Eternal Glory: Creating a Fantasy Empire in 55 Votes

Hmm. I have a few ideas for the Confederacy of Claws and Wings like using the Iridescent order for a new protection racket, getting some primitive cav of giant dinosaurs or mammoths, expanding along the trade routes with Kiarshan Empire or figuring out a way to use dreams to communicate over long distances. People interested in any of em' or have a better idea?
[] Rainbow Coalition: Open diplomatic relations with the Medusans, try to convince them to join the Rainbow Coalition to protect them from Honko raiders. Maintain friendly relations with all non-Honko neighbors by acting as a neutral trading stop, middleman, mercenary employer and potential conflict mediator.

[] Dahóyánígíí: Set up several joint magical research programs with the other members of the Coalition, with the intention of eventually growing these programs into a pan-Coalition research institution. For now focus on magic with potential military applications that can be used against the Honko.

Ideas for next turn. I can sadly only vote for one, and I assume the Octopi and Otters will have their own actions. I'd probably go for the Dahóyánígíí action, and leave the first as a possible vote for anyone who wants to vote for the Rainbow Coalition.
Hmm. I have a few ideas for the Confederacy of Claws and Wings like using the Iridescent order for a new protection racket, getting some primitive cav of giant dinosaurs or mammoths, expanding along the trade routes with Kiarshan Empire or figuring out a way to use dreams to communicate over long distances. People interested in any of em' or have a better idea?
Dreams look the most unusual and interesting.
[] Prosperity League: The oligarchs focus on extending their trade networks farther afield and establishing firm frequent contact with as many polities as they can for the purposes of trade and new markets to buy and sell wares of all sorts, with new embazaars being established where possible through profitable deals.

This is a fairly okay holding action, though I am mainly curious as to how others will vote and may change accordingly. Still, expanding our diplomacy and trade is something that will keep us alive.
Hhmm, got this idea, don't know how much support I would need

[] The Kind Folk: Try to create a special species of trees that grow into the shape of an arch, this archway leads into a magical forest-like pocket dimension where the distance between the Archway-Oaks is much shorter compared to the normal plane, in an attempt to help the delivery of pastries

(suggestions for an action are welcome, too dumb to choose and or think up one)
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Vote 7: Year 20

Vote 7:

Each voter gets ONE vote, this vote must select one item in the quest (For example: a people, culture, ethnicity, polity, region, city, landmark, or phenomenon) and then write a vote of a couple sentences (And NO MORE than 50 words) which indicates a change from the status quo for that item.

Multiple votes for the same thing make the resulting effect stronger. Votes for the opposite thing will be handled by me behind the DM screen.

The larger the change from the status quo is, the weaker the immediate effect will be, and may even have very little immediate effect if it runs contrary to established worldbuilding. Smaller changes, or changes in line with established forces will tend to be more effective, especially in the near term.

Current trends will continue onwards until finished or acted upon by an outside force or vote, thus it is possible to set something in motion now that will continue for another 49 turns, though undirected and moving of its own accord.

Voting will likely be open for week or so.

If you have any questions about an acceptable vote, don't hesitate to bother me about it.


[ ] Godswound Sea: A series of warm summers sweep the coastal regions of the Godswound sea, leading to droughts and lean years.

[X] Myreshi Haremate: Myreshi Huntresses begin pushing en masse into the interior of the Eastern Peninsula, chasing plentiful game. While other peoples are present, their disorganization makes their presence an incentive for expansion rather than a deterrent. Settlements follow in the Huntress's wake, causing the region being dubbed exactly that: Huntresses' Wake.
[X] Althesilaverar: A lot of Althedar start working for the Corvus, as mercenaries, defending against the Blessed Dominion invasion. A large number of them also try to destroy the Swarm's nascent navy, "as mercenaries".
[X] Despotate Sunsetir: Start secret preparations for war. Buy metals, horses and magic items in small batches. Start forming a reserve army in a remote corner of the country. This soldiers live and train in a camouflaged gated community separate from the country. The Pontifex and the Priests develop subversive strategies using magic.

Buying metals for tools, horses for plowing fields, and magical items should not arouse suspicion. In fact, most of the metal will be smelted into weapons and armor, horses will be used by scouts and haul (I don't have cavalry) and magic items not focused on curses and shadows will be a deadly surprise.

The creation of a separate military settlement in a rarely visited area of the country will keep the secret and ensure the coherence of the people who train and live there. Over the course of 20 years, it will be replenished with individuals and detachments that unexpectedly "disappeared".

The bottleneck could be food delivery, but I hope Ardat comes up with something.

Improving the use of magic in sabotage, especially shadow magic, will help in the initial stage of the war.
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[] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Some among the priesthood seek new ways to communicate with others over long distances through astral and spiritual dreams, though often unreliable and confusing, it shows some promise. There are darker uses found still for this art, to torment rivals and more…

[X] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: New settlements slowly sprout along the trade routes reaching into the Kiarshan Empire, the bountiful hunting grounds and presence of a major river allow the settlements to become sustainable. The two cultures and states are now brought closer together as trade between them grows and ideas are shared…

Two orders for those interested. I am mostly fine with either but gonna go with the second one for now! But open to changing my mind depending on the desires of my fellow confederation supporters!
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The Eternal Realms, its Polities and its Landmarks as of the 20th Year of the Iridescent Era (A MAP)
The Eternal Realms, its Polities and its Landmarks as of the 20th Year of the Iridescent Era

The Huts/Houses signify Major Cities
Anchors signify Ports
Pickaxes signify Major Mines
The Crossed Spears w/Flames signify an Ongoing Major Conflict

Elemental Pact gaine Loose Control 26 & 55
Solar League Loose Control 49 & 112, Partial Control 50, 51 & 81
Melange Interregnum Control 126, 151, 127, & 152
Blue Siblings lose 126 and 151, move to 128 and 153
Blessed Dominion Controls 219, is fighting for 340
Tycerans fighting for 340
Osnaramar Federation fighting for 340
Base of Two Trunks Loose Control 411 & 412
Rottesland control Southern 326
Aris Flight Controls 273, 275, 300, 322 & 343
Drake's Coalition controls Northern 326, Loose Control 258 and Control 282
Asteriskos (Godswound League) Loose Control 187 and 158
"The Schmeckles are breaking reality again!"
"Is it at least for a good reason?"
"Their project was first brought up to help a local bakery deliver stuff and just expanded from there"
"Oh come on!"

[X] The Kind Folk: Try to create a special species of trees that grow into the shape of an arch, this archway leads into a magical forest-like pocket dimension where the distance between the Archway-Oaks is much shorter compared to the normal plane, in an attempt to help the delivery of pastries
This project will probably require more than one move. It would be easier to make connected trays. You put food on one, it teleports to the second.
The Eternal Realms, its Polities and its Landmarks as of the 20th Year of the Iridescent Era

The Huts/Houses signify Major Cities
Anchors signify Ports
Pickaxes signify Major Mines
The Crossed Spears w/Flames signify an Ongoing Major Conflict

Elemental Pact gaine Loose Control 26 & 55
Solar League Loose Control 49 & 112, Partial Control 50, 51 & 81
Melange Interregnum Control 126, 151, 127, & 152
Blue Siblings lose 126 and 151, move to 128 and 153
Blessed Dominion Controls 219, is fighting for 340
Tycerans fighting for 340
Osnaramar Federation fighting for 340
Base of Two Trunks Loose Control 411 & 412
Rottesland control Southern 326
Aris Flight Controls 273, 275, 300, 322 & 343
Drake's Coalition controls Northern 326, Loose Control 258 and Control 282
Asteriskos (Godswound League) Loose Control 187 and 158

And the giant canine silouette signifies a big ol good boy
[] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Some among the priesthood seek new ways to communicate with others over long distances through astral and spiritual dreams, though often unreliable and confusing, it shows some promise. There are darker uses found still for this art, to torment rivals and more…

[X] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: New settlements slowly sprout along the trade routes reaching into the Kiarshan Empire, the bountiful hunting grounds and presence of a major river allow the settlements to become sustainable. The two cultures and states are now brought closer together as trade between them grows and ideas are shared…

Two orders for those interested. I am mostly fine with either but gonna go with the second one for now! But open to changing my mind depending on the desires of my fellow confederation supporters!
I see! I was trying to think about how to word the Great Migration we talked about last turn. Been a while though. I think the Iridescent Order could form the heart of a new series of expeditions into the unknown and wild sections of the world to prepare them for settlement.
[X] Geodae: The Geodae's wings are vast, they can cover distances faster than any caravan, and League activities to the south had opened up a need to send messages. The idea of a Geodae-run postal service began to form and soon enough most families support its creation.
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[X] Geodae: The Geodae by virtue of their nature as nomadic carnivores are outnumbered by their Theban counterparts, some family heads had expressed concern over this slight imbalance, though such notions are dismissed by most, a consensus steadily formed to try and gain status within the League. The Geodae's wings are vast, their bodies mighty, they can cover distances faster than any caravan, and their activities to the south had opened up a need to send messages to and fro. The idea of a Geodae-run postal service began to form and soon enough most of the Geodae are behind its adoption.
Our limit is 50 words, your action needs to be cut exactly in half.
[] Rainbow Coalition: Open diplomatic relations with the Medusans, try to convince them to join the Rainbow Coalition to protect them from Honko raiders. Maintain friendly relations with all non-Honko neighbors by acting as a neutral trading stop, middleman, mercenary employer and potential conflict mediator.

[X] Dahóyánígíí: Convince the rest of the Coalition to form a pan-Coalition order of scholars and magic-users, which will pool together the knowledge and expertise of the various members and protectorates to jointly develop new magic and technology to benefit all.

Well, I'll just assume that the Rainbow Coalition will keep trying to expand trade with its neighbors which will likely bring them in contact with the Medusans anyway. So voting for the Foxes for now.
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Prolly put like "Schmeckles experment with warping space so they dont have to walk so much to get around their giant tree" but more detailed
Good idea

"The Schmeckles are breaking reality again!"
"Is it at least for a good reason?"
"Their project was first brought up to help a local bakery deliver stuff and just expanded from there"
"Oh come on!"

[X] The Kind Folk: Experiment with spatial-warping to make pastry delivery easier, of their Helper-Schmeckles, Balias Vandersnoot, the Schmeckle with the largest pair of glasses in town, and winner of the bookworm catching contest the librarians practice in the grand library, is the one in charge of this project
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Good idea

"The Schmeckles are breaking reality again!"
"Is it at least for a good reason?"
"Their project was first brought up to help a local bakery deliver stuff and just expanded from there"
"Oh come on!"

[X] The Kind Folk: Experiment with spatial warping to make it easier to deliver pastries around the Tree Of Wands, one of their greatest Helper-Schmeckles, Balias Vandersnoot, master arcanist, the Schmeckle with the largest pair of glasses in town, and 3-time winner of the bookworm catching contest the local librarians practice in the city's grand library to help clean it, is the one in charge of helping with such an endeavour
67 words, 17 more than necessary.
I see! I was trying to think about how to word the Great Migration we talked about last turn. Been a while though. I think the Iridescent Order could form the heart of a new series of expeditions into the unknown and wild sections of the world to prepare them for settlement.
[] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Seeking to secure the trade routes and border with the Kiarshan Empire, Iridescent Order is sent to subdue dark spirits and beasts while forming amiable pacts with the rest. Migration by many of the people soon follow, forming new settlements to take advantage of the fertile and bountiful eastern lands.

How does this look? I will vote for your own order, if you choose to make one.
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[X] Asterikos: Implementing widespread animal domestication(Cats for eating pests like mice, cows for their multitude of animal products, and Ox for being a draft animal).

This is done in order to increase agricultural input, increase the availability of protein, and have more things to export to the other league members.

note: on above is exactly 50 words.
[] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Seeking to secure the trade routes and border with the Kiarshan Empire, Iridescent Order is sent to subdue dark spirits and beasts while forming amiable pacts with the rest. Migration by many of the people soon follow, forming new settlements to take advantage of the fertile and bountiful eastern lands.

How does this look? I will vote for your own order, if you choose to make one.
That seems quite good, yes. I thank you for your assistance in this matter!

[X] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Seeking to secure the trade routes and border with the Kiarshan Empire, Iridescent Order is sent to subdue dark spirits and beasts while forming amiable pacts with the rest. Migration by many of the people soon follow, forming new settlements to take advantage of the fertile and bountiful eastern lands.
[X] Confederacy of Wings and Claws: Seeking to secure the trade routes and border with the Kiarshan Empire, Iridescent Order is sent to subdue dark spirits and beasts while forming amiable pacts with the rest. Migration by many of the people soon follow, forming new settlements to take advantage of the fertile and bountiful eastern lands.
[X] Dinok Spaan Republic: The D.S.R begin to create more cities with the help and permission of spirits. These cities are connected by leylines, resulting in surplus geomantic energy being distributed across the Web. This results in improvements everywhere and also allows the inklings of geomantic rituals.

Does anyone wish to ally with the D.S.R? I can put an action for that next turn.
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