[X] Something Else.
- Grab him and jump out to Edgar's plane. Drop him.
Hilda might be hurt, and if we can, we do want our airplane back. Edgar can dock us, we fuel up from either the airship or Hilda's plane, and get out before the crash.
[X] Fucking run, grab everything valuable and run as the airship explodes behind you.

If this was a anime, this is what the viewers would want.
Gonna resist the urge to continue this tonight, I'll collect votes in the morning.
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Man, I need to check in more often, what a ride!!! I vote this way, under the assumption that Hilda is one of the valuables we are grabbing

[X] Fucking run, grab everything valuable and run as the airship explodes behind you
—aka, plan: FUCK IT, WE BALL!
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Always great to see you again @CallmeIshma3l! And yes, Hilda will be grabbed as she is a valued and lovely badger girl. Regardless of how you roll, you will get out with her. On a partial you need to choose between leaving your plane and the package behind, and on a miss you still need to make that choice and take one injury.
Alright, fuck it, we ball. I'm gonna need someone to roll Daring, which I'd -2. Honestly I'm surprised that it's not Keen but then again the entire Skyborn Playbook is built around Daring. So 2d10-2, or 3d10-2 drop the lowest d10 if you're using your Omake hold for advantage. I highly recommend it as the odds are stacked against you here.
So 2d10-2, or 3d10-2 drop the lowest d10 if you're using your Omake hold for advantage. I highly recommend it as the odds are stacked against you here.
I think using the Omake Bonus is really a necessity. Fingers crossed everything goes well!

edit: I think a 12 is a partial success?
StoneSaint threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: 3d10 drop the lowest -2 Total: 16
10 10 2 2 4 4
Oh god. Alright. You need to leave something behind. Either your plane, Hilda's plane (I was thinking you just shoot the docking loop on her plane and let it glide/tumble to the ground), or the package. I know you're not leaving Hilda behind, obviously.

[ ] The Package
[ ] Your Plane
[ ] Hilda's Plane
[X] Hilda's Plane

Unfortunately this seems like the best option at the moment. We'll need to get her a new one, or she'll need to get a new one, but we're getting a bonus from destroying the airship and we need the Package to get paid the most.
[X] Hilda's Plane

Hilda's Plane has always been meh, so it's no great loss. If we can't afford a new plane for her after this job, she may need to fly on her broom stick for a mission or 2

PS: Hell, Hilda could also ride as a Magic Gunner in the two seater if those folks join the circus full time
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5-14 Go Home
You hesitated momentarily, hands trembling, before rushing forward, sheathing your weapons, and shoving the Goth aside as a lit match fell into the crate. Inside was something out of a legend. A huge egg shelled in gold. It was surrounded by paper shavings to ease the potential damage of travel, which acted as perfect kindling to surround the egg in flame. You reached in before it was completely consumed and pulled it out, tucking it under your arm and dragging Hilda by her medic backpack back toward your plane. You heard the Goth behind you react like he was waking up from something, but you didn't dare turn around while slowly sprinting back to the hatch. You heard the ignition of something significantly bigger than the crate, then another, and another. You lowered Hilda through the open hatch, slid down, and tucked the egg between your legs.

You drew your pistol, took aim, and shot the loop keeping your zeppelin hook in place, briefly freefalling before your wings caught the wind and began to glide towards the mountains. The moving air spun your propellers, and after muttering a calming "Switch on" you flipped your magneto switch. The cylinders ignited, but only your left prop started turning like it was providing power, the right engine only coughed out black smoke. Ah, nuts. The strain you were putting on the engine finally caught up with you. Luckily you could still fly with only one.

The airship didn't explode, there wasn't enough pressure. Just a long, quick, billowing flame that hurt your eyes to look at. Edgar and Tomas had taken care of the stragglers, so it was just the flight home to worry about. You shot up a purple flare. Job done. Finally, you could take a moment to check on Hilda while you kept your legs steering straight. She was breathing, thankfully. So thankfully. Her nose was very broken, and when you opened her eyes her pupils were wildly different sizes. As you moved her head around you saw that there was a massive split in her steel helmet. Stomach turning, you unclipped it and pulled it off her head, seeing a massive fissure in her skull. You choked back vomit, readjusted your flight stick, and reached into her medical pack, pulling out a roll of gauze. it was the only thing you could think to do right now, so you wrapped her head in it until the wound was properly covered. You thought shaking her might make things worse, so you held her still for the flight.

You should fly east. That's where Home is. What? No, you're from up in Loring. Yeah, but Home is to the east. That's where you should go. You should go there right now. Home will be able to help Hilda. There's no time to delay. It sounds like a solid idea to you, Home should be able to do that.

Something in your head is telling you to fly east to a specific but unspecified location.

[ ] Submit and fly east
[ ] Resist and roll your lowest stat. On a miss, take 3 stress. On a partial, take 2 stress. On a full success, take 1 stress.
I'm afraid I've not been keeping good track of where we are but I have a bad feeling that East is Hilda's coven. And, I feel, once they get her back they won't let her go. On the other hand she might need to go back and see her patron - because her necklace broke when she was knocked out by that Goth.
[X] Resist and roll your lowest stat. On a miss, take 3 stress. On a partial, take 2 stress. On a full success, take 1 stress.

What do we say to external thoughts trying to influence our decisions? FUCK OFF! We need money!
I hope to FUCK she can heal herself with Water Magic and that we aren't accidentally screwing over Hilda by resisting, because that wound sounds nasty as all hell.

[X] Resist and roll your lowest stat. On a miss, take 3 stress. On a partial, take 2 stress. On a full success, take 1 stress.
[X] Resist and roll your lowest stat. On a miss, take 3 stress. On a partial, take 2 stress. On a full success, take 1 stress.
[X] Resist and roll your lowest stat. On a miss, take 3 stress. On a partial, take 2 stress. On a full success, take 1 stress.

guys,i think this egg is some sort of demon. i vaguely remember reading about this
Seems like none of you want to go Home. Pity. Roll me 2d10-2. I know this is quick but it's pretty unanimous.
Rolling to resist Home.

Oh no, that ain't good. 4.
Do we still have an Omake Bonus to use for advantage?
Pillowsperky threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: NO HOME Total: 6
4 4 2 2
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