Esquestria: The House of the Sun - A pony cultist experience

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Dear reader! Whether you are new here, archive-reading and whatnot, or you are already someone who has been with us for quite a while, I would like to say a few words that I believe are best kept close to mind.

-This is an MLP quest. And more importantly, none of us are gratuitously cruel. So good things will happen on this quest, and I hope that enough good things have already happened to prove that.
-This is also a horror quest, so bad things will happen. Bad things might happen to good characters if you are not able to protect them, and you most certainly will not be able to intervene if you lack the tools to do so.
-And finally, this is a quest in which you jostle with powers greater than yourself, with all that it entails.

Please, do keep those things in mind as you go forward. But ultimately, this is also a quest in which it is hoped we all have fun! So if any of the above points is not exactly your cup of tea, or somehow make the experience as a whole "not worth it", then this quest might not be for you. Which is fine! Individual tastes are a thing, so don't think any more about it if you don't want to read anymore. And regardless, I hope you have a lovely day!

PSA for whoever needs to hear it:

Readers should take their own mental health into consideration when voting and not subject themselves to triggering narrative elements like rape or constant mental torture of a friend just for the Greatest Good of a world that doesn't exist.

If those are fine for you or Regrettable is even more triggering, then GREAT! More power to you. But you aren't a bad or selfish person for picking the option that keeps the characters you've emotionally connected with safe. [REDACTED for spoiler warning]

This is a high intensity quest that doesn't hold back when it comes to horror and negative consequences. Take care of yourself.
(Quote slightly edited to avoid spoilers)
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Random question, but is this still accurate, @BirdBodhisattva ? It hasn't been updated in awhile, and I'm not sure if that's just us not knowing what's changed, nothing has changed, or you just keep forgetting.
Not accurate. You haven't been getting reasonable updates on that front, so that's what you know so far. Well,, when it comes to other cells, at least. There were no major drives to increase Cult presence in Ponyville, and passive conversion hasn't increased that threshold yet. But again, you know very little to nothing about Copper's little fief (I wonder why, she has no reason to withhold information, has she?).

And also, just a comment, a Trigger Event will basically "freeze" your knowledge of the Cult as it currently stands.

as I say before, maybe you should mention giving the artifacts to DoA to help her in her expedition?

@BirdBodhisattva can we both give the SH artifact to DoA AND use it for the ritual? also, do obstacles use only the application bonus, or the knowledge one, or maybe it depends on the obstacle?
Deciding on what Artifacts to bring on expeditions happens on the expedition planning vote, not the turn vote.
Moth'd, but what Greymere says.

Although, for your first question, no problems in using the SH for the ritual. Canterlot expedition will be one week tops, so you can easily fit the artifact being given to somepony else at another time. And also, the SH artifact isn't really useful for expeditions.

You see, expeditions use a more "generic" version of your Knowledge application, so having ponies with Lore levels is better than taking artifacts. UNLESS an artifact has a useful passive ability (an artifact that gives bonus to finding stuff against a hurdle of locating a hidden door, etc), OR if the hurdle is Mansus-borne in nature (countering a curse that is specifically Mansus-natured with, say, a high-level Heart artifact).

But as it stands, you really don't have a lot of artifacts tbh.

You know, Baldomare and DoA actually combo really well. Baldomare has the SH and Lantern to find and scry expedition sites, and then DoA can go clear them.
It's almost as if there was a method to the madness, no,? Almost as if the setting had been thought-out before, no?

I mean. First enemies were changelings, and having Lantern/Edge summons AND a Lantern Name on the low reaches of the Blank Plains? Pure coincidence I say! Having the Knock Name that is good for expeditions, and more dangerous things, higher up? Absolute chance!


Feels weird to have such a non-contentious vote
It's the result of previous contentious votes, methinks. I mean, we have our hands tied for a lot of decisions here because of previous contested and highly debated votes. This is us "paying the bills" if it makes sense.

The decision for Soft makes it almost obligatory to social her now. The decision to talk to Cadance makes it almost obligatory to spend two actions on Twilight (one to scout it, and one to do it), so on so on.

Which is a good reminder that, if you all make promises, I will have you fulfill them. This turn already feels at least 50% pre-set because you painted yourself into several corners that she has to live up to now. But still, I don't see this as being bad! A lot of these "obligations" are good, in my opinion, and in some ways the crystallization of things you have been working on for a long while.

But, just like Selene, if you make a commitment you better commit to it! Selene was a 12ish turns commitment after all, and we are still doing it to this day.

Also, vote set for 36h from now. But only to see if Vespertine will begin to lose the lead. Might call it earlier.

Hope you are all doing well!
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Turn 15
You sag on your chair, letting yourself sink deeper and deeper into the soft cushion of your worktable seat.

And as strange as it sounds, you can't help but look around your office and feel the slightest sense of nostalgia. Well, not exactly nostalgia, you can't say you miss being here. But you definitely feel a sense of displacement. After all, how long has it been since you last sat on this chair?

Less than a month, you are sure. The farmlands weren't active this last month, following the changeling crisis, but you still came here for this and that. So it hasn't really been that long.

Still, being here right now feels… weird, in a sense. You feel like you used to pass a lot more time here. In fact, it wouldn't be wrong to say you spent most of your waking hours here, just a bit over one year ago. So the realization that you have been spending less and less time on this life-appointed "work" of yours, to the point that you did not do any of it at all last month, is… odd, for lack of a better word.

You know it's something small. You know it's something very personal, and maybe even silly. But still, you realize that this is yet another part of your life that is changing. Another part of you, of the self that you knew for so long, that is changing. Small as it may be.

But that's the thing, isn't it? Most changes, almost all changes, are small. And you only really notice how much things have changed when they pile up, and you realize that they are now blocking your way on a path you used to tread for so long. Forcing you to go on new directions, since you can no longer stand for or accept the old.

"Well, but I don't really have time to mull over that sort of thing, do I?"
-you snap out of this little reverie of yours, shaking your head and chasing those thoughts away.

After all you do have, as the saying goes, taller hay to harvest right now.

"Although this particular patch of hay has a name, even if it's a weird one," you mumble to yourself. "Plus, this problem isn't exactly one that I thought I would have to worry about to begin with."

You are, of course, thinking about the Daughter-of-Axes.

Because sure, you have successfully summoned her. And sure, you managed to extricate from her enough information to understand her abilities well enough. But the fact remains that she is…

How can you say it properly?

She is a far cry from what Baldomare was, during her stay here, as far as summoned creatures go.

Because Baldomare, for starters, was professional.

Baldomare was professional, she was pleasant, and you honestly like her. She also made her situation and her boundaries abundantly clear from the very beginning. And for all that you (at least partially) understand that she isn't exactly a pony, you still think of her as nothing but a very pleasant mare.

The Daughter-of-Axes, on the other hoof… well, she is… she's just not. You can very easily take everything you know and think about Baldomare, and simply add a "not" when it comes to that blasted snakemare that you have just summoned.

To the point that, even though you have only known her for a few hours, you can very confidently say that you do not like her, thank you very much.

And how could you? She is loud, she is disruptive, she is rude, and she quite literally seems to be fighting you every step of the way. Oh, she is your summons, you have no doubt about that. You know the proper bindings are in place, at least as much as anypony can bind a Name, and you know that she will listen to you if push really comes to shove.

But still, the things you had to suffer through… it hasn't even been a full day yet, but the things you had to hear from her already… Where the hay is the civility in that? Where in Tartarus is her blasted education?!

You can't believe you will be having her as a guest, for the next three months. You don't even know if you want her as a guest, for the next three months.

Because most worrying of all, what the hay kind of influence will she be on the fillies?!

And as an aside, you made it very clear you will banish her if you realize Silky or Selene learned even a single swear-word.

"Dear heavens, what am I supposed to do…" you say to yourself, letting out a long, tired sigh as you do.

Still, for all that you don't like her as a pony… you still have to admit that you don't like her as a pony.

And you realize that you are making that distinction because… well, you are not sure how to describe it, or even why you feel this way, but she still feels like a pony. Or at least, she feels a lot more like a pony than Baldomare did.

And the fact remains that she is also very interesting, when it comes to her Mansus-aligned nature.

After all, for all that she feels like a pony, you are not really sure she is one to begin with. For several reasons.

The first, and most obvious of them, is because she has scales.

Well, it's not really that "obvious". You do understand why she insists on wearing a cloak at all times, given how well it hides them. Still, she did say several times that she is a snake, and right after you summoned her, still on the Wildhoof Club, you could confirm with your own two eyes that she is indeed… different.

She still has a mane, of course. A mane, and a tail, and you think you saw a very thin coat of furs, especially on the parts that are less covered by her cloak, like her legs and face. But still, most of her body is covered by scales, and you couldn't shake off the impression that she is more malleable, so to speak, than a pony.

Because who knows? It wouldn't surprise you if she can do something like completely turn her neck around. Or maybe even extend it, as unsettling as it might sound. You can't really place a hoof at why you think this, but you have the distinct impression that her neck is a lot more snake-like than a normal pony's should be.

You also noticed she doesn't have a cutie mark, or even a Brand for that matter, or any kind of Brand at all, which you found to be very unexpected. You have no idea if this means that she somehow avoided the Branding Door, or that perhaps she is too far removed from a pony to abide by the rules of an apparently pony-centric Mansus. Still, that's something else that you noticed and filed away in your mind.

And of course, she is also powerful. You already expected her to be, given how she so easily stated she was a Name the first time you met her in the Mansus. But there is a difference between claiming you are a Name and actually showing that you are one. And you have to admit that she did show it. Because you did feel it, that heavy presence in the air centered around her, just like you did with Baldomare. And you could also feel how the world itself, or at least Ponyville, reacted to her presence accordingly.

If only there was a pleasant mare attached to all those characteristics…

You let out a low, tired groan as you realize that this whole situation, the Daughter-of-Axes' presence, is now something new that you will have to take care of from now on. She is a "net positive", for sure, in the sense that you know she will bring you more good than bad.

But still…

"I really, really wish that she would be more like…" you mumble to yourself, in a rather defeated tone.

Still, having her in the Wake will be a very different experience than having Baldomare over. Because Baldomare also was a net positive, but the Lantern Name had the added bonus of not bringing you any bad to offset her good.

"Although at least," you say to yourself, realizing that at some point you laid your head on your working table to nurse your headache, "I won't have to worry about her for the next few hours."

You say that with no small amount of relief.

"Or, who knows, the next few days. Maybe she is hibernating or something? Wait, do snakes hibernate?"

You say that out loud, your suddenly headache-filled brain taking you down stranger and stranger questions as time goes by.

But still, you are thinking about that because, to put it simply, the Daughter-of-Axes is soundly asleep right now.

It was a rather convoluted affair, so to speak. You summoned her today because your husband is away, having left just yesterday to go back to work, and because your daughters are at school, which finally resumed activities just this week. So, you summoned her this morning so you could (or at least that was the plan) give the snakemare more time to adapt herself to the Wake, before introducing her to your family.

Because your plan was -and rather regrettably still is- to keep her in your estate as a "guest". But, since you remembered how often Baldomare commented how different the Wake was from what she was used to, you hoped to give your latest guest some time to settle in before getting involved with other ponies.



The snakemare was not only completely uninterested in what you had to tell her, but she was also very rudely dismissive towards… towards everything. She didn't want to hear about the things you had to tell her, be it about the Cult or otherwise. She had no interest in what you wanted to tell her about the Wake, or even about the current situation that Equestria is in. And you even remember how you literally bristled when she rolled her eyes, when you told her you at least wanted to show her around the house.

What kind of rude guest does that?!

And that whole parade of annoyances and lack of cooperation continued until you showed her the guest room she would be staying. That, if nothing else, seemed to be the first thing she actually paid attention to.

But only because, as soon as you told her that would be her room, she very loudly proclaimed that you had "messed something up in her summoning" and that she was going to "fix it", before slamming the door of her guest room on your face.

You heard snoring only a few seconds later.

So yes, the blasted snakemare is asleep. She is asleep, she has been thoroughly committed to your bad books, and you have no idea what in the heavens you are going to do when she wakes up.

"Mooooom, we're hooooome!"

But thankfully, your thoughts are interrupted by the familiar sound of your daughters returning from school. And you aren't even bothered that you didn't sense them beforehoof, so distracted you were by your troubles. If nothing else, Silky's voice definitely came as a pleasant surprise, to drag you out of this mess you are in right now.

"Well," you say to yourself as you get up from your chair, "time to very clearly instruct the fillies not to disturb our… latest guess."

You try your best to suppress a sigh as you begin to move, wondering what the hay else this month has in stock for you.

After all, while you were trying (and failing) to at least have an amenable conversation with the Name, one of your servants had told you a rather important missive had just arrived from the main house. But you haven't even had time to look over that yet.

Well, you have your priorities.

Fillies first, because you do not want them learning the Daughter-of-Axes' vocabulary any time soon. And then you worry about planning your future schedule.
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It's possible to have very good odds of healing Twilight. With Forge 4 + reagent, our odds of success are excellent. The issue is that we'd need to spend 4 action on preparing the healing ritual - one on books, one on lesson, one on reagent, and one on ritual itself. Add in Soft Sweep and Fluttershy, and we can't do anything else.
But that might work either way? Let's send Rarity accompanied by Velvet Axe to do the saving. Rarity is already Twilight's friend, she'll know what to say. And as soon as she's in the manor, we can heal her. And I don't think there are much more effective way of proving we do care about Twilight than healing her horn.
We could add Rarity attempting to cast a Grail influence on Velvet, and visiting the Red Church for additional odds of Grail influence to ensure that the Velvet/Twilight meeting goes well.
This is, IMO, the most humane way of rescuing Twilight. And also most likely to get her as a Confidante.

It would look like that:

-[] (Rarity) Focus on her work.
-[] (Jade) Act as your emissary: Reflection of the Tapestry for Crepuscule Jailbreak
--[] At your estate.
-[] (Velvet Axe) Lead an Expedition: Crepuscule Jailbreak. Accompanied by Rarity

-[] Lesson from the Master: Forge
-[] Read books: Forge x2, Lantern
-[] (Forge) Forge 3, Grail 1
-[] Perform Forge Redemption on Twilight
--[] At our state. Use reagent
-[] Fleeting Opportunity: Soft Sweeps
-[] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet with Fluttershy

What do you guys think?
-[] (Forge) Forge 3, Grail 1
Creating a single reagent is a free action per turn. So IF your Forge reaches 4, you can grate a Forge 3/Grail 1 reagent in a single action, as a level 4 reagent (3 + 1) that you can make because of Forge being Level 4.
Which means, unless I'm mistaken, that your plan is missing an extra Velvet action (assuming the servants are on task to make the Estate less ritual-suspicious).

Just food for thought though.
We've been warned that, depending on how Twilight reacts to being rescued, it might interrupt our plan to Unleash her after the Expedition to have Rarity there. And I think us being there on the rescue matters. It makes the event "Velvet Covers rescues Twilight Sparkle" and not "Rarity rescues Twilight Sparkle".

Fixing her crippling injury is going to have unpredictable effects on her mental state. It's not something she knew we could do, or was even possible, so it's very ??? as a gift and raises lots of tricky questions. And we'd be loosing the Grail Influence, the disassociation action, and teaching our family, which are all important (mitigated since you took away one too many actions).
Creating a single reagent is a free action per turn. So IF your Forge reaches 4, you can grate a Forge 3/Grail 1 reagent in a single action, as a level 4 reagent (3 + 1) that you can make because of Forge being Level 4.
Which means, unless I'm mistaken, that your plan is missing an extra Velvet action (assuming the servants are on task to make the Estate less ritual-suspicious).

Just food for thought though.
Oh dang. That's even better.
We could probably have Velvet do another reagent (Grail), give to Rarity to use on Velvet. Healing horn + high Grail influence would maximize the odd of Twilight becoming a Confidante.
This is the logic leap I'm worried about.

Like I said, even I don't know how Twilight will react. I'm just preparing the "d6 reaction" charts (plural), and sniffing out for bonus or maluses to apply to it.
Yeah, there's no scenario where we're guaranteed a Confidante. But I feel that actually healing the harm we did is the best way to get it.

We've been warned that, depending on how Twilight reacts to being rescued, it might interrupt our plan to Unleash her after the Expedition to have Rarity there. And I think us being there on the rescue matters. It makes the event "Velvet Covers rescues Twilight Sparkle" and not "Rarity rescues Twilight Sparkle".

Fixing her crippling injury is going to have unpredictable effects on her mental state. It's not something she knew we could do, or was even possible, so it's very ??? as a gift and raises lots of tricky questions. And we'd be loosing the Grail Influence, the disassociation action, and teaching our family, which are all important (mitigated since you took away one too many actions).
With what Bird said, we could have the Grail Influence. The disassociation can be done by Hintchasers, and teaching our family would be very nice but is not urgent. Healing Twilight *is* urgent though. If we can't do it this turn it'll have to wait an indeterminate amount of time. And setting aside all material gain (like a new Confidante) aside, this would be the most ethical thing to do. We *are* responsible for Twilight*s torture and loss of her horn. We have to make it up to her.

AFAIK you can't Call an Influence for someone else
Sure we can. We did it on Comet Feet, didn't we?
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[X] Plan A Gift of Horn
-[X] (Rarity) Perform The Calling of Influence (Grail) on Velvet.
--[X] At the Cult. Use Grail reagent.
-[X] (Jade) Act as your emissary: Reflection of the Tapestry for Crepuscule Jailbreak.
--[X] At your estate. Use Lantern 1 reagent. Use SH3 Artifact (for Lore Knowledge bonus, not as sacrifice)
-[X] (Velvet Axe) Lead an Expedition: Crepuscule Jailbreak. Accompanied by Rarity
-[X] (Hintchasers) Disassociate Velvet Cover from the Loremaster
-[X] (Servants) Try and make lore rituals less suspicious.

-[X] (Selene) Winter
-[X] (Knock) Red Church
-[X] (Forge) Forge 3, Grail 1

-[X] Lesson from the Master: Forge
-[X] Read books: Forge x2, Lantern
-[X] Craft a reagent: Grail 3.
-[X] Perform Forge Redemption on Twilight
--[X] At our estate. Use Forge reagent
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Soft Sweeps
-[X] Fleeting Opportunity: Comet Feet with Fluttershy

Still open to change, but IMO we can't let our chance of healing Twilight slip by. If we do not do so immediately, Twilight will have to bear that for who knows how many turns.

[X] Plan Risky Everything Else
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I can't really see why Twilight would be upset about us healing her horn. I saw one person argue it's because she didn't know we can do that but she already knows that we can use strange magic that we didn't have the chance to teach her yet. and even then why would you be angry if someone was able to regrow your severed arm because you didn't know they could do it?

edit: also, why would we send rarity on the rescue mission? her skills aren't at all suited to it and I'd imagine DoA would have a way easier time going unnoticed on her own, or even with velvet since she has stealth skills.
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Sure we can. We did it on Comet Feet, didn't we?
AIUI we acted as a Cadre member and made a Reagent for him, but the Ritualist was Comet Feet, and it was his roll to succeed or fail at.

I can't really see why Twilight would be upset about us healing her horn. I saw one person argue it's because she didn't know we can do that but she already knows that we can use strange magic that we didn't have the chance to teach her yet. and even then why would you be angry if someone was able to regrow your severed arm because you didn't know they could do it?
There's a lot of space between "angry" and "becomes a Confidant". If someone regrew a limb for you you would probably be happy about it, but you wouldn't necessarily agree to keep it secret, and even less so become their loyal servant. And it would definitely change your understanding of the world and that person, which has unpredictable effects. Not necessarily bad ones, but unpredictable ones.
AIUI we acted as a Cadre member and made a Reagent for him, but the Ritualist was Comet Feet, and it was his roll to succeed or fail at.
Be that as it may, I don't see anything in the Informational or in WoG that says we can't call an Influence on someone else. @BirdBodhisattva can you confirm?

There's a lot of space between "angry" and "becomes a Confidant". If someone regrew a limb for you you would probably be happy about it, but you wouldn't necessarily agree to keep it secret, and even less so become their loyal servant. And it would definitely change your understanding of the world and that person, which has unpredictable effects. Not necessarily bad ones, but unpredictable ones.
Twilight refusing to not say anything about her horn being healed would be a problem sure. But that's something that's already handled. She could already damage us by saying she saw us in the Jar, remember, and if that happens we will discredit her. The same will happen if she says we healed her horn - we'll say it isn't true, and she must have imagined it, and she's traumatized, poor dear.

And I'm still convinced that you're way more likely to trust someone and shut it when that someone did her best to help you, including restoring your horn.

Her horn is very important to Twilight. It's not something we can just shrug off and say "well, she'll just have to wait a few turns". We can do it right now, so we should.
Her horn is very important to Twilight. It's not something we can just shrug off and say "well, she'll just have to wait a few turns". We can do it right now, so we should.
this kinda ties in to what I was going to bring up next. I don't know if this has been brought up before but what would Twilight even do without her horn? her whole life revolves around studying magic and that's essentially been taken away from her.
Twilight refusing to not say anything about her horn being healed would be a problem sure. But that's something that's already handled. She could already damage us by saying she saw us in the Jar, remember, and if that happens we will discredit her. The same will happen if she says we healed her horn - we'll say it isn't true, and she must have imagined it, and she's traumatized, poor dear.
I think we have been expressly warned that we can only get away with discrediting Twilight because of how little she actually saw of us and it would be a very different matter if we healed her after rescuing her.
I think we have been expressly warned that we can only get away with discrediting Twilight because of how little she actually saw of us and it would be a very different matter if we healed her after rescuing her.

If we healed her horn before her brother arrives then her claiming that it was broken and we healed it becomes much much less believable than her seeing things from the stress of her capture and imprisonment.
I think we have been expressly warned that we can only get away with discrediting Twilight because of how little she actually saw of us and it would be a very different matter if we healed her after rescuing her.
Hmm. Valid point.
But per Bird, "eldritch surgery" is best attempted on a willing patient. So I imagine we will ask her if she consents to keep it quiet first, and heal her second. If we can't trust her to shut it, we will not her offer to heal her, and the situation will be no different to before, with Twilight knowing we can do eldritch stuff and that we indeed offered to do it, but not knowing what exactly we can do.
Still open to change, but IMO we can't let our chance of healing Twilight slip by. If we do not do so immediately, Twilight will have to bear that for who knows how many turns.
There is already a plan that tries to heal her if you are interested. Plan Risky Everything Else
There is also the issue that Twilight might not trust us enough to allow FR to be cast upon her. Though I guess we could always just slap off our scar instead. Though I also feel that we lose out on some goodwill by not even being present for the rescue.
Like I said, even I don't know how Twilight will react. I'm just preparing the "d6 reaction" charts (plural), and sniffing out for bonus or maluses to apply to it.
Oh boy. I'm guessing two of them will be for Twilight's mental state and her reaction to us saving her. And maybe another for how clearly she remembers?

God this turn is going to be so stressful once it gets going.
Oh boy. I'm guessing two of them will be for Twilight's mental state and her reaction to us saving her. And maybe another for how clearly she remembers?

God this turn is going to be so stressful once it gets going.
*After sneaking out of the Manehattan Base, Velvet opens the jar she took from there. Her eyes meet Twilight's and they stare at each other silently*
Velvet: ...
Twilight: ...
Velvet: ...I am not gonna lie, I was kind of hoping you had turned into a filly.
Twilight: wait, what?
AIUI we acted as a Cadre member and made a Reagent for him, but the Ritualist was Comet Feet, and it was his roll to succeed or fail at.
Be that as it may, I don't see anything in the Informational or in WoG that says we can't call an Influence on someone else. @BirdBodhisattva can you confirm?
Oh, right, theres also that. Yeah, I'll definitely add that on the informational.

Added bonus, it also makes it even more unlikely for a low-level pony receive a high-level Influence.

*After sneaking out of the Manehattan Base, Velvet opens the jar she took from there. Her eyes meet Twilight's and they stare at each other silently*
Velvet: ...
Twilight: ...
Velvet: ...I am not gonna lie, I was kind of hoping you had turned into a filly.
Twilight: wait, what?
(Velvet opens the jar and looks down at Twilight)

"So, uh, bad news. You're an orphan."

"I-... y-... what?!"

"Good news!" (aims fillyfying ray at her) "Not anymore!"
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Because most worrying of all, what the hay kind of influence will she be on the fillies?!
Only the best kind!
and she quite literally seems to be fighting you every step of the way.
What, the Edge Name being combative and unruly? Impossible.
Sure we can. We did it on Comet Feet, didn't we?
Technically, no. We did, however, do it on several other Cult members, so it should be possible.
Oh, right, theres also that. Yeah, I'll definitely add that on the informational.

Added bonus, it also makes it even more unlikely for a low-level pony receive a high-level Influence.
Uh… but we did it for the other Cult members when we were preparing for the expedition? A Forge and a Winter, IIRC.