Faction of Hope I - Founding of Strahnbrad (SV Edition)

Recent readers

Faction Leader: Homura Akemi
Soul Gem: 100

Kingston, The Sword Mage - 50% soul gem...

Faction Leader: Homura Akemi
Soul Gem: 100

Kingston, The Sword Mage - 50% soul gem


Mining town
Bonus to smelting anything

Mood: 7
Hope Points: 4,953
Treasury: = 6454 silver
Income: 16,528 silver
Upkeep: 17,110 silver
Steel: 280(at 25 silver per unit )

Unique Structures: 2
Space Left: 2
1 x Hope Tower
1 x Hive Mind
4 x Scout Stone Tower
Walls Surrounding Town (1,000 HP; Physical Armor: 20)


Farmlands - 8,600 fields (1 worker:2 food)
Stone quarry - a nearby quarry set up to harvest stone (Max. 16,301 )
Scattered trees - 1 man can harvest 1 lumber per month (Max. 1997) Regrows +1/turn
Strip Copper Mine: 1 man can harvest 1d10 per month (Max. 100,000)
Tin Mine - 1 week from town. Very developed 1 man: I ore per week
Iron Mine - 2 weeks from town. Very developed. 1 man: 1 ore per week.

5 x Terrace (1:5 food)
composed of 100 fields each.
Each worker harvest 5 food due to fertilizer and crop rotation.

Sheep Farm

169 sheep (+169 wool; +6 food)

Cow Farm
100 cows (+100 food)

200 Horses (Trading Network)
Specialized Buildings

Hunter Lodge
Hero: Alex Silverleaf
Always brings 1:1 food; no matter what disaster befall them.

Automatic Ore Crusher
Outside Town/ Near River
Increase smelting activity by 1.

Grist Mill
Outside Town/Near River
Increase terrace ratio by 0.25



8 x Incubators
HP: 5
ATK: 0

Variable x Villagers
HP: 20
ATK: 1-10
Equipped: Miscellaneous

3 x Footmen
HP: 30
ATK: 16
Physical Armor: 5
Equipped: Great Axe, Iron Plate

The Great Axe Militia Division(20)
Squad x 1
HP: 30
ATK: 16 (Physical Melee Damage)
Physical Armor: 1
Equipped: Great Axe, Grunt Harness

Squad x 1
HP: 30
ATK: 16
Physical Armor: 0
Equipped: Great Axe

The Keen Axe Division(30)
Squad x 2
HP: 30
ATK: 12-14
Physical Armor: 7
Equipped: Keen Axe, Wooden Shield; Casted Steel Plate

Squad x 1
HP: 30
ATK: 12-14
Physical Armor: 1
Equipped: Keen Axe, Wooden Shield

The Iron Sword Footmen (10)
Squad x 1
Hp: 30
ATK: 13
Physical Armor: 1
Equipped: Iron Sword, Wooden Shield

The Balanced long bow Footmen (10)
HP: 30
ATK: 13-15
Physical Armor: 0
Equipped: Balanced Long Bow;

The Balanced Crossbow Division (50)
HP: 20
Ranged ATK: 16
Physical Armor: 0
Equipped: Chu-ku-no.

Military Equipment

Military Equipment:

2 x Catapult
HP: 50
ATK: 30

2 x Catapult Platform (Movable)




Population: 2,223
Food: 0
Wood: 159
Stone: 0
Specialized Structure

Wooden Palisade
HP: 200
Armor: 10

Stone Scout Tower x 4
High Priority Location 1d25
HP: 500
Armor: 15

Champion of Light
A knightly order headed by Ballador the Bright under the silver hand. Most of the order came from local priests and thus mainly focus on healing the wounded first and foremost and thus was not in the frontlines when Arthas attacked to get King Teranas Urn. A decision that their leader bitterly regrets to this day. They along with some surviving knights managed have banded together in hope to drive the undead out of Lordaeron.

Ballador the Bright
HP: 60
25 (+20) Physical Attack
10 Physical Armor (Knight Plate)
10 (+2) Magical Armor (Paladin Training)

Special Equipment
Vallius - Any sort of positive Light based spell is now an area of effect spell (10 meter by 10 meter or 1-5 squad depending on closeness of location)

Special Ability
Holy Light - Heals a target with 20 HP. Stuns Undead. (Can only be used ten times in battle)
Lay on Hands - Heals a target equal to your maximum health. (Can only be used five times a day and never in battle.)​

Paladin of Light (10)
HP: 30
20 Physical Attack
10 Physical Armor (Knight Plate)
5 Magical Armor (Paladin Training)
Special Ability
Lay on Hands - Heals a target equal to your maximum health. (Can only be five times a day and never in battle)

Lordaeron Knight (15)
Mounted Unit (Warhorse)
HP: 60
25 Physical Attack
10 Physical Armor
0 Magical Armor
Special Ability:
Skilled Rider
+3 Physical Attack and +2 Physical Armor while in a horse

Lordaeron Footmen (94)
HP: 30
13 Physical Attack
5 Physical Armor
O Magical Armor


Remnant of Andorhal Military
The ones that protect the city of Andorhal, the agricultural center of Lordaeron. Before the plague of undeath hit them the military was mostly focused on petty thieves and banditry that was prevalent along its roads due to the plentiful trade. It is here that Darion has distinguished himself. As a squad leader, he was famous for his tactical mind and the fact that he never lost a man in battle. He was also infamous from taking the bandit loot for himself and for his squadmates. This two combined have made him very popular with the military and not so much with the nobles who also resented him for being assigned as one of the five captains of Andorhal, a position usually given to one of the landowner elite.

Captain Darion
HP: 40
13 Ranged Physical Attack
10 Physical Armor
5 Magical Armor (from amulet)

Special Ability
Survivalist (Tactics - Battalion level) - Five percent of the death does not count if fighting on prepared grounds.

Lordaeron Footman (196)
HP: 30
13 Physical Attack
5 Physical Armor
O Magical Armor

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Construction Projects
Unique Buildings
Tower of Hope

Codex: Tower of Hope
Needs: 10,000 hope points
Worker: 1 Incubator
HP: 100
Armor: 0 (Light)
Range: 1 kilometer

*This structure provides hope points given by this formula [Population/12 * mood] per month *Mood is capped to 12
*This structure can passively store 10,000 hope points.
*This structure halts any corruption on a Puella Magi when they are in range. Also provides a healing effect of 5 soul gem per day on a given Magi.
*This structure gives additional bonuses to the hero Homura Akemi.
*This structure cannot be erected on corrupted land.
*The tower of hope effect does not stack with other tower of hope.

Hive Mind

Codex: Hive Mind
Cost: 10,000 Hope Points
Worker: 1 incubator/1 month
Consumes 1 incubator upon completion

HP: 100
Armor: 0
*can produce the unit - Incubator for 400 hope points (Maximum production 4 per month) (Improvement of production available, 2,000 hope point to increase production by 1 incubator per month)
*can connect differing incubator mind 5 hexes around it with virtually no loss of data. (Improvement of production available, 1,000 hope point to increase hex range by 1. Note that hex improvement is not linear.)
* Other applications needs to be unlocked to be available

Altar of Hope

Codex: Altar of Hope
Cost: 10,000 hope point
Worker: 1 incubator/ 1 month
Spirit Well

Codex: Spirit Well
Needs: 500 hope points
HP: 50
Armor: 0
*must be built near tower of hope
*does not count on a city's unique structure slot
*can convert 1,000 units of hope per month into spirit water
*can reconvert available spirit water into conceptual hope instantly
*can hold 100 units of spirit water
*conversation rate is given by this formula 100 hope point for 1 spirit water

Defensive Structures

Codex: Town Wall
Category: Strahnbran
Needs: 20,000 stone
2,000 people in one month

Codex: Town Walls Improvement
Needs: 10,000 stone
Worker Ratio: 1 worker/ 10,000 day to built
+1,000 HP
+ 5 more Armor


Codex: Wooden Scout Tower
Needs: 100 wood/ 10 stone
Workers ratio : 1 worker/50 day to built
200 HP
Physical Armor: 10
You can put 5 people inside it

Codex: Stone Scout Tower
Needs: 200 stone/ 50 wood
Worker ratio: 1 worker/ 1,000 day to built
500 HP
Physical Armor: 15
You can put 10 people inside it


Codex: Terrace
Agricultural improvement on mountains to better farm yield. (1:4)
100 plot of land/1,000 person/ 1 month
Cost: none
Used packed mud to make.
Ore Crusher

Codex: Automatic Ore Crusher
Cost: 100 Steel; 50 stone;
50 workers to build in a month
Needs: Blacksmith and Engineer (1 Kyuubey can substitute)
Must be built near River
Increase smelting activity by 1.
Saw Mill

Codex: Saw Mill
Needs: Blacksmith and Engineer (1 Kyuubey can substitute)
Must be built near River
50 workers to build in a month
Increase lumber collecting activity by 2.
Grist Mill

Codex: Grist Mill
Needs: Blacksmith and Engineer (1 Kyuubey can substitute)
Must be built near River
50 workers to build in a month
Increase Food production by 0.25


Steel Tower Shield

Steel Tower Shield
Cost: 5 Steel Bars

+ 4 Physical Armor
+ 1 Armor for each unit adjacent to the wielder that wields the same shield. (Max. 2)

Casted Iron Plate

Casted Iron Plate
Cost: 5 Iron Bars
+ 4 armor
*10% chance of breakage

Casted Steel Plate

Casted Steel Plate

Cost: 5 steel bars
+ 6 armor
*10% chance of breakage

Spirit Water

Codex: Spirit Water
Needs: 100 hope points
*A Puella Magi who drinks this is has her soul gem corruption restored to 100.
*Any further applications needs more research.


Cost: 10 silver
1 sheep provides 1 cloth
25 sheep provides 1 food in the form of milk.
1 sheep if slaughtered provides 1 food.
Reproduction is 1dx every 6 turns. (given that x is the sheep population)
Work Horses

Work Horses
20 silver
Can be used as draft animal
Can be used for transportation halving the travel time on land
May not take grazing space in hex if assigned to transportation.
Give 2 food when killed.
Reproduction is 1dx for every 12 turn. (given that x is the horse population)

Cost: 20 silver (Upland price)
Produce 1 food in the form of milk per month
Can be used as draft animal
Give 2 food when killed.
Reproduction is 1dx for every 12 turn.

Goat Facts:
Cost: 20 silver (Upland price)
Produce: 1 food in the form of milk for every 10 goat per month
1 wool for every 5 goat per month
Can freely graze in mountainside thus on counting on grazing price
Give 1 food when killed.
Reproduction is 1dx for every 6 turns.

Unit List

Unit List

HP: 5
ATK: 0
Cost: 400 hope point (Hive mind)

A highly intelligent race which has advanced both in technology and magic. They pride themselves in being logical and consider emotion as aberration. They believe that its the most logical for each race to preserve themselves and thus work for the continuation of our current multiverse, opposing the burning legion's wish to return everything into chaos.[

Magi born of Azerothian Descent

Codex: Puella Magi born of Azerothian Descent

HP: Variable
ATK: Variable
Def: Variable

Whenever a battle against the forces of darkness is won, whenever huge hope was created, Madokami gains a temporary boost of power. Strong enough that she can reach upon the veils that protect Azeroth and exalt a champion.

Like native Puella Magi's on Earth that has been summoned, Azerothian have a soul gem and they gain strength from inspiring hope. They only differ in their counterpart in one important way - they do not have a wish.. The titan's meddling has left its mark on their soul and their karmic importance has been twisted into the desired role of their progenitors. The titan's meddling has one silver lining, without a wish that serve us a hole in the soul of the PM, the burning legion cannot corrupt them and use them for rituals.

*Like every other PM, you gain level ups by inspiring hope - meaning by making Azeroth a better place.
*You have one ability that you can pick from the ability list in wow from your class. You can even invent one within reason. Yes, that means it is kinda impossible to have a combat class and a utility one, unless you somehow explored other uses. This is to avoid doubling of roles.
*If you picked Tailoring, Blacksmith, etc, it is implicitly understood that you can make a unique enchantment on it which would be considered a trademark of your character. For example, your unique enchantment is fire. It is understood that you can make fire protection for the armor and other goodies.
*If you managed to get your soul gem destroyed, you're dead. If you managed not to get it destroyed and just get killed, you can be re-summoned. Getting killed do devolve you into your starting stats, since all gathered hope by PM explodes into a brilliant shower of light once the body is killed.
*Stats are in the purview of the player that created it. This is to avoid long stat wars that has a tendency to kill quests. Still debating if the actions of PM should belong to the player or the greater consensus.
*Picking someone to exalt is done by rolling. I'll roll a 1d20. The first number that come up gets to be the one to become a PM.
*The requirement for exaltation is the purview of the GM. Rule of the thumb, it happens when you did something that will bring hope or make the world a better place in a significant way. Example. The battle with the syndicate last turn. If you didn't stop that, Stanbrand would have fallen and all the villages in this area would be in syndicate rule.

Military Equipment

Military Equipment

Codex: Catapult
Needs: 20 wood; 10 iron to build
HP: 50
ATK: 30
*Need a minimum of 10 peasants to crew the catapult.
*Catapult takes a minimum of minute to fire its salvo.
* Currently uses stone as projectile

Catapult Platform

Platforms that allows catapults to fire within the walls of the city. Gives an additional range of 500 meters to the catapult.

Mobile Platforms
-specially designed so Homura can move it with her shield magic
Cost: 200 stone and 50 wood
1 worker/1,000 days build

Static Platform
-Welded into the wall itself
Cost: 100 stone and 25 wood
1 worker/500 days to build

Below are assorted stuff that I haven't found a section yet. <procrastination in progress>

Homura's shield is an entrance to a very very very large as in infinite space sized dimension vault. There is no air, water or gravity here so if you plan to store living people they are going to die. Its also best not to store anything with a good magical resistance because it would conflict with the bag of holding's magic. To be honest, its better to think of it as something like outer space.

There is also nothing inside it right now. Canonically, Homura using all of her armory lost against Sargeras. The rest that might be inside said dimensional vault did not survive Homura's last minute dimensional rescue by Madokami.

The Incubators were seeking a way to save the multiverse from entropy. Beside the Puella Magi (PM), they are also experimenting on several things on the side. One of the experiment captured the Burning Legion's attention.

Cue Invasion!

The PM crawled into the woodwork to fight. But, there are sadly too few of them compared to the ranks of the burning legion. It got worse when the demons found out that they can sacrifice a PM and use their soul to power up infernal machines.

From there, everything went downhill, with some PM's choosing to suicide and join the cycle instead of fighting and be captured.

Homura being Homura is probably one of the last PM on Earth and being the determinator that she is chose to go down fighting. She was doing a hell of a last stand and actually doing significant damage that the head honcho went on the frontline to stop her. In the end, Sargeras was too powerful and Homura lost. She was captured and was already being sacrificed to power up an impressive *spoiler* that in the demon's own word was "Make the Legion more unstoppable than before".

When Madokami intervened mid-ritual.

Codex: Puella Magi born of Azerothian Descent

Whenever a battle against the forces of darkness is won, whenever huge hope was created, Madokami gains a temporary boost of power. Strong enough that she can reach upon the veils that protect Azeroth and exalt a champion.

Like native Puella Magi's on Earth that has been summoned, Azerothian have a soul gem and they gain strength from inspiring hope. They only differ in their counterpart in one important way - they do not have a wish.. The titan's meddling has left its mark on their soul and their karmic importance has been twisted into the desired role of their progenitors. The titan's meddling has one silver lining, without a wish that serve us a hole in the soul of the PM, the burning legion cannot corrupt them and use them for rituals.

*Like every other PM, you gain level ups by inspiring hope - meaning by making Azeroth a better place.
*You have one ability that you can pick from the ability list in wow from your class. You can even invent one within reason. Yes, that means it is kinda impossible to have a combat class and a utility one, unless you somehow explored other uses. This is to avoid doubling of roles.
*If you picked Tailoring, Blacksmith, etc, it is implicitly understood that you can make a unique enchantment on it which would be considered a trademark of your character. For example, your unique enchantment is fire. It is understood that you can make fire protection for the armor and other goodies.
*If you managed to get your soul gem destroyed, you're dead. If you managed not to get it destroyed and just get killed, you can be re-summoned. Getting killed do devolve you into your starting stats, since all gathered hope by PM explodes into a brilliant shower of light once the body is killed.
*Stats are in the purview of the player that created it. This is to avoid long stat wars that has a tendency to kill quests. Still debating if the actions of PM should belong to the player or the greater consensus.
*Picking someone to exalt is done by rolling. I'll roll a 1d20. The first number that come up gets to be the one to become a PM.
*The requirement for exaltation is the purview of the GM. Rule of the thumb, it happens when you did something that will bring hope or make the world a better place in a significant way. Example. The battle with the syndicate last turn. If you didn't stop that, Stanbrand would have fallen and all the villages in this area would be in syndicate rule.

Codex: Price for Goods in a Normal Lordaeron Market

Food = 3 silver [1]
Lumber = 1 silver
Stone = 3 silver

Metals in order of increasing value.
Copper bar = 1 silver [2]
Tin Bar = 5 silver [3]
Bronze Bar = 6 silver [4]
Iron Bar = 20 silver
Steel Bar = 25 silver
Silver Bar = 10 silver [5]
Gold Bar = 10 gold

Ores are not sold or traded. Since 1 ore is equivalent to a cart of rocks that still needs to be purified.
Mithril, Adamantium and other such metals are considered really rare and priced on demand.

[1] It is said that 10 coppers will allow a peasant to feed himself for an entire day. (10 coppers x 30 days = 300 copper or 3 silver) Thus, the amount needed to feed him for a month is 3 silvers. Copper is the coinage most used by peasant and usually used in their everyday tools.
[2] A bar of copper can be minted into approximately 100 copper coins. Not valuable by itself but useful for currency you can used to buy things.
[3] Is not used for coinage but more valuable due to its anti-corrosive property.
[4] Can be made by smelting a Copper Bar and a Tin Bar.
[5] Silver coins due to its huge value is minted in larger coinage. The same with gold.

Smelting ratio:
1 weapon/ armor - 1 lumber to smelt
6 ore = 1 lumber to smelt
To further purify example:
5 iron bar + 1 lumber = 5 steel bar

Codex: Normal Villager
ATK: 1-10 (Physical Melee Damage)
HP: 20
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Afflicted by Weakness caused by Near Death and Sacrifice ala Sargaras​

HP: 200
ATK : 50 - 100 Magical Ranged Damage
Physical Armor: 10
Magical Armor: 11
*Divine Armor when in range of tower

Hyper dimensional Shield

Arrow of Light

Cost: 0 soul gem
Cooldown: 10 seconds out of Tower of Hope/ 3 seconds in Tower of Hope
Allow Homura to turn her attack into an AOE with a 10 meter diameter.

Cost: 0 soul gem
Allows Homura to fly. Melee attacks not possible when Homura activates this. Cuts the travel time to destination by ten.

Aura of Hope
Cost: None
Reduces all soul gem expenditure of every Puella Magi in the hex that Homura is on by half.

Kingston, The Sword-Mage
HP: 40
ATK: 15 +1 (+3)
PHY. ARMOR: 4 + 1 (+14)
MAG. ARMOR: 3 + 2

Hope Point Acquired: 500
Experience Unused: 2000 xp

Bright Song
A unique blade that was shaped by the wielder's fervent wish. As Kingston gains more strength, so does the sword shine brighter on his hands.
Gains +1 damage for every 5 stats in ATK

Steel tower shield.
A shield specially created by Sigrun.
+ 4 Physical Armor
+ 1 Armor for each unit adjacent to the wielder that wields the same shield. (Max. 2)

Human knight plate armor
- a full plate armor of for a knight
+ 10 physical armor

Keening Blade
Cost: 10 soul gem per action
+5 damage
Kingston continuously wrap his sword with magic drastically increasing its sharpness and turning his normal physical attack to a magical one.
EXP needed to level: 500 xp

Mage Armor
Cost: 10 soul gem per action
+1 physical and magical armor when active
Kingston wrap his body with magic to make it more sturdier.
EXP needed to level: 1,000 xp

A Half-Elven mage trainee from Stranbhrad currently studying the arts of the Battlemagi in Dalaran, Kingston had heard of the undead plague currently heading towards Sthranbrad, as well as the mysterious saviour of the village by the refugees who passed through it. Worried for his hometown, he decided to pack up and return to his village, his excuse for his teachers being "to protect his home and kick Arthas undead ass back to Lordaereon and beyond."

Kingston prefers to fight in melee range against his opponents, relying on the various wards and enchantments he personally created to protect him, while he uses a combination of his superb sword skills and the enchantments he placed on his blade to slash them apart. His favorite offensive enchantments are ones that increase the sharpness of his sword, though recently (before he returned to his hometown) he has taken an interest in Fire and Ice-based enchantments, as well as various dispelling spells.

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0 x steel tower shield.
A shield specially created by Sigrun.
+ 4 Physical Armor
+ 1 Armor for each unit adjacent to the wielder that wields the same shield. (Max. 2)

2 x human knight plate armor
- a full plate armor of for a knight
+ 10 physical armor

1 x Full Physical Armor
- a Masterwork made by Sigrun
+13 Physical armor

0 x orc warrior armor
- armor of an orc warrior that has not yet known valorous deed
+ 5 physical armor

4 x orc headhunter armor
- armor made of leather to help facilitate movement
+ 2 physical armor

1 x Basalt Necklace of Intellect
+2 Magic Attack
No idea what it is.

1 x ??? Robe
??? Effect
Magic Defense +3
A robe that appears to be made of crystals that flow around it.

1 x ??? Robe
??? Effect
Magic defense + 3
A robe that is colored deeply red.

4 x Iron Sword
+ 3 ATK
A sword made of iron

7 x Keen Axe
- A one handed axe with an edge honed by a master. Gives + 2-4 Physical ATK

7 x Great Axe
- Two handed axe with a large blade. Gives + 6 Physical ATK

0 x Balanced long bow
- A bow that is perfectly balanced Gives +3 - 5 Physical ATK

3 x Heavy Crossbow
- It has a hefty punch in return for its weight +6 Physical ATK

22 x Pitchwood Wand
+ 3 magic damage
+ additional 3 magic damage if using fire magic
Wand made of pitch black wood. Quite common in Dalaran.

1 x Frostmane Staff
+3 Magic Damage
Appears to also enhance magic damage and seems to be customized to a unique spell that Kingston doesn't know.

6 x Crimsom lotus
A lotus that was colored red as blood. Commonly known to be poisonous.

11 x Mana Potion
- Potion drank by magic users to restore some of their mana.

3 x Green Potion
- Kingston doesn't know what this is.

3 x human knight ruined plate armor
- a full plate armor of for a knight
+ 10 physical armor

38 x Orc bodies
- Bodies of orc. Why are you carrying this stuff???

228 x human bodies
- Bodies of humans. Why are you carrying this stuff???

9 x Silk Cloth
- A naturally occurring protein fiber that has a shimmering and smooth quality. Favored by nobles. Doesn't offer protection but allows for unencumbered movement.

7 x Mageweave Cloth
- A fine cloth woven by magic. Armor made from this gives a degree of magical protection.

17 x ???
- Golden coins stamped with a crest of a falcon

323 x copper bomb fragment
- Remains of a bomb.

3 x Golden Candelabra
- A nice golden candlestick holder. Perfect as a table centerpiece.

3 x Cotton Mattress
- Sleep in them to have a good night rest

3 x Mageweave curtain
- Curtain made of anti magic material for added home defense.

20 x Wool Cloth
- Cloth made from sheep fleece
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Breaking the Syndicate!
You broke the back of the fledgling Syndicate Army on Alterac and destroyed their base. Sending them packing to some place unknown.

How to become a Hero of Hope?

Don't worry its easy, the minimum requirement is just to tell me and submit a number for our lottery. Probably put *some* background as well. But, that's it. (IF you do get picked, expect to get some your background re-examined and expanded and edited to fit the ongoing narrative more. Also expect me to occasionally bug you to upgrade your heroes and write some snip.).

Its also important to know that there are two kinds of heroes of hope. The old kind which we will call Puella Magi and the new ones which are simply Soul Gem Heroes. Here are their important differences:

Puella Magi
(The one you are familiar with in PMMM series)
  • are humans and female.
  • are dead before summoning. On the other hand, you can summon anyone from any era on Earth. You could make Joan of Arc PM and I won't bat an eye.
  • have made a contract with an incubator and thus have a wish. Corollary of this, there is no hard limits to their abilities.
  • are vulnerable to corruption.
Soul Gem Heroes
  • can be any race (as long as its justifiable, meaning you know some faction and got them friendly with you). That meant just humans right now. Though, the kobolds are going to be a choice soon.
  • can be male or female.
  • Still alive and in the quest game world to be exalted. Corollary of this, you can get your heroes to start interacting in the game even before they are summoned and perhaps get some xp and some ability along the way. Example include Alexander (our gopher ... oh wait, our future diplomat/merchant/whatever we need him so yeah gopher :)), Victor (our engineer) and Alex (our hunter). Though, getting them interact in-game meant they would be excluded from the lottery to give the PM from earth a chance.
  • Don't have a wish and most soul gem abilities are extension of what they can already do.
  • Very hard to corrupt. A mechanic instituted by Madoka due to what happened on Earth.
Applies to all Heroes of Hope
  • Can be resummoned in the altar if killed (without destroying soul gem) with some penalties.
  • Can get hope points which improve stat if they do action that inspire hope. (Said stat point reset if you kill your heroes)
  • Can get xp to improve their abilities. (said xp and ability improvement don't reset if you managed to kill your heroes).
  • Have a unknown mechanic with altar of hope that I will add here once you built said altar.
Heroes of Hope is only added in-game by getting a victory of Hope. Example of this is getting the syndicate to give up on the Alterac Region entirely by trouncing their army single-handedly. There are also other special event that might add heroes of hope like building the first Altar (subsequent altar will not add more heroes).

1- NotAlwaysFanfic
2 - 1234
5 - al_103
7 - Veekie
9 - Datakim
13 - Heaven Canceler
17 - Jedarol
19 - Jack of Olives
20 - angelofwhim

? - Crow


Number: 1
Name: Nicholas 'Nick' Finch
Class: Paladin
Professions: First Aid, Blacksmithing

Nicholas grew up in a crowded family, both sets of his grandparents living with him, his parents, and his two younger sisters. Of Gilnean decent on his father's side, Nicholas grew up hearing about Gilnean courage, pride, and strength from his father's parents, and took these values to heart. Of Lordaeron descent on his mother's side, he grew up hearing his mother's parents tell tales of Uther Lightbringer and his Silver Hand, whose devotion, honor, and justice saw them protect the land from mankind's enemies.

With Homura's apparent embodiment of these values, his faith in The Light has soared, and he has devoted himself to her cause, a Paladin in her service, protecting his family, his home, and his people.

al_103 - 5
Alex Silverleaf, Hunter, Skinner/Leatherworker

Pretty IC choice for situation... there should be plenty of guys with such specialization here.

By priority:
1. Hunter - the way to earn everything
2. Skinner - additional income
3. Leatherworker - dabbler as he have his own material, for something better seek professional one (for now)

Veekie - 7

Inspired by the captured catapults, the cryptic comments made by the magical cat, and the strange structures that your savior had erected over Stahnbrand, you decide to learn how to buildthings. You'd worked on the scout towers, and you've helped to haul the catapults into town, watching the cat study them. You will learn to build wonders to better help your savior as she brings the Light into dark places. Now you just need to wheedle the creatures into teaching you how engineering works...

Number: 9
Name: Aki Makon
Class: Mage
Profession: Tailoring
2nd profession: Enchanting (not sure if we can choose 2? The wiki on the tailoring page implied it).

The strange magical abilities of the heroine who has repeatedly saved the town have inspired you to try and learn the magical arts yourself. Already a decent tailor, listening to the stories of the dwarven smith Sigrun has also motivated you to try and learn how to enchant the clothing you can create.

Name: Hansel Moon
Class: Farmer
Gender: Male
Background: Hansel is the only child to a farmer couple in Stahnbrad. Hansel lived his early life in simplicity and happiness while being taught by his parents skill such as Farming, Livestock raising, Cooking ,reading, writing and arithmetic. As he grew up Hansel particularly came to enjoy working in the farm and while he still played with the other children he also spent lots of time passionately helping his parent in working at their farm. As time passed Hansel's skills quickly grew to the point he could do most of the work required in the farm easily in his early teens. Unfortunately things soon changed for the worst first the Orc and then the scourge started attacking the town. Thus Hansel along with practically every single citizen of Stanhbrad joined the militia in order to protect their home. There he experienced fear,pain and loss once being injured because of a mistake while fighting although thankfully he was able to keep his life. Thus when homura took over the town Hansel along with his family returned to farming per her orders as will as due to their desire to do something that they both love and was good at. As refugees joined the town Hansel started teaching and taking of the ones who did not have much experienced when it came to farming. Along with already being one of the farmer in the town Hansel has gained quite a bit of influence in the farming community of Stahnbrad.

Heaven Canceler - 13
Inscription/Local Scribe
The texts of old must be remembered and written down and the powers of supernatural must be used to help our People. This mystic knowledge is precious, especially because it takes long to learn. These with a talent for learning languages would be naturall pointed into this direction.

Name: Kohaku Maki

Appearance(normal): Twin tailed brown haired girl in a blue sailor fuku. Her soulgem is on a necklace.
Appearance(transformed): Oversized white witch's hat and cloak over a purple leotard and skirt. Her soulgem is a an eye shaped white crystal mounted on her chest.
Weapon: Scythe
Wish: "I wish nobody remembers what I did!"
Power: Mental invisibility
Affinity: Mental powers, like telepathy, mind reading, memory manipulation, figments, etc are easier for her to use

When Kohaku walked into the wrong room to change, it was the worst day of her life. People wouldn't stop staring at her, and she was sure they were laughing behind her back. Back home, her parents dismissed it, her brother teased her endlessly. That was when she met Kyubey, and took the offer of a lifetime.

Fighting Wraiths was hard. They couldn't find her, but she was just really bad at fighting. Invisibility did not help much in avoiding getting stepped on by a 10 meter tall monster, or hitting something vital with her scythe. It made fighting as a team impossible unless she wanted to be nothing more than a clumsy girl with a scythe, as fun as her short time with the Mitakihara girls while on vacation was.


Kohaku shakes her head, blinking away memories. That was a happier time.
She looks across the city, at the flaming demons destroying the ruins of her home, at her dimming soulgem from days trying to hide her family from the invaders. Nowhere to run, no strength to hide.

She leapt down in a charge, sweeping her scythe to kneecap one monster with her forward momentum, then swung around to slash at another's side on the backswing, only to trip on the hem of her cloak and tumble in a heap as her power ran out.
This was it, she wasn't going to look cool even at the end. She was going to die looking really stupid...

There was a flash of pink light.

number 17: Jedarol

class: rogue

specialization: assasination (mutilate, 2 daggers poison focused spec)

profession: enchanting

has a tendency to be semi-permanently low on funds and constantly scrambling for the next job to get those last funds to improve his gear, or get those enchantment materials that cost more than they have any right to, generally prefers fighting in a group when possible with a meatshield between him and the giant enemy crab.

Jack of Olives - 19
Jack Oliver

Priest w/ First Aid (and maybe Herbalist, if that's allowed)

A/The former apprentice at the local Church of Light. Faith was shaken by the recent troubles, but is now determined to do everything in his power to help the town survive these trying times. Isn't quite sure what to make of Homura's strange power, but is generally open-minded. (Heal-bot ready to serve :p)
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Minor Faction

Drywhisker Clan:
Strength: 525 kobolds
A clan of kobolds that has taken over the iron mine near Strahnbrad. Trade relations has been established to the townspeople unhappiness. Whether the relationship will last is up in the air.

Uphill Communities:
Strength: 17,340 peasants scattered all over; Largest village does not have larger than 100 population

Champion of Light
1 x Ballador the Bright
10 x Paladin of Light
15 x Lordaeron Knight
94 x Footmen

Remnant of Andorhal Military
1 x Captain Darion Reeves
196 x Footmen
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For complete archive of previous entries in Spacebattles

Coming to Stahnbrad
Turn 1
Turn 2
Orchish Raid Interrupt
Turn 3
Turn 4
1st Week of the Month
Third Week of the Month
Turn 5
Errata for Game

Alterac Liberation Interrupt!
Turn 5.3
Turn 5.3 Part II
Turn 5.3 Part III
Turn 5.3 Part IV

Turn 6
Sigrun's Loot Appraisal

SV Forum Archive starts here.
Turn 6.1 - A swordmage arrives
Turn 7
Interrupt! Mission Log - Aiding Villagers
Interrupt! Mission Log - Syndicate Mansion
Turn 8
Turn 8 part II
Interrupt! Mission Log - Kobold Diplomacy
Interrupt! Mission Log - Item Appraisal
Turn 9
Turn 10
Turn 11
Turn 12
Turn 13 Part I
Turn 13 Part II
Interlude - Lies at the Roof of the World

Year 2
Planned Game Mechanics and How do they work?
Analysis of Homura Akemi's Writing or Game Patch Update toward Currency
Turn 2.1
Raid at Chillwind Part 1 - Enemy Interlude

Snips and Omakes:

There is Only One True Universe:
Question of Deityhood by Chimeraguard
Kingston Exaltation by kinglugia
Cogs and Sprocket by Veekie
Sympathy for the kobolds by Razorblaxe
Dodging Dragons by al103
Candles and Flowers by Chimeraguard
A spark of Courage by Crow
Drunk on Spirit Water by Chimeraguard
Extreme Paranoia by Tarrangar
Homura's speech to the refugee by Chimeraguard
Sacrifice Part I by Razorblaxe
Sacrifice Part II by Razorblaxe
A hunter's tale by Tarangar
Light's Bulwark by Crow
A Friend's Word by Crow

Schrodinger - Things that May or May not be
The beginning of Ogram, the Candle Evangelist? by Tarrangar
The Journey of Ogram by Tarrangar
The Journey of Ogram Part II by Tarrangar
Specialized Undead Infiltrator by Chimeraguard

Dreams For The Present
Sigrun's Lament by Chimeraguard
Rampage of the Red Dragon by Chimeraguard
North of Chillwind by Chimeraguard
Imperfect by Chimeraguard
Terror of Flesh by Tarrangar
Redemption of the Saurok by Tarrangar
Kirby by Undead frog
Absolute Best Spy by Chimeraguard

Homura's Social Fu by Boredbird

Unit Proposal
Ballistae by cokerpilot
Kobold Units by Chimeraguard (under consideration)

Stuff I need to put bonus on or important post to see for the next update:
Kirby by Undead Frog
A lich lament by Tarrangar
The Murlock Saga by Tarrangar
Enemy of my enemy is my enemyby Tarrangar
Mission to delay Scourge by Kinglugia
Deal of the Century by Sinsytems
Palutina by Undead Frog
Guesses for Spirit Water Effect
Ascension by Chimeraguard
Kiln proposal by Veekie
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Player Made NPC

Name: Alexander (Alex) Lavalle.
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Birth city: Lordaeron, Azeroth.

Appearance: Has a roguish look that most ladies find charming (or so he thinks, Homura give him a slightly above average rating.) Tall and well built, the type of body that speaks of a good and well fed childhood and a lifetime of physical activities.

Biography: Born in the town of Lordaeron to a merchant father and mother. He grew up knowing love, happiness and money. His father aided by his mother were successful merchant traders who generally does trading via traveling between cities in a trade caravan where they buy goods, both in demand and randomly to trade with in different cities. His parents cared for him deeply and taught him everything he knew. (Merchant son, well taught. Literate, capable of math and generally well mannered)

He grew up listening to his mother's many tales that she heard while working as a waitress before marrying his father, the trader who literally swept her of her feet before proposing to her. The many, many stories she told him taught him that the world they live in is a very big place, filled with places such as lands where there is nothing but sand, of forests with trees so large you can build houses in them, of cities with so many buildings one can get lost within them. She told him stories of heroes, of their great deeds and why they sacrifice so much for so few. And as he grew older, she told him of villains, of their crimes and why they commit them. As a result he knew that for all that he had learned there is so much more out there for him to see, to feel, to touch, to experience. (Alex gains trait Truth-Seeker**)

His father was a very experience trader and in his many years of trading he experienced much. He knows how it felt to be cheated by scum, to lost everything as thief and scoundrel make away with all his hard work. But he also knew how to turn a bad trade into a bountiful sale, how to make a living with nothing but his clothes on his back and two gold coins to rub together. Thus, he taught his son of his hardships, of his failures and more importantly, of his successes and why he succeeded. "Treat others as you would want to them to treat you." This was one of the very first thing Alex can remember being taught by his father. It was a simple phrase but it struck a chord deep within him. That saying and the many other things that his father taught him defined him, and he tries his best to abide by them everyday. (Honor/Moral bound. Tries to do the right thing when he can.)

As the son of caravan traders he spent a large amount of his childhood on the road. As such he learned how to properly cook and how to camp in the wilderness. His experience in the wilderness is rather limited seeing as his parents generally kept to the well traveled roads. Spending his childhood helping his parents also gave him a fit body. While not as capable or physically fit as a laborer he can at least attempt to keep up.

Unfortunately all good things come to an end. He lost both his parents a few months before Homura arrival to an bandit attack on his family caravan. The Bandits (later confirmed to be on Syndicate pay) took everything. He was left behind along with the rest of the dead because the raiders thought that he was dead due to the arrow protruding from his chest. He was lucky that another group of travelers heading for Stranghbrand came upon him before he expired. He was given minor treatment and later brought to Stranghbrand where he spend the next few months recovering from his wounds.

The deaths of his parents greatly upset him, with this on top of the sudden news (in his perspective) of the fall of Lordaeron caused him to depress and lash out in general to those around him (slight negative rep in Stranghbrand) however a stern talking too by a local who had enough of his attitude resulted in Alex attempting to repay back his caretakers by bringing in trade back to the town and bringing it back to life. However he despaired at the knowledge that with the undead force raising in power and an Orc encampment a mere stone throw away that this city was at the edge of the rope. He was attempting to read and teach himself military tactics in hopes of somehow saving the city but he doesn't quite believe it to be possible. And then a Miracle happened and things don't seem to be quite bleak anymore.

When Homura came along he was among the first to follow her words as he sees the wisdom of her suggestions. Or was it leadership? He is not quite clear on that part for while clearly everyone follows her and she has yet to set herself as the mayor or lady of the city or any leading post really.

As a learned man he knows quite a bit of things, sadly as someone that has only became an adult there is much more that he has yet to learn. So naturally his curiosity was pinged when he first met the Savior, Homura Akemi and more importantly, her very knowledgeable adviser that she calls Kyubey...

Recruitment*: He was recruited by the Incubators to help run the local militia when it became apparent that he shows remarkable aptitude in strategic thinking. His recruiting in particular happened when during a rare free time he was able to have a short conversation with an Incubator. During their conversation he asked a number of questions, most of them regarding the things that Homura have done and why. While he is willing to follow her he will still like to know her reasons and what does she intend to do with the city in the future.

The Incubator noticed that during their conversation he was able pick apart some of her actions and understand her reasoning surprisingly quickly. And from there the Incubator decided to do a quick test where Alex was given a number of theoretical situations and how he would have responded. While surprised by Kyubey's questions he answered to the best of his ability, which Kyubey was quick to note to be significantly better than the average person. Later once everything was said and done, Kyubey made an interesting proposal to Homura...

*If Night decides/choose him to be the next player character to join in.

**Truth-Seeker means that he would aspire to read as much books as he could. He would also attempt to verify his information first before acting upon it. He understand that some information might need to stay secret but he might not know when to stop digging as a result of his curiosity.

Victor Lightstone
Engineering level 8 (Apprentice)

Inspired by the captured catapults, the cryptic comments made by the magical cat, and the strange structures that your savior had erected over Stahnbrand, you decide to learn how to buildthings. You'd worked on the scout towers, and you've helped to haul the catapults into town, watching the cat study them. You will learn to build wonders to better help your savior as she brings the Light into dark places. Now you just need to wheedle the creatures into teaching you how engineering works...

Schematics Learned:
Automatic Ore Crusher
Saw mill
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I saw your post on SB, but I couldn't find the notice it was referring to. Am I blind, or just behind the times a bit?

SB crashed a while ago and its apparently due to low disk space. Posts still fitting in but no more threads are being created. Anyway, to not aggravate it no more posts until its fixed or SB database goes kaboom, as I understand it. So we're here for now or permanently if you guys liked this better.^^

And I think I need to manual back-up my rps and quests. How do you that, anyway?
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SB crashed a while ago and its apparently due to low disk space. Posts still fitting in but no more threads are being created. Anyway, to not aggravate it no more posts until its fixed or SB database goes kaboom, as I understand it. So we're here for now or permanently if you guys liked this better.^^

And I think I need to manual back-up my rps and quests. How do you that, anyway?
this is much better than SB.
we have built in dice rolls.
And I think I need to manual back-up my rps and quests. How do you that, anyway?
AFAIK, the best solution is to request a copy at http://forums.sufficientvelocity.co...-copy-posts-from-sb-round-2.3328/#post-366870

All of your posts in the thread will be copied and imported to SV.

this is much better than SB.
we have built in dice rolls.
I'm not a fan of the current dice system- there's been some discussion about building a better replacement here.
I just had a thought. How many of those who have submitted PM character are actually on SV? I know Veekie is here but is the others planning on migrating?
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I don't know enough about Warcraft to submit a character.

Well, you technically don't have to know anything about warcraft to submit. Homebrewed ability is allowed. I'm mostly using the profession and classes in broad stroke.

For example.
Hunter- Tame Monster - an ability that allows you to tame monsters.
Blacksmith - Fire Master - you can put fire enchantment on anything you can create.

Stuff like that. Just think of an ability that would be within reason for the class archetype, then name it. And don't forget to make your background give some reason why you have that ability.
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Well, you technically don't have to know anything about warcraft to submit. Homebrewed ability is allowed. I'm mostly using the profession and classes in broad stroke.

For example.
Hunter- Tame Monster - an ability that allows you to tame monsters.
Blacksmith - Fire Master - you can put fire enchantment on anything you can create.

Stuff like that. Just think of an ability that would be within reason for the class archetype, then name it. And don't forget to make your background give some reason why you have that ability.
not sure if you saw my last submission, ill redo it here anyways (posted right before crash)

number 17: Jedarol

class: rogue

specialization: assasination (mutilate, 2 daggers poison focused spec)

profession: enchanting

has a tendency to be semi-permanently low on funds and constantly scrambling for the next job to get those last funds to improve his gear, or get those enchantment materials that cost more than they have any right to, generally prefers fighting in a group when possible with a meatshield between him and the giant enemy crab.
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I'm on SV, but it's on/off experience to me. Right now IP adress instead of SV works so I'm here.
Btw, there are many incorrect in the submissions. For one you can't pick a combat and a utility one at the same time...
Consider my pick an utility hunter, not combat one. Tracking? Yes. Scouting? Yes. Hunting? Yes. Skinning? Yes. Using that skins for something useful? Tentative yes. Shooting Orks? Weeeellllll... Taming beasts? Noooope. Magical cripling shots? Hell no, not an adventurer.
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