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It's an Alt!Power where Taylor gets the powers of random Servants from F/GO. She'll probably join the Wards.

What do you mean this isn't a good summary, what more do you want?
Summoning 1.1


Title Incoming. Please Hold.
Somewhere else.
It's always wonderful when I discover a new type of stress to add to my growing collection. Grief, depression, frustration, loneliness, I was used to all of them. My favorite, of course, was the stress of knowing that someone, for no discernible reason, absolutely hated my guts and was constantly planning to add to my misery in ways both big and small, while I had no recourse but to wait for the next attack. It was a good thing I enjoyed that so much, otherwise I'd sure get tired of having to experience it day in and day out for probably the rest of eternity.

Fuck, I hate my life.

But yeah, today introduced me to a new sort of stress. I didn't have a word for it just yet but I did have a definition: waiting in a room for hours, not sure what was going to happen, just sitting there in near silence, not even knowing if anything bad was going to happen at all. Say what you will about my regular school life, at least there I knew that bad shit was going to happen, I was just waiting to find out when and what. But right now, I had no idea how much trouble I was in, or even if I was in trouble at all. All I had to keep my mind off the anxiety was trying to figure out the perfect word for it. Uncertainty? Nervousness? Boredom? It had aspects of all of those, but I just couldn't figure out if there was a word for all three.

"Hurry up and wait."

"Huh?" I jerked my head up to look at my father, who was sitting beside me. Dad looked like he'd seen better days, mostly because he had. I could still remember when he was all smiles, bad puns and blind optimism. Now he had a receding hairline and bags under his eyes, all the smiles and optimism beaten out of him by life. It hurt to look at, to see just what had been lost.

I was almost certain he felt the same when looking at me.

Nevertheless he looked up from where he'd been staring a hole into the table and gave a wry smile. "Hurry up and wait. It's a phrase we used to use a lot in the Navy. Actually describes the government as a whole pretty well in my experience. Shouldn't have been surprised the PRT worked the same way."

"Hng." I grunted my understanding, ever the consummate teenager.

"Are you okay? Really?" Dad asked, just like he had a few times during the wait. I was almost annoyed, I kind of wanted to be, but I was just as worried as he was.

"I'm fine, Dad. I just-"

My answer was cut off as someone finally, finally, opened up the door to our uncomfortable little meeting room. We'd been sequestered here at least an hour ago, maybe more. I couldn't tell because there wasn't a clock on the wall, and my watch had stopped working years ago after one too many 'accidental' juice spills.

The woman that entered wasn't that tall. She'd probably be an inch or two shorter than me if I stood up straight. And yet I felt like she was towering as she marched into the room. Maybe it was the no nonsense expression she wore, with her blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail, and the briefcase she carried like a weapon. Maybe it was the sheer anger she radiated like some kind of forcefield.

Despite the rage, she schooled her expression into something professional when she sat down across from us. "Miss Hebert. Mr Hebert. My name is Carol Dallon and I've been contacted to act as your legal representative. Before we get into any details though, I have a single question for you: do you regret what happened today?"

Her name sounded familiar but I was too distracted to make much of it. Instead, I looked at my hands, thinking. I'd fantasized about it before, laying in bed late at night after particularly bad days. Getting powers, taking revenge, making those bitches pay. But now that it had actually happened? I remembered everyone on the floor, some clutching at their wounds, wounds I'd given them, while the others just cowered. They looked at me with fear in their eyes. No more scorn, no more hatred, just terror. And there was really only one answer I could give.

"Of course I do." I said, fighting back tears. Maybe I'd wanted to hurt them. Maybe I'd wanted to make them pay, just a little bit. But more than that, I just wanted them to stop, that's it. That's all. This? It was all just a big accident.

Mrs. Dallon just nodded. "Good. I specialize in parahuman law and I've got quite a bit of experience representing parahumans, but I absolutely refuse to work for unrepentant criminals. But as long as you regret what happened-"

"I do."

She frowned a touch at my interruption but continued. "-then I'll do my utmost to work in your best interest. Now, onto business. I'm sorry to say but you're in quite a bit of trouble. An explosion on school property, numerous accounts of assault with a parahuman ability, revealing a Wards secret identity and attacking her, as well as-"

"Wait, a Ward? I don't remember anything like that." I asked, genuinely confused and in a rising panic.

"You don't recall one Sophia Hess using her powers publicly?"

"Well yes, but-" I froze as the pieces slid into place. Sophia avoided the initial destruction by turning into smokey and intangible, right before she attacked me. There was only one parahuman in Brockton Bay with a power like that.

I slumped forward, elbows propped on the table while I clutched my head in despair. "Oh god, Sophia was a Ward. I electrocuted a fucking Ward."

"Indeed. There's also the tinkertech adjustments you made to a single phone, which technically counts as destruction of government property." Mrs. Dallon paused for a moment, letting that sink in. "However, there's some good news as well."

""Really?"" Dad and I were practically synchronous in our disbelief.

"Yes, really. For one, parahumans are rarely held responsible for actions taken during their trigger events, even those that are particularly destructive. Provided, of course, that those actions were not deliberately malicious. The fact you called the incident in yourself, as well as surrendered peacefully when the PRT arrived on scene reflects particularly well on you in that respect."

Dad raised his hand slightly between sentences. "Sorry to interrupt, but 'trigger events'? I'm not exactly up to date on cape terminology."

"I'll provide some notes for you to study later. It's important that you and your daughter understand all the relevant terms soon, considering." Mrs. Dallon made a note. "In this particular case, I don't blame you. The PRT does its best to keep this particular bit of information quiet. Most parahumans gain their powers during highly traumatic events, usually following an extended period of stress. The only known exceptions are Case 53s, commonly known as 'monstrous capes,' but that's simply because their origins are completely unknown to begin with. Now, you can understand why we don't want that knowledge spread, yes?"

"Because stupid people would take stupid risks to try to gain powers?" I hazarded a guess. It wasn't that much of one to be honest.

Mrs. Dallon nodded. "Or worse, criminals forcing trauma on civilians to try and force triggers. Anyway, because of their traumatic nature, it's understood that parahumans will instinctively use their new powers to escape their trigger events, regardless of the consequences. It's similar to self defense laws in certain regards."

Part of me, some naive part that had somehow survived through the bullying and also just living in Brockton Bay in general, wanted to believe that people wouldn't do that to other people. But no. No, I could totally buy that people would inflict continuous misery on others in the hopes of getting a superpowered slave or something. It had happened for much pettier reasons than-

Oh. A thought occurred. A stupid, stupid thought but the logic was there, somewhat. If Sophia was a Ward, she presumably knew how trigger events worked. And if Sophia trusted Emma as much as it looked like, she probably told Emma about being a Ward. And if she told Emma about that, she probably also explained trigger events. And if Emma knew about trigger events, why would she continuously put me through more and more traumatic bullshit and risk me coming after her in a superpowered revenge-binge? Unless… Did she want me to get powers? Did… Did she think she was doing me a favor?

I automatically rejected the idea. Even if Emma had seemingly lost her fucking marbles while I was out of town, she wasn't that stupid. And if she was that stupid and thought that asinine plan was a good idea, then I was going to electrocute her all over again. On purpose this time. Maybe it would reverse whatever brain damage she had.

"Miss Hebert? Are you paying attention?"

I shook my head to chase away the dumbness. "Sorry, just had a stupid thought."

"Hrn." Mrs. Dallon made a noise of disapproval. "As I was saying, that isn't the full extent of your advantages in the current case. On the more cynical side of things, you're simply more useful to the PRT than Shadow Stalker ever could be. A powerful Blaster/Brute is already more valuable than a low tier Breaker ability like Shadow Stalker's, but the real draw is your Tinker power. Tinker's are often seen as some of the most valuable recruits for any Cape organization due to them acting as a force multiplier when provided with supplies."

That made sense to me. A guy with super strength was good. A guy with super strength in high-tech armor that made him invincible was better.

"Also, Shadow Stalker is notorious for being… difficult to work with at the best of times. You may be a better choice simply based on attitude alone, provided you know how to behave yourself." Mrs. Dallon's expression implied I really, really ought to behave myself. So I nodded quickly and kept my mouth shut.

"Good." She continued, while getting out a pad of paper and a pen. "Now that we've got all that cleared up, why don't you tell me about what happened in your own words."

"It's a bit of a long story." I said, feeling awkward. But I started telling her everything, starting from when Emma was still my friend, to how she changed and how the bullying happened, all the way up to the Locker. By the end of it, Dad was looking almost as broken as when Mom had died, while Mrs Dallon looked even sterner than before, although she'd noted everything down dutifully..

"Do you have any evidence of this, Miss Hebert?" she asked, voice tight and controlled.

"I started keeping a journal listing incidents about a year ago. I also printed up any emails they sent me and saved them."

"Hm. Those will likely be corroborating evidence at best, but everything helps. When you get home, please make some copies and forward them to my office." Setting aside one pad of paper, she got out a second one. "Now then, we're almost done for now. To finish up this initial meeting, I'd like to know what you want to happen next, both of you. A lot of what you've been through is due to the PRT's negligence or incompetence in dealing with Shadow Stalker, so we have some ammunition to make some demands of them."

Huh. I honestly hadn't been expecting that. Honestly, I almost felt too good to be true. After so long being ignored by my school's administration, the fact that a larger authority actually might be willing to make my life better was hard to believe. Even if it was to just save their own reputation.

I stayed quiet for a while, thinking. But what I wanted wasn't that complicated and every time I tried to think of something else, I just kept coming back to the same few needs. "First off, I never want to see Emma, Sophia or Madison again. I don't really care how or why, but I guess transferring schools would be nice. Winslow's kind of shit. After that, I want to be a hero, and I can't do that if I'm in jail or anything, so I don't want… I mean, I did hurt people and make a mess, but it was honestly an accident. So it's not like I want to completely get out of all the consequences but I just… I don't want to be labeled a villain either."

"You don't want to pursue criminal charges against them." Mrs Dallon asked, sounding surprised.

"Not really. Like I said, I don't really care what happens to them. I just want the bullying to stop."

"Unfortunately, I can't say the same." Dad said, speaking up. "Those girls hurt my daughter. I want them punished in some way, not just for us, but so they don't hurt anyone else either. I also want Taylor to be kept safe. I… I know you want to go out and be a hero, Taylor, and I know that I can't stop you. But it's dangerous out there and I just…"

I reached out and squeezed Dad's hand. It wasn't much but it got a small smile out of him.

"Alright. Your first request shouldn't be hard. On the topic of keeping safe though, I'd also like to point out that you'll need protection as well, Mr. Hebert. Unfortunately, Miss Hebert's trigger event was very public and her identity is almost certainly already public knowledge. The PRT will do their best to suppress its spread but honestly, it's a forgone conclusion. And that means that criminals can and will try to use you to get to her.

""...Fuck."" Dad and I once again were in total sync.

"Indeed. Which leads me to the final thing I'd like you to consider for now: what you will do in the future. If you wish to use your tinker ability to work as a Rogue, I'll of course provide the proper paperwork and aid you in that direction. Same if you want to work as an independent hero. However…" She actually trailed off there. For the first time since meeting her, she seemed to hesitate to speak.

"Yes?" I prompted.

She actually sighed before continuing, which surprised me. "As much as I personally dislike the option, as a professional and with your best interests in mind, I do have to recommend joining the Wards."

"You seem against the idea quite a bit. I'm surprised, I'd have thought that you'd have a higher opinion of your fellow heroes. Does New Wave work closely with the PRT?" Dad asked and my eyes went wide. That was why Mrs. Dallon's name was so familiar, the Dallons were half of the extended family that made up the local independent hero team, New Wave. Apparently they tried to start a movement about unmasking and taking heroes taking more accountability, but it never caught on.

Fuck, no wonder she was so firm on not representing criminals. But also, holy fuck my lawyer was a superhero!

Ignoring my silent revelation, Mrs. Dallon explained. "We do. However, there's a reason why New Wave remains independent to this day. The PRT and the Protectorate, while they do their best, are also far from efficient or fair in my mind. The fact that they couldn't or didn't stop what was happening to Taylor is just one example of that. They're burdened by bureaucratic red tape, factionalism, a PR department with far too much sway in practical matters and orders from on high that may not have local interests at heart, in my opinion. In a normal circumstance, I'd recommend against joining up with them.

"However, your situation is not the norm. As I said, with Miss Hebert's identity revealed, you both lack the usual layer of safety most capes enjoy. While the PRT will temporarily provide protection for you, Mr. Hebert, if Taylor remains independent, they'll eventually stop. But if you join, they'll continue that protection indefinitely, even help with moving to a new city if you prefer. They've done this sort of thing before."

Dad clicked his tongue, clearly frustrated. "Tch. So they're going to hold that over our heads, huh?"

"It's manipulative, I agree. But it's better than the alternative, as much as I wish it wasn't. Still, it remains your choice." There was a flash of a frown across Mrs. Dallon's face and I remembered why the New Wave movement hadn't gotten off the ground. One of their own had been shot to death in her own home. Not something I wanted to even consider happening to Dad.

I made a sound of acknowledgement and started thinking. I didn't want to leave the city. It may have been foolish, but this was my home. It was Dad and Mom's home too. If I could, I wanted to make it a better place. So that was a non-factor. Of course, I wanted Dad to be as safe as possible. But at the same time, I don't think I could bear it if I had to deal with Sophia or anyone like her on a daily basis anymore. That really was the deciding factor, I guess. "Do you think I can meet the Wards before deciding?"

"That shouldn't be an issue. In fact, even if you aren't interested in joining, the longer you maintain the possibility that you might, the longer the PRT will play softball with the criminal charges you may face." Mrs Dallon said as she pulled out yet more papers. "Now then, if you'll just sign a few things…"


We spent three hours doing paperwork. Three. Fucking. Hours. I know that three doesn't seem like that much, but look at it this way. I had to spend 180 minutes doing nothing but writing stuff down. No breaks. Hand cramps cannot begin to describe my agony.

And the worst part is that, after that, I didn't even get to go home. I had to talk to several more people, PRT agents, policemen, everyone seemed to want a statement from me about what happened. And that included yet more signing documents, but at least it wasn't constant anymore.

The only bright spot was, surprisingly, my Dad. He was with me the entire time, helping to explain stuff, getting me drinks, even just offering a pat on the back when I got tired. It wasn't much in the grand scheme of things, but after having been on my own for so long, yeah it felt nice. Like he was actually in my corner again, rather than just hanging around in the same general space.

When everything was finally, finally, wrapped up, we were allowed to go home. I hopped into Dad's truck and we drove home, PRT van following us all the way. We were both utterly exhausted, so we got some fast food from a drive-thru rather than have to cook anything. Once home, we mostly ate in silence, giving our voices a break after the constant talking we had to do earlier.

When we were finally done, I started to throw out the trash but Dad spoke up. "Taylor… I know today was a lot. And it sounds like you've been dealing with a lot for a long time now. Did you.. Want to talk about it?"

I thought for a second, before shaking my head. "Not tonight, Dad. I'm too tired. Tomorrow though?"

Dad didn't entirely look like he believed me, but let it go anyway. "Alright, tomorrow. Have a good night, Taylor. Sleep well."

Dad slumped in his chair afterwards. He looked tired. Defeated even. I wasn't sure what to think of it. It reminded me of when Mom died. But he was with me all day, almost, and while he looked exhausted, he didn't look broken. Maybe… I didn't know what any of it meant. But I hoped that it meant he'd start actually caring again. I wanted my dad back.

After heading up-stairs and changing into my PJs, I straight up fell into my bed. I didn't even bother getting under the covers, feeling tired enough to just fall asleep instantly. But unfortunately, I didn't.

My mind was overwhelmed with everything that happened today. All the stress, the excitement, the boredom and the terror were bouncing around in my brain, preventing me from getting sleep. It was such a roller-coaster of a day, I didn't know how to process it all. I still remembered how it felt to be trapped in that locker, gagging and shivering as bugs crawled on my face and the stench made me sick. I remembered all the fucking paperwork Mrs. Dallon made me sign, how my headache and my heart-rate spiked whenever she casually mentioned criminal charges. I remembered the people I hurt and the guilt that came with it.

I remembered what it was like with my powers active and how much better it was than just being me. The way my mind had rushed with ideas, new and fantastic. The way that I knew, not just hoped, but knew that things could get better and that I was the one capable of building that better. The power of Zeus at my fingertips. The feeling of lighting in my veins.

Was it any wonder I wanted to feel that way again?

Getting up, I promised myself it would just be for a second. To feel a bit better. To remind myself that it wasn't all just a dream. I didn't know if I was lying to myself.

With a grin, I felt the power that was inside of me, the strange, shifting energy that was underneath the surface, always ready to be summoned. I felt it and pulled. The energy rushed forth, filling my body and coating it with power. But it was different this time. I couldn't feel the crack and tingle of lightning in my veins. Instead, there was something else. Something… youthful? There was a flash of light, and-

I was supposed to be in a suit. A purple suit with a bronze gauntlet on my arm and the tips of my hair dyed blue. That's what had happened last time. But that's not what happened this time.

I had a dress on. No, worse than that. It was a skirt. A white, ruffly skirt with a pastel pink blouse. I had white gloves with gold trim on my hands, pink stockings up past my knees and goddamn feathers in my hair. I looked like a fucking Sailor Moon knock off.

I only realized that I was holding something in my hand when it started to wriggle and I instinctively let go. The item I dropped appeared to be a children's toy, a red wand with a gold star in a winged circle at the end. It looked like it was made out of cheap plastic but it was clearly more than just a toy. Instead of falling to the ground, it flew up to my face and started to speak. "Hi there! So you're my new Master, huh? A bit older than I prefer to work with, but that's fine. I'm Kaleidostick Ruby, nice to meet you!"

"Oh, what the absolute fuck."


Oh my god, what the fuck am I doing. I'm notorious for dropping stuff and never finishing anything. We'll be lucky to get a second chapter out of me.

My own pessimism aside, I hope everyone enjoys this little brain fart of mine. I'd say I have big plans for later, but honestly, it's all random.

How the fuck do you do a decent author's note?
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So, is it just the outfits, or is she also physically changing to resemble the servant?
it's kinda amazing Sophia is even alive in the first place . So is a Demi servant or does she has full servant access?
Ruby is actually a decent starter guide. Imagine accidentally unleashing an anti fortress Nobel phantasm during power testing had she chosen some servant's other power . Ruby can at least help explain stuff .
it's kinda amazing Sophia is even alive in the first place . So is a Demi servant or does she has full servant access?
Ruby is actually a decent starter guide. Imagine accidentally unleashing an anti fortress Nobel phantasm during power testing had she chosen some servant's other power . Ruby can at least help explain stuff .
Alright, had to go check the wiki to answer your question, so take this with a grain of salt. Now, apparently Demi-Servants only gain one Skill and the NP from their Servant partner, so in that case, no. Taylor has access to all Skills and the full power of a Servant, with no abilities of her own. However, to be clear, I so far haven't found anything in F/GO or secondary that says that Demi-Servants are fundamentally less powerful than normal Servants, so on that level the question is kinda moot.

Also, the level of power Taylor used while she was Tesla was minimal. And Sophia's still in the hospital. So yeah.
Honestly, I'm just happy you skipped past the bullying and angst stuff and started with the aftermath. Read enough fanfic and the actual story, and that's no longer needed.
Crossing my fingers and hoping for a forigner or mooncacer pull
Yes, because summoning Cthulhu against Rune is good and helpful
Now, apparently Demi-Servants only gain one Skill and the NP from their Servant partner, so in that case, no
What about stats?
And a small note, while random makes things interesting, she should have a way to train herself to restrict the pool she is summoning from; like class, or type of NP, otherwise she basically has no way to become stronger with the progression of time
Yes, because summoning Cthulhu against Rune is good and helpful

What about stats?
And a small note, while random makes things interesting, she should have a way to train herself to restrict the pool she is summoning from; like class, or type of NP, otherwise she basically has no way to become stronger with the progression of time
Well, like I said, there's seems to be no evidence that Demi-Servants are inherently weaker, so I'd say stats are independent of What Servant you're channeling. Sort of like how Euyrale and Stheno are actually stronger as Servants than in life, a Demi-Servant seems to be a still living human made into a Servant "shell," you get me? It's like a modular iron man suit. You can slap on different special features and that's what it's designed to do, but even without them, the basic frame is pretty powerful on it's on.

Regardless, that's all rather moot since Taylor isn't a Demi-Servant. Rather, it's actually more like what Prisma Illya does When she installs a class card.

As for Taylor gaining more control, I kind of disagree. If this were a quest, you'd definitely be right, because the voters would need something like that as a solid sense of progression. However, in a pure narrative, Taylor make progress in other ways, with needing a power up. She can get better at personal interaction, gain leadership qualities, even just get better at dealing with the randomness. I'm not promising any of those will happen, just that those are some general examples of what could happen.
I'm not promising any of those will happen, just that those are some general examples of what could happen.
First of all, i want to clarify that i am not pushing you to do as I am told, i am just expressing my opinion and reasons but as there is no way to distinguish on the 'net there are some authors that might consider it as such and be offended:

The problem is not the randomness, is how it works in a group. It might not matter if taylor goes solo, but in the wards there are other people, and one of the positive aspects is that it can be used to develop synergies or overcome weaknesses.
For example, Taylor patrols with Gallant, transform in a berserker and Gallant just goes unconscious from the sensory input.
If Taylor can train after a while maybe she will know that the next pull is a berserker, so instead she patrols with clockblocker that freeze her if she is going to make a kaiser pancake.
Or maybe she needs a tank, she can train herself to look out more for a higher endurance parameter, so that she doesn't become Mata Hari. Same if she needs strength because a building is falling on her
I am not saying to make it easy for her to choose, but to give her the possibility to restrict the pool training that for ...six months? a year?
This way if she is going for speed she can ask for a bulletproof vest at last, or a shield
First of all, i want to clarify that i am not pushing you to do as I am told, i am just expressing my opinion and reasons but as there is no way to distinguish on the 'net there are some authors that might consider it as such and be offended:

The problem is not the randomness, is how it works in a group. It might not matter if taylor goes solo, but in the wards there are other people, and one of the positive aspects is that it can be used to develop synergies or overcome weaknesses.
For example, Taylor patrols with Gallant, transform in a berserker and Gallant just goes unconscious from the sensory input.
If Taylor can train after a while maybe she will know that the next pull is a berserker, so instead she patrols with clockblocker that freeze her if she is going to make a kaiser pancake.
Or maybe she needs a tank, she can train herself to look out more for a higher endurance parameter, so that she doesn't become Mata Hari. Same if she needs strength because a building is falling on her
I am not saying to make it easy for her to choose, but to give her the possibility to restrict the pool training that for ...six months? a year?
This way if she is going for speed she can ask for a bulletproof vest at last, or a shield
Don't worry about accidentally insulting me, I usually try to assume the best about people and I love talking about my stories anyway.

You do raise a good point about how tough the randomness can be to work into the group, but in my eyes that's actually a positive. It makes the story more interesting. Like I said, if it were a quest, I'd offer ways to keep control, since a total lack of control can quickly become frustrating. But as a story, something being frustrating to Taylor won't directly translate to being frustrating for the reader, at least not in a fun way. So instead of getting frustrated, you get to sit back and watch Taylor struggle for a bit before getting the good feelings of seeing her overcome it.
I do wonder how Taylor will deal with some of the more esoteric power sets- especially if she does not get intrinsic knowledge of how to use them.
Loving this start!

Thanks for skipping the locker scene. It feels more interesting and engaging to start where you did with the hints toward the initial trigger and Zeus transformation. Normally, I'm not fond of Carol Dallon apparently being the only lawyer in Brockton Bay that ever gets called in to deal with new parahumans, but in this case, it does make some sense with the public trigger/identity reveal. And Danny trying to be a supportive father is always a plus in my book. The ending made laugh. Excited to see more!
So you want BB in BB?
While hilarious for many reasons I feel the need to remind you that BB is not the only moon cancer there is,
Kiara Sesshōin also counts as a moon cancer, and I honestly don't know enough of FGO to say that Taylor using her power set is a good thing or not.
the links are just in case someone goes: that's wrong. I didn't mention the other two moon cancers because one is a summer variant of BB and Idon't know anything about the other
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it's kinda amazing Sophia is even alive in the first place . So is a Demi servant or does she has full servant access?
Ruby is actually a decent starter guide. Imagine accidentally unleashing an anti fortress Nobel phantasm during power testing had she chosen some servant's other power . Ruby can at least help explain stuff .
I mean as long as Taylor didn't use System Keraunos, its beliveable that Stalky survived.
Summoning 1.2
I stared at the floating, talking children's toy. It somehow stared back, and don't even try to get me to explain how. We stayed like that for far too long. Stretching past awkward and into brand new territory far beyond that.

"I said I'm Kalideostick Ruby. It's nice to meet you, Ma-" It tried to say again before I interrupted.

"I heard you the first time!" I shouted. "That doesn't explain what the fuck!"

"Language, Master! But yes, let me explain!" The… wand's voice wasn't that familiar but something about it pinged to me as such. I guess it was just the insincerity of it? It sounded like it was trying way too hard to be cute, like watching Madison talk to a teacher but even more fake. "As I said, I'm a Kalideostick, developed as a Mystic Code by the Wizard Marshal of the London Mage's Association. It's thanks to me that you've become a magical girl and I'll continue to provide infinite magical energy so all your wishes can come true! Magic for saving the day! Magic for flying high above the clouds! Magic for finding love!"

That sounds sketchy as hell. I thought to myself.

"Why does everybody always think that?!" The supposed magical wand wailed in despair. It must be tough being naturally suspicious.

Meanwhile, I had an entire issue on my mind. "You can read my thoughts?!" The last thing I wanted was the fishy children's toy rooting around in my brain.

"Of course not. It's just painted all over your face. You really ought to practice your cute smile more, Master. The look of suspicion and disgust simply won't do if you want to make it as a magical girl!" The damned thing then flew in close and started poking at the corners of my mouth with its wing things. "C'mon, Smile! Smile, smile! Smile smile smi-"

"Quit that!" I slapped it away from me. It went tumbling through the air before righting itself a few feet away. "First of all, don't touch me. Second of all, don't touch me. Third of all, explain properly this time, instead of spouting off a bunch of nonsense about mystic coding or whatever."

"But it's the truth." It insisted. "I really was created by Zelretch the Wizard Marshal."

"Oh, come on. There's no such thing as magic, everybody knows that. The only one who says otherwise is that weirdo from Chicago." What was his name again? Merlin but spelled weird?

"And yet, here I am." The wand said smugly, floating there in defiance of the laws of physics as if that proved her point. "How do you explain me in that case?"

"I don't know, superpowers are bullshit. I should have gotten a nice suit and lighting powers again but instead I got you." It was a really nice suit too. If only I still had it and not the exasperating thing in front of me.

"So, superpowers are real, but magic is ridiculous?" I got the distinct impression from the plastic wand that it was raising a doubtful eyebrow at me.

"Yes!" I threw my hands up and shouted regardless. I felt a little silly, but c'mon. There was no such thing as magic.

"Huh. Hold on a moment, Master." The wand went silent, although it continued to float. After a few seconds, it spoke up again. "Alright, Master. I'll admit that you are technically correct. I'm not detecting any sources of magical energy, not even the low level that should naturally be occurring in the air. Instead, I'm picking several dimensional breaches with steady energy outflow across the city, including one in your brain, which I assume is the source of these so-called superpowers."

"Hah! I told you so!" I crowed in triumph, before I caught up with all the details of what she said. "Wait, there's a dimensional breach in my-"

"However!" The wand loudly cut me off. "Thanks to the fact that I'm still here and that the source of these powers is apparently exo-dimensional in nature, I've come to the conclusion that whatever that source is, it somehow accessed the Throne of Heroes via said exo-dimensional abilities and is thus emulating the Heroic Spirits recorded there. These emulations are then copy-pasted over you, granting you their abilities and that's how your superpower mostly likely works. So in a practical sense, you're totally using magic. Sorry, teehee!"

It didn't sound sorry at all. In fact, it sounded the opposite in fact. Quite proud to be spouting all sorts of nonsense. However, some of that nonsense was very concerning. "Okay, let's go back to the part about there being a hole in the universe inside my brain."

"Not a hole in the universe, a dimensional breach!" The wand happily corrected me, sounding way too smug. "There's a difference, Master, You need to know these sorts of things as a magical girl."

"I don't care what it's called, I want to know what it's doing in my head! Holes in the heads are bad!" I started running my hands over my skull like I'd be able to feel it. "Am I going to die? You said that energy was coming out of it. Am I going to get cancer? Is my head going to blow up?"

"Oh Master, you worry too much! You should relax, you get wrinkles like that." The wand waved off my concerns with a wing, so I snatched it out of the air and started trying to crush it. Damn thing squished and stretched like rubber.

"Do! Not! Tell! Me! To relax! After saying I have a hole in my head!"

"It's fine! It's tiny! The exo-dimensional energy doesn't even interact with human biology! Mostly! I think!" The wand explained in a hurry. Well that certainly sounded better. Somewhat.

I let it go and gave it a glare. "You think?"

"Well, we could always take a tissue sample of your brain to check!" And back to being concerning and- Where the heck did it pull that giant needle from!

"Nope! We're good!" I stumbled backwards, falling onto my bed, which I scrambled my way across until my back hit my wall, away from the psychotic children's toy.

"Alright, if you say so." With obvious reluctance, the wand put the needle back away… somewhere. I breathed a sigh of relief and tried not to think about where it went or how the wand had been able to hold it with her wings.

And then the wand was floating up in my face again. "So! Now that that's all settled-" it really wasn't, "are you ready to go out and do magical girl things?"

I waved her away like she was a fly buzzing around my head. "It's already past midnight, it's way too late. And besides, what the heck even is a magical girl? The way you say it, you make it sound like it's more than just a girl with magic."

The wand, despite not having a proper face, gave me a look of absolute, primal, gut-wrenching pity. I hated it. "You poor, poor deprived girl. I don't know what sort of horrible, neglected, abused and forgotten childhood you had-"

"Oi." My childhood was just fine, thank you very much. It was becoming a teenager that sucked.

"-not to know hope, glory and love that is magical girls, but worry not! Kaleidostick Ruby is here to heal the void in your soul and show you what being a magical girl is all about!" With that declaration, she flew right at my face again. I instinctively thrust my hand out and caught her to protect myself, only for her to start tugging me out of bed by my arm as soon as I grabbed on.

"Hey! Let me go!" I shouted as I found that I couldn't just drop the stupid wand. My own hand refused to obey me.

"Teeheehee! Silly Master, you're the one hanging onto me, aren't you!" The wand mocked me as it pulled with surprising force, actually dragging me out of bed and towards my window. "Obviously, you must really, really want to be a magical girl right now! So open the window and fly into the romantic night!"


"That's okay! We can just blast our way out!" The wand started to glow and I panicked.

"Okay, okay! Just don't blow up my house." With an annoyed groan, I slid the window up like the wand wanted me too. I looked out at the night sky, not really feeling the chill even as the midnight breeze played with my hair and the frills of my dress. Fuck, I was really doing this, wasn't I. "Do I at least get a mask first before going out there?"

"Silly Master, who ever heard of a magical girl wearing a mask? That would just get in the way of their cute faces!"

"Of course not." I sighed before awkwardly climbing my way out. And then I was floating outside my bedroom window, dressed in a mortifyingly pink dress that didn't cover my weird legs and no mask to hide my identity. Great. "There, are you satisfied now? Seriously, 'romantic night'. What're you on about, this is Brockton Bay. I'm pretty sure you could get more romantic views at a junkyard."

Yes, I was being disparaging towards my town. It was my town. I was allowed.

"Wow." The wand said, sounding genuinely surprised. "I honestly didn't think a Master as cynical as you would pick up flying that quickly but look at you, you got it instantly! It normally takes awhile for girls to really believe they can."

"Of course I can fly. Lots of superheroes fly." I say matter of factly, before a realization hits. "Hey, wait a minute, you didn't think I could fly right away and you made me climb out a second story window anyway?!"

"Well, you see-" That was as far as she got before I started crushing the stupid wand in my fist again. Unfortunately, I still couldn't seem to actually damage her. "Ow ow ow! You would have been fine! I automatically generate a personal barrier that protects you from harm! Stop it already!"

I did so, but mostly because the gears were turning in my mind. "This barrier, does it make me stronger too?"

"Yes, but just flying up and punching villains is so uncute, so definitely don't do that and-" The wand kept rambling on about proper magical girl behavior or something but I tuned her out.

Flight. Force field. Super strength. Girly dress. The wand has basically turned me into Glory Girl. I wondered if she hated her costume as much as I hated what I was being forced to wear right now.

But I knew what she did like: smashing Nazis. And if I wasn't going to be able to sleep anyway, I might as well follow her example. "Hey, Wand. You said you could track those dimensional breaches, right? Where's the nearest one?"

"-and that's why you should avoid melee combat as much as- eh? Oh, yeah, I can do that!"

I waited for her to answer my question. The silence stretched on into the night. Eventually I gave up. "… Well?"

"You didn't say please!"

I ground my teeth. Seriously? We were seriously doing this? But even though I'd only known her for basically this conversation, I knew she was annoying enough to keep this up. "Fine. Please tell me where the breaches are."

She nodded happily, the stick part bending so she could bounce in my hand. "Sure! Just say my name!"

"…You're joking."

"Nope! Magical girls should be polite!"

I wanted to scream. Instead, I shoved my rage and frustration down to bring out against bad guys later and slowly, clearly said "Ruby, can you please tell me where the nearest dimensional breach is, please."

"Okay! There's a group of them a few miles thataway!" She pointed towards the Docks. I wonder what a group of parahumans was doing out there this late at night. Crime? Stopping crime? Maybe their base was there and they were peacefully sleeping, like I should have been.

Whatever the case, it wasn't what I was looking for. I shook my head. "I don't want a group, but the direction is good. Are there any solo breaches in that area?"

"Yeah, a couple actually."

I felt a grin stretch across my lips. Finally, an outlet. "Ruby, would you please direct me to the closest one?"

"Y-yes, Master." I swear I heard a shiver in her voice. Wonder what had her spooked. I didn't really care though and took off in the general direction.

Just a few minutes later (flying was fast) and I was hovering above a supposedly abandoned warehouse, the sounds of dogs barking, cheering and music with way too much base reaching my ears. A single guy with a bald head was standing outside the door, smoking a cigarette and trying to look casual. There were persistent rumors about the Empire 88, our local Neo-Nazi gang, running dog fighting rings around the city. I guess they were true.

"You'd think they'd at least invest in soundproofing." Ruby said, looking down with me. "Oh where have all the competent villains gone?"

"This far out in the Docks? I don't think they need to bother. Few people around to report it and those who are know better." I explained, before diving towards the lookout.

I smashed into him feet first, carrying him backwards and crashing through the wooded door. I landed on the lookout and he let out a little moan of pain as I did so. Good, that little maneuver hadn't killed him. Looking around, I pretty much saw what I expected. A wooden circle in the middle of the floor for the dogs to fight in, stacks of kennels next to the back wall, seating haphazardly placed around the ring and a makeshift bar on one side. Oh, and the place was filled with Nazis and Nazi sympathizers.

Rising to my feet without stepping off the lookout, I waved at them all as they all stared at me. "Hi there."

"Hi there? Hi there? That's it? No, no, no, you need to make a proper speech about justice and dreams and love! You didn't even strike a pose or say a catch phrase! Master, you really need to utilize your cuteness more!" Ruby wriggled and shouted in my grasp, protesting loudly. "And what did I say about melee combat! At least shout out Love-Love Kick if you're going to kick someone!"

"You're seriously still going on about that crap?" I shouted back at Ruby even as someone in the crowd cried out 'Cape!' and they all started either running away or pulling out weapons. "I don't have time to worry about that kind of thing."

"You're right about that, Girly." A deep, growling voice got me to look up. A tall, muscular man stepped out of the crowd. Dressed in a wife-beater and jeans, the only thing indicating he was anything more than your average thug was the metal wolf mask covering his face. He started to charge me. "You've only got a few seconds left to live!"

"See, that's playing your role correct-" And that was as far as Ruby got before a couple tons of shifting, grinding metal blades and chains in the vague shape of a wolf smashed into me and right through the wall. I bounced across the street, once, twice, before slamming into a street lamp hard enough to dent it.

"Okay. Turnabout is fair play, I guess." I said, rubbing my neck before getting to my feet. To my surprise, I felt entirely fine, just a bit stiff at best. "Huh, that barrier really works."

"Yep yep!" Ruby agreed happily. "Although, that was a stronger hit than I expected. You won't want to take too many of those head on, Master."

Good advice considering Hookwolf was charging right at me. I'd stopped paying real attention to Brockton Bay's cape scene years ago but Hookwolf was one of the few villains I could recognize on sight. Mostly because he was the kind of red alert psycho multi-murderer that you got warned about at school and on the TV. At least with most empire capes, looking white would keep you out of trouble. Meanwhile, Hookwolf wanted to kill anyone for any excuse he could find. Combined with his ability to turn into a giant wolf formed out of blades, chains and various other metallic deadliness and he was one of the more infamous capes in the city.

Which made it all the more satisfying when I swung Ruby like a baseball bat and smashed her right into his metal canine face. This time, he was the one sent skidding down the street, although he stopped a lot faster than I did, digging into the asphalt with his claws to kill his momentum. I raised Ruby for our next exchange-

Only for Ruby to start complaining again. "Master! I can't believe you! You can't just use me to beat up bad guys! I'm a wand! A magic wand! I'm delicate and fragile!"

"You sure sound fine to me." I grumbled as Hookwolf leaped at me again. This time I remembered I could fly and took to the air fast enough for him to just sail underneath me. I continued rising until I was fairly sure he couldn't just jump up and get me. He started shouting something about how I should come down and fight him and probably something sexist too but I ignored that annoyance in favor of the annoyance in my hands. "Besides, what else am I supposed to do with you?"

"Well, it's a little hard to analyze how his powers work when I'm being used like a makeshift hammer!" Ruby fumed.

I blinked at her in surprise. "You can do that?"

"Of course! I was made using the magic of the Kaleidoscope. Analyzing dimensional anomalies is a cinch for me!" Ruby preened for a moment before whipping out a large, nerdy pair of glasses, presumably from the same place she grabbed the needle from earlier. I felt mildly insulted but at least I didn't need my own glasses while transformed. "It's really quite fascinating. His real body has been drawn into a pocket dimension for protection while the metal blades are exuded from that same dimension after being converted to mass from exo-dimensional energy."

Well, that was interesting. And it gave me an idea. "Can you reverse it?"

"Yeeeeesss? But it would take time and given that his pocket dimension likely only has a limited amount of energy to convert to mass, it's probably better just to blast-"

And that was all I needed to hear. I swung Ruby and a blast of energy flew out, smashing Hookwolf's head to scrap, right in the middle of him declaring my mom was a sex worker and my dad liked to watch. Very satisfying. The only thing ruining the moment was that the energy blast was pink. Because of course it was. "Why didn't you tell me I could do that earlier?" I asked Ruby.

"I did!" Ruby sounded frustrated. Good. Now she knew how I felt. "I told you not to just punch people! What did you think I wanted you to do instead?"

I shrugged. "Probably just make dumb poses, look pretty and talk about the magic of friendship or something?"

"Of course! That's all very important and vital to magical girl procedure. But everyone knows magical girls shoot magic blasts at bad guys! That's like the most basic-" Ruby paused mid-rant and slumped in my hand. "Oh, right, you didn't even know what a magical girl was. Right, I guess I do need to explain everything from the very basics."

"Hold that thought." I said as I noticed movement below us. Hookwolf had regenerated his head and was moving again. In the wrong direction though, as he started running down the street away from me. It was a smart move, considering I could just stay in the air and rain pink laser death down on him while he couldn't do anything about it besides insult my parentage. I just hadn't thought he was smart enough to realize that insults didn't actually do damage.

"Hey! Get back here!" I shouted at him and took off after him. I was able to keep pace with him easily enough and even as he tried to duck and dodge in the rundown streets and alleyways, I didn't lose him. Meanwhile, I kept blasting him and even experimented with what I could do. Weaker rapid fire, shotgun scatter blasts, charging up bigger blasts, persistent lasers I could aim with Ruby. Only the more powerful attacks did damage though, with the weaker ones just plinking off his metal body. But even when I did smash off bits of him, he just generated more metal to repair the damage, all while he swore at me and I grew more annoyed.

"Fuck off, you crazy bitch!"

"You fuck off!"

"What do you think I'm trying to do!"

Still, all that shaping Ruby's energy (I refused to call it magic) in different ways gave me an idea. Pausing the flying artillery impression for a moment, I held up Ruby and focused. A blade of energy grew from the top of Ruby and I couldn't help but grin.

"Uh… Master?" Ruby sounded hesitant but I was already dropping altitude to fly just a foot or two above the street I was chasing Hookwolf down. Then I poured on the speed, accelerating past him while holding out my makeshift lightsaber. Just as planned, the energy blade sliced through Hookwolf's legs, dismembering his metal form and leaving him to crash into the ground.

I came to a sharp stop and turned around midair to face him. He was already pushing out new blades to remake his legs but I had another idea. Holding out Ruby in both hands and picturing what I wanted in my head, I formed a flat plane of pink energy between me and Hookwolf. I let out a laugh of triumph. "Aha! Okay, that worked, so now let's just try…"

With a bit of will power and imagination, the energy barrier stretched and warped as I made an orb around Hookwolf. Once he was fully enveloped, the energy bubble lifted off the ground and floated over to hover by my side. "Well. That was easy enough."

Hookwolf reared his head back before smashing it into the energy bubble, actually making cracks appear where he struck it like damaged glass. I definitely didn't lurch back in surprise and no screams of surprise left my mouth. Definitely. No, I was totally in control of the situation and calmly pumped more energy into the barrier to repair the damage and then even more to strengthen it so he couldn't break out. Yes, I was using a lot of energy but I vaguely remembered Ruby saying something about infinite energy so I wasn't worried about running out. "Yes. Easy. Not difficult at all."

"I don't get it, Master." Ruby sighed in my grasp. "How is it that you're such a natural at magical girl combat but so terrible at everything else?"

"I mostly just copied what I know other heroes can do." I explained with a shrug. Besides the big example of Legend, Brockton Bay had plenty of examples of flying capes that shot lasers. At least half of New Wave, I was pretty sure, and of course on the evil side of things, there was Purity. But if anyone asked, I was following New Wave's example. Purity didn't make force fields after all.

"...I guess a world with superheroes flying around publicly would affect what's easily believable." Ruby grumbled to herself.

I ignored her and started thinking of what to do next. "Alright, now we just need to call the PRT to take him away. Where the heck can I find a phone…"

As it turned out, Ruby also could serve as a communicator. A short discussion with the PRT later, a little bit of waiting and Armsmaster was arriving on the scene, riding up on his signature motorcycle. "Tesla? I mean… You're the parahuman from Winslow earlier?" He asked, confusion leaking past his professional tone.

"That's me." I nodded as I floated down to land so he wouldn't have to keep looking up at me. But I was confused as well. "Er… Tesla though? Is that my cape name now?"

"All newly encountered parahumans are given a temporary designation for internal documentation until their preferred cape name is discovered or chosen, even if their civilian identity is known. Tesla was chosen for you as a Tinker with electrical powers fit with what Nikola Tesla was known for." He explained. "I figured that it would be prudent to avoid using your real name, even if you've decided against a mask, and even if it's now… inaccurate? Especially this close to a wanted murderer. Can he hear us?"

"Fuck you, Dickmaster!"

I sighed and tried to ignore Hookwolf. "Yes, unfortunately. And yeah, it seems my powers are more complicated than I thought?"

"Yep yep!" Ruby piped up, bouncing in my grip. "If you want an explanation, I can tell you all about how Master has embraced the life of a magical-"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I slapped my hand over Ruby's star like it was her mouth and that inexplicably wound up actually muffling her.

"As… fascinating as that sounds-" Armsamster spoke up and I could just tell he was giving me a look behind his helmet and this was so embarrassing and I honestly wanted to die now please. "-our first priority should be securing Hookwolf. Can you change the shape of the energy bubble he's trapped in?"

I answered yes and we quickly worked out a plan to incapacitate him fully with minimal chance of him escaping. I changed my bubble to a cylinder with walls too high for Hookwolf to jump out and too slick for him to climb. The resulting construct wound up being 15 feet tall, so Armsmaster grappled up to a nearby roof so he could spray down into Hookwolfs entrapment, filling the cylinder with containment foam. The fact that he could fit that much containment foam in his halberd along with all his other gadgets was really impressive and I was feeling pretty excited to be working with the Armsmaster, leader of the local protectorate.

"So what if his stupid stick shoots a lot of foam? I could definitely do that if I wanted. Better foam too, magical foam, unlike that dumb stuff. It's not even pink." Ruby grumbled as Armsmaster finished up and some PRT vans finally arrived to take Hookwolf away.

I grinned down at my wand. "Aw, is someone feeling jealous?"

"No! Of course not!" Ruby… blushed? Okay, how in the absolute- "Oh, hey, who's this blue guy, by the way? He looks kind of familiar…"

Before I could start telling Ruby about Armsmaster, the Protectorate and the rest of the local heroes that I could remember, Armsmaster approached and shook my hand. "You did well out here tonight, Tesla. Congratulations on a job well done."

And cue the internal screaming. On the outside I was just awkward though. "Oh, uh, thanks! I just-'

"Oh, wait, I remember where I've seen him before!" Ruby interrupted me loudly. "Master, this is the guy whose face is on your un-"

"Thank you Ruby, you've been a big help, goodbye!" I shouted, cheeks burning as I dropped my power in a panic, Ruby disappearing in a flash of light. Okay, now I really wanted to die. And that shame only got worse when I realized that I was suddenly standing in the middle of the street in my pajamas.

I looked around. Armsmaster, thankfully, was looking inscrutable but my outburst had drawn the attention of several of the PRT guys around. Awkwardly scratching the back of my neck, I nervously chuckled. "Hehe… Uh, I don't suppose I could get a ride home?"