Vote tally - Evolving Dungeon System

Adhoc vote count started by Planetary Tennis on Aug 6, 2023 at 4:40 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Planetary Tennis
Evolving Dungeon System
Post #2
Post #14


  • [X] Hybrid Demonic: A Demonic dungeon is focused on surreal and strange anatomy, alongside causing suffering to itself and others, walls of flesh lined with claws dig into both intruders and its own minions, floating and swirling ponds of stomach acid eat away at anything that enters their chambers, strangely human-like creatures with forms too warped to be considered human roam the halls wielding odd but deadly abilities that harm both themselves and visitors, Demonic cores have an eccentric and sadistic personality, spawned from a fusion of the Beast and Magic Types
    [X] Avary Dungeon: They focus on verticality and birds, Traps that knock people down the dungeon are common as well as flying enemies. Surprisingly easy going at first, they tend to ramp up in difficulty rapidly as the dungeon seeks to test itself against the best available.
    [X] Dearth Dungeon: They are dedicated to testing the endurance and depleting the resources of adventurers. Typically, dungeons of this nature possess a debilitating effect that specifically targets a particular concept. For example, within these dungeons, food might spoil more rapidly, saturation might diminish at an accelerated rate, willpower or specific emotions might be depleted quicker than usual, and so forth. The tunnels and chambers of these locations are simple in appearance, yet deliberately designed to prolong travel time. Corridors can be narrow, exceptionally lengthy, and may even take on spiraling formations. Inside, one may encounter numerous steps ascending and descending, passages with uncomfortable slopes, or rough terrain that hampers normal movement. These dungeons exhibit a cruel indifference and an unwavering patience. There almost no monsters or traps - the jorney itself is exhausting and dangerous enough.​