The War of Targaryen Restoration Part 2: The Opening Moves
Do You Follow Stannis' Plan?:
[X]Yes: We shall launch a multi-pronged invasion at several different landing locations
Reward: +30 to all attack rolls. Depending on the Region, Royalist forces will have either a -10 to -50 to their rolls.
Unfortunately, this plan does not affect a force under the command of Robert himself.
Who shall lead the Golden Company Detachment in the Stormlands:
-[X]Jon Connington
1D100 => 20+30 (Jon Cons Command skills)+30 (Stannis' Plan)=80 vs
1D100 => 71+30 (Defensive Advantage) -20(Chaos and Treachery within the Ranks) -5 (Renly's Command Skill)-15 (Stannis' Plan)=66
The Reports came from Lord Connington with a true haste, a raven from Griffons Roost. It was a short report, one that was, thankfully full of some good news.
"To King Viserys,
I write this report to you with haste. The Stormland peninsula and Tarth have raised their banners to our cause, and are marshalling their troops to link up with our forces.
Renly Baratheon is not his brothers, he seems to be more of a diplomat than a true commander of men, or soldier. He has held himself up in Storm's End with his Garrison, and is content to try and hold the castle as long as he can. They are stormlands, men of my ilk…
As long as he does not break, they won't either. But Renly will just need to have pressure applied to him, and he will not break.
It will take time for us to dislodge him, but we will take it from him.
As for the armies of the Stormlords in the field that face us: Many have fled north to King's landing. We have not faced them in battle, but their castles are well defended, and we've taken loses. Not heavy ones, but enough to give us pause.
Our assaults and ability to reinforce will be delayed heavily, until the castles are taken.
From, Lord Connington."
Reward: The Stormlands will fall eventually, but it is a firm case of siege and dislodging of enemy strong points, with enemy forces refusing to give battle.
Enemy forces have also fled to Robert's Growing forces in the Crownlands.
Who will go with another detachment of The Company to assist the Dornish break through the Marcher Lords:
[X]Davos Seaworth
1D100 => 54+10 (Davos Command skill+30(Stannis' Plan)+5(Dany's Dragon)+20(Dorne Reinforcements)=119 vs
1D100 => 4+20 (Marcher Lord's Command)-30(Stannis' Plan)= (-)6
The attack from the south of the Marshlands were…
Incredible from the reports from Lord Seaworth. The Three Pronged attack from the dornish, allied Lord's, and Davos' Forces on land were… incredible.
The Marcher fell within a month… no they collapsed from the pressure, surrendering their strong points to face such an overwhelming force that had all but destroyed them.
They fought to the end, but it did little to stop the wrath of angry Dornish, wanting revenge for their Lady Elia… and the restoration of their king.
Reward: The Dornish are Stomping their way north to the Crownlands. Jon Con will be getting a +30 to his rolls next turn.
The Marcher Lords will need to be replaced… The Dornish were… very thorough in their rage and attacks.
Who will go with the Mercenaries Going to the Claw Peninsula:
1D100 => 15+30(Stannis' Plan)+10(Warrek Command skill)=55 vs
1D100 => 75
+30 (Robert Baratheon)+10 (Centralized Army)=115
It was a trap, one that was carefully laid.
But it was not something you anticipated. You did not expect his army to be so disiplined.
The Mercenaries were Slaughtered…. And Warrek is now a prisoner… awaiting execution.
Reward: Bobby B's Army is marching North to Link up with Jon Arryn's forces.
Who will Lead the Diplomatic Envoy to Tywin Lannister?:
[X]Jaime Lannister
1D100 => 82+(???)=140 vs ??? (The Enigma of Tywin Lannister's Choices)
Jaime has been placed under house arrest by his father.
Tywin… is insulted and intrigued by your actions, and if you wish to see Jaime freed back to your… you will meet with him at the Stoney Sept with your forces to negotiate.
Reward: You have no idea what Game Tywin is playing. The information you have is incomplete, as Garret is using every contact you have to try to rescue Jaime.
There will be a roll for Garret to spring Jaime from his captivity. But if he fails, he will be captured, and potentially die.
Do You Lead From Dragonstone:
[X]No (You must state this if you wish to lead.)
-[X] Give Stannis overall command from Dragonstone.
-[X] Aegon can hopefully aid or learn from Stannis
Reward: Stannis' Battle Plans will have an effect next turn, if he is not attacked by Roberts forces at sea.
Who Will Go to the Riverlands to Link up with Hoster Tully and the Northern Lord's:
[X]Viserys Targaryen
(Continued next update)
AN: I know you all want to see the V in action after so long, but i'm a bit busy. so take this instead.