Okay, it really seems like we should spend an omake on this, but I haven't written any and would feel bad using something I didn't make
No, no, don't worry about that. The Omake bonus is given to the audience by whoever creates it, at least in my Quest. You are 100% within your rights to use it, I'm giving explicit permission.
7-8 Wounded In Action
"STAY HERE!" You yelled, grabbing your bag and broom and leaping out of the plane, free-fall making adrenaline shoot through your body, slowing down time, until you tucked the broom between your legs and gravity returned to you, and you dove towards Riya's plane. It had begun to spin, and it was going to be a hard landing. You canceled nearly all your momentum on the way there, and just slid into the wicker chair next to Riya facing her, shifting her to the side, planting your feet on the peddles, and rocking the stick to the right, trying to find purchase on your ailerons, and smoothly recovering before losing nearly any altitude. You held the plane steady and hugged Riya close to you, looking down at her bleeding torso and starting to cry. You pressed your head to her's and whispered a prayer for health, just begging for the blood loss not to be fatal. You couldn't lose someone you loved again. A blue glow started to shimmer from her belly, and as you looked down you saw that the bleeding was stopping. You hadn't even tried to cast a spell. It just flowed out of you without even thinking. You gave her a kiss on the cheek. She felt cold. But she'd last, you could feel it.

Riya's Plane
Current Altitude: 26/29
Current Speed: 20/18 (20 Overspeed) (Altitude)
Toughness: 13/21
Strain: 21/21
Fuel: 7/7
Engine 1 RPM: 2/7
Engine 1 Wear: 0/5
Engine 2 RPM: 2/7
Engine 2 Wear: 0/5
You have 4 Ammo uses left for your guns.

[ ] Let's decide on what you're doing next. Riya will survive, thanks to you. You returned the favor of her saving your life.
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- Eyeball to find Nazis
- Fireball Nazis (in such away as to not get Iron Damage)
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[X] Plan taking stock -
-[X] Climb back several altitude
-[X] Boost to regain speed
-[X] Eyeball to find enemy
[X] Plan taking stock

It is very tempting to just start blasting but I think this might be an opportunity to figure out what our next step is.
Guess we're taking stock. The only thing we need to roll for is eyeball. I'm assuming y'all wanna steady climb, so raising yourself 3 altitude to not get power reduction. That drops you to 9 Speed and raises you to 29 Altitude. Now since you're below your drop off, boosting blasts you up to 13 speed. You have a +1 to visibility, so you only roll eyeball at -1.

Now roll! 2d10-1.
7-9 Moment of Respite
You nosed up and opened the throttle, eyes bouncing between your altitude gauge and your speedometer. They were both written with different symbols you didn't understand, but it had the same amounts of numbers on each dial, so you could figure out what each was at. You stopped climbing before you hit three thousand meters, as that was the ideal altitude ceiling of most aircraft engines, you didn't know what Riya's was, and you didn't want to accidentally stall out. You leveled out and opened the throttle again, regaining speed quickly. Riya's engines were offset on the wings, so it was significantly quieter than just having an army of giant bees or an endless bear's roar in front of your face at all times.

You tried shaking Riya awake. "Hey. Hey, Riya? Can you stay with me?" You asked her, still loud as you shook her about. She opened her eyes, unfocused, before looking over at you. She said something that looked like confusion, but it was kind of hard to know as she wasn't able to raise her voice. "I'm piloting your plane! You got shot but you're going to be ok, I healed you!" You informed her, while squeezing her tightly. She responded with a short moan of agony. "Agh! Sorry!" You asked before going back to looking around for that boxy plane. You could tell your body was running in high gear. You were shaking all over and gasping for air, and you could feel at the back of your mind that the impact into Riya's plane had hurt your back, but you couldn't even feel it. It felt good, regardless. That asshole that had shot your friend caught your eye. It was around eighty to ninety meters below, still circling the Mammut that was getting scarily close to the raiding airship. The way it reflected the moonlight suggested it was made of metal. A metal fucking plane. How the hell did it get off the ground? In any case, it looked tough. Really tough. But Riya had two heavy machine guns loaded with four inch kitchen knives.

Riya's Plane
Current Altitude: 29/29
Current Speed: 13/18 (20 Overspeed) (Altitude)
Toughness: 13/21
Strain: 21/21
Fuel: 7/7
Engine 1 RPM: 4/7
Engine 1 Wear: 0/5
Engine 2 RPM: 4/7
Engine 2 Wear: 0/5

[ ] Next course of action, I assume it will involve blasting and/or igniting the Mammut and or Metal Plane™️
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[x] …Let's try this dance again
- use Air Magic to pile drive that metal asshole into the Mammut (with the assumption that this will NOT trigger Iron Damage. If it does, I renounce this vote)

It is my understanding that edged ammo has a negative to metal planes (as does fire)

PS: if advantage could be used on this move (if it is picked), that would probably be a very good idea
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Alright then, let's try this dance. Roll +Wild, same possible results as last time.
  • Full success means a head in collision
  • Partial means it's still a head on collision but the wind gives you two RPM,
  • Failure means you go into a spin.
I'll roll damage for both.
Texas Red threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Mammut Damage Total: 29
15 15 2 2 12 12
Texas Red threw 3 20-faced dice. Reason: Metal Plane Damage Total: 16
11 11 3 3 2 2
7-10 Aeronautical Manslaughter
You grabbed at the scarf in your bag next to you and waited for the metal plane to pass in front of the Mammut, before sweeping your arm across your vision of the scene below to your right, attempting to summon another gust of wind to ruin their day. It worked, exceptionally well, and sent both planes together in a head-on collision. The propeller of the smaller plane shredded through the upper wing deck like a silent movie from this distance, and the Mammut simply just fell apart. The upper and lower wing deck of the left wing just snapped off, and it shifted and tumbled towards the ground below. The metal plane had spun out, and disappeared behind the crashing Mammut on the way down. You turned Riya's plane back towards the base you had originally set out to travel to, wondering if it was safe. The ground wasn't far, it was possible he could have just crashed too. Even if he didn't, you'd have enough altitude to not have to worry about dealing with him, right?

Riya's Plane
Current Altitude: 29/29
Current Speed: 18/18 (20 Overspeed) (Altitude) (You get to extend)
Toughness: 13/21
Strain: 21/21
Fuel: 7/7
Engine 1 RPM: 4/7
Engine 1 Wear: 0/5
Engine 2 RPM: 4/7
Engine 2 Wear: 0/5

[ ] Don't worry about the final plane and just go to the base (End combat)
[ ] Eyeball to look around for him. (Continue)
[X] Eyeball to look around for him. (Continue)

I profoundly do not want to think we out of the fight, just to end up getting stabbed in the back
Fights in Flying Circus aren't always intended to be fights to the death, people's nerves can break and they can run away.

[X] Don't worry about the final plane and just go to the base (End combat)