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Place: Afterlife???

As I sat in a chair, gazing into the void around me, a profound realization struck me: I was certain I had crossed into the afterlife. The eerie familiarity of my surroundings left me with little doubt that I had indeed departed from this world.

Before I regained consciousness in that unfamiliar place, I had been strolling into the Walmart just down the street from my apartment, on a mission to gather eggs for a batch of chocolate cookies. As I made my way down the aisle toward the dairy section, a piercing scream from a woman resonated throughout the store.

As I pivoted towards the chaos, I saw several people frantically fleeing while the sound of what resembled gunshots echoed in the air. I made the decision to head toward the back of the Walmart, where I could discreetly exit without getting caught up in the pandemonium that had everyone else running like headless chickens.

As I strolled down the Pet alley, an unsettling silence enveloped the area, causing unease to wash over me. The chaotic screams had faded away, gunshots were nowhere to be heard, and the frantic rush of fleeing footsteps had ceased, leaving an eerie stillness in their wake. Curiosity piqued, I steeled myself and took a chance to survey my surroundings in an effort to gauge what was unfolding.

As I glanced down the aisle, I noticed a boy and a girl making their way down the central walkway, their movements filled with life. The boy, around my age—possibly 18 or 19—had short black hair and striking green eyes that seemed to glow. He wore an open jacket over a blue t-shirt, complemented by shorts and black tennis shoes. The girl, on the other hand, had long blond hair with a fiery red tint. She was dressed in a short-sleeved red blouse and a blue skirt, accentuated by blue and green shoes that added to her vibrant appearance.

"Do you think we got them all?" the boy asked, glancing at the girl as they walked by my hiding spot. I pressed further back behind the shelves, striving to remain as silent as possible. There was something distinctly unsettling about the pair; the girl's response carried an eerie quality, her words accompanied by a faint echo that lingered in the air.

"Hmmm, no. There are more insects hiding," one of them remarked. The two continued on their path, seemingly oblivious to my presence, as they made their way toward the entertainment and toys section.

What on earth is happening? After a woman screamed, panic erupted among the crowd, only to fall eerily silent. Yet, amidst this chaos, two individuals are casually strolling about.

The girl who referred to humans as insects implied that she may not see herself or her partner as human. Regardless, I must escape in the opposite direction from them. Leaving through the back is out of the question since they are headed that way. The front entrance remains a possibility, but I'm uncertain if there are additional watchers stationed there.

I noticed the Gardening section and the Vehicle area where the repair shop is located. I could choose to leave through that exit, but there's a chance others might be observing it. A wave of panic washed over me, but I took a deep breath and steadied myself..

Take a deep breath, Adam. Stay composed. I need to prepare myself to confront these two during the ambush, as it's an opportunity to collect valuable information. Hold on! I have my cell phone. I can simply call the police instead.

I reached into my pocket, eager to check my phone, only to be met with disappointment when it refused to power on. A frown creased my face; I was certain it had enough charge for a brief activation. However, given the risk of revealing my position, I decided to put it away for now. Slowly, I stood up and made my way back toward the cleaning alley.

I swiftly snatched a broom, unscrewed its head, and transformed it into an improvised staff. With a decisive kick, I shoved the chaos beneath the shelves before heading toward the left central aisle. Peering out from behind a shelf, I was struck by the grim sight before me: several lifeless bodies sprawled on the floor, some missing limbs, and blood spattered everywhere—most disturbingly, a trail of it leading ominously toward the men's clothing section.

I noticed that no one was actively guarding or blocking the entrance, though they might have been out of sight or positioned to the side. There were also no corpses nearby. As I scanned my surroundings, I realized I could neither see nor hear anyone. Taking a leap of faith, I resolved to push forward in my escape.

I navigated my way toward the entrance, skillfully weaving through the meat and deli sections while staying low and moving swiftly. My senses were on high alert as I approached the vegetable aisle, sticking close to the walls. Suddenly, I heard that eerie girl's voice again.

"Seems we have a clever little insect on our hands!"

As I glanced over my shoulder, I noticed her standing there, a broad grin spread across her face. Realizing that my cover was blown, I rose fully to my feet, pointing my improv staff at her while cautiously backing away, wary of any potential ambushers lurking nearby.

"Oh, the insect believes it can fight back," the girl laughed, advancing slowly. I tightened my grip and called out to her, striving to keep my voice steady yet assertive.

""Step back! Maintain your distance, or I'll have no choice but to defend myself."

My threat had the girl in fits of laughter, her body trembling with each chuckle. However, to my ears, her laughter had a somewhat artificial quality, amplified by the echo and reverb around us. Observing this, I chose to gallop backward, carefully keeping my gaze on her while deftly maneuvering to avoid any obstacles in my path.

The girl ceased her laughter, and her eyes ignited with a fierce crimson glow. Suddenly, sharp, needle-like projectiles materialized from the void and surged toward me with relentless force.

"Oh shit!"

Ducking behind a fruit stand, I felt the rush of air as I scrambled to my feet. The girl was rapidly closing in, wielding a glowing red hammer. I attempted to dodge, but the impact hit me square in the chest. A sharp pain coursed through me as I felt something snap, and I was sent crashing into a banana stand, the force of the blow causing both the stand and the bananas to smoosh around me.

"What the hell?" I gasped, wincing as a sharp pain shot through my chest and back. I attempted to sit up, but the discomfort made me clutch my side in anguish.

The girl observed me intently as I rose, her gaze curious and analytical, as if she were evaluating every aspect of me. As I stood up, chunks of mashed banana fell to the ground, and I picked up the fallen broomstick while contemplating my next move..

What the heck just happened? Was that actual magic? It could be holograms or some other trick, but based on her remark to the boy, she might just be an alien or something far beyond our understanding.

I resolved to distract her as I devised a strategy for either an attack or escape. However, given her speed, it seemed that fleeing might not be a viable option.

"So, what's your story? An alien takeover? A government experiment seeking revenge on humanity?" I inquired as I scanned my surroundings.

The girl fixed me with an intense gaze for a full minute, her shimmering hammer resting on her shoulder, before she replied in a voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Since your fate seems sealed, let me reveal something: I'm a soldier, part of an army tasked with eradicating the human race. While a virus might have sufficed, the higher-ups feared it could mutate or spiral out of control. That's why we were dispatched to carry out the mission ourselves."

The explanation about the girl or alien seemed peculiar; it raised the question of why aliens would resemble humans in any way. She must be deceiving me. But if her intention was truly to kill me, why would she bother with lies?

"You seem remarkably human to me, especially with how you sound. What's the deal with the hammer and the projectiles?"

As I pivoted to assume a fighting stance, my foot slipped on the banana mush smeared across the ground. The girl flashed a smile before hoisting the hammer from her shoulder and transitioning into her own stance, the hammer's end ominously aimed directly at me.

"Oh, my appearance and voice are designed to mimic your species to facilitate our stealth before we strike. We are far more technologically advanced than humans," she said, and then a brilliant blue light enveloped her, momentarily blinding me. As I quickly blinked to regain my vision, I noticed an astonishing transformation in the girl before me.

At an astonishing 7 feet tall, she loomed over me, her unique legs featuring three toes and two clawed appendages, complemented by a single toe at the back. Her body was encased in a gray exoskeleton resembling that of an insect, revealing a striking red skin beneath. Her face was angular, adorned with two pairs of glowing red eyes, while a metallic mask obscured her mouth, intricately linked to tubes feeding into a mysterious apparatus on her back.

"Does my appearance delight your senses?" The reverb and echo intensified, sending chills down my spine as she spun the hammer gracefully around her body. With the assistance of her second pair of arms, she twirled the weapon at such speed that the wind whipped against my face..

"I find it amusing that you think I'm the insect when you resemble one yourself," I said, chuckling briefly before my laughter transformed into a fit of coughing.

The insect girl let out a chuckle that sent shivers down my spine. "Well, I'm not the one facing death right now. And remember, it's not your appearance that defines you as an insect."

The alien abruptly halted the spinning of her hammer, bending down slightly. Upon noticing this, I swiftly leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding several red projectiles that struck the ground where I had just been. In a split second, I raised my broom to deflect an incoming strike from the hammer, using a jump to absorb the impact of the blow.


The broom splintered but remained intact, propelling me backward into the Bakery section where I collided with a cupcake display. As I ducked to evade another incoming object, I rolled just in time to send the alien girl crashing into the cupcakes. Seizing the moment, I pivoted using the shattered remnants of the wooden staff and lunged at her, targeting the vulnerable spots behind her knee with precise strikes.

"Arrg!" I yelled as my strike found its target at her vulnerable joint. In response, she lashed out with her lower arms, her razor-sharp claws slicing into my right arm as I failed to dodge in time. Although she winced from the pain, a fierce anger flickered in her eyes. Just as she was about to retaliate, I caught a glimpse of something unexpected out of the corner of my eye.

A brilliant blue glow emanated from my chest before I could fully comprehend the situation. Looking down, I was horrified to see a massive blue spear had impaled me completely. In that moment, the pain surged through me—an excruciating torment unlike anything I had ever experienced. Maintaining consciousness became a battle, as I fought to remain aware in the face of such overwhelming agony.

"Sister, you know we must refrain from engaging with these primitive life forms," a deep, rumbling voice asserted, growing increasingly intense.

Struggling against the overwhelming pain, I turned my gaze towards the voice and saw a similar alien approaching. This one, a male, boasted larger muscles, darker skin, and striking blue glowing eyes. Those eyes triggered a memory – the girl wasn't alone; she had a partner by her side.

"Don't be like that; the others can handle the stragglers on their own." The insect girl approached the boy, watching as her hammer dissolved into a cloud of red particles.

"While that may not be the main issue, I have thoroughly secured the entire area, and there are no humans remaining nearby."

The two turned and walked away, dismissing me as if I posed no threat. I struggled to speak, but my body betrayed me, leaving me powerless as I collapsed to the ground. I fought to rise, but it was futile; my vision blurred, fading into darkness as I lost consciousness.

And here I am, seated in a surprisingly comfortable chair in this waiting room. I've come to the conclusion that this must be the afterlife; my wounds are miraculously healed. The conversation I overheard between the two aliens confirmed my suspicion; they couldn't have captured me, especially after the male aimed for the kill shot. Despite the hundreds, if not thousands, of vacant chairs surrounding me, I still haven't spotted anyone else.

"Oh, hello, little soul." The voice was soft yet distinctly different. As I turned around, I caught sight of a stunning woman, illuminated and gracefully descending from the sky.

"Where am I, and may I inquire who you are?" I asked, striving to maintain a steady tone, wary of provoking this formidable woman. She simply smiled, gliding closer to me, prompting me to rise and cautiously step back.

"Though I am a Goddess and you find yourself in my Afterlife, having witnessed and seized your soul," her voice carried an oddly captivating tone.

She answered some of my questions, but in doing so, she raised a few more in my mind. With a mixture of enthusiasm and anxiety, I took a seat in front of the goddess as she gracefully settled into her luminous white chair.

"So, could you clarify what you mean by your pathon fading and your afterlife?" I inquired, watching the goddess frown before she began to respond.

"A fading pantheon signifies that the majority, if not all, of its followers have ceased to believe in or worship them. As the Goddess of death, life, and souls within my pantheon, I possess a unique resilience that allows me to endure longer than my sisters." Her tone softened momentarily before brightening with enthusiasm.

"This place was once the Afterlife, a sanctuary where our worshipers would find solace after death, reuniting with their loved ones and having the chance to bless their families or embrace reincarnation. However, it has become desolate. Occasionally, I encounter souls, but they are rare, as other Death gods hastily claim any spirits not bound to a specific faith. You, my friend, are the first to arrive here in decades."While her story was undoubtedly sorrowful, my attention was captivated by her declarations about the existence of gods and goddesses.

"Wait, are there truly gods and goddesses? Just how many of you exist?" I'm taken aback, but given that I was recently killed by an alien, the existence of deities doesn't seem so far-fetched after all.

In this vast universe, nearly every religion imaginable—whether from humans or other species throughout the galaxy—exists in some form within the infinite expanse of reality. The beliefs of the Greeks, the Egyptians, Christianity, the Boya, and many more may not hold significance for you at this moment, yet they all contribute to a rich tapestry of spiritual existence.

A few months ago, during a time of boredom, I stumbled upon information that revealed the top three religions, with Christianity emerging as the most widely practiced faith.

"Alright, if I'm dead and here in your afterlife, why are you speaking to me?" I was grateful for her willingness to answer my questions, but I couldn't shake the shock of having just unloaded significant revelations after dying at the hands of aliens. My seemingly rude inquiry didn't appear to offend her; instead, the woman simply smiled at me.

"I was planning to propose an intriguing arrangement: I would offer you a chance at reincarnation, but in return, you would need to complete certain missions for me. Essentially, you would be working on my behalf to gather energy, all in exchange for that precious opportunity for a second chance at life."

Her proposal for reincarnation was undoubtedly fascinating, yet it raised a few red flags. By suggesting she was the last of her pantheon and alluding to the existence of other gods, I couldn't help but wonder why she was so quick to extend this offer to me. Sure, I'm open to living again, and a few tasks sound manageable. However, this could easily be a deceptive trap, potentially leading me into a crisis reminiscent of Kratos's journey.

"Why are you presenting this opportunity to me? Didn't you mention that others have come here as well? If that's the case, what purpose do I serve?"

The Goddess frowned once more, leaving me frozen in fear, convinced I had offended her. But then, to my surprise, she smiled as she began to speak

"I want to make this clear: I'm extending this offer to you because you are the only individual I've managed to reach recently. I've previously presented this opportunity to others, but they were mostly humans lacking significant combat and survival skills. The person before you had a desire to be transported to DC, but despite my warnings, he was taken out by the specter. You, however, have demonstrated greater intelligence, survival skills, and fighting instincts based on the circumstances surrounding your demise."

Her reasoning was compelling and aligned perfectly with the information at my disposal. The revelation regarding the fate of my predecessor suggested that the goddess before me was not as powerful as one might assume. While she had the ability to traverse and transport herself—and others—through various Verses, she could not guarantee my safety if I decided to overreach.

I have a few off-topic questions. "Regarding my impending demise, what was the reason behind the alien invasion of Earth, and did they ultimately succeed?"

The Goddess took a moment to pause before responding to me.

"In the majority of timelines, the aliens—known as the Tetermarands—successfully terraformed both Earth and Mars, transforming them into environments that were ideal for their species. However, in a handful of timelines, humanity rises up, successfully repelling the Tetermarand army and defending itself against future invasion attempts."

Though the news was far from what I had hoped for, it offered a glimmer of reassurance that my home wasn't entirely lost. I realized that returning might not be an option; the uncertainty of whether my resurrection would draw unwanted attention to my family weighed heavily on my conscience, leaving me fearful for their safety.

As tears began to swell in my eyes, the Goddess gently placed her hand on my knee in an effort to comfort me. Yet, her gesture was unnecessary; I was okay. I simply needed to press on and continue my journey.

"I'm doing alright, thank you. However, let's concentrate on what I can manage. I take it that I don't really have the option to decline your offer, do I?" i asked looking to confirm my theory.

The goddess shook her head, her flowing hair cascading in front of her until she gently swept it aside. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that her radiant aura had lost some of its brilliance.

"Although you have the option to refuse, you'll find yourself trapped here, as I can't expel you without risking your soul becoming a plaything for other death gods who may be far harsher or more benevolent than I am. I strongly encourage you to accept my offer, as I can't guarantee another chance at saving a soul, and remaining here could drive you to the brink of madness over time."

"If I accept your offer, what does it truly involve? Am I expected to recruit followers for you, or perhaps eliminate malevolent beings to accumulate karma?" i inquired about the specific requirements for channeling energy on her behalf.

The Goddess shook her head and said, "I will grant you three wishes, each within specific limits. You may select the time, place, and identity for your reincarnation. Your mission will be to conquer that world by either vanquishing key characters or defeating any deities or their equivalents that inhabit it. This grants me the ability to assert my dominion over the universe, empowering me to enhance my strength further. In return, I will bestow additional rewards upon you, accelerating your conquest of worlds."

After considering her situation deeply, I realized the terms were quite reasonable. Although I found myself at a disadvantage in our negotiations, I saw an opportunity to strategically extend my life while taking the time to assess whether she was being sincere. This approach would also allow me to devise a better plan moving forward. However, before proceeding, I had one final question to ask.

"Can I return to my world and assist in its defense against the Tetermarands?"

The Goddess swiftly shook her head, her hair cascading gracefully in front of her face without becoming tangled. "No," she warned, "your soul will be rejected by the laws of your world, and it could even be sensed and annihilated by any gods who govern your universe."

Though her confirmation of my earlier assumption was somewhat frustrating, it's time for me to concentrate on the present. I seek a world that strikes a balance—neither too easy nor overly challenging—where I can rapidly grow in power while allowing for flexibility in how I wield it.

Dragon Ball, Marvel, and DC are completely off-limits, along with any universes featuring gods or goddesses. The potential for complications is too great, especially considering how the last individual met their demise.

While considering the worlds of Naruto and Bleach, I find myself uncertain about the potential dangers lurking around me. In Naruto, would the Sage of Six Paths be inclined to end my life simply by perceiving my soul? Or would I face instant demise at the hands of an astute ninja who notices my unusual behavior for an infant? As for Bleach, it's a realm I'll be avoiding, but perhaps RWBY offers a more promising avenue. Its narrative hints that the two gods mentioned have forsaken the planet, although the overall power level appears limited.

While browsing through my mental catalog of memorable anime, TV shows, and games, I couldn't help but recall titles like Harry Potter, Ninjago, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, The Owl House, Percy Jackson, and even FNAF. However, my thoughts were drawn to Jujutsu Kaisen, the latest anime I had the pleasure of watching before my untimely demise.

Jujutsu Kaisen presents an intriguing premise with its curse energy system. While a more rigorous power structure could allow for rapid increases in strength, it poses a risk, as your curse energy and techniques are predetermined by birth. Altering this foundation can be a daunting gamble.

I could be reborn as someone possessing formidable curse energy and advanced techniques, yet even among the characters depicted, few align with my goals. It's essential that my abilities be valuable across various universes.

Gojo, Sukuna, Geto, Yutaka, Megumi, and Kokichi Muta are formidable characters whose techniques are not only potent but also versatile, allowing for creative application. Their abilities will remain relevant and impactful as my journey unfolds.

Geto and Yuta each possess techniques that are valuable within the realm of Jujutsu Kaisen, yet the intricacies of curse energy in this mystical universe remain unclear to me. Geto's cursed spirit manipulation depends heavily on abundant cursed spirits, while Yuta's ability to copy techniques hinges on specific curse powers and necessitates Rika to maintain substantial quantities of these copied techniques.

Cursed puppets offer a distinct advantage over cursed spirit manipulation, as I can craft them to my exact specifications and produce an almost limitless quantity. While controlling the puppets over long distances may pose challenges in different realms, I believe it can still be effectively managed. Particularly if I aspire to emulate Iron Man.

The ten shadows are truly remarkable, especially when controlled by someone who doesn't immediately resort to their ultimate move when faced with a difficult challenge. The shinigami can enhance my abilities in battles against formidable opponents, or cleverly mask my true power by leading my adversaries to perceive me as physically weak.

Although the Six Eyes and Limitless techniques are tremendously powerful, they also present significant risks. In a world where characters aren't unleashing attacks at light speed or fracturing reality, these abilities could render me nearly invincible. However, possessing such formidable skills as an infant could make me a target, potentially leading to my demise or prompting others to hunt me down to prevent the emergence of another Gojo.

I believe Shrine is exceptional and possesses limitless potential, comparable to the limitless technique itself. What sets it apart is the fact that revealing it won't put me in danger of being hunted down. Among the five techniques available, Shrine and Ten Shadows stand out as the most advantageous for me. However, I could certainly take a page out of Sukuna's book and master both techniques—and even more.

"OK, I want to be reincarnated in Jujitsu Kiesin as Ryomen Sukana when Yuji ate his first cursed finger."

The Goddess remained unfazed upon hearing my choice of world and reincarnation. "I can make that happen, but to be reincarnated as Ryomen Sukuna, you'll need to absorb all 20 of his fingers to unlock his, or perhaps your own, full power. Now, what are your three wishes?"

"My first wish is to possess complete immunity and resilience against any harmful influences on my mind, soul, and body. This would protect me from any external forces attempting to disrupt my essence, which is essential for navigating more powerful realms."

The Goddess paused for a moment, her melodic hum filling the air as she carefully considered my first wish. Finally, she spoke, "While I cannot grant you absolute immunity from all harm, I can empower you to resist any assault on your mind and soul. With sufficient willpower, your natural defenses will strengthen over time. Additionally, your body's physical limits will expand, enabling you to surpass any boundaries—provided you dedicate yourself to rigorous training."Her hand radiated with an intense hue just before a powerful force struck my chest.

Believing she was launching an attack, I frantically rushed to retreat, hurling a chair at her. To my astonishment, it passed right through her as if she were a mere specter.

The Goddess raised her hands gracefully, her voice a soothing whisper. "Please, take a breath. I have bestowed your wish upon your soul and ensured that no one can steal, suppress, or replicate the gifts I grant you."

I took a moment to compose myself, evaluating my thoughts before settling back down. While I couldn't confirm the truth of her words, I sensed a genuine honesty in her. Those who possess such strength rarely find value in deceiving those they perceive as weaker.

It's quite understandable; while it may not be wise to invest my energy in my own desires, permitting that energy to be depleted by others ultimately benefits no one.

My second wish is to amplify my abilities and broaden my repertoire for the battles ahead. "For my second wish, I desire the complete ability to absorb the powers and techniques of anyone I defeat, including those exclusive to their bloodlines."

I paused briefly, anticipating that the goddess might reject or alter my wish. However, she merely gazed at me with unwavering eyes. Realizing there was no objection, I proceeded to articulate my final wish.

"My final desire is to craft a perfect body that I can inhabit at will, ensuring that all my wishes and abilities seamlessly transfer to this newly created form."

I needed a contingency plan, a reliable backup in case Yuji proved to be more challenging than anticipated, the anime's world didn't align perfectly with my own, or simply if I wanted to have my own body.

The Goddess's demeanor brightened when I shared my third wish; rather than displaying anger, she appeared intrigued. "Excellent foresight with that last wish," she remarked. "The world you are about to enter differs significantly from the anime and manga. In addition to your three wishes, I'm granting you a quest board that will showcase missions and their rewards, along with the freedom to travel to other worlds at your leisure."

Feeling a mix of surprise and confusion, I posed another question: "Hold on, what's preventing me from simply living my life in an ordinary world? Isn't that just a waste of energy?"

The Goddess let out a melodic giggle, her voice momentarily deepening before resuming its enchanting, airy quality. Below my chair, a magnificent magic circle emerged, adorned with intricate runes that radiated a brilliant golden light, accompanied by an inexplicable breeze that swirled around us.

"First, your journey to another world offers me the opportunity to challenge the rulers of that universe for control, and manipulating the 'plot' significantly benefits my cause. Second, we both understand that you're not one to settle down in an ordinary realm. You're destined to traverse the multiverse, pursuing whatever adventures pique your interest."

I shook my head in agreement, realizing that I wouldn't squander this precious second chance at life. My father always emphasized the importance of seizing opportunities for self-improvement and being open to help from others, as these moments are rare and fleeting.

I found myself whispering, "Well, old man, you were right. I've encountered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and this is it—or perhaps my last." As I gazed at the goddess before me, a smile broke across my face, and I spoke clearly, "You're right; I refuse to flee when faced with such a moment. But first, I'd like to know your name. I've only been referring to you as 'Goddess' in my thoughts."

The runes etched on the ground radiated a brilliant golden light, forming a dynamic circle of energy around my chair. The Goddess beamed with a smile, but in that instant, a peculiar flicker occurred. It resembled the brief glitch of a screen buffering or a television flickering on and off, revealing a fleeting transformation in her figure during that split second.

Her form transformed into a grotesque humanoid mass of tentacles, sporting seven pairs of yellow, glowing eyes that fixated on me from various locations across her body. While it retained a semblance of female shape, an unsettling aura enveloped her as purple smoke billowed from her figure. Her face, however, maintained a chilling smile that felt increasingly disconcerting, as more eyes began to manifest upon it.

Her voice resonated with a deep, foreboding tone, yet it possessed the ethereal quality of a flute. "It's been ages since I've revealed my true name, but for you, I am Hela / Aleh."

As Hela or Aleh uttered her name, her figure shimmered and shifted back to her original form. The final image that etched itself in my mind was a dazzling light, and then, everything faded to darkness as I lost all sensation in my body.