Every TV Show, Movie, Ect is a Tabletop Game

The premise is this: You take any TV Show, Movie, Video Game, etc and give it the Darths and Droids treatment. For those who don't know what that is it's where you take something and make it seem like it is being done by players in a tabletop game. For example, the TV show Breaking Bad. Make them smart, stupid, or whatever crazy idea you have in mind.

TV Show
Breaking Bad Episode 1: A Mildish Mannered Man

QM: Brian why does your mild-mannered chemistry teacher have chaotic neutral as their alignment?

Brian: I thought it would be funny considering this is a high school campaign.

QM: I will allow it, anyway let's all roll for our current state of affairs.

(Brian, Aaron, and the others roll.)

Brian: Natural 1, can I get a reroll?

QM: Sure, but it will either balance it out or add to what you have now. At this time you are very depressed with your life and consider your accomplishments meaningless.

Brian: Another 1, how could it get any worse!?

QM: You now have cancer.

Add pictures, screenshots, and more at your own pleasure. Do it in groups, by yourself, or at random. I don't really care. Just have some fun with it! Feel free to post at any time.
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