End Simulator (Worm/Altpower)

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This is my attempt on making a fanfic story out of the quest I made from Worm. The Summary and the source of the quest can be found below.

SUMMARY: Taylor died at the locker, and after a day, something dangerous descended from the beyond.

Was it the symbol of the End? Or the rise of a new Hope?

Only time will tell, as these creatures popped up on a single city on the North East Coast on USA, and only a single consciousness held control over all of these creatures.

Quest Source is HERE.
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Wielder of Destruction
I really want to write something right now, but I can't think of anything interesting in my head.

Then I recall about this worm quest I made on SV. My interest got piqued again on the idea, though I can't really continue the quest as I don't think I can update it frequently...

So I decided to just make it a story.

Welcome to End Simulator. This is a worm quest I made where creatures that can be considered world bosses are the protagonist of this story.

The premise is that Taylor died on the locker, and after that day, something dangerous occurs in the middle of street of Brockton Bay. This dangerous something are the creatures that were supposed to be Taylor's minions, but due to her dying, they became the body for her consciousness as a way to save her.

It's not much of a spoiler really, because it has been revealed on the very first interlude of that quest. It's been so long, so I decided to just reveal this minor spoiler like that.

This quest is a crossover for an original story that I have, which I didn't publish because it is pretty cringy. I just want to write it right now because my interest about it is piqued once more.

I hope you find reading this fun. Also disclaimers; I don't own Worm. Worm and the Parahuman Series itself is owned by Wildbow.

Now then, let's start!
What is this?

Where am I?

Why is it so dark?

Also, who am I?

I can't understand. I can't feel anything. I don't even feel my body. Despite trying to move, I only felt a mute numbness.

How did I get here? Why am I here?

It's so confusing.

I try to think how I got to this point.

My name is... I don't know...

I think I am a human. I think I attend a school. I can't remember if I have friends or family. I live in a city, I think?

I can't recall anything other than vague recollections of some things, like the English language, or the fact that I know some common sense. Other than that, almost everything else slips out of my mind. The names of places and locations, all of it are lost within me.

Is this it? Am I going to be stuck on this pitch black darkness?

... Oh?

Suddenly, lines of perspectives slowly formed on my disembodied vision. The lines slowly lengthened, until it reached the other lines, giving a three dimensional shape of a building. Then the roads. The silhouette of lamp posts and fire hydrant.

After that, slowly this colorless void gained life. Colors are slowly painting my surroundings. First on their primary colors, until transitioning into something vibrant.

But then, it stopped. At the same time, I felt a sense within my mind. An option of some sorts. Like a catalogue that only existed within myself.

There is an instinctive feeling within me that the formation of my surroundings won't be complete if I don't choose through the list of my metaphysical catalogue. The colors got stuck, and also the silhouette of varying humanoid figures that walks the sides of the half-finished sketch of the side roads.

I don't know what are all of these, but I decided to reach out within myself and choose on my own catalogue. I touched them one by one, and felt a clump of knowledge. The concepts that each of these individuals embodied.

The very first being on my catalogue is unknown. The only impression I got is the concept it embodied. They were hunger, adaptation, and propagation. The other gave the impression of Growth, Expansion, and Control.

There are a variety of them. Each embodying three or four aspects. All of which seemed to define what they were.

I don't have any idea what they are, but I let my nonexistent hand to reach out and grasp the very first entity that I found.

As I grasped and take it, I felt a sudden surge of emotion. Information explodes within my senses as I feel the slight cold breeze of the wind, the smell of vehicular smoke, and the taste of asphalt and sunlight.

No longer I am stuck in that eternal darkness. Now I find myself in a strangely familiar city. I have this strange feeling that I should know what this place is called.

It's so confusing!

I can see directly into the sun, and at the same time see behind and in front of me. I am also looking below, besides, and every direction on my surroundings.

What... how is that possible...?

And then I look at myself as I moved my hand. When I look down on it, I also see myself looking up on the face of a beautiful lady made up of a bluish jelly.

No... it is me. I am the gelatinous lady it seems...

My body is made out of slime, and if the melting concrete beneath me is any indication, I am very corrosive.

How is this possible? I felt like this shouldn't be possible for me, but at the same time it feels so natural!

A flash of light distracts me from my thoughts. Even though I can simply not turn to the source of that light as I can see through every cells of my gelatinous body, I still turn what constitutes as my head on that direction and find a man on the distance taking a picture at me.

Another flash on the other side, and then another from behind me. More people are gathering where I stand as they take pictures of me. I think some of them are taking a video of me, just because I saw them pointing their phones at me without that flashing light.

Hmm... I think I normally avoid standing out, but now it feels so inconsequential even when they are gathered around me.

No. In fact, I feel hungry, and I want to stay in this place.

The asphalt beneath me gives me some sustenance, but the sunlight and the air that hits my skin are easily being absorbed by my gelatinous skin. It seems like my body also acts as my mouth to feed myself.

Weird... but somehow it also feels normal...

... Well, these strangers aren't bothering me. They are simply taking pictures of me, and I think I can understand. My vague memories tells me having a gelatinous body is supposed to be weird.

If they are only going to take videos and pictures of me, then I will simply stay in this place and let them be. Absorbing the sunlight and air feels like the most productive thing I can do.

Within Downtown, on the city of Brockton Bay, people flocked towards the intersection where a peculiar Case 53 suddenly popped up after an ominous dark portal had vanished. Instead of feeling distressed at the exotic and alien features of the female-looking creature, the people are more interested at taking pictures of her, intent on posting it on social media.

The slime person seemed uninterested on them, simply staying on the intersection without a care in the world.

Both parties were unaware what she actually personified, and the possible consequences for her continued existence.

The First End Unit, the Mythical Queen Slime had descended. Though her purpose was lost. It was up to fate whether the existence of End Units would be a boon to humanity, or a recipe to hasten their extinction.

And that's it for now.

Anyway, as to why I am making this fanfic, it's because as I read the quest version of this on SV, I remember a really amusing thought why I even make the quest in the first place.

I only want to write about world ending threats fighting against another world ending threat. It's that kind of simple thinking that I even try to use my original setting and slammed it into the Worm setting.

Sorry if I am writing trashy fanfics again... I just want to write this... :(

Hope you have fun!~
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End Units
The list of End Units that has been revealed so far in the story.

Mythical Queen Slime (Propagation Type End Unit)

The queen of Mythical Slimes are known for their capability to multiply at an insane rate just by eating anything, even dirt or scraps.

They can turn a single dirt into thousands of slimes, and if they hold onto it, can even create a stronger variant of a slime.

They are impossible to be killed, unless weapons that defies the laws of physics, multidimensional strikes, conceptual, soul-related, or time-related attacks were used. Attacks must also contain a fire element or an anti-healing effect to truly kill a Mythical Slime.

Also, every single cell of their body must be extinguished. Or else, they will just come back as new.

One Mythical Queen Slime can easily create a slime colony, or worse, a slime empire. If it happens, abandon the continent and hope for the best.

It is possible for a Mythical Queen Slime to subsume the whole planet. In case of this event, the use of planet busting attack, or even a star busting attack is permissible. This is to make sure that not a single trace remains of them.

Don't waste taking on this creature if you are unsure of defeating it. It can adapt to it and make resistances for it so they can become more impossible to kill.

The Materials that can be gained from a Mythical Queen Slime is superior than the other Mythical Slime variants. Armors made from it's body can regenerate even if your just a smear of blood on the wall. They are also one of the ingredients for potent elixirs capable of reviving the dead. Their viscous parts can also be used to fix every machinery or objects, so most engineers loves them. It can also be used as a fuel for anything, whether if it's a planetary vehicle or spatial vehicles.

Remember, they are one of the End Units. Be careful when trying to subjugate one. The Controller will become aware of your actions if you are not fast enough.

Be aware of your surroundings, hunters, and may our world live longer!

~ Excerpt from Gerald Janus Byzanthium (The List of Discovered End Units)
Every slimes are capable of digesting everything. Mythical Slimes are more so with their esoteric body. They can digest steel in just a single moment and use it as their nutrients. Even gaseous particles or untouchable things like air can be eaten by them and digested to become their nutrients. Energy sources like solar or electricity is much more preferable for them, due to the huge amount of nutrients that they can get there.
The nutrients they stored within them can be used to create slimes. Depending on the amount of nutrients used, the slimes can either be strong or weak. As a Mythical Queen Slime, it can create thousands of weak slimes or tens of stronger variants. Using more nutrients can create more stronger variants of slimes like Legendary Slimes or Mythical Slimes.
Slimes are capable of adapting to every environment so they can survive. The Mythical Queen Slime is a million times more efficient when it comes to this. Their body can create resistances for every threat that manage to harm them and a long time exposure to it might turn them immune to it.
To easily consume preys, every variants of slimes, starting from the Legendary Slimes, can turn their body into any forms of acids, both existing and non-existent. Acids that can be created varied from acids known to science up to the acids that are esoteric in nature.
The Mythical Queen Slime can see through every slimes that were birthed by it, and it can also control them whenever it wants. It can also share it's all-seeing senses to every slimes that originated from it, turning them into a terrifying force to behold.
All slimes can split their body into two, so long as they have enough nutrients to support two or more bodies. These bodies have the same consciousness and won't deviate from their core personality. Essentially, they can create more of them as backup for when one of their body dies.
Garden of Eden (Environmental Type End Unit)

Warmth. Something that is supposed to be good for those who live.

But for us, it is a symbol of death. The indication of something sinister.

Clean air? Warm sunlight? Fresh food?

Those are just traps. Illusions put for the unaware so they will be taken.

The world is our enemy. The very foundation of life, slowly consuming us.

Is it really possible, to win against a force of nature?

Nay, it is not!

We are just bugs trying to live our pitiful lives. Being hunted actively by the plants, the air, and the land itself. We can only bow and pray for our continued lives. To only hope for tomorrow to come again.

We are the Dregs. The insects who dared survive against reality.

We can't win, but we will survive!

For the Garden of Eden won't sleep, controlling everything in her grasp. We, too, shall continue moving. Survive the harsh environment, and the deceptive world.

To those who reads this, remember to always look out for the floating flowers and pollens. It will be over if they made skin contact.

If you are seeking knowledge to counter them, then we can only hope for someone outside this world to come, to help the insects rebelling against the tyrannical world.

There are no counters, unless someone have the power to destroy this world. Nothing can be done than to survive.

If you want to survive, then heed the following advises here.

Don't get in contact with a pollen or a flower, don't eat anything, don't drink the water, and avoid any plants in your vicinity. Even if you see a patch of moss, avoid it!

How can you survive with that, you wonder?

Simple, use dead plants. Dead plants can be safely eaten, and they can sustain you as much as possible.

If you want to acquire a dead plant, then you should be prepared, because that would mean you will be fighting against her thralls.

You just need to burn a plant, and they will turn into a dead plant. Fire is their main weakness, so you must always carry a torch, or anything that can cause fire.

A dead plant is surprisingly nutritious. But that's the only thing that we can eat. It taste gross, but that's better than nothing.

Other than that, avoid anything else.

If you take this words into heart, then you will survive. You will be a part of the Dregs, the insects who survives!

Always take note, you are not a human. We have no rights. We are insects. Trying to survive against the world.

Pride won't help us. Even strength won't save us. You only need to be smart and have a sharp instinct. That's all you need to survive!

Survival is the only goal of us, the Dregs. Don't be a hero. That would be suicidal.

Remember insect, we are not human. We are Insects! We are the Dregs!

~ A passage from a Dregs Member (Christian Voyce's Diary)
The Garden of Eden is capable of creating flowers or pollens, which she can spread all over the world. Each of these can latch on any sentient being and is capable of subsuming their sentience, replacing them with the ego of those plants. Every being that are sentient, regardless if they are immaterial or inorganic, will have their mind replace of the part that latches into them. It can only be countered by protective shields, thick clothing, or by burning them.
Every parts of the Garden of Eden is connected to her and thus, she can see through them. Even those who are subsumed by her parts. This includes plants and any sentient being, which made her terrifying. She can also replace her main body into those she subsumed with her parts, which technically makes her immortal, unless someone manage to destroy every part of her, along with everyone that she subsumed.
The Garden of Eden is capable of improving plant growth exponentially. A tree that needs hundreds of years to grow only needed a second for her. She can extend this to every beings that she subsumed.
Along with her capability to accelerate growth, she can also evolve every plant and every being she subsumed into things that she desires
The Garden of Eden can also learn everything that the subsumed knows.
She is capable of sensing every living being within her vicinity, this extends to those she subsumed or the plants she connected with.
She is capable of absorbing the life forces of everyone in contact with her. This includes every subsumed being and the plants she is connected with.
Novem'Vestis (Hunter Type End Unit)

The most terrifying devil had emerged from our world. They swept through our land without regards to the lives of others. They destroyed civilization without any emotion.

Demons and angels couldn't contend against that being. They simply destroy them with incredible power beyond this world.

We couldn't go on. There was nothing we could do but pray on the gods for salvation!

Even the champions that rose to the occasion became a red smear on the ground. The heroes who could destroy a thousand army by their lonesome were slain without being able to raise their fingers.

The rabbit of destruction came to this world to claim lives. They challenged everything that came on their way, and kill them without showing restraint.

It was truly the end of the world. A single entity of unknown origins easily fell a whole continent. What about ours? Are we doomed to this fate?

How can we kill a being of insurmountable power?

I hope that the being, Novem'Vestis (They Who Reaped Lives), falls on the three continental coalition of races. If we fail, then there will be no hope in this world!

~ The Last Page of Rosmontis (Emperor Rosmontis' Logbook)
Their speed is out of this world. The Novem'Vestis is known for it's capabilities to move beyond the comprehension of any beings. Their speed equals light, and they bend physics to move silently without any collateral, swiftly reaping the lives of those it passes through.
It ignores the law of acceleration and momentum. Changing directions wouldn't decrease it's initial speed. It will only increase without diminishing returns. They also defy gravity itself, moving three-dimensionally as if the air itself were their foothold. They changed the laws around themselves, making it possible to move so fast without causing destruction around them. They do this instinctively, and will need a conscious effort to disable it if they want the surroundings to be affected by the sheer speed they are displaying.
Their body is incredibly strong. They can easily survive surface wiping meteors. Their strongest power output can sink a whole large continent deep within the ocean, with the following disasters that will occur when that happens.
They can sense danger a few seconds before it happens to them. Their body will move by instinct, efficiently moving to prevent or destroy danger that might kill them in a subconscious level. Unless the attack happens beyond their senses, they will quickly dodge it as if they are reading the future. This sense only extends to the area where they are located (Maximum range of 100 Miles).
Novem'Vestis find joy in battles. They thirst for it, and will always look for it. War and combat flows through their blood since their birth. It was the only thing in their mind even when the time of their death comes. They have a subconscious contempt against those they perceived as weaker than them, and will kill them if they ever do any slight against them. As for the stronger ones, they will simply challenge them on a battle to the death. It is their reason of existence. Their excitement makes them stronger, but their anger doubles it. The accumulation of their strength is dependent on their emotion, with anger giving exponential boost.
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Unknown 1.1
Robin Swoyer, or Velocity in costume, watched the newest spectacle on Downtown. It was a case 53 that suddenly appeared in the middle of an intersection.

He got here after the PRT was notified of the presence of this woman. He was the closest one when the PRT was notified, so he was the one who got here first. He heard that other PRT troopers will come soon.

His brief time watching her made him curious. The girl seemed content on basking in the sunlight, and the attention of many crowds. She looked unperturbed at the people that gathered around her.

It was peculiar to see a Case 53 act like that. Most of them time they were confused when they first woke up in this world. There were even times when they were paranoid of other people due to lacking memories.

Though this girl seemed content to simply stay in this place. He thinks the PRT won't mind if this new Case 53 normally acts like this.

But he can only shake his head. In an ideal world, the girl would possibly be left alone as she simply stayed like that. Though this is this real world. There is no way she will be left alone if the other gangs finds out about her.

And they will find about her. The way she arrives in this city is rather eye-catching, and her appearance won't hide her from those villains.

So even if she is peacefully standing on the intersection without a care in the world, Velocity have no choice but to interrupt her. She had also been reported to them, and she was blocking the intersection. He had a legitimate reason to confront her.

The people around noticed his arrival, and while he mentally felt drained at their stupidity to gather to an unknown and possibly dangerous Parahuman, it seemed like they had enough presence of mind to step aside until there was enough path for even a car to passed through with his presence.

He knew that the people at Brockton Bay was used to the presence of Capes. This was the city with the most amount of active Capes compared to others based on many sources. It might be why, instead of trying to run away, they are more excited to find a new Cape.

Well, at least it was more obvious on this city than the others.

When he got close to her, the woman didn't turn to him. She still looked content just basking in the sunlight, as her gelatinous body sunk slowly on the road.

'That... is not good...' He thought with a grimace. "Miss?" When he got her attention he continued. "Can I ask what you are doing?"

The humanoid slime finally turned her head to look at him. Strangely, she looked unsurprised by his presence. Her face entirely made of bluish sludge blankly stared at him, her gaze looked a bit distant as she tilted her head.

"What is it?"

It was surprising that she could even speak despite the weird physiology of her body. Though he chalked it up to weird Parahuman physics.

"I want to know what you are doing?"

His brows raised for a bit as he saw the slime girl looked up, as if she was in deep thought, before she returned her attention back to him with an innocent tilt of her head.

"I'm eating..." The way she said it was so casual he almost gawked in surprise.

"... I see." He coughed for a bit. "Ahem, can I ask who are you?"

"... I don't know?"

'Obviously.' He shook his head. "Don't worry. I'm sure you are confused about your situation right now. Why don't you come to our headquarters. I think it might be preferable for you than just staying in the middle of the street?"

"Eh...?" He was confused why she sounded reluctant. "But I'm fine here?"

"... You're fine staying like this?" He was confused.

"Yes. I like the feeling of the breeze and the sunlight. Also, the asphalt is delicious!~"

'Ah... I'll take note of that.' He felt he got a bit of insight at her physiology with those words. Her diet seemed to include the concrete road itself. "Actually... that is a bad idea. Damaging the roads is breaking the law..."

"Eh...?" She looked baffled. He thinks that is natural, because she has lacks the common sense to know about it.

"That is why, it will be nice if you stop melting the road..."

"Oh...?" She looked mortified, which made him felt a bit guilty, so he decided to throw a bone at her.

"Don't worry, we have many things that are tastier than that." He said.


He was glad that he managed to convince the sentient and attractive amorphous humanoid blob. The girl took a moment before she moved out of the small hole that she had caused due to her corrosive nature.

He heard the sound of sizzling and a strong stench of acid that assaulted his nose. His face scrunched up in a grimace. Her gelatinous body melts the concrete that she walks on, causing small dents to form on it.

'This will be troublesome...' He winced for a bit.

The Case 53 girl seemed concentrated on the topic of food. Though Velocity could already assume the amount of headache the Director and any people that would potentially handle this Case 53. Her constitution alone would be troublesome.

"Before that... can you do something to your body? Maybe you can tone down that acidity?" At least, he wanted it so they could get in one of the van and transport her quickly. Or else, they would have to walk all the way to the PRT HQ.

She looked down, and frowned for a moment. Though she acquiesced to his request as she closed her eyes. The changes to her body became immediately obvious. The bluish tint of her body quickly gathered on the part where her belly was located, and as if the color of her body was absorbed, she turned into a transparent humanoid jelly with bits of blue scattered on parts of her body.

The sizzling sound of her feet touching the concrete stops. The stench still lingered, but it doesn't get worse than that.

"Hm... I think I did it?" She sounded surprised, which showed that even she didn't know about it.

"That's great!"

Just as he said that, he heard the commotion behind him. He turned and saw that the heavy duty vans from PRT had finally arrived. The timing is just right, as he got her cooperation.

I am currently inside a car being escorted to their headquarters, wherever it is. Besides me on the passenger seat is the weird spandex guy who calls himself Velocity.

The taste of the leather seat is delicious. It gives me nutrients that's more potent than eating the road itself. I want to eat this if possible, but I think that will be a bad idea.

If this Velocity guy says that eating roads is bad, then eating vehicles is also a bad thing, I think?

I don't want to antagonize these people when they are going to lead me to a place where more delicious food are located. That will be bad!

While on the way to their headquarters, he thankfully explained to me about this place. The city is called Brockton Bay, and it seems like I wake up in the middle of intersection on Downtown. He also says that I am one of the monstrous Parahumans, or also known as a Case 53. He said that having no memories of our origin is common for Case 53.

As to the place we are going, they call it PRT. It strangely sounds familiar to me. PRT stands for Parahuman Response Team it seems. He said he is one of the Heroes of this city, which seems to be what are called for government affiliated Parahumans.

They don't call themselves Parahumans when in costume, but rather they are called Capes. I don't really get why they call themselves like that. It sounds silly!

They said using costumes is a widely accepted culture in this country. I actually don't mind. I'm just curious why they are wearing something so funny.

He managed to give me those explanations before we got to the HQ, which is also located on Downtown. I look at the building with the words PRT on top of it. With my omnidirectional vision, I can see some of the people staring at me.

Well... I am a moving slime, so I think it's natural for the people to become curious?

"So, where is the food?" I asked out loud.

He promised me food, and that's the only thing I am actually interested in. Anything else is just secondary to delicious meal!

"Easy there. You will get to have your meal soon." He said, and gestured for me to follow.

I walk just behind him as we got inside the building. I can see some people gawking as they look at me. One of them even flash their phone takes a picture of me. This is only being done by the people wearing clothes unlike those who seemed to be working here. The others just glanced at me for a bit.

"Ah... those are the civilians. They aren't part of the PRT, so don't worry. They won't just take pictures of you without consent." Velocity said.

"It's fine. I don't mind."

It's not like it bothers me. In fact, they should do it more because I can eat even the emissions of light waves that they release in their phone. It has a different taste, like a spice or something. It's unlike the sunlight which gives me constant amount of nutrients. Basically, I don't mind them throwing additional sustenance on my way.

We quickly passed the front lobby and go through the labyrinthine hallways of this structure. It only took a moment before he opens a room. I see a sign above the right corner of the door that says "Conference Room 2". When I enter the room, I quickly realized the dull decoration of the room. There is only a single table and two pairs of chairs on each opposite sides of the chair. The walls are plain and white. There is a large window on the side of that conference room, though it looks like it reflects on a single side because I can't see what's beyond it.

"Please wait here. A staff will deliver a meal to you shortly. You can eat it while you wait for us. I'll be leaving for now..."

"... Okay."

Waiting is fine by me. I'll just eat the light radiating from that bulb above the ceiling. He smiles before he left me alone on this room.

... Now then, I wonder what I should do next?

Hannah walk towards the room where they watched the slime girl on the other side. Her hand carried the papers that detailed Velocity's reports about the girl.

She found that the slime girl was already talking casually to the handler that was sent to her. They spoke amicably, and the slime girl responded without showing any signs of any distress.

"Despite having no memories, she seems incredibly laid-back." Her eyes settled on the empty bowl on the table. 'No...' He quickly noticed that the bowl itself was half-eaten. It seemed like Velocity's report about her unnatural diet was true.

Along with the bowl, there were also missing parts of the table, the chair, and even parts of the floor. Hannah winced. She knew taking care of the Case 53 would take a lot of budget from their branch, which was already lacking due to the nature of this city and it's gangs.

She wondered how they could even recruit the girl made entirely of an unknown gelatinous liquid. The capabilities she had shown so far was extremely potent and dangerous for law enforcement.

'Director said to recruit her regardless of her capabilities. I think that's my cue...' With her brief check done, and seeing the conversation between the two finished, she left the room so she could meet up with the two.

This city was brimming with a lot of Villains. Their roster, even if they included the younger ones from the Wards, was sorely lacking compared to the total amount of villains on the city. They needed every help they could get.

'I hope she is an adult. Having another Protectorate member will be reassuring.'

Despite the terrifying prospects of her ability, she doesn't look that dangerous. So Hannah was hoping a lot from the girl.

'... This is bad!' Hannah, or Miss Militia behind her costume, watched in horror as she saw the girl casually digest the whole machine as if it was nothing.

She had met up with the Slime Girl, a tentative designation given to her, and as observed, the girl was laid-back. Simply going along with the flow while occasionally gazing distantly somewhere.

After their brief introduction, they got to the testing room. They wanted to get the initials for her capabilities. So they tried strength testing and endurance testing.

And then the girl simply gobbled up the machine that measured her punching strength with her fist. The device for grip testing also got disintegrated by her hands. Even the thread mill for testing melted and got absorbed through her feet before she was done.

Even though the people in charge of testing her was going to stop her, the girl ignored all of them as she swallowed the whole set of weights prepared for her as if it was nothing.

Everything in the room had been either absorbed to her body, or were thoroughly melted and was just a puddle of disgusting metallic stench in the floor.

"I'm done!~" And she did that because they told her that she would do those test in order without holding back. It was too late before they could stop her.

"Impossible... those are acid proof!"

"How did she melt high grade titanium and steel!?"

"It's over... our Director will kill us because of this!"

She sympathized with the R&D staff. The girl was simply monstrous when it came to melting things. She could melt things even with her punch.

"Thank you for the great treat, everyone!~" Slime Girl smiled brightly at them.

She looked so bright. Her body that had turned golden yellow made her look positively radiant. If not for the broken equipments, and even the floors that became uneven as she made holes through them with her golden body, then it would be the picturesque of something innocent.

"A-ah..." Miss Militia could simply narrow her eyes. She was grateful that her mouth was concealed with her scarf, as she knew even if she smiled, that her expression was extremely stiff.

Now she wondered whether she would even be considered for recruitment, or the Director would simply throw her to the other city.

She was too deadly to be considered for law enforcement.

As you can see, this is going on a different route than the one at the quest. That is because this is what I actually imagined what will happen without the inputs from the questers.

Hope you have fun with this chapter!~
Unknown 1.2
The good people of the PRT let me stay on one of their rooms. It has a bed and some basic furniture like a drawer, along with a personal bath to the side.

They told me not to try and eat the things around me, and I decided to comply. I still feel hungry, but I can hold off eating for a bit as I got a huge chunk of nutrients eating those block of metals.

I like this place. They gave me food filled with nutrients.

Now I have this urge to proliferate!

There is this instinctive knowledge within me that tells me that I got enough nutrients for propagation. I can create slimes by using some of my nutrients and separating it out of my main body.

They said I can do anything so long as I don't eat the room itself. I'm currently in my non-toxic mode, which is me just gathering all of my toxins in my central core. So while I can still taste the ground, it isn't melting even if I stay here for a long time.

Well... I am still mildly acidic, so I am leaving some marks on the floor, but it's not like I can do anything about it. My body is naturally toxic to the environment.

Because they didn't say anything about propagation, I think it is fine I do that, right?

Director Piggot was horrified when she was notified of the latest situation about their potential recruit.

She heard of the Slime Girl this morning. A Case 53 with an ability that was pretty similar to a Class S Threat currently imprisoned on the Birdcage. That alone raised a lot of alarms within her mind, but decided to curbed her own biased against Parahumans and welcome the girl to their ranks.

The heroes of this city were outnumbered by the amount of villains that operated within it. The other PRT branches doesn't give aid, even with repeated request from them. So even if the girl had a power that was extremely dangerous to be used on normal circumstances, she decided it was worth it taking the girl.

She planned on putting the girl on the Wards, just for a way to limit the girl from causing a problem. Even if she looked mature, the way Slime Girl acted was equivalent to a young child who had seen the outside world for the first time.

Her presence would simply be a deterrent for the gangs. She planned to demonstrate her capabilities later on the public so the gangs to hold their reins. They had to make a plan so the public would perceive the demonstration positively, while at the same time sending the subtle message to the gangs.

Those were on the works, but now she doesn't feel like going along with that plan anymore because of this new development. Her fist trembled, and she clenched them to stop it as she glared directly at the person who suddenly barged on her office.

"Y-yes Director. Slime Girl has suddenly created instances of herself. They look like younger versions of her..." Deputy Director Renick stated, a bit intimidated by her harsh gaze.

"What is happening? What are they doing!? Did they contain them!?"

"Yes. Slime Girl acquiesced to the trooper who told her to stop after they arrived at the scene."

"Then about her thralls?"

"Currently accounted for..."

She let out a sigh, a bit relieved that it didn't get that bad.

"Give me a status update about her."

And so he quickly filled her up about the events that happened. After they left Slime Girl on a single containment room, which was done because they couldn't accommodate someone of her constitution on the normal rooms, Slime Girl stood still for a few minutes on the room before she suddenly separate some parts of herself.

The feed had already been forwarded on her computer, so with a simple browsed on the available files on her computer, she managed to see how it happened.

The girl, as stated, simply stood still on the room. After skipping for a bit on the video file, she saw it. The girl suddenly shed a handful part of her and let it drop on the floor. The gelatinous blob separated from her hand like a drop of water, and it splattered on the floor in a squelching thump.

Then, something that made her heart froze happened. The puddle of goo undulated, and then bubbled as if it was boiling. Then those bubble stiffened in a single second, before they expanded upwards. Their form quickly turning humanoid, until their appearance became pronounced enough. Looking like the younger version of Slime Girl.

All of them were color blue and green respectively. Then that puddle expanded more. Much more terrifying was that Slime Girl's feet also turned into a puddle, and expanded all around the room. The puddle that formed all over the floor quickly turned into young versions of her, all in different colors.

It was something straight from her nightmare. Memories of her time from Ellisburg made her flinched when she saw the sheer numbers that she created. She even noticed literal moving blobs beneath the feet of these crowd of sentient humanoid sludges.

"Take them out!"


She blinked her eyes as she realized that she spoke those thoughts out loud. She shook her head, even when she grimaced as she felt her sides aching, and her tension high by what she saw. Though she held the sheer terror from her heart, as she looked at the Deputy Director coldly.

"Transfer her out of this city. I don't care where, but I don't want this thing in my city!"

She bit back the initial words she wanted to say. It would be much better for her mental health if she could simply order for the immediate extermination of this threat, but knew that she had no right for that. She goes for the next best thing on her mind.

An exile.

That one was a Case 53 that held a dangerous ability to create sentient beings. If these creatures she made was proven to have the same capabilities as Slime Girl, then the implications behind it was dire. She had to nip this in the bud before it became dangerous for their city.

"... Understood." The Deputy Director held a complicated expression. He seemed reluctant, but at the same time understanding.

She didn't care. So felt in danger so long as that being stayed in her city. She had to go, and that had to be done as soon as possible.

So apparently, I am banned from making more of my kin. It seems like it is bad to do that, they said.

They said that they will put me in the Wards, but that I will be transferred to another city. I actually don't know if that is a good thing or not.

I felt strangely reluctant to leave this city. I wonder why?

Regardless, it's not like I mind. If there is good food on the next city, then I should simply accept it!

Even if this place felt strangely like home to me...

The slimes that I made are taken somewhere on this building. If my connection to them can be believed, then they are somewhere below this building. I think at least a few floors down.

Because the people ask me about them, I told them that every slimes I made are all connected to me, but at the same time they have their own thoughts. I am currently guiding their actions to not eat whatever they got their gelatinous body in contact with.

It might be why, instead of simply burning them, they were put in what I can consider a jail. The Slime Girl variants and Slime variants are separated on two rooms. All of them are currently inactive.

Well, they are also hungry, but they can sate their starvation through the nutrients stored within our collective body. Even if we are separated, I can still share all these nutrients equally to my colony.

Hmm... weird, I feel like I already know about my abilities despite having no recollection of it...

Regardless, tomorrow I will be going to a different city. For now I have to sleep. I don't have to do anything right now after all.

My first day awakening in this world and I already experienced something good. I hope tomorrow I get more delicious food!~

Darkness. The only thing my eyes can see.

No wait... I have this sense of disparity where I both sensed my slime body currently in sleep mode, and my weird disembodied consciousness that is stuck in this eternal colorless void.

Once more, that void slowly acquire clarity. The same lines and silhouettes of the surroundings formed around me, until they became clear enough with colors before it got stuck.

And then, an option within myself occurs. It is the metaphysical catalogue that only exists within me.

What is this? What is happening?

It felt like time itself has stopped when the option appears within myself. Even when I try to reach out to my collective consciousness, I don't really feel like my own slime self is moving anymore.

I see... I have to choose one of the options, isn't it?

Well, I decided to choose randomly and reach out to a random figure in my catalogue. This figure gives me the impression of Growth, Expansion, and Control.

After I picked that, time moves forward once more and I feel like I can move my slime self.

And then... I woke up in the middle of the same familiar intersection, though currently it is in the middle of the night.

Along with that is another weird disconnect. Unlike my collective unity with my slime self, this new body seems totally disconnected to my slime's collective consciousness.

I don't know... I just feel like my current body is more different.

I try to look below myself and find that I have still have the upper human half. My lower half though seems to be a beautiful flower of some sorts, and I can feel it connected deeply on the ground.

... Huh. So I'm a flower now...

Let's quickly make this clear. She won't get End Units every time she sleeps, or every in-universe day has passed. I designed so that getting more End Units progressively becomes more longer.

If today her cool down is a single day, then the next one it won't be the case. She will have to wait for a few days before she gets another End Unit, and after that, she will have to wait several days for another one. Rinse and repeat until it becomes monthly.

After that, it will be stuck on a monthly basis in-universe. It still sounds broken though...

I hope you have fun with this chapter too!~
Unknown 1.3
This is weird. I can feel my slime self in a lucid state, but at the same time I can also feel my new body awake and aware of the ground where I take root.

It's like I'm half-asleep and half-awake. That's the only explanation I can give to this weird disconnect that I am simultaneously experiencing.

Is there a way to take this weird feeling off? It feels weird being both asleep and awake!

Just as I thought about that, I suddenly lost my connection to my slime self. I instinctively feel my weird connection from somewhere, but ignoring it makes me focus on what's in front of me.

Let's see, I am a moving flower. If my connection from awhile ago can be believed, then the slime person is also me. By ignoring the connection between us, it seems like I can easily distinguish between myself and the slime version of me.

So are we a separate being?

I don't know...

Ugh... whatever.

I'll try and reach out to our greater collective later on. For now, I have to focus on my situation.

First of all, where am I?

The city looks incredibly familiar to me. It's not just because I got the brief memories that my slime have when we are connected, but rather I know deep within me that this place is important to me.

And I don't know why, because I can't remember anything!

I'd like to experiment with my body for a moment. The few people that are slowly gathering on the distance can be ignored for now.... wait...

Now that I notice the presence of these people, I have this strange urge to control them!

It felt like a good idea, but the memories I got from my slime self holds me back. I recall about those people banning my slime self from creating her colony. I think it is safe to say that subsuming them to my will won't be taken lightly by the PRT.

It's also a bad thing to stay in the middle of the road. I would like to stretch my roots in this place, but unfortunately I have to move.

Now then... how can I move?

I don't see any limbs I can use to move myself. I am literally rooted on the ground!

The flash of light distracts me from my plan. I felt a bit irritated.

I don't like being interrupted. Can I just control them?

No... there is no need to antagonize the people around me. They aren't even getting closer to me. They are taking pictures of me with their phones. It's not like they are threatening me.

But why is it... why do I feel incredibly uncomfortable at the thought of people not in my control getting near my body?

My slime self doesn't seem to have that kind of problem. So what gives?

... Ah, I see!

It must be my own problem. I am different than my slime self. Even if we can connect to our greater self, both of us are entirely different beings.

While my slime self hungers for more, I only want to control everyone!

Now I am enlightened!

Then shouldn't I just control these people? That will solve all of my problems, right?

Ah... I felt another presence getting closer behind me.

Even with the lack of mobility on my upper human body, my lower stem seems flexible enough that it can twist around and let me see what's behind me.

There is a car, unlike the vans from PRT from my slime self's memory. It just got to my side, and I can feel a single person on that car. My eyes are strangely sharp at the night time, because I can clearly see his surprise beyond the front window of his car.

I look beyond and I see that there are some cars who are also going to my direction. It's not just behind me, but there are some on my sides approaching.

... Right, this is an intersection. My vague recollection of the common sense of this world tells me that intersections are usually busy with traffic. It is obvious that there are cars going to this place.

Well, I have to move away if that's the case. I just have to think how...?

I tried thinking of becoming a human, just like the people around me, and suddenly I feel myself changing. I don't know how to actually explain it. It just felt like something fundamental within my existence just switch and turn into something else.

Unlike the deep warmth I feel being rooted on the ground, now I only feel the bare coldness of concrete on my now bare feet. It feels rather uncomfortable, walking without being connected to the soil.

But well, with this form, I can finally leave the intersection and stop bothering the good people of this city.

Now, I have to find a place where I can take root and ask people who are willing to be controlled by my will. I'm sure there are people out there who will like that, right?

Thinking like that, I walk on the first direction that I am facing and walk towards there.

"Woah, she's getting closer to us!"

"Who is she? Why did she pop out of that portal? Is she a Case 53?"

"Maybe she is related to that Case 53 that appears this morning?"

"Can we ask her?"

I hear the few people who are watching me from the distance saying. They are on the general direction where I am going.

Oh right... maybe I can ask them?

Let's try it!

I walk towards the crowd, and I hear the man in the forefront gulp as he looks at me.

"Yes?" He sounds tense. Well, I'm only going to ask nicely, so there is no need for him to be scared.

"Can I control you?"

... What is it? Why are these people now looking at me weirdly?

"... Ah, what do you mean by that?" I can see some of them now taking a step back, while a girl from the back ask me that nervously.

Why is she asking? Isn't it obvious what I'm talking about?

"It means you will surrender your autonomy to me."

All of them now look pale. Why?

"I... think that is a bad idea..."

"Yes. I'm sorry, but I have somewhere else to go..."

After those two quickly leaves, the other follow suit and scamper away.

... What's so bad at being controlled by me? It's not like I will treat them unfairly after they become mine!

Should I just seize then?

I am really tempted to do so, but I decide to shelve that thought for now.

I should look for a place where I can take root peacefully, then I can ask the people around whether they want to be controlled by me or not.

With a plan forming on my head, I finally decided to leave the streets.

I finally found a place that looked like it was abandoned for a long time. It has taken me a long time, and strangely the city feel so familiar that I managed to get to the more poorer parts of this city.

I don't know... I just feel confident that this part of the city is the poorer areas...

There are many abandoned warehouses here. Most of which are even dilapidated. I want to plant myself on a place with direct exposure to sunlight, so I deliberately go to an abandoned warehouse that has a broken roof.

By broken, I meant utterly destroyed that only a few rotting beams are left hanging on the sides of the crack and broken walls of this warehouse.

I take root in the middle of the warehouse. I feel my feet twisting, and then turning into roots which I consciously move to pierce the dirtied floors of this broken warehouse. My skin that has turned white slowly returns back to their greenish hue, as I feel my upper body being propped up by my lower flower body.

The multi-layered sharp pink petals of my flower spreads out. Welcoming the moonlight that graces my skin. I can feel my roots settling on the ground, finally rooting me into this place.

This feels great. I feel more at ease being in this form than using my human form. The next thing I have to do is bunker up, expand my roots under, and then ask some people who are willing to be subsumed by my will.

For now, let's enjoy the moonlight and gather some nutrients. Fortunately, there are a lot of insects and other small life presences around this place.

I think people wouldn't mind if I seized these creatures and use them as sustenance, right?

(Change POV)

I just woke up and quickly recall about being a plant lady.

But that's impossible, because I am a moving blob of toxicity!

Is it just a dream?

Well, I still feel that lingering connection just beyond us. The greater connection, if I have to give it a name in my head. Maybe I can try and connect myself to it?

I really want to do so right now but I am currently busy. I just got woken up because the good people of PRT called out to me, saying that my transport is ready.

I don't really know where they are taking me, but they guarantee that I will have a good meal with it so I really don't mind.

It is why, after a few moments, I found myself inside a vehicle that I vaguely recall as a heavy transport truck. They say the interiors has been modified to be acid proof, but I should still make an effort not to consume any part of this vehicle if I can help it.

So I am still in my transparent jelly form even though I have a great urge to just eat this vehicle.

It's fine. If they say I shouldn't eat it, then I shouldn't!

Other than that, I can feel my other slimes are near me. Just like me they are put inside one of those trucks, but they are bundled together. At least the good people of the PRT are considerate enough to separate the slimes and the slime girls on two different trucks.

I am a bit curious though...

"Where are you taking me?" I ask the driver just beyond the passenger seat. The section of this truck and the driver's seat are separated by a heavy metallic frame, and a door with bars that are reminiscent of the room where I stay last night.

I heard him grunt for a bit. "San Diego."

San Diego? It sounds familiar, but at the same time alien to my ears...?

"Are there any good food in there?"

"If you call burritos and fish tacos as good food, then sure." He shrugs.

I don't know what those words meant, but they sound delicious! I want go there as soon as possible!~

"... Still, are you really of Wards age? You look like a college beauty more than anything!"

"I don't know. I don't have memories!"

"Ah right..." He glanced at me for a moment before he shrugs. "I already got briefed about your situation. You can simply relax there and please don't try to melt anything in there. We don't want to get into an accident, and we have a long way before San Diego."

"I'll try."

After that our conversation stops. He seems to be checking something before they can finally start transporting me and my colony to San Diego.

Well, I decided to finally start connecting to the greater collective from beyond while I'm waiting for them.

When I think of trying to reach out to this lingering connection, I suddenly see another perspective of me. It is me looking up on the sun and having a fun time absorbing the life force of the insects and rats around me... wait...

That's not me. That's flower me!

Wow... we are actually connected huh...

And she is also connected to me. Are we thinking the same things too?

It's a bit headache inducing thinking about all of this. I am her, but she is also me. At the same time we are also different to each other. I think flower me came to that conclusion after we disconnect from our greater collective.

But what is the greater collective?

Trying to dig deep within my metaphysical self, I immediately feel like I got enlightened when I sense that indescribable endless void from beyond. It's the same featureless zone where I first woke up as a disembodied consciousness.

Uh... okay...?

Maybe it's actually our consciousness, and we are just separated after choosing one of those mysterious figures from my catalogue?

I don't know. I'm just making assumptions on my confusing situation.

... Anyway, let's go back to topic.

My flower me is currently having a great time basking in the sunlight and expanding her roots beneath the ground of this city. I can also sense that flower me is eating any living things that got in contact with her roots. She saps their life energy until only their husk remains.

... You know, I feel somewhat envious.

"Is there something I can eat?"

"You've already eaten a breakfast before coming here. Hold on for a bit!" The driver grumbled.

Eh... then what should I do? Am I going to be stuck watching another me having a fun time eating?

What kind of torture is this!?

While I'm writing this, I suddenly recall about interludes, and then notice that I'm actually writing this fanfic wrongly.

I should have put the perspective of the others on the interlude, instead of putting them on the main chapter.

My bad... I am unable to edit the early three chapters because I am already satisfied with it. I also can't think of a way to write it that won't change the script greatly with just the protagonist's perspective alone.

So just think of it as a weird way of starting the story...

Starting on this chapter, the main chapters will only focus on the perspective of the protagonist. The protagonists are of course every End Units that will be introduced on this story.

Interludes will show the reaction of the other people from their shenanigans...

Again, sorry for the inconvenience... I still hope you have fun with this chapter!

P.S. Yep, the slime will be taken to the PRT Branch 8. No, I don't know anything about that place. I have to read the wiki first before I can continue at it xD
Unknown 1.4
(Flower Girl POV)

I feel it. My slime self had reconnected with the greater collective.

She has done so awhile ago, so now she is watching me eat all of these meal, and I can feel her jealousy.

But you are me too, so isn't it weird being jealous of myself?

But my slime self really hates it, so after awhile I suggested for her to stop connecting to me for now. She said no. So now we are stuck being aware of each other.

Talking about myself, I have been expanding my roots on the ground of this city. I think I got the whole warehouse and the ground covered with my roots. Along with that is a great addition to my budding habitat.

Scurrying around me were the enlarged rats and insects. All of them subsumed to my will. Their ego is mine, and so they were part of me!

Now that they are a part of me, I can manipulate them to my will. I decided to stimulate the growth of their body, and make some changes to their genetic makeup. It's a simple thing to do. I became aware of their entire physiology when I seized their consciousness.

They are stupid. They can't think clearly without my guidance, but it is fine. I will always take care of my minions!

They are my security detail, and they also act as my recon. I can see through them as they are a part of me. They can act as my vision.

I only positioned them around the broken warehouse. I don't really have any reason to expand all over the world. I am just sating my instinctive urge to take root and acquire loyal minions.

Other than that, there is nothing. I am still planning on acquiring more followers, but there is no need to make my expansion obvious. I can just simply take root beneath the ground of this city, and then be satisfied with this.

Yes, I know you are jealous my slime self, but you are the one who didn't want to disconnect. It's not my fault your forcing yourself like this.

What, sharing consciousness is more exciting than just not doing anything inside the truck?

Well... I can understand.

Why don't you stretch out your limbs. I thought you can eat even light waves?

Oh... you felt it is dull after eating those machines. Well, they are delicious if I recall our shared memory correctly, so I can somewhat understand.

... Okay fine, just continue watching me.

I don't see any people coming to this warehouse. Well, this is the poorer part of this city. I still didn't know how I know that.

Regardless, I'll just stay like this until I am done fully expanding my roots all over the neighborhood.

When the afternoon comes, it has become boring just basking in the sunlight and watching mutated insects and rats play around with my guidance.

Right... I still don't have any info about this city.

Our shared memory from the greater collective let me know that this city is called Brockton Bay, and people like us are called Case 53. The place I woke up into is called the Downtown. There are people with superpowers who calls themselves Parahumans, and those who wears costumes and go out to do their thing are called Capes.

Other than that... nothing else!

I know there is a PRT HQ, but it's not enough info for me!

I don't know why, but I have this strong urge to learn everything about my surroundings. There is this weird sense of paranoia within my heart that makes me nervous about the unknown on my surroundings.

If I have more minions and more territory, then my safety will be guaranteed!

... I think that's a bad idea though?

I don't know why it's a bad idea, but I just think it is!

If I want to seize them into my control, I need to ask for their permission. My slime self also needs permission from the PRT before she can expand her colony, so I think the logic holds!

My slime self is confident about it, so I think it is right!

I need information if I want to learn more things. My slime self is me, so I think this will be helpful for her if I learn something.

That is why I guided my insect minions beyond my territory. I want to know anything in this city, so I'll just let them fly all around this Brockton Bay.

Now I just have to wait for the result. I can get it in real-time, as they are both my ears and eyes.

... I didn't expect this...

Why are these people screaming at the sight of my minions?

They're just my minions. There is no need to panic at all.

And how dare them shoot one of my precious minions!? Does he want to die!?

Thankfully, I made my minions stronger. The fly that has been shot by that skinhead bastard managed to survive with only a bullet wound. The damaged area is not that large, so it easily manages to regenerate it with the sunlight as it's sustenance.

All of my minions have some of my capabilities. One of it is recovering any wounds with enough sunlight. They can also replace it with water, or the nutrients in arable soil.

Still, I can't afford to let my other minions be hurt, so I gathered them back to my territory.

I am currently nursing the fly and calming it down. Even if they lack intelligence, they still have emotions. That's why I am doing this.

The brief excursion they made gave me a lot of information, even if most of them were incomplete. I now discovered that this location is called The Docks. There are other factions other than the PRT like the New Wave, and I met some of the gang members from one of the gangs they call as Empire Eighty Eight.

I didn't managed to acquire as much information as possible as I quickly pull them back, but it seems like it is now biting me in the back as I saw the PRT vans that surrounds my territory.

At first I thought they are here to help me out. They are the good people who gives a free meal to my slime self, so isn't it obvious they are good?

Apparently no. Because they suddenly told me to surrender.

Why? Did I do something wrong?

I am feeling irritated. How dare they tell me what to do? I am the ruler of this place! I ought to seize them all so they shut up!

... Deep breathes, deep breathes... I should be understanding with this people...

"What did I do wrong?" It's not a problem for me to say it loudly. It didn't hurt my throat at all.

"Villain! You are to leave the premises of that warehouse and surrender yourself at once! Failure to comply will be met with immediate force!"

Villain? Me? Why?

"But I am not doing anything!" My patience is running low.

Are they seriously going to take me out of my new home. The audacity!

"Under the rules of guidance for restricted Tinker creations, Tinkers are not allowed to create self-replicating living organisms. You are suspected to break this rule, and is thus will be considered a criminal. Turn yourself in before this gets worse!"

Wait? Tinker?

"... They are my minions! I don't know what you meant by Tinker creation, but these children are ones I took on my o--!"

"You have caused untold amount of terror by releasing dangerous bio-tinker creations. I won't repeat myself anymore, surrender yourself!"

Just who is this bastard who kept falsely accusing me!?

I let one of my rats to peek out of the broken windows, and saw a man clad in blue armor on the forefront. His beard visible on his only exposed lower face makes him more eye-catching than the others. He is even more eye-catching than Miss Militia and Velocity, who has taken care of my slime self.

Anyway, is he talking about my minions?

"... But we really didn't do anything. I only asks my minions to gather some info on the city! Is it that bad?"

.... No one responded. What is happening?

I let some of my minions peek through the broken walls of the warehouse, and with our shared senses, I can see that blue bastard being spoken to by Miss Militia. They are talking in quiet whispers, so I can't hear what they are talking about.

After awhile, Miss Militia takes the lead with a microphone on her hand. She raised it to her mouth and then speaks.

"Do you really mean what you say?"

What does she mean? Of course I always meant what I say!

"Yes. I only ask my minions to gather information."

"Then why didn't you do it yourself?"

"Obviously because I am currently rooted. I don't plan on moving out to find another home!"

"... What do you mean?"

Now she is curious?

"I'm a flower monster. I rooted myself in this place because no one is living here. Isn't that alright?"

"... Flower monster... are you the one who suddenly appears on Downtown?"

"If you are talking about the intersection, then yes. I woke up in that place..."

I heard another series of inaudible mutters outside my house, before Miss Militia's attention comes back to me with a question.

"Then... do you remember anything?"

"No. I still don't know anything other than this city being oddly familiar to me. Why?"

After that, another series of muttering occurs, before Miss Militia comes back to speaking to me.

"I see. Are you willing to let us enter. We promise we won't hurt you."

"... Really?"

"You have my word."

It's a friend who accompanies my slime self to a good treat yesterday, so I think I can trust her words.

"Fine." With that, I accepted her offer.

It takes until evening while I explain myself to the heroes of this city. It seems like they suddenly sympathized with my dilemma, but they still told me that I can't be doing something like this.

Of course I refuse. No way I am leaving this place. This is my territory!

After rejecting her offer to move out, they finally decided for a compromise.

I only want to be left alone, and to enjoy my life just basking in the sunlight and taking care of my minions. I think they decided to leave me alone for now because I am definitely not hostile.

They said they will notify the Director about this though. Their course of action will be dependent on whatever the Director of this city's PRT decided. All I need to do is wait.

It seems like they suddenly become strangely sympathetic to me. As if they pity me.

There is no need to pity me!

"I'm sorry again. I know Case 53 have it hard, but this is still not allowed by law. We will ask the Director about our next course of action, then I will come back to you tomorrow to update you about our decision. Does that sound good?"

"Fine. But I won't leave this place!

The woman in tank top and scarf crinkled her eyes for a bit. I wonder how she is doing those expressive stuff with her eyes. Is that a superpower or something?

Regardless, she stays silent and nodded to me. After that, they finally decided to leave, but not before they told me that they will take at least three of my minions for study. They are still nervous about anything from my minions.

I don't care what they call them. They are my minions, and I refuse to acknowledge their self-made referral like "Bio-tinker Creature" or "Thralls". They are not!

"By the way, we got reports that you scared some people on that intersection by telling them you will Master them. Are you serious about that?"

What does she mean by that?

"Master... Uh, I don't know what you actually meant by that but anyway, I'll assume it's about those crowd last night. Yes, I told them that I can control them, but I ask for their permission first!"


"Yes. I really need minions to protect me, and what better way than to get intelligent people on my side. Talking about intelligent..." I leaned closer to her. "Can I control you?"

I see her shoulders stiffening, and behind her I can see that blue bastard also tensing up, but otherwise they didn't move.

"Explain..." Why should I explain, isn't it obvious?

"I'll take your autonomy and make you a part of me. Isn't that a great deal?"

"... Ahem, Mastering someone is not a good thing. Please don't do it."

"What do you mean by Mastering?" She sighs, before giving me a short rundown about it.

I see. So Master capes are the type of Parahumans defined by their ability to control others or something. She says it's bad to control someone just because we can.

In fact, Mastering someone is bad. That's it.

... But, I don't feel comfortable not controlling someone? It feels like I am exposing myself to danger!

"But... you will become stronger if I'm controlling you. I will treat you properly too... isn't that a good thing?"

"That is a dangerous thought to have. It will put you in trouble if you keep trying to urge someone to be Mastered, even if you ask for their permission."

Ah... So it's a bad thing.

If it's bad, then why do I have this strong urge to control anyone?

Everyone should simply obey me!

... Hmm, maybe her words holds some merit. I'm having some really dangerous thoughts...

I finally relented. For now, I'll hold myself back.

They leave me with some of their troops. They take their distance away, putting a tape blockade around my territory as the heroes leaves my territory.

I told my minions to stay put for now. As for my other minions that they have taken, I hope they handle them with care. I might not be able to hold myself back if they do something to one of my own...

(Slime Girl POV)

It seems like my flower self finds herself in a conundrum. I can somewhat relate, because I am still stuck in this transport truck.

We are currently in New York. It seems like we will be going on a different path later on, and traffic is pretty heavy on this part so we didn't get to Cleveland before the night comes.

Driving at night seems to be bad going beyond New York and into Rochester. I don't know why is that, Is there a problem?

Well regardless, we are on our way to San Diego, which might take three or five days because of our way of transport. The driver said it would have been faster to take flight, if not for me potentially melting the aircraft.

We will be taking many detours. The roads beyond seems dangerous if they don't do this much.

... I wonder why they are getting me away from Brockton Bay? Is there something important happening on San Diego?

Or maybe they really just like spoiling me that they are willing to go so far as to put me somewhere that has delicious food?

Maybe that's it! Even if my flower self is having an unpleasant time with the good people of the PRT, they are still generous enough to give me a lot of good meal!

If that's the case, there is nothing to worry about. It will take long, but if it's for delicious food, then I can hold myself back until we get there.

Feeling satisfied with my conclusion, I simply waited on my seat. We are currently in an intersection, and the driver says they plan to stop for a bit near the PRT Branch on this city to refill their fuel, before they continue on early this morning.

Hm? What's that commotion I am hearing?

I move over on the entrance to look at what is happening, but I can only see a lot of cars lining up behind the truck. The sound of honks and turbine overwhelms the noises that the people makes on this street.

It's already evening. Why are there still so many people in this place?

While thinking like that, I see it. An explosion suddenly occurs on top of a car. From there emerge a peculiar person. He is someone who has lots of skulls work around his body, and he is lugging a large gun. He is pointing that gun on the rooftop.

I am surprise at that, moreso when something whizzed through the air while I see the man wearing lots of skull stopping himself mid-action. He tries to dodge, but my strangely sharp eyes see the large object suddenly bends at an irregular angle and hit the man, slamming him directly on the back of the truck where I am looking.

Oh... that has to hurt. Doesn't it?

"-ackup! A villain is on our transport group! We need some reinforcements, now!" I heard the driver yelling behind me. He seems to be calling some people.

Villain? Is this person full of skulls in his outfit a villain?

This is my first time meeting a villain. Do they always wear something peculiar like this?

Why skulls? Does it symbolize their villainy?

I heard the man full of skulls grunted before he turns his gaze around. Our eyes met for a brief moment, before he vanishes. An explosion occur behind me. In front of our car, I see him pointing his large gun on the front window. The muzzle is directly pointed at me.

Ah... that looks bad...

That thought passes my mind, and after a short while found myself being riddled with bullets along with the sound of screams and breaking glasses.

Here is the next chapter.

So... uh... let me start this by saying I only have a small knowledge about the US and their states. I know some facts, but if we are talking about the map itself, culture, or anything that is normal on US, I won't be able to answer confidently. Because I don't know.

I thought San Diego is near New Hampshire. Then I see it's actually far. The path to go there gives me interesting places that I also heard while reading the wiki of Worm.

One of it is New York.

I read some of the info from the wiki, and it seems like there are a lot of characters in there that I can use for this chapter.

Anyway... my first plan is to put the mythical slime on San Diego and write up whatever came to mind, but now my eyes are set on New York.

I don't know what will happen next, but what I wrote feels incredibly exciting to me, so I decided to go with this.

So yeah... discovering some facts about the geography of US makes it easier for me to visualize stuff. I really should research more about the country the story it was set on, so I don't get surprised like this.

It's my fault...

Hope you have fun with this chapter!~
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Unknown 1.a - Emily Piggot
Emily Piggot always knew that Parahumans were broken. Their trigger events exacerbated their issues further, giving them powers on their worst day. It was a recipe for disaster.

It doesn't matter how they got their powers. Parahumans were just kids playing gods. They threw their tantrums on the world with their powers, thinking it would solve their problem somehow.

It was why they need a strong hand to discipline them. It was what the PRT was for. Parahumans couldn't be trusted to handle their powers. They would always always mess things up.

Piggot always believed on that since that day from Ellisburg. Yesterday just further strengthened her beliefs that Parahumans were irresponsible.

Even if Slime Girl was a Case 53 without memories, her actions yesterday was done by pure selfishness.

Doing it because she had an urge to do it? It was a total sham!

No, she was sure Slime Girl simply did it out of selfish reasons. Parahumans were always like that.

The way she made those monsters out of her own body made her tremble in both disgust, and fear. She was a danger to the society itself.

If she could get her way, she would ordered for the extermination of that monster. Though sadly, that couldn't be done.

The only respite she got from handling her, even for a brief moment, was that her appeal to force a Case 53 to the other side of the country had been accepted.

She had washed her hands away from that problem. The others would soon know that letting that monster live would be a great mistake.

She thought her problems was done after that. Who would have thought that another monster would appear. This time she exhibited powers that force her trauma from that time to resurface.

She almost fainted from the sheer shock after she was notified of the new being they tentatively called as Alraune. It was a new Case 53 who appeared on the same place as Slime Girl at Downtown.

Her appearance at first didn't raise any alarms from them, as they only saw her brief monstrous appearance, and most pictures of her being her human, and naked form.

Though when they got notified of a swarm of bio-tinker creations flying on the skies of the city, and causing terror on the populace, her heart sunk. Her attention was fully taken after they saw that it was another Case 53 who did it.

Now they were in a meeting with the Protectorate Leader Armsmaster, and some important people. All of them were seriously listening to the blue-clad hero's report.

Alraune. Case 53. Someone who claimed to had taken her roots deep within the city. She also claimed that she could Master anyone, and she asked for their permission before she did so. She could turn insects and other small organisms into larger and more monstrous versions of them.

The report alone made her PTSD kicked in. A Master that could make biological changes on living organisms. That raises a lot of alarms in her head.

"What is she currently doing? Has she mastered anyone? Any countermeasures?" 'Did she already kill someone?' Was what she thought with a grim expression.

"Alraune hasn't made any moves yet. She is being guarded by some of our troopers and hasn't made any attempts to resist us. She only refuses to leave her place."

Piggot frowned. She felt her blood pressure rising at the lack of action from the other party.

"But she had release her monsters on this city? Why are you not going there and putting the cuffs on her?" 'Or more than that, why don't we burn the ground she stands on?' Is something she didn't say out loud.

"We can't. With her claims as a 53, most of her actions can be attributed to cluelessness. She also haven't made any hostile actions against us, which led credence to her clueless nature. We can't act hastily, or it will turn bad for us."

'What bad? We are doing the world a favor by destroying that monster!' She bit back her voice, her expression soured.

But just as Armsmaster said, they couldn't do anything. If they tried to force it on an unresisting Case 53 and people discovered it, they would get flak. It would be impossible to recover their image on the public if that happened.

"... I understand." She grunted bitterly. "I want more personnel to create a perimeter on Alraune's area, and prevent her and her creatures from leaving. Armsmaster. You said you have three samples of Alraune's minions...?" With his nod, she continued. "I want you to focus on those creatures and learn anything you can on them. It doesn't matter what you do with them. We need to learn everything with them!"

"... Understood." The man sounded unsatisfied.

She didn't care. This was more important than his own tinkering time. The more they learned about those creatures, the more they could quickly put them down.

'And we will need that knowledge soon! I know, that monster will do something drastic!' That was what she believed.

Because Parahumans were selfish and irresponsible. Regardless of their kind, they were just children who played god.

And these man children who couldn't be controlled by their grasped were the more dangerous. Just like that damnable monster from Ellisburg.

First interlude. I hope I did it right...

I'll make the second interlude later, please wait...
Unknown 1.b - Butcher XIII, ???
Quarrel had challenged him to a battle to the death. He welcomed it, as the girl had a powerful ability that would be a great addition to them. He didn't intend to be taken down that easily. She had to work for it before she became the next Butcher.

Their battle had started this afternoon and was still ongoing this evening. Quarrel was smart. She knew he could easily break her if he got closer, so he pushed him away with her humongous arrows, striking true to him with her unavoidable shots.

He simply wanted to continue this more, even when he already felt like Quarrel had proven herself, when he got staked on one of the trucks. He didn't really care about the civilian damage they would incur. This was a long standing tradition on his gang to always fight to the death. The others doesn't matter.

Though when he saw a Case 53 within that cell, he suddenly got awestruck.

(That will be a great addition for us!)

The first stated with glee, and the current Butcher couldn't agree more.

It doesn't matter if this random Case 53 wasn't a part of their gang. Her body and her potential power would be a great boon for the Butcher. If she had the capability to kill him, then he will let her.

So without hesitation, the Butcher XIII shot the truck to provoke her. He just belatedly realized that it was actually a PRT transport truck, though he simply didn't care.

If the girl was inside this heavily fortified truck, then she might be on her way to a jail cell. Maybe on Vancouver?

That might mean she was a criminal, and being taken somewhere with this amount of escort meant that the person inside was dangerous. That's just great. Because he wanted someone who was dangerous.

Quarrel could wait. He would take this body first, then they could reschedule their battle next time.

"Hahahaha!" He laughed as he tried to shoot the truck more. With the Eighth's power, he could simply create more bullets for his gatling gun to shoot.

Quarrel might be confused with his actions right now, but he doesn't care. The Butcher does what they wanted.

And so, as he shot the truck relentlessly, he didn't notice that his shot was useless against the moving humanoid blob. The slime with a body figure that even models couldn't compare walked calmly in front of the broken truck window. Melting the heavily fortified partition between the cargo and the driver's seat. Her eyes looked at the guy who now laid on the seat, his body filled with holes due to the size of the bullets he fired.

He finally relented when he noticed the slime girl doesn't even look at him. She just shook the dead guy a few times, and then move her hands around, as if checking for him. Though his guts was already out. There was no saving that guy anymore.

"Hey!" He called out, but when she didn't look at his way, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Fight me, you amorphous piece of shit!" He lug his heavy minigun, and held the button once more, restarting his barrage against the slime person.

The bullets struck the slime true, though they lost their momentum quickly after they got deep within her gelatinous body. Then they quickly melted within her body, sizzling within her gel-like body.

The girl slowly stood up, and then he saw her gaze. They were blank. Innocent, as if unaware of her situation at all. Though when her eyes settled on his figure, it suddenly changed into something with purpose. Her eyes lit up, like a predator that found their prey. That stopped him for a moment.

He doesn't know why but he felt a strange chill overtake his body. He thought it might be his danger sense pinging him, but it wasn't. It was a different feeling altogether. Like a primal emotion within him that suddenly woke up, and decided to warn him of an impending danger.

He shrugged off that weird feeling. Smiling widely as she finally left the truck by melting the door to the passenger seat of the truck.

He would have said something demeaning to encouraged the girl to fight him, but alarm bells resounded on his mind. If not for him teleporting away, he would have been gobbled by the figure of the girl who suddenly expanded like her body turned into a tidal wave.

The ground that she covered was quickly melted as her whole body turned yellowish gold. When he reappeared on top of another truck from the PRT, he grinned when he noticed the effects of her toxic body.

"Good! I want that!"

The other Butchers in his mind also exclaimed in glee. They found the slime girl more attractive. They want that body.

"Muu... how dare you hurt my friends! I'll eat you!"

Despite her rather attractive voice, the way she acted was childish. It was a strange disconnect, though he simply didn't care.

"No more speaking! Eat this!" He pointed his gun at her once more and then shot a barrage of his bullets.

The slime girl didn't move. She just watched the bullets whizzed through the air and pierced her body. The sharp bullets quickly lost their momentum inside her body, before they quickly dissipated.

"Nnn... the taste is ruined because of what you did to Mr. Driver." She said in anger.

After she said that, she rushed towards him at incredible speeds. Her body elongating into an impossible length. He simply grinned at her.

The girl had proven to be incredibly resilient. She could survive his bullet. He was satisfied. There was no need to dodge this anymore.

He threw his gatling gun to the side, and then welcomed her looming figure with open arms.

"That's it!"

After a brief sight of yellow, and then a great surge of pain all around him, he only saw darkness.

(Hahaha! Finally, I got a new body!)

(Let's find out what's in this body!)

Thirteen disembodied voice found themselves in an eternal darkness. There were no colors or anything at all.

(Hm...? What is this?)

One of them became curious. They couldn't see anything at all.

(Where is our new body?)

The first of them asked in irritation. Impatience already settling on their simulated heart.

The others tried to voice out their complaints too, but all of them froze as they felt multiple gaze suddenly settling on their forms. They tried to speak, but no words left their nonexistent mouth.

[A collection of fools dare intrude the sanctuary of our Dearest Mother?]

[They smell the same disgusting scent as that creature!]

[Kill! Kill! Kill!]

[Mama is dead because of it! I won't let you kill Mama again!]

[How dare these insects step foot on this sacred place!]

Many voices, mostly those of female ones, resounded on this dark void. Their voices echoed with authority and arrogance befitting their stature.

(What was that? Who...?)

Despite not having hearts or a body, they still felt a sense of trepidation and, for the first time in their life, fear.

[Become sustenance for our Mother!]

[Accept the embrace of true death!]


[Your kind is not welcome to our Mother's domain!]

A searing pain suddenly struck their metaphysical selves. The greater entity that held their consciousness bristled, and then let out a cacophony of indescribable noises.


[Silence! You are disturbing the slumber of our Mother!]


The entity behind the thirteen voices shook. It tried to cut out it's force connection on this host. Though it was too late.

[Kill! Kill! Kill!]

[It was your fault for forcefully breaching this place. Now we can kill you just like how we kill this parasite that hurts our Mother!]

[Die for the sake of our Esteemed Matriarch!]

The entity shook, it tried to reached out from beyond their network. The beings that rested besides this eternal darkness didn't let it.

After awhile, silence overwhelmed this eternal darkness once more.

Sorry, I'm feeling tired... here is another short interlude. I'll be sleeping for now...

See you later everyone...
Threat 2.1
(Slime Girl's POV)

Uh oh... I ate someone...

That rude bone guy hurt Mr. Driver. When I see him not moving anymore, I just felt like destroying whoever is responsible!

So I ate him. If I have to say it, he tastes sublime!

Like there are a lot of nutrients in his body. He is rich in taste I can't even explain. It's like everything I've eaten this far is just trash.

I might have gotten a sudden liking to the taste of a human!~

Ah no, I shouldn't do that! Eating humans is bad!


Someone grumbled behind me. I already know they are coming. I can see from my back. There is a woman wearing some bones on her body with the most eye-catching of all being that huge bow she has. She is glaring at my way.

"Dammit! How come? Why? Aren't I going to be the next Butcher!?"

Next Butcher? What's that?

When I turned to her, she immediately tensed up. Then she bowed her head.

I don't know why she suddenly does that, but before I can ask, I hear another series of commotions. On the corners of the streets, I see other people wearing different types of bone accessories all around their brownish outfit. All of which coming to us, even as the people around us screamed in fear.

There are people who had already left their car and ran away.

At the same time, I can hear the PRT Officers saying something about me being compromised after killing Butcher through my slimes.

Compromised? What does that mean?

"We greet the new Butcher!" One guy with a hood tells me.

I don't know how, but I can feel he is genuinely worshipping me.

The others simply watched me silently, with some snickering on the girl with the large bow. I can hear this girl with a large bow grumbling something under her breathe.

Greeting the Butcher? But I am not whoever it is...

"I think you got the wrong person. I just ate that one..."

All of them seemed dumbfounded at my words.

"Impossible! Can't you hear the voice of the past Butchers? The proof that you are the new successor of our leader?"

Their leader. So the one I ate is their leader?

What voices? I am only connected to the greater collective, and my own slime colony! Are there any unknown voices I need to know of?

No wait, I don't have time for this!

"I don't know what you meant by the Butcher or being a successor, but I don't have time for this. Can you please leave me alone? I still need to go back to my good friends at the PRT..."

All of them stared at me. Like really just stared at me for a few moments, before they looked at the girl with the large bow and peculiar outfit. The girl simply stared back at them.


... Well, they are distracted, so I decided to leave them be.

I still need to check up on my other good friends!

Uh... I don't know why I am suddenly taken to a jail.

When I checked on my other friends driving the truck for my slime girls, they suddenly told me to stop on my tracks. Then they barked for me surrender myself.

I don't know what's actually wrong, but I just did it. After awhile, another group of Capes gathered around me and escorted me to their PRT HQ, which they quickly put me in a jail.

As for those group of people with bones and skulls worn on their body, they have already left before the PRT escorted me to their headquarters.

The room I found myself can't be anything other than a jail. The place was sealed shut. There isn't any obvious escape paths around here. Only a small vent and the heavily fortified thick metal door only has enough opening on it for air to come through.

I have a bed, but nothing else other than that.

I don't really mind though. I'm just confused why I am being detained like this. Did I do something wrong?

They also put my slimes on a separate room. Somewhere far from me.

It's been a few hours now. I only know the time because of the connection to my flower self. The sun is rising, and not once did the good people from the PRT talked to me.

What is happening? Where are they?

... Uuu... I feel so hungry now...

(Alraune's POV)

It is now morning. Miss Militia came back and told me about their decision.

They will leave me alone so long as I stay in this place. That includes all of my minions.

I'm actually fine with that. If they are not going to mess with me, then I won't do anything to them.

Though, I still have to ask about my three minions that are currently on their base. With my shared senses with my senses, I can see they have been put on a very tight space. My minions felt it very small, and they are uncomfortable with it.

"I will forward your concern to the Director." After Miss Militia said so, she finally left.

Hmm... it seems like both me and my slime self are in the same conundrum. The only difference is that I still have my own limited freedom for doing whatever in my territory, while my slime self is detained in a jail.

I don't know what she actually did. She simply took care of an idiot who dares fight those she owns. Is that a wrong thing to do?

I can't see anyway to help her, and it seems like my slime self is becoming hungry. They haven't given any food her way.

Are they trying to mess with my slime self? If it was me, I won't tolerate that!

Ugh... whatever. My slime self didn't have any plans on breaking out. She can do it just fine, if my recollection of her abilities can be believed.

I should focus on my minions. They will get hungry if I don't continue evolving them. For now, I'll push their growth for more efficient sunlight sustenance. I think I also need to think of making the place more welcoming.

There are a lot of mosses and stray grasses on my territory. I have full control of them, so I think I'll change their genetic makeup and grow them to my own liking?

I think that is a good idea. Having drabs and ruins as my abode doesn't suit well to me. I need something more grand!

Of course, It has to be open roof. Sunlight is still my main sustenance other than the soil of my territory.

I immersed myself with my work, while half of my attention is focused at my three minions on the PRT base. I will always check on them. They need my guidance after all!

This afternoon, something surprising happened.

On my slime self's perspective, loud howling horns resounded on her detainment room. The noise also resounded outside, so I think it is safe to say that the whole PRT base she has been detained is experiencing this loud horn sounds.

My slime self is curious. I'm also curious about it so I put most of my attention to her while some of focus are relegated onto checking out my detained minions, and the transformation of my domain with the new enlarged plants around it.

The PRT Officers already asked me what I am doing, and I explained to them that I'm simply changing the look of my place. It took most of my afternoon trying to assure them that I'm not doing something dangerous and they should calm down before the alarms occured on my slime self's room.

Anyway, I hear my slime self asked out loud what is happening. No one answered her.

I can feel a bit of frustration on her heart. I can understand. She is hungry right now, and she needs something to eat. The light just doesn't give her the same satisfaction anymore.

It took several minutes, before something changed on her place. After waiting for awhile, my slime self has decided to become silent and hold onto her hunger when a loud banging sound take her attention back to the thick metal door.

Then from there emerged a reptilian monster of some sorts. It's size easily reaches the torso of my slime self. It called out to her, calling her boss and saying that they are breaking her out.

... Hmm? Breaking her out?

When I see another person following along with this lizard person, I finally realized who they are. Aren't these the fools who wears bones around their body. Why are they helping my slime self?

Didn't she kill their leader?

My slime self is hungry, and she asked if they can lead her somewhere she can eat. When the lizard person nodded to her, she immediately decided to come along with them.

... Well, whatever. It's not my problem.

I just hope my slime self knows what she is doing... no, she doesn't. She is just hungry...

(Slime Girl's POV)

How rude! I know what I am doing, my flower self!

I'm just hungry. They are saving me. They are going to lead me to a place with food. That means they are the good guys!

I don't care what their leader did. If they are going to be this generous, then I forgive them!

Now let's go and eat something!

Surprisingly, we only met with minimal resistance. I haven't seen the heroes from awhile ago, and only troopers shoots us with either their flashy bomb thing, and their nozzles that shoots those yellowish white fizzy.

All of which I ate. They taste delicious, mostly those foams they've been showering us with. I simply eat all of it while helping my new friends escape the place.

After awhile, they seem to have given up as we got outside the place. I see one handsome man floating on the sky and staring at us, but otherwise didn't do anything to me. He shoots some sort of laser that bends irregularly, but it isn't directed at me but on my new friends.

As they are sticking close to me after they learned that I can eat almost anything, I simply protect them by expanding my whole body. Turning myself into a dome around them.

I am leaving my slime colony on their care for now. I really need to eat something. I'm so hungry!

Even the lasers haven't satisfied my hunger at all!

And thus, I left the PRT base along with the group who calls themselves as The Teeth.

Here is the next chapter. Sorry for rushing it... I really need to go somewhere soon, but I want to upload this now...

Next chapter, there will be another End Unit that will be introduced. It will be The Rabbit.

I will introduce the End Units by order of how I wrote them on the quest version. Look forward to it!~

See you later, and hope you have fun with this chapter!~
Threat 2.2
(Butcher POV)

Yesterday, I got rescued by a group who called themselves The Teeth. They kept calling me Butcher even though it's not my name.

... Not like I have any name anyway, so I decided to accept it. They said I'm the fourteenth incarnation of Butcher. Whatever that means.

Anyway, as they promised, they took me in a place where I can eat a lot of things. They call it an abandoned junkyard it seems, but for me it is a feast.

I don't know why most of the members of this group looked at me weirdly when I consumed everything on the vicinity, but it doesn't matter. I sweep the whole junkyard until not even a dust is left. Now the place is incredibly clean.

It's not like I am picky. I am very hungry yesterday!

If not for me holding myself back, I would have eaten a whole building! That's how hungry I am!

Now that I satisfy my hunger, I can think clearly now.

So apparently, these people thinks I am now their leader. I don't know why they think so, but it sounds convenient to me. If they want me to act as their leader, then I might as well do it.

Strangely, taking the mantle of leadership felt fitting. I don't know why I feel like it is just right for me to take the helm, but I did!

The Generals of The Teeth introduces themselves to me. The one who strangely worships me as Butcher is called Animos. Vex is another who also seems loyal to their former leader, but not at the point of worship.

Then there is a man called Reaver who didn't speak much. A female member called Hemorrhagia who simply greeted me, and then there is Quarrel. The one who challenged the former leader to become the next Butcher.

Is Butcher their term for a leader? I can't understand! They even said something about hearing voices... should I be worried?

The only voice I can hear is from my flower self. I doubt they know about the greater collective, so I simply dismiss that thought.

"This is the first time you got a body from a monstrous Cape. I'm sure you will remember us after some time." That's what Animos told me.

I simply let them be. They are the ones feeding me now, so whatever.

I actually plan on coming back to the PRT Branch of this city to retrieve my slime colony, but I found out that the PRT has declared me as a dangerous criminal. I only know because some of the people guarding my slimes said so while they are chatting to each other.

I don't understand why they are calling me a criminal now. Did I do something bad?

Maybe leaving my containment is a bad idea?

But I am so hungry! I can't wait any longer!

I might do something I might regret if my hunger goes on!

Currently, we are taking some rest. Animos said we have to lay low and let things die out before reemerging, though he said it is just a suggestion and I can simply choose our next course of action without any regards to it.

I opt to follow his suggestion. I think laying low is good. I don't know what I did, but because the PRT is hunting me, it will be bad if I show myself again.

I will come back. My slime colony is still detained in their holding. I already consider those as my children, so I won't just abandon them for a long time!

For now I will rest, and ignore Quarrel's challenge at me. She kept saying that she will kill me and take the mantle of the Butcher.

That's a bit worrying. Though it seems like it is a culture in this gang to do that. The former Butchers has been doing it for the past years, so they think it's not weird.

I prefer to be friends and let them feed me. Even if I am really tempted to eat a human right now, I still know it is a bad thing to do. I shouldn't do it!

I'll just let them find me places where I can eat, and then that will be great!

... By the way, I just noticed this...

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked Animos. He is always besides me, and we are alone in this clean warehouse that is formerly a junkyard, so he is the only one I can ask.

"Of course Boss. We've already eaten some stuff we have looted."


Ah right... the way they dress themselves, being homeless isn't really that farfetched if I think about it.

I asked what they had eaten, and he said something about some fast food.

They said those are the only stuff they can take. It's not like they can do a lot in this city. The Capes on this city are a lot stronger he said.

I think stealing sounds bad, but it's not like I know how to do things legally. How can people get food anyway?

Some of the unpowered members of The Teeth said we need money, but where do we get it?

I still don't know a lot of things in this world. Even though I have the basic knowledge, it still lacks any context.

My new friends aren't eating as much. They simply sustain themselves by stealing stuff and sharing it.

Hmm... my flower self is saying that I should help them. Now that I am their leader, it is now my responsibility to take care of them.

I think she is right. My flower self is always worrying about her minions. I shouldn't be stingy with my group, even if I just got suddenly appointed as one.

Both me and my flower self are the same people even with our different bodies. Even if we have some differences in the way we act and our preferences, I still think we can emulate each other.

That's why, I'll try and follow my flower self's actions.

If I am going to take care of my gang, I have to get serious about it!

"Are there any place where you can get many food?"

"... We can raid a gas station store or a fast food restaurant. Those are the easier ones to loot." Animos answered.

"Can you get many food in there?"

"Uh... no."

That can't do! My new friends needs a lot of food!

I can't be the only one eating to my heart's content. All my friends have to eat their fill too!

"That can't do! We need a place where we can get a lot of food!"

"... Then how about a mall?"

A mall?

Hmm... If my vague memories of this world can be believed, a mall is where a lot of shop is located right?

Shops have lots of food in it!

"Great! Tomorrow, we go and loot the nearest mall!"

Stealing might be bad, but if it's for my friends, then I might as well do it!

For now, while I let them discuss about our raid tomorrow, I eat a large portion of our base's ground. They said I can do it, and I'm still hungry.

I need all the sustenance I can get if I want to help my group!

(Alraune's POV)

How dare they? How dare they!?

That blue bastard is causing distress to one of my minions on their custody. It is my fly minion. He is hurting it with a sharp object.

This can't do! I have to give them a piece of my mind!

So I quickly showed my displeasure by speaking directly to him through the mouth of the fly he is torturing. No way am I letting him go on!

He seems shocked when that happened, but I simply explained that this is natural. Anything in my control can be molded by my will. Making an organ that produces vibration to make a sound is as simple as creating energy pockets to store solar energy.

Good thing for him I am forgiving. If this blue bastard continues on even with my warning, I will obliterate them!

I thought they might pursue this foolishness, but fortunately they quickly amended their mistakes. They told me through my detained minions that they are going to be more careful at dealing with them.

They better! I don't care if there are many of them, I will fight them to the death if they hurt my minion again!

After that hectic few hours, things became calmer once more. Nothing much happened.

As for my slime self, she is busy converting the rocks she digested into nutrients. Our shared consciousness tells me that she plans to create another slime colony that can help with her new friends. They will be the slime variants specialized on support.

I think that's just natural. She is now a leader of a group, even if those group are a peculiar bunch of criminals. She has to be responsible to them!

Nothing much happened after that. My minions have fully evolved into light eating creatures, while my whole domain has been covered by the beautiful sight of plants and large flowers. Some of it have buds that stores excess energy we didn't need. It can be used for emergencies.

I also decided to dig deep and create glowing plant bulbs beneath the ground I rooted myself into. On a section where the plant bub is located, I am creating mini-instances of myself.

It's just in case something happens to me.

I still feel incredibly unsafe not expanding outwards and growing my army on this world. I have to curb that desire. It is a bad idea.

Even if my slime self is going to commit a crime tomorrow, she needs to do it for the sake of her gang. She didn't have the convenient ability to create food out of nowhere.

She can go back to this city, but she didn't know where is this specifically. Even if we have a shared consciousness through the greater collective, it's not like it tells us where we are located. We can only do that on our respective network.

A shame. I am confident I can change the plants around me to bear nutrient rich fruits.

Yes, my slime self. I can do it. If you really want to, you can come back to this city.

I know you are now being labelled as a criminal. I don't care. You are me. So I have an obligation to help you too!

I spend the time chatting with my slime self through the greater collective while I busy myself with many things on my side.

(??? POV)

Darkness. The only thing I can see... no wait, I've already experienced this!

My slime self and my flower self also become aware of it when midnight comes.

So it is the usual then. When this colorless void slowly acquire lines that intersects to each other to give the vague impression of a street, and then slowly gives color, showing me that familiar place where I found myself twice recently, the world stopped once more, causing even my two selves to halt.

Right, everything stops until I can choose something from the catalogue only I can feel within me.

I don't have time for this, so I quickly reached out to the entity that is besides my slime self. This being gives me an impression of Speed, Violence, and Savagery.

After I grasped that entity, I...

... woke up in the middle of the familiar intersection. My surroundings are strangely loud for my ears. Even the honk made me startled that I quickly jumped to the other side of the street, onto the rooftop of a distant building.

Wait... did I just jump from my initial position to this building in an instant? That's so fast!

I peered below on that intersection, and find out that I actually did get away there as it looks so distant to my eyes. Strangely, I can see that place clearly as if I'm still there.

I find out that it's a car who has startled me.

I don't know why, but I have this great urge to obliterate that car into smithereens just for the mere audacity of startling me.

... Oh my, my mind is whirling with violent thoughts. If I don't know any better, I might have already gone on a bloody rampage around the streets.

Right. I should meet up with my flower self before this burning desire of violence in my heart becomes too much. I need somewhere to calm myself.

Another End Unit has been introduced. This time it's The Rabbit.

Well they will know it's the rabbit soon. She hasn't seen her current appearance yet, as she is more focused on the weird urge to kill everyone on her sight.

I hope you have fun with this chapter too!~

P.S. And yes, Slime Girl is now called Butcher xD

P.S.S. I updated the Informational page. You can read it if you have the time.
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