Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Harmony was the Wolf Divided all along.

Could the wolf eat the chain that blocks our path, We saw it eat the door. It would definitely be a Regretable action, or maybe not because of the fact that glory was chained. Also Harmony cannot be a spawn of the mansus because it is an outsider. thus by definition not from the mansus.
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Thus the worms which are also from nowhere should count as outsiders. Also from the very word outsiders, implies there is an inside, IE Glory/ the mansus. Nowhere is outside of the Mansus as stated by the worm museum, being inside and outside of the mansus.
The exile a powerful but still just a mortal can defeat/kill lesser worms if they max Edge. Nowhere does not equal Outside they are separate things. It certainly would not stop people that are already Longs and Names.
Could the wolf eat the chain that blocks our path, We say it eat the door. It would definitely be a Regretable action, or maybe not because of the fact that glory was chained. Also Harmony cannot be a spawn of the mansus because it is an outsider. thus by definition not from the mansus.
by definition no power of this world can remove the chains.

The Wolf is powerful, but it's DEFINITELY of this world. So no, it definitely can't.
As we know the alicorns are outsiders, We also know from the Master that they where created by/ made a pact with harmony. So harmony is technically what causes them to be outsiders. We also know that harmony comes from nowhere, or at least it is heavily implied. Thus the worms which are also from nowhere should count as outsiders. Also from the very word outsiders, implies there is an inside, IE Glory/ the mansus. Nowhere is outside of the Mansus as stated by the worm museum, being inside and outside of the mansus.
Sorry, but all of this isn't true.

No, we don't know that all alicorns are Outsiders. We know that Luna and Celestia are, that they used to be a singular thing from Outside, but that is all. We have no idea if Cadance qualify, even if the theory that "giving the blood of the Outside" as what differentiates an alicorn from a normal pony is not the worst. We still don't know that.

No, we are not sure that alicorns are specifically Harmony thing (even if it probably is, even most likely is), and for all we know all Alicorns used to be Outsiders in their past lifes. Or that Cadance isn't an Outsider at all. It can be a "new powers" thing, with "new powers" being some broader descriptor.

No, we don't know if Harmony is an Outsider. The Master has told us that Discord is an Outsider (in fact, he was called the first Outsider), that Celestia and Luna are Outsiders. He didn't say anything like that about Harmony. It can be native, for all we know. After all, the consistent descriptor of harmony is "the shining core of the world".

We don't know that Nowhere and Outside are the same thing. Sure, I currently think they are (it is simpler this way, and I have no idea why people are so certain they aren't), but there's no proof one way or another.

Also, we know (OOC, that is) that the Worms are not something that we can use to break the lock. Like, maybe it is possible in theory, but it is not something Velvet will do. All Worms options were vetoed.
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Could the wolf eat the chain that blocks our path, We say it eat the door. It would definitely be a Regretable action, or maybe not because of the fact that glory was chained. Also Harmony cannot be a spawn of the mansus because it is an outsider. thus by definition not from the mansus.
We don't know if Harmony is from Outside, just that the being that was divided into Celestia and Luna was. We know literally nothing about its nature or origin.
Specifically CELESTIA AND LUNA are outsiders. technically HALF of an outsider each, apparently.

We have no idea if Cadance would count.

And they're Outsiders because they come from Outside, Harmony is just what allowed them to come inside.

We know NOTHING of Harmony's origins. It's unlikely it comes from nowhere, though not impossible. It might also be a fragment of Glory, a creation of the Forge, The Egg Unhatching returned, we really have no idea.

The implications to me is that the "Outside" is anything not within the conventional cosmology. that would basically mean "things from other dimensions, or from other Manses".

it MIGHT not include Nowhere. but it's possibly the Nowhere is included in our cosmology and beings from it would not be Outsiders.

We really have no IC knowledge on that, and have heard NOTHING of Gods-from-Nowhere, so who knows.

Going back to the Outsiders, we're reasonably sure that Discord is an Outsider as well. Tirek and Sombra might be, though it's unlikely. We're near certain Chrysalis was not.
If they come from the outsided what was with the parents who raised luna and celistia, that we meet when we first find selene. are they also outsiders, was luna born as selene, that made into an alicorn, was she born luna an alicorn because she has part of what ever the two sisters where split from. Did the two sisters even grow up from foals or where they mares the moment they where created from what ever split. Because we know that the first alicorns are from outside. So is it the alicorns themselves or is it harmony that makes it so. also they know nothing about lores or how this world works so they must have come from a cosmos with out a consept of lores.

I get the concept of 1 becoming 2 , IE the two sisters where originally one outsider, but what of 3 can only become 2, the 3 is obviously the 3 alicorns, So what is the two, one could be the og outsider, but what is the two, is it cadance the not outsider, changed by harmony is it something else.
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[x] "Cadance, what do you mean keep the change? What do you mean that I should keep the change?! " (Gain 500 bits)
[X] "But none of them are nobles. Are you sure I can invite them?" (Increase all non-locked ponies in your Contacts list to Good Friends)
These are both fat to valuable to skip.
We don't know that Nowhere and Outside are the same thing. Sure, I currently think they are (it is simpler this way, and I have no idea why people are so certain they aren't), but there's no proof one way or another.
Nowhere is defined by not being in the light of the Glory, but still takes it existence from the Glory if only by its absence. Outside would by definition have to come from a completely separate universe, with its own different Glory, or at least the Same Glory but seen completely differently.
[X] "I would be honored to be the maid of honor." (Become closer to Cadance)
[X] "Your dress is good. But it could be better. I know a mare..." (Involve Rarity in dressmaking. Applies Rarity's Lore levels)
[X] "Cadance, both you and Shining sent invitations to Twilight. But maybe we should… check on her in person?" (???)

While I wish that we could also invite all of our contacts, we really do need to get Candance and Shining to check in on Twilight. We owe it to her, if nothing else. She's really going through it and I worry that if this wedding goes by without some sort of reaching out to her from Shining, then she's going to end up in an even darker place.
Rarity will never forgive us if we don't bring her in on this, and of course we want to get closer to Cadance, both because it's good networking and because she's great and I love her.
Let us all forget the cult took years to start off BEFORE the quest officially began, that a NAME was leading it, and that the lores are currently supposed to be secret and we don't yet know if/when we can reveal them!

The Master barely did anything but hand out the initial roles, tell ponies that the higher Lores exist (at least she told us, I still don't know if anyone else ever bothered taking some lessons) and generally acted Moth-spooky as a way to cow/inspire everyone in line. And then she led the whole assemblage off a cliff before giving up. Competent administration skills alone would give us a better shot at the job.
If they come from the outsided what was with the parents who raised luna and celistia, that we meet when we first find selene. are they also outsiders, was luna born as selene, that made into an alicorn, was she born luna an alicorn because she has part of what ever the two sisters where split from. Did the two sisters even grow up from foals or where they mares the moment they where created from what ever split. Because we know that the first alicorns are from outside. So is it the alicorns themselves or is it harmony that makes it so. also they know nothing about lores or how this world works so they must have come from a cosmos with out a consept of lores.

I get the concept of 1 becoming 2 , IE the two sisters where originally one outsider, but what of 3 can only become 2, the 3 is obviously the 3 alicorns, So what is the two, one could be the og outsider, but what is the two, is it cadance the not outsider, changed by harmony is it something else.
Perhaps the thing from outside that became Luna and Celestia turned into two fillies and was adopted by a nice couple who raised them. Not everything has to be complicated.
If they come from the outsided what was with the parents who raised luna and celistia, that we meet when we first find selene. are they also outsiders, was luna born as selene, that made into an alicorn, was she born luna an alicorn because she has part of harmony. Because we know that the first alicorns are from outside. So is it the alicorns themselves or is it harmony that makes it so. also they know nothing about lores or how this world works so they must have come from a cosmos with out a consept of lores.
1) No, they were normal ponies as far as we're aware. Being born into the world as ponies was, iirc, a requirement of the pact they made with Harmony, though I don't remember exactly which update it was mentioned.

2) We don't know if they were born as 'Selene'/'Aine' and later became alicorns or if they gained alicornhood later in life. Presumably this is something we can ask Luna once she's awakened.

3) We don't know if Outside-juice or Harmony-juice is what makes alicorns. I'm inclined to think it's Harmony, considering Discord is both an Outsider and not an alicorn.

4) I mean, it definitely seems likely, seeing as the Lores are part of this world, but we don't really know anything about what it means to be from Outside.
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A Mitl can cast reflection of the Tapestry and guard the family and that is about it.
We don't even know if they can do rituals at all, for we have never summoned one for the full rule sheet.
Huh. Interesting. Well, twenty hours to go.
You would have said that no matter which three options were winning.
If they come from the outsided what was with the parents who raised luna and celistia, that we meet when we first find selene. are they also outsiders,
Celestia and Luna are two halves of an Outsider who was allowed into the world by Harmony under the condition that it be split into two pieces that are brought into the world by the laws of birth. So Luna and Celestia's parents were simply ponies, not Outsiders.

Edit: I have been Moth'd so hard
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Do we know that? Or could it be that ??? was allowed in by the old Hours on the condition of it being split into Celestia & Luna so it can't ???? (guess: replace the Glory/Mansus with Harmony/????)?
From the poem that mentioned the division of the Outsider that eventually became the Royal Sisters, it was implied that Harmony was already within the world in order to let them in. Also, the show implies that Harmony (of some form) predated Discord, who the Master called the first of the Outsiders (or at least the first known).
If they come from the outsided what was with the parents who raised luna and celistia, that we meet when we first find selene. are they also outsiders, was luna born as selene, that made into an alicorn, was she born luna an alicorn because she has part of harmony. Because we know that the first alicorns are from outside. So is it the alicorns themselves or is it harmony that makes it so. also they know nothing about lores or how this world works so they must have come from a cosmos with out a consept of lores.
The Thing (lets call the original Outsider that become Celestia and Luna that) was an Outsider that has entered a covenant with Harmony to enter the world by birth.

Of course, when the Thing - or, rather, by that point the Sisters - were born, they were born to parents, or maybe adopted by parents. Is there a meaningful difference, really?

Anyway, some proofs in the form of quotes. Here's an except from one of the updates:
You feel as it drinks from your panic, and bathes in your fear. You feel as it exults in your essence, for your essence is far greater than that of regular ponies whose dream-doors it greedily lusted for.

After all, you were never a pony to begin with.

You are much greater. You are a creature of order, your flesh born into this world by choice, obeying its laws of entrance by birth, and of departure by death. Your soul smells of the outside, of the void between the lights, of the very thing it eternally aches to consume with never-ending thirst. It drinks deep from your mind's memories, then your body's sensations, then the very cornerstone of your soul. It sees the purpose for which you entered the world, and the light that invited you inside, and the mission that you accepted, and the covenant that you have made with it. It licks greedily the marrow of your very being as it sees in there the echo of that thing, that music that grows with every light-born thought of mortals, that nascent beacon in the never-ending darkness.

It sees the light of Harmony, the shining core of this world, reflected in your essence, it sees the marks of the pact you made with it.

And oh, how it causes the creature to want.
Underlined by me.

And from another:
You are standing on a balcony over the garden of a large estate, with several acres of farmlands stretching farther towards the distance. Green hills can be seen even further away, as well as a gentle river weaving a path between them until it makes its way out of your sight.
The sky is perfectly blue and devoid of any clouds, and the sun is shining upon all of Equestria. It is, to the very definition of the word, a perfect day.
But you could not care less about any of that.
Because your eyes are focused on one thing, and one thing alone.
And that one thing is-
That one thing is-
That thing is-
That thing-

And that one thing is the filly that Velvet Covers said is Selene.
Invisitext was converted to red by me.

Nowhere is defined by not being in the light of the Glory, but still takes it existence from the Glory if only by its absence. Outside would by definition have to come from a completely separate universe, with its own different Glory, or at least the Same Glory but seen completely differently.
We don't actually have any definition of Outside, anywhere. If you think we have, please quote it.

We do, however, have a definition for Nowhere:
To go down is to move away from it. And that which Glory's light cannot reach is nothing. The places where Glory does not shine is Nowhere.
Anywhere where Glory does not shine is Nowhere. The true definition of "down" is away from Glory.

Does Glory shine in the Outside, again? Because the Thing was "allowed shelter from the darkness", which is not consistent with the Glory's light. Like, I am not sure, maybe these are intersecting, not equal, or maybe Outside is a subset of Nowhere, even more restrictive, but I see no reason to consider them definitionally different. If you do, please provide me with quotes you are basing your opinion on.

Edit: that is not to say they are certainly the same thing. There is none. That is to say, there isn't any certainty in the opposite either.
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[] "Velvet, is there anything you want in return? A Frangiclave? Of course I know what that is! Here, you can have it. What's that? Also the mirror in the palace undergrounds? Consider it done!" (Gain a Frangiclave, gain a Watchpony's Glass) [COSTS FOUR PICKS] [OPTION UNAVAILABLE DUE TO LACK OF PICKS] :V

You know, this is presented as a joke. But now I'm kind of wondering if the results for scrying the Frangiclave are going to be "Celestia has it in a vault." She already has the Lantern equivalent, after all.
It was hard enough finding and acquiring that one piece and it has since been reduced to a bag full of dust. More, it was a mere Level Three artifact. The kind of thing needed to contest a Name of one of the strongest Hours is… so much more. Also there is more to the nature of things than just Outsider or not. Blood is a very particular kind of power.
How about the key for Daughter of axes?
We don't use the spare ap we have now. Rarity has focused on her work for 2 turns and Jade is currently resting.
…Hmm. All else aside, it occurs to me that Rarity is Grail/Forge, the same lores used to fix physical wounds. That might be relevant. :V
... no? last I checked we couldn't use the friendship AP on raising confidant lore levels? @Ericwinter did I miss this?
This has been answered already, but I do feel I should note how weird it is being invoked for a question like this. I mean, I know and remember a lot of stuff, but half the time I'm wrong.
Wrong Comet with a Max Edge Influence, and the Master killed the changeling Hive. And undefended almost empty hive at that, with 99% of it people not their. They only released the Windigo after they had already massacred the defenders.
All else aside, the first part of this is incorrect. The Master didn't actually join in on the original attack, and the Windigoes did in fact help. Comet attacked in the middle of a blizzard, and the chapter depicting the assault made mention of the Windigoes grabbing Changelings and dragging them deeper into the snowstorm. What happened afterwards was the Cult letting their bindings go entirely to just fuck anything and everything in the are, which was a seperate matter.
instead the thread focused on climbing the Manse
…Bird is grumbling in the background about how we really didn't. :V
Do we know that? Or could it be that ??? was allowed in by the old Hours on the condition of it being split into Celestia & Luna so it can't ???? (guess: replace the Glory/Mansus with Harmony/????)?
1) No, they were normal ponies as far as we're aware. Being born into the world as ponies was, iirc, a requirement of the pact they made with Harmony, though I don't remember exactly which update it was mentioned.
We do know these things. It was… I believe the update right after Jade first meets Selene, it starts with her having a vision of Harmony inviting the Outsider that would become the Alicorns into the world, with the requirements that they be split into two beings, be born into native flesh and blood, and… do something which it wasn't really clear what. They have some sort of specific job or task that Harmony wanted them for, from what I recall, but it could be anything from just being a Champion to something completed long ago, or maybe even bullshit like open the Glory.

I'll note, it might have been a different Jade investigation though. I just remember it had something to do with that.
Oh dammit. Luna and Celestia were isekai'd into Equestria.
…Fuuuuuuuuuuuck. That's probably not wrong.
How about the key for Daughter of axes?
No. The Key is certainly powerful, but the lock barring Harmony is explicitly unable to be opened by any power of the world, which it almost certainly counts as. Even if it did not, we have been very certain for a very long time that the key is the old Frangiclave from canon CS. If it was all that was required then the many Names and adepts from earlier ages who would definitely know of its existence would have tried already.
The Master barely did anything but hand out the initial roles, tell ponies that the higher Lores exist (at least she told us, I still don't know if anyone else ever bothered taking some lessons) and generally acted Moth-spooky as a way to cow/inspire everyone in line. And then she led the whole assemblage off a cliff before giving up. Competent administration skills alone would give us a better shot at the job.
And they had the inner circle and spent part of their time on that inner circle making sure they were trained and competent. We always had the option to ask for a lesson, presumably the master was finding ways for the others to advance as well.

I also wouldn't say they led us off a cliff but they were disappointed in us and gave the cult up as a bad job. Considering that we were actively betraying the cult and we were the only ones climbing with what it probably considered decent zeal that's not a bad decision.
Look. Moth is just a very poor primary Lore for any sort of organization, let alone being the leader of said organization. It's literally the Lore of Chaos and Confusion, it was never going to work out. Half the members didn't even know who the fuck was in the Cult in the first place. :V