Fallout: The Valley

America stood defiant against the threat that China posed, no one truly thought the powers that be would destroy the world. Yet preparations were made. Vault Tech declaring that one of their great projects outside of [insert here], Vault 124 costing billions, with a select few being chosen (or paying) to be allowed entrance.

The Ohio River Valley, beautiful, blessed with natural resources abound, humanity has lived along the banks of the river for generations. A mode of transportation for business and travel, a vital link to trade networks of the United States. Sections of forest blossom within its reach, animals, and creatures of all kinds calling it their home. Great barges travel its waters up and down, transporting tons upon tons of goods along its watery pathways. Blessed, Beautiful, Scenic. That is how it was until October 23, 2077, the day the bombs fell, the day the world ended.

Three Hundred and Eight Six souls were able to make it to Vault 124 before the doors were sealed, 386 out of millions. Vault 124 had been selected, not just to support life, but also to have a vital experiment be tested that would help rebuild the world when it was deemed safe to do so. Of course, details of the experiment… were never given. For years the people of Vault 124 prospered, least as well as they could within the confines of the Vault, but always wondering just what the experiment was when it would begin, would it begin?

Year after year people were born, people died, families experienced high and low points, careful distribution of resources kept the Vault alive. Within, "political" structures were formed, divisions created, all for the betterment of the Vault, but nonetheless divisions developed, for ill or worse.

The years washed away, new Overseer's appointed, the Vault developed a voting system for the election of the next one after their death, several families becoming quite powerful in their own right, they soon dominating the political realm of the Vault. Jobs were given, people worked, people played, they actually prospered… yet resources dwindled, parts needed became unable, yet the population grew, and always the Overseer would bring up "Prepare for the Experiment".

As resources continued to dwindle many wondered just how they were going to survive, discontent grew within the Vault, rumors soon saying that the Overseer and the "Privileged" had secret stocks of supplies hidden away. Was it true? Why hadn't they given out what was much needed? Anger grew… then the klaxons went off.

October 27th, 2177, the Vault doors opened.

"The Experiment begins now."

Welcome one and all to Fallout: The Valley a game taking place within the Fallout Universe and centered on the Ohio River Valley and more specifically Vault 124. In this game, you shall play a character that has grown up in Vault 124, it being 100 years since the Nukes destroyed civilization. You can both choose to explore the "new world" or remain in the Vault and be a mover and shaker there or do both! I hope to work with you all in developing a fun and fascinating world through worldbuilding and gameplay, working to have fun for all.

Characters & Backstory:

Each player will be a character that has only lived in Vault 124, born, raised, and educated after the nuking of the United States. All are welcomed (and encouraged) to use events that might have happened to your family during and before the Nukes as well as after the closing of Vault 124. My goal with character creation and backstory is to create a collective backstory, allowing everyone to play off it and build upon it as the game is played.
I am providing a template for a character write-up below but do wish to point out and clarify a few things. Make sure you plan out your character's motives and goals, and while the main goal is to see that the Vault survives and flourishes, doing so can be done in multiple ways. I encourage teamwork and coordination, that said your character's aims could be to strike it out on their own, create their own "World" so to speak, and go against the goals of others or the majority. Doing so does make for a harder game so be prepared for that going in. I have set it up so there are certain "factions" between the four major families and even the positions able, friction is not always a bad thing.

When developing your character also decide if you wish to apply for one of the positions within the vault when the doors open. These are seen as very important positions not only as OOC but also in-Game, they being the recognized leaders of Vault 124. There are some perks that come with this responsibility, extra knowledge you might have, or special events that might take place because of said position. The same could also be said if you are considered the "Head" of your family (be it the provided ones or one you make), certain things possible to take place that. Or you can be Joe-shmoe that just wants to go out and explore or sit back and help the Vault from the inside, I shall accommodate all.

I also encourage working with others in the game to create your characters, coming from the same family (doesn't have to be those I have provided), again trying to have teamwork and interesting dynamics to play off of with each other. This game is both world-building and Roleplaying, encouraging interactions between each other. I will be upfront that sometimes it is hard for me to be involved in ICs with people but I will do my best to work with you all and provide the best possible experience.

Positions to Apply For:
  • Overseer: Director of Vault 124, giving the overall direction of the Vault and its activities outside in the world.
  • Medical Chief: In charge of the health and well-being of the Vault as well as those that are being sent out of the Vault and into the wild.
  • Security Chief: In charge of Vault Security, also responsible for the security of operations outside of the Vault and possible Outposts/Settlements set up.
  • Science Chief: In charge of maintaining technology within the Vault and adapting technology found from the outside world to use for the Vault.
  • Scout Chief: A new position, created to coordinate the efforts of the Vault to locate resources and reconnect with the outside world.
  • Stahl Family: A family that has fallen on hard times, the Stahl's had the first Overseer, Richard Stahl, a man that did his best but was quickly overwhelmed with the pressure and replaced. Since then they have become a Blacksheep of the Vault, always trying to climb out of the shadows.
  • Talbot Family: The Talbots have become known as the "Worker" Family, traditionally working to keep the Vault functional, also being known the make the hard choices.
  • Tesar Family: Known for their thick and bull-headedness and sometimes inability to really get along with the rest of the families.
  • Williamson Family: General considered a well thought of family, looking to take care of the Vault and work together with others. Sometimes willing to compromise a bit too much.
  • Picture (Optional but encouraged!)
  • Character Name: Include if you are using a Pre-made Family or a Custom one)
  • Age: How old are you? Remember that you were born in the Vault, and I do not wish to see someone that is in their 70s or above, make sure you have room to live!
  • Character Description: If you don't want to do a picture just give a small write-up of what your character looks like!
  • Position Applying For: Not Required! Or could be something not on the list and could be very mundane.
  • Specialty: What are you good at? Computers? Medicine? Security? Leadership? You can either just pick something or do a small write-up.
  • Family Background: If custom, please do not try and overrule the pre-made ones. If using Pre-made you can expand on the small details provided, just note I might have some things changed based on what I think works better for background things.
  • Character Background: Tell us about your character, what they look like, what they have done in their lives, detail their lives up to the point the doors open!

If there is one advantage that Vault 124 has it is the use of pre-war technology, having several working examples, though spare parts are becoming rarer and rarer. In-game terms the way technology will be handled is that factions and other entities encountered will have a tech level associated with them. This shall be a fairly easy system to allow a general guide on how developed or underdeveloped a group is.

Tier 1 is the highest a group can have, meaning they have full access to pre-nuked Technology and is in pristine working shape, easy to replace parts, and have all the cool toys able to you. Tier 2 represents access to pre-nuke technology but is limited in scope, in that they have some "Modern" weapons, maybe a vehicle or two, maybe even a few still functioning computers and other technology goodies. Tier 3 is the middle of the road in that they have a mix of modern and homemade weapons, a few vehicles here and there but the use of wagons and animals has returned, with most technology barely working. Tier 4 is basically sticks and stones, bow and arrow with a few more modern weapons and pieces of equipment here and there, living off the land as best they can.

Going out into the world outside Vault 124 much can be found or discovered. Perhaps old caches still exist, new developments hidden away or closely guarded, or simply abandoned technology found and returned to functionality. It is also possible new technology can be created with the right set of tools or materials found in the wasteland. Levels will fluctuate, either increase or decrease based on actions, for good or worse.

Vault 124 starts as a Tier 2 Faction.


The military, or more specifically Vault Security, is composed of a handful of trained personnel, that know how to keep security in the Vault but have no real training operating in the outside world. With the opening of Vault 124 much has changed, for so much is now the unknown. Currently, Vault 124 has only a few Squads of personnel, divided into Security and Scouts. As the game evolves and events play out, new options for military forces will be given, the evolution of the Vaults military/colonies (or possible splinter civilizations) in the hands of the players.

Military forces can be modified in a number of ways, including changing the size of formations, how new formations are organized, as well as dictating how training will be handled. The idea is to allow a lot of customization of these forces and adapt as the game proceeds and new dangers are encountered.

Military Breakdown:

  • Security Squads: Currently made up of six people in total, lightly armed and armored with weapons from before the nukes fall.
  • Scout Squads: Currently made up of six people in total, lightly armed with weapons from before the nukes fell along with a chosen diplomat, a medic, and a technical advisor.
The World (Map to follow soon):

At the start of the game, very limited knowledge is known to the denizens of Vault 124. Few reports were received before the closing of the doors, but what was known was that the major cities of Cincinnati, Louisville, and Evansville were destroyed with many mushroom clouds reported north and south of the Ohio River. From that, only the locations of a few "neighboring" vaults are known, nothing having been received (as far as anyone is aware) of what took place after the attacks.

So I really want to keep this easy for everyone, as this is supposed to be a pretty laid-back game,, though I would like it a little structured. I would like to limit orders to 300 words for Personal orders, that being what you do within the game on a character level, be it going out into the wasteland or simply making the next best food item for the vault.

Each Position and Head of Family will also be given an extra order, try to limit it to 100-200 words at most, which you can use to increase your position, help your family, or do things you think need to be done within your authority.

Lastly, the Vault itself will have two extra orders, these joint orders between all players. These are a Development Order and an Exploration/War Order. The Development Order is used to develop the Vault/possible colonies going forward, building new things, organizing events to take place internally within the Vault, and seeing it grow. , The Exploration/War Order can be used in two ways. First, you can use it to begin exploring the world around you, moving out to contact new groups, find supplies, and learn who and what is around. Secondly, it can be used to train up new military forces, develop possible new military technology, and if you deem it necessary launch an attack against an enemy or simply take something you desire or need. I would like to limit these to 200 words each if possible.

It is possible that eventually new colonies or even new factions are developed or made during the game. If this happens I will let the player or players know if they can now have expanded orders, just know that going out on your own could mean a much harder game, but not impossible! When submitting orders please start a conversation on SV titled: "FTW - Character Name].

General Rules:
  • First and foremost have fun! Remember it is a game at all times and just enjoy yourselves.
  • If you have any questions, please please ask me about them, I am always open to questions and will do my best to give an answer. I would rather you ask 50 questions and know the answer than not asking and thus something gets missed and we have an issue.
  • Turn Length: To be Determined.
  • Discord Convo/Plans: We are using Discord, but I want to make it clear that while planning can happen and I encourage it, all plans and actions MUST be submitted on SV. Also please include me in convos when you are doing diplomacy with others.
  • Metagaming will not be tolerated nor will players act disrespectfully to others. I reserve the right to kick a player if needed at any time.
  • Mods: God-Mod is Skrevski!
  • Discord Link: Join the The Skrev Verse Discord Server!
  • Lastly, remember it is a game, and let's all have fun.

Character Name: Trent Merrigan
Age: 38
Position Applying For: Security Chief
Specialty: Trent is a tough cookie and more than willing to throw down if someone tries to make trouble. This helps as he is one of the few people in the vault that has outright military training and tactical decisions, something his family as kept to themselves to maintain separation between other families.

Family Background: The Merrigan "family" isn't really a powerblock like the other families. It would have been a normal family were it not for the knowledge that they posses. Specifically one of the members of the family that entered the vault just so happened to have been a member of SWAT and later the National Guard, being trained in people suppression tactics, and military training. As the other families established themselves as pseudo political parties the Merrigans opted to instead fade into the background as prominent members in Vault Security.

Character Background: Trent is well known across the vault. He has to be given he is Chief of Security. For the longest time his family has mostly kept in the background as security officers but not really standing out. Trent shook that norm when he took the position of Chief of Security and put himself directly in the limelight with his decision.
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Character Name: Henry Kodiak

Age: 29

Position Applying For: Chief Scientist

Specialty: While good with science in general, Henry is in fact more well known for his charisma and leadership skills, able to organize the people under his employ and keep them working well with few issues, all the while

Family Background: For most of the Vault's history, the Kodiaks were less of a 'Family' then a family, just one of many to have made it to the Vault. For most of their history they served well but not exceptionally so, with a number of family members becoming security officers, engineers, and teachers over the years. 65 years before the Vault door opened however they would become a proper if minor Family as one member briefly becomes the interim lead Engineer for the Fusion Reactor before a new one was properly chosen, as well as another getting a more permanent posting of 18 years as Head of Hydroponics as well as marrying a now-deceased member of the Williamson Family. Until Henry received his posting as Chief Scientist, the time up until now had members of the Kodiak Family hold middle-rank or higher low-rank positions of importance for the most part.

Character Background: Henry Kodiak grew up with an interest in the sciences. While not exceptionally the best, he nonetheless put himself into the work and studying of the Vault's technology and knowledge- managing to use his charisma to help with this. After graduating from classes, he would join the enginnering and science department, working as a junior assistant and helper. Steadily he'd show his worth and climb the ranks. Then, a few years before the Vault Doors opened, the previous Chief Scientist would die.

This would leave the position open, and the head families would work to advocate their candidate over the others. The situation would be gridlocked, and it would only be through Henry that the discussions would be prevented from heating up. This, along with his ability to help wrangle the various engineers and science nerds along with not being a member of one of the main families, would result in him being put forward as a compromise candidate by the Williamson Family. While bickering continued for a while longer, this would be accepted to prevent one of the families from gaining a position over another.

While a bit disappointed that he would reach the position due to political dealing and not from his own merit or abilities, he would nonetheless work hard- settling into his position and better organizing his department.

His main goals are in general to learn more about technology, knowledge, and science in general, to help restore the Vault and 'adjust' its operations for open-door usage, and to preserve knowledge both present now and any gathered out in the field.
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Character Name: Maisy Stahl
Age: 19
Position Applying For: Scout
Specialty: Maisy likes to talk, explore, and make friends. She knows the Vault inside and soon, out!

Family Background: Maisy has never been one for playing politics, which, given how ambitious some members of her family can be, makes her a bit unusual. However, she does like making friends, which some Stahls feel may be useful if they are to rise back to their former prominence.

Character Background: The Vault is nice, after all, her current friends all live there, but Maisy has always dreamed of seeing the world outside the Vault and has always wished to see what wonders it holds. The blasted wasteland that greets her, however, is… incredible. It's totally different from what she read about! That means that there are so many things to see that she hasn't even imagined! Maisy has now made it her goal to explore the wasteland, see everything there is to see, and befriend everyone she can, no matter how hard they resist. Maybe they have interesting new food too? The stuff in the Vault is pretty bland, and she's been eating only it for her entire life. Yes, this will be an adventure, and no one can keep her from it.
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Character Name: Dr. Amelia Williamson

Age: 32

Position Applying For: Medical Chief

Specialty: Amelia's greatest skill is her incredible intelligence. She specializes in medical science as an extension of her role as chief of all medical efforts in the vault. But her skills in other areas of science, including mechanical engineering, chemistry, and more has her as the second pick for the position of Chief Scientist.

Family Background: General considered a well thought of family, looking to take care of the Vault and work together with others. Sometimes willing to compromise a bit too much.

Character Background: Amelia is the pride of the Williamson family, being considered a prodigy by most, she devoured knowledge with a mind that never seemed to be satisfied. She had some trouble making friends due to a combination of having her nose in a book or computer screen most of the time, and a very odd quirky personality. Still she was not friendless, and as odd as she was the girl was at least a cheerful one, even when it was not called for.

Amelia was in the running for the Chief Scientist position, but found she has a particular knack for medicine and biology, and instead ended up in the position of Medical Chief, apprenticing under the current chief until his death a year an a half ago. She is very good at her job, though she may try some improve unorthodox treatment if normal methods fail to work.

With the dwindling medical supplies Dr. Amelia has been holding up the health of the community by sheer force of will these last few months. Though she has an appropriate sense of caution, she views the opening of the Vault door as the best thing to ever happen in her lifetime. New opportunity, new supplies, and new knowledge to discover. Her mind is allready buzzing with possibility, she's just so excited!
Would it be acceptable to join as another part of the family of one of the already exact PCs even if their family wasn't one of the listed ones?

[RobCo Stationary Computer Console 22417-BA Activated.]
[Type in your password: *************]


[Thank you. Welcome, OVERSEER.]

Character Name: Tacitus Stahl.
Age: 55
Position Applying For: Overseer of Vault 124.
Specialty: Tacitus is extremely good at driving determination and discipline in people. Having been the Security chief before, and a simple janitor way before then, he rose to the top through sheer will. This, coupled with the skills he learned in Security, makes him into what some would call the archetypal "rough sheriff"- observing justice and law amongst his people with an almost endearing diligence and broodiness.
Family Background: The Stahl Family
Character Background: None expected the Stahl Family to rise again. Descended directly from the first Overseer, Tacitus, however, could not rely on legacy alone to bring him back into the spotlight. Although, keeping to his family's outcast ways was not the path to a better life, either. He began to build from the ground up. Despite the almost caste-like system of the Vault, Tacitus managed to befriend the Overseer, and his apparent heir, during his youth- despite being a Janitor. It was only by chance that, during the visit of the Overseer and his son, that a valve broke and burned the Overseer's face, with Tacitus pushing the younger man out of the way to safety.

No one found the undone screw that was perfectly timed with the Overseer's arrival. No one would ever find it, considering many worried for the brave Tacitus' burned arm. The Overseer did not survive, and his son took the mantle, though with less experience. In this, the new Overseer sought to use martial might to hold his power, as supplies slowly dwindled. Here came Tacitus, who was, quite unjustly, made both a Security officer and also Chief of Security. As his brother continued the Stahl line, Tacitus continued to honor it once more, creating a small, yet disciplined squad of officers- his most trusted being Trent.

Something happened with the filtration, a few years back. As the now older Tacitus sat by his Overseer's deathbed- a strange sickness that his body had not been accustomed to tearing through him- it was two years before the Vault doors opened. The two old men conversed, and by official Overseer decree, Tacitus Stahl would be made Overseer, with Trent Merrigen taking his prior role in the Vault. The prior leader of the Vault died the next week. Tacitus then waited, biding his time, until the switch would have to be released. He was not as much an honorable man as he propelled himself in public to be, but he would keep his word to an old friend.

Tacitus was one of the first to walk out through the great doors.
  • Character Name: Gaius Stahl
  • Age: 23
  • Character Description: Young man, blond hair, pale skin (he stays indoors too long), black eyes, regular height but skiny due to forgetting to eat at times.
  • Position Applying For: Computer Technician
  • Specialty: Computers, Robotics
  • Family Background: The Stahl Family
  • Character Background: Being born into the blacksheeps of the vault due to the failure of Richard Stahlt was always hard on Gaius, not helped by his mothers obsession with roman names which just made him stand out even more. Quickly becoming an anti-social shut-in as much as possible. Gaius found a calling in computers. Working alongside many to keep the vaults computer systems operational as so nothing malfuctions and they die. While doing this, he became obsessed with robotics, cyborgs and the like. Learning as much as he could when he wasn't working on the computers. Now that the Vault is open, Gaius realizes that he's got a lot more work to do for his superiors, but hey, who knows what cool machines lie out in the wasteland?
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Special Stats: ST 6, PE 8, EN 4, CH 2, IN 9, AG 9, LK 9
Traits: Night Person, Finesse
Name: Franklin "Frankie" Tesar
Position applying for: Scout Chief
Specialties: Sneak, Lockpick, Small Arms
Family Background: Tesar Family
Character Background:
The youngest son of the Tesar family and pushed around by his siblings as a result. Frankie learned that out of sight out of mind was best, but in the confines of the vault you have to get creative when you go exploring. A few copies of tumblers today later and no place was safe from Frankies wanderings. He stayed on Securities good side by giving the officers anything interesting he found exploring the vault and looking for specific items on request. Some officers even took a shine to the young man and taught him the basics of firearms and some discrete range time after hours. When the vault opened Frankie was the first to volunteer to explore the new world, and subsequently became the Chief Scout. Now with a collection of people looking to him for guidance Frankie is torn between his new responsibilities and desire to explore on his own.

Character Name: Trent Merrigan
Age: 38
Position Applying For: Security Chief
Specialty: Trent is a tough cookie and more than willing to throw down if someone tries to make trouble. This helps as he is one of the few people in the vault that has outright military training and tactical decisions, something his family as kept to themselves to maintain separation between other families.
Would you mind me jumping in as Jacob Merrigan, probably Trent's Nephew and a trainee for the security force who recently decided to take the scout pathway instead?

Character Name: Cave Gault
Age: 20
Position Applying For Scientist and Scout Auxiliary

Specialty: While Cave is a Generalist when it comes to Science, with a particular affinity to Applied sciences, he also Has a High charisma , But a Horrible leadership ability and a good affinity for annoying people

Family Background: The Gaults are a scientific bunch, Having spread themselves from teachers to researchers to the Old US Government, with the bombs falling the "Local" Branch of the family quickly fled to the vault for safety, and once inside they went back to their old ways and quickly grappled the teaching jobs and the ones that worked with science in general

Character Background: Cave Gault is a scion of the Gault family with all the responsibilities and expectations that it implies, having his head crammed with as much science as possible since his childhood with the Ambition to get in the position of head of Science (a position commonly Contested by the family) ..... but Cave didn't want that, to sit in a stuffy office doing paperwork or in a leadership Unable to do the work while underlings report Their findings to him

his personality, however, isn't something that wins him a lot of favors, it can be Explained as extroverted, eccentric, enthusiastic, and opinionated. making him Butt heads with his superiors ( and coworkers) frequently

His dreams are in exploring, building, and inventing. to explore the nooks and corners of the Wasteland, looting tech caches that are left after the bombs, and Adventuring in this new world
In his mind, The opening of the vault doors is a sign of the start of his great adventure
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  • Character Name: Joseph Holton
  • Age: 25
  • Character Description: A mousy, lanky man. His neck is bent in the manner of a man who is used to hunching over a desk, and there are bags under his eyes in the manner of a man who knows long nights. He
  • Position Applying For: Engineering Chief; head of Vault Maintenance and now, Construction.
  • Specialty: Logistics and Delegation. He has an impressive talent for getting the right things to the right places, and the right people in the right jobs.
  • Family Background: A minor family known more for their lack of notability than any particular traits. The first Holton patriarch was known, however, to have been a reliable man.
  • Character Background: From a minor family, Joseph Holton was a compromise candidate. Noone truly liked the other options, and so the young, unproven man was pushed into the position to see if he would fly or fall. The Vault was in dire straits. Supplies in all sectors running low, critical systems slowly wearing down. It would take a miracle, and a miracle Holton provided. With luck, grit, and a truly enormous effort, he managed to stabilize the Vault's systems. But he of all people knew what a precarious balance kept the Vault alive, and was one of the first supporters of leaving to establish the Vault-dwellers in the world outside. His people could not survive in the depths forever. It was time to reach out into the world and make a new life for themselves, come what may.
Character Name: Jacob Merrigan
Age: 20
Position Applying For: Scout
Specialty: Jacob has readily picked up the lessons on military discipline and training taught throughout his family, as well as consistent practice in weapon drills leaving him perhaps the most militarily able of the scouts, and he boasts more conventional tactics training than anyone there. It was only a love of adventure that saw him take the scout pathway rather than continue to drill for security duties.

Character Background: Jacob is eager enough about his training, vocal enough and in a small enough community that he's made friends with most in the vault close to his age. He got along well with Maisy Stahl and with Cave Gualt in small doses. As well as shadowing Frankie every time he passed the security squads Jacob loved to follow around and ask questions of. He's now determined to prove his worth in the world above, but his perceptions of it are still rather strorybook, coming from old tales of the glory in serving your fellow Americans.
So plan is to give a little more time to discuss characters and backgrounds. Probably have the main positions in a few hours. If you aren't on the discord, while not required I do encourage it especially as I plan to discuss some background stuff there and it is easier to plan/coordinate stuff there!
Character Name: Norman Paul
Age: 28

Position: "Senior Custodian" "Designated Meat Shield" Scout
Specialty: Repair, Science (Engineering), Logistics

Family Background: In Vault 124, there are the major families, there are the minor families, and then...there's everyone else. And politics...politics never change. In Vault 124, if you're not a member of one of the major families, then you might as well be a nobody.

Unfortunately for Mr. Norman Paul, he was born a nobody.

Character Background: Norman Paul had the misfortune of being born in Vault 124 to one of the 'outsider' families, those who hadn't found a niche like the major and minor families. Without the all-important Vault 124 family connections, Norman was threatened with a lifetime of obscurity and dying the same way he lived - as a nobody. When the time came to be assigned a role within the vault, he was stuck with one of the leftover jobs that nobody wanted - relegated to being just another Vault Custodian, life as a vault janitor.

Norman tried to make the best of it, tried to find an 'in', tried to live up to his potential. He spent his spare time trying to further improve himself, and found a knack for fixing things. Unfortunately, not even this did much to help him. Even being the best janitor he could be, even showing himself to excel at fixing things, the lack of the necessary family connections meant that the best he could manage was a "promotion" to "Senior Custodian", which in theory meant he was 'Middle Management' among the vault custodial crew. In practice, it was little more than a pat on the head and a 'keep up the good work'.

Worst part of it all was that living in a vault meant that Norman Paul was stuck in a dead-end loop, with no hope of finding a better life elsewhere because there wasn't anywhere else.

Then fortune smiled on Mr. Normal Paul. The vault finally opened, creating an all-too valuable opportunity for Norman to escape his meaningless existence and actually live up to his otherwise ignored potential.

Despite the dangers of the unknown, Norman was all to eager to be among the first to volunteer for scout duty outside the vault. Despite his lack of family connections, he had just enough name recognition that he found his way onto a team, though mostly on grounds that the people assembling teams reasoned that if there's danger to be found outside the vault, then odds are that people are probably going to die. If someone's going to die, might as well be a nobody.

Finally offered the opportunity of a lifetime, it now falls upon Mr. Norman Paul to live up to his potential and prove he's not just a nobody after all.
Alrighty everyone, first thanks to all for joining, hope to have a fun game with you all! Here is the roster for so far but we are still open to people joining!
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Michael pictured talking animatly about various animals from before the Vault and the bombs that existed above ground.

Character Name: Michael Talbot

Age: 27

Position Applying For: Official Veterinarian, Unofficial Petsitter

Specialty: As a natural at the art of healing, Micheal has an affinity for Medicine, even when not dealing with animals as the primary subject. He's also good at Handling Animals in general for that matter, used to calming animals down and caring for them. Michael is a rather decent Cook as well, although certainly not the best considering he normally only feeds pets.

Family Background: Talbot Family

Character Background:
If one were to try and get a general consensus on what sort of person Michael is, the majority of people would probably say "eccentric". And indeed, Michael is quite eccentric, being quite an active individual with a peppy attitude and cheerful disposition. This is somewhat in contrast to how he performs his duties, as Michael reveals his heritage as a member of the Talbot Family through vigorous and constant effort in the work environment, taking a much more serious and careful approach to his duties. Sometimes, however, he clearly puts in too much effort, as more than once he's worked himself to the bone for less reward than others might suspect.

Ever since his youth, Michael has always been fascinated with animals. Cats, dogs, rats, mice, birds, it didn't matter what it was, he liked them. What books from before the bombs fell that where in the Vault regarding animals were scoured thoroughly by him, their knowledge devoured into the mind of the young boy. He took care of other Vault dwellers' pets for them, what pets there were, looking after dogs and cats and so on, treating them well and coming to share a bond with many of the animals.

Thus it came as no surprise to the Talbots, or anyone else for that matter, when he announced his desire to offically become veterinarian for the Vault. Seeing as there wasn't any competition for the position, and he'd already been acting as the then veterinarian's assistant in all but name, it wasn't hard for him to end up chosen as the replacement for the position. Two years ago the old veterinarian had retired from his position, age catching up to him and forcing him to let Michael take the lead. So far he's done well, but only time will tell if he continues to do so now that the Vault's been opened to the outside world. Who knows what strange creatures await in the land above….
(Let me know if there is anything I should change)

Character Name: Sean Morrison

Age: 28

Character Description: Sean is a 6'3" tall muscular man with pale skin and green eyes. He has a handlebar mustache and cuts his wavy brown hair short. He wears a cream yellow blazer over his vault jumpsuit and wears shiny black shoes.

Position Applying For: Leader of the Vault 124 Boxing Club

Specialty: Fisticuffs, athleticism, and gentlemanly behavior.

Strength: 10
Perception: 2
Endurance: 10
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 3
Agility: 5
Luck: 5
Barter: 15
Energy Weapons: 9
Explosives: 9
Guns: 15
Lockpick: 9
Medicine: 11
Melee: 25
Repair: 11
Science: 11
Sneak: 15
Speech: 30
Survival: 40
Unarmed: 40
Hot Blooded: When your health drops below 50% you gain +10% more damage, but you also suffer -2 to your Agility and Perception attributes.

Family Background: The Morrisons are a minor family within the vault who pride themselves on their athleticism and gentlemanly behavior. They believe that, by maintaining these manners, they can help restore society to the wasteland. However, they also have a history of resolving issues with other families by challenging them to duels. While this hasn't happened in over fifty years, this history still affects their reputation within the vault.

Sean's grandfather formed the Vault 124 Boxing Club 80 years ago to provide recreation, physical training, and practice with "fisticuffs". Over the years, the Morrisons have maintained their position as the leaders of this club, if only because the other families don't see it as something important. Naturally, it attracts a lot of security members to it.

While they get along with the Talbots and Williamsons just fine, they have a rivalry with the Tesars and tend to look down upon the Stahls, who they see as not having lived up to their standards. While they don't see eye-to-eye with the Merrigans due to their history, they also put in an effort to establish rules for dueling, such as restricting certain weapons, making sure both combatants will be on relatively even grounds, and providing a window of time before the duel so it can be canceled if things change.

His father is currently bedridden, having contracted lung cancer from decades of smoking, and his mother died a few years back.

Character Background: Leader of the Vault 124 Boxing Club, Sean sees himself as an epitome of the Morrison's values, having an almost religious devotion to them. Despite this, he tries to be friendly to even the people his family doesn't care for, hoping to eventually make peace with them. He also does has a disdain for firearms, fighting instead with his fists.

He is a childhood friend of Michael Talbot, and his father helped train a lot of the security team, including the Merrigans.
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(Let me know if there is anything I should change)

Character Name: Sean Morrison

Age: 28

Character Description: Sean is a 6'3" tall muscular man with pale skin and green eyes. He has a handlebar mustache and cuts his wavy brown hair short. He wears a cream yellow blazer over his vault jumpsuit and wears shiny black shoes.

Position Applying For: Leader of the Vault 124 Boxing Club

Specialty: Fisticuffs, athleticism, and gentlemanly behavior.

Family Background: The Morrisons are a minor family within the vault who pride themselves on their athleticism and gentlemanly behavior. They believe that, by maintaining these manners, they can help restore society to the wasteland. However, they also have a history of resolving issues with other families by challenging them to duels. While this hasn't happened in over fifty years, this history still affects their reputation within the vault.

Sean's grandfather formed the Vault 124 Boxing Club 80 years ago to provide recreation, physical training, and practice with "fisticuffs". Over the years, the Morrisons have maintained their position as the leaders of this club, if only because the other families don't see it as something important. Naturally, it attracts a lot of security members to it.

While they get along with the Talbots and Williamsons just fine, they have a rivalry with the Tesars and tend to look down upon the Stahls, who they see as not having lived up to their standards. While they don't see eye-to-eye with the Merrigans due to their history, they also put in an effort to establish rules for dueling, such as restricting certain weapons, making sure both combatants will be on relatively even grounds, and providing a window of time before the duel so it can be canceled if things change.

His father is currently bedridden, having contracted lung cancer from decades of smoking, and his mother died a few years back.

Character Background: Leader of the Vault 124 Boxing Club, Sean sees himself as an epitome of the Morrison's values, having an almost religious devotion to them. Despite this, he tries to be friendly to even the people his family doesn't care for, hoping to eventually make peace with them. He also does has a disdain for firearms, fighting instead with his fists.

He is a childhood friend of Michael Talbot, and his father helped train a lot of the security team, including the Merrigans.
Looks good, welcome to the game!

If you aren't on the discord yet I do recommend, not required but a lot will probably happen there :)