[X] You want to stay at a remove. A step behind, maybe two, maybe more. There'll be rumors you...think, people will talk (won't they?) but you'll still be mysterious. A mostly-unknown. You'll still have some control over how you're seen, and some comfortable distance between you and the greedy eyes.
[X] Ponder the problem. You know that they're here and they must know that you know. So clearly they're waiting to see what you're going to do. But wait- they must know that you would know that they know…
[X] Channel your inner boldness and confront them! Address them directly! Accuse them a little! You see this coy cat-and-mouse-sudden-appearing act they're doing and you're not going to have any of it!
[X] You want them to put you at Nerius's side, or close to it. He can present you, unveil you, however he likes, you're sure he's got the silver -hah- tongue for it. But they'll see you then, won't they? They'll all see you as you are. For what you are. You don't know if you're ready for that, not by the light of day.