Empire Des Egaux - An Alternate History 1800s GSRP (OOC and Signups)

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Empire Des Egaux

The year is 1810 and Marianne proudly rules over the conquered continent of...


Some kinda Commie

Empire Des Egaux

The year is 1810 and Marianne proudly rules over the conquered continent of Europe. The last traces of the ancien regime west of the Elbe and the Danube have been destroyed, the musty old monarchies of Austria and Prussia forced into retreat. In France the failure of the Themodorian Reaction to kill the war hero Louis Antoine de Saint-Just lead to him escaping the counter revolutionaries and helping make sure that François-Noël Babeuf's Conspiracy of Equals succeeded. Now the peasants and workers of France a truly free, and along with them are their fellows in the Sister Republics of Hispania, Italia, Hibernia, Batavia, Helvetia and the Rhine. Carthage and Egypt guard the shores of Africa and Ayiti spreads the revolution to the New World. Russia looks east, the Ottomans roil with unrest, Prussia uselessly gnashes its teeth and perfidious Albion is on the precipice of collapsing. No nation may stand to the might of France, and the sun of liberty never sets in this new world.

However all its not rosy for France. The Germans, Swiss, Italians and Dutch talk of creating their own power bloc, upset by Babeuf's radical reforms and ideas about the state of the peasantry. The Spanish Bourbons, who escaped from Iberia by the skin of their teeth, tend to their own wounds and are guarded by the resurgent Portuguese empire of Brazil. The Prussia sharpen her bayonets and declare that while one Prussian man lives, France will never know peace. America, who has already crossed the seas to trouble France, may once again rise to challenge her if they finish looking inwards. And there are hushed whispers that Babeuf and Saint-Just may come to blows against each other as the divide between Babouvist and Jacobin, the Cult of Reason and the Cult of the Supreme Being, of Radical and Ultra-Radical come to a head.

Hello and welcome to Empire Des Egaux, a Napoleonic Era game with no Napoleons in it at all! Starting from the year 1810 and going until 1820 you, the players, will guide the course of the nations of Europe and the New World in a timeline where Saint-Just escaped the Thermidorian Reaction and helped Babeuf revolt against the Directory. This is a game for around 15-18 people, hopefully on the lower side of that scale, and will last 10 turns. Or less if certain victory conditions are met. Frequent ICing, ideally at least one a turn, will be encouraged. Turns will last a week and players who do not turn in orders will face issues within the narrative. I hope that we can all have fun with this and play a good, clean game!


  • Please do not be rude or demeaning to your fellow players and GM. Breaking this rule may result in immediate expulsion from the game
  • Send in orders every turn, which will last a week. Missing two weeks in a row will result in immediate expulsion from the game.
  • Please follow the rules of SV and don't do anything to get banned in the thread or get my thread closed please.
  • To: From: ICing is discouraged and a more formal, letter style would be preferable. This is a fairly relaxed and casual game, but I would prefer to not see this if I don't have too.
  • Orders are to be sent to under the the title 'Egaux - [NATION NAME]'

System and Mechanics:
This game will a modified version of the Major Action system created by the illustrious and most revered @kızıl sultan. However there are two major mechanics additions within the system that I will go over now:

  • Fervor: The grand nations of Europe are ruled by a high emotions and violent passions. In the streets of Paris the grand days of the Terror are still not forgotten and Vienna and Moscow are occasionally wracked by purges of liberals, Jews and other threats to the ancien regime. In game this is represented by Fervor: a score that goes from -10 to 10. Fervor will increase and decrease naturally or with targeted actions, but tends to get away from the rulers of the realm if it is directly shepherded. High Fervor will make your populace more willing to follow your orders, to march into the depths of hell and to take more and more radical, or anti-radical, measures. However a High Fervor country will be xenophobic, wracked with political violence and if the rulers of the nation are not being sufficiently proactive in their ideology the mobs may turn against them. A Low Fervor country will be more welcoming to foreigners and new ideas and generally be more stable and calm. However mass and bloody military action will be less tolerated by the people and your enemies will have an easier time spreading their ideals to your people.
  • Victory Cities: The two blocs in Europe are controlled by France for the Revolutionaries and Russia for the Third Coalition. The grand cities of Paris and Moscow represent the height of each side's power and glory. To capture either ancient city would be to bring shame upon their parent nation and their ideology. The game will end in 1820 or if a Third Coalition army enters Paris or a Rev. army enters Moscow. Neutrals: such as the Spanish, the Americans and the British can enter either city and not end the game. The game will only be ended by a neutral army if it declares that army acting for either the Third C. or the Revs.
  • Alternate Victory Conditions: Capturing Paris or Moscow are not the only ways to defeat your ideological enemies. The game will end immediately if Russia or France have no ideological allies, are at -10 fervor for three turns, if they are taken over by an ideological enemy rebellion or if the Revolution or Counter Revolution otherwise totally collapses.

Actions are thusly:
*= Minor power (1 Order, war or otherwise)
**= Regular Power (1 Order, 1 War order)
***= Secondary Power (2 Orders, 1 War order)
**** = Great power (3 Orders, 1 War orders)

Sign Ups: Sign ups will be done on a three claim system. Please a reason for your picks, preferably at least two sentences but anything really is fine.

(All credit for the map goes to my map mod @HumanityDark)

Discord Link: Yell at me for killing Nappy off like the punk he is or lavish me with all the praise I deserve here
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Nation Stats
Stat Key:
Leader(s): Obvious
Sphere: Obvious
Sentiment: Republican, Monarchist or Neutral
Economy: Size/ Future indicator
Status: Stability/ Manpower
Army: Size/Quality/Equipment
Navy: Size/Quality/Equipment

Economic size: Pathetic/Small/Medium/Large/Overwhelming
Economic indicator: Collapsing/Depression/Recession/Stagnant/Growing/Booming
Stability: Collapsing/Critical/Troubled/Stable/High/Zen
Manpower: Exhausted/Critical/Low/Medium/High/Endless
Military size: Token/Small/Medium/Large/Huge
Military quality: Awful/Poor/Medium/High/Elite
Military equipment: Obsolete/Dated/Adequate/Modern/Cutting Edge

Grande Alliance Républicaine:
Politically stable but with a growing divide between the Equalist (Proto-Socialist) Babeuf and the Robespierren Saint-Just. This has largely ended up with the National Convention being split between the 'anarchist' Babouvists and the more authoritarian Jacobins. There is a religious split too, as Saint-Just keeps Robespierre's Cult of the Supreme Being alive while Babeuf has revived the Cult of Reason in a more austere, less decadent form. France is also plagued from without, as her 'sister republic's' grow restless under her care, Ayiti provokes conflict with the already angered US and the monarchs of Britain, Russia, the Turks and the Germans ready themselves for another war. So long as both Babeuf and Saint-Just live the Republic's stability and safety is ensured, but if both should die then the country may be plunged into a long and bloody power struggle. Or maybe the Convention will ensure a peaceful transfer of power this time? Who knows, stranger things have happened.

Leader(s): Protector of The Republic Louis Antoine de Saint-Just/Speaker of the Convention François-Noël Babeuf
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Large/Growing
Status: High/High
Army: Large/Elite/Cutting Edge
Navy: Medium/Medium/Adequate

Following Babeuf's Renouveau the Kingdom of Spain, licking their wounds from the Peace of Basel, attacked the French Republic. Revolutionary loyalists and peasant uprisings, most notably an alliance of Catalan and Andalusians who believed that if they supported France they would gain autonomy in the peace, hampered the Spanish and slowed them down until a garrison force of Frenchmen made it to the Pyrenees. Later, after the Treaty of Hannover was signed between the Second Coalition and the French Republic, the victorious French armies swung back west and invaded Iberia. Despite British assistance the combined Spanish-Portuguese armies were crushed at the Battle of Mount Abantos, near Madrid. The Spanish and Portuguese monarchs fled from the capitals ahead of the encroaching French armies, the Spanish to Mexico City and the Portuguese to Salvador. Now Spain sits with its own Convention and peasants assemblies, the Andalusians and Catalans gaining a state of semi independence as autonomous republics. However Hispania is the most volatile of the Republics, with a constant supply of French troops needed to keep down the royalist, nationalist and religious rebellions that plague the Republic

Leader(s): Spanish National Convention/Speaker of the Convention Álvaro Flórez Estrada
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Medium/Stagnant
Status: Troubled/Low
Army: Medium/Poor/Modern
Navy: Small/Poor/Dated

Cut from the Ottomans during the War of the Second Coalition, the Egyptian Republic flourishes under the rule of President-General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas. Dumas, a hero of the WSC and a hardcore Republican, moved to the territory he had liberated shortly after the last guns had gone silent in Hibernia and Hispania. A war hero due to his command of the French forces in Egypt and his heroic actions at the Battle of the Pyramids, Dumas won the election for the first head of the Egyptian Convention with ease. During the Quasi-War, his actions against American marines at Tobruk lead to him gaining even further acclaim. Overruling his own objections, the Egyptian Convention named him President-General, a lifelong title with ultimate veto power over any law made in the new Republic. Dumas himself remains a strong friend of Babeuf, asking for his help in bringing land reform to Egypt, but the economic and political control the metropole exerts over its satellite republics is slowly souring the opinion of the Egyptian people.

Egyptian Republic:
Leader: President-General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Small/Growing
Status: Troubled/Medium
Army: Small/High/Adequate
Navy: Token/Medium/Dated

The campaigns in North Africa, and the resulting Treaty of Tel Aviv, resulted in France gaining control over all the remaining Ottoman territories in North Africa. While Syria and Egypt were stable and urbanized places, the Barbary states and Morocco were considered to be hotbeds of tribalism and reaction by the French Convention. Instead of setting up a sister republic, in the newly created Protectorate of Carthage the French put in star general Barthélemy Catherine Joubert as the military governor. Gaining acclaim during the Italian campaigns of 1799, Joubert's star rose even higher when he defeated the main American expeditionary force during the Quasi War at the Battle of Fez in 1801. Joubert has put the Protectorate on the path to independence, fostering Republican sentiment among the Berbers and even creating a Colonial Convention. His personal goal, of seeing Carthage independent and under native rule by 1815, seems to be within reach, but as the Grande Alliance Républicaine begins to fracture, the worries that Carthage will fall back into a million petty kingdoms lingers.

Protectorate of Carthage:
Leader: Military Governor Barthélemy Catherine Joubert
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Small/Stagnant
Status: Stable/Low
Navy: Token/Poor/Dated

The product of a popular revolution backed by French forces, the Batavian Republic has been enjoying a golden period. With Britain wracked by civil war and France focusing on the Caribbean and Mediterranean, the Dutch were free to control the trade coming out of Asia and the North Sea. This era of prosperity has brought complacency to the halls of power within the Republic, as the rich grow richer and class lines become more stratified. Babeuf's Equalism has found no hold among the upper class of the Dutch, and despite calls from Paris it seems that the Stadtholders had become little more than an aristocracy of wealth. Even worse, whispers of horrible mistreatment and tyranny in Batavia's Southeast Asian colonies are beginning to reach French ears. The Dutch stick with their allies for now, but the upper class may soon wish to forge a new path.

Batavian Republic:
Leader: President Pieter Vreede
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Medium/Booming
Status: Troubled/Low
Army: Small/Medium/Adequate
Navy: Medium/High/Modern

following the Renouveau the French navy began to take on a stronger shape within the Republic, fueled by the now empowered work gangs that had recently been given much more power by the central government. With this new and improved navy the French managed to catch the English at the Battle of Dover. While the French fleet was forced to withdraw, it held the English at bay long enough for a mass convoy of French soldiers to reach Ireland and Cornwall. While the detachments at Cornwall were cut off, pushed back and eventually crushed after four months of brutal warfare, the Irish expedition met a much more rewarding fate. At French insistence the Irish Republican Wolfe Tone launched a general revolution against the British, leading to troops being pulled from Germany and Spain to the Isle. Expecting only to meet disorganized rebels, the British were horrified to discover mass ranks of French infantry. The resulting Treaty of Dublin ended British overt involvement in the War of the Second Coalition and resulted in a free Ireland. Ruled by the hero Wolfe Tone, the Irish are one of France's last loyal allies, and a bastion against British aggression.

Hibernian Republic:
Leader: President Wolfe Tone
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Small/Stagnant
Status: High/Low
Army: Small/Medium/Modern
Navy: Token/Poor/Dated

: Seeing the second worst fighting of the Revolutionary wars, Italy struggles to rebuild itself even seven years after. Riven by war, the Italians push on hard despite adversity, electing their fellows to the Senate in Rome, in hopes that the local politician from their village can survive the intrigues of that august body long enough to be named one of the five consuls. The closest to Babeuf's ideals of the sister-Republics, Italy is turning the corner on its rebuilding process. Its people are loyal and happy, glad to be finally free from the tyranny of merchants and kings alike. Still, there is discord in the garden. Along with the Rhine and Helvetica, Italy is a signer of Centre Pact, and the ambitions of Rome have started to drift away from Paris and towards Frankfurt.

Italic Republic:
Leader: President Francesco Melzi d'Eril
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Medium/Growing
Status: Stable/Medium
Army: Medium/Medium/Modern
Navy: Small/Poor/Modern

: Created as a result of the Treaty of Hannover, the Rhenish Republic has always been the ugly stepchild of the Sister-Republics. The youngest of France's vassals, the Germans grow restless under what they consider to be French occupation. And to be fair French soldiers still line the streets and boulevards of most major Rhenish cities, ostensibly to help bolster the Rhine should the Third Coalition attack. The Rhine is also the homeland of the Centre Pact, a pact signed in 1802 between the Italic, Helvetic and Rhenish Republics promising military, economic and cultural interchange and aid. While initially received well by the Convention in Paris, it quickly became apparent that the Pact was a way to create a power center in Central Europe. It should come to no surprise that many former nobles and monarchs within the Rhenish Convention supported the Pact, and halt attempts to spread land reform and Equalist policy within the country.

Rhenish Republic:
Leader: Protector Louis Lazare Hoche
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Large/Booming
Status: High/High
Army: Large/High/Modern
Navy: None

: Toussaint sits in the Presidential Mansion in Port-au-Prince, defender of African liberty, saviour of Haiti and master of the Caribbean. His armies, well trained, veteran African troops who have fought against nearly every European power; fight the Spanish in Cuba, guard the Antilles and instruct rebels within the American south. His navy, funded by French money and granted the top crop of her admirals, guard the shores of Ayiti and sail proudly past American and Spanish cities alike, making the planters quake in their boots. Ayiti means freedom, liberation and retribution to the millions of enslaved Africans suffering in the Americas. Even if France struggles in Europe, she can rest easily knowing that the New World is under the watchful eye of Ayiti's beloved President For Life.

Leader: President-For-Life François-Dominique Toussaint Louverture
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Medium/Growing
Status: Zen/Medium
Army: Medium/Elite/Modern
Navy: Small/Medium/Adequate

: The mountains of Cuba rumble with the sounds of guns, marching feet and warchants from the many peoples of Africa: stolen from their mother continent and delivered to be less than animals under the watchful eye of some pale Spanish princeling. No more! Jean-Jacques Dessalines, second hand of the hero Toussaint, has come to Cuba to rally the Maroons and lead them to victory. Escaped slaves, mulattos, Tainos and even Europeans who wish to help the expansion of Babeuf's ideals rally under his banner. With Dessalines comes a crack army of Haitians, all veterans of the long war in both Haiti and the Levant. What was once a guerilla army is quickly transforming into a professional force, and soon the mountains of the east will eclipse even Havana.

Maroon Republic of Cuba:
Leader: General Jean-Jacques Dessalines
Sphere: Grande Alliance Républicaine
Sentiment: Republican
Economy: Pathetic/Depression
Status: Stable/Medium
Army: Small/Elite/Obsolete
Navy: None


: Across the Danube, the Austrians watch the French empire with scheming eyes. Their own empire destroyed, their army in tatters and their only defense against the Republican hordes a line of fortifications shared by themselves and Prussia, the Hapsburgs search for any advantage they can get. During the years between the War of the Second Coalition and the present they have built up their army to a respectable size, but not large enough to stand alone. And while the king may make speeches about one day retaking what is theirs, the nobility look at their allies with greed. Europe is lost, let the peasants and barbarians fight amongst themselves and live in their shoddy 'equalite'. The East is much more profitable. And why should the lords of the Holy Roman Empire be forced to work alongside the hated Prussian, the treacherous Slav and the heretical Turk? The Black Sea, the fields of Ukraine and the Baltic coast should be rightfully theirs, to say nothing of the vast treasures of India and Cathay. All the while, the many, many peoples of the Habsburg Empire look at the French example and plot their own freedom.

Holy Roman Empire:
Leader(s): Holy Roman Emperor Francis II
Sphere: Third Coalition
Sentiment: Monarchist
Economy: Medium/Recession
Status: Critical/Low
Army: Small/Medium/Adequate
Navy: Small/Medium/Adequate

: The protector of monarchism, the lords of the East and the protectors of Christianity. The Germans may sneer about their hollow 'Holy' 'Roman' 'Empire' and the Turks may bark in their barbarous tongue, but in their hearts they all know that if not for Russia then they would be living under French yoke. It was the mighty, vast armies of Russia that gave the French pause when they looked over the Elbe, not 'Prussian military expertise'. And it was the Black Sea Fleet that won the battle of the Bosporus and prevented the French from landing troops in Tsargard itself. The motherland is the true ruler of the Third Coalition, and she may dissolve it at any time if she wishes. It is not right that heretics squat in the Queen of the Cities. It is not right that the German dogs look upon her bountiful fields with greed in their hearts. It is not right that the Swedes sit aloof from all concerns and scorn her so. The French threat is fading, and let Europe rot. If her allies do not respect her, Russia may soon show them how foolish they are.

Empire of Russia
Leader: Tsar Alexander I
Sphere: Third Coalition
Economy: Large/Stagnant
Status: Troubled/Endless
Army: Huge/Medium/Dated
Navy: Token/Poor/Dated

: The center of civilization is still in Istanbul, not Paris, not Moscow, not Vienna and certainly not Berlin. The infidels of Europe were grateful for the Empire's help once, grateful that Turkish soldiers fought and died in Syria and the Balkans to keep the crown on the head of some 'Christian' monarch. But now, even after so much Ottoman blood has been shed, after Egypt and North Africa have been lost, they turn back to look at us like dogs. No more. We stick in this 'Coalition' for now, to prevent the atheist French from burning down our beautiful city, but not for very much longer. India, where our brothers in faith struggle against the polytheist and the hated Anglos, requires protection. Persia sits unguarded too, same as Afghanistan. Crimea was taken from us by the foul Slavs and must be returned, and the Italian menace gazes hungrily at Dalmatia. And beyond, to the far east, our contacts in Indonesia plot how to spread the faith to China and Japan. The time for jihad, for holy war, is here. If this 'Third Coalition' turns its back on us, then they shall feel our wrath.

Ottoman Empire:
Leader: Sultan Selim III
Sphere: Third Coalition
Sentiment: Monarchist
Economy: Medium/Stagnant
Status: Stable/High
Army: Large/Medium/Modern
Navy: Medium/High/Dated

: Our allies are cowards. The armies of Prussia, masters of the musket and cannon, fought and bled in the fields and forests of Germany for what? For heretic Slavs to laugh at us. For the preeing Hapsburgs to look down on us? For heathen Turks to turn their back? The rest of the Coalition has turned away from Europe, away from the French menace. Fools fools fools! The Republicans appears weak now, but when they finish their internal struggles they shall set themselves upon us anew! It does not matter if the center of Republican power is in Frankfurt or Paris, they still shall not stop until ever crowned head is removed from its noble body! Even our strongest ally, Sweden, sits alone in Scandinavian isolation, plotting trade wars and unification, but never thinking of taking the fight to Paris! So be it, if the Jaegers of Prussia must do this by themselves, we will. Our armies are as strong, if smaller, than they were at the start of the War of the Second Coalition. All our industry has been turned towards war. The Junker bray for blood, and they shall have it by the bucketful. All else may have abandoned Europa, but mighty Prussia will stop her rape. With the tip of our bayonets, we shall plunge deep into the black heart of the Republican and banish their twisted philosophy into the furnace of history forever.

Kingdom of Prussia:
Leader: King Frederick William III
Sphere: Third Coalition
Sentiment: Monarchist
Economy: Small/Stagnant
Status: Zen/Medium
Army: Medium/Elite/Modern
Navy: Token/Small/Dated

: The sons of Gustavus Adolphus Magnus look down upon Europe with exasperation. Thousands of Swedes dead in Germany, for what? For Europe to be split between squabbling children and atheist Republicans. Well, they can all burn in hell for what Sweden cares of them. Instead the northern kingdom turns their eyes to their homeland, to hated Denmark-Norway, to the North Sea. Scandinavia must be unified, the Norse united under one banner against the depredations of the world. Maybe then, once a united front is presented, can reason be brought back to Europe and the world. However, maybe it would also be better to trade. Protect their ally Prussia when they can, beat back Republican attempts to subvert the line of Vasa, but not push into the heartland. Instead there is money to be made in the North Sea, and uncounted riches in Africa and Asia, waiting to be snapped up by a canny Swede.

Kingdom of Sweden:
Leader: Charles XIII
Sphere: Third Coalition
Sentiment: Neutral
Economy: Large/ Booming
Status: Stable/Medium
Army: Medium/Medium/Modern
Navy: Large/High/Modern


: Espana, beaten and bloodied as she is, continues limping onwards. The hated Republicans pushed her out of her homeland, so she ran far away to the colonies, to New Spain. There her king and queen, much diminished but still alive, sit in a city known by three names: first Tenochtitlan by the heathen natives, then Mexico City by the colonists and now Ciudad Real by the new administration. The steady transformation of a colony into a metropole is long and hard, the encomienda system, the hidalgos and the natives all standing in the way. But Spain, Espana, will push through all these barriers. Greatness awaits her in this New World. While her viceroyalties may try to claw their way to freedom, Espana will strike them down. When the Americans come flooding over the border for land and plunder, Espana will strike them down. Spain has endured uncountable abuses and shed unnumbered tears, but she will survive. She always has, and always will. The spirit of the Reconquista still lives in her breast, and one day she will return home, to sun drenched Iberia.

Kingdom of Spain:
Leader: King Fernando VII
Sphere: Spanish Empire
Sentiment: Monarchist
Status: Trouble/Medium
Army: Medium/High/Outdated
Navy: Large/Medium/Adequate

: Louisiana, sorry, 'Luisiana', 'thrives' under Spanish rule. If by thrive you mean kowtow to a fading dynasty sitting on top a bloated, corrupt empire at the end of its life. Since the conquistadors so helpfully are 'safeguarding' Louisiana for now, the colony has seen a sharp drop in its power and prestige. New Orleans, again pardon me, 'Nueva Sevilla' has lost much of its charm and luster under Spanish rule, and traders more often ignore it to go to Havana or United States. Poverty is rampant and the slums threaten to engulf the city. If things are bad along the gulf, then the further north you get the worse things become. Settlers and colonists are barely governed by the Spanish, until it is time to pay taxes, then they march throughout the whole country, demanding exorbitant fees on top of the already high taxes. As for the natives, some say it is better to be a slave in Mississippi than a Indian in Luisiana. Something must be done. The intellectuals in 'Nueva Sevilla' crow for a king or a dictator, or perhaps a Republican government like the metropole. But in the hinterlands religious preachers, driven on by this 'Great Awakening in the US, mix with radical Babouvists and poor homesteaders and preach a much more extreme solution.

Viceroyalty of Luisiana:
Leader: Viceroy Francisco Saavedra de Sangronis
Sphere: Spanish Empire
Sentiment: Monarchist
Economy: Small/Depression
Status: Collapsing/Low
Navy: Token/Poor/Dated

: While Spain fades and claws at her old glories, Portugal thrives in the New World. Under the supposed 'protection' of the Spanish Crown, the Portuguese army is only slightly smaller than the main Spanish force, and their navy dwarfs that of Espana by several degrees. While Ciudad Real is a confusing, segregated mess that the Bourbons desperately try to enforce order upon, the court at Rio de Janeiro not only survives, but thrives. While the natives, indian and colonist alike, may grumble at the expense and privilege of the new court, even they must admit that the economy is doing quite well. With trade from the Caribbean slowing down and the path to the East blocked by the turtling Ottomans and the distrustful slavs, more and more ships from all across Europe and America must stop off in Brazil before rounding Cape Horn far to the south. They even do trade with the French and Ayitians, reasoning that the French have no reason to pursue them across the Atlantic, and the former slaves are too busy fighting the Spanish and Anglos to turn their eyes to Brazil. And while they may be content to just trade for now, Brazilians who seek opportunities and Portuguese nobility who wish for more power eye Asia and Africa with greedy eyes. Who said the Portuguese Empire died with the fleeing of the crown.

Kingdom of Portugal:
Leader(s): Dona Maria I
Sphere: Spanish Empire
Sentiment: Neutral
Economy: Medium/Growing
Status: Stable/Medium
Army: Small/Low/Dated
Navy: Medium/High/Modern


: The Home Islands shake with turmoil. With the temporary loss of Ireland to the perfidious French the House of Hannover stands shaken. George III, ruler of a disunited kingdom, sits uneasily in London. With the failure of the British to destroy the French menace in the War of the Second Coalition, and their subsequent withdrawal from the Third Coalition, all manner of discontent has taken seat in England. The streets of London, Liverpool and Manchester are painted red with blood as radicals from all factions battle it out. Republicans call for the end of the kings and the ascension of Parliament, Babouvists agree but go further and call for an end to the rich landowners of Parliament as well. Royalists fight both factions to restore the absolute monarchy, and each other over whether the House of Hannover is still fit to rule, or should another dynasty be placed upon the throne. Nationalists of all stripes in Scotland and, more worryingly, Wales rise up and claim that it is their time to strike, while the colonies grow restless under weak rule. Even the East India Company ponders striking out from their mother and ruling India like gods amongst men. There are rumors in the palace, whispers now but growing louder, that should the unrest get any worse it may be prudent to follow the lead of the Spanish and Portuguese and flee to the colonies. So long as there is a monarch and a throne, Britain shall never truly die.

United Kingdom of England, Scotland and Ireland:
Leader: King George III
Sphere: British Empire
Sentiment: Neutral
Economy: Small/Collapsing
Status: Collapsing/Critical
Army: Small/Poor/Dated
Navy: Medium/Medium/Dated


: Lady Liberty grits her teeth as the waves of tyranny and oppression crash against her golden shield. President Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, easily winning against James Madison of the disgraced Democratic-Republican Party in the 1808 elections, tries desperately to right the ship of state in troubled waters. Internally Federalist plans to strengthen the Bank of the United States have been put on hold as the south faces major internal unrest. Rabble rousers from Ayiti, wishing to destroy the freedom of the American way of life, agitate for mass slave revolt and prevent the southern aristocrats from using their property as they see fit. Declining trade with England and France has sent the north into a economic crisis, making many doubt the institutions of the nation. Foreign affairs hold little better news. Spain presses in from the west, cutting off US advances into the land that should rightfully be hers. Ayitian ships attack merchantmen. Portuguese, Swedish and Norwegian tariffs have skyrocketed and many fear that if England does not stabilize the loss of a friendly trading partner will doom the economy. Still, the red, white and blue still flies. The Federalists, navigating through a deadlocked Congress, have passed a bill that massively extends the United States Army and Navy. It is manifest destiny that this great nation should go from sea to shining sea, and if Ayitian or Spanish tyrants wish to stop that, they will learn the same lesson the British did at Yorktown.

United States of America:
Leader: President Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
Sphere: Neutral
Sentiment: Neutral
Economy: Large/Recession
Status: Critical/Medium
Army: Medium/Medium/Dated
Navy: Small/Medium/Dated
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1. Hispanian Republic
An immensely divided state, conservative yet at the mercy of France, the frontline of Colonial enemies. What's not to love?

2. Italian Republic
Actual functional peasant assembly state, in a central position? Yes please.

3. Rhenish Republic
The bulwark against reaction, a state of both fortresses and moderate internal conspiracy, sounds like it'd be excellently fun.
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Viceroyalty of Luisiana -- I've always been fond of New Orleans

Kingdom of Portugal -- I consider myself a bit of a lusophile

Holy Roman Empire -- I do love me some Habsburg memes
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1. Rhenish Republic - I like German republican memes.
2. United States of America - I also like regular republican memes.
3. Kingdom of Prussia - I also like regular German memes.
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1. America

honestly just let me play america in a nation game for once please.

2. Ottomans

idk I like the ottomans and I can shitpost some dope Islamic memes.

3. Prussia

1. United Kingdom

A Britain reeling from humiliation in Ireland, facing a hostile continent and an even more hostile public? It's just the sort of failed state I like sinking my teeth into. also i wouldn't have to learn about this country on the job because i live here gimme

2. Protectorate of Carthage

like france but without the degree of personal responsibility i don't want to take

3. Kingdom of Spain

see 'failed state i love playing'
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Protectorate of Carthage - The first true western republic will be free and strong once more!

Maroon Republic - Liberation for the enslaved! Death for the Enslaver!

Hiberian Republic-:

But the bravest fell, and the requiem bell
Rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Eastertide
In the springing of the year
And the world did gaze in deep amaze
At those fearless men, but few
Who bore the fight that freedom's light
Might shine through the foggy dew
Kingdom of Sweden: Time to make Scandinavia and push back against these "Republics"

2. Kingdom of Spain: Spain Endures

Kingdom of Prussia: German Memes
1.) La République Française

Liberté en marche, and an opportunity to build a just, enduring global order.​

2.) Batavian Republic
3.) United States
1. Protectorate of Carthage - Republic of Carthage classical era memes
2. Ayiti - ayiti
3. Viceroyalty of Luisiana - Bayou fried memes
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1. La République française

2. USA

3. Please don't make me play Russia in three games.
1. HRE-Because why not, it's an interesting spot.
2. Hibernian Republic- Sitting on an island eternally paranoid about the British, what could go wrong?
3. Maroon Republic of Cuba- Warfare, followed by state-building, definitely an interesting area
  1. Holy Roman Empire, cause Gott Erhalte Franz den Kaiser
  2. Kingdom of Prussia, because nobody deserves more glory like Feldmarshal Blucher
  3. USA! USA! USA!
Because Saint-Just is bae and I don't want the mid term paper I wrote on the moral aspects of the Jacobin Constitutional Project to be for naught.


Because Egypt was always meant to be a republic. Because Ramses, but mulatto proto-commie. Mmmh. No seriously, the way Napoleon successfully ruled Egypt is totally different than the way Egypt's described here. Let's see how it goes.


Elite armies of ex slaves busting heads and freeing folk? Tropical islands decorated with skulls of royalists? Yes please.
@DanBaque - Hispanian Republic
@kızıl sultan - Egyptian Republic
@HumanityDark - Viceroyalty of Luisiana
@etranger01 - Rhenish Republic
@Korona - The United States of America
@Gamelin - The United Kingdom
@Harpsichord - The Empire of Russia
@JbeJ275 - Hiberian Republic
@SteelWriter77 - Kingdom of Sweden
@Secretariat - Batavian Republic
@Shebe Zuu - The Protectorate of Carthage
@Fingon888 - The Republic of France
@RobespierreLives - The Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarves
@Traveller76 - The Kingdom of Spain
@Corman50 - The Holy Roman Empire
@Theravis - The Kingdom of Prussia.
@Orwelans III - Ayiti

These are the claims for the game. There are still slots open so if you wish to join but couldn't you still have a chance. The IC thread will either be posted tonight or tomorrow morning, depending on if I pass out soon.