Towards the end of his life, classical composer Robert Schumann fell further into a world of hallucination, tormented by angels, ghosts, demons, and unearthly music. His own wife Clara, the famed pianist, had been locked out of visiting him in the institute where he'd face his death. And yet, strange forces would ensure they met one last time, in Robert Schumann's dying dream…
Virtuoso pianist and composer from 19th Century Germany, the wife of Robert Schumann who was denied seeing him in his asylum during his last years. She has somehow ended up in his dream, and been reverted to her 21 year-old self. At first she is confused and uncertain over this dreamworld she's in, but gradually begins to take charge. References 123456 (Real life)
Techniques Glissando Storm
Keysword | Two slashes diagonally up and down that also hit other nearby enemies. Virtuoso Vice
Keysword | A flurry of piercing notes hitting up to seven times.
Instrument (Weapon): Detuned Piano (Strength +1, Sonic -1, 2 Accessory Slots) | Keysword & shield
Outfit (Armour): Festival Gown (1 Slot)
Accessories: Butterfly Mask (entry into masque events)
- Empty
- Empty
Known instruments: Piano, Violin, Vocals
The 'Chosen One' from the town of Sortita, kind and gentle but gets nervous around most people. The town kept him in a 'sacred' solitude until the age of 20, due to him having visions of angels as a child, limiting his people skills. Gets attached to Clara when she helps him escape Sortita's attempted sacrifice of him. He does question his 'angelic vision' these years later. References 123
Techniques Ricochet Spark
Cross-Violin | Fires a ricocheting bolt that builds power with each hit before its target. Exorcism
X-Violin | Heals a party member and removes status. Abandon Hope
X-Violin | Violin song stirs up a hellish portal that draws in and damages enemies. Equipment
Instrument: Antique Violin (1 Slot)
Outfit: Longcoat (2 Slots)
Accessories: Bow Resin (Mild heal after Techniques are used)
- Amulet (Extended Block time-window when attacked by demons)
- Empty
Known Instruments: Anything demon-themed, mostly stringed, such as violins, violas, and guitars
Techniques Brass Battalion
Conducting Baton | Summons three lines of brass instruments, trumpets then trombones the tubas, who blast a volley-fire sequence at enemy lines. Percussive Quake
Baton | Calls on a percussion section to deliver a single great shock to all enemies on field.
Instrument: Rouge Baton (1 Accessory Slot)
Outfit: Blue Velvet (1 Slot)
Accessories: - Spectacles (boosts Accuracy)
- Rose Lapel (boosts Social among audiences)
Techniques Chaos Butterfly
Hat | Throws his hat which zig-zags around the arena, bouncing off enemies. Recurring Dream
Hat | Repeat the damage and effects from the previous technique used by an ally. Equipment
Weapon: Top Hat (2 Accessory Slots)
Outfit: Colour-Changing Coat (2 Accessory Slots)
Robert Schumann
19th-century composer and critic, and the dreamer who imagined this strange world of Demons, Angels, and Music. Clara's husband, he appears to have somehow summoned her into his dream, though he's currently reluctant to appear before her directly, having Florestan and Eusebius deliver messages for him. References 12 With Clara: 12
Menu Screen
Practice Piano
Detuned Piano (Equipped)
Rusty Bugle (Equipped) Rouge Baton (Equipped)
Top Hat (Equipped)
Saxon Dress
Festival Gown (Equipped)
Sacrifice Robe (Equipped) Blue Velvet (Equipped)
Chromatic Coat (Equipped)
Butterfly Mask (Equipped)
Last Prayers Booklet (Equipped)
Nightcap (Equipped) Spectacles (Equipped)
Rose Lapel (Equipped)
Sortita, Town of Beginnings
A small and seemingly unassumingly town that resembles Zwickau in Germany.
Overture Mountains
South of Sortita, a long stretch of sandstone mountains where brass is mined, and source of the River Flow that washed up Clara.
Caesura Moor
East of Sortita, south of Hauptstimme. Moorland criss-crossed with sunken train tracks, as skytrains frequently soar over to avoid the tornadoes of the Pastorale Plains, which can be a risk to the birds that made their home here.
Spinning Crane: A corrupted crane that is a common Demon of the moors. Has black and red feathers with reeds for a beaks and woodwind instruments for legs. Delivers sound-enhanced spinning kicks and blocks wide with its wings. Drops Tail Feathers.
Murder Express: Monstrous demon train that prowls the moors. Can lay down its own tracks through magic and unleash coal eruptions.
Ghost Carriage: The Murder Express' 'henchmen', they carry doomed souls off to an unknown afterlife. Drop Phantom Tickets.
North of Sortita, south of Hauptstimme. A petrified forest where unholy compositions goes to be burned.
North of the Feurigwald and Caesura Moor, a larger city that serves as a skytrain hub, and where Florestan & Eusebius are based.
Robert Schumann - Classical composer likely best known for 'Traumerei' (from Kinderszenen), but with a much larger oeuvre. Was an equally prolific music journalist who brought greater attention to the likes of Chopin and Brahms. Also known for having bipolarity and mercury poisoning, and later in life claimed to see visions of angels, demons, and ghosts of past composers. Clara Schumann nee Wieck - Possibly the most accomplished female piano virtuoso of her day, compared to Liszt in talent as different as their styles were, and standardiser of the piano recital. Was also a composer, having written her Piano Concerto at age 14.
Sortita - Entrance song for the lead singer in an opera
Carmine - Name, usually Italian, meaning 'of Song'
Cadence - End or resolution of a melody
Libero - Italian word meaning 'free', in music it means play freely
Viertel - German for 'quarter', as in 'quarter-note'
Ambitus - The extant of a musical range from highest to lowest, usually of a certain voice or instrument
Sonata - Instrumental musical form in three or four parts, contrasted with the Cantata vocal form
Hauptstimme - The 'primary voice' in German, the main melody line
Feurig - 'Fiery' in German, to play passionately. See also the Italian 'Fuocoso'
Caesura - 'Cutting' in Latin, the end of one musical phrase. Their notation resembles railroad tracks
Ausdruck - 'Expression' in German, to play expressively Accordion - The folder I'm using
Omake rewards are a little hard here, as while I do plan to include jRPG touches like Equipment, Stats, Special Attacks, and so on, this is still gonna be a mechanics-lite Quest, with all of that mainly existing as reminder notes for me on the characters' limits. However, I'm thinking about the following: