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Chapter 1: The Arrival

The Evangelion shot up from the ground, ready to destroy the Angel in...
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Chapter 1: The Arrival

The Evangelion shot up from the ground, ready to destroy the Angel in front of it.
"Alright, just take a step, Shinji." The voice of Misato Katsuragi rang through the Entry Plug.
With that one step, it fell down.
The Angel picked the Eva back up with its monstrous arm, then impaled its face with a lance constructed with pure energy emanating from its hand.
The screams emitted by Shinji Ikari were inhuman.
As if by cue, the Eva's jaw restraints snapped open with a mighty roar.
"The Evangelion! It's going berserk!"
It charged towards the Angel with overwhelming force, tackling it backwards.
Even the Angel's AT Field could do nothing against this Beast unleashed.
In a last ditch effort, it wrapped itself around the Eva in a ball, destroying itself in a cross-shaped explosion.
As NERV personnel rejoiced at the Third Angel's death, another explosion happened high above.
The moon had blown up, leaving it in a crescent shape.

Evassassination Classroom

"Shinji, I've got news for you." Misato announced at the breakfast table of her modest residence. "Since the local public school was destroyed by your rampage a few days ago, we've arranged for you to be transferred to Kunugigaoka Junior High School at the beginning of the next academic year starting this Monday.

"Bwuh?" was Shinji's surprised response.

Ignoring him, the purple-haired beauty continued. "Now, the name has nothing to do with its location, as the actual Kunugigaoka was destroyed by the nuclear bomb that also devastated Old Tokyo, but since the principal…"

As Shinji listened to Misato's incessant rant about the school's history, he sighed and muttered. "Why should I care about all this? I don't really like school that much."

"It's one of the top schools in the nation! You should be proud that we've managed to get you in there. Although…"

Shinji was surprised by the woman's voice trailing off "Although what?"

"Since you didn't do their transfer exam due to your injuries, you were automatically placed in the bottom class, Class 3-E. If you don't manage to ascend to a higher class before the second midterm exams, then you don't get to graduate at all, no matter your score on the finals."

Shinji was taken aback by shock at this sudden revelation. "I can't graduate? How is this possible?"

"Well, the principal is known for being ruthless, but I guess you just have to find out for yourself. Anyway, don't worry too much. I'm sure you'll ace those tests!"

"Uh, thanks Misato-san. I'll try my best." Shinji awkwardly replied.

"Well, now I've got to take you uniform shopping. Those plain clothes of yours just won't cut it at that private school, young man!" Misato half-teased him as she started to poke at his lean ribs. "You're so skinny for a teenager! Have they got any uniforms that can fit you at all? Poor Shin-chan, having no clothes on his first day of school!"

The next Monday…

As Shinji tugged on the collar of his brand-new blazer on the way to school, he double-checked the map that Misato had given him last night.

"Now Shinji, as the school rules state that the students of Class 3-E are not allowed to be anywhere near the main school building except for special circumstances, you'll have to go down this access chute to the Geofront located near the main building in order to get the the 3-E Annex Classroom."

The access chute was dimly lit with fluorescent light tubes stretching across its length, barely illuminating the long tunnel. For some reason, Shinji saw no other students walking down the stairways, further adding to the creepiness of this bizarre journey to school.

'How did the school get permission to build something in the Geofront? I thought NERV had complete control over what goes on in it.' Shinji wondered to himself as he reached the end of the tunnel.

When he exited the access chute after his long journey down, he immediately saw the school 'building', if one could call such a dilapidated shack that. The exterior of the building was mainly comprised of wood, with glass panes dotted throughout its walls to allow light in. Strangely, it looked very old compared to other buildings in the Geofront.

Shinji too a deep breath, steadied his feelings, and stepped into the building.


As he walked through the hallway of the Annex Classroom, Shinji noticed a sign hanging over a doorway that was marked with '3-E'. Knowing that was going to be his classroom for the rest of the year, he took a tentative step in, unsure of what to expect.

Thankfully, there was nothing out of the ordinary in the classroom. He noticed that the teacher had not arrived yet, and that most people were either hanging out in cliques or chatting with each other. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the other Evangelion pilot, Rei Ayanami, sitting in the back corner of the classroom and gazing out of the window.

Having memorized his seating position beforehand, he was about to sit down in his seat when he noticed a green-haired girl braiding the hair of another blue-haired girl.

'That's strange. I can deal with Ayanami alone having blue hair, but more people in my class having different hair colors? Something must be up with this class.' Shinji's sheer curiosity of the diversity of hair color in the class piqued his interest, so he approached the two girls in front of him.

Not sure of how to interact with members of the opposite sex properly, he just blurted out a meager greeting. "Uh… hi…?"

The green-haired girl turned to look at him and giggled. "Oh! Nice to meetcha! I'm Kaede Kayano! Pleased to be your acquaintance!"

Upon hearing Kaede's greeting, the blue-haired girl also spoke. "I'm Nagisa Shiota. Nice to meet you. Before you ask, I'm actually a guy despite my long hair. People often mistake me for a girl because of that."

Knowing he had mistaken Nagisa's gender, Shinji felt embarrassed at his blunder. "S… sorry about that."

Nagisa just smiled and put his hands up. "Don't worry. It's just a little mistake."

Shinji rubbed the back of his head and remembered what he approached the odd duo for. "O… Okay. Anyway, what I meant to approach you two for was to ask about-"

The entire class was cut silent as a gust of wind swept from outside the classroom, sweeping the door open in a rush and causing assorted papers to fly around the room in a whirlwind, leaving the class no choice but to put their hands to their faces to block the wind.

As the impromptu hurricane subsided, there was a strange creature standing behind the teacher's desk. Its skin was yellow, with a grinning smiley face on a perfect sphere topped with a graduation cap serving as a head. The body was covered with a crescent moon symbol that sat atop a mockery of a graduation gown festooned with a big floppy tie. Somehow, this strange creature was standing upright with the many tentacles sprouting from the bottom of its robe.

Class 3-E could only stare in shock as the being spoke.

"Good morning. I'm the one who blew up the moon. Oh, I'll also be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year."