Equestria at War gsrg IC

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Threadmarks of Nations
Sydney, Australia

It is Spring, of the year 1007 ALB.

Multiple sheets of parchment were laid out on a desk. A simple levitation spell was initiated and a quill of ink was expressed on the paper, in the form of words.

Dear my loyal students

It's been my greatest honor that the School of Friendship has survived its first full school year. It was certainly a risky endeavor having species other then ponies, but we were able to form this as its own institution. I'll be sure to get Pinkie Pie-

"Oooh Twilight! Are you going to mention about me planning a super duper fun friendship party!" Pinkie Pie asked, bouncing up and down on her four legs behind Twilight.

Twilight turned around. "Yes Pinkie" Twilight simply said.

"That's a relief! You wouldn't want to forget me. The mare who's going to whisk in the new year, and celebrate the great introduction for the grand strategy roleplay game!" Pinkie rambled uncontrollably.

"What now?" Twilight asked, the mention of the genre of game caught her off guard.

"You'll see, it's going to be more intense then my usual party games" Pinkie winked to no one in particular. "Gotta go!" she galloped off out of the room.

Twilight heard a crash. "Sorry Spike! I'm in a hurry" Pinkie's voice can still be audible due to her high pitch.

Despite the brief annoyance, Pinkie's stunt brought a smile to Twilight's face. Pinkie wasn't the Element of Laughter for nothing.

Twilight reactivated the levitation spell to continue her writing.

I'll be sure to get Pinkie Pie, which I was just reminded about, she's already preparing plans for another one of her parties to welcome the new year. Sometimes I wonder how she was able to still host these parties, not to mention balancing those with her position as ambassador to Yakyakistan.

Before I get to the main business of this letter, I want to address our School of Friendship. I'm so proud of you all that you have grown in consideration for each other, and putting others first before yourself. Seeing you all grow reminds me of what I was like before I moved to Ponyville and met all my best friends. I'm still thankful Princess Celestia sent me on that friendship assignment all those years ago.

Judging from the curriculum that all universities abide by in Equestria, you all are about halfway through what I planned for the Friendship course. Due to my previous adventure in defeating the Storm King, my name and my school was spread all throughout the world.

Princess Celestia notified me of various species's interests in me, and introduced me to the various ambassadors from Griffonia. Most interesting of them was the ambassador from the Griffonian Republic.

He said he would be interested in seeing a similar version of the School of Friendship somewhere like Wingbardy, or where he came from, only except that it would be based around the idea of Harmony with Griffon Characteristics.

I find that concept fascinating, as much as I believe Friendship is universal among species, the idea of Harmony might be slightly different due to the implications of Harmony for each species. I'll be interested in discussing the idea further with similarly interested Griffons.

So to that conclusion, I'm thinking of expanding in the future. I'll have to ask Princess Celestia for advice about expanding to Griffonia. Maybe New Mareland would be good for starters, and seeing where we go from there.

I know some of you have been tense from the political situation. Queen Chrysalis has been foreboding with uniting the various Changeling tribes together. But, Equestria had stood tall against Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, and Tirek. Friendship and Harmony has never failed us, only our lack of faith in our friends have been detrimental to us.

I mentioned Griffonia earlier, the king of the Griffonian empire, King Grover V has announced he's going for a tour of his empire's holdings on the newly built rail track. I do find it worrisome from the pictures I saw, his health is not the best. And from what I'm aware of following what I learnt from Griffonian history, his only heir is his 6 year old son, Grover VI.

I'm excited for the Friendship Games this year. I had been practicing my special speech for the last couple of months. So much so, Spike and Starlight Glimmer have been keeping an eye on me that I go to sleep for reasonable amounts of time.

I know how important it will be. No doubt I'll need to make a good impression so that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will pass Equestria onto me confidently when they'll retire eventually. I want to make sure I least train you all, the first generation of the original School of Friendship in Ponyville itself.

One last thing I'll mention before I sign off, there has been a rise of interested youth in two radical philosophies. Communism and Supremacy.

I admit, they were so new to me there haven't been much reliable written material about them yet I was able to read. The only books that will be of good use would be the very books that inspired those movements. Camel Marks, the father of Communism, and Giulio Beakloni, the vanguard of Supremacy.

I'll need to read their original works to understand their ideologies and how I can defeat them. If I can convince Starlight Glimmer of the magic of Friendship, then I have confidence that I can convince the followers of these extreme ideologies, to be more considerate towards other ponies/species.

Those books will arrive to me any day now. Even if I don't agree with the premise of those books, I'm excited to read political philosophy. Who knows, I'll probably get some ideas of my own, and publish a book based on the first couple of years of teaching from the School of Friendship. That'll show the Stalliongrad regime!

I'm having fun being your teacher and watching you all grow. I will miss you fondly when the time comes for you to return to your families and countries. I can only hope the world will realize the power of Friendship before it's too late.

Yours fondly, Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic.

Name: Kingdom of Olenia
Form of Government: Monarchy
Capital: Hjortland

Ruler: King Johan
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Religion: Olenianusko
Race: Deer
Population: 10,54 Million
National Spirits:
Corrupt Government:
The rule of King Johan 'Djavulen' Jelzek has slowly eroded away the moral fibre of the government and the bureaucrats. Nowadays, nothing gets done without a bribe being involved, and even then it takes some more to get things going. As a result, the wealthy deer in Olenia have increased their wealth and privileges.
Raising Dissent:
The rule of King Johan has been opposed since the very beginning, but crackdowns ensure that open rebellion does not occur. Nonetheless, a spark could change all that...
1: The benevolent king johan has issued a new department of anti Corruption ( Anti Korruptions förmedligen) AKF. Its pimary goal is to root out corruption within the goverment its direktor has the Power to give fines drag offenders to trial or even strip them of assests and il gotten Money it is to be made out of the most loyal and compitent members of king johan but it is alsow to be watched carfully at all times to ensure that it does its task.

2: King johan had made the defense of his nation a top priorety he thusly had orderd the Creation of a home guard for those who wish to defend there fatherland but does not want to join the full time army have the opertunity to serve Close to home. The home guard is to be armed partaly by military and centeral goverment but lockal regiments are also encorage to seak funding from donations or the local goverment. The home gurad is to be a military force where inbetween its exiserises it is to disband and its member are to go back to civilian Life but the regiments must be Abel to be called apon within 48 hours of a orders to mobalise. The training of the home guard is to focos on defense support and limited offensive actions but alsow resive training not only is survival of the whildernes but also in partisan warfare the home guard of cities are alsow expektetd tp be Abel to beat of a naval assult for the time neaded to either call in more units or the time neaded to blow up the port and outher critical infastrukture.

3: The military under carl Gustaf Manntlerhim has orderd a new military hardware to be created it is to be a portabale anti tank device the requerment are thus: It must be Abel to be carried by atleest 2 deers up a slope and if not that it must be Abel to be broken down and carried in pices. It must be Abel to funktion in tempratures as low as negative 45 degres. It must funktion at high altitudes. It must be easy to use and not to hard to field strip and Clean. It must be Abel to penetrate a facehardend plate of 50mm or up at 200 meters altho higer ranges will be a positive and is higly sought after. It does not matter what format this takes be it a rocket asisted holow charge a super light anti tank gun or a anti tank rifel it must only be Abel to handel the criteria the test will be carried out in 6 months (4 weeks irl). both the king and field martial will be present the Winner will resive a HIGLY lucrative order from the olenian military. The order for this has beein sent to the following nations/companies : Alda gunworks, keisarillen, nidhogg industries, star enegri, Fillidelphia motors, macintosh factory , the equestrian goverment, The crystal empiere, staliongrad, grey desighn, zayatskiy avtozavod, blautal waffenhäuser, Löwenstein, reichswaffen, helheim kannonen and the grifin empiere.

4: King johan has orderd that a new state owned Company is to be created: B.Y.G.G. it is to hold a monopoly of olenias mining intrests its tak remain the increese of output and that export of them to the World market and seeing as they will act as a Company the omly differense is that they will be owned by the state they retain the Power to make deals with Companys and outher nations at large with its first task being to incresse tungsten,crome and steal output to sell on the global market.
Kingdom of Wingbardy
Capital: Karthin
Head of State: King Garibald Talonuel III
Head of Government: Prime Minister Guilio Beakolini
Ideology: Fascist
Race: Griffon
Faction: Karthinian Pact
Population: 10.29 Million

The Kingdom of Wingbardy, affected by the poor economic conditions imposed by the "Wounded Peace" with Falcor. While key territories, including the city of Falcor were annexed to Wingbardy, the dream of a Karthinian Empire across the south was defeated and as the war economy was dismantled and demobilized soldiers filled the streets, unemployment became rampant and untended fields led to skyrocketing food prices and mass disillusionment within the Kingdom. Into this void have come both the Communist PCW, calling for abolition of the monarchy and the aristocracy, and the PNF led by the charismatic Giulio Beakolini who calls for a "National Reorganization" saying that all Wingbardy must become like the ancient fasces, all bound to the strength and pride of Wingbardy. Fascist forces now have control of much of the north and a mass demonstration of 30,000 armed Griffons is marching on Karinth. the Prime Minster has placed an order on the King's desk for his signature, calling for the declaration of a state of siege and dispatching the army to stop the march...

1. The King has declined to declare a state of siege and instead has invited Beakolini to form a new government. With the combined Fascist and Conservative seats the government will have a clear majority but the Fascist seats are still outnumbered by the Conservatives, a factor Beakolini will no doubt address in the future.

2. Beakolini's first act as Prime Minister has been to call for renewed public investment in various industrial sectors. Heavy subsidies are being used to reopen factories and put Griffons back to work. The firearms industry have been subject to particular focus as of late though Beakolini has promised incentives to other industries soon. He has also ordered the creation of a national oil company designed to locate and exploit any oil resources in Wingbardy.

3. His second act has been establish a government board to oversee modernization and repairs to Wingbardy's railways, many branches of which fell into disrepair during the war due to supplies being needed elsewhere. While many of the needed repairs were already done prior to Beakolini taking power, Beakolini has promised that he will make the trains run on time.

4. It is universally agreed that the former tactics of the Royal Army were abysmal during the Falcor War and so a variety of innovative officers are finding themselves recipients of promotions and being placed in vital positions of the army by Beakolini, and being encouraged to experiment with new ideas.

5. Finally, a mass crackdown has being ordered against Communist paramilitaries throughout southern Wingbardy, who, rumors has it, were preparing a national uprising to resist Beakolini.
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Commonwealth of New Mareland

Capital: Sunset
Head of State: Princess Celestia
Head of Government: Jet Set
Ideology: Harmony
Race: Pony (with Griffon minorities)
Faction: United Ponies Alliance
Population: 6.2 Million

The collapse of the Griffonian Empire sent waves across the continent, but strangely enough one of the worst hit places was the Commonwealth of New Mareland. With an economy overly reliant in trade with the griffon nations, the chaos that erupted after the republican revolution caused a massive economic downturn as equestrian investors and businessponies sold their stocks and assets in a very sort time span.

Ever since then, the colony has suffered from a high unemployment rate and social and racial tensions (thanks to an enormous griffon minority). Feeling ignored by their equestrian overlords, the already existing calls for independence have multiplicated and a referendum is being demanded.

Is in this climate where the current Prime Minister Jet Set stands. Known to be a loyalist, the head of government has already began writing a series of acts and executive orders with the intention to solve the situation:

- The Helping Hand Act: heavy subsidies will be granted to all the Commonwealth Industry, and the process of foreign invest will be streamlined.

- The Right to Go Act: the New Manehattan Aeronaval Company (NMOC) will be stablished. This state-owned company will buy, nationalise and expand aeronaval production companies. It will also provide a heavily discounted fly and ferry between Sunset and New Manehattan twice a day.

- The Mutual Help Act: every unemployed pony or griffin will be offered a position in a national construction company. This company will work to improve both the road and rail and the electrical infrastructure by the construction of new roads, railways and hydroelectric stations.

- The Equestrian Issue Act: this bill introduced and passed by the anti-harmonic opposition demands the execution of an independence referendum. It also has a clause demanding Equestria a compensation for the years of mismanage and inactivity towards the Commonwealth
Dread League
Capital: Magehold
Ideology: Fascist
Race: Undead
Population: 1.68M + unknown numbers of mindless undead

In time long forgotten, in a age where even the immortal rulers of Equestria may or may not have existed the Dread League was once the most powerful sovereign entity in the world. Entire landscapes would be blotted out by their undead legions while their Necromancers masters commanded from their halls and the Vampire's hid in the shadows. They would have rendered the world as lifeless as themselves save for the few living Necromancers who were still finding the secrets to Lichdom, yet it was not to be. The continent of Griffonia banded together and with their combined military might defeated the Dread League in the most pyrrhic of victories. They won at the cost of so many lives and only forced their adversaries into a pocket of the north.

Now after thousands of years they have passed from living memory save for the Arcturian Order who even now has little interest in a crusade. This would be a foolish choice for even now the Dread League survives in the mighty city of Magehold where the Dread Council is now convening once more, it has not done so since the ages where they were still the mightiest but yet the original Vampires and Liches still remain.

The chambers they gathered in was pristine. The Vampires of the Coven of Blood sat on one side with chalices of blood and thralls serving their every whim, on the other the Society of Bones sat with the mightiest of Liches in debate over what is to come. This council was called for one singular reason, the establishment of a new master of the undead. They would discuss possible candidates from both sides, neither faction capable of putting aside their differences until the doors were thrown open by a powerful force. The room stopped their chatter and debate as someone entered, not with the clatter of hooves or the flapping of wings but a sound of large scuttling was the only sound they entered with.

His large form was a mash of hundreds of different pieces strewn and stuck together, bone and flesh stuck together as if they always had been yet every one knew that this freak of nature never could exist not even Discord would dare to create such a monstrosity. He may have once been a pony or one of the other two sub species but he wasn't any longer, in place of normal legs and hooves were a collection of bones put together to form 8 spider-like legs. The torso was now elongated to nearly twice the size and length of a normal pony with rotting flesh and exposed bone revealing just how many pieces was required to elongate his normal size and in place of the normal tail was now the large scorpion tail of a Manticore but instead of the stinger, at the end was the elongated horn of a Unicorn or perhaps an Alicorn? The mighty wings of a teenaged dragon now resided in resting position upon that elongated torso, occasionally stretching out to show their large length. In place of the head and neck was the body of a Centaur with it's arms and hands replaced on both sides. The right arm was now the claw of a dragon perhaps coming from the same one he got the wings from, the other was instead a unique creation much like his legs with how many different pieces were forced together. It formed a similar lanky arm like that of his right but in place of the claw was what appeared to be some form of pincer, like that of a crab's that when fully opened would reveal a large opening at the center that upon closer inspection seemed to emit a slight blackish green flame similar to a dragon's. Finally his head rested upon the Centaur's body which seemed normal enough but in place of any mane was now a black flame that went down the head and neck all the way to the Scorpion tail. 3 horn's rested on his head with two smaller ones at each side of the larger middle one all as white as bone.

This horrid abomination's name was Náströdr Marrow and as many would easily be able to piece together, he was a Lich. He was a old Lich not as old as many of the other members currently sitting on the Dread Council but he was still old enough to remember the reign of Discord and his defeat by Celestia and Luna. Náströdr was a member of the Society of Bones yet he was also favored among the Coven of Blood due to his longtime friendship and mentor ship with it's leader.

It did not take much longer for either party to come to a conclusion Náströdr was the perfect candidate for the position. Relatively speaking he was young and would bring new ideas to the table and he was favored among the older generation and especially the Coven of Blood despite being a member of the Society of Bones. He could bring a new unity between both parties and that's what he would do. For only a day later Náströdr Marrow was announced as the new Master of the Dead.

1. As the new Master of the Dead Náströdr shall begin to form closer bonds between both the Coven and Society that will be needed for the times ahead. The Vampires are powerful individually and can easily pass into the modern societies with their eternally fresh bodies while the Society can raise untold legions of the dead and are more then capable of doing research and massive spells of power. Together both can compliment each other's weaknesses.

2. The Ghouls are a wild card but one that Náströdr has an easy fix for. Their labour is completely unneeded, mindless skeletons and zombies can take their place in repetitive factories and workshops all they need to do is provide minimal oversight. This change will easily introduce new growth for the mindless will do work nonstop day in and day out with no rest or complaint while the Ghoul's complaints of the workplace will dry up as they can go after more glamorous jobs or even if they still want to maintain their old ones in the factories in higher positions.

3. The technology of the Dread League is hundreds of years out of date of the rest of the world. This needs to be rectified. Making and designing their own weapons would take many months but the Coven can fix that problem. With some persuasion and favors Náströdr will call in the Vampires to go out and gather samples of technology beyond the Arcturian Order's borders. Their supernatural speed and stealth will make this an easy task as they will go out to bring back anything they don't have no matter how mundane or perhaps somewhat outdated by the standards of the rest of Griffonia. Going after individuals with knowledge of how to make these things such as Gunsmiths are also important, luckily the ability to turn them into thralls is an option for the Vampires.

4. Technology may be outdated but magic in the Dread League is the best of the best in all of Griffonia. Yet still the armies of the Dread League are simply mindless skeletons and zombies that would struggle to even use muskets. The Society of Bones and even Náströdr himself will put their minds together to fix issue to better improve their armies ability to handle newer weapons and tactics.
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Capital: Farbrook
Head of State: Chief Cenhelm
Head of Government: Chief Cenhelm
Ideology: Harmony
Race: Pony
Population: 1.94 Million

The Ponys of Farbrook are gathered in traditional tribes, with many of them able to trace their ancestry hundreds of years back, when they fought the griffons during their migration east. This has resulted in a stable nation with strong traditional values. Yet not even this old country is safe from the difficulties of the new millennium. Chief Cenhelm has ruled the nation well, but many believe that he lacks the ability to make the decisions that would allow Farbrook to survive and thrive in a new era. The North Eastern Socialist Party (NESP) wishes to tear down the many inequalities in the nation, with idealist Hempstand advocating for a society where everyone can live in tune with each other and nature, leaving modern industries behind while the young Revolutionary Applethorn hopes to modernize the country and spread the Revolution. On the other hoove the chief of the White Hooves Clan, Hermane Gering believes that the nation of Farbrook should expand their borders to represent Farbrooks status as greatest Nation in Griffonia

Farbrook shares a one of its kind relationship with the nation of Greneclyf, which is an island inhibited by changeling east of the coast. 800 years ago the changelings of Greneclyf were on the verge of starving after being driven from the mainland, until a Farbrookian fishing expedition managed to find its way to Greneclyf, where the chieftain of Farbrook, Fingal shared his love with Queen Dylis, forming a lasting friendship that would be symbolized by the Great Pacts, two pairs of tapestries depicting the First Sharing and the Frozen Refuge. Only time will tell if this friendship will last even in this new age where factions in both nations are prepared to hold the good of themselves over harmonious cooperation with their neighbors.

1. The Council of Chiefs elects the leader of the nation every 7 years. This is a momumentous event, where many chiefs make side deals and visit the capital. As acting High Chief Cenhelm will organize the event and take part as one chief amongst many.

2. The gathering of the council is a grand affair and Cenhelm wants to hit two griffons with one stone. Represantatives from the other hillpony nations and Farbrooks old ally Greneclyf will be invited to attend a conference in Farbrook, where they will be able to grow closer and hopefully face the many problems they have together. Envoys from the River Coalition will be invited as observers.

3. The city of Farbrook is the only real city in northeastern Griffonia and its port functions as the entryway to the isolated communities of the hillponies. To fulfill this prestigous and profitable role its harbor needs to be expanded. This will hopefully allow Farbrook to handle more goods and give the ponies further inland a chance to access the modern technology of the Riverlands.

4. The armed forces of Farbrook are traditionally made up of tribal militia, trained and equipped by the different tribes in our nation. This allows them to effectively defend the ponys of our nation against the ever present threat of the wildlife, but it means that many of them are poorly equipped and unwilling to follow the orders of Farbrook. Cenhelm will use the soldiers of the Ironhelm tribes to create and train a force loyal to the office of the High chief, which will be supplied by the farbrookian government.
Declaration of a New Order

Changelings salute Chrysalis before her address

"Children, today we mark the start of a new era! For thousands of years, we have been abandoned by the world and left to wallow in our own misery. We have fought among ourselves for the scraps, fought neighbors trying to take what little we had, fought for our right just to exist. Finally, those times are behind us.

After millennia of struggle, I have united the Changelings under one Hive. No longer will we face constant ruin. No longer will we face constant starvation. No long will we be prey for the world those that despise us.

Our enemies have failed. Our squabbling is over. It has been a long journey, but we have passed the test, and our resolve has never been stronger. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.

In order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Changelings Lands will be reorganized into the first Changeling Empire, for a safe and secure society which will last ten thousand years! We will forgive the past attacks against us and reestablish diplomatic ties with the world as a single united Hive, we will integrate other species into our collective, and cooperate with groups worldwide to ensure we will never again face starvation...."

-Excerpt from the Queen's speech, broadcast across the Changeling Lands on every medium, and with foreign reporters and diplomats observing.
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"When I first mentored Náströdr I never would have thought he would rise to lead us all."
Ancient Master Vampire Solomon Liebentod
Solomon Liebentod, Ancient Master Vampire and leader of the Coven of Blood was not a good pony by any stretch of the imagination. He is the oldest unliving Vampire in history and was already 300 Years old when he and the other founding members of the Dread League gathered together to conquer the world and has since only gained more prestige for his efforts. He is the one who first introduced Náströdr to the Dread League and has since been his mentor. Indeed, Náströdr's rise to power wouldn't have been possible if not for Solomon's mentorship. Not only did he train him for greater power but it also gave him allies in the Coven of Blood and in their leading member. Their relationship was almost family like, both having respect for the other and even caring for the other in some odd way.

For someone of his age he is remarkably well kept and besides his fangs and pale fur he looks like any other stallion although when enraged or even forced into combat Solomon can enter into what is called by the Coven, the Vampire Lord state. In this form his fur becomes more ragged and decayed, his eyes become bloodshot, and his fang elongate to the size of knives. He will sprout Thestral like wings and grow larger almost to the size of Celestia, and in this state his power both magically and physically grow immensely allowing him to contend with the magical prowess of the Liches. When not in his Vampire Lord state he is quite cordial befitting of some high lord in court. However everyone knows this is just an act and that his true self is much more sinister and dark, yet to those who have his respect he is an ally many would gladly fight alongside.

"I have lead the armies of the dead longer than any other! I do not need to be dead to continue doing so!"
Grand Necromancer Moarte Pieire

Moarte Pieire, Grand Necromancers of the Dread League and master of the undead legions is the military leader of the Dread League's undead armies. It surprises many that Moarte is not undead, no he has a heart beating in his chest and warm blood in his veins. Yet many speculate on just how he has survived for thousands of years. He was after all the leader of the undead armies back when the Dread League was hellbent on killing all life not in their undying service. Some speculate that he has uncovered some art of life extension, or perhaps he transfers his mind and soul to another. Either way he neglects to say and refuses to become a Lich or a Vampire despite the advantages besides immortality.

His appearance is that of a Stallion coming into his older years although he has always looked like that for as long as anyone could remember. His white mane contrasts his dark coat all the while clad in magically reinforced steel armor. His power is not overwhelming neither is he physically strong. All that he has is experience and a brilliant tactical mind as he leads the armies of the dead for his dark masters. Much like all the other contradictories that surround Moarte his personality is not one would expect. He is a very honorable individual with a respect and even is downright empathic for others. Yet his personality doesn't get in the way of his duty, gladly sacrificing all the innocents required to complete his objective.

"Don't fret, mother is here to free you of your worries."
Lich Queen Hel Schnitter

Hel Schnitter, Lich Queen of the Society of Bones is their leader and has been for as long as Solomon has for the Coven. She is the oldest lich in the Dread League and is in fact one of the first practitioners of Necromancy. She found the art when her children died leaving her alone, this drove her to great lengths to bring them back. In this she found out about Necromancy and this filled her with hope when she discovered it. She created the first ever Ghouls out of her own children and turned herself into a Lich so she could live with them forever, yet the people around her grew scared and attacked her and her children in their superstition. They destroyed the Children only to be killed by Hel in a rage, she cursed the living for tearing her family apart again and vowed to kill them all. She has since been one of the more aggressive members of the Dread League although time has since mellowed her out since the days of the active Dread League. The Ghoul's inhabiting their territory owe their existence to her, for she was the one who started raising them as intelligent undead first.

She looks like a older mare with a white coat and just as white hair. Parts of her body have rotten and fell off and she has done little to fix it, such as the gash on the left side of her face. She is one of if not the most powerful Lich besides Náströdr in the Dread League as she created powerful spells and rituals to curse the living and raise the dead. The most evident part of her however is her personality. Members of the Dread League and especially the Ghouls all like her, she is their "Great Mother" as it were for she cares for all members of the Dread League even those not yet dead like Moarte.
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Diplomatic Blitzkreig

A Changeling diplomatic ship makes its journey across the skies

By the Queen's decree, the first extensions of the Changeling Empire's reach would come not from declarations of war, but declarations of peace. Since time immemorial the Changelings had been seen as nothing but a scourge, they were barbarian states prone to violence, pirates and brigands threatening travelers, or terrifying monsters to scare children. What little cooperation was done with Changelings happened with one eye and knife looking toward their 'associates', with the atmosphere of high-stakes criminal smuggling operation rather than a trade deal. Of course, it didn't help that they often were criminal smuggling operations, as few rulers dared to tolerate the Changelings.

But no more.

The Changeling Empire is an advanced, rich, and constantly growing state, and demands to be seen as such. Ambassadors in their finely crafted airships are already on their way to nations as far away as Griffonia to make their case.

To our distant neighbors in Stalliongrad:

Our two nations share many similarities.

Like you, we know what it is like to fight for your community, and for your right to exist.
Like you, we know what it is to face international scorn for what you are.
Like you, we know what it is like to be forced to work harder than the rest of the world, forced to create everything on your own with no prior knowledge. as you are banned from legitimate trade with neighboring states.
Like you, we know the pain of starvation, and the sacrifices it forces upon you.

Our two nations stand apart, but facing the same threat. Shall we stand together instead?
To our distant neighbors in Nova Griffonia:

In most ways, our two nations are nothing alike.

Where you find yourself separated from your long time home, ours is united for the first time.
Where you have free trade, all the technology of the old world available for the right price, we are forced to make our own path forwards.
Where you find yourself divided between ideologies and with every nation trying to push their own on you, we are united, and others try to avoid us.

Our differences need not keep us apart. Instead they are an opportunity. What is useless to us may be valuable to you, and vice-versa, it is differences that form the basis of the gains of trade, and with our cooperation we both stand to benefit a great deal. Unlike others, we offer ourselves with no strings attached. We have no desire to convert you to our ways, make you dependent on us, topple your government, or economically dominate you as the Griffonian Empire did. A free and prosperous Nova Griffonia is the best situation for us both. Will you work with us?
To the Griffonian Empire:

Our friends, we would like to thank you for the support you have given us over the years, that has finally allowed us to reach our goal of unification. It is difficult to express how much inspiration it provided when it seemed every other group in the world was against us, and our progress would be far behind without you.

As our nation takes its first steps onto the world stage, we would like to use this opportunity to further cement our warm relationship. Already we collaborate on armored vehicle design and military strategy, but this is the least of what we may potentially accomplish together. If you desire it, we could branch out into aircraft or naval design, civil progress, or perhaps combine your historical ties and local knowledge with our infiltration skills to produce an intelligence network never before seen. The possibilities if we work together are endless.
To Wingbardy:

We have heard of the modernization efforts of Wingbardy's new government and wish your nation the best of luck in its efforts. Technology was the basis on which the Changeling Empire was built, and seeing its stagnation in the wake of the partial collapse of the Griffonian Empire has been disheartening. It is good to see steps taken to put development back on track.

We would also like to extend the offer of assistance in your progress. Griffonia was once critical in bringing the modern era to the Changeling Lands, and perhaps it is time to repay the favor. We offer you services from engineering collaboration to even military training, should you chose to accept them.
To New Mareland:

The Changeling Empire is interested in purchasing your two smallest and Westernmost islands for our use in establishing continuous trade with Griffonia.

We have no quarrel with your citizens and our interest is entirely peaceful in nature, and we are willing to sign binding agreements of the islands being demilitarized if you require, even going as far as to pay your navy to prevent piracy, if necessary.

We are willing to pay for any and all costs associated with the trade, including to any citizens who want to move to avoid the change of government.

It is our hope that if you were to agree to this proposal, we could invest in Southern Griffonia and boost the economy of the entire region.
To Olenia:

We have recently been made aware of some military and economic developments in your nation, and would like to express interest in them.

For your Anti-Tank weapon contract, we can have several weapons prepared on short notice for your evaluation, as well as officers to observe.

On the creation of B.Y.G.G, we would be interested in purchasing materials mined by the new company, and also inquiring as to the possibility of our investment in Olenian prospecting efforts. Should the reverse be sought, we would be willing to negotiate opening our land to B.Y.G.G prospecting to start operations here as well.
To the Skyfall Trade Federation: @Skyfall

The Changeling Empire finds itself with a rapidly growing economy, but the limited resources of our nation struggle to support our industry. Yet we unfortunately also face a powerful enemy on our border, which is itself destabilizing or controlling the other nations on our borders, limiting the reliable supply of goods from abroad. Thus, we come to Griffonia to meet our material requirements.

As we have until now had limited contact with the continent and have few connections, we come to your Trade Federation for assistance. If you could establish steady supply lines for the various materials an industrial nation needs to stay running, we can provide you with a constant market for them.

In addition, we understand you posses a large number of warships, and would be interested in negotiating a purchase of some of them.
@Darth Invictus
To Equestria:

The enmity between the Changelings and Equestrians is ancient and undeniable. Thousands of incidents, in thousands of locations, between thousands of creatures, are but a small piece of what has made the situation what it is. At the highest level, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia share a mutual loathing that it beyond description, with endless justification, that will continue to both of their deaths, as much it may please their opposite, and likely continue into the next life as well. But the Changeling Empire is a new nation. The Changeling Empire forgives these past hatreds, and hopes for a new start.

What the Changeling Empire does not do is forget. It does not ignore the current attacks on it by Equestria. It notices that of its four other neighbors, one has an exiled leader in Equestria plotting a coup, one is on the verge of a civil war thanks to a leader's fanatical devotion to Equestria, one is an outright puppet of Equestria, and that the last is merely too unpopulated, distant, and weak for Equestria to bother with. It can see the Equestrian side of the border is nearly empty for hundreds of kilometers save a few scattered colonies, and it remembers the past when Equestria stole that land from ancient hives.

We offer you the peace and 'friendship' you constantly claim to want, but only if you are willing to end your aggression and return what you have stolen from us. We demand you cease harboring the political dissidents of our mutual neighbors, that you do not provide economic or military support to your aligned regimes, that you release the Crystal Empire from your rule, and that you return the provinces of [Fairflanks*], [Acornage*], [Western Featherfall*], and [Diamond Lands*] to rightful Changeling jurisdiction.

Until then, we can only assume you intend to continue our past grievances into the future, and we intend to make you pay for every blow against us.

[*Translated to Equestrian]
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Skyfall Trade Federation
Capital: Skyfall
Ruler: Genevieve Guildedwing
Ideology: Non-Aligned
Race: Griffon
Faction: None
Population: 6.85 Million

The odd bird amongst the states of the shattered Griffonian Empire, the Skyfall Trade Federation is a mercantile coalition of towns and companies that has prospered while the Empire has declined and withered away. Yet even the Federation has it's issues. A deep class divide between rich and poor has led to the greatest and longest lasting organised labor strike in Griffonian history. It's annual budget could be confused for nesting material, with a massive amount of the Trade Federation's profits being invested into maintaining the outdated and frankly obsolete Imperial Fleet, which the Federation inherited when the Empire fell. Finally, the Woodpecker Society, a secret oligarchy of rich businessgriffs, seeks to manipulate the political situation to their benefit.

The Trade Federation was originally founded within the walls of Skyfall, the premier trading port and financial capital of the entire Empire. Mercantile guilds, independent merchants and later entire corporations operated solely within the lands administered by the trading league. Thanks to lax Imperial control and high amounts of local autonomy, Skyfall flourished, even while the Empire itself was in decline. When the Empire finally collapsed in 978 ALB, the effects it had upon the economies of the continent was disastrous to say the least, aside from Skyfall that is. As a coastal settlement with strong naval traditions, the trading that Skyfall relied so heavily upon came from outside the Empire, rather than from within it, allowing it to continue to prosper, even as the rest of the continent burned.

That changed some time ago. While the Trade Federation has implemented a number of business-friendly policies and a general rule of low regulation, this has led to a number of abuses of the Federation's lower class. Workers began to band together, creating their own Congress of Syndicalist Unions to oppose any further deregulation. The Skyfall Trade Council and it's current chancellor, Genevieve Guildedwing, have attempted to maintain the status quo where-ever possible, completely abstaining from radical measures. This however cannot continue for long, as the workers in turn have now been striking for months. If reform is not implemented soon, then both the radical left and radical right may decide to take matters into their own hands.

1. Fix the Skyfall Fleet: "While the ownership of the Old Imperial Fleet has brought much prestige to our Federation, it's continued strain on our Budget is not good for our plans and trade going forward, so I put forward this motion to take the most expensive ships to maintain and bring them aground to break apart and use the metal for new ships to join the fleet. With this Plan I hope that our fleets can continue their control over the waves and that a new age of Trade will flow through the Skyfall Federation."- Genevieve Guildedwing, Chancellor of the Skyfall Trade Federation speaking to the Trade council

2. Restructure the Economics: "Well I am certainly glad the Chancellor thought best to come to me for this matter, none of the other dullards of the council can match me, Ferdinand von Hochsklaue, of the great von Hochsklaue line, in matters of coin and economics. For now all that needs to be done is quite simple, first we take a look at all the spending done in the last decade find the problem areas and see the needs for our current output of products for internal and external Trade. now don't look to relived, this is but the first step in my brilliant plan, next we need the Trade manifestos from all external trade over the last twenty five years and go over them in great detail, must account for any backroom deals and any lost cargo due to storms, pirates and the like, what? your not writing this down? uggh simpleton go get a quill so you can write this down, I am on a roll and we can't lose my train of thought. " - Ferdinand von Hochsklaue, member of the Trade Council and Advisor for the Economic Reform plans

3. Becoming a Modern Labor Griffon: "Yes my Friends, these new plans might cut a little into the Profits, but this is a small price to pay for appeasing the masses. Honestly I can see where the Chancellor is coming from, with these new economic reforms coming in, why not look at the labor laws of the land and go over what is outdated for the modern world. I mean this will certainly help calm the mass revolt a little, and besides, not like they can say we are not trying to fix things"- Philip van Sosen, Noted industrialist and Politician of the Skyfall Federation talking with other Industrialists

4. Improvements on the Armed Forces: "The Army of our Federation is meant to stand as protectors of our interests and our lands, but with the advances of firearms and other weapons of this modern age, we are starting to fall behind, this cannot happen. So send word to the Weapons merchants of former Griffonia, that we wish to made a new deal for schematics for these weapons, we must begin production immediately" - Elric Rochette, Advisor of the Armed Forces
Diplomatic Blitzkreig

A Changeling diplomatic ship makes its journey across the skies

By the Queen's decree, the first extensions of the Changeling Empire's reach would come not from declarations of war, but declarations of peace. Since time immemorial the Changelings had been seen as nothing but a scourge, they were barbarian states prone to violence, pirates and brigands threatening travelers, or terrifying monsters to scare children. What little cooperation was done with Changelings happened with one eye and knife looking toward their 'associates', with the atmosphere of high-stakes criminal smuggling operation rather than a trade deal. Of course, it didn't help that they often were criminal smuggling operations, as few rulers dared to tolerate the Changelings.

But no more.

The Changeling Empire is an advanced, rich, and constantly growing state, and demands to be seen as such. Ambassadors in their finely crafted airships are already on their way to nations as far away as Griffonia to make their case.

To our distant neighbors in Stalliongrad:

Our two nations share many similarities.

Like you, we know what it is like to fight for your community, and for your right to exist.
Like you, we know what it is to face international scorn for what you are.
Like you, we know what it is like to be forced to work harder than the rest of the world, forced to create everything on your own with no prior knowledge. as you are banned from legitimate trade with neighboring states.
Like you, we know the pain of starvation, and the sacrifices it forces upon you.

Our two nations stand apart, but facing the same threat. Shall we stand together instead?
To our distant neighbors in Nova Griffonia:

In most ways, our two nations are nothing alike.

Where you find yourself separated from your long time home, ours is united for the first time.
Where you have free trade, all the technology of the old world available for the right price, we are forced to make our own path forwards.
Where you find yourself divided between ideologies and with every nation trying to push their own on you, we are united, and others try to avoid us.

Our differences need not keep us apart. Instead they are an opportunity. What is useless to us may be valuable to you, and vice-versa, it is differences that form the basis of the gains of trade, and with our cooperation we both stand to benefit a great deal. Unlike others, we offer ourselves with no strings attached. We have no desire to convert you to our ways, make you dependent on us, topple your government, or economically dominate you as the Griffonian Empire did. A free and prosperous Nova Griffonia is the best situation for us both. Will you work with us?
To the Griffonian Empire:

Our friends, we would like to thank you for the support you have given us over the years, that has finally allowed us to reach our goal of unification. It is difficult to express how much inspiration it provided when it seemed every other group in the world was against us, and our progress would be far behind without you.

As our nation takes its first steps onto the world stage, we would like to use this opportunity to further cement our warm relationship. Already we collaborate on armored vehicle design and military strategy, but this is the least of what we may potentially accomplish together. If you desire it, we could branch out into aircraft or naval design, civil progress, or perhaps combine your historical ties and local knowledge with our infiltration skills to produce an intelligence network never before seen. The possibilities if we work together are endless.
To Wingbardy:

We have heard of the modernization efforts of Wingbardy's new government and wish your nation the best of luck in its efforts. Technology was the basis on which the Changeling Empire was built, and seeing its stagnation in the wake of the partial collapse of the Griffonian Empire has been disheartening. It is good to see steps taken to put development back on track.

We would also like to extend the offer of assistance in your progress. Griffonia was once critical in bringing the modern era to the Changeling Lands, and perhaps it is time to repay the favor. We offer you services from engineering collaboration to even military training, should you chose to accept them.
To New Mareland:

The Changeling Empire is interested in purchasing your two smallest and Westernmost islands for our use in establishing continuous trade with Griffonia.

We have no quarrel with your citizens and our interest is entirely peaceful in nature, and we are willing to sign binding agreements of the islands being demilitarized if you require, even going as far as to pay your navy to prevent piracy, if necessary.

We are willing to pay for any and all costs associated with the trade, including to any citizens who want to move to avoid the change of government.

It is our hope that if you were to agree to this proposal, we could invest in Southern Griffonia and boost the economy of the entire region.
To Olenia:

We have recently been made aware of some military and economic developments in your nation, and would like to express interest in them.

For your Anti-Tank weapon contract, we can have several weapons prepared on short notice for your evaluation, as well as officers to observe.

On the creation of B.Y.G.G, we would be interested in purchasing materials mined by the new company, and also inquiring as to the possibility of our investment in Olenian prospecting efforts. Should the reverse be sought, we would be willing to negotiate opening our land to B.Y.G.G prospecting to start operations here as well.
To the Skyfall Trade Federation: @Skyfall

The Changeling Empire finds itself with a rapidly growing economy, but the limited resources of our nation struggle to support our industry. Yet we unfortunately also face a powerful enemy on our border, which is itself destabilizing or controlling the other nations on our borders, limiting the reliable supply of goods from abroad. Thus, we come to Griffonia to meet our material requirements.

As we have until now had limited contact with the continent and have few connections, we come to your Trade Federation for assistance. If you could establish steady supply lines for the various materials an industrial nation needs to stay running, we can provide you with a constant market for them.

In addition, we understand you posses a large number of warships, and would be interested in negotiating a purchase of some of them.
@Darth Invictus
To Equestria:

The enmity between the Changelings and Equestrians is ancient and undeniable. Thousands of incidents, in thousands of locations, between thousands of creatures, are but a small piece of what has made the situation what it is. At the highest level, Queen Chrysalis and Princess Celestia share a mutual loathing that it beyond description, with endless justification, that will continue to both of their deaths, as much it may please their opposite, and likely continue into the next life as well. But the Changeling Empire is a new nation. The Changeling Empire forgives these past hatreds, and hopes for a new start.

What the Changeling Empire does not do is forget. It does not ignore the current attacks on it by Equestria. It notices that of its four other neighbors, one has an exiled leader in Equestria plotting a coup, one is on the verge of a civil war thanks to a leader's fanatical devotion to Equestria, one is an outright puppet of Equestria, and that the last is merely too unpopulated, distant, and weak for Equestria to bother with. It can see the Equestrian side of the border is nearly empty for hundreds of kilometers save a few scattered colonies, and it remembers the past when Equestria stole that land from ancient hives.

We offer you the peace and 'friendship' you constantly claim to want, but only if you are willing to end your aggression and return what you have stolen from us. We demand you cease harboring the political dissidents of our mutual neighbors, that you do not provide economic or military support to your aligned regimes, that you release the Crystal Empire from your rule, and that you return the provinces of [Fairflanks*], [Acornage*], [Western Featherfall*], and [Diamond Lands*] to rightful Changeling jurisdiction.

Until then, we can only assume you intend to continue our past grievances into the future, and we intend to make you pay for every blow against us.

[*Translated to Equestrian]
To Her Chitinous Majesty,

We indeed require engineers and officers to modernize our industry and military equipment. We request at least as much involvement as you have given to the regime in Griffenheim.

River Republic
Capital: Rijekograd
Ruler: River Swirl
Ideology: Harmony
Race: Pony
Faction: River Coalition
Population: 6.04 million


The River Republic is a nation of ponies in the heart of The Riverlands. The nation won its independence from Lake City, known then as the Grand Principality, when the Grand Prince was busy trying to quell rebellious Zaphzian subjects. Styling itself as its own Grand Principality and taking the city of Rijekograd as capital, The Rivers Principality became a trading kingdom whose guilds dominated trade flowing down the rivers. In 807 The Rivers Principality of Rijekograd, in order to secure absolute dominance of river trade and bring wealth, went to war with the magical Kingdom of Wittenland. The waged between the two monarchies was fierce but in the end the Rivers Principality won but at great cost. The Magic of the mage nobility of Wittenland caused great attrition in their land and each battle was pyrrhic for the Principality. Peace was made with Wittenland for the territory of Wild-Vodina and its wealthy city of Coltstream but came at the cost of the future of the Rivers Principality.. The Wittenlander saying "Each battle in Witten, a river prince was stricken," while not entirely accurate the royal line of the Rivers Principality was decimated all to but one grievously wounded Soft Waters. Not wanting the land to fall to civil war, she put it in her will that the parliament of the Principality would be empowered to rule the nation upon her death. On 814, with Soft Waters passing, the nation became the first democratic republic in the Riverlands and securing the stability of the former monarchy.

In 854 The River Republic would see it mustering itself to arms against an invasion by the warmongering emperor of Griffonia Grover the Second. Wit the combined might of all the pony nations of Eastern Griffonia, The great griffen army was defeated at coltstream and emperor Grover dying to a Nimbusian helote soldier. In 898 after another griffonian invasion the Riverlands called together the prominent powers of the Riverlands and formalized the Treaty of Coltstream which joined the members in a defensive alliance which called for the military support of each member nation in case of raids and invasions of their territories. River Republic, Lake City, Bakara, and Nimbusia would sign as founding members and the River Coalition was born. In time, the nations of Wittenland, Deponya, Ponaedhein, and ever Diamond Mountain would join the River Coalition making the pact a formidable defensive force.

State of the nation:

Centered at the heart of the Riverlands, the River Republic enjoys great prosperity. Its dominance of river trade has stayed true for centuries, and the wealth of its merchants and burgeoning industrialists is great. Its landscape is dominated by great rivers which cut through its plains and hills and highlands and connects the cities and towns of the republic to its capital of Rijekograd and beyond. This wealth has allowed the Republic to afford its decently sized army which is used almost exclusively for defense of the realm. The Republic is represented internationally and led by a Chancellor who is elected into office on the first day of Spring, the day the parliament was empowered to rule on Soft Waters death. Chancellorship is held for 6 years, and there is no term limits. The elections take place on the eve of Spring and the candidates traditionally campaign in the two months prior. The campaigners are usually the leader's of parliamentary party, which entails that whoever controls the Chancellorship gets to decide policy for the nation. The Republic is governed by a unicameral parliament, its members elected from registered parties and seats determined by proportional representation. This ensures all parties and interests go recognized. Parliamentary elections are held in the middle of summer, when the first parliamentary election was held. The Office of Harmonic Services, shortened to OHS, is a department of the Republic's government tasked with ensuring civil stability of the nation. Born in the aftermath of the last prince's abdication, the service was tasked with rooting out monarchist elements within the newly born republic to ensure a stable transition from a monarchy. In the hundred year since the OHS's duties have diminished to an advisory role, keeping tabs on insurrectionary elements but with no authority to act on its own. the current director, Arclight, sees the current state of the department shameful especially with the growth of ideologies like supremacy and communism that he sees as bringing instability to the republic.

The River Republic has enjoyed for the past 100 years stability. In 1001 River Swirl won her first term as Chancellor of the River Republic. A graduate of Celestia's school for gifted ponies and a former teacher her wits, charisma and commitment to harmony allowed her to rise quickly through the River Harmony Party before her election. Her term was mostly successful, pushing through reforms to the republic's economy and politics as well as opening further cooperation with River Coalition member-states. However, with her reign came the rise of the Rivers Alliance Party and their leader Nova Swirl. With their support coming from the growing industrial working class, the party grew to be the second largest in the nation and enough to threaten the continued reign of River Swirl come time of the election. Nova Swirl herself was a democratic socialist and pushed for working and welfare reform. However her party was known to include more radical elements lead by Caramel Haze a known revolutionary socialist and more militant than Nova.

The election was held on the eve of spring and the months prior was a flurry of campaigning and policymaking by the parties and its leaders. The IIA act of 1005 has given River Swirl more good will in the working class and industrialists as the act has bore fruits in the improved economy. However, the Rural-Urban Revitalization Act of 1006, formally the Rural Revival Act, has given praise to Nova Swirl for giving benefits for rural and urban workers. Nova Swirl won another victory halfway through the campaigning season by negotiating a peaceful solution to the Talzarite situation by organizing them in a commune that allows taxation and protection in exchange for self-governance. Leading a slight edge against the harmonists, it was down to the charisma of two political figures that lead to the results in March. River Swirl and Nova Swirl attended a debate two weeks prior to voting day and ponies in audience agreed that River Swirl stated her case better than Nova. With one week left, Nova swirl thinking that debating a member of the River Conservatives Party would score her enough of a lead, faced off against the ancient and respected Marshal Lipizzan. In a debate that turned more into a grand speech the marshal turned the crowd into his captive audience that nodded along to all of his patriotic words. Expounding upon the virtues of harmony and security, praising the army and government for defending the realm from instability, and appealing to the patriotic spirit of Riverlanders; Nova didn't get much of a word in against the military officer who threw his support to River Swirl. Word of the debate spread along the rivers fast with it being seen as a humiliation for Nova Swirl. On election day the votes were cast and the results showed that River Swirl won by a margin of 10 percent, with Nova Swirl taking 40 percent and 8 percent going to the National Popular Front's Candidate Mythic Bubblegum who benefited from incensed members of Lizzipan's party from his sudden support of River Swirl. The last 2 percent was split between strict River Conservative Party voters, Barnbuckle and his Agrarian Traditionalists Party, and write ins.

With Spring arrived, River Swirl returned to the Chancellor's Residence to start her second term. While carrying a solid 50 percent of the electorate, she still has a sizable socialist party to work with in parliament and a newly popular supremacist party who will likely gain seats in the coming parliamentary elections in the middle of the year. Nova, still party leader, has to keep steady in pushing policy but also keeping control of Caramel Haze and his more militant members who are somewhat peeved at Nova grasping defeat from the jaws of victory. Marshal Lizzipan's turn to harmony has seen a split in the River Conservatives Party with the hard conservative elements shifting to the National Popular Front. Mythic Bubblegum is quite content with her sudden popularity from the upsurge in popularity of her supremacist party, and will see that this electoral result translates to more seats in parliament. Barnbuckle was glad his party still got votes.

National Spirits:

City of Three Rivers: Rijekograd is on the banks of three rivers, making it the center of commerce in the East
Fractious Parliament: In the past years the River Republic's parliament has seen two great parties, the River Harmony Party and the River Alliance Party, rise with different ideas on how to govern. It has become common for one party to block the other's proposal and its rare for party members to cross the party line. It has come down to clutch minor party votes that end up deciding if a proposal passes or not.
Treaty of Coltstream member: The River Republic is one of the founding members of the River Coalition, a defensive alliance that has lasted for 100 years. Memberstates promise to support one another in defense of each others nation from foreign invasions. Just recently talks of further cooperation beyond simple defense have begun.
Negligible literacy: The River Republic has a government supported public schooling system that provides funding for schools in chartered cities and towns as well as providing teaching standards. However rural districts still lack funds to form schools of their own and these populations suffer from illiteracy.
Low poverty: River Swirl's previous term has seen improvement to the welfare of rural and urban working people, but there is still areas of poverty and joblessness. Rural poverty is still an issue with widespread industrialization and there is still not enough job for immigrants from the countryside in the growing towns and cities who also have to compete with urban workers. This has caused an increase in crime and radicalization of working people both communism and also supremacism.

Parties and leaders:

River Harmony Party; River Swirl (head)
River Alliance Party; Nova Swirl (head), Caramel Haze (leader of revolutionary wing)
River Conservative Party; Marshal Hector Lizzipan (head)
National Popular Front; Mythic Bubblegum (head)
Agrarian Traditionalists Party: Barnbuckle (head)

Edit: provided national spirits, quick are quicker to read summaries of the main state of the nation.
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To The chageling empire:

The kingdom of olenia will be happy to provide you with a trade deal that will see both our nations happy of corse this can be discused further. (in discord) And when it comes to investment you can discuss this with the Company leaders themselfs as we Place our trust in them on such matter (just ask gm about it)
River Diplomacy

River Republic Messenger Pegasus, Priority Mail
River Swirl, secure in her position as Chancellor, got to working on one of the goals of her term. She was determined to make the River Coalition a more united and intertwined union of states rather than a pure defensive alliance. Being the center of the Riverlands, and being a stable democracy, she saw it as her duty to form a more harmonious union in the Riverlands to benefit everypony. With that, she set to work with diplomacy to various member-states as well as other non-coalition states.

To the Brave Chief Cenhelm of the Chiefdom of Farbrook @NSchwerte

I write to you after you receiving you proposal to send an envoy to the Council of Chiefs. I would like for you to know that I wish to personally attend the Council alongside an entourage of officials from my government, most notable being Marshal Lizzipan who is our most premier military leader. I hope that by attending personally I can establish diplomatic ties with each attending nation and open the doors to economic cooperation as well.

To the Grand Mayor Springtime Frost of the Republic of Lake City @Hadrian98

I write to you to discuss matters of defense. Your nation has always been the first fighters and have been instrumental in driving off griffon raiders and invaders. To work better in times of invasion, I would like for our militaries to stage exercises together so that we may better defend ourselves. I am sending a missive to Nimbusia as well to see if they are willing to participate in exercises. I am willing to allow the exercises to take place on River Republic land in the province of Neighretva. I hope these exercises will allow us to cooperate better in the defense of our nations and the Coalition as a whole.

To the the venerable Pegicles of the Democracy of Nimbusia @Hadrian98

I write to you to discuss martial matters. Your nation has always been one of warriors and has been the most stalwart defenders of the Riverlands. It was your nation that held the Griffonian army for days while the Riverlands mustered to drive them back. You have always been the strong shield of the Coalition. To better work together in times of invasion, I would like for our militaries to stage exercises together so that we may better defend ourselves. I have sent a letter to the Lake City as well to see if they are willing to participate in these exercises as well. I am willing to allow the exercises to take place on River Republic land in the province of Neighretva. I hope these exercises will allow us to cooperate better in the defense of our nations and the Coalition as a whole.

To the Respected King Grimhoof of Deponya @Hadrian98

I write to you to discuss the possibility of economic cooperation. You reign over vast tracts of rich land whose wealth is known to our merchants and capitalists. I know that your kingdom has been experiencing widespread poverty, an unfortunate turn of events. Which is why I propose an economic development treaty.

- Republican investors will fund all necessary purchases to set up industry within Desponyan cities and towns.
- Income taxes upon Republican built businesses will be decreased for a period of 3 years.
- Tariffs on goods between the River Republic and the Kingdom of Desponya will be lowered.

I hope these terms are agreeable to you. I hope that Desponya can experience greater prosperity in the future.

To the Wise Taoiseach Crimson Nic Heart of Ponaidhean @Hadrian98

I write to you to discuss the possibility of economic cooperation. Your ancient lands hold great wealth but have gone undeveloped in this time of industrialization. The River Republic is willing to lend a helping hand in jumpstarting your industrial base so that you don't fall behind. Which is why I propose an economic development treaty.

- Republican investors will fund all necessary purchases to set up industry within Ponaidhean cities and towns.
- Income taxes upon Republican built businesses will be decreased for a period of 3 years.
- Tariffs on goods between the River Republic and the Ponaidhean will be lowered.

I hope that these terms are agreeable to you. I hope that Ponaidhean can experience the growing prosperity in the Riverlands.

Outside of official diplomatic letters, River Swirl also sent a personal letter to Princess Celestia of Equestria. @Darth Invictus

To my Wise Teacher Princess Celestia,

Word of my re-election won't reach Equestria's papers before this letter to you. I am at the beginning of my second term as Chancellor of the River Republic. I still remember the day that I got my letter of acceptance to join your School for Gifted Ponies. A small town filly on the other side of the world, I never would have dreamed it would come true. But sometimes, dreams do come true. That day changed my life forever; I learned the true value of Harmony under your tutelage. Just know that I personally support you and your quest for harmony and peace for everyone. I am busying myself in these next coming months with my own vision in the Riverlands but do know that I wish for greater cooperation and connection between the Eastern Ponies and the Western Ponies. You proved to me on that day that no matter how great the distance is, Friendship will find its way.

Your student, ever learning,
River Swirls
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Dark clouds gather over Griffenheim. If you look close enough you can see the wings flapping, thousands of them. Hear the cacophanus caw of the ravens as they stain the skies over the Imperial City, blotting out the sun, their black eyes fixed on their Master's prize. Here, within the great walls of the lynchpin of the Griffonian continent, the line between the material and ethereal blurs. And the soul—of a continent, of a race, of an Emperor—withers. The Griffonian Empire is at its nadir, cast down by putschists and power-hungry nobles, ever ignorant of the wolves howling at the door. So long as they hold the blood-stained gold of their forefathers, they are content to languish in their complacency.

The Griffonian Empire has become a bloated, foetid mess, a disgusting stain on the legacy of Grover I and II. The only area truly under Imperial control is the Duchy of Griffenheim; the rest of the territory has been divided up between politicians and the nobility, leaving the true industrial and military power of the Herzland firmly out of the Emperor's claws. There are countless hundreds of tiny vassals, too small to appear on most maps, that further diminish the Emperor's power by means of existing. The citizenry is impoverished and stupid. Most griffons can't even read, let alone build or operate modern machinery. The military is a shadow of its former self, having been routed in the Battle of Rotten Rift, a raid on the Republican government in Cloudbury that should have been an overwhelming victory. Many soldiers owe no real allegiance to the Empire or the Crown and only want the generous paycheck being a soldier provides. The generals and officers are out of touch with the realities of modern warfare, opting to blindly stick with the ways of the past rather than upset the established cliques and hierarchy.

But what of the Emperor? What of the valiant, courageous, awe-inspiring leader of the greatest Empire in the world?

That Empire doesn't exist; it hasn't for a very long time. And neither has that Emperor.

Kaiser Grover V is a sickly sinecure, powerless to curtail the influence of the nobility or enact any meaningful reforms. That power is gone, spread among too many faceless nobles to count. His reign is one of stable decline—of a quiet, indignant death to Grover I's legacy. But the blame should not fall on Grover himself. He did not ask to be thrust onto the throne at such a young age. He did not incite the Rebellion of 978, but he did nearly pay for it with his life. So long as he still draws breath, the Herzland—the last bastion of Imperial rule in all of Griffonia—stands united.

The Emperor sends a delegation to the recently-proclaimed Changeling Empire. Seeing as how the Crown and Queen Chrysalis have enjoyed cordial relations thanks to the Changeling-Griffon Attaché, His Majesty would like to further this relationship beyond just armoured vehicle designs and military strategy. Changelings are blessèd with an incredible natural gift: shapeshifting. This obviously gives them an advantage in infiltrating external organizations. You mentioned uniting Changeling infiltration strategies with local knowledge of Griffonia. His Majesty would like collaborate in forming an intelligence network that does exactly that.

II. Seeing how His Majesty's influence quickly wanes the further from Griffenheim his talons wander, he has decided to implement a policy in the Duchy of Griffenheim itself. Gold is very precious to griffons for esoteric religious reasons and common economic reasons as well. The economy thrives on the commoner, but seeing how it's in such dire straits as of late and jobs hard to come by, many griffons lack the capital necessary to make their own work by starting their own business. The Emperor will promote cottage industries—businesses run out of a griffon's own home—with small grants kindly provided by the Archonate.

III. Of the thousands of farms located throughout the Empire, many of them still operate on a pseudo-feudalistic framework, with landowners providing their employees with shelter and protection in exchange for taxes that would make a burglar blush. His Majesty has declared the Bauernreformen, a new policy that frees all would-be serfs from their landowners if that landowner makes more than a certain amount of marks every year. Thankfully, the landowners who will be affected by the Bauernreformen have enough spare change lying around to afford to forgive their serfs' debt, so they shouldn't be too mad at us.

IV. His Majesty has announced the creation of two new infantry divisions, to be commanded by the Imperial government directly. These divisions will be comprised of the currently enlisted griffons not already assigned to a unit. While this will essentially bleed our griffonpower reserves dry, it will also serve as a show of strength to any enemies that think the Empire is weak because it is divided.

V. Finally, His Majesty has announced that he will be touring the major cities of the Herzland and meeting with the nobility for the first time in what feels like decades. While his doctors have insisted that he is not fit enough to partake a trip of this magnitude, Grover V has ignored all of their suggestions. This tour will show to not just the Herzland, but all of Griffonia that the Kaiser still has some life in him yet. It will also give him a chance to catch up with his (ostensible) allies and discuss the concerns of each vassal personally.

[ Gute Reise, Your Majesty... ]​
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Changeling Empire - First Quarter 1007 (12 AR)

State: Changeling Empire
Government: Queen's Hives
Capital: Vesalipolis
Ruler: Queen Chrysalis
Ideology: Supremacy
Religion: Secular
Race: Changelings
Population: 36.92 Million
Armed Forces: Reorganizing

1. Expansion of Vesalipolis: A multi-prong effort of housing, subways, civilian and military factories, and synthetic refineries and steel mills will be launched. The teeming masses of the largest city in the world will be put to work while giving them more livable infrastructure than the current makeshift slums.
2. Expansion of Soryth : Crystal Mining and other magic collection will be established around the naturally magic-rich Key Lake, along with enlargement of the nation's only university specializing in magic.
3. Expansion of Ditrysium: Rail lines, dockyards, naval factories, and forges for the steel and heavy metals required will be built for expectations of expanded international trade in the coming months.
4. Expansion of Lyctida: Lumber production will be increased and new civilian factories constructed to produce more consumer goods for expanding internal and external markets.
5. Expansion of Vraks: New military factories, specifically for aircraft, as well as the steel and aluminum mills to feed them and infrastructure to transport more goods, will be built. Advances in synthetic rubber production will also be applied to all existing refineries nationwide.

Minor Actions:
1. A naval expedition lead by Admiral Lysander sends the most advanced battleship in the world, the CNS Chrysalis, alongside 2 battlecruisers, 3 cruisers, a dozen destroyer escorts, and civilian support fleet on a journey across the World Ocean to explore the distant shores of Eastern Griffonia and open contact with the nations there. Though the distance is great, there may be great opportunities to be found. Admiral Mimic is left in charge of the Changeling Navy while Lysander is away, his skill at asymmetrical warfare sure to keep the coastline safe even with reduced forces.
2. In a surprise move, Changelings arrive, disguised, attempting to enroll in Princess Twilight's Friendship School in Ponyville. After explaining they are from the Changeling Empire and, yes, they are Changelings, they await their response. Rumors abound about this proving the existence of a secret Changeling Harmonist faction, or this being another plot by Queen Chrysalis, but only time will tell.

Diplomatic Actions:
1. The Jaki-Clan receives an envoy, who explains that after the Changelings fought so hard to unite, it's unfortunate to see other races remain separated, and wants to know if there's anything that the Changelings can do to help the rightful leaders of their species. Unlike the Equestrians, the Changelings are uninterested in changing the Yak way of life.
2. Diplomats are forced to use their infiltration skills to reach the Buffalo Chiefdom, surrounded on all sides by Equestria. They explain that both the Buffalo and Changelings share a common enemy in Equestria, and that the Changelings too have been pushed back and separated by the Equestrian ponies just as the Buffalo have. If the Buffalo are willing to accept, the Changelings can offer the Buffalo the means to defend themselves and industrialize to prevent continuing Equestrian oppression.
3. The Polar Bears receive a stern ambassador willing to speak frankly about the future of the Polar Bear Communities. Reports of Changeling armies massing on the border and warships being spotted off the coast are sure to give her words more weight.
4. A delegation to Haukland attempts to convince them of the benefits of long term cooperation with the Changelings. Their position is already precarious, their current system of tolls already resting only on neglect by Skyfall and Equestria who see the Haukland 'pirates' not being worth the effort of their navies. But continued rearmament and naval expansion by other nations like Stalliongrad, Nova Griffonia, Skynavia, or the Griffon Republic pose a dire threat at a time the Haukland legacy fleet and airforce show their age more and more. Permanent naval basing and economic investment by a great power like the Changelings could be the only thing between the low population archipelago and irrelevance.
5. Fezera is given a similar offer of a steady trade partner as Skyfall, though despite the lesser size and status of the nation, careful observers will notice the Changeling delegation to Fezzara is larger.
6. Aquileia and its vassals are greeted by Changeling ambassadors on a tour of the region and express their hope that the two nations can cooperate in the future. Of particular interest is Aquileia's shipbuilding expertise, their navy not only being one of the largest, but built on the back of their top of the line battlecruisers comparable to the best the Changelings can produce. Besides trade and resource exchange, it's also proposed that Aquileian experts assist Changeling naval construction efforts, and perhaps some naval training be arranged to boost the Changeling sailor count.
7. Deals made as part of the 'diplomatic blitzkrieg' are honored.
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Frosty Relationship

"They're-mmm," she levitates another few grapes into her mouth. " 'ery 'ood." Another levitation brings a glass to her lips, "The wine too! I didn't know you ate things like this around here."

"They're imported," he deadpanned.

"...Even so! They're almost perfect! More flavor than if they were frozen, as fresh as if you just took them off the vine, and with, dare I say," she hoofs onto her tongue for effect, "a taste of magic? Food preservation magic isn't cheap. I don't remember the rest of the accommodations being so nice either." she laid back on the comfortable chair, "Is this the new face of the Polar Bear society? Enjoying the finer things now that you have a few factories?"

He remains silent for a moment. "If you don't mind, could we move on to the real issues? We both know you aren't here to sample the new furniture. We don't have enough for your entire army anyway." Despite his best efforts, communications remain limited in the Polar Bear Communities, and her stalling could be a delay for Changeling troops to sneak into who-knows-where to do who-knows-what.

"Don't you though? You-" she pointed a black hoof at him, "have done quite a nice job industrializing your nation. A few more years of development and you could be the furniture capital of the world! I was even told that by a few metrics, you're developing the Polar Bears faster than we did the Changelings. It's actually impressive. A shame it came too late though."

Did it get hot in here? "Late? You mean-"

She dismissed him with a wave of her hoof before he could finish, "Yeah. Queen Chrysalis wants the PBC dealt with, one way or another. No offense to you, but Equestria's trying to wreck all our other neighbors and turn them against us, and we need to secure our borders. A few thousand kilometers of ice and oil fields should go a long way for that. So I guess I'm just here to discuss options."

The bear raised his voice, "We will not allow you to tra-"

She interrupted him again and ignored his objections, "There's the obvious option of course," she turned her head to the window, where the sight of the sea revealed the silohuettes of Changeling warships, with planes circling them in the air, "...but it doesn't have to be that way. Though, even if it did, it wouldn't be like what you're thinking. We're a new nation, we're not going to go around butchering and eating species like everycreature is afraid of. You know, you guys don't have much love anyway, so you'd just work normally. "

"..." He was either shocked into silence, or too angry to speak.

"The easier option is that you just agree to cooperate. You could be the new Queen of the Polar Hive!" she resists laughing at his expression, "We mean you no harm, really. We plan to seize your gold, as any nation would, but not steal it. We're going to use it to take out loans, internationally, in our name, at low rates, and use that money to develop your region, and put the debt on your populace. This would be alongside major investments in your industry ourselves, integration of our education systems to get your more productive workers, and resource extraction to fuel all of this. We'd get your industry up to par in hopefully a quarter of the time you would alone."

After remaining quiet for a long while, he responded in a monotone voice, "And when will you expect an answer by?"

She smiled again, "Oh, whenever. It'll be resolved in a few weeks regardless. Between you and me, I think Chrysalis wants you to refuse. I probably wasn't the best choice for this meeting. Yaria would ha-wait, no, Chrysalis likes to keep the 'major' Queens close... But even then, I still have a conflict of interest." she smiles at her opposite, "Antax is already getting investment from the military basing for these troops, okay, but if there's, well let's not call it 'war' since that would be an exaggeration, but if there was a forceful occupation, my hive would stand to gain a lot of territory. I'd be competing with Yaria, and she'd probably get the rest of Key Lake for Soryth, sure, but I'd get plenty of hills and mountain and a border with the Yaks, at least. Maybe I could even wrangle land all the way to the coast if it's a real political free-for-all. Hmm..." She gazed off into her world, looking like she was thinking about how best to eat a boatload of fresh fish.

Somehow that wasn't encouraging to Paw Wellington.
Frosty Relationship

"They're-mmm," she levitates another few grapes into her mouth. " 'ery 'ood." Another levitation brings a glass to her lips, "The wine too! I didn't know you ate things like this around here."

"They're imported," he deadpanned.

"...Even so! They're almost perfect! More flavor than if they were frozen, as fresh as if you just took them off the vine, and with, dare I say," she hoofs onto her tongue for effect, "a taste of magic? Food preservation magic isn't cheap. I don't remember the rest of the accommodations being so nice either." she laid back on the comfortable chair, "Is this the new face of the Polar Bear society? Enjoying the finer things now that you have a few factories?"

He remains silent for a moment. "If you don't mind, could we move on to the real issues? We both know you aren't here to sample the new furniture. We don't have enough for your entire army anyway." Despite his best efforts, communications remain limited in the Polar Bear Communities, and her stalling could be a delay for Changeling troops to sneak into who-knows-where to do who-knows-what.

"Don't you though? You-" she pointed a black hoof at him, "have done quite a nice job industrializing your nation. A few more years of development and you could be the furniture capital of the world! I was even told that by a few metrics, you're developing the Polar Bears faster than we did the Changelings. It's actually impressive. A shame it came too late though."

Did it get hot in here? "Late? You mean-"

She dismissed him with a wave of her hoof before he could finish, "Yeah. Queen Chrysalis wants the PBC dealt with, one way or another. No offense to you, but Equestria's trying to wreck all our other neighbors and turn them against us, and we need to secure our borders. A few thousand kilometers of ice and oil fields should go a long way for that. So I guess I'm just here to discuss options."

The bear raised his voice, "We will not allow you to tra-"

She interrupted him again and ignored his objections, "There's the obvious option of course," she turned her head to the window, where the sight of the sea revealed the silohuettes of Changeling warships, with planes circling them in the air, "...but it doesn't have to be that way. Though, even if it did, it wouldn't be like what you're thinking. We're a new nation, we're not going to go around butchering and eating species like everycreature is afraid of. You know, you guys don't have much love anyway, so you'd just work normally. "

"..." He was either shocked into silence, or too angry to speak.

"The easier option is that you just agree to cooperate. You could be the new Queen of the Polar Hive!" she resists laughing at his expression, "We mean you no harm, really. We plan to seize your gold, as any nation would, but not steal it. We're going to use it to take out loans, internationally, in our name, at low rates, and use that money to develop your region, and put the debt on your populace. This would be alongside major investments in your industry ourselves, integration of our education systems to get your more productive workers, and resource extraction to fuel all of this. We'd get your industry up to par in hopefully a quarter of the time you would alone."

After remaining quiet for a long while, he responded in a monotone voice, "And when will you expect an answer by?"

She smiled again, "Oh, whenever. It'll be resolved in a few weeks regardless. Between you and me, I think Chrysalis wants you to refuse. I probably wasn't the best choice for this meeting. Yaria would ha-wait, no, Chrysalis likes to keep the 'major' Queens close... But even then, I still have a conflict of interest." she smiles at her opposite, "Antax is already getting investment from the military basing for these troops, okay, but if there's, well let's not call it 'war' since that would be an exaggeration, but if there was a forceful occupation, my hive would stand to gain a lot of territory. I'd be competing with Yaria, and she'd probably get the rest of Key Lake for Soryth, sure, but I'd get plenty of hills and mountain and a border with the Yaks, at least. Maybe I could even wrangle land all the way to the coast if it's a real political free-for-all. Hmm..." She gazed off into her world, looking like she was thinking about how best to eat a boatload of fresh fish.

Somehow that wasn't encouraging to Paw Wellington.

Paw Wellington breathed out smoke from his nostrils courtesy of of his favorite pipe.

This wasn't looking good. He had known about the possibility of his territory getting invaded, even before assuming responsibility as national leader of the PBC.

However, he thought it would come from the Kingdom of Pingland to the east, or Nova Griffonia to the south-east. But looking over the reports Queen Anthrax proudly bought over of the Changling Empire's military capability, as well as the eyewitness reports from a few of his citizens that didn't give him any good tidings. It's mot that they were stronger, but they were a lot faster too.

Wellington shook his head. His forces are too scattered to deal with an organized military force, and by the time an urgent letter of assistance reaches Princess Celestia, he would be long dead by then.

"There's no way about it.. Your Queen's rhetoric is different from the Griffons I read out, but this comes off from what I imagine Celestia would be saying if her ambassador were to approach me first. I agree to your demands for territory and resources. All I ask in return is to retire peacefully as an apology to the Polar Bears for not living up to my responsibility of protecting them.

I'm sure whoever you put in charge of the former PBC would be more willing to bare with the reality of Changeling oversight" Paw Wellington said. He called for an aide to give him an inked piece of paper, a new luxury around these parts.

Queen Anthrax looked on with delight at Wellington's defeated face. If only more political leaders had his same sense of humility.

From consent of the PBC's former national leader, Paw Wellington, to accede to the Changeling's territory demands, and exclusive resource extraction will be the Changeling's responsibility as well.

The only stipulation would be that Paw Wellington's life will be assured once he leaves political office at the signing of this treaty.

Queen Anthrax [ ]

Paw Wellington [X]
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Paw Wellington breathed out smoke from his nostrils courtesy of of his favorite pipe.

This wasn't looking good. He had known about the possibility of his territory getting invaded, even before assuming responsibility as national leader of the PBC.

However, he thought it would come from the Kingdom of Pingland to the east, or Nova Griffonia to the south-east. But looking over the reports Queen Anthrax proudly bought over of the Changling Empire's military capability, as well as the eyewitness reports from a few of his citizens that didn't give him any good tidings. It's mot that they were stronger, but they were a lot faster too.

Wellington shook his head. His forces are too scattered to deal with an organized military force, and by the time an urgent letter of assistance reaches Princess Celestia, he would be long dead by then.

"There's no way about it.. Your Queen's rhetoric is different from the Griffons I read out, but this comes off from what I imagine Celestia would be saying if her ambassador were to approach me first. I agree to your demands for territory and resources. All I ask in return is to retire peacefully as an apology to the Polar Bears for not living up to my responsibility of protecting them.

I'm sure whoever you put in charge of the former PBC would be more willing to bare with the reality of Changeling oversight" Paw Wellington said. He called for an aide to give him an inked piece of paper, a new luxury around these parts.

Queen Anthrax looked on with delight at Wellington's defeated face. If only more political leaders had his same sense of humility.

From consent of the PBC's former national leader, Paw Wellington, to accede to the Changeling's territory demands, and exclusive resource extraction will be the Changeling's responsibility as well.

The only stipulation would be that Paw Wellington's life will be assured once he leaves political office at the signing of this treaty.

Queen Anthrax [ ]

Paw Wellington [X]

Anthrax pushed the document to the edge of the table after examining it and shaking her head.

"You're assuming the worst of us, Paw. We don't want to kill you, and if we were really the monsters we're seen as, a piece of paper wouldn't stop us. Look, even if you did something crazy like... attack me, yo-" she failed to supress a giggle, "...oh, that would be cute."

She returned to a serious demeanor, "But really, even if you killed a guard or whatever, the worst we'd do is give you partial house arrest, with minders for public interactions. You're a national hero, we're not going to kill you or worse. Just because our relationship is changing doesn't mean we're going to burn Polar Bear culture to the ground or whatever you're imagining. We get that other species live differently, working around that is kind of our thing. We not here to tear down your log cabins and wallpaper and replace them with dark, bland, underground magi-chitin forts."

"..." he stays silent.

"Look, it's not as bad with us as you're making it out to be. The Hives still matter. Just because Vesalipolis is in charge doesn't mean we don't get a voice. Yours would be no different, if anything it would be louder due to being one of the largest, and they'd be spinning their necks in circles to accommodate any special Polar Bear needs."

He didn't look convinced.

"You don't have to do this to yourself. I've met Queens who lost their hives, and even the ones who just transferred power instead of getting them annihilated are still miserable to be around. Creatures like you and me are meant to be at the top of the pile, not wandering around the bottom moping about 'what could have been', that's no way to live. There's no reason to put yourself in that situation. The very fact we're having this conversation at all is proof of your success. Under your leadership, the Polar Bears have proven their potential and they've come together a lot faster and with a lot less deaths than we did. There is no other bear that can lead them as well as you do. Sure, we could find others, your political opponents maybe, but there's obviously reasons you've avoided their policies. You've already proven your leadership capabilities, and now is a time when your children need your guidance more than ever."

She waves her hoof around and leans forward, "But fine, let's ignore the obvious skill difference. If the intelligence services create a list of bears qualified to replace you ranked by 'most eager hooflicker', and Chrysalis interviews them and appoints one based on, 'Most pleasurable use of tongue,' do you really think they'll govern better than you? Do you think they'll be able to be peers with the other Queens, and elevate the PBC to their level? Do you think they'll stick their neck out to advocate for the PBC in budget allocations, legal reforms, trade deals, military deployment, or whatever local issues come up?"

She moves back and levitates his earlier document back between them, "I understand that this isn't a position you wanted to be in, and that you're having doubts about your leadership. We've all been there. I understand if you feel like you can't lead anymore. If you insist, I will sign this. But ONLY if you look me in the eyes and say, 'This is the best I can do for myself and my hive.' You know what a disservice lying would be to all those reliant on you, and you owe them your honesty even if your pride is wounded."
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Paw Wellington sighed, and smoked one last puff out of his pipe. "You Queens make for some great flatterers. If you continue on this path, you could conquer the world without having to fight anybody, I believe that was one core advice from a Griffon military book I read a while ago." Paw Wellington grabbed the treaty paper, and crossed out the one stipulation.

"There, you just about defeated me for the third time now" Paw Wellington said in defeat. "I don't care if you're telling the truth or not, if you could defend the Polar Bear's legitimacy from Penguin and Griffon tyranny, I'll be more in your debt" Wellington put the paper back onto the table, and pushed over to Queen Anthrax to sign.

From consent of the PBC's former national leader, Paw Wellington, to accede to the Changeling's territory demands, and exclusive resource extraction will be the Changeling's responsibility as well.

Paw Wellington will still keep his position, although it will be an advisory role to the overall Changeling's plan for the PBC region.

Queen Anthrax [ ]

Paw Wellington [X]

Paw Wellington sighed, and smoked one last puff out of his pipe. "You Queens make for some great flatterers. If you continue on this path, you could conquer the world without having to fight anybody, I believe that was one core advice from a Griffon military book I read a while ago." Paw Wellington grabbed the treaty paper, and crossed out the one stipulation.

"There, you just about defeated me for the third time now" Paw Wellington said in defeat. "I don't care if you're telling the truth or not, if you could defend the Polar Bear's legitimacy from Penguin and Griffon tyranny, I'll be more in your debt" Wellington put the paper back onto the table, and pushed over to Queen Anthrax to sign.

From consent of the PBC's former national leader, Paw Wellington, to accede to the Changeling's territory demands, and exclusive resource extraction will be the Changeling's responsibility as well.

Paw Wellington will still keep his position, although it will be an advisory role to the overall Changeling's plan for the PBC region.

Queen Anthrax [ ]

Paw Wellington [X]


"Ha! Just wait until you meet Chrysalis. She's has a way with words alright, but it isn't flattery."

Anthrax happily signs the document: Queen Anthrax [X]

"Congratulations, Queen Paw, you've successfully joined a federation of tens of millions and offloaded the vast majority your nation's military, education, and industrial costs to them without firing a shot, for just the price of raw materials you didn't even know you had. If we didn't need them so badly, I'd say you defeated us here, really."

A loud *stomp* *stomp* is heard as she jumps out of her seat and stands at her full height.

"Great! Now, onto business! I wasn't lying earlier, this is your Hive, and it's up to you to manage it, except for purely national business. Chrysi will intervene on occasion too, but it's usually for good reason and will come with prior warning, unless you piss her off, which I. Do. Not. Recommend."

She breaks her glare and moves up the window to gaze at the sea, before twisting her head completely backwards to keep her eyes on Queen Paw while she speaks.

"So how do you want to handle all this? Just tell the public, 'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss', and ease them into things, or were there specific issues that need to be addressed? What did you mean by 'legitimacy' and 'Penguin and Griffon Tyranny', exactly? Is it a species thing? Do you just not like Penguins and Griffons? We were thinking about opening the borders internationally to large scale immigration, and you know how creatures get about the scary Changelings, so the PBC would be perfect for giving them furry, cuddly faces instead. But I mean, if you're against that, we can build a new Hive somewhere else for them."

She doesn't give him a chance to respond.

"Or did you mean it in a 'give us our land back, ra-ra' kind of way? It would probably be no issue to shake some border regions out Pingland and Nova Griffonia if we tried. But you should know that Chrysi probably will give the rest of Key Lake to Soryth. You're the biggest Hive geographically by far, even if your density is almost nothing, and Yaria is one of Chrysi's darlings, so she'd be first in line to get a cut. I'll also take whatever I can nibble off, of course. There aren't other major hives on your border though, so aside from really low level hives you should be good."

Queen Paw struggled to contain his disgust as Anthrax did a bizarre move where her head stayed in place but her body shifted directions to face him. She closed the distance and gave him a big smile.

"Wait, you're a new Queen! Do you want the whole 'new Queen' introduction? There's all kinds of stuff to learn about being a Queen," she stopped for a moment to look him over, "You'll probably need some extra training too since this is all foreign for you, being a bear. Like, unless you're secretly a wizard, or you have some powerful artifact, there wouldn't be much stopping me from mind controlling you right now. Not that I am! Abusing diplomatic status like that makes Chrysi Very. Mad. I just mean that any Queen could do it, and a lot else besides. Chrysi usually keeps us away from each other's throats, but that really just means that anything goes as long as nobug complains and there isn't obvious evidence."
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Paw Wellington raised an eyebrow. How does Queen Chrysalis keep her inferior eccentric Queens in check?

"I'm a quick learner, it won't take me long to adjust if I have someone to show me the ropes" Wellington said. He looked to the ocean for a few moments to steady himself from Queen Anthax's unflinching gaze.

"I'm not an imperialist unlike your Queen, I just want my people to be safe from the Penguins and Griffons. I wouldn't dare to be like them. On top of national security to the East, I value industrializing my nation as well, so it's good Queen Chrysalis and I am on the same page" Wellington tapped what's left of the ash In the pipe into an empty bowl.

Paw Wellington raised an eyebrow. How does Queen Chrysalis keep her inferior eccentric Queens in check?

"I'm a quick learner, it won't take me long to adjust if I have someone to show me the ropes" Wellington said. He looked to the ocean for a few moments to steady himself from Queen Anthax's unflinching gaze.

"I'm not an imperialist unlike your Queen, I just want my people to be safe from the Penguins and Griffons. I wouldn't dare to be like them. On top of national security to the East, I value industrializing my nation as well, so it's good Queen Chrysalis and I am on the same page" Wellington tapped what's left of the ash In the pipe into an empty bowl.


"Our Queen does think that everything in the universe is hers to take, but it's not as simple as 'Imperialism'. You need to understand, being a Changeling isn't easy, we eat positive emotions. We can feel our life force draining away when we go without food, and when the world leaves us shunned, unloved and alone, we literally starve to death. And make no mistake, we have done a lot of starving. We know at all times who cares for us, and it isn't other species. The world wants us dead, and we Refuse. We will do anything and everything it takes to stay alive, even if that means doing things that other species find distasteful, and even if it means sending some or most of our children to die so that the rest may live. The Hives have been the only ones that understood this, and now that we are under one Queen, Changelings are united against whatever the world throws at us."

She looks to be in pain, but continues on anyway.

"I don't know how accepting the other Queens or their hives will be toward you and yours. I can't promise that they'll be the friendliest or be interested in getting to know you. They may even hate you and what you are. But I do know that any betrayal will not be on our end. We will fight the penguins for you. We will fight the griffons for you. We will fight the ponies, the yaks, the deer, the buffalo, the umbrum, the hippogriffs, the dragons, and the sea serpents. We will fight the Sun and Moon, Love Itself, and Everything In Between. We will fight until the last servant of the last Queen in the last Hive. We make no assurances of victory, but if death tries to take us, you can be certain there will be a fight. The same is expected from you. The day may come, and I hope it never does, that you will be expected to sacrifice your children for the other hives, that you will starve so that your food will be eaten elsewhere, that you will fight enemies you have no quarrel with, and you will do it without complaint and without hesitation. That is expected for all under the new order, and that is what will be provided. There were a few Queens and hives that broke under this pressure, being either foolish or desperate enough to abandon their sisters. They no longer exist. Do not repeat their mistake."

Anthrax switches to a friendlier face, the implied pain suddenly gone.

"Anyway, onto the present. You're seeing now what happens now without industry, so you know how important it is, and why Chrysi agrees. This wasn't even done with our full strength. Nothing close. Really, we shouldn't even have come at all, we'd have been totally unprepared for a real fight."

She points towards the window.

"That destroyer right there? Completely green crew, and the ship is fresh off the docks. Those planes? Two seaters, one veteran, one trainee. The only reason we're fine with risking some major failures is that we figured this would be as good of a time as any for hooves-on training. We're spread out very thin right now and couldn't muster a proper invasion if we tried. Most of our surface fleet isn't even near the continent! Lysander is off on another one of his glory missions cutting straight across the World Ocean to explore Eastern Griffonia. Honestly, and please don't get mad, I had to lobby Chrysi really hard for this. The only reason she allowed it was because there was no plausible way for you to slow us down, yet alone fight us off, even when we only send 3rd rate underequipped infantry with marginal support."

She tries to avoid seeing the bear, which, thanks to her field of view, forces her to look at the wall behind her.

"Look, I meant what I said about this being a security issue. If we could force a surrender with this joke of a force, what if Equestria landed an army on your beaches? What if Equestrian-armed Yaks invaded to encircle us? What if the griffons or penguins invented a tank that wasn't laughable and just drove it here? A nation this weak isn't a stable neighbor, and we don't have room for insecurity. Something had to be done."

She looks back at the bear.

"So, I guess, just try not to implode your hive for a short while, okay? We should have a proper level of economic and military support by next season, if you can just prevent a revolution until then with the limited forces on hoof, that would be great."
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