[X]A spear. You were taught the Fuligin Tusk Style, an obscure and occult style focused on devastating spear charges and controlling the movement of your foe via gravity, by a demon your grandfather had summoned.
[X] An axe. A foreign mercenary, an Icewalker exiled from his tribe in the Far North, was paid to teach you the art of wielding an axe. The style you learned from this man, the Mammoth Slayer Style, revolves around patiently setting up a devastating blow that will end a fight in one strike.
[X] A pair of short swords. Donations made to the Immaculates in Adamanta secured you tutelage from a monk in Fire Dragon Style, an aggressive but graceful style that emphasizes fast strikes and pressing one's enemy relentlessly.
[X] A bladed whip. A favorite of Amayan nobility inherited from the days of the Shogunate, still unable to be replicated by modern means. Your grandfather taught you personally in the difficult Wyrm's Tongue Style, made to fully exploit the bladed whip's natural range and to drain one's foes of both blood and Essence.