Fallout: Lone Star (Texas Wasteland, Republic of Texas Quest)

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It is the year 2120, 42 years after the Great War which wiped out America. On the West and East Coast, stories shall be told generations later of great nations and people that shall rise up and conquer the wasteland. Overlooked in this epic saga is the Gulf Coast, where in the Texas Wasteland, Vault 28 shall open its doors and look to not only reclaim the wasteland, but reform the Republic of Texas. Long live the Lone Star Republic.
Fallout: Lone Star

War, war never changes

It is October 23rd, 2077. The world is on fire as war between the United States and China has broken into a total nuclear exchange, leaving no corner of the planet safe from the fiery apocalypse. Within America, many are "saved" from the bombs by entering into Vaults, vast underground shelters run by Vault-Tec to save a blessed few and form the foundations of a new America after its death. Unknown to the public before the bombs fell, the Vaults were in actuality sick and perverse experiments by Vault-Tec who deliberately designed their vaults with unethical conditions to test every possible scenario for humans packed together in a settlement.

One such Vault is Vault 28 located in San Felipe, Texas. The purpose of this Vault is more benign than most Vaults, but still at the end of the day an experiment for Vault-Tec's social engineering. What made Vault 28 unique was that it was settled entirely with Texas Nationalists who paid more allegiance to their state, and most importantly the ancient Republic of Texas rather than the United States. Technically, such sentiments were treason in late America, but the Texan patriots were such a fringe group that they were considered more of a cute curiosity rather than a true threat like Communists.

Save for Vault-Tec staff, the vault was composed almost entirely of Texan Nationalists, members of the Sons of the Republic, once a historical organization dedicated to the memory of early Texas, then turned into a Natioanlist movement due to disatisfaction with America's downfall. Vault-Tec interceded and provided them political protection and a vault, for the sole purpose of an experiment to see how a society which was founded upon allegiance to a long dead flag and culture could last, a test run for the rebirth of America.

Unfortunately for Vault-Tec, they never really understood the saying "Don't Mess with Texas"

When the true purpose of the Vault was discovered, the Texans revolted and killed their wardens, turning the social labratory into a home. Despite their salvation only being due to social science, the dream in a reborn Texas never died, it only found a greater home within the souls of the Texans. For surely, America was dead and it deserved its fiery demise from a century of moral decay and authoritarianism? Surely, the new world would be better governed under the Lone Star flag?

It is the year 2120, and the Second Republic of Texas is finally ready to venture out from the Vault and reclaim the Wasteland, spreading a lone star empire to provide salvation for the survivors. You are the recently elected President of the Republic of Texas, chosen by the Vault to lead them into the light.

Who are you?


How are you SPECIAL? (40 Points)

What is your story? (Character Bio)

What are the boons of Vault 28? Choose Two

[ ] GECK Kit:
For some reason in spite of 28 not being a control Vault, you have been gifted with a GECK Kit, two GECKs in particular. While the wasteland won't be purified overnight, this is a massive boon that will restore Texas to its pre-war glory as well as giving the Republic great legitimacy among the wasteland. Though at the same time, it can paint a great target on its back
Vault 28 has two GECK Kits.

[ ] Don't Mess with Texas:
America may have a love affair with firearms, but Texas really LOVES guns. The same is true with the Second Republic who being proud patriotic Texans who believe the 2nd amendment was one of the most sacred, brought with them to the Vault a rather colorful collection of firearms, many that aren't even legal in most states. This should have the Vault well equipped for most dangers of the wasteland.
Large collection of firearms along with explosive ordinance, platoon's worth of body armor, and small amount of civilian grade laser weapons. Bonus to combat actions.

[ ] Farmers and Cowboys:
Your Vault is mainly descended from rural farmers who were decently skilled in agriculture and livestock. While most of the farmers and cowboys are long dead by this point, they have passed down the knowledge for Texas to once again be a thriving giant in agriculture, making sure future generations will have full bellies and honest work.
Bonuses to Agricultural actions

[ ] New Sherriff in town:
Your vault is mainly descended from law enforcement and veterans who for one reason or another found themselves amenable to the ideology of Texan Nationalism. Not only did this mean that Vault 28 was rather orderly, but it also gave the Texas Rangers and Texan Army a strong foundation of institutional knowledge to be skilled fighters.
Army and Texas Rangers are highly disciplined. Bonuses to combat. Low unrest at start.

[ ] Straight A Vaulters:
Of the specialty of Vault 28, your infant Republic has been blessed with a number of geniuses and gifted residents. For a fringe Nationalist vault, you had a rather unusual number of gifted minds with talents in specialties or just highly knowledgeable in general. A good number of university degrees, and from their offspring very intelligent Texans. You're no nation of geniuses as most are roughly average or above average, but you got a solid foundation to recreate and innovate technology and science.
Bonuses to research dice, research progress shortened.

[ ] Everything's Bigger in Texas:
The Average Vault was designed with 1,000 people as a starting population, your Vault had 3,000 people when the bombs fell and more than enough space to account for a few generations of population growth. This gives the Second Republic of Texas a major population advantage that can aid it in its expansion.
Vault 28 starts out with 4,500 people at Turn 1.

[ ] Lucky Miss: As the home of NASA and the heart of America's petrochemical industry, nearby Houston was a natural target for the wrath of China. However, for one reason or another, while Houston was hit it, it was spared total nuclear ahnnilation. Civilization as a whole is dead, but there are many people who endure in the wasteland and lots of hidden treasures and resources for the Republic to claim.
Large portions of Houston wasteland have intact buildings. Most iconic locations well preserved. Increased number and quality of pre-war loot.

[ ] Lucky Rads:
The Chinese sure did their best to bomb the Houston area to hell, although something strange has happened with their bombs. While they did their explosive effect, radiation is lower than what was presumed to be standard of the Chinese arsenal. It's not nonexistent, there's a few definite lethal pockets at ground zeroes, but the immediate Houston area sees managable radiation levels across the board, ensuring more pre-war flora and fauna remain relatively unaltered.
Pre-war ecosystems remain mostly intact across Houston wasteland. Few Ghouls.

[ ] Arsenal of Democracy:
In the last half century of America, Texas saw unprecedented development as a military base. Mainly to act as a base and supply hub for the occupation of Mexico, and then to support the home front in the Sino-American War. Even with all of China's nukes, there is likely to be a score of pre-war arms and vehicles that build an invaluable foundation for the Texas military, so long as you get to them first.
More bases with potential for great military weapons and gear in loot.

What is the misfortune of Vault 28? Choose One

[ ] Lonely Stars:
Texan Nationalism was never a popular ideology or anywhere close to mainstream. As such, the starting vault population was rather small with only 300 residents at the time of the Vault's closing. While great for resource rationing, it has also made for a poor stock of genetic diversity. For now, things are relatively fine, but with the dating pool limited without romancing cousins, expansion must be undertaken soon for the health of Texas.
Start with a population of 500, younger generations being mostly blood related. Can't be chosen with Everything's Bigger in Texas.

[ ] Heated Stars:
Vault 28 is dominated in leadership by the Texan Nationalists but it is not the only population within the Vault. Vault 28 for better or worse was filled with a plethora of outsiders from San Felipe and nearby towns along with passers by who were granted a mercy and allowed emergency residency in the vault when the bombs dropped. Thus, only a fraction of the population are diehard Texan patriots, and even within the Texan camp there is rather...spirited divisions between ethnic and religious lines, most importantly between Tejanos and Anglo-Texans. For the short term, the Vault is united and willing to pledge allegiance to the Lone Star flag, but if things take a sour turn within the next generation then the community may splinter.
Start with population of 2000. Half of Vault are Texan Nationalists, half are independent or apathetic. Chance of major exodus if community largely unhappy.

[ ] Blue Collar Vault:
While Vault-Tec didn't have the intention of denying your Vault to have high intelligence, it was inevitable that a Vault consisting of Texan patriots and their families wouldn't stand as a peer to the likes of A&M or UT. Not that your Texans are dumb persay, but most have high school level education and those of the first generation who went to college weren't exactly the second coming of Einstein. Decently intelligent, but with smarts focused on labor and socials, leaving you a poor base to truly conduct high tier science.
Research projects expanded in progress requirements, research dice limited to 2. Can't be Chosen with Straight A Vaulters.

[ ] Hurricane woes:
Vault-Tec's engineering marvels have made it possible to construct Vaults within areas of relatively low sealevel like the Texan Gulf Coast. However, the trade off of such a placement in comparison to say a Vault in Nevada or West Virginia, is the danger of flooding and water damage. The Vault has recorded a number of major hurricanes since the bombs fell and each has brought major flooding to the Brazos river, which in turn wears and degrades the Vault. For the near future, Vault 28 should be fine, but it is at danger of eventual ruin and thus it would be wise to evacuate critical assets and most people to the surface unless major resources are acquired.
Vault 28 set to become unusable in 40 years if not properly reinforced.

[ ] Rad Country:
The geiger reports from the surface are worrying. It seems that much of Southeast Texas has undergone heavy radiation even 42 years after the bombs have fallen. There may be some areas that will be uninhabitable for centuries and could kill humans instantly. Nevermind the potential side effects of mutations on the local flora and fauna. It's gonna be an ugly new world to be sure.
High radiation across Southeast Texas. More Ghouls, mutated flora and fauna. Can't be chosen with Lucky Rads

[ ] Raider Nation:
Vault 28 while sealed from the outside world, is vaguely aware of what is taking place on the surface through a surveillance system spread throughout San Felipe and a radio station. While there seemed to be more Houstonians who survived than expected, it seems that their morals were lost in the nuclear fires as audio systems have observed what can only be described as frequent migrations of "Raiders" who plunder and commit disgusting acts of violence and degeneracy that would have been unthinkable in pre-war America. One thing is for sure, if Texas is to be reborn, then it must fight for its existence.
Houston wasteland swarming with Raiders, basically Fallout 4
[X]Plan: Texas Calculator Countdown to Armageddon
-[X]Name: Adrian Hunter
-[X]Gender: Male
-[X]Age: 24
--[X]Strength: 3
--[X]Perception: 6
--[X]Endurance: 4
--[X]Charisma: 8
--[X]Intelligence: 10
--[X]Agility: 4
--[X]Luck: 5
--[X] Straight A Vaulters: Of the specialty of Vault 28, your infant Republic has been blessed with a number of geniuses and gifted residents. For a fringe Nationalist vault, you had a rather unusual number of gifted minds with talents in specialties or just highly knowledgeable in general. A good number of university degrees, and from their offspring very intelligent Texans. You're no nation of geniuses as most are roughly average or above average, but you got a solid foundation to recreate and innovate technology and science.
Bonuses to research dice, research progress shortened.
--[X] Lucky Miss:
As the home of NASA and the heart of America's petrochemical industry, nearby Houston was a natural target for the wrath of China. However, for one reason or another, while Houston was hit it, it was spared total nuclear ahnnilation. Civilization as a whole is dead, but there are many people who endure in the wasteland and lots of hidden treasures and resources for the Republic to claim.
Large portions of Houston wasteland have intact buildings. Most iconic locations well preserved. Increased number and quality of pre-war loot.
--[X] Hurricane woes: Vault-Tec's engineering marvels have made it possible to construct Vaults within areas of relatively low sealevel like the Texan Gulf Coast. However, the trade off of such a placement in comparison to say a Vault in Nevada or West Virginia, is the danger of flooding and water damage. The Vault has recorded a number of major hurricanes since the bombs fell and each has brought major flooding to the Brazos river, which in turn wears and degrades the Vault. For the near future, Vault 28 should be fine, but it is at danger of eventual ruin and thus it would be wise to evacuate critical assets and most people to the surface unless major resources are acquired.
Vault 28 set to become unusable in 40 years if not properly reinforced.

Adrian Hunter isn't what you'd call a particularly impressive physical specimen. Lanky and a bit weedy even well after his teen years, the young man is one of the many researchers that had grown up safe in the security of the Vault, taking advantage of the plethora of study materials and the labs to devour knowledge as it was made available to him. But while his looks aren't that much the man has a force of personality that can pick up and carry people along just as easily as the hurricanes that historically hit the Great State. His wits and force of personality both allow him to run verbal rings around other people in discussions until they find themselves wondering why they were disagreeing in the first place.
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[X] Plan: Cattlepunk 2077
-[X]Name: Doug "Porkchop" Birchfield
-[X]Gender: Male
-[X]Age: 40
--[X]Strength: 5
--[X]Perception: 8
--[X]Endurance: 2
--[X]Charisma: 8
--[X]Intelligence: 10
--[X]Agility: 2
--[X]Luck: 5
--[X] Farmers and Cowboys: Your Vault is mainly descended from rural farmers who were decently skilled in agriculture and livestock. While most of the farmers and cowboys are long dead by this point, they have passed down the knowledge for Texas to once again be a thriving giant in agriculture, making sure future generations will have full bellies and honest work.
Bonuses to Agricultural actions
--[X] Straight A Vaulters
: Of the specialty of Vault 28, your infant Republic has been blessed with a number of geniuses and gifted residents. For a fringe Nationalist vault, you had a rather unusual number of gifted minds with talents in specialties or just highly knowledgeable in general. A good number of university degrees, and from their offspring very intelligent Texans. You're no nation of geniuses as most are roughly average or above average, but you got a solid foundation to recreate and innovate technology and science.
Bonuses to research dice, research progress shortened.
--[X] Rad Country: The geiger reports from the surface are worrying. It seems that much of Southeast Texas has undergone heavy radiation even 42 years after the bombs have fallen. There may be some areas that will be uninhabitable for centuries and could kill humans instantly. Nevermind the potential side effects of mutations on the local flora and fauna. It's gonna be an ugly new world to be sure.
High radiation across Southeast Texas. More Ghouls, mutated flora and fauna. Can't be chosen with Lucky Rads

Story: Doug Birchfield is descended from a long line of Texan ranchers, but much to his chagrin he never had an expansive ranch, or herds of cattle, for he was the first man in the Birchfield line to have been born after the world drowned in nuclear fire and radiation. But that did not deter the bright young lad. Instead he became king of the hydroponics lab, rising up to department head at the young age of 30, where he would get the nickname Porkchop for his relentless drive to invent the holy grail of Vault cuisine, genuine vat-grown meat. His success was limited, but along the way, he proved himself a superb leader of his department, with many crediting him with single-handedly preventing starvation on numerous occasions. With the vault set to open and its inhabitants getting ready to emerge, many looked to Doug as the leader they needed in these trying times.

Appearance: A portly middle-aged man with thinning hair, a thick handlebar mustache and a cunning glint in his eye.
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Character Bio: President Christopher "Kit" Neil
-[]Name: Christopher "Kit" Neil
-[]Gender: Male
-[]Age:52 (Born November 3rd 2068)

-[X] New Sherriff in town: Your vault is mainly descended from law enforcement and veterans who for one reason or another found themselves amenable to the ideology of Texan Nationalism. Not only did this mean that Vault 28 was rather orderly, but it also gave the Texas Rangers and Texan Army a strong foundation of institutional knowledge to be skilled fighters.
Army and Texas Rangers are highly disciplined. Bonuses to combat. Low unrest at start.
-[X] Everything's Bigger in Texas: The Average Vault was designed with 1,000 people as a starting population, your Vault had 3,000 people when the bombs fell and more than enough space to account for a few generations of population growth. This gives the Second Republic of Texas a major population advantage that can aid it in its expansion.
Vault 28 starts out with 4,500 people at Turn 1.

-[X] Raider Nation: Vault 28 while sealed from the outside world, is vaguely aware of what is taking place on the surface through a surveillance system spread throughout San Felipe and a radio station. While there seemed to be more Houstonians who survived than expected, it seems that their morals were lost in the nuclear fires as audio systems have observed what can only be described as frequent migrations of "Raiders" who plunder and commit disgusting acts of violence and degeneracy that would have been unthinkable in pre-war America. One thing is for sure, if Texas is to be reborn, then it must fight for its existence.
Houston wasteland swarming with Raiders, basically Fallout 4


What is your story?:

Born on November 3rd 2068, Christopher "Kit" Neil was the son of a Texas Ranger and a tough-as-nails Texas Firebrand witch engrossed him in the heritage of his Texas forefathers (We ignore the branch of the Neil Family fought for the Confederacy, they brought SHAME ONTO TEXAS!) and brought him up as any good all American Texan, he played football before a knee injury took him out of the sport and he moved onto the most glorious of sports MARKSMANSHIP and gunfighting. Lucky old Kit, was one of the lucky ones pre selected to join Vault 28 as one of its original 1000 residents drumed into the vault in the days before the Great War.

However fate would not allow the Vault to leave fellow Texans to Die, as in the confusion of the Bombing of Texas, his father and a group of Texas Rangers overpowered the outer guards allowing more Texan Nationalists to flood into the vault, putting it at over the thousand people limit, but this blessing was short lived as the isolation of the vault took hold.

And for decades, Kit prepared for the eventual reclemation of his homeland, training to compensate his bad knee, he trained his mind, his body and his winning personality to become the leader TEXAS needed.

No matter the cost, a Ranger was on his way to save the day.

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Story: Doug Birchfield is descended from a long line of Texan ranchers, but much to his chagrin he never had an expansive ranch, or herds of cattle, for he was the first man in the Birchfield line to have been born after the world drowned in nuclear fire and radiation. But that did not deter the bright young lad. Instead he became king of the hydroponics lab, rising up to department head at the young age of 30, where he would get the nickname Porkchop for his relentless drive to invent the holy grail of Vault cuisine, genuine vat-grown meat. His success was limited, but along the way, he proved himself a superb leader of his department, with many crediting him with single-handedly preventing starvation on numerous occasions. With the vault set to open and its inhabitants getting ready to emerge, many looked to Doug as the leader they needed in these trying times.

Appearance: A portly middle-aged man with thinning hair, a thick handlebar mustache and a cunning glint in his eye.
Thought that what Cyber did was a good idea so also added a short description of the character
Adrian Hunter isn't what you'd call a particularly impressive physical specimen. Lanky and a bit weedy even well after his teen years, the young man is one of the many researchers that had grown up safe in the security of the Vault, taking advantage of the plethora of study materials and the labs to devour knowledge as it was made available to him. But while his looks aren't that much the man has a force of personality that can pick up and carry people along just as easily as the hurricanes that historically hit the Great State. His wits and force of personality both allow him to run verbal rings around other people in discussions until they find themselves wondering why they were disagreeing in the first place.
Did one of my own now too.
Plan I Am The Law

Name: Cooper Morgan
Gender: Male
Age: 27

How are you SPECIAL? (40 Points)
Strength: 7
Perception: 7
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 9
Agility: 1
Luck: 4

Character Bio: Coming from a proud old Texan lineage that can trace it roots back all the way to the Texan Revolution itself. Little wonder why your ancestors were such ardent patriots of the old Lonestar state and why they were selected for the Vault once you found the truth of the old social experiment. Something you had always been grateful for in the back of your mind whenever you stopped to ponder the meaning of your existence.

From Texas Rangers fighting the Commanche to Army Rangers kicking the Commie Chinese out of Anchorage your family had always been fighting men. Something you Cooper Morgan, named after your daddies favorite Old World movie star had always strived to continue has part of the Vault security team. Even if you always enjoyed the old scientific magazines and did a short internship has a Vault engineer. Top of your class throughout out your school days and still tough enough to throw down the old pig skin. Even if you had a tendency to trip on your feet.

Yet that is neither here or now the Vaults about to open and their going to need someone to scout things out and help guard any new settlements.

[ X] New Sherriff in town: Your vault is mainly descended from law enforcement and veterans who for one reason or another found themselves amenable to the ideology of Texan Nationalism. Not only did this mean that Vault 28 was rather orderly, but it also gave the Texas Rangers and Texan Army a strong foundation of institutional knowledge to be skilled fighters.
Army and Texas Rangers are highly disciplined. Bonuses to combat. Low unrest at start.

[ X] Don't Mess with Texas: America may have a love affair with firearms, but Texas really LOVES guns. The same is true with the Second Republic who being proud patriotic Texans who believe the 2nd amendment was one of the most sacred, brought with them to the Vault a rather colorful collection of firearms, many that aren't even legal in most states. This should have the Vault well equipped for most dangers of the wasteland.
Large collection of firearms along with explosive ordinance, platoon's worth of body armor, and small amount of civilian grade laser weapons. Bonus to combat actions.

[ X] Raider Nation: Vault 28 while sealed from the outside world, is vaguely aware of what is taking place on the surface through a surveillance system spread throughout San Felipe and a radio station. While there seemed to be more Houstonians who survived than expected, it seems that their morals were lost in the nuclear fires as audio systems have observed what can only be described as frequent migrations of "Raiders" who plunder and commit disgusting acts of violence and degeneracy that would have been unthinkable in pre-war America. One thing is for sure, if Texas is to be reborn, then it must fight for its existence.
Houston wasteland swarming with Raiders, basically Fallout 4

(I was very tempted to suggest a combination of Rad Country, Geck Kick and Farmers & Cowboys has a Bless This Land plan)
[]Plan Keep Austin Weird
-[][NAME] Austin Scarlett
-[][GENDER] Female
-[][AGE] 22
-[][CHARISMA] 10
-[][AGILITY] 3
-[][LUCK] 6
-[][BOON] GECK Kit
-[][BOON] Everything's Bigger in Texas
-[][MISFORTUNE] Heated Stars

This plan I came up with to toy with the idea of an enlarged and diverse population to inspire future expansion.

[X]Plan Devil's Luck
-[X][NAME] Morgan H. Garcia
-[X][GENDER] Male
-[X][AGE] 27
-[X][LUCK] 10
-[X][BOON] Lucky Miss
-[X][BOON] Lucky Rads
-[X][MISFORTUNE] Hurricane woes

This plan, I'm really interested in seeing what something like the Mojave Wasteland would develop here with our vault.
Fucking hell Yes! I've been on a Fallout kick lately and I've been looking for any and all Fallout quests that have anything more than just the NCR.
