the klaxons went off.
October 27th, 2177, the Vault doors opened.
"The Experiment begins now."
Welcome one and all to Fallout: The Valley a game taking place within the Fallout Universe and centered on the Ohio River Valley and more specifically Vault 124. In this game, you shall play a character that has grown up in Vault 124, it being 100 years since the Nukes destroyed civilization. You can both choose to explore the "new world" or remain in the Vault and be a mover and shaker there or do both! I hope to work with you all in developing a fun and fascinating world through worldbuilding and gameplay, working to have fun for all.
Characters & Backstory:
Each player will be a character that has only lived in Vault 124, born, raised, and educated after the nuking of the United States. All are welcomed (and encouraged) to use events that might have happened to your family during and before the Nukes as well as after the closing of Vault 124. My goal with character creation and backstory is to create a collective backstory, allowing everyone to play off it and build upon it as the game is played.
I am providing a template for a character write-up below but do wish to point out and clarify a few things. Make sure you plan out your character's motives and goals, and while the main goal is to see that the Vault survives and flourishes, doing so can be done in multiple ways. I encourage teamwork and coordination, that said your character's aims could be to strike it out on their own, create their own "World" so to speak, and go against the goals of others or the majority. Doing so does make for a harder game so be prepared for that going in. I have set it up so there are certain "factions" between the four major families and even the positions able, friction is not always a bad thing.
When developing your character also decide if you wish to apply for one of the positions within the vault when the doors open. These are seen as very important positions not only as OOC but also in-Game, they being the recognized leaders of Vault 124. There are some perks that come with this responsibility, extra knowledge you might have, or special events that might take place because of said position. The same could also be said if you are considered the "Head" of your family (be it the provided ones or one you make), certain things possible to take place that. Or you can be Joe-shmoe that just wants to go out and explore or sit back and help the Vault from the inside, I shall accommodate all.
I also encourage working with others in the game to create your characters, coming from the same family (doesn't have to be those I have provided), again trying to have teamwork and interesting dynamics to play off of with each other. This game is both world-building and Roleplaying, encouraging interactions between each other. I will be upfront that sometimes it is hard for me to be involved in ICs with people but I will do my best to work with you all and provide the best possible experience.
Positions to Apply For:
- Overseer: Director of Vault 124, giving the overall direction of the Vault and its activities outside in the world.
- Medical Chief: In charge of the health and well-being of the Vault as well as those that are being sent out of the Vault and into the wild.
- Security Chief: In charge of Vault Security, also responsible for the security of operations outside of the Vault and possible Outposts/Settlements set up.
- Science Chief: In charge of maintaining technology within the Vault and adapting technology found from the outside world to use for the Vault.
- Scout Chief: A new position, created to coordinate the efforts of the Vault to locate resources and reconnect with the outside world.
- Stahl Family: A family that has fallen on hard times, the Stahl's had the first Overseer, Richard Stahl, a man that did his best but was quickly overwhelmed with the pressure and replaced. Since then they have become a Blacksheep of the Vault, always trying to climb out of the shadows.
- Talbot Family: The Talbots have become known as the "Worker" Family, traditionally working to keep the Vault functional, also being known the make the hard choices.
- Tesar Family: Known for their thick and bull-headedness and sometimes inability to really get along with the rest of the families.
- Williamson Family: General considered a well thought of family, looking to take care of the Vault and work together with others. Sometimes willing to compromise a bit too much.
- Picture (Optional but encouraged!)
- Character Name: Include if you are using a Pre-made Family or a Custom one)
- Age: How old are you? Remember that you were born in the Vault, and I do not wish to see someone that is in their 70s or above, make sure you have room to live!
- Character Description: If you don't want to do a picture just give a small write-up of what your character looks like!
- Position Applying For: Not Required! Or could be something not on the list and could be very mundane.
- Specialty: What are you good at? Computers? Medicine? Security? Leadership? You can either just pick something or do a small write-up.
- Family Background: If custom, please do not try and overrule the pre-made ones. If using Pre-made you can expand on the small details provided, just note I might have some things changed based on what I think works better for background things.
- Character Background: Tell us about your character, what they look like, what they have done in their lives, detail their lives up to the point the doors open!
If there is one advantage that Vault 124 has it is the use of pre-war technology, having several working examples, though spare parts are becoming rarer and rarer. In-game terms the way technology will be handled is that factions and other entities encountered will have a tech level associated with them. This shall be a fairly easy system to allow a general guide on how developed or underdeveloped a group is.
Tier 1 is the highest a group can have, meaning they have full access to pre-nuked Technology and is in pristine working shape, easy to replace parts, and have all the cool toys able to you. Tier 2 represents access to pre-nuke technology but is limited in scope, in that they have some "Modern" weapons, maybe a vehicle or two, maybe even a few still functioning computers and other technology goodies. Tier 3 is the middle of the road in that they have a mix of modern and homemade weapons, a few vehicles here and there but the use of wagons and animals has returned, with most technology barely working. Tier 4 is basically sticks and stones, bow and arrow with a few more modern weapons and pieces of equipment here and there, living off the land as best they can.
Going out into the world outside Vault 124 much can be found or discovered. Perhaps old caches still exist, new developments hidden away or closely guarded, or simply abandoned technology found and returned to functionality. It is also possible new technology can be created with the right set of tools or materials found in the wasteland. Levels will fluctuate, either increase or decrease based on actions, for good or worse.
Vault 124 starts as a Tier 2 Faction.
The military, or more specifically Vault Security, is composed of a handful of trained personnel, that know how to keep security in the Vault but have no real training operating in the outside world. With the opening of Vault 124 much has changed, for so much is now the unknown. Currently, Vault 124 has only a few Squads of personnel, divided into Security and Scouts. As the game evolves and events play out, new options for military forces will be given, the evolution of the Vaults military/colonies (or possible splinter civilizations) in the hands of the players.
Military forces can be modified in a number of ways, including changing the size of formations, how new formations are organized, as well as dictating how training will be handled. The idea is to allow a lot of customization of these forces and adapt as the game proceeds and new dangers are encountered.
Military Breakdown:
- Security Squads: Currently made up of six people in total, lightly armed and armored with weapons from before the nukes fall.
- Scout Squads: Currently made up of six people in total, lightly armed with weapons from before the nukes fell along with a chosen diplomat, a medic, and a technical advisor.
The World (Map to follow soon):
At the start of the game, very limited knowledge is known to the denizens of Vault 124. Few reports were received before the closing of the doors, but what was known was that the major cities of Cincinnati, Louisville, and Evansville were destroyed with many mushroom clouds reported north and south of the Ohio River. From that, only the locations of a few "neighboring" vaults are known, nothing having been received (as far as anyone is aware) of what took place after the attacks.
So I really want to keep this easy for everyone, as this is supposed to be a pretty laid-back game,, though I would like it a little structured. I would like to limit orders to 300 words for Personal orders, that being what you do within the game on a character level, be it going out into the wasteland or simply making the next best food item for the vault.
Each Position and Head of Family will also be given an extra order, try to limit it to 100-200 words at most, which you can use to increase your position, help your family, or do things you think need to be done within your authority.
Lastly, the Vault itself will have two extra orders, these joint orders between all players. These are a Development Order and an Exploration/War Order. The Development Order is used to develop the Vault/possible colonies going forward, building new things, organizing events to take place internally within the Vault, and seeing it grow. , The Exploration/War Order can be used in two ways. First, you can use it to begin exploring the world around you, moving out to contact new groups, find supplies, and learn who and what is around. Secondly, it can be used to train up new military forces, develop possible new military technology, and if you deem it necessary launch an attack against an enemy or simply take something you desire or need. I would like to limit these to 200 words each if possible.
It is possible that eventually new colonies or even new factions are developed or made during the game. If this happens I will let the player or players know if they can now have expanded orders, just know that going out on your own could mean a much harder game, but not impossible! When submitting orders please start a conversation on SV titled: "FTW - Character Name].
General Rules:
- First and foremost have fun! Remember it is a game at all times and just enjoy yourselves.
- If you have any questions, please please ask me about them, I am always open to questions and will do my best to give an answer. I would rather you ask 50 questions and know the answer than not asking and thus something gets missed and we have an issue.
- Turn Length: To be Determined.
- Discord Convo/Plans: We are using Discord, but I want to make it clear that while planning can happen and I encourage it, all plans and actions MUST be submitted on SV. Also please include me in convos when you are doing diplomacy with others.
- Metagaming will not be tolerated nor will players act disrespectfully to others. I reserve the right to kick a player if needed at any time.
- Mods: God-Mod is Skrevski!
- Discord Link: Join the The Skrev Verse Discord Server!
- Lastly, remember it is a game, and let's all have fun.