[X] Tell him you love him. You don't...know if you do, really, you don't know what love feels like. But he makes you feel something like whole, something like wanted, and you want to make him feel the same way too.
[X] Tell him thank you. He was there for you that first night, he's been there for you in the days since. You don't know what you are to each other exactly but he is your friend. And you would die for for your friends.
[x] Tell him that it'll be alright. That he's done the best he can but you're just helots, and if you survive it'll be luck as much as skill and if you die it...won't matter as much to you. Because you'll be together.
[X] Tell him to fuck off with his defeatist bullshit. He clearly hasn't been paying attention to these sermons if he can't see that nothing but good is coming in the future BAYBHEE!!! Gonna be nothing but sunshine and roses and shit.