Seems unanimous to me. Can someone roll Eyeball for me? You've got a +2 Keen now so you get a +2 to this roll! 2d10+2 to be clear.

Then roll another Keen for patch fix. Not making you wing walk, I'm not that mean.

Then 2d10-Keen for take fire. But! The eyeball will impose disadvantage on their roll. Remember! Low numbers are good. If you roll well on the eyeball I'm gonna add a deflection shot penalty to this roll, so another -1.
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Should I roll the other stuff or let someone else do it? Not really sure what "roll another Keen" means.

Edit: nevermind. StoneSaint got it.
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Alright! Now I just need the take fire! 3d10-3 take the lowest 2 d10s!

Edit: Ima do it.

Texas Red threw 3 10-faced dice. Reason: Take fire -3 Total: 17
5 5 9 9 3 3
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We are back in business gang! Riya internally kind of accepted they have a crush on our Witchy protagonist, and is enacting a daring rescue!

Hold onto your butts, don't forget to tip well, thank the authors, and buy a copy of Flying Circus if you haven't already!
A Calm Day Elsewhere
Just because of the joy of flight.

Omake: A Calm Day Elsewhere.

As conflict and flying bullets eclipsed many of the skies around the world, there remained some beyond who enjoyed a meek and relatively idyllic life where the joy of flight became routine and comfortable. Such is the lift of Antonin and his Nutzflugbau Wasserfloh, a light dual-wing seatractor used for shoal spotting along the tiny Capzhild island chain, an tiny archipelago on the dark sea's edge.

The cold sun glimmered like glowing pearls off the points of waves below as it reached eleven bells, near enough noon and long after the work hours had begun for Antonin, the fischer swimming out to the floatplane instead of using the pier like a land-dweller might, eager to resume flight after refuelling himself and the 'Sun-Tern', his beautiful machine. Her dual wings spanned by thinly stretched canvas coated in a near-unique varnish made from the boiled scales and skin of cod. Sun-Tern's radiator was newly refilled with clean filtered salt-water and the inline gas-tank refuelled, so after a last swim-round inspection of the spars and tense control-lines it was time to fly.

Sun-Tern's offset broad propeller chopped at the air until its engine rotated up to full speed, thrust helped along by the simple cowling Antonin had fitted custom to his livlihood, whistling a little ditty as he fitted wide goggles over his bulbous wet eyes, a slicked oilskin jacket keeping his skin nice and moist against the drying wind.

It took a careful hand on the stick and a gentle foot on the throttle to ease Antonin's super-light craft through the breakwaters and out into the span, elevating to only a few hundred metres before coasting on the sweeping winds as he began his scouting routine, sweeping the edge of blackwater with his wings dipped to one side and an eye out for the glimmer of shoals, revelling in the break in the fogs that let in the sun.

Once Antonin spotted a shoal he would need to signal the fisher-boats with a string of flags trailed behind his craft, circling wide above the shoal's edge as the eager sea-tractors converged with their drag-nets. It was not a tedious but a boring task in some senses, though it grew tense if Antonin spotted dangerous shadows emerging from the darker depths and headed toward the shore, at which point he would need to flare red trailing flags and strafe the seabeast with the single light gun on the Sun-Tern's upper wing, diverting attention whilst warily keeping height to evade any jets of water or tendrils that might emerge.

Today, hoever, none of such interesting times came for Antonin as he found and circled a shoal, revelling in the joy of flight untouched by the conflicts plaguing others on the mainland.

Not really related to anything in particular. Got a little inspired by looking into Flying Circus and the floatplanes it boasts.
For the curious, the seatractor here is from the Flying Boatmen pdf -that I have purchased with a little donation-, offered by KV.
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5-10 Gaining
[X] Eyeball Keep an eye on our pursuer. He's on our tail and we want to dodge just as he fires. (Looking for advantage on the Take Fire roll)
[X] Patch Fix your engine and get your regular plane instead of this almost dead one. (+Keen)
-[X] Somethin' Else After or during the Patch Job, angle down and trade Altitude for Speed. You can't let yourself get slow or you'll never catch up to your captured Witchy Friend.

You glanced in your rear view mirror and saw the monoplane continuing to pursue you, and trying to get within kill shot range. You reached on your right hip and grabbed the pistol you bought earlier that day, snapping it out at the piece of… pipe? Something. Some thick metal stick jamming the prop. You lined up the pistol and fired, the shot pinging off and causing the broken piece to fly out of the propeller range, soaring out into the sky and disappearing under your fuselage. You stared wide eyed for a moment while pressing the stick downward, making you dive to recoup speed. You inspected the firearm. You had no clue how that worked but your engine wasn't stuck anymore!

Your eyes locked back on Hilda's monoplane, now extending towards the airship at full speed. You were gaining though, you could save her. If not in the air you'd cut your way through every person on that airship to get her back. You looked to your left, and saw the tailing monoplane soaring in for a pass at you. You rolled to the right to make your profile smaller, and luckily managed to only take a few rounds right through the canvas, sparing the frame and any vital components. If nothing else, you were good at surviving. You picked up a few things being out on your own.

Riya's Plane
Current Altitude: 32/29
Current Speed: 20/17 (20 Overspeed) (Altitude)
Toughness: 4/21
Strain: 21/21
Fuel: 3/7
Engine 1 RPM: 1/7
Engine 1 Wear: 4/5 (Patch Fixed)
Engine 2 RPM: 3/7
Engine 2 Wear: 0/5

[ ] Steady Climb to ascend 3 altitude and drop to your stall speed of 10.
[ ] Open Fire on the airship or Hilda's plane. Disadvantage (or spend a Omake advantage to equal it out) if below 35 Altitude.
[ ] Boost (only of you climb steady) to recoup speed.
[ ] Eyeball to look for Tomas and Edgar, or look for something else. (+Keen)
[ ] Somethin' Else (Write In)
[X] Steady Climb to ascend 3 altitude and drop to your stall speed of 10. Boost to maintain speed.
-[X] Open Fire on Hilda's plane, using Draw a Bead to aim for her Engine/Propeller (I'm not sure which is a viable option.)

@Texas Red can I pile on Eyeball to try and gain advantage/even out the disadvantage of shooting at Hilda's engine? If not I may shift to shooting at the Aircraft's bridge or sommat. I do not want to risk killing Hilda with a wild cockpit hit.
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@Texas Red can I pile on Eyeball to try and gain advantage/even out the disadvantage of shooting at Hilda's engine? If not I may shift to shooting at the Aircraft's bridge or sommat. I do not want to risk killing Hilda with a wild cockpit hit.

That's more of a Draw a Bead move. You can take that option when opening fire, so that if you crit, you crit exactly what you want to, in exchange for a hard move from me.
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[X] Steady Climb to ascend 3 altitude and drop to your stall speed of 10. Boost to maintain speed.
-[X] Open Fire on Hilda's plane, using Draw a Bead to aim for her Engine/Propeller (I'm not sure which is a viable option.)
[X] Steady Climb to ascend 3 altitude and drop to your stall speed of 10. Boost to maintain speed.
-[X] Open Fire on Hilda's plane, using Draw a Bead to aim for her Engine/Propeller (I'm not sure which is a viable option.)

We're getting our friend back!
It's unanimous once again. Someone roll Open Fire +Hard, your Absolute range is Close! You can gain advantage if you rapid fire, as I've said!
Crit time! Let's hope you do it or you're just fucking up Hilda's plane for nothing!

Edit: That's 16 damage but no crit. Ok let me just take a look at Hilda's plane- Good lord she's at 4 Strain. Ok honestly it's good you didn't crit cause I just remembered that pneumatic guns double damage on an ammo crit. So Riya would have just blown Hilda to pieces. We'll chalk this up to Riya not knowing in universe she could have killed Riya with this if she didn't do it right.
Texas Red threw 1 20-faced dice. Reason: +4 crit Total: 9
9 9
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5-11 Fearless
[X] Steady Climb to ascend 3 altitude and drop to your stall speed of 9. Boost to maintain speed.
-[X] Open Fire on Hilda's plane, using Draw a Bead to aim for her Engine/Propeller (I'm not sure which is a viable option.)

Keeping your eye trained on the enemy, you tilted the stick up once you were underneath them, and opened the throttle as you climbed as hard as you knew your plane could take. It took you just over the speed clearly notated on your speedometer "STAY ABOVE" in your native tongue, and put you above Hilda's plane, still fast approaching the airship. You lined up your crosshairs and pulled the trigger, making your dual heavy machine guns burst with the familiar screeching hiss of air escaping as the pneumatic mechanism propelled the specially made spikes from the barrel. You held on the trigger, aiming right for the engine, but couldn't manage to hit anything important, just fuck up the plane so bad you started to be terrified you might have fucked up more by doing that.

Y'all have been pushing your engine very, very hard, I think it's time for a fuel check as your hard move for drawing a bead! You use 1 fuel for the following:
  • Been flying under power
  • Engaged in combat
  • Climbed over 1000 meters
  • -1 for being 3 altitude factors up.
You glanced at your fuel gauge, you were just about running on fumes. Your right engine's wing tank had been blasted open when the engine was shot to shit, losing you half your fuel but actually being the only reason you didn't stall out when happened. You needed to finish the mission quick, and head home. Hilda's plane flew underneath the airship and hooked onto a parasite docking loop, one of two. A fiery shriek boiled up in your throat, and you struggled to not yell. What were you going to do now? Fuck, if only you could throw away all the shit that makes you such a scared bitch like Hilda could. She wouldn't hesitate here.

Riya's Plane
Current Altitude: 35/29
Current Speed: 10/17 (20 Overspeed) (Altitude)
Toughness: 4/21
Strain: 21/21
Fuel: 1/7
Engine 1 RPM: 3/7
Engine 1 Wear: 4/5 (Patch Fixed)
Engine 2 RPM: 5/7
Engine 2 Wear: 0/5

[ ] Write in Plan for continuing to fight in the air to save Hilda
[ ] Write in Plan for boarding the airship to save Hilda
[ ] Write in Another plan of your making.
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I hate to say it, but we may simply have to retreat since we're so low on fuel. I don't really like our odds of being able to successfully board a airship and rescue Hilda when our allies are nowhere to be seen. And to be honest, I kind of want the Belly of the Beast sidestory to become canon.