Emblems and Heroes (A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover)

Chapter 18, Part 1
Welcome to the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

The Fire Emblem franchise belongs to Intelligent Systems. I only write this crossover for the readers' fun, entertainment, and enjoyment.

Now, let us begin this chapter...

The moon cast a gentle glow over the floating island of Somniel as Alear, Kiran, Male Alear, and Veyle stood together on one of the balconies. The cool night air whispered through their hair as they gathered, their faces illuminated by the soft light.

Veyle took a step forward, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you all for hosting this wonderful welcome party for me in Somniel. I'm truly honored to be summoned as a Hero by Kiran."

Alear smiled warmly, her eyes sparkling. "It was Mother's idea, Veyle. In hindsight, she thought it would be a great way to show our appreciation for your summoning as a Hero."

Kiran, the Summoner for the Order of Heroes, chuckled softly. "Indeed, Veyle, you certainly surprised us all with your love for spicy food," he remarked as he recalled Veyle eating copious amounts of spicy food at the party. "You've eaten more of it than anyone else here in Somniel."

Veyle laughed sheepishly, her cheeks slightly flushed. "I can't help it. Spicy food is just... my weakness. I can't resist it."

"You did say during the party that you're terrible at cooking meals," Male Alear said as he remembered the foods that Veyle had eaten during the party. "Except for spicy food."

A mischievous glint flashed in Veyle's eyes as she spoke again. "I know, but I also have something else in mind tonight."

Male Alear spoke up, his voice filled with curiosity. "That's why you called us, Alear and Kiran, out here to the balcony, isn't it?"

Veyle nodded, her gaze shifting between the three of them. "Exactly. I thought this serene view would be the perfect backdrop for what I have in store."

The night enveloped them in its embrace as they eagerly awaited Veyle's next words, their hearts filled with anticipation.

As Alear, Kiran, and Male Alear stood in stunned silence, Veyle took a deep breath and began to speak. Her voice trembled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "I... I've been traveling all across Elyos, searching for my long-lost sibling. Someone who shares the same blood as me, who I've been separated from for far too long."

Veyle's eyes shifted, first pointing at Alear, then at Male Alear. "And now... I look at both of you, and I can't help but feel that the answers I've been seeking all this time may lie within the two of you. You... you might be the siblings I've been searching for."

Alear's heart skipped a beat, her mind struggling to process the revelation. She whispered in disbelief, her voice barely audible, "Veyle... you're saying... you're my sister?"

Male Alear's eyes widened with astonishment. "If what you're saying is true, Veyle, then the Veyle of my world, my Elyos, could very well be my sibling too."

Ever the voice of reason, Kiran spoke up, his curiosity piqued. "Veyle, how can you be so certain? How do you know that Alear is your sibling?"

Before Veyle could respond, Lumera, a majestic Divine Dragon and a former Queen of Lythos and now a Hero summoned under Kiran, entered the balcony with grace. Her presence commanded attention, and she spoke with a gentle yet authoritative tone. "So, it has come to this," she said. "Allow me to provide a proper explanation."

As Lumera gracefully joined the conversation, Alear's voice quivered with surprise and confusion. She addressed Lumera as her mother, her voice filled with uncertainty. "Mother, if Veyle claims to be my sibling... does that mean I'm also a Fell Dragon child?"

Lumera's expression turned somber, but there was a hint of warmth in her smile. "Yes, my child. Veyle is indeed a Fell Dragon, one of Sombron's children, just like yourself."

"And that also means..." Alear stammered as she looked at Lumera. "You're my adopted Mother."

As Lumera nodded at Alear in confirmation, Male Alear, his eyes narrowing in contemplation, reached up to inspect the locks of his red and blue hair. His voice held a tinge of realization. "So, that means... Alear and I used to have fully red hair, didn't we?"

Lumera's smile widened, her eyes glistening with pride. "Yes indeed. The blue streaks in your hair are a testament to the powers you have inherited from me, the powers of a Divine Dragon. I transferred the majority of my Divine Dragon powers to you while you were in slumber," she said. Then, she turned her attention towards Male Alear. "And I think the Lumera of your Elyos also did the same to you."

Alear's mind spun with the weight of this revelation, her heart filled with a mix of awe and confusion. The incredible circumstances of their origins were beyond anything she could have ever imagined. She turned to Kiran, her voice filled with wonder. "Kiran, can you believe the incredible circumstances surrounding our existence? The bond that ties us together, the intertwining of Fell Dragon and Divine Dragon blood within my veins and my male counterpart... It's truly remarkable."

Kiran nodded, his gaze filled with admiration for the strength and resilience displayed by Alear and Male Alear. "Indeed, Alear. The origins of both you and Male Alear are extraordinary, defying the limits of what we once believed to be possible. It is a testament to the unique powers that run through your veins."

As the weight of their shared heritage settled upon them, Veyle's voice broke the silence. She spoke with a sense of urgency, addressing Alear, Kiran, and Male Alear.

"Um, I need to ask something of all of you," Veyle began, her eyes searching each face in turn. "Please, keep what I've told you tonight a secret, for now."

Alear's voice was gentle, filled with understanding. She looked at Veyle, her eyes conveying empathy. "Veyle, I understand your desire to keep this secret, but you know that eventually, everyone else will know. The truth has a way of revealing itself."

Veyle nodded in understanding, her gaze unwavering. "I'm aware of that," she admitted, "But, I want to find the right time, the right way to reveal it to everyone else."

Lumera, the wise Divine Dragon, spoke with a calm authority. "Veyle makes a valid point," she said solemnly, her eyes holding a depth of understanding. "This secret, as important as it is, carries the potential for unintended consequences. We must consider the impact it may have on those around us."

Alear nodded in acknowledgment, her resolve firm as she made a promise. "I understand," she assured them, her voice steady. "We must be careful and thoughtful in our approach. I promise to keep the secret of our heritage as Fell Dragon children for the time being."

With a collective understanding settling over them like a comforting blanket, the group stood together on the balcony, bound by the weight of their shared secrets and the unspoken promise to protect each other's truths.

Kiran, sensing the need to shift the conversation, spoke up. "Veyle," he asked, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern. "Were you aware when Evil Veyle took control of your body?"

Veyle closed her eyes, a shadow crossing her features. Her voice carried a bitter edge. "Yes, I'm painfully aware whenever Evil Veyle forcibly takes control and I hated every moment of it," she confessed. "Kiran, it was only through your doing that I was freed from her grasp."

Kiran's eyes widened as he remembered summoning Peony, Mirabilis, Triandra, and Plumeria to open a portal to Veyle's subconscious. "Veyle," he inquired. "You mean by summoning the four alfar to enter your dreams?"

As Veyle nodded at Kiran, Alear, her gaze filled with compassion, looked at Veyle and spoke her name in a somber tone. "Veyle..."

Veyle's voice trembled with determination as she continued. "And I... I also want to atone for what I've done and the pain and chaos I've caused everyone, especially back at Destinea Cathedral."

Alear reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Veyle's shoulder. Her voice held a gentle tone. "Veyle, don't be too hard on yourself. We understand that your evil personality is now a separate entity from who you truly are."

Male Alear nodded, his voice filled with reassurance. "That's right, Veyle. It's important to remember that Evil Veyle is no longer a part of you. Her actions do not define you."

Veyle nodded, a flicker of determination igniting in her eyes. "Thank you, all of you. When the time comes, I want to face Evil Veyle head-on, but I want to do it when I'm strong enough... when I have the power to confront and overcome her. And I need your help in doing so."

The balcony seemed to exhale as the weight of their conversation settled upon them. Veyle's path to redemption and self-discovery was intertwined with the challenges they faced as a group.

Kiran, the Summoner of Zenith, spoke up, a glimmer of an idea in his eyes. "Veyle, have you ever considered visiting the World of Zenith? You could train there alongside the rest of the Heroes, especially at the Training Tower."

Veyle's eyes widened with surprise, her voice filled with curiosity. "Kiran, you mean I can go to another world for training?"

Kiran chuckled warmly, nodding in response. "Indeed, Veyle. I did summon you as a Hero, after all," he said. "If you truly want to face Evil Veyle and harness your full potential, training in Zenith would be invaluable."

Male Alear, his determination shining through, spoke up. "Kiran, I'd like to accompany Veyle in Zenith. We can support each other, make friends with the other Heroes, and maybe even uncover more about our shared heritage."

Kiran smiled, giving his approval. "Of course, Male Alear. You may join Veyle in Zenith. Together, you can strengthen your bond and face the challenges that await."

Lumera, ever watchful and wise, spoke gently. "Allow me to escort all of you to the Zenith Outrealm Gate in Somniel Plaza. I will ensure your safe passage."

With a collective nod of agreement, the group prepared to depart from the balcony, each carrying the weight of their newfound knowledge and the determination to face the challenges ahead. As they ventured forth, they understood the importance of keeping their shared secrets safe, even as they embarked on a journey toward strength and redemption.

Several hours had passed since Male Alear and Veyle left Elyos for Zenith. Alear found herself in her room, gazing out the window, lost in thought. Kiran stood by her side, a comforting presence. Alear's voice carried a mix of disbelief and contemplation.

"Hmm... It's still hard to believe," Alear murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "To know that I'm one of Sombron's children, that my father is the very threat that looms over Elyos..."

Kiran placed a comforting hand on Alear's shoulder, his touch gentle yet reassuring. "Your lineage may be defined by your origins, Alear, but it's your choices that define who you are," he said softly, his words carrying the weight of wisdom.

Alear turned to Kiran, her eyes searching his for understanding. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and apprehension.

Kiran met Alear's gaze with unwavering sincerity. "Alear, we are not solely defined by our bloodlines or our past," he explained, his tone gentle yet firm. "We are defined by the choices we make, the actions we take. And even as a Fell Dragon child, you have chosen to stand as a defender of Elyos, a Divine Dragon to the people, and a beacon of light against the darkness."

A sense of awe washed over Alear as she absorbed Kiran's words. The weight of her lineage no longer felt like a burden, but rather an opportunity to prove her true nature. She widened her eyes, a newfound determination rising within her.

Alear's smile brightened as she expressed her gratitude to Kiran. "Thank you, Kiran. Your words have truly cheered me up."

Kiran's voice held a gentle warmth as he responded. "You're welcome, Alear. Remember, you and Male Alear are summoned as Heroes for a reason. And there are other Heroes with similar circumstances to yours."

Curiosity sparkled in Alear's eyes as she leaned in, eager to know more. "I'm curious, Kiran. Who are these other Heroes you're talking about?"

Kiran smiled, his gaze holding a touch of nostalgia. "Do you remember when I summoned the two versions of Robin back at the Grand Crossing?"

Alear nodded, her memories of the event still vivid in her mind. "Yes, Male and Female Robin, right?" she said. "I remember the Battle of the Grand Crossing as clear as day."

Kiran's smile widened as he began to explain. "Well, both versions of Robin are supposedly the intended vessels of Fell Dragon Grima, a powerful Fell Dragon native to their world, Ylisse."

Alear's curiosity deepened, her voice filled with eagerness. "A Fell Dragon from a different world than Elyos, huh?" she said. "I want to know more, Kiran. Tell me everything."

And so, Kiran explained to Alear the origins of Male and Female Robin, and their extraordinary circumstances, from being raised as a host for Fell Dragon Grima, to their subsequent amnesia and being found by Chrom and his Shepherds. Alear listened intently as Kiran explained that in the end, despite being different genders and hailing from slightly different versions of Ylisse, since both Robins were inherently connected to Grima due to both of them being Grima's intended vessels, this proved to be Fell Dragon Grima's undoing as both Robins were able to slay the Fell Dragon permanently, ending Grima's reign of terror across Ylisse.

As Kiran delved into the origins of Male and Female Robin, Alear listened intently, her eyes widening with each revelation. When Kiran finished, Alear couldn't help but remark on the striking similarities between her circumstances and those of both versions of Robin, even down to experiencing amnesia.

Alear's voice held a mix of awe and realization. "It's incredible how closely my journey aligns with both Male and Female Robin. The amnesia, the discovery of our true identities... It's as if I've found some sort of camaraderie between me and both versions of Robin."

Kiran, ever attentive, offered a suggestion. "If it helps, Alear, I can summon Male and Female Robin again. They might be able to provide further insight or simply be there to cheer you up."

A warm smile graced Alear's lips as she expressed her gratitude. "Thank you, Kiran, but your words of encouragement and the knowledge you've shared are enough to lift my spirits. I truly appreciate your offer."

Kiran nodded, understanding Alear's stance. "If you say so, Alear. Remember, I'm here for you whenever you need me."

Alear, aware of the tasks that lay ahead, spoke with determination. "We should all prepare ourselves to depart for Solm by morning. There is much to be done."

Kiran acknowledged her words. "Very well. I shall return to my quarters and make the necessary preparations."

Alear bid Kiran good night, her voice filled with warmth. "Good night, Kiran. Thank you for everything."

Kiran replied in kind, his voice carrying a sense of camaraderie. "Good night, Alear. Rest well. We have a challenging journey ahead of us."

With a mutual understanding, Alear and Kiran parted ways for the night, knowing that they would face the new day and its trials together.

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 18: A Lost Vanir Goddess in Solm!

The next morning, under the blazing sun, Alear, Kiran, Alfred, Diamant, Fjorm, and Ivy arrived in Solm via Somniel's portals. They were greeted by the unforgiving aridity of the desert landscape. Alear, her brow furrowing slightly, couldn't help but comment on the harsh environment they found themselves in.

Alear couldn't help but remark on the arid nature of the land, her voice tinged with surprise. "Solm is so dry. It's quite different from what I'm accustomed to."

Kiran chuckled softly, offering a small explanation. "Indeed, Alear. We arrived in the morning, which is fortunate," he remarked. "The desert heat here can be unbearable during the day."

Alear looked around the barren desert landscape for any signs of life but didn't find any. "Kiran, it's a good thing you let Mother stay back in Somniel," she remarked. "I bet she'll be uncomfortable in this desert heat."

Just as Kiran was about to reply, Ivy, Elusia's crown princess, visibly affected by the scorching heat, nodded in agreement. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she spoke. "That's right. The Queendom of Solm is known for being the most arid place in all of Elyos," she explained. "We are currently standing in the Tullah Desert."

Huffing in an attempt to cool herself down, Ivy replied to Alear's concerned question. "I'm... alright. Just not used to this desert heat," she huffed as she began to sweat under the heat. "I fear I may melt at this rate."

Alear's voice carried sympathy as she observed Ivy's struggle. "Ivy, take it easy. The desert heat can be challenging for all of us, especially if we're not accustomed to it."

Ivy nodded, fanning herself with her right hand in a futile attempt to find relief from the relentless heat. "You're right, Alear. I'm just not used to this. But we'll manage."

Fjorm, recognizing her resilience to the desert heat, spoke up, her voice carrying a hint of pride. "Despite hailing from a kingdom with a similar icy climate as Elusia, I find myself more tolerant of the desert heat. You see, my home kingdom, the Kingdom of Nifl, is adjacent to the Kingdom of Muspell, a land covered in fire and scorched earth."

Ivy, intrigued by Fjorm's words, responded with enthusiasm. "If Kiran ever summons me as a Hero, I would love to visit both the Kingdoms of Nifl and Muspell. It would help me acclimate between cold and hot climates more easily."

Kiran, with a warm smile, nodded in agreement. "Consider it a promise, Ivy. If the opportunity arises, I will make sure you have the chance to visit both kingdoms."

Diamant, the crown prince of Brodia, voiced his curiosity, directing his question to Alear. "Alear, what are our next moves? We look to you for guidance."

Alear crossed her arms, deep in thought as she pondered their next course of action. The group's eyes were fixed on her, waiting for her answer. Moments passed in silence as Alear contemplated the possibilities.

Alear took charge of the situation, her voice filled with determination. "We need to make our way straight to Solm Palace. Our goal is to arrive there before the Four Hounds do."

Ivy, understanding the urgency, nodded in agreement. "During my time in Elusia, I learned that the Four Hounds did visit Solm, but they returned empty-handed."

Alfred, the crown prince of Firene, chimed in, his tone laced with relief. "That's good to know, Ivy."

Ivy, feeling the intensity of the desert heat, let out a sigh. "Well, I'll take that as a compliment."

Alear, with her mind focused on the task at hand, turned to Ivy with a question. "Ivy, can you tell us about the Emblem Ring entrusted to the Queendom of Solm?"

Ivy paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts before responding. "The Queendom of Solm was entrusted with the Ring of the Radiant Hero."

Kiran's eyes narrowed as his knowledge connected the dots. He spoke with certainty. "There is only one man who holds the title of the Radiant Hero, and that man is Ike. I summoned him myself."

Alear's smile widened as she locked eyes with Kiran, her voice filled with determination. "Kiran, if the situation calls for it, I expect you to summon the original Ike in Solm. His presence may prove vital in our quest."

Kiran's fingers twirled the Breidablik in his right hand, a glint of confidence in his eyes. "Rest assured, Alear. If we manage to obtain the Ring of the Radiant Hero, I will summon Ike without hesitation."

Ivy, feeling the oppressive heat of the desert, spoke up with urgency. "We need to get going. I can practically feel myself melting under this scorching sun."

Alear sheepishly nodded in agreement. "I have to admit, Ivy, you're right. The sooner we move, the better."

With their resolve strengthened, the group set off towards Solm Palace, their steps quickening as they aimed to reach their destination before Sombron's forces. The desert heat beat down upon them, but their determination burned brighter, pushing them forward. The fate of Elusia rested on their shoulders, and they would not falter in their mission to protect it.

In a burst of radiant light, Seiðr, a goddess hailing from the Realm of Vanaheimr, materialized in a remote area of Solm's Tullah Desert. Surveying her surroundings, she spoke aloud, her voice carrying a weight of determination.

"According to King Njörðr, Kiran Pathfinder was last seen in this location," Seiðr murmured to herself, her gaze sweeping across the vast expanse of sand before her.

With a sigh, Seiðr tilted her head back, her eyes scanning the boundless desert sky above. "This place is remarkably similar to Vanaheimr," she remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "Both places covered in vast deserts..."

Despite her familiarity with the desert heat, Seiðr couldn't help but lament her poor sense of direction. "While as a denizen of Vanaheimr, I'm accustomed to the heat," she admitted ruefully, a wry smile playing on her lips. "But, my sense of direction leaves much to be desired. I hope I can find Kiran and his allies before I become too lost in this place."

Determined to locate Kiran and his allies, Seiðr set off into the desert landscape, her steps purposeful as she traversed the shifting sands in search of the elusive Summoner and his companions. With every stride, she hoped to close the distance and reunite with them soon.
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Chapter 18, Part 2
As Alear, Kiran, Alfred, Diamant, Fjorm, and Ivy continued to wander through the vast expanse of the Tullah Desert, frustration began to mount.

Kiran let out a sigh, his voice tinged with exasperation. "Gods," he said. "It seems we're hopelessly lost in this desert."

Alear nodded in agreement, wiping the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. "I can't believe we've passed that enormous rock several times. This desert plays tricks on our perception."

Ivy, feeling the heat bearing down on her, desperately fanned herself with her hand. "My knowledge of Solm's geography is limited to what I've seen on maps. It's not helping us navigate this unfamiliar terrain."

Suddenly, Ivy's gaze shifted towards Alfred and Diamant, a glimmer of realization in her eyes. Alear, sensing Ivy's discovery, spoke up. "Ivy, do you notice something?"

Ivy turned to Alfred and Diamant, her voice filled with curiosity. "Alfred, Diamant, your nations are allied with Somn. Have either of you visited Solm Palace before?"

Alfred and Diamant exchanged thoughtful glances, their minds working to recall any relevant memories. They both paused for a moment, deep in thought, before Alfred finally spoke. "Yes, I did visit Solm Palace once during a diplomatic meeting. It was quite a memorable experience."

Diamant nodded in agreement. "I had the opportunity to visit Solm Palace as well. The architecture and grandeur of the place left a lasting impression on me."

A glimmer of hope sparked within the group as they realized that Alfred and Diamant's firsthand experiences in Solm Palace could potentially guide them toward their destination. With newfound determination, they relied on the memories and knowledge of their allies, hoping to find their way out of the desert's labyrinthine grip.

Alfred and Diamant exchanged disappointed glances, shaking their heads in response to Ivy's question. Diamant spoke up, his voice filled with regret. "I did visit Solm Palace many years ago, but I'm afraid I don't remember the way anymore."

Alfred chimed in, his expression apologetic. "I apologize, Ivy. I also visited Solm Palace during that time, but it's been so long that the details have faded from my memory."

Ivy let out a sigh of frustration, using the back of her hand to wipe away the sweat from her forehead. "Seems like we're all lost here in this desert."

Just then, a masculine voice called out to them, breaking the silence of the vast expanse. "What are you all doing in the desert dressed like that?"

The group turned around, their eyes falling upon a man dressed in a crisp white shirt and purple pants, approaching them. His voice carried an air of apology. "I'm sorry if I startled you," he admitted. "But, I took one look and thought to myself, 'Self, they are lost'."

As the man, dressed in a white shirt and purple pants, continued to approach the group, Alear's voice carried a hint of reluctance as she spoke. "Um... Excuse me, but who might you be?"

The man dramatically posed, extending his right arm to emphasize the expansive desert surrounding them. With confidence, he declared, "I am the one who keeps the peace in the Tullah Desert. You can call me Fogado."

Alear's voice barely whispered his name, a hint of recognition in her tone. "Fogado..."

Fogado continued, his voice filled with a sense of duty. "As the captain of the Sentinels, it is my responsibility to aid those in need and ensure the safety of this land," he said. "If you folks need a helping hand, lemme know."

Alear nodded, grateful for his introduction. "Thank you, for introducing yourself, Fogado," she said. "I am Alear, the Divine Dragon of Lythos."

Sensing the need for introductions, Kiran stepped forward to join the conversation. "I'm Kiran," he added, his voice steady. "I am a Summoner from a distant place called the Kingdom of Askr."

As Fogado's gaze shifted between Alear and Kiran, his expression remained blank for a few moments, processing the information presented to him.

Fogado's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at Alear and Kiran, his voice filled with astonishment. "The Divine Dragon and the Summoner... here in the Tullah Desert? I can hardly believe it!"

Kiran nodded, confirming Fogado's observation. "Yes, it's true. We find ourselves in need of assistance in navigating this desert."

Fogado took a step back, his expression shifting to one of surprise. "I had no idea. I apologize if I seemed rude."

Alear smiled warmly, her voice reassuring. "No need to apologize, Fogado. We understand. You didn't know who we were."

Fogado returned Alear's smile, a sense of relief washing over him. "I didn't expect the Divine Dragon herself to be so casual," he admitted, his tone laced with admiration. "But hey, that's cool with me."

Kiran chimed in, his voice laced with admiration. "Alear has always been someone who does away with formalities, especially in casual situations."

Curiosity piqued, Fogado turned his attention to Alear, his voice filled with intrigue. "So, what brings you and your group to Solm in the first place?"

Alear replied, her voice carrying a sense of determination. "We are on our way to Solm Palace, but we are completely lost and have no idea how to get there."

A mischievous smile twinkled in Fogado's eyes as he looked at Alear and the rest of the group. "Well, my friends, consider this your lucky day. I can safely guide you to Solm Palace."

A sense of relief washed over Alear as she replied, gratitude evident in her voice. "Thank you, Fogado. We appreciate your help."

Fogado nodded, his expression warm as he responded. "You're welcome. However, before we embark on this journey, there is a small matter that needs to be taken care of."

Alear's curiosity was piqued as she inquired, "What kind of errand is it?"

Fogado's voice took on a serious tone as he explained, "This errand is more like a mission. You see, several strange and eerie creatures have been appearing all over Solm."

Alear, Kiran, and the rest of the group listened intently as Fogado continued. "As the captain of the Sentinels, I must respond to such reports and take care of any problems in the desert. Until this matter is resolved, I won't be able to escort you to Solm Palace."

Understanding the situation, Alear nodded thoughtfully. "I see. How about this, Fogado? Why don't we help you out? We can join forces and tackle this issue together."

A wide smile spread across Fogado's face, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "That's a great idea! I appreciate your willingness to assist."

Fogado then explained that his friends had gone ahead to deal with the creatures, and they should all meet up with them. With a renewed sense of purpose, Fogado led the way, escorting Alear, Kiran, and their group towards his companions.

As Fogado led Alear, Kiran, and their group through the desert, not far from their location, Seiðr, a goddess hailing from the realm of Vanaheimr, found herself wandering amidst the shifting sands, hopelessly lost. With a furrowed brow, she glanced down at her glowing staff, named after her, a beacon of light in the vast expanse of the desert.

"Kiran Pathfinder is nearby," Seiðr muttered to herself, determination evident in her voice. Gazing out at her surroundings, she felt a surge of anticipation. "I'm so close to finding Kiran and his allies," she declared, her resolve firm. "I must keep going."

Harnessing her powers as a goddess of Vanaheimr, Seiðr called forth her familiar mount, a majestic goat. With a graceful leap, she mounted the creature, the sound of its hooves echoing through the desert as they set off in search of Kiran and his companions.

Riding atop her goat, Seiðr scanned the horizon, her gaze unwavering as they traversed the vast expanse of the desert. "I hope to find Kiran before something bad happens to him and his allies," she murmured, her voice tinged with concern. "Time is of the essence..."

With each stride of her faithful mount, Seiðr pressed onward, her determination unwavering as she sought to reunite with Kiran and ensure their safety.

As Fogado led Alear, Kiran, and the rest of their allies across the vast expanse of the Tullah Desert, their journey took an unexpected turn. In the distance, they spotted a group of Corrupted soldiers surrounding two men, who were fiercely defending themselves. A sense of urgency filled the air.

Alear's face contorted into a grimace as she witnessed the dire situation unfolding before her. "The problem is worse than I expected," she remarked.

Kiran's voice carried a hint of concern as he responded, "If the Corrupted are already here in Solm, that is not a good sign at all."

Fogado shifted his gaze towards the two men valiantly fending off their attackers, his voice filled with determination. "Those men over there, defending themselves against the Corrupted, are Pandreo and Bunet."

Alear nodded, her eyes fixed on the struggling duo. "They need our help."

A smile spread across Fogado's face as he replied, "I couldn't agree more."

Without hesitation, Alear, Kiran, Fogado, and the rest of their allies surged forward, their feet pounding against the desert sand. Their collective goal was clear - to intervene before the Corrupted overwhelmed Pandreo and Bunet.

As the group converged with Pandreo and Bunet, Fogado let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad we made it in time," he remarked.

Without wasting a moment, Kiran, Alear, and their allies swiftly engaged the Corrupted soldiers, their weapons flashing through the air as they dispatched their foes with ease. The clash of swords and the echoes of spells filled the desert air.

As the Corrupted soldiers were swiftly dealt with, Pandreo, the man dressed in priestly garb, responded to Fogado's arrival. "Late as always, Fogado," he dryly remarked. "Were you hoping for us to meet our demise here?"

Beside Pandreo, Bunet, clad in white with an oversized pauldron on his left shoulder, chimed in. "If you had arrived any later, the creatures we were fighting would have made a meal of us."

Fogado, gesturing towards Alear, Kiran, and their allies who just finished off the Corrupted soldiers, offered a sincere apology. "I'm sorry for the delay, fellas," he said. "But, I have brought help."

Pandreo and Bunet glanced at the reinforcements, their expressions softening as they realized the strength of the group that had arrived. Understanding the gravity of the situation, they nodded in gratitude, their trust in Fogado's judgment reaffirmed.

As Pandreo and Bunet regarded Alear, Kiran, and their allies with curiosity, Pandreo couldn't help but voice his confusion. "What do you mean by 'help'?" he inquired, his tone tinged with skepticism.

Fogado's smile widened, his eyes glimmering with mischief as he looked at Alear and Kiran. With a hearty chuckle, he responded, "Oh, Pandreo, my pious friend, this is gonna blow your mind."

Alear stepped forward, a warm smile gracing her features as she extended a hand in greeting. "I'm Alear, the Divine Dragon. It's nice to meet you two," she introduced herself calmly.

Pandreo stared at Alear, his expression initially blank as the weight of her words sank in. Then, his eyes widened with realization. "You... you're the Divine Dragon?"

As a sense of awe filled the air as the truth settled in, Pandreo turned his attention to Kiran, pointing a finger in his direction. "And who might you be?"

Kiran shifted slightly, a hint of nervousness in his voice as he introduced himself. "I am Kiran Pathfinder, a Summoner from a faraway land called the Kingdom of Askr."

Pandreo's gaze bore into Alear, his expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. "What's the Divine Dragon doing here in Solm?" he questioned, his voice tinged with incredulity.

Meanwhile, Bunet turned his attention to Alear and Kiran, a playful smirk gracing his lips. "You two look like two scoops of sorbet in this desert heat," he remarked jovially.

Pandreo rolled his eyes at Bunet's quip, his tone laced with exasperation. "Save your witty remarks for the kitchen," he retorted dryly. "We're in the presence of the Divine Dragon of Lythos."

Alear, acknowledging the lively banter, turned to Fogado. "Your friends certainly have a lively spirit," she remarked.

Fogado beamed with pride. "They sure are a lively bunch."

Fogado then turned his attention to Pandreo and Bunet, addressing them with a serious tone. "Are you two ready to handle a mission with us?"

Before Pandreo and Bunet could respond, the ground beneath them trembled, and several Corrupted soldiers emerged from the black pools in the desert soil, their weapons drawn, causing everyone to tense up in readiness for battle, with Alfred and Ivy quickly calling up their mounts and riding them.

Fogado's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the approaching squadron of Corrupted. "These creatures just don't let up, do they?" he remarked, a touch of frustration in his voice.

Alear's gaze remained fixed on the advancing enemies as she responded. "They always seem to find a way to keep coming."

Kiran, his attention drawn to a certain direction to the west of the group, pointed towards three villagers who were in imminent danger. "Look, those villagers are in trouble," he alerted the others.

Alear's voice held a note of reassurance as she glanced at the small enemy force. "We have to save those villagers as well," she said. "Fortunately for us, the enemy forces are small enough that you only need to summon Heroes, Kiran."

Fogado, his mind focused on the tactical aspect of the situation, warning everyone of the treacherous quicksand surrounding them. "Before I forget, watch out for those pockets of quicksand," he cautioned. "It'll slow us down."

Kiran nodded, grateful for the information. "Thank you, Fogado," he acknowledged.

Within the depths of Kiran's Breidablik, Baldraz, the spirit residing within the mystical artifact, chimed in with a suggestion. "The quicksand will hamper the movement of any infantry or cavalry that moves across them," he suggested. "Perhaps you should summon Heroes with flying mounts."

A knowing smile formed on Kiran's lips as he responded. "I know exactly which Heroes to summon."

Pandreo's skeptical gaze lingered on Kiran, his voice laced with doubt. "Summoning Heroes? What exactly do you mean by that?"

Alear, stepping in for Kiran, responded with confidence. "Just watch, Pandreo. What's about to happen will amaze you all."

Undeterred by Pandreo's skepticism, Kiran steadied himself and pulled the trigger on the Breidablik. Two orbs burst forth from the mystical artifact, swirling around him as he began to chant with conviction. "Gathering wishes to call upon the Heroes from Muspell, Hel, and Ymir! Become the path its light shines upon!"

Fogado, Pandreo, and Bunet stood in awe, their eyes fixed on the two orbs suspended in the air. Kiran's voice rang out once more, his words filled with power. "Hero Summon! I call forth Laegjarn and Eir into the battlefield!"

In an instant, the two orbs underwent a mesmerizing transformation, each one blossoming into a portal. With a surge of energy, the two Heroes Kiran had summoned emerged from the portals, their presence commanding and awe-inspiring.

"I am Laegjarn, a princess and a general of Múspell," Laegjarn declared as she reared up her wyvern. "And I'm proud to be one of the generals in Kiran's army."

"I am Eir," Eir solemnly introduced herself as she rode her black pegasus. "Formerly of the realm of the dead, but now blessed with the power of Ymir, the realm of life."

Fogado's admiration was evident as he watched Kiran summon Laegjarn, Eir, Peony, Mirabilis, Triandra, and Plumeria, his whistle of appreciation cutting through the tension of the battlefield. "That's amazing," he remarked, his voice filled with awe at the display of summoning prowess.

"Princess Fjorm! Kiran!" Laegjarn said. "It's an honor fighting alongside you two once again!"

"Princess Laegjarn! Eir!" Fjorm said. "I'm glad Kiran summoned the two of you here!"

"As am I," Eir added as she spoke to Kiran. "It has been some time since you last called me in battle, Kiran."

"I wouldn't summon you and Laegjarn without a good reason," Kiran remarked to Eir. "Oh, and welcome to the World of Elyos."

As Pandreo, his eyes wide with wonder, turned to Alear with a mixture of curiosity and amazement. "Who are those people?" he inquired, his voice tinged with fascination.

Alear met Pandreo's gaze, her expression thoughtful as she prepared to enlighten him. "They are Heroes from various worlds," she explained calmly. "And Kiran, along with Fjorm, are from another world outside of Elyos."

As Alear's words sank in, Fogado's gaze shifted to Kiran, a knowing look crossing his features.

"I see... So, the information was true..." Fogado muttered under his breath, confirming his suspicions about Kiran's origins.

Kiran, catching the movement, turned his attention to Fogado, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Fogado, did you say something?" he asked, his brow furrowing with mild confusion.

Fogado quickly shook his head, dismissing the notion with a wave of his hand. "It's nothing important," he replied cryptically, eager to change the subject. "But I must say, you've summoned some wonderful people to help out."

Fogado's attempt to divert the conversation succeeded, the focus shifting from the mysterious origins of Kiran and the Heroes to the appreciation of the remarkable individuals now standing before them. As the Corrupted soldiers approached the group, they split into two smaller groups, with the smaller group after the three stranded villagers.

"Alright, let's do this thing, Sentinels!" Fogado declared. "And, uh... guests."

"Finally," Pandreo said as he readied his Elfire tome. "Time to get this party started! AR-ROO!"

"Rest assured," Bunet said as he readied his Steel Sword. "I will serve up a most deadly dish out of these creatures alongside our new allies."

And so, as the battle against the Corrupted raged on, Alear and Kiran's attention was drawn to several of the enemy forces closing in on the three stranded villagers. Sensing the urgency of the situation, Kiran turned to Alear and Fjorm, his voice determined.

"Alear, Fjorm..." Kiran asked. "Are you both ready to rescue those villagers?"

Alear's smile grew, her grip tightening around her Libération. "I'm ready," she affirmed. "But, traversing the quicksand areas on foot will pose a challenge."

Fjorm's voice rang out with urgency, her concern evident as she voiced her fears for the villagers' safety. "If we don't hurry, those villagers will be in grave danger," she urged, her tone urgent.

Laegjarn, her wyvern poised and ready for action, stepped forward with a solution. "Eir and I can offer our mounts to Kiran, Alear, and Fjorm," she suggested with her voice firm with determination. "We can bypass the quicksand and reach the villagers swiftly."

Kiran's eyes lit up with approval at Laegjarn's proposal. "That's a great idea," he agreed, nodding in approval at the plan.

Eir, her concern for their allies evident, voiced her apprehension. "But what about the rest of our allies?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry as she considered the safety of their companions left behind.

Alear's voice exuded confidence as she responded to Eir. "I have full confidence in our allies," she assured. "And if the situation becomes dire, I have entrusted one of them with an Emblem Ring."

Eir, her expression solemn, nodded in understanding. "Very well," she replied as she looked at Laegjarn, who was also ready. "The three of you, hold on tightly to our flying mounts. We'll make sure to reach the stranded villagers swiftly."

Kiran, his determination unwavering, echoed Eir's sentiment. "Let's not waste any more time. We must reach the villagers before the Corrupted soldiers do."

As the rest of their allies valiantly fought off the majority of the Corrupted forces, Kiran, Alear, and Fjorm wasted no time. They swiftly hitched a ride on the backs of Eir and Laegjarn's flying mounts, their eyes fixed on the three stranded villagers who were in imminent danger.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Fogado's voice cut through the din, his tone tinged with admiration as he watched Alear, Kiran, and Fjorm mount Eir and Laegjarn's flying steeds. "I admire the resilience of the Divine One and her allies," he remarked, his gaze following their swift departure into the fray.

Pandreo, focused on the task at hand, unleashed a powerful blast from his Elfire tome, dispatching one of the Corrupted soldiers with precision. His expression remained stoic as he addressed Fogado, his words clipped with urgency. "Fogado, we're in the midst of a battle here. This is no time for idling," he admonished, his attention fixed on the relentless advance of their adversaries.

"Right," Fogado replied. "Thanks for the reminder. Oh, and by the way, you do have a Warp Staff with you?"

"Yeah, I do," Pandreo replied as he showed the Warp Staff to Fogado. "If the Divine One needs it, I'll gladly use this Warp Staff."

Upon Pandreo's confirmation, Fogado calmly notched an arrow on his Silver Bow, his aim true as he loosed a shot at another approaching Corrupted. "Alright then. Let's get this party started," he remarked coolly, his demeanor unwavering in the face of danger.

At the same time, Alfred, Diamant, and Ivy fought side by side, their movements fluid and synchronized as they engaged the enemy. As Diamant was busy fending off three Corrupted soldiers, Alfred vanquished one of the Corrupted soldiers with a decisive, his gaze turning to Ivy with concern. "

"Princess Ivy," Alfred inquired, his tone laced with worry. "Are you holding up alright?"

Ivy, her brow furrowed with exertion, nodded in response, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she wiped the sweat from her brow. "I'll manage," she replied resolutely, her determination unwavering as she focused on the task at hand. "As long as we bring this battle to a swift end."

As Alear, Kiran, and Fjorm dismount from Eir and Laegjarn's flying steeds, their feet touched down on the sandy terrain near the three stranded villagers, just as the ominous presence of the Corrupted enemies loomed closer. Alear wasted no time, her voice firm as she addressed the villagers, urging them to flee to safety while she and her allies held off the encroaching threat.

"Quickly, flee from this place," Alear instructed, her tone commanding yet reassuring. "Leave the enemies to us. Go, now!"

The villagers, their expressions filled with gratitude, nodded fervently at Alear's words before turning to make their escape. As they vanished into the distance, Kiran voiced a sentiment of relief, acknowledging the decreased complexity of their predicament.

"Thankfully, that's one less issue to contend with," Kiran remarked, his voice carrying a note of reassurance amidst the tension of the moment.

However, their respite was short-lived. Just as Alear, Kiran, and their allies prepared to face the Corrupted, a sudden emergence of Curse Directive soldiers, born from the darkness itself, shifted the dynamics of the battlefield. With swift and calculated precision, the new adversaries dispatched the Corrupted foes before redirecting their attention toward Alear, Kiran, and their allies.

As the ominous presence of the Curse Directive soldiers drew near, Kiran's expression darkened with recognition, his voice tinged with concern as he identified the approaching threat.

"These are Curse Directive soldiers," Kiran remarked grimly, his tone heavy with apprehension. "That means Ebony has returned."

Alear's brows furrowed in dismay at the unexpected appearance of their formidable adversaries in such a remote location.

"I didn't anticipate the Curse Directive's presence here," Alear admitted, her voice edged with concern.

Fjorm's demeanor shifted, her voice laced with worry as she considered the implications of the Curse Directive's sudden appearance.

"If they're here, then our other allies may be in danger," Fjorm observed, her tone reflecting the gravity of the situation.

With a decisive nod, Kiran formulated a plan, his voice commanding as he directed their next course of action.

"Eir, Laegjarn... Support the rest of our allies," Kiran ordered, his tone authoritative yet composed. "Alear, Fjorm, and I will handle the Curse Directive forces here."

Laegjarn, her grip tightening on her sword Níu, acknowledged Kiran's directive with a solemn nod, her voice resolute as she prepared for the impending confrontation.

"As you say," Laegjarn cautioned as her words were a stark reminder of the danger they faced. "But, be careful out there."

As Eir and Laegjarn swiftly departed to aid their comrades, Alear, Kiran, and Fjorm braced themselves for the onslaught of the Curse Directive soldiers, their resolve unwavering despite the daunting odds arrayed against them.
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Chapter 18, Part 3
Meanwhile, at the Kingdom of Askr, the peaceful atmosphere of Alfonse's room was abruptly interrupted as Sharena burst through the door, her excitement evident.

Alfonse, who had been engrossed in a book while relaxing on his chair, snapped it shut as he turned his attention towards his sister. "What is it, Sharena?" he inquired, curious about the reason for her sudden intrusion.

With a sense of urgency, Sharena relayed the news. "Kiran has summoned Princess Eir and Princess Laegjarn to Elyos," she informed him, her voice filled with anticipation.

Alfonse's brows furrowed in concern as he absorbed the news, nodding in acknowledgment before formulating a plan of action.

"Don't worry about that, Sharena," Alfonse assured Sharena, his voice calm yet decisive. "I'll inform Commander Anna immediately,"

Curiosity piqued, Sharena's gaze drifted to the book Alfonse had been engrossed in before her interruption, prompting her to inquire about its contents.

"Alfonse, what book are you reading?" Sharena asked, her tone filled with curiosity.

Alfonse picked up the book, studying its cover briefly before responding to Sharena's question.

"It's a book about Vanaheimr, one of the Nine Realms," Alfonse explained, a hint of fascination coloring his voice. "It's also known as the Realm of Light."

Perplexed, Sharena questioned Alfonse's choice of reading material, her curiosity evident in her voice. "Why would you read that?" she wondered aloud, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Alfonse offered a thoughtful explanation, his expression earnest as he defended his decision to delve into the lore of another realm.

"It never hurts to be prepared," Alfonse explained, his voice steady with conviction. "Even if the information may be outdated, knowledge is still valuable."

With a nod of understanding, Sharena acknowledged Alfonse's reasoning, her curiosity satisfied for the moment as they prepared to relay the news of Kiran's summons to their commanding officer.

As they prepared to relay the urgent news and make the necessary arrangements, the weight of their responsibilities as members of the Order of Heroes became even more apparent. They would need to stay vigilant and adaptable, ready to face any challenges that lay ahead.

Amid the intense battle, Fogado swiftly aimed with his bow, firing an arrow that found its mark in one of the approaching Curse Directive infantry. As the enemy crumpled to the ground, he voiced his frustration, "I don't recognize these enemies."

Bunet, fighting with skill and precision, slashed through another Curse Directive soldier with his Silver Sword. With a gleam of determination in his eyes, he declared, "Once we defeat these enemies, I'll create a new dish to celebrate!"

"What are these new enemies, anyway?" Pandreo, a hint of confusion in his voice, chimed in as he blasted a Curse Directive mage away with his Elfire tome. "I've never seen them before."

Just as the uncertainty hung in the air, their allies Alfred, Diamant, and Ivy arrived, bolstering their ranks.

Diamant, taking a moment to explain, spoke with a sense of authority, "These new enemies are Curse Directive soldiers, hailing from the same world as Kiran."

"Yeah, these enemies are after Kiran," Alfred said as he took down a Curse Directive Sword Calvary with his Arcane Qiang. "These enemies are just as formidable as the Corrupted that we fought earlier."

Fogado, grateful for the clarification, replied, "Good to know. We must stay vigilant."

"This isn't over yet," Ivy cautioned as she steadied her wyvern. "Several enemies are approaching us."

Suddenly, as if on cue, a group of Curse Directive enemies lunged toward them, only to be met with a swift interception. Eir's daggers and Laegjarn's Níu skillfully parried the incoming attacks and defeated the enemy group, preventing any harm from befalling their allies.

"Eir and I are here, on Kiran's orders," Laegjarn, her voice filled with determination, expressed her relief. "I'm glad we arrived in time to assist."

"Thank you, Eir and Princess Laegjarn," Alfred said as he readied his Arcane Qiang. "Now, let's take these enemies down, shall we?"

The arrival of Eir and Laegjarn provided a renewed sense of hope and strength in the face of the encroaching Curse Directive soldiers. Together, they stood united, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, their determination unwavering. The battle raged on as more Curse Directive soldiers spawned in front of them, but their combined forces stood strong.

At the same time, as Alear slashed through one of the Curse Directive soldiers, a sense of unfamiliarity washed over her.

"These Curse Directive soldiers feel different," Alear remarked, her voice filled with both curiosity and caution. "I can sense something empowering them, but I can tell if it's Fell Dragon... or something else."

"I concur," Fjorm replied as she used her Ice Mirror II to block a magic attack from one of the Curse Directive mages. "They seem to be much stronger than last time."

As Fjorm counterattacked against one of the Curse Directive mages, Kiran, his Dire Breidablik crackling with power, unleashed a blast that obliterated one of the Curse Directive mages. He nodded in agreement with Alear's observation. "I agree. Something is empowering them," he acknowledged, his voice tinged with concern.

Their momentary conversation was interrupted as a dagger struck the sand near Kiran's feet. Startled, Alear, Kiran, and Fjorm turned their attention towards the source of the threat. Standing before them was Shade, Ebony's second in command, daggers at the ready. The tension in the air grew palpable as their gazes locked.

Kiran, recognizing Shade, spoke with a mixture of surprise and wariness. "It's been some time since our group last saw you," he remarked, his voice laced with caution.

Shade, his eyes gleaming with determination, readied his daggers. "Indeed, much time has passed," he replied, his voice cold and resolute. Locking eyes with Kiran, he declared, "In Ebony's name, you must die by my hand."

The battle had taken an unexpected turn, with the appearance of a familiar foe. Alear, Kiran, and Fjorm braced themselves for the impending clash, fully aware that Shade's arrival brought a new level of danger to their already challenging fight.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, Alear's voice rang out with determination. "Kiran!" she urged at him. "You need to summon more Heroes!"

Recognizing the need to bolster their forces, Kiran began to ready his Breidablik, only to be interrupted by Shade's swift attack.

"Not this time, Kiran Pathfinder," Shade declared as he threw several daggers at Kiran. "Gods be damned, but I will not allow you to call for reinforcements!"

Reacting swiftly, Alear and Fjorm rushed towards Kiran, doing their best to defend him from Shade's relentless assault. However, their efforts were met with an unexpected turn of events.

"Revealing Light!" A feminine voice spoke as several motes of light materialized, intercepting Shade's daggers in mid-air, saving Kiran's life.

"Damn it!" Shade grunted in annoyance that his daggers had failed to hit their mark. "Who dares to interfere?"

Then, a clopping sound was heard nearby. Alear, Kiran, and Fjorm turned their attention toward the source of the sound and were met with the sight of a striking woman with teal hair, elegantly riding atop a majestic goat. The presence of the woman exuded power and grace, capturing their attention and curiosity.

"I dare," The teal-haired woman replied to Shade's demands as her short staff glowed in radiant light. "You will not harm Kiran Pathfinder and his allies."

"Thank you for saving me," Kiran, his voice tinged with both surprise and inquiry, spoke up. "But, who are you?"

"Kiran Pathfinder, as well as Fjorm, the Child of Nifl, and the Alear, the Child of Lythos," The woman, introducing herself with confidence, replied as she looked at Kiran, Fjorm, and Alear. "I have finally found you all. I am Seiðr, a Vanir goddess of Vanaheimr, the Realm of Light."

The revelation of Seiðr's true identity left the group momentarily stunned. The unexpected arrival of a goddess added a new layer of intrigue to their battle, offering a glimmer of hope in the face of Shade's aggression.

Then, Kiran's eyes widened as he saw another figure as he stared at Seiðr. For a few moments, Kiran thought he saw a visage of Gullveig, the Golden Seer, within Seiðr as he remembered what Gullveig said to him before.

"Unfortunately, time is cruel, isn't it?"

Kiran thought as he stared at the Vanir goddess. 'Why do I see Gullveig in her?'

'We will figure it out eventually, Kiran,'
Baldraz replied within the confines of the Breidablik. 'Right now, Alear is about to speak to you.'

As Baldraz telepathically spoke to Kiran, Alear's voice carried a hint of recognition as she spoke. "Kiran?" she said to him. "Didn't you mention Vanaheimr during your exposition back at your first visit to Lythos?"

Kiran shook his head out of his trance and nodded at Alear, his expression thoughtful. "Yes... Yes, I did," he replied as he turned his attention towards Seiðr. "But, what brings you here to Elyos, Seiðr?"

Seiðr's gaze swept over the battlefield, her demeanor grave. "Kiran, I have been instructed by King Njörðr to accompany and aid you and your allies," she explained, her voice carrying the weight of duty. "However, this is not the time for idle chatter for we still have enemies to face."

As Seiðr finished explaining to Kiran, Shade's eyes narrowed as he glared at Seiðr. "Whether you're a goddess or not, you'll pay for interfering with my attacks meant for Kiran," he snarled, his tone dripping with malice.

With a snap of his fingers, Shade summoned reinforcements, Curse Directive soldiers emerging from the desert sands. "Kill Kiran and his allies! Show no mercy!" he commanded, his voice echoing across the battlefield with chilling intent.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as Alear, Kiran, Fjorm, and Seiðr clashed with the formidable Curse Directive battalion spawned under Shade's command. Blades clashed, spells crackled through the air, and cries of battle echoed across the desert sands.

"You're all fighting in vain!" Shade taunted. "The Curse Directive has become stronger thanks to a new benefactor on our side."

Kiran deftly deflected Shade's daggers with well-aimed shots from his Breidablik, his eyes burning with determination. "Tell me, Shade. Who is this benefactor of yours?" he demanded.

Shade's gaze narrowed, his malicious intent seeping through his words. "Our benefactor is only known as the Goddess of Nihility," he sneered, preparing to launch another attack. "There is no more I can say about her to you, Kiran."

Before Shade could launch another attack, Seiðr's keen senses detected a looming threat. "Kiran, dodge to your left!" she warned, her voice urgent.

Reacting swiftly, Kiran heeded Seiðr's warning, swiftly evading the dagger intended for him. In that crucial moment, Seiðr summoned bolts of radiant light from her staff, expertly deflecting the remaining daggers thrown by Shade. Her graceful movements on her goat mount and the power of the divine energy she wielded were a testament to her status as a goddess.

"Thank you, Seiðr, for the warning," Kiran expressed his gratitude as he steadied himself, acknowledging the critical assistance.

Shade, consumed by frustration and a sense of desperation, charged at Kiran with reckless abandon. "I have nothing left to lose!" he declared, his voice filled with venom.

While Shade's attention was fixed on Kiran, Alear, and Fjorm fought valiantly, eliminating the majority of Shade's Curse Directive battalion. During the intense battle, Alear's Ring of the Princess Exalt began to glow with a radiant light.

Within the ring, Emblem Lucina's voice resonated, addressing Alear directly. "Alear," she commanded. "Engage with me to defend Kiran from Shade."

Alear's determination burned brightly as she replied, her voice resolute. "I understand, Emblem Lucina."

Activating the power of the Ring of the Princess Exalt, Alear declared, "Emblem Engage!" In a swift motion, she transformed into her Engage form, her agility, and strength enhanced. With her blade, Libération, in hand, she dashed towards Shade, slashing through his defenses.

"You will not harm Kiran any longer!" Alear declared as she readied her Libération. "I am guided by the Emblems!"

The force of Alear's attack sent Shade crashing down into the desert sand, his form was weakened and vulnerable. As Kiran observed the aftermath of Alear's strike, he noticed that Shade's wounds were oozing a dark, black substance—a sign that he was using a cursed body to manifest himself in Elyos.

As Shade coughed out black fluid, a sign that his cursed body had reached its limit, Kiran, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr approached him cautiously. Shade's weakened voice carried a hint of bitterness as he spoke to Kiran.

"My cursed body may be reaching its end," Shade declared as he glared at Kiran. "But mark my words, Ebony will return to Elyos to hound you."

Kiran stood tall, undeterred by Shade's threats. "Ebony may try, but remember, Shade, a lot can happen in the future," he retorted, his voice filled with determination.

Shade let out a weak, mocking laugh as his cursed body dissipated into a swirling miasma, which disappeared soon afterward, his presence fading.

Alear reverted to her normal form, concern etched on her face as she turned to Kiran. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Kiran nodded, gratitude in his eyes as he responded. "I'm alright, thanks to Seiðr's help. She arrived just in time."

"You are welcome, Kiran," Seiðr replied as she bowed respectfully. "I'm glad I could lend an aid to this battle."

Just then, Fogado, Pandreo, Bunet, Eir, Laegjarn, Alfred, Diamant, and Ivy rejoined the group, having successfully dealt with the remaining Curse Directive forces in their area.

"Kiran, Fjorm..." Laegjarn said as she steadied her wyvern. "I'm glad you two are alright."

"We aided the rest of your allies," Eir said to Kiran. "We came here as soon as the enemies were given a merciful death."

"Princess Laegjarn, Eir..." Fjorm replied. "I can also say the same to you two. I'm glad we all pulled through this battle."

"It may be best for you two to return to the Kingdom of Askr," Kiran said to Laegjarn and Eir. "You two have to submit a report about today's battle to Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna for me."

"Leave the report to me," Laegjarn said to Kiran. "I'll forward what has transpired here to Prince Alfonse, Princess Sharena, and Commander Anna."

As Laegjarn and Eir disappeared from Elyos in motes of light, Fogado stepped forward, a smile on his face as he addressed Alear, Kiran, and their allies. "Nice going! Congrats on helping me and my friends out," he said to Alear and Kiran. "You showed 'em what a Divine Dragon and a Summoner can do."

"Thank you for the kind words, Fogado," Alear replied. "We did all we could to help you and your friends out."

Curiosity flickered in Fogado's eyes as he stared at Seiðr, unable to contain his question. "And it seems we have a cute girl here who joined us," he asked, his voice filled with genuine intrigue. "May I ask who you are?"

Seiðr met Fogado's gaze with a gentle smile. "Oh, that's right!" she replied, her tone carrying a hint of mystery. "I have yet to introduce myself to the rest of the Children of Elyos."

Ivy, the crown princess of Elusia, stepped forward, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What do you mean by 'Children of Elyos'?" she inquired, seeking clarification.

Seiðr's gaze swept across the assembled group, her voice steady and serene as she began to explain. "What I mean by 'Children of Elyos' is that most of you are mortals who are native to this world that you call Elyos," she revealed. "I am Seiðr, one of the goddesses of Vanaheimr, a realm that exists beyond the scope of Elyos."

Everyone else in the group was silent as Seiðr introduced herself to them. However, Pandreo, one of Fogado's friends, was the one who first broke the silence.

"I see... Wait... A... A goddess?!" Pandreo spluttered upon hearing Seiðr's words as he looked at Alear, and then at Seiðr. "A-Are you a dragon, like the Divine One?"

"Worry not. I can assure you that I may be a goddess," Seiðr replied to Pandreo as she glanced at Alear. "But I'm not a dragon, unlike the Child of Lythos, whom you address as the Divine One."

"I see," Bunet said as he looked at Seiðr. "Goddess Seiðr, you are like a sherbet on this vast desert."

"Thank you for your kind words," Seiðr replied to Bunet. "But, truth be told, I am not exactly versed in food analogies."

Kiran, ever the knowledgeable strategist, interjected to provide further context. "Just in case the rest of us here don't know yet, Vanaheimr is one of the Nine Realms of Zenith or just the Nine Realms," he explained, his voice resonating with authority. "And the Realms that Fjorm and I come from, Nifl and Midgard respectively, are also part of the Nine Realms."

Fogado nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with understanding. "Why don't Kiran and Seiðr guide us and explain everything as we make our way to Solm Palace?" he suggested, his voice carrying a sense of practicality.

Alear, embracing the idea, chimed in. "That's a wonderful idea, Fogado," she agreed, her voice enthusiastic.

With a renewed sense of purpose, the group set off towards Solm Palace, their steps quickened by the urgency to reach their destination before more enemies could appear. With the desert sun looming over the horizon and with the return of the Curse Directive, it was imperative that they need to reach Solm Palace as quickly as possible.

And there you have it! This is the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

To all the people who offered advice in brainstorming this story, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

And here is a Stinger this time...

In the heart of the Curse Directive camp, nestled between the Kingdoms of Nifl and Muspell, Ebony and Ginnungagap stood in the dimly lit confines of Shade's tent, their gazes fixed upon the unconscious form of their subordinate.

"Why did you empower the Curse Directive soldiers with the void?" Ebony's voice cut through the silence, her tone tinged with curiosity and concern.

Ginnungagap, the enigmatic Goddess and Ruler of Nihility regarded Ebony with a knowing gaze. "Mortal bodies struggle to withstand the void's power," she explained calmly, her voice carrying an otherworldly resonance. "But the mindless soldiers you and your subordinate spawn are vessels perfectly suited to channel its energies."

As if in response to their conversation, Shade stirred and slowly regained consciousness. Ebony wasted no time in addressing him. "What of the skirmish in Elyos?" she demanded, her voice expectant.

Shade hesitated, grappling with the weight of his failure. "Shadow Director... I... I was unable to eliminate Kiran," he admitted reluctantly, his voice tinged with frustration and disappointment. "Kiran and his allies managed to rout our forces."

Ginnungagap, the ever-calculating Goddess of Nihility, spoke with an air of understanding. "It was to be expected. It takes time for the Curse Directive soldiers to acclimate themselves to the power of the void that I have bestowed upon them," she explained, her voice steady and composed.

Ebony, standing by Shade's side, reassured him with conviction. "Fear not, Shade. Though you may have failed in your attempt to kill Kiran, you have served us well in testing the strength of our void-empowered Curse Directive soldiers. They will only grow stronger with time."

Shade's expression softened slightly, appreciating Ebony's words. He then turned his attention to the looming threat of Fell Dragon Sombron and his Corrupted.

"As you will it, Shadow Director Ebony, but what about Sombron and his forces?" Shade inquired, his voice filled with concern. "They pose a significant danger not only to Kiran and his allies but to our forces as well."

Ebony's eyes narrowed, determination etched on her face. "Sombron is indeed my enemy as well. However, I have a plan," she replied, her voice laced with confidence. "I'll make sure Sombron's forces and Kiran's forces will clash, dividing their attention and weakening them, for the most part," she said as she showed Shade a black jewel from her robe pocket. "And once they have weakened each other, we shall eliminate the one who emerges victorious."

"Shadow Director," Shade said as he saw the black jewel in Ebony's right hand. "You're planning to go to Elyos yourself, are you? What if the Kingdom of Askr and the Emblian Empire were to know of our new encampment?"

"Shade, we need to gather more battle information for our forces to strengthen them with Ginnungagap's void," Ebony declared. "I'll be the one who'll use a black jewel next. Rest assured, Shade, as long as this campsite is well hidden, neither the Kingdom of Askr nor the Emblian Empire can find us."

As the conversation concluded, a sense of purpose filled the tent, each member of the Curse Directive silently reaffirming their commitment to their dark cause. With their sights set on their enemies and their schemes in motion, they prepared to unleash chaos upon the realms, their ambitions fueled by darkness and the void.

In the next chapter:

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 19: Radiant Heroes of the Oasis!

See you fellas next time!
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Chapter 19, Part 1
Welcome to the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

The Fire Emblem franchise belongs to Intelligent Systems. I only write this crossover for the readers' fun, entertainment, and enjoyment.

Now, let us begin this chapter...

In the Kingdom of Askr's Special Training: Ranged stratum of the Training Tower, Male Alear watched attentively as Veyle found herself surrounded by a horde of enemies, the majority of them skilled ranged attackers.

"You'd best be careful, Veyle," Male Alear cautioned, his voice laced with concern, as he watched her navigate the battlefield. "Take down each enemy one by one."

Veyle, standing confidently on the bridge at the center of the area, turned her gaze towards Male Alear. She reassured him with a confident smile. "Don't worry about me, Alear. According to Commander Anna, the enemies in the Training Tower are nothing more than illusions."

As Veyle finished speaking, a Bow Fighter aimed and fired an arrow directly at her. At that moment, Veyle's Fell Protection activated, enveloping her in a powerful purple aura that deflected the incoming attack. The arrow harmlessly bounced off her protective barrier.

Unfazed by the failed attempt on her life, Veyle swiftly retaliated. With a graceful wave of her Obscurité tome, she conjured a pillar of darkness that engulfed the Bow Fighter, rendering them defeated.

"Feel what I feel!" Veyle declared as she grasped her Obscurité tome tightly in her hands.

As Veyle skillfully fought off the onslaught of enemies, Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna approached Male Alear, their steps cautious amidst the chaos of battle. Alfonse's voice carried a sense of curiosity as he addressed Male Alear. "How was the orientation earlier, Alear?" he inquired, his eyes gleaming with interest.

Male Alear turned his attention away from the ongoing skirmish to face his comrades, a faint smile gracing his lips. "Veyle and I managed to understand our roles as Heroes," he replied, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "I'm particularly pleased with how quickly Veyle has adjusted to life in Zenith."

Sharena, ever eager to foster camaraderie among the Heroes, chimed in with her suggestion. "Perhaps you and Veyle should consider befriending some of the Heroes that Kiran has summoned, especially the Heroes that are the basis of the 12 Emblems of Elyos," she proposed, her eyes alight with excitement.

Commander Anna, ever pragmatic, interjected with a nod of approval. "It's certainly appropriate," she remarked, her tone practical yet encouraging as she saw Veyle defeated one enemy after another. "And it seems Veyle is showing her prowess in battle."

Male Alear's gaze drifted towards Veyle, who moved with grace and precision as she dispatched her foes. "I'll consider it," he replied, his voice thoughtful. "Befriending other Heroes can prove beneficial for both Veyle and myself."

With their conversation concluded, the group watched on as Veyle continued to demonstrate her prowess in battle, her movements fluid and decisive. As the enemies fell before her onslaught, the bonds of friendship and camaraderie among the Heroes of Askr strengthened, forging an unbreakable alliance in the face of adversity.

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 19: Radiant Heroes of the Oasis!

As Fogado led Alear and Kiran's group away from the vast expanse of the Tullah Desert, Alfred, the Crown Prince of Firine, broke the silence with a nostalgic remark.

"It's been years since I last visited Solm Palace," Alfred reminisced, his tone tinged with sentimentality.

Alear offered a warm smile in response. "Yes, you mentioned that earlier," she acknowledged, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "If I remember correctly, the Kingdom of Firene and the Queendom of Solm are close allies, right?"

Alfred nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, Solm and Firene are allies," he confirmed. "Although, the relationships within the royal families aren't as close-knit as one might expect."

Diamant, ever observant, chimed in with his own observation. "The same can be said for the relations between the Kingdom of Brodia and the Queendom of Solm," he added, his voice thoughtful.

Alfred nodded in agreement. "I've only ever met Queen Seforia from the Solm royal family," he admitted, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Kiran, intrigued by the discussion, interjected with a question of his own. "Could it be that the Solm royal family is rather shy?" he wondered aloud, his tone laced with curiosity as he shrugged.

"Kiran, while there are some things that don't add up," Fjorm added. "But we'll find out soon enough."

"I concur," Ivy, Elusia's crown princess, spoke as she wiped the sweat off her forehead. "Ugh, I can only tolerate the desert heat for so long..."

As the group continued their journey, Fogado listened intently to the conversation unfolding among Alear, Alfred, Diamant, and Kiran. However, his attention momentarily shifted to Seiðr, the Vanir goddess from Vanaheimr, who had been quietly observing the interaction.

"Solm Palace is just ahead," Fogado remarked, his gaze turning to Seiðr. "But I'm curious, Seiðr. Tell us more about Vanaheimr."

Seiðr's eyes brightened as she began to describe her home realm. "Vanaheimr is a tropical paradise," she explained, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "It's characterized by vast deserts dotted with lush oases, dense jungles teeming with life, and beautiful sandy beaches stretching along the coastline."

Fogado nodded in fascination. "It sounds remarkable," he mused. "It's interesting to note that Vanaheimr and Solm share similarities in their arid landscapes, although I imagine Vanaheimr boasts more greenery than our desert kingdom."

A soft smile graced Seiðr's lips as she nodded in agreement. "Indeed," she confirmed. "The similarities between Solm and Vanaheimr have made it easier for me to adjust to the arid climate here."

As they continued their journey towards Solm Palace, the group found themselves immersed in conversation, sharing tales of their respective homelands and forming bonds forged in the shared experiences of their diverse backgrounds.

As the group continued their journey, it wasn't long before the sight of a magnificent palace made of sandstone came into view. The grandeur of Solm Palace stood tall and proud, a testament to the power and elegance of the Queendom. Fogado, his voice filled with excitement, declared their arrival.

"Here we are!" Fogado announced, his words carrying a sense of achievement and relief. "We've reached Solm Palace!"

Alear, grateful for the guidance provided by Fogado, Pandreo, and Bunet, spoke up, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Fogado, Pandreo, and Bunet, for leading us here," she expressed, her words sincere and appreciative.

Fogado's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with pride as Pandreo nodded and Bunet smiled at the Divine One. "It's our pleasure," he replied warmly. "I'll go and speak to the guards to open the palace gates. You can all come with me."

Alear glanced at Kiran, seeking guidance on their next course of action. Uncertainty flickered in her eyes as she awaited Kiran's response. Kiran, thoughtful and pragmatic, replied with a nod.

"I believe it would be best for us to follow Fogado's lead," Kiran suggested, his voice carrying a sense of practicality. "Let's trail behind him and see what lies beyond those gates."

Alear nodded in agreement, understanding Kiran's decision. She turned to face Fogado, her voice determined. "I understand, Kiran," she declared, her words carrying a sense of resolve. "Fogado, we will follow you to the palace gates."

With their plan set, the group made their way toward the towering palace gates, their steps filled with anticipation and curiosity.

As the group arrived at the imposing gates of Solm Palace, Fogado led the way, accompanied by Pandreo and Bunet. They approached the two guards stationed at the entrance. Fogado, a sense of familiarity in his voice, spoke up.

"I'm home," Fogado declared, his words carrying a hint of nostalgia.

Alear, eavesdropping on the conversation, couldn't help but mutter to herself, trying to decipher the meaning behind Fogado's statement. "What does he mean by 'home'?" she muttered, her voice filled with curiosity.

"I admit, Child of Lythos," Seiðr spoke as she saw Fogado, Pandreo, and Bunet approached the two palace guards. "I'm as curious as you are."

"Glad to know about that," Alear replied to Seiðr. "And there's no need to address everyone here as 'Child of Lythos', 'Child of Elyos' or even 'Child of Midgard'. Seiðr, you can just simply call us by our names."

"As you say," Seiðr replied. "I shall call you by your names from now on."

One of the guards, a man with a stern expression, stepped forward and addressed Fogado with respect. "Welcome back, Prince Fogado," he greeted, his words revealing the truth behind Fogado's identity. "I'll open the gates for you and the rest of the people that you brought along right away."

A smile spread across Fogado's face, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Let the gates of Solm Palace be opened," he declared, his voice filled with a sense of anticipation.

Ivy, overhearing the guard's words, couldn't contain her surprise. "Did he just say 'Prince Fogado'?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with astonishment.

"Yeah, I heard it too," Alfred replied as he observed the conversation between Fogado and the palace guard. "Unless we misheard what the palace guard said to him in the same way..."

Kiran, observing Fogado, Pandreo, and Bunet as they made their way back to the group, replied with a reassuring smile. "I suppose we'll find out soon enough," he reassured Ivy, his words offering a hint of mystery.

Fogado, now standing among Alear and Kiran's group, turned to address them with genuine gratitude. "Thank you all for waiting," he expressed, his voice filled with appreciation.

Alear couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and mustered the courage to ask the question that had been lingering in her mind. "Fogado, are you truly the prince of Solm?" she inquired, her voice filled with anticipation.

Fogado, taken aback by the question, brought his right hand to his head, a sheepish expression crossing his face. "Didn't I mention that earlier?" he asked, his voice tinged with mild surprise.

Diamant, quick to respond, interjected. "No, you didn't," he stated matter-of-factly, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Fogado nodded, his expression sheepish. "Ah, my apologies," he admitted, a hint of embarrassment in his voice. "Whoops! Egg, meet face! Right, I'll need to properly introduce myself then."

Taking a moment to compose himself, Fogado turned towards Alear and Kiran's group, his voice filled with sincerity. "I am Fogado, the captain of the Sentinels and, well, the prince of Solm," he began, his words carrying a sense of pride. "Welcome to my family's palace."

With his introduction complete, Fogado's enthusiasm returned. "Come right in, everyone," he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "You mentioned wanting to meet my Mom, right? So, let's not keep her waiting any longer."

Without hesitation, Fogado led the way, walking further into the palace, his voice echoing through the grand halls. "Mom! We have visitors!" he called out, his words carrying a mixture of joy and anticipation.

Pandreo, realizing that Fogado's tendency to hide his royal status may have confused Alear and Kiran's group, spoke up, apologizing on his behalf. "I apologize for Fogado's actions, Divine One," he offered, his voice carrying a sense of understanding. "He has a habit of keeping his status as royalty hidden."

Alear, grateful for the clarification, turned to Pandreo and Bunet with a curious expression. "So, both of you are Fogado's retainers?" she asked, seeking confirmation.

Bunet nodded, with a hint of pride in his voice. "Yes, Divine One," he confirmed. "Pandreo and I have the honor of serving as Fogado's loyal retainers."

Pandreo chimed in, his voice filled with dedication. "As retainers, we must accompany Fogado wherever he goes," he explained, his words revealing their unwavering loyalty.

As Pandreo and Bunet bid their farewells to the group and left to attend to their responsibilities, Ivy couldn't help but express her surprise. "I had no idea Fogado was royalty, let alone a prince," she admitted, her voice filled with disbelief.

Alfred, ever observant, added his perspective to the conversation. "It's not every day that a prince like Fogado willingly participates in patrols and takes an active role," he remarked, his words colored with curiosity.

Kiran, contemplating the situation, offered his insight. "There must be a good reason why Fogado kept his true identity as Solm's prince a secret," he suggested, his voice filled with intrigue.

Alear nodded in agreement, understanding the complexities that might have led Fogado to keep his royal lineage hidden. "Indeed, there may be underlying reasons for his discretion," she acknowledged, her words carrying a sense of understanding. "Anyway, let's head into Solm Palace."

With a shared understanding, the group made the collective decision to proceed inside Solm Palace. The mysteries within its walls beckoned, and they were eager to uncover the truths and forge new alliances that awaited them within its hallowed halls.
Chapter 19, Part 2
Inside the Special Training: Ranged stratum of the Training Tower, Male Alear turned towards Veyle, concern etched on his face. "Are you alright after defeating all the enemies here?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine care.

Veyle huffed, clutching her Obscurité tome tightly. "Brother, I'll be fine," she replied, a hint of exhaustion in her voice. "I gave it my all to defeat every enemy in this stratum."

Just as they were catching their breath, the sudden entrance of four Heroes from the World of Tellius, known as the Greil Mercenaries, startled both Male Alear and Veyle. Ike, Mist, Soren, and Titania stood before them, ready for their training.

Ike, taking the lead, introduced himself and his companions. "I'm Ike of the Greil Mercenaries," he said, his voice carrying a sense of confidence. "This is Mist, Soren, and Titania. We were wondering if we could use this area to train ourselves."

Male Alear and Veyle stared at the Greil Mercenaries, their presence bringing a mix of surprise and awe. But it was Male Alear whose eyes widened as recognition dawned upon him. "Ike... You're Ike!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement and admiration.

As Male Alear's eyes widened with recognition, Ike couldn't help but notice his reaction. "I am... Do you know me?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

Male Alear nodded eagerly, a smile forming on his face. "Yes, I know of an Emblem that's based on your image - Emblem Ike," he replied, his voice tinged with excitement.

Soren, the tactician of the Greil Mercenaries, took it upon himself to respond on Ike's behalf. He spoke with his usual bluntness, his voice devoid of any unnecessary emotion. "Ike, I have personally read reports about the other Heroes summoned by Kiran to Elyos," he explained matter-of-factly. "The Emblem Ring based on your image is called the Ring of the Radiant Hero."

Ike, stepping in to ease the tension caused by Soren's blunt words, spoke calmly. "I apologize for Soren's bluntness," he said, his voice carrying a soothing tone. "He tends to be straightforward in his explanations."

Veyle, observing the exchange, chimed in. "It's alright. I didn't sense any malice in Soren's words," she remarked, her voice filled with honesty.

Soren, however, remained stoic, his annoyance palpable as he simply grunted in response to Veyle's observation. His calm demeanor belied the complexity of his thoughts, leaving Male Alear and Veyle to ponder the true intentions behind his enigmatic facade.

Titania, the deputy commander of the Greil Mercenaries, decided it was time to resume their training. "Alright, everyone, let's get back to our training," she declared, her voice filled with authority.

Mist, Ike's younger sister, bowed politely in front of Male Alear and Veyle. "It's nice meeting you both," she said with a warm smile. "I wouldn't mind teaming up with you next time."

As the Greil Mercenaries started their training in the stratum, Veyle turned to Male Alear with a curious expression. "Brother, how did you know who Ike was, even though you've lost some of your memories?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Male Alear took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "A few nights ago, I couldn't sleep, so I stayed up reading various books in Somniel," he explained. "I guess it helped jog my memory."

Veyle listened attentively, relieved to hear Male Alear's explanation. "That's good to hear," she replied with a smile.

Feeling a sense of hunger, Male Alear suggested, "Why don't we go to the Aether Resort for lunch?" he suggested, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

Veyle's smile widened, her eyes brightening at the thought. "I would love to," she replied. "Especially if they have spicy food again."

With their plans set, Male Alear and Veyle looked forward to an enjoyable lunch at the Aether Resort. And as they enjoyed their lunch together, the promise of new adventures and memories yet to be made filled them with anticipation for the journey ahead.

In a secluded area deep within Destinea Cathedral, Evil Veyle reveled in her dark intentions. Her cold laughter echoed through the chamber as she gazed upon the tainted apparition of Emblem Marth. "Oh, how I've enjoyed having Emblem Marth stolen and tainted," she said, her voice dripping with malice.

As Evil Veyle turned around, she noticed the Four Hounds approaching her. With a sinister grin, she addressed Zephia, the Mage Dragon of the Four Hounds. "Tell me, Zephia, where are Alear and Kiran's forces?" she inquired, her voice filled with anticipation.

Zephia, ever loyal to Evil Veyle, responded promptly. "Lady Veyle, the enemy forces have been spotted in the Queendom of Solm," she informed, her voice holding an air of authority.

Evil Veyle's smirk widened, her eyes gleaming with wickedness. "Excellent," she exclaimed, her voice laced with satisfaction. "We can use this information to our advantage."

Marni, the Armored Knight of the Four Hounds, interjected eagerly. "I can't wait to have a rematch with the enemy," she declared, her voice filled with anticipation.

Evil Veyle, maintaining her calm demeanor, responded with a calculated tone. "Patience, Marni," she said calmly, her words carrying an undertone of authority. "If we wait, we can steal Solm's Emblem Ring in front of them along with the others."

Marni gushed at Evil Veyle, unable to contain her excitement. "Smart!" she said. "I'll be a good girl and wait then!"

Griss, the chief advisor of the Four Hounds, listened to the conversation with a disdainful huff. "Heh, you're such a child," he said to Marni, his voice filled with a twisted amusement. "Praise is for chumps. It's much more fun to be punished."

Evil Veyle, responding to Griss's remark, met his gaze with a cold smile. "Don't worry, Griss," she assured him, her voice laced with wickedness. "Once the time comes, you'll have plenty of opportunities to inflict agony upon our enemies."

Griss let out a sinister smirk, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Now that's what I want to hear," he responded, a twisted excitement in his voice. "I can't wait for that time to come."

Evil Veyle's attention then shifted to Mauvier, the Royal Knight of the Four Hounds. She gazed at him intently, a calculating expression on her face. "Mauvier, would you like to be rewarded?" she asked, her voice dripping with temptation.

Mauvier calmly shook his head, his demeanor resolute. "I need no rewards, my lady," he replied, his voice steady and unwavering.

Evil Veyle sighed in annoyance at Mauvier's response. "You won't even say my name. How cold," she conceded, her voice tinged with frustration. "If you don't want to be rewarded, that's fine by me."

Evil Veyle shifted her attention to the tainted image of Emblem Marth before her, her eyes filled with malevolence. With a wave of her hand, she commanded the apparition to return to its Emblem Ring, dismissing it with a cold, satisfied smile.

"Everything has been set into place," Evil Veyle declared, her voice dripping with dark satisfaction. "Now, all we need to do is... Ah!"

However, her triumph was short-lived as a sudden wave of darkness engulfed her, causing her to nearly collapse to the floor. Dark miasma leaked from her body, a manifestation of the sinister powers she wielded.

Zephia, concerned, rushed to her side. "Lady Veyle, are you alright?" she asked, her voice filled with worry.

Evil Veyle, struggling to maintain her composure, managed to respond. "Ha... It's... fine. I just need to rest for a few hours," she admitted, her voice filled with fatigue.

Evil Veyle turned to Zephia, determination in her eyes. "Zephia, you'll be in charge for the time being," she instructed. "I need you to do something for me... And make sure everything continues as planned."

"As you wish," Zephia nodded, her loyalty unwavering. "I'll do as you ask and I'll be in charge of our forces in your stead."

Zephia, accompanied by Marni and Griss, gently guided Evil Veyle towards her bedroom, providing support as they walked. They knew the weight of their mission and the importance of maintaining Evil Veyle's strength.

Meanwhile, Mauvier remained behind, his thoughts filled with uncertainty. He knew that something was amiss. "I need to meet with the Divine One and Kiran Pathfinder soon," he murmured to himself, his voice tinged with concern. "I must discover the truth of what truly happened to Lady Veyle, for I do not consider the Veyle we have with us to be the real one."

As the Four Hounds carried out their dark plans, the truth behind Evil Veyle's identity remained mysterious. Mauvier's determination to uncover the truth would set him on a path that would challenge his loyalties and force him to confront the shadows that lurked within the depths of Elyos.

As Evil Veyle continued her schemes with the Four Hounds, Alear, Kiran, and the rest of their group found themselves standing before Seforia, the reigning Queen of Solm. Seforia, radiating regality, addressed the group with a welcoming smile.

"Divine One, royals of the three kingdoms, and the remaining guests," Seforia greeted, her voice filled with warmth. "Welcome to Solm Palace."

Alear, filled with respect, responded graciously. "It is an honor to meet you, Queen Seforia," she expressed, her voice carrying a tone of reverence.

Kiran, following Alear's lead, bowed respectfully. "Indeed, it is a great honor for me as well to meet Queen Seforia," he added, his voice filled with sincerity.

Seforia, her gaze shifting across the group, expressed her delight. "It's a treat and a surprise to have such important individuals brought to the Queendom of Solm by Fogado," she remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Seforia's attention then turned to her son, Fogado, standing proudly by her side. She spoke fondly, a hint of pride in her voice. "Out of all your outings, this is by far the most impressive," she acknowledged, her eyes filled with motherly affection.

Fogado, unfazed by the attention, responded with calm assurance. "I was just doing what any prince should do for his queen," he stated modestly, his demeanor relaxed.

Seforia's gentle reprimand drew a soft chuckle from those gathered in the hall, her maternal affection evident in her tone. "Fogado, dear, it's 'Mom'," she corrected with a warm smile, her gaze softening as she addressed her son.

Fogado, slightly abashed by his mother's admonishment, nodded sheepishly. "Yes, Mom," he acknowledged, a hint of embarrassment coloring his features.

As Alear, Kiran, and the rest of the group looked on, Seforia shifted her focus to them, her gaze sweeping over the diverse assembly before her. "My son tends to try and appear aloof," she explained with a fond sigh, her tone tinged with amusement.

Turning her attention back to Alear and Kiran, Seforia's expression softened with genuine curiosity. "Your group is quite numerous and diverse," she observed, her eyes alight with interest. "Not only do I see representatives from Lythos, Firene, Brodia, and Elusia, but there are also some faces I don't recognize."

With a welcoming smile, Seforia encouraged Alear and Kiran to introduce themselves and their companions. "Why don't you all take a moment to introduce yourselves?" she suggested, her voice warm and inviting. "I'd love to get to know each of you better."

With a nod of approval from Queen Seforia, Kiran stepped forward, his posture confident as he began his introduction. "I am Kiran Pathfinder, the Summoner," he announced, his voice steady and resolute. "I represent the Realm of Midgard, specifically the Kingdom of Askr."

Following Kiran's lead, Fjorm stepped forward, her presence regal and dignified. "I am Fjorm," she declared, her voice carrying a hint of pride. "Princess of the Kingdom of Nifl."

Seiðr, the goddess from Vanaheimr, followed suit, her teal hair shimmering in the light of the palace. "I am Seiðr, and I come from the Realm of Light, Vanaheimr," she stated, her voice resonating with otherworldly wisdom.

Queen Seforia's brows furrowed in surprise at their introductions, her curiosity piqued by their unfamiliar origins. "Kiran, you said you are a Summoner," she said. "What exactly is your role?"

Kiran unclasped the Breidablik from its holster and showed it to Queen Seforia. "As I said, I am a Summoner," he explained. "And with the Breidablik, I can summon people from various worlds as Heroes, including from Elyos."

Sefora smiled as she became intrigued at what Kiran had revealed to her. "Heroes?" she said. "Kiran, you said that you can summon Heroes. Are Heroes similar to Emblems?"

Kiran calmly nodded at Seforia, his grip on the Breidablik tightened. "Not exactly," he explained. "Emblems and Heroes share the fact that both can be summoned, but Emblems are incorporeal spirits while Heroes are summoned in their physical forms."

Sefora nodded at Kiran's explanation, having heard from him firsthand. "Kingdom of Askr, Kingdom of Nifl, and Vanaheimr, the Realm of Light," she admitted, her tone tinged with intrigue. "I've never heard of those places within Elyos."

Kiran stepped forward, offering a reassuring explanation. "That's because the three of us are not actually from Elyos," he clarified, his tone calm and composed. "We come from another world entirely, known as Nine Realms of Zenith."

Seforia absorbed this revelation with a thoughtful nod, her expression contemplative. "I see," she mused, her eyes scanning the group before her. "Thank you for your honesty and transparency."

Alear, seizing the moment, directed her attention to Queen Seforia. "Now that everyone has gotten acquainted, Queen Seforia, we are here for a very important matter," she stated, her voice carrying a sense of urgency.

Seforia nodded, her expression growing serious. "You must be referring to the return of the Fell Dragon Sombron," she deduced, her voice tinged with concern. "I had no idea such a threat was looming over us."

Continuing her explanation, Seforia revealed an unsettling truth. "Sombron, it seems, was responsible for the creation of those creatures that appeared in Solm," she disclosed, her voice filled with a mixture of surprise and trepidation.

Alear affirmed Seforia's statement. "Yes, those creatures are called Corrupted," she confirmed, her voice firm and resolute. "They are the result of Sombron's dark influence."

Curiosity sparking within her, Seforia turned her attention to Kiran, wanting to gather as much information as possible. "According to my son Fogado, there is another enemy group that recently appeared in Solm," she mentioned, her voice filled with a mix of intrigue and concern. "Can you shed some light on this, Kiran?"

Kiran, understanding the gravity of the situation, responded promptly. "That enemy group is known as the Curse Directive," he revealed, his voice steady and composed. "They hail from the same world as myself, Fjorm, and Seiðr."

Alear, considering the situation carefully, addressed Queen Seforia with a hint of relief in her voice. "So far, Solm Palace hasn't been attacked by the Corrupted, Elusian Forces, or even the Curse Directive," she stated, her tone measured.

Seforia nodded, her expression reflecting both concern and determination. "Indeed, we've managed to repel and fight off several Corrupted and Elusian incursions within Solm," she explained to Alear, her voice tinged with pride for her kingdom's resilience.

Kiran, his gaze sharpening with interest, interjected with a note of admiration. "Impressive," he remarked, his eyes narrowing slightly. "It's commendable that the Queendom of Solm has fared so well in repelling such formidable adversaries thus far."

Alear echoed Kiran's sentiment, acknowledging the fortunate circumstance they found themselves in. "Indeed," she agreed, her tone grateful. "It's fortunate that the enemy forces haven't yet breached Solm Palace."

Seforia, sensing the weight of responsibility upon her shoulders, offered a sincere apology to her guests. "I apologize for the struggles the other kingdoms are facing in fighting off the Corrupted," she said, her tone tinged with regret.

Alear, appreciative of Seforia's understanding, responded, "Thank you for sympathizing with the rest of Elyos, Queen Seforia. We are all in this together, and your support means a great deal."

Seforia's voice softened with sympathy as she offered her condolences to Alear. "My condolences to the late Queen Lumera," she said, her tone gentle. "I visited Lumera in Lythos several times in the past."

Alear, touched by the queen's words, glanced briefly at Kiran, a small smile playing on her lips. "Thank you," she replied warmly, her gratitude evident. "My mother is in a better place now, all thanks to Kiran."

Seforia nodded in understanding, her expression reflecting both compassion and resolve. "The Queendom of Solm stands with you in your war against Fell Dragon Sombron," she affirmed, her voice unwavering in its support.

Alear, deeply appreciative of Solm's solidarity, expressed her gratitude. "Thank you for your nation's support," she said sincerely, her eyes meeting Seforia's with a sense of shared purpose. "And may I ask if the Ring of the Radiant Hero is still in Solm?"

Seforia turned to her son, Fogado, seeking answers. "Fogado, do you know where Solm's Emblem Ring is?" she inquired, her tone expectant.

Fogado shrugged nonchalantly, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Beats me," he replied casually, a smirk playing on his lips. "Maybe it's in the doodad drawer."

Seforia, suppressing a smile at her son's response, turned back to Alear and Kiran's group with a reassuring nod. "Please wait here for a moment or two," she requested, her tone indicating that she would soon return with further information.

As Seforia and Fogado ventured further into the depths of the palace, their absence did not go unnoticed. Ivy, the crown princess of Elusia, voiced her confusion. "What does Fogado mean by 'doodad drawer'?" she questioned, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Alfred, the crown prince of Firene, joined in the conversation, contemplating the situation. "Could it be that Solm's Emblem Ring has been lying forgotten in an old drawer all this time?" he wondered aloud, his voice filled with intrigue.

Diamant, the crown prince of Brodia, chimed in with a calm demeanor. "It is hard to believe that one of the strongest Emblem Rings would be left neglected in an old, musty drawer," he remarked, his voice carrying a quiet skepticism.

Shortly after their conversation, Seforia and Fogado returned to join them once more. Seforia, with a solemn expression, addressed the group, her voice tinged with regret. "My apologies, Divine One. The Ring of the Radiant Hero was taken away by my daughter, Timerra," she disclosed, her tone indicating a mixture of disappointment and resignation.

Fogado, adding context to his mother's statement, spoke up with a hint of pride in his voice. "By the way, Timerra is my older sister and Solm's crown princess," he clarified, a sense of familial connection evident in his words.

Seforia, her voice tinged with a mix of fondness and concern, addressed the group. "Timerra is set to inherit the crown, but much like my son Fogado, she is often out and about, doing who knows what," she shared, her tone carrying a touch of exasperation. "She has always had an adventurous spirit. She has been away for days now."

Alear, taken aback by this revelation, chimed in, her voice filled with surprise. "I didn't expect that either," she admitted, her tone reflecting her curiosity.

Seforia smiled at Alear and Kiran's group with a hint of nostalgia in her expression. "To be fair, I acted similarly when I was young," she confessed, her voice laced with understanding. "Timerra has always had a thirst for exploration and new experiences."

Fogado, placing his right hand on his head in a gesture of mild frustration, offered his insight. "Knowing my sister, she is likely on a camping trip far away from Solm Palace," he speculated, his voice tinged with both annoyance and affection.

Alfred, joining the conversation, shared his observations. "Indeed, the crown princess and the prince of Solm are not often present in the palace," he noted, his voice carrying a sense of understanding. "Their adventurous spirits seem to take them to places beyond these walls."

Diamant, his voice calm and contemplative, added his perspective. "Not even their mother knows when they will return," he mentioned, his words conveying a sense of uncertainty.

Alear, sensing the urgency of the situation, spoke up with determination. "If that's the case, our group can start searching for Princess Timerra right away," she declared, her voice filled with resolve.

Seforia nodded, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Alear. My daughter was last seen in the southern desert, and Timerra has likely set up camp in the oasis," she explained, her voice carrying a mix of concern and hope.

However, Seforia's desire to join the search became apparent. "You know, I would like to go to the oasis myself," she revealed, her voice reflecting a mother's worry.

Fogado, understanding the potential risks involved, interjected with a calm and protective tone. "Mom, it might be best for you to stay in the palace," he suggested, his voice filled with concern for his mother's safety.

Seforia, acknowledging her son's wisdom, nodded in agreement. "You're right, Fogado," she conceded, her voice conveying a sense of trust. "Alear, Kiran, and your group, please go to the oasis to find my daughter. And Alear, once you locate Timerra, be sure to summon Emblem Ike."

Alear, meeting Seforia's gaze, assured her with determination. "We will do everything we can to find Princess Timerra and call forth Emblem Ike," she promised, her voice filled with a sense of purpose.

Then, Seforia turned her attention to Kiran, having heard of his role as the Summoner and what he was capable of. "And Kiran," she asked. "I also would like you to summon the real version of Ike someday."

Kiran nodded as he holstered the Breidablik in his waist. "I will," he said. "I did summon Ike a few years back. When the time comes, I'll summon Ike in front of you, Queen Seforia."

Fogado, stepping forward, offered his assistance. "I'll guide your group to the oasis, just like I did in the Tullah Desert earlier," he offered, his voice carrying a mix of confidence and familiarity.

With the mission to find Princess Timerra now set, Alear, Kiran, and their comrades prepared to embark on another crucial journey. The path ahead was uncertain, but their determination burned brighter than ever.
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Chapter 19, Part 3
Somewhere far from the Solm Oasis, amidst the arid expanse of the desert, a fierce battle unfolded. The forces of Ebony's Curse Directive clashed with the Corrupted, led by the bandit duo Tetchie and Totchie. Tension hung heavy in the air as the adversaries faced off.

Ebony dodged and blocked several attacks from several Corrupted as she counterattacked most of them using her Örmt tome. "Hmm, to think I'd manifest my cursed body right in front of these buffoons," she remarked. "Not that it matters anyway. These bandits will make excellent test subjects for this cursed body."

Tetchie, his voice laced with defiance, directed his words at Ebony. "Who do you think you are, meddling in our affairs?" he challenged, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Totchie, standing beside Tetchie, asserted their dominance. "This area of Solm and the Oasis belongs to us!" he proclaimed, his voice commanding authority over the Corrupted army. "Monsters, attack!"

As the Corrupted surged forward, their eyes filled with malice and hunger for destruction, Ebony responded with unwavering confidence. "You two are making a grave error by antagonizing me," she retorted bluntly, her voice holding an icy edge. "For I am Ebony, the Shadow Director of the Curse Directive!"

With a flick of her fingers, Ebony unleashed her power. Multitudes of Curse Directive soldiers materialized from portals of darkness in the desert sand, their presence striking fear into the hearts of the Corrupted. The clash that followed was swift and intense, the forces of darkness colliding in a chaotic ballet of combat.

Though the battle raged on, Ebony's calculated strategy proved effective. The Curse Directive soldiers fought with precision and skill, their dark magic and relentless determination pushing back the Corrupted onslaught. Despite the ferocity of the clash, the Curse Directive incurred minimal casualties, their disciplined ranks holding firm against the frenzied assault.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, the Curse Directive soldiers continued to gain ground, overwhelming the Corrupted battalion. Tetchie, refusing to yield, directed his words at Ebony, his voice filled with defiance. "We won't give in to the likes of you," he spat, his tone laced with determination.

Beside him, Totchie, his voice filled with desperation, joined in. "Brother, we have nothing else to lose," he declared as he and Tetchie readied their Brave Axes, his words carrying a sense of resignation and defiance. "Charge!"

With a swift motion, the two bandits charged at Ebony, their resolve unyielding despite the odds stacked against them.

Undeterred by their defiance, Ebony met their advance with a steely gaze. "Impressive, for a bunch of bandits," she acknowledged, her voice hinting of begrudging respect. "Despite being utterly terrible commanders, you two managed to command a squadron of Corrupted. I'll give you two that, but unfortunately, I have the upper hand."

With her Örmt tome in hand, Ebony prepared to unleash her formidable powers. Two void-infused dark orbs erupted from her outstretched hand, hurtling toward Tetchie and Totchie. The impact of the blasts sent the twin bandits flying, crashing several feet into the unforgiving desert ground.

As Tetchie and Totchie struggled to gather themselves, Ebony approached the hapless bandits with calculated steps. Her voice dripped with a sinister tone. "I'll enjoy extracting information from both of you," she declared, her Örmt tome glowing with a haunting purple light. "And then, I'll dispose of you both."

Tetchie and Totchie could only gulp in fear as they faced the looming threat of Ebony's cruel intentions, their fates hanging in the balance as her sinister tome cast its ominous glow upon them.

As night blanketed the village within the Solm Oasis, Timerra, the crown princess of Solm, found solace in the company of her loyal retainers, Merrin and Pannette. Their voices harmonized under the starlit sky as Timerra sang her heart out, lost in the melody, with her voice echoing off from the various buildings in the village. Timerra's song, filled with whimsy, spoke of the joy of a hearty meal, with Merrin and Panette clapping along.

"Meat, meat~" Timerra sang from the bottom of her heart. "Meaty, meat, meaaat~!"

However, their peaceful serenade was abruptly shattered by an explosion that resonated through the air. The force of the blast shook the very foundations of the desert, causing Timerra to stumble and fall to her knees and several villagers to rush back into their homes in panic. Merrin and Pannette hurried to her side, with concern etched on their faces.

Merrin, her voice laden with worry, reached out to Timerra. "Are you alright, my princess?" she inquired, her concern evident in her tone.

Timerra, dusting herself off with a hint of a smile, reassured her companions. "I'm fine," she replied, her voice carrying a touch of resilience as she managed to stand up.

Pannette, her eyes wide with a mixture of awe and concern, voiced her observation. "Boss, that was no ordinary explosion," she remarked, her voice filled with unease.

Timerra nodded in agreement, her expression growing more serious. "Well, this blows, no pun intended," she admitted, her voice tinged with a sense of foreboding. "Not only has that explosion ruined my mood to sing, but I also have a bad feeling about what's gonna happen!"

At that moment, the tranquility of the oasis shattered, replaced by an undercurrent of uncertainty. Timerra's intuition whispered of an impending storm, and as the night grew darker, the weight of the unknown loomed over them.

At the same time, as night settled over the Solm Oasis, Fogado, accompanied by his loyal retainers Pandreo and Bunet, led Alear and Kiran's group through the ancient pathways. Their footsteps echoed softly in the tranquil desert air, their destination clear in their minds.

"Alear," Kiran said as he scanned the village within the Oasis. "It seems the villagers are about to head into their homes."

"I agree," Alear replied as she noticed several of the villagers recognizing her. "It is getting rather late..."

Suddenly, Fogado's keen eyes caught sight of a trail of smoke wafting in the distance. He turned to Alear, his voice filled with anticipation. "Look, that's a sign that my sister, Timerra, has set up camp nearby," he pointed out, his tone tinged with a mixture of relief and worry.

However, their attention was swiftly diverted by a loud explosion that reverberated through the desert, shaking the very ground beneath their feet. The group saw several villagers rushing back to their homes in panic.

Kiran, his voice laced with concern, voiced the question on everyone's mind. "Gods, what was that explosion?" he inquired with his words echoing in the stillness of the night.

Alear, her voice filled with determination, responded with a sense of urgency. "While I don't know who caused the explosion, we need to hurry and find Princess Timerra," she asserted, her tone carrying a mix of concern and resolve.

Fogado nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the Oasis. "I couldn't agree more," he affirmed, his voice reflecting his determination to protect his sister. The urgency in his words spurred the group into action.

Then, as Alear and Kiran's group was about to look around the Oasis, relief washed over them as they spotted Timerra, Merrin, and Panette hurrying towards them. Fogado's voice cut through the air, calling out Timerra's name with a mixture of concern and reassurance.

"Timerra!" Fogado called with his tone a blend of relief and urgency.

Timerra's face lit up with a smile as she approached Fogado, her expression mirroring his relief. "Fogado! You're here," she greeted him warmly, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Did you hear the explosion too?"

Fogado nodded, his eyes meeting Timerra's. "Yes, I heard about the explosion, and I brought several people with me," he confirmed, his voice resonating with determination and protectiveness.

Alear stepped forward, offering a polite nod to Timerra. "I am Alear, the Divine Dragon of Lythos," she introduced herself, her tone respectful yet tinged with authority.

Kiran followed suit, offering a polite bow. "And I am Kiran, a Summoner from the Kingdom of Askr," he added, his voice carrying a hint of intrigue.

Timerra's smile widened as she took in their introductions. "Nice to meet you two," she said to Alear and Kiran. "Fogado wouldn't have come here unless he had found your group first."

Confusion flickered across Alear's face as she furrowed her brow. "What do you mean by that?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of suspicion.

Timerra, her gaze unwavering, acknowledged Alear's question with a dismissive wave of her hand. "That question isn't important right now," she replied, her voice filled with urgency. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot..."

As the group's attention shifted, Timerra reached into a small pouch and retrieved the Ring of the Radiant Hero. She held it up to Alear, her eyes filled with hope. "It'd help a lot if you could use your Divine Dragon powers on this Emblem Ring?" she asked, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Alear, understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded solemnly. "I understand," she replied, her voice carrying a weight of responsibility. She extended her hand, ready to accept the Ring of the Radiant Hero.

Timerra gently placed the ring into Alear's outstretched palm. Alear closed her eyes, channeling her divine powers, and began to chant softly. "Fight on, Emblem of Radiance!" she invoked, her voice resonating with ancient power.

As Alear's incantation reached its crescendo, the Ring of the Radiant Hero ignited with a brilliant glow. The air crackled with energy, and suddenly, before them, Emblem Ike materialized in all his resplendent glory.

Emblem Ike, a manifestation of the legendary hero, introduced himself with a confident voice. "I am Emblem Ike," he declared, his tone brimming with determination. "Use me wisely, for I am here to aid you all."

Timerra, her eyes sparkling with admiration, directed her words to Emblem Ike. "With those arms of yours, you're raring to fight," she remarked, her voice filled with excitement and confidence.

Emblem Ike nodded, his face etched with a determined resolve. "Indeed, I stand ready to face any challenge that comes our way," he affirmed, his voice carrying a steadfast determination.

Alear, her eyes filled with determination, gently handed the Ring of the Radiant Hero back to Timerra. "I entrust this Emblem Ring to you," she declared, her voice carrying a sense of trust and confidence.

Timerra accepted the ring with gratitude, her grip tightening around it. She looked at Alear, her voice resolute. "Thanks for summoning Emblem Ike from his ring. I won't let you down," she vowed, her determination shining through her words.

However, their focus was swiftly diverted by Kiran's urgent words. He pointed northwards, his voice filled with a mix of concern and urgency. "Not a moment too soon," he remarked, his gaze fixed on the emerging threat. "Look over there!"

From the shadows of the desert sand and the buildings within the Oasis village, a horde of Curse Directive soldiers emerged, their sinister presence casting a pall over the once-peaceful surroundings. The air crackled with tension as the villagers recoiled in fear, hastily securing their doors and windows in a desperate bid for safety.

Alear's voice rang out amidst the chaos, her words carrying a sense of clarity amidst the confusion. "Those are Curse Directive soldiers," she stated grimly, her eyes narrowing as she assessed the approaching threat.

Timerra, her resolve unwavering, stepped forward with determination, her gaze fixed on the encroaching enemy. "We can't let them harm anyone in the village," she declared firmly, her voice carrying a note of defiance. "We need to stop them before it's too late."

Merrin, one of Timerra's retainers, reared up her wolf mount in preparation. "As you command, my princess," she said. "We'll crush these enemies with the hammer of justice."

Panette brandished her Silver Axe as Curse Directive soldiers marched towards the group. "Indeed!" she said. "They shall sorely regret terrorizing these poor, innocent people!"

With the weight of their newfound alliance and the fate of the village hanging in the balance, the group steeled themselves for battle, ready to confront the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

Fogado, along with Pandreo and Bunet, readied their weapons as the Curse Directive soldiers marched toward the group. "From the looks of it," Fogado said as he observed the enemy soldiers. "It seems these fellas don't even bother the villagers."

Kiran unholstered the Breidablik from his waist and readied it. "Fogado," he said. "That's because the Curse Directive has a vendetta for me specifically. It seems that their hatred against me is enough to divert their attention away from the villagers here."

Alear, her voice filled with determination, turned to Kiran. "I see. In that case," she urged, her tone reflecting their need for additional allies. "Kiran, it's time for you to summon more Heroes."

Kiran nodded, his grip tightening around the Breidablik. "Don't worry about that, Alear. I know exactly which Heroes to summon for this fight," he replied, his voice resolute and focused.

Seiðr, a goddess hailing from Vanaheimr, chimed in, her voice filled with curiosity. "Oh my... This is my first time witnessing Kiran's summoning abilities," she remarked, her eyes fixed on the Breidablik with intrigue.

Fjorm, standing nearby, couldn't help but express her awe. "I agree. It's truly incredible to watch Kiran summon Heroes," she marveled, her voice carrying a mix of admiration and excitement.

With resolve in his eyes, Kiran aimed the Breidablik, ready to call upon the strength of new allies. He pulled the trigger, and as the weapon discharged, four orbs soared through the air, each radiating with a vibrant light.

Gathering his voice, Kiran chanted with conviction, "Gathering wishes to call upon the Greil Mercenaries from the World of Tellius! Become the path its light shines upon!"

All eyes in the group, especially Timerra and Emblem Ike, were fixed upon the scene unfolding before them. The four orbs gracefully landed on the desert sand, emanating a brilliant and captivating light.

As the four orbs gently touched the desert sand, Kiran's voice rang out with determination. "Hero Summon! I bring forth Ike, Soren, Mist, and Titania into the battlefield!" he declared, his words resonating with power.

In response, the orbs began to shimmer and transform, giving way to portals that materialized before them. From each portal, Ike, Soren, Mist, and Titania emerged, their presence commanding attention.

"I'm Ike, of the Greil Mercenaries," Ike introduced himself. "You called me here alongside Soren, Mist, and Titania for a reason. So, I'll help you out."

"Hmm... My name? I am the mage Soren," Soren bluntly introduced himself. "I'm here to support Ike, commander of the Greil Mercenaries."

"Hi! I'm Mist!" Mist introduced herself as her grip on her staff tightened. "I'm Ike's little sister and I'll... I'll do my part!"

"I am Titania, deputy commander of the Greil Mercenaries," Titania said as she reared her horse. "Do you have a job for me? If so, let's start now."

Timerra's eyes widened in awe as she witnessed Kiran's summoning abilities firsthand. "This... This is so cool! It's truly an incredible sight!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with admiration and excitement. "So, this is how Kiran summons his Heroes! Oh, this is gonna be fun!"

Ike, his gaze steady as he surveyed his surroundings, caught sight of the manifestation known as Emblem Ike. With a calm demeanor, he addressed his counterpart. "So, we finally meet," he remarked, his voice measured yet tinged with curiosity.

Emblem Ike met Ike's gaze with a serene expression. "Indeed, it appears fate has brought us together," he replied, his tone calm and composed.

Soren, ever the observant strategist, couldn't help but voice his thoughts upon seeing Emblem Ike. "Hmph... So, he's a near-perfect copy of Ike indeed," he remarked bluntly, his expression unreadable.

Emblem Ike regarded Soren with a calm nod. "Your directness is as refreshing as ever, Soren," he replied evenly, his demeanor unruffled by Soren's candid assessment. Soren could only respond by grunting in annoyance.

Kiran looked at everyone in the group, double-checking just as the Curse Directive forces marched closer to their position. "Since everyone here is accounted for," he said. "It's time for us to defend this village and the Oasis against the Curse Directive."

Alear readied her sword, Libération, as she stared at the enemy forces approaching the group."I couldn't agree more, Kiran," she said. "Let's do this everyone!"

As the group gathered, their ranks bolstered by the addition of the summoned Heroes, they prepared to face the looming threat of the Curse Directive soldiers, their spirits fortified by the strength of their newfound allies.
Chapter 19, Part 4
In the serene setting of the Aether Resort, Male Alear and Veyle sat at a table, enjoying their lunch. Male Alear indulged in a juicy hamburger, while Veyle savored a bowl of classic curry. The aroma of their respective meals filled the air, creating an atmosphere of contentment.

As they enjoyed their meal, two figures approached their table, carrying bowls of steaming vegetable soup. The first figure was a horned man, accompanied by a younger horned girl. They exchanged glances with Male Alear and Veyle, their expressions polite yet hopeful.

The horned man spoke, his tone courteous and friendly. "Excuse us, but may my retainer and I sit with you?" he asked, gesturing towards the empty seats at their table.

Male Alear, ever hospitable, nodded with a warm smile. "Of course, you're welcome to join us," he replied, his voice reflecting his welcoming nature.

The horned girl, grateful for the invitation, expressed her thanks. "Thank you so much for allowing us to sit here," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

As the horned individuals settled into their seats, Veyle leaned closer to Male Alear, her voice hushed. "Perhaps we should ask for their names," she whispered, suggesting a friendly gesture.

Male Alear nodded in agreement, reciprocating the whisper. "I was thinking the same thing," he whispered back, acknowledging Veyle's suggestion.

In this tranquil moment at the Aether Resort, amidst the shared enjoyment of their meals, Male Alear and Veyle recognized the importance of extending friendly conversation.

As the four continued to enjoy their meal, Veyle took the initiative and directed her question towards the horned individuals. "I'm Veyle, and this is Alear, though he prefers to be called Male Alear because he has a female version back in Elyos," Veyle introduced herself and Male Alear, her voice filled with genuine curiosity. "By the way, what are your names?"

The horned girl, known as Ash, offered a warm smile as she introduced herself. "I'm Ash, the retainer of Lord Askr," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of pride in her role.

Male Alear, intrigued by Ash's introduction, couldn't help but ask the question on his mind. "Is the horned man sitting beside us Lord Askr himself?" he inquired, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Ash nodded, confirming Male Alear's assumption. "Yes, the man you're talking to is indeed Lord Askr," she affirmed, her voice carrying a sense of reverence. "As his retainer, I am proud to be sitting with him."

With a hearty chuckle, Lord Askr confirmed his identity and the significance it held. "Indeed, I am Askr, the very deity that lent his name to the Kingdom of Askr," he declared, his voice resonating with pride and mirth.

Male Alear's hand trembled slightly, nearly causing his hamburger to slip from his grasp, while Veyle nearly spat out her curry in surprise. The weight of the revelation settled upon them, filling the air with a mixture of shock and awe.

Sensing their astonishment, Lord Askr spoke calmly, his voice carrying a reassuring tone. "It couldn't be helped because I can sense that you two are Heroes recently summoned by Kiran himself," he suggested, recognizing that Male Alear and Veyle were newly summoned Heroes, unfamiliar with the intricacies of their current situation. "Perhaps I should explain from the beginning..."

With curiosity piqued and a newfound understanding of the significance of their company, Male Alear, and Veyle listened intently, eager to learn more about the enigmatic Lord Askr and the world into which they had been summoned. The Aether Resort transformed into a place of both relaxation and revelation, as the stories of their intertwined destinies began to unfold.

In the heart of the village within the Solm Oasis, chaos reigned as the Curse Directive soldiers advanced from multiple fronts. The villagers, determined to defend their home, split up to face the encroaching threat head-on.

Timerra, fueled by her unwavering resolve, fought valiantly against any Curse Directive soldier that crossed her path. Her movements were swift and precise as she made her way through the village, reducing enemy forces one by one.

Eventually, Timerra found herself in a corner of the village, surrounded by two sturdy barricades. The ground beneath her trembled as the Curse Directive soldiers relentlessly attacked the barriers, their determination was evident.

Amidst the chaos, a voice resonated within Timerra's mind. It was the voice of Emblem Ike, speaking through her Emblem Ring. "Timerra, with your strength, you will be able to fend off any enemy that crosses your path," he reassured her, his words carrying the weight of his unwavering resolve.

Timerra tightened her grip on her Silver Lance, a surge of determination coursing through her veins. She replied, her voice filled with confidence, "With Emblem Ike by my side, I'll take on any enemy that dares to challenge me."

As the barricades trembled under the relentless assault, Timerra's eyes gleamed with determination. She squared her shoulders, ready to face whatever came her way. "Bring it on!" she declared, her voice echoing with defiance.

With her unwavering resolve and the strength of Emblem Ike guiding her, Timerra stood firm, ready to hold the line against the encroaching Curse Directive soldiers.

As the two barricades crumbled under the relentless assault, a swarm of Curse Directive soldiers emerged, their eyes fixed on Timerra as their next target. Prepared to intercept their attacks, Timerra braced herself, ready to defend against the onslaught.

However, before the enemy could reach her, a familiar presence stepped in. Ike and Soren swiftly moved into action, intercepting the Curse Directive soldiers who aimed to harm Timerra. Their movements were fluid, and their combat skills were honed through countless battles.

"There's no stopping me!" Ike declared as he slashed one of the Curse Directive Axe Infantry with his Ragnell.

"I dispose of my enemies," Soren declared as he conjured a sphere of wind from his Wind's Brand tome that blew away one of the Curse Directive mages.

As the last of the enemies fell, Ike turned to Timerra, a hint of relief in his voice. "We arrived just in time," he acknowledged, his voice tinged with gratitude for their timely intervention.

Timerra couldn't help but let out a grin, appreciating the support from the real Ike. "I appreciate the help, Ike," she expressed her gratitude, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. She then turned to the Ring of the Radiant Hero in her right hand, realizing her earlier comment may have been misconstrued. "And I didn't mean to offend you, Emblem Ike," she clarified, her words carrying a touch of sincerity.

Emblem Ike, calm and composed, manifested from his Emblem Ring and reassured her. "No offense taken, Timerra. I understand that I am based on the real Ike," he replied, his voice reflecting his understanding and acceptance.

Soren, ever blunt and focused on the task at hand, interjected. "Are you both done talking? We have more Curse Directive enemies to fight," he pointed out, his tone carrying an urgency that couldn't be ignored.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Timerra, Ike, and Soren shifted their attention to the approaching enemy reinforcements. The battle was far from over, and they needed to remain focused, and ready to overcome any obstacle. The clash of steel and the determination in their eyes marked their unwavering resolve as they prepared to face the next wave of adversaries.

In another part of the village, Merrin and Panette, loyal retainers of Timerra, found themselves separated from their princess. Their determination to reunite with Timerra burned fiercely within them, propelling them forward as they clashed with Curse Directive soldiers who stood in their path.

As the battle raged on, it became evident that time was running short. The relentless onslaught of enemy reinforcements threatened to impede their progress. Panette, her grip firm on her Silver Axe, voiced her concern. "At this rate, we won't be able to reach our boss in time," she remarked, her voice laced with urgency.

Merrin, equally determined, readied her Silver Dagger, her mind racing to find a solution amidst the chaos. "There must be a way to take down these enemies, somehow," she responded, her voice filled with determination.

Just as the situation seemed dire, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. Titania and Mist, two trusted allies, rushed toward Merrin and Panette, their presence bringing a renewed sense of determination. Titania, her horse rearing with power, spoke with conviction. "We are here to help you out," she declared, her voice carrying a sense of reassurance.

Mist, her staff held firmly in her hands, nodded in agreement. "Together, we can overcome this obstacle," she added, her voice filled with determination.

With reinforcements by their side, Merrin and Panette felt a surge of confidence. United in their purpose, they readied themselves to face the remaining Curse Directive enemies. The clash of weapons, the pounding of hooves, and the power of magic-infused the air as they fought as a cohesive unit, inching closer to the moment they would reunite with Timerra.

In the heat of battle, Titania swiftly struck down a Curse Directive Lance Cavalry with her Draconic Poleax, her voice filled with determination as she declared, "In service to the cause!"

Mist, following Titania's lead, unleashed the power of her Elena's Staff, vanquishing one of the enemy mages. Her voice was resolute as she proclaimed, "I'll do my part!"

As the last of the enemy reinforcements fell, Mist turned her attention to her injured companions, Merrin and Panette. With a gentle touch, Mist began to channel the healing magic of her Elena's Staff, mending their wounds and easing their pain.

Grateful for the assistance, Merrin directed her words to Titania and Mist, sincerity evident in her voice. "Thank you both for helping us out," she expressed her gratitude, her gaze shifting to Titania's majestic horse. "And I must say, Titania, your horse is imposing," she added, offering a heartfelt compliment.

Titania's response was filled with a sense of humility. "You're welcome," she replied graciously. Her curiosity piqued, she continued. "I find it interesting that you ride a wolf as a mount. Care to explain?"

Merrin's voice carried a hint of pride as she explained, "I am a Wolf Knight. It is customary for Wolf Knights like me to ride wolves during battle. They are loyal companions and swift on the battlefield."

"I see. Thank you for explaining that to me," Titania replied as she readied her horse. "But, there's another wave of enemies that are going to approach here. We should be ready for them."

As the four companions stood together, their bodies tense and minds focused, they readied themselves for the next wave of Curse Directive enemies approaching their location, with Merrin and Panette determined to reunite with Timerra as soon as possible.

At the same time, Kiran Pathfinder dashed through the chaos of battle, he wielded his powerful Breidablik, aiming at the Curse Directive enemies one by one. Each shot was precise and lethal, eliminating the threats in his path.

Amidst the mayhem, Kiran couldn't help but express his disappointment. "Unfortunately, the group had to split up to deal with the Curse Directive on multiple fronts," he remarked, his voice tinged with regret for the divided efforts.

Suddenly, a voice echoed within Kiran's mind, originating from Baldraz, the spirit residing within the Breidablik. The warning sent a shiver down Kiran's spine. "Ebony is nearby," Baldraz cautioned, his tone filled with concern. "Kiran, be on your guard."

Kiran swiftly turned around, his eyes narrowing as he spotted Ebony, the Shadow Director of the Curse Directive, approaching him. Her cursed body emitted a dark, ominous miasma, a foreboding presence that put Kiran on high alert.

Ebony unleashed a chilling chuckle, her voice laced with a sinister undertone. "Ah, Kiran, my dear," she taunted, relishing in the advantage she believed she held. "It seems I have you right where I want you."

Kiran's grip on the Breidablik tightened, his eyes locked onto Ebony's form. Despite the growing threat, determination burned within him. He knew he had to stand strong, for the fate of the Oasis and his companions depended on his ability to overcome this formidable adversary.

Kiran's voice cut through the tense air with a hint of sarcasm as he addressed Ebony, the Shadow Director of the Curse Directive. "Ah, Ebony. I was wondering when you'd make your grand entrance. You always did have a knack for trying to kill me," he remarked, his tone laced with disdain.

Ebony, her form shrouded in dark miasma, readied her Örmt tome with a sinister smirk, the Curse Directive soldiers materializing beside her in a menacing display of power. "Oh, I'll do more than just kill you, Kiran," she retorted, her voice dripping with malice. "I'll make you suffer an agonizing demise."

As Kiran prepared to face Ebony and her soldiers head-on, the battlefield was suddenly engulfed in a flurry of magic attacks. With a startled glance over his shoulder, Kiran watched as Ivy and Seiðr, allies summoned to his aid, unleashed their formidable powers upon the enemy.

Seiðr, her presence commanding and otherworldly, addressed Kiran with a note of relief. "Kiran Pathfinder!" she declared, her voice resonating with power. "It seems we've arrived just in time!"

Ivy, Elusia's crown princess, offered a nod of acknowledgment to Kiran before turning her attention to Ebony, her gaze unwavering. "I remember you..." she stated firmly, her voice filled with conviction. "From our encounter back at Elusia."

Ebony's mocking laughter echoed across the battlefield, her eyes narrowing with malice as she addressed Ivy, Elusia's crown princess. "How could you forget our last encounter?" she taunted, her voice dripping with venom. "Since you've chosen to side with Kiran, I'll dispose of you as soon as I'm done with him."

With a snap of her fingers, Ebony summoned more Curse Directive enemies to bolster her forces, her command ringing out with chilling authority. "Kill Kiran and his allies," she ordered her soldiers, her voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "Don't let them escape."

Amidst the chaos, Kiran's voice cut through the clamor as he realized the urgency of the situation. "I need to do something," he muttered to himself, his mind racing to find a solution.

Before Ebony could unleash another attack, Kiran sprang into action, his Breidablik blazing with ethereal energy as he intercepted a dark orb hurtling toward them. With a well-aimed shot, he deflected the attack, the magic of the Breidablik crackling with power.

Ebony's expression twisted into a snarl of frustration as her attack was thwarted. "I can't allow you to summon more Heroes," she spat, her voice seething with anger and frustration.

Kiran locked eyes with Ebony, refusing to back down. "Sure, intervene as much as you like," he declared, his voice firm and resolute. "But you'll run out of ways of interfering, Ebony."

Undeterred by Ebony's threats, Kiran, Ivy, and Seiðr stood firm, their resolve unyielding as they prepared to face the oncoming onslaught of Curse Directive soldiers. Despite their best efforts, however, the enemy forces seemed endless, with soldiers respawning to replace those taken down.

Ebony, her dark power surging, continued to unleash bolts of darkness from her Örmt tome, her intent clear as she taunted Kiran. "This is where you will meet your end," she hissed, her voice filled with malicious satisfaction.

Before Kiran could respond, a familiar voice rang out, cutting through the cacophony of battle. "Emblem Engage!" the voice shouted with determination. Kiran and Ebony turned their attention to the source of the voice, their eyes widening in surprise.

To their astonishment, Fjorm and Alear emerged into view, with Alear donning her empowered Engage form, augmented by Emblem Lucina's power.

Fjorm, her voice filled with relief, addressed Kiran. "Kiran," she said. "I'm glad we arrived in time."

With unwavering resolve, Alear charged at Ebony, her movements swift and precise. In a powerful display of strength, she landed a forceful kick that sent Ebony tumbling into the desert sand. Alear turned to Kiran and urged him, "Hurry!" she said to him. "I'll distract Ebony while you summon more Heroes!"

Grateful for the timely assistance, Kiran expressed his gratitude, his voice filled with appreciation. "Alear, Fjorm, Seiðr, and Ivy," he acknowledged, his determination reignited by their presence. "Thank you all for coming to my aid."

Ebony's rage burned bright as she rose to her feet, her eyes locked on Alear, who stood resolute before her. With venomous words, Ebony lashed out, her voice dripping with contempt. "How dare you... How dare you!" she spat, her fury palpable. "A naive woman like you should not dare to intervene with my prey!"

Undeterred by Ebony's taunts, Alear tightened her grip on her Libération, a determined glint in her eyes. Addressing Kiran directly, she vowed, "Kiran... As long as I'm here, no harm will come to you."

With their clash imminent, Alear and Ebony prepared to engage in a fierce battle. Their powers clashed, each determined to overpower the other in this critical moment.

Meanwhile, within the depths of the Breidablik, Baldraz's voice resonated, reaching Kiran's ears. "Due to the intensity of the battle," Baldraz informed him, his tone filled with urgency. "It seems that Ivy and Seiðr are ready to be summoned as Heroes."

Realizing the opportunity at hand, Kiran swiftly loaded two Golden Summon Orbs onto his Breidablik. With determination fueling his every step, he began to run towards Ivy and Seiðr, his mind focused on bringing forth their aid.

Understanding Kiran's intentions, Fjorm, ever loyal and quick-witted Princess of Nifl, ran alongside him. She recognized the need for a distraction and offered a plan. "Kiran, I can distract the enemy forces for a time," she proposed, her voice filled with conviction. "I know that look in your eyes, Kiran. It's the same look when you attempt to summon Heroes."

Kiran acknowledged Fjorm's plan, his gratitude evident in his response. "That's a good idea, Fjorm," he agreed, appreciating her selflessness.

With Fjorm's resolve to draw the enemy's attention, Kiran pressed forward, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As Kiran and Fjorm regrouped with Ivy and Seiðr amidst the chaos of battle, Fjorm wasted no time in launching a fierce assault against the encroaching Curse Directive soldiers, her Leiptr gleaming with divine power as she fought with determination.

Meanwhile, Ivy's voice cut through the din of battle as she turned to Kiran with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "I didn't expect to see you on the front lines," she remarked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Kiran offered a wry smile in response to Ivy's query, his gaze focused on the unfolding battle ahead. "Alear is keeping Ebony occupied for now," he explained, his voice tinged with determination. "I couldn't just stand by and watch."

"I see..." Ivy said as she nodded at Kiran, reining her wyvern in the process.

"Ivy, do you remember what I said to you a few nights ago," Kiran asked, searching for confirmation. "When we were retreating from Destinea Cathedral?"

Ivy nodded, a flicker of realization crossing her face. "Yes," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of determination and hope. "I remember... I wanted to be summoned as a Hero by you, Kiran."

Drawing the Breidablik from his side, Kiran turned to Ivy with a determined expression. "And now, it's time for that to happen. I hope I didn't keep you waiting," he declared, his voice filled with conviction. Gesturing towards Seiðr, he added. "And Ivy, you're not the only one."

Seiðr, honored by the opportunity, spoke up with a voice filled with gratitude. "I would be honored to be summoned as a Hero under your guidance, Kiran," she expressed, her loyalty unwavering.

During the raging battle, Alear continued her fierce duel against Ebony, while Fjorm skillfully diverted the attention of the Curse Directive soldiers. Meanwhile, Kiran, determined and focused, aimed the Breidablik directly at Ivy and Seiðr, preparing to summon them as Heroes.

With a steady hand, Kiran fired two Golden Summon Orbs, which struck Ivy and Seiðr with a radiant glow. As their bodies shimmered with the golden light, Kiran chanted with conviction, "Gathering stars to call upon the Elusian Princess and the Goddess of Vanaheimr! Become the path its light shines upon!"

The brightness intensified, engulfing Ivy and Seiðr as Kiran completed his incantation. "Hero Summon! I induct you as Heroes, Ivy, the Snow Queen, and Seiðr, Goddess of Hope!" he proclaimed, his voice echoing with power.

Suddenly, two pillars of light appeared where Ivy and Seiðr stood, signifying that the summoning process that would make them into Heroes was successful. The two pillars of light also destroyed the Curse Directive battalion that Ivy and Seiðr were holding off in order to defend Kiran.

As the summoning process was completed, Ivy's eyes fluttered open, and she took a moment to collect herself before addressing Kiran. With regal poise, she introduced herself as the crown princess of Elusia, her voice steady and filled with determination. "I am Ivy, the Snow Queen, here to answer your call and fulfill my duty as a Hero," she declared, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Seiðr followed suit, her voice carrying a serene confidence. She introduced herself as a Vanir Goddess from Vanaheimr, her commitment evident in her words. "I am Seiðr, the Vanir Goddess of Hope," she pledged, her presence radiating a sense of reassurance. "I will do everything within my power to aid you, Kiran."

With the addition of Ivy, the Snow Queen, and Seiðr, the Goddess of Hope, the allies stood united, their determination unwavering. The battlefield trembled with anticipation, as the newly summoned Heroes prepared to unleash their unique abilities and join the fight against the encroaching darkness.
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Chapter 19, Part 5
As the intense battle between Alear and Ebony rages on, the clash of their weapons reverberates through the air. Sweat drips down their faces as they exchange blows, their movements swift and calculated. However, their fight is momentarily interrupted by two pillars of dazzling light piercing through the night sky's darkness.

Ebony grits her teeth, her eyes fixed on the pillars of light. "I... I was too late," she mutters, with a hint of frustration. "Kiran has summoned his Heroes!"

A small smile curls on Alear's lips as she glances at the spectacle above them. "That's right, Ebony," she says, her voice filled with relief and admiration. "You may be too late, but I'm glad Kiran has succeeded in summoning more Heroes."

Ebony's glare intensifies as she snaps her fingers, summoning a horde of Curse Directive soldiers to her side. With a determined expression, she turns to Alear. "Kill the Divine One! Make that naive woman pay for that slight!" she commands, pointing at Alear, her voice laced with venom. "I'll take care of Kiran myself."

As Ebony storms off, leaving Alear to face the overwhelming number of Curse Directive soldiers, Emblem Lucina, who has been silently watching the chaos unfold, speaks up from the Ring of the Princess Exalt. Her voice carries a sense of urgency. "Alear, should we give chase?" she asks, concern etched on her face.

Alear shakes her head, her eyes still locked on the rapidly disappearing figure of Ebony. "No, Emblem Lucina. I have full confidence in Kiran," she replies, her voice steady and relentless. "He has summoned Heroes to aid him. I'll hold the Curse Directive battalion here."

With unwavering determination, Alear turns her attention to the approaching soldiers, prepared to face them head-on. She knows Kiran's success in summoning the Heroes will provide the backup they need to overcome this daunting challenge. With her heart filled with trust and hope, she readies herself for the battle that lies ahead.

During the chaos unfolding around them, Ivy and Seiðr find themselves in a state of awe at the realization that Kiran has successfully summoned them as Heroes. Ivy's voice quivers with excitement as she speaks, her eyes wide with wonder. "This... This feels incredible," she said as she examined herself. "I can't believe I'm a Hero now."

As Ivy gazes at the Thunder tome in her hands, a sudden transformation takes place. The tome, once colored in bright yellow, now shimmered with a soothing blue hue, adorned with delicate flowers and tied with a purple ribbon. Ivy's curiosity piqued, she carefully inspected her new tome, her fingertips gently grazing its enchanting surface.

"My tome transformed... It feels as though Hortensia gave this to me," Ivy wondered aloud, her voice filled with both curiosity and anticipation. "What kind of tome is this?"

From within the mystical Breidablik, Baldraz's voice resonates, addressing both Kiran and the newly summoned Heroes. "Seiðr, you have been summoned as a Mythic Hero," he says, his voice carrying a sense of solemnity. "Your overall strength has been enhanced, and have a unique skill."

"Oh, that is good to hear," Seiðr replied as she gripped her staff tightly. "I wonder what is my unique ability?"

Kiran scans Seiðr with the Breidablik. "Seiðr, it seems that your unique skill is called Future-Focused," he explained. "'Future-Focused' refers to your precognitive abilities. It means that you have a limited way to change the futures of opponents."

"I see," Seiðr nodded as she listened to Kiran's explanation. "Sometimes, I do have these visions of the imminent events that happen shortly, like in the battle earlier today."

The Breidablik glowed white as Baldraz addressed Ivy. "On the other hand," Baldraz speaks to her. "Ivy, you have been summoned as an Attuned Hero, the first of your kind."

Ivy's ears perk up at Baldraz's words, and she turns her attention to the Breidablik. "Attuned Hero? What does that mean?" she asks, her voice tinged with genuine curiosity.

Kiran, sharing Ivy's confusion, spoke up, seeking answers. "I'm wondering the same thing. Baldraz," he said. "Could you enlighten us about what exactly an Attuned Hero is?"

Seiðr, always inquisitive, adds her voice to the conversation. "I am also curious. Please shed some light on this matter," she requests, her tone filled with genuine curiosity and eagerness to understand their newfound roles as Heroes.

Baldraz's voice resonates from within Kiran's Breidablik, providing the much-awaited explanation to Kiran, Ivy, and Seiðr about the nature of an Attuned Hero. "An Attuned Hero possesses a unique skill called the 'Echo Skill'," Baldraz begins, his tone filled with a sense of wisdom. "Similar to how a Rearmed Hero can share their Arcane Weapon with another Hero, an Attuned Hero can teach their Echo Skill to another Hero."

As Baldraz's words sink in, Kiran's gaze shifts towards Ivy, his eyes flickering with anticipation. He raises the Breidablik and scans Ivy, his voice filled with excitement. "Ivy, you possess not just one, but two unique skills," he reveals, a hint of pride evident in his voice. "The first is 'Obsession,' which allows you to perform follow-up attacks regardless of your speed in comparison to your opponent."

Ivy's eyes widened with delight as she absorbed this newfound knowledge. "That sounds incredibly useful," she remarked, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Kiran continues, his voice carrying an air of anticipation. "And the second skill is your Echo Skill called 'Soaring Echo'," he explained, with a spark of excitement in his voice. "With Soaring Echo, Infantry and Flying allies can swiftly move to your position, utilizing your strategic positioning to their advantage."

A smile of satisfaction tugged at Ivy's lips as she took in the magnitude of her new skills. "I admit, these skills will come in handy," she responded, her voice laced with a sense of gratitude.

Remembering that her tome transformed, Ivy eagerly presented her newly transformed tome to Kiran, her eyes shining with curiosity. "And Kiran, do you know what kind of tome this is?" she asks, her voice filled with curiosity. "My Thunder tome transformed into this when I was summoned as a Hero."

Kiran raised the Breidablik once again, his eyes scanning the intricate details of the Icebound Tome. A smile formed across his face as he uncovered its secrets. "Ivy, this is the Icebound Tome," he revealed, his voice filled with admiration. "It possesses two unique effects, depending on whether or not you are with a support partner."

Ivy's eyes widened with intrigue. "I see," she urged, her voice tinged with excitement. "Tell me more."

Kiran's gaze met with Ivy's, his expression focused. "If you are deployed with a support partner, the Icebound Tome allows you to move swiftly to your support partner's position," he explained, his voice carrying a note of clarity. "This enables you to maintain a strong bond and strategic positioning with them on the battlefield."

Ivy nodded at Kiran, absorbing the information. "That could be incredibly useful," she remarked, her voice calm yet filled with appreciation.

Curiosity still burning within her, Ivy pressed on, her gaze locked onto Kiran. "And what are the effects of the Icebound Tome if I don't have a support partner?" she inquired, her voice steady.

Kiran met Ivy's gaze, his voice filled with certainty. "If you find yourself without a support partner, the Icebound Tome grants you the ability to swiftly traverse the battlefield," he responded, his words carrying a sense of empowerment. "You will be able to move quickly, adapting to the ever-changing demands of the fight."

A serene smile graced Ivy's lips as she took in the magnitude of her newfound powers. "I can't believe the incredible abilities I have gained since being summoned as a Hero," she said, her voice filled with a sense of awe.

As Ivy marveled at her newfound abilities as a Hero, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, their attention abruptly diverted as Ebony charged towards them with malicious intent.

"So, you've managed to summon your Heroes," Ebony sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. "But this is where it all ends for you."

With a flourish, Ebony's cursed form emitted a powerful miasma, enveloping her in a dark aura as she summoned yet another battalion of Curse Directive soldiers with a snap of her fingers. Kiran's expression remained resolute as he shook his head in response to Ebony's taunts.

"You can be as reckless as you like, Ebony," Kiran retorted, his voice steady despite the looming threat. "But remember, you're only here because of that cursed body."

Ignoring Kiran's words, Ebony remained focused on her goal, issuing orders to her soldiers with a chilling calmness. "Kill Kiran and his Heroes," she commanded, her voice carrying a dangerous edge. "Show no mercy."

With Ebony and her Curse Directive soldiers closing in, Kiran, Ivy, and Seiðr braced themselves for the impending confrontation, knowing that they would need to rely on their newfound abilities and camaraderie to overcome the formidable threat before them.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Seiðr's voice cut through the clamor, her tone filled with insight and concern. "Kiran," she remarked, her eyes narrowed in concentration. "I can sense dark energies emanating from Ebony's body. Those dark energies are surely going to damage her mortal soul."

Within the confines of the Breidablik, Baldraz's voice echoed with knowledge and understanding as he addressed Kiran, his words laden with urgency. "Ebony's cursed body not only serves as a vessel for her presence in Elyos," he explained, his tone tinged with gravity, "But, it also renders her susceptible to negative emotions such as anger and hate."

Listening intently to Baldraz's words, Kiran's expression hardened with determination as he continued to trade blows with Ebony, his mind racing with the implications of the revelation.

"So, Ebony is willing to endure the consequences of using a cursed body," Kiran observed, his voice tinged with a mix of apprehension and resolve, "Even if it means she will succumb to heightened aggression and animosity towards us. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage."

As the battle raged on, Kiran and his allies remained vigilant, their resolve unwavering in the face of Ebony's relentless onslaught.

Just as tension reached its peak, Kiran's sharp ears caught the sound of approaching footsteps. He turned around, a mix of relief and determination flooding his eyes as he saw Alear, Fjorm, Alfred, Diamant, Fogado, Timerra, and their retainers joining the fray. A sense of defiance washed over Kiran, knowing that he was not alone in this fight.

"We cleared the enemies on our end," Alear said as she readied her Liberation while still Engaged with Emblem Lucina. "We can now help out here!"

Ebony, her fury evident, gritted her teeth in anger. Through clenched teeth, she reluctantly admits, "How dare you rout my forces!"

Timerra, not one to hold back, stepped forward and addressed Ebony with a hint of disdain in her voice. "To be fair, your army was the one who attacked first," she said as she pointed at Ebony. "If you're asking me, you're only making a fool of yourself."

Ebony's anger reached its boiling point, and a purple miasma surrounded her and her Curse Directive soldiers, amplifying their dark powers. The air crackled with malevolence, heightening the stakes of the battle.

Seiðr, ever perceptive, spoke urgently to Kiran. "We must defeat Ebony swiftly," she insisted, her voice filled with urgency. "If we do not, there won't be an Oasis left to save."

Kiran nodded, sharing Seiðr's concern. With determination etched on his face, he addressed everyone in the group. "This is it, everyone. It's now or never," he declared, rallying their spirits.

With their hearts united, Alear, Kiran, and their courageous allies clashed against Ebony and her Curse Directive soldiers. Everyone clashed against the miasma-empowered Curse Directive soldiers, hoping to put a stop to the enemies before it was too late.

Amidst the chaotic clash of magic and steel, Kiran and Ebony engaged in a fierce exchange of attacks, their movements a blur of motion as they battled for supremacy. Ebony hurled dark orbs from her Örmt tome with ferocious intensity, while Kiran countered each assault with precise blasts from the Breidablik, the clash of their powers echoing across the battlefield.

"Why won't you die?!" Ebony's voice rang out, seething with frustration and anger.

Kiran met her gaze unwaveringly, his expression calm and determined. "Many have tried to end me," he replied evenly, his voice tinged with resolve, "But, I have my Heroes to stand by me when I need them most."

Ebony's rage only seemed to intensify, her cursed form pulsating with malevolent energy as she railed against her adversary. "I will not be stopped," she declared vehemently, her voice echoing with fury. "Not by you, or your so-called Heroes, or anyone! I will see you dead, even if it means destroying the Nine Realms around me!"

Kiran, maintaining his calm demeanor, calmly countered Ebony's declaration. "You can try, Ebony," he stated, his voice steady. "But those words are nothing more than delusions. You're only fooling yourself."

As Ebony attempted to unleash her dark magic upon Kiran, she found herself paralyzed, unable to move her own body. Panic flashed in her eyes as she struggled against the invisible force holding her in place.

"How?!" Ebony exclaimed, her voice tinged with desperation. "I... I can't move!"

Her gaze shifted, and she saw Seiðr emanating a radiant teal and gold glow, her presence suffusing the battlefield with an otherworldly aura. Realization dawned upon Ebony as she understood that it was Seiðr's power that had rendered her immobile.

Kiran acknowledged Seiðr's intervention with gratitude, his voice laced with appreciation. "Thank you, Seiðr," he said, his tone sincere. "Your 'Future-Focused' ability came in handy."

Seiðr offered a nod in response to Kiran's thanks, her expression serene. "Kiran Pathfinder," she replied simply. "I appreciate the thanks. Your words keep me going."

Turning her attention back to Ebony, Seiðr's voice carried a weight of solemnity as she delivered a chilling prophecy. "Ebony, I can see your future," she spoke, her words carrying a foreboding certainty. "And sadly, your future is not a bright one."

Kiran seized upon the opportunity presented by Seiðr's intervention. "Ivy, now's your chance," he said. "Deliver the finishing blow."

Ivy, positioned nearby, heeded Kiran's command without hesitation, her resolve unwavering. "I'll make this quick," she declared, determination evident in her voice as she prepared to bring an end to Ebony's reign of darkness. With a determined nod, she urged her wyvern forward, ready to execute Kiran's directive.

As Ivy closed in on her wyvern, Ebony remained immobilized under the influence of Seiðr's formidable abilities. Despite her predicament, Ebony attempted to dissuade Ivy from advancing any further, her voice strained with defiance.

"Don't come any closer!" Ebony warned, her tone tinged with desperation.

Unperturbed by Ebony's threats, Ivy pressed on, her determination unwavering. With a flick of her Icebound Tome, she dismissed Ebony's words with a calm resolve.

"Loathsome..." Ivy retorted, her voice ringing out with certainty. "Ebony, you have the misfortune of meeting me on this battlefield."

Ebony's eyes widened in recognition as Ivy's words echoed the taunt she had once directed at her during their initial confrontation. Before Ebony could react, Ivy summoned forth the power of her Icebound Tome, conjuring shards of ice that shimmered with an otherworldly glow.

With a deft motion, Ivy conjured multiple chunks of ice, their icy glimmer reflecting her unwavering determination. With a fierce cry, she hurled them toward Ebony, each chunk hurtling through the air with deadly precision.

"Bear witness!" Ivy declared, her voice ringing out with conviction.

Ebony, trapped and unable to defend herself, could only close her eyes in frustration as the ice chunks found their mark. The cursed body that once fueled her power was now shattered, dispelled by the relentless assault of ice. The battle for the Oasis reached its conclusion as Ebony's resistance crumbled beneath the weight of Ivy's icy onslaught. With the destruction of Ebony's cursed body, the remaining Curse Directive soldiers collapsed into formless masses of miasma before dissipating into the ground.

As the battle in the Oasis concluded, Alear let out a relieved sigh as she felt the transformation back to her normal form. Kiran and Fjorm, concern etched on their faces, approached her.

"Are you alright, Alear?" Kiran asked, his voice laced with worry.

"I agree with Kiran," Fjorm said to Alear. "You do look rather exhausted."

Alear nodded, her expression softening. "Kiran, Princess Fjorm... I'm fine, but thank you both for showing concern to me," she reassured him before turning her attention to Kiran's recent summons. "By the way, Kiran, which Heroes did you summon tonight, besides Ike and his companions?"

Ivy and Seiðr stepped forward, confirming Alear's query. "Seiðr and I have been summoned as Heroes by Kiran," Ivy announced with a sense of pride in her voice.

Seiðr nodded in agreement. "What Ivy said is true," she confirmed, her tone steady and resolute. "Ivy and I had been summoned as Heroes by Kiran this very night."

Alear smiled warmly at Ivy, her eyes shining with genuine happiness. "Congratulations you two," she said, her voice filled with sincerity as she turned her attention to Ivy. "And Ivy, you've become a Hero, just as you wished for a few nights ago."

Ivy's face lit up with a smile. "Thank you, Divine One," she expressed, her gratitude evident in her words. "Your words mean a lot to me."

As Ivy finished speaking to Alear, Timerra, and Fogado joined the group, their presence cutting through the post-battle tension.

"Well, that takes care of that," Timerra remarked, her voice carrying a note of satisfaction. She turned to Alear and Kiran, her eyes reflecting admiration. "I'd say, I'm impressed by how both of you performed in battle, but do you think that Ebony girl will return?"

Kiran, taken aback by the compliment, responded. "Sadly, Ebony will return because she was using a cursed body," he said. "Not even I know where she and her Curse Directive soldiers are hiding, sorry."

Timerra nodded with a mischievous glint in her eyes at Alear and Kiran. "That's okay, Kiran," she teased, her voice tinged with excitement. "Anyway, I'm so impressed that I'm going to let you two in on a little secret."

Alear, intrigued by the prospect of a secret, spoke up. "What secret is that Timerra?" she inquired, her curiosity evident in her tone.

Timerra smiled and winked at Alear and Kiran before revealing, "Fogado, our Mom, and I have known all along that the Fell Dragon Sombron has returned. We also know who you are, Kiran, and that you're from another world altogether."

A hush fell over the group as Alear and Kiran processed this revelation, their expressions a mix of surprise and contemplation.

Alear, her curiosity piqued, turned to Timerra. "How did you already know?" she inquired, her voice laced with genuine interest.

Timerra met Alear's gaze, her expression composed. "We have eyes and ears everywhere," she explained, her gaze steady. "You know, spies and scouts scattered throughout Elyos gather information on various matters."

Fogado stepped forward, adding to Timerra's explanation. "Our spies have gathered information not only on you, Divine One," he elaborated to Alear, his tone carrying a hint of solemnity. "But also on Kiran's arrival, his ability to summon Heroes, and the fact that he's from a world different from Elyos."

Kiran, nodding in understanding, reflected on his conversation with Fogado and Queen Seforia earlier that day. "I think I get it," he realized, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. "That's why you and Queen Seforia were able to remain composed during our conversation."

Fogado, his expression troubled, turned to Alear and Kiran. "And sorry..." he confessed, his voice tinged with regret as he put his right hand on his head. "Our meeting back in the Tullah Desert wasn't by chance."

Kiran spoke to Fogado, intrigued by his explanation. "I see," he said. "Could you please explain?"

Fogado turned his attention to Kiran as he began explaining. "As the captain of the Sentinels, my job was to watch out for the Corrupted near the Elusian border," he explained. "If someone showed up in Solm and claimed to be the Divine Dragon or the Summoner, I'd size them up and bring them to the palace."

Alear, processing Fogado's words, spoke up. "That's why you hid the fact that you're a prince," she asked, seeking clarification. "Did you do that to determine if our intentions are genuine?"

Fogado's smile was warm and genuine as he nodded in confirmation. "Exactly," he affirmed, his gaze meeting Alear's with unwavering sincerity. "And that's why the two of you passed with flying colors."

A smile formed on Kiran's face as he heard what Fogado said. "I'm glad Alear and I passed your test," he remarked. "To think that you'd hide your intentions in your sleeves..."

Fogado's smile held a hint of pride as he explained, "Spot on," he smirked. "Anyway, when Fell Dragon Sombron returned, the Queendom of Solm had to take measures to protect itself."

Timerra, her gaze steady, added to Fogado's account. "Through our spies, we learned early on that Elusia brought back Fell Dragon Sombron," she explained, her tone carrying a sense of urgency. "But, I knew that Solm wouldn't stand a chance without the Emblem Rings."

Alear, sharing Timerra's urgency, interjected. "Hmm, I see," she said to Timerra. "That's why you're so eager to have me activate the Ring of the Radiant Hero earlier."

Timerra nodded in agreement. "Because of that, Solm's only option was on defense," she elaborated, her voice tinged with resolve. "That's why I had Mom stay in the palace backed up with the royal guards while the Sentinels were sent out to fight any enemy that threatens the Queendom," she concluded, her words carrying the weight of responsibility.

Kiran, impressed by the extensive measures taken by Fogado and Timerra, acknowledged, "You two certainly have taken a lot of measures to ensure the safety within the Queendom of Solm."

Timerra, holding up the Ring of the Radiant Hero, nodded in agreement with a determined glint in her eyes. "You know, I used to be a Sentinel myself," she revealed, her voice reflecting her unwavering dedication to the task. "That's why I also wander around Solm to keep Solm's Emblem Ring safe."

Alear, considering the situation, voiced her thoughts. "Have you considered asking another country for help?" she inquired, her concern evident in her tone.

Timerra shook her head, a look of determination on her face. "Nope, it's because Solm would be obliged to help that nation, and our forces are already stretched too thin," she explained, her words carrying a sense of practicality and resolve.

Continuing, Timerra expressed her firm stance to Alear and Kiran. "You know, I have a saying - You scratch your own back, we'll scratch ours, thank you very much," she declared as she bowed to Alear and Kiran, emphasizing the Queendom's self-reliance and determination to protect its interests. "But, I'm sorry that I misled the two of you, but we did that to protect the queendom."

Alear, understanding the necessity of protecting their nation, nodded in agreement. "I understand why you have to take measures to protect your nation," she affirmed, her voice reflecting empathy. "It's kind of admirable for your nation to go such lengths.'

Timerra, feeling the weight of the night's events, let out a tired yawn. "Yep," she admitted as she yawned, her weariness evident in her voice. "You know, I'm rather tired after tonight's battle. Why not we camp up in the Oasis for the night?"

Alear, welcoming the idea, replied, "That's not a bad idea."

Fogado stretched his arms, his fatigue becoming more apparent as the adrenaline from the battle began to wane. "I second that," he chimed in, his tone laced with exhaustion. "I could certainly use some rest after tonight's events."

Kiran, mindful of his responsibilities, spoke up, "I still need to write a battle report and have Ike, Soren, Mist, and Titania bring it back to the Kingdom of Askr," he said. "I've got a lot to write to cover the events that happened tonight."

Timerra stifled a yawn, her fatigue catching up with her as well. "Agreed," she said with a nod, her voice softening with weariness. "Let's make camp here for the night and regroup in the morning."

With their plans settled, the group made their way to the Oasis, seeking a well-deserved rest after their intense battle with Ebony and her Curse Directive. The night embraced them, providing a temporary respite from the trials they faced, as they settled in for a much-needed rest.

Meanwhile, Zephia, one of the Four Hounds loyal to Fell Dragon Sombron and Evil Veyle, stood atop one of the dunes, her keen eyes observing the aftermath of the intense battle between Alear and Kiran's army and the Curse Directive.

With a sardonic chuckle, Zephia mused, "It's amusing that two bandits managed to take control over a battalion of Corrupted. Too bad they were both slain by that woman named Ebony and her Curse Directive soldiers."

As the group settled in the Oasis for the night, Zephia's wyvern landed near her, prompting her to sigh with a mix of disdain and determination. "I've seen enough," she remarked to herself. "I must report this back to Lady Veyle."

Mounting her wyvern, Zephia took to the skies, her figure silhouetted against the moonlit night as she rode back to Destinea Cathedral to deliver her report to Evil Veyle. The weight of her observations and the implications of the battle hung heavy in the air as she disappeared into the night, her mission clear and her loyalty unwavering.

And there you have it! This is the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

To all the people who offered advice in brainstorming this story, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

And here are two Stingers this time...

Back at the Curse Directive encampment situated between the Kingdoms of Nifl and Muspell, Ebony stirred from her bed, her body convulsing as she expelled black fluid, a visceral manifestation of the destruction she had felt back in Elyos. As the cursed remnants left her, she gathered herself, preparing to face the new day.

Noticing Ebony's distress, Shade, ever vigilant, approached her tent with concern etched on his features. "Shadow Director," he inquired, his voice filled with genuine worry. "Are you alright?"

Managing a weak but determined smile, Ebony assured him, "Shade, I'll be fine after a drink of water."

Understanding the urgency in her tone, Shade hurried to fetch a cup of water for Ebony, knowing that her resilience would see her through. As he handed her the cup, Ebony, fortified by the water, turned her attention to Shade.

"Shadow Director," Shade asked Ebony. "How did it go?"

"Well, it went as I expected it to," Ebony answered. "But, I did get enough combat data from that battle in the Oasis, but I shouldn't use the black jewels in a while."

"I see," Shade nodded at Ebony. "Care to elaborate?"

"During that battle, I realized that using a cursed body amplifies negative emotions, which is why I feel sore after using a black jewel," Ebony declared, her eyes alight with ambition. "By the way, where is Ginnungagap?"

"Shadow Director, Ginnungagap has returned to the Realm of Nothingness," Shade replied. "According to her, she cannot stay in the mortal realm for too long, lest her powers will dampened."

"I see. I suppose Ginnungagap will return when she feels like it," Ebony said as she drank more water from her cup. "Anyway, it's time to proceed to the next phase of our plan."

"Shadow Director," Shade asked Ebony, seeking clarity, "What is the next phase of the plan?"

A sly smirk graced Ebony's lips as she revealed, "You must go to the Realm of Niðavellir and steal various items from Eitri's workshop, from her research papers to how their Gullinburstis are made."

Bowing respectfully, Shade pledged his loyalty, "I will do as you command, Shadow Director Ebony."

With their roles defined, Ebony and Shade set their sights on the next stage of their malevolent machinations, each resolved to play their part in the unfolding scheme.

In the depths of Destinea Cathedral, Zephia presented her detailed report to Evil Veyle, who perused the contents with a calculated gaze.

After reading the report, Evil Veyle's lips curled into a chilling smirk as she mused, "The Divine One and Kiran's army have proven more formidable than I anticipated. I must hasten Lord Sombron's plans."

Intrigued by Evil Veyle's statement, Zephia couldn't help but inquire, "What do you mean by that?"

Evil Veyle's smirk deepened as Zephia asked that question. "Come, Zephia," she said. "Follow me to one of the chambers. I want to show something to you."

Leading the way, Evil Veyle guided Zephia to a deep chamber hidden within the confines of the cathedral. As the heavy chamber doors creaked open, Zephia's eyes widened in astonishment at the sight before her.

Suspended in midair, in a state of stasis, was none other than Hortensia, Elusia's second princess. The significance of this discovery sent shivers down Zephia's spine as she realized the implications of Evil Veyle's accelerated plans.

Zephia's eyes widened in astonishment as she beheld the sight before her. "Hortensia..." she breathed, her voice barely a whisper. "She's the second princess of the Kingdom of Elusia..."

Evil Veyle, her voice cold and calculating, explained to Zephia, "While you were in Solm," she said. "I had Griss and Marni track down Hortensia, separate her from her retainers, and kidnap her."

Intrigued and somewhat apprehensive, Zephia inquired, "Then, what is your next step, Lady Veyle?"

A cruel smirk played on Evil Veyle's lips as she divulged her sinister plans to Zephia. "I need your help to brainwash Hortensia using the tainted Emblem Ring in her possession."

Zephia's brow furrowed in confusion. "But, why brainwash her?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "Why not eliminate her and be done with it?"

A predatory grin spread across Evil Veyle's lips as she regarded Zephia with a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Because a puppet like her is far more useful to us than a corpse," she explained, her tone dripping with malice. "With Hortensia under our control, we can manipulate her every move, using her as a pawn in our conquest of Solm. And even if the Divine One and Kiran remove her Emblem Ring, she will... expire to the magic that we'll cast on her. Do you understand?"

"Now, I understand, my lady," Zephia nodded as she replied to Evil Veyle. "How devious of you..."

And so, of them focused their dark energies on Hortensia's tainted Ring of the Instructor, channeling their malevolent intentions to bend the princess's will to their own. The air crackled with dark power as Hortensia screamed in agony and pain while they initiated the twisted process of brainwashing the unsuspecting princess.

In the next chapter:

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 20: The Little Charmer's Liberation

See you fellas next time!
Chapter 20, Part 1
Welcome to the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

The Fire Emblem franchise belongs to Intelligent Systems. I only write this crossover for the readers' fun, entertainment, and enjoyment.

Now, let us begin this chapter...

In the courtyard within the Kingdom of Askr, Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna were engrossed in the report that Kiran had sent to them via Ike, Soren, Mist, and Titania.

"According to Kiran's recent report," Alfonse spoke as he read through the report. "Ebony has become more brazen recently."

"That's true," Commander Anna acknowledged. "Kiran has even written the effects of the black jewels that Ebony has been using, and I can't believe she would risk her life by using those items."

"Commander, people like Ebony tend to use any risk to maximize their chances," Alfonse replied as he read the report carefully. "This is one of the reasons why Ebony and her Curse Directive is a long-term threat to Askr's... no, Midgard's safety."

"But, on the flip side," Sharena cheerfully interjected. "Kiran has also summoned Ivy as a new type of hero, an Attuned Hero!"

"Well, to be fair," Commander Anna admitted after reading what an Attuned Hero was in the report. "There are still a lot of things that we don't know about the Breidablik. First, it was the Ascended Heroes, then the Rearmed Heroes, and now, Attuned Heroes..."

"If that's the case," Sharena remarked. "What if Kiran manages to summon Emblems as Heroes?"

"Hmm... I doubt it, at least for now," Commander Anna answered as she let out a shrug. "Then again, what are the odds of Kiran summoning an Emblem as a Hero?"

As the trio continued reading the report, the sound of mechanical footsteps caught their attention. Alfonse looked around and spotted Reginn, the dvergr princess of Niðavellir, approaching them on her Gullinbursti, a magnificent mechanical boar-shaped steed that served as her mount and armor. As Reginn approached the trio, Sharena's welcoming wave drew a warm smile from her lips.

"Princess Reginn!" Sharena remarked with a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "It's been a while since you last visited Askr!"

Reginn nodded, stepping down from her Gullinbursti. "Yeah. I've been quite occupied back at Niðavellir," she replied, her tone carrying a hint of weariness.

Alfonse, ever vigilant, narrowed his eyes as he observed Reginn. "Has something happened in the Realm of Niðavellir?" he inquired, his voice tinged with concern.

Reginn met Alfonse's gaze squarely. "Curse Directive soldiers were spotted in Niðavellir," she explained. "Thankfully, we managed to drive them off with the battalion of Gullinbursti under my command."

Alfonse's expression tightened, the weight of the news settling upon him. Sharena's eyes widened in alarm, her concern mirroring her brother's.

Commander Anna, always quick to grasp the gravity of the situation, interjected, her tone businesslike. "What were the Curse Directive soldiers after in Niðavellir?" she questioned, her gaze piercing.

Reginn paused, contemplating her response before speaking again. "Um, I have a hunch," she began slowly, "That they may be after Eitri's old blueprints and research notes. That's why I came here to enlist your help."

The revelation hung heavy in the air, the implications sinking in for Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna alike. They knew that if the Curse Directive obtained such valuable information, it could spell disaster for not just Niðavellir, but for all the Nine Realms of Zenith.

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 20: The Little Charmer's Liberation

Meanwhile, back in the Aether Resort's Dining Hall, Male Alear and Veyle sat contentedly alongside Ash and Askr, their plates now empty save for lingering traces of their meal. Askr, accompanied by his retainer, Ash, glanced over at Veyle, a flush of amusement lighting his eyes.

"Veyle," Askr said as he saw Veyle happily scarfing down her third bowl of curry. "That's your third helping of curry in a row."

Veyle's cheeks colored with embarrassment, and she let out an awkward laugh. "Oh, I... I'm sorry," she admitted, her voice trailing off. "I just really, really like spicy food."

Ash, her expression a mix of concern and amusement, leaned forward. "Miss Veyle, you had nothing but spicy food for lunch," she pointed out gently, her eyes flickering with worry. "I am genuinely worried if you have tried any other food in the Dining Hall..."

Male Alear, observing Veyle's determination to consume yet another serving of curry, interjected, "I'll have to convince you to try out other foods, Veyle," he teased, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Just as the conversation settled, the attention of the group was drawn to the approaching figures of the alternate versions of Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna, adorned in elegant New Year kimonos, making their way toward the table.

As New Year's Alfonse approached Askr in the Dining Hall, he spoke with a serious tone.

"Lord Askr," New Year's Alfonse spoke. "Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna have departed for the Realm of Niðavellir with Princess Reginn."

"I see," Askr nodded in acknowledgment, expressing his gratitude. "Thank you for informing me."

"Until those three return back to the Kingdom of Askr," Wealth Wisher Anna added. "The three of us will act as substitute leaders for the Order of Heroes."

"So, don't worry, everyone!" New Year's Sharena interjected. "We'll keep the castle running, though not exactly as our local versions, but close enough!"

After the departure of the New Year's versions of Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna, Askr turned to Male Alear and Veyle, inquiring.

"By the way," Askr said to Male Alear and Veyle. "Have you had the chance to meet Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna?"

"Yes," Male Alear replied. "We met them during our orientation."

"The three of them were very nice," Veyle said as she remembered her orientation in the Order of Heroes. "They were all patient with their explanations, and the two of us even spent some time with Sharena before we had our lunch here."

"I see," Askr smiled and explained. "That's good to hear."

"Um, about the versions of Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna that came by here," Veyle asked Askr. "Are they from a different world? And why they're dressed like that"

"Oh, those three? Their New Year's versions are indeed from another version of Zenith. They were summoned by Kiran some time ago," Askr explained. "They act as substitutes when the original trio is away or summoned by Kiran. They're more or less good at handling daily tasks as much as their original counterparts."

"So, whatever worries you two may have on the New Year's versions of Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna are misplaced," Ash added with a note of assurance in her voice. "I can state with utmost confidence that Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna will be alright as they travel in Niðavellir."

With reassurances exchanged, the group settled back into the comfort of the Dining Hall, their thoughts drifting to the safety and success of Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna on their journey to the Realm of Niðavellir.

In the ethereal realm of Alfheimr, also known as the Realm of Dreams, Kiran stirred from his slumber, finding himself surrounded by the otherworldly beauty of this realm. As he stretched and yawned, a gentle fluttering of wings caught his attention, and he turned to see Peony, the Alfr of Sweet Dreams, gliding gracefully towards him.

"Hello there, Kiran!" Peony greeted Kiran with a warm smile, her voice as soothing as a lullaby. "I'm glad you visited the Realm of Dreams! It's been a while since you last visited!"

"Um... Nice to see you again, Peony," Kiran explained, his voice carrying a sense of wonder at the dreamlike nature of their encounter. "Hmm... It seems I woke up here after I fell asleep in Elyos."

As he glanced around, Kiran noticed the sleeping apparitions of Alear, Alfred, Diamant, Ivy, Fogado, and Timerra, each curled in their peaceful, fetal positions.

"Aw, your friends from Elyos are sound asleep," Peony remarked. "They're all having pleasant dreams."

"Yeah," Kiran replied as he nodded at Peony. "Seems to be the case..."

In this tranquil realm where reality and dreams intertwined, Kiran and Peony shared a moment of serene reflection, their connection bridging the gap between two worlds, each wrapped in the embrace of peaceful dreams. Then, Kiran couldn't help but notice a flicker of concern in Peony's eyes.

"Peony, are you alright?" Kiran asked Peony, seeing that something had distressed her. "Um, you're spacing out there for a moment or two."

"Oh, sorry about that, Kiran," Peony replied as she focused her attention on Kiran. "I know that the Realm of Dreams is fine for now, but I can't shake the feeling that something is going to happen to Alfheimr in the future."

As Kiran absorbed her words, he witnessed the sleeping apparitions of his friends gradually fade from the tranquil realm. Peony's voice broke the silence.

"Your friends are suddenly waking up for some reason," Peony explained. "Oh! Something must've happened in Elyos."

"I agree. I should return to the waking world as well," Kiran acknowledged. "I'll see you later, Peony. Say hi to Freyr and Freyja for me."

Expressing her gratitude, Peony thanked Kiran for his brief stay in Alfheimr, her voice carrying a hint of melancholy. As Kiran bid her farewell for the time being with a solemn nod, his apparition also dissolved from the dreamlike realm, signaling his awakening in Elyos.

As Kiran rubbed the sleep from his eyes and emerged from his tent into the soft morning light, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace settling over the Solm Oasis. The golden hues of dawn painted the sky, casting a warm glow over the tranquil surroundings.

His attention was drawn by the approaching footsteps, and he turned to find Alear, Ivy, and Timerra making their way towards him. Alear greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes bright with the promise of a new day.

"Good morning, Kiran," Alear chimed cheerfully. "I hope you slept well last night."

"Morning, Alear, Ivy, Timerra..." Kiran replied as he yawned. "It's quite early, you know..."

Timerra's voice, tinged with a hint of amusement, broke through the quiet morning air. "Yeah, I can tell," she remarked, a playful twinkle in her eye. "You're quite the late riser, aren't ya?"

Kiran stifled a yawn, his mind still groggy from sleep. "I was up late writing battle reports," he explained, a faint smile playing on his lips as he showed Alear one of his letters. "I spend an extra amount of time writing these."

"Oh, I see," Alear said as she inspected the letter that Kiran had given to her. The letter had Mauvier's name on it. "Wait, this letter is for... Mauvier?"

"Don't worry, Alear. It's a surprise, trust me," Kiran replied to Alear. Then he turned his attention to Ivy and Timerra. "By the way, did something happen while we were asleep?"

"Yeah, something did happen," Timerra exclaimed as she explained to Kiran. "A Solm palace guard just arrived in here and said that Solm Palace has been breached by enemy forces. They have Mom hostage!"

"And according to that palace guard," Ivy added. "My sister Hortensia has been spotted with the enemy forces."

"Which is why," Alear interjected. "We had to wake you up quickly, Kiran."

As Timerra relayed the unsettling news of Solm Palace's attack, a sense of urgency filled the air. Ivy's confirmation only deepened the gravity of the situation, her words weighted with concern for her sister's involvement in the assault.

Kiran, ever practical even in the face of danger, wasted no time in addressing the immediate need for sustenance. "Alear, do we have any light food prepared?" he inquired, his tone urgent yet composed. "Hmm, if we need to move quickly, I'll need something to eat."

Timerra nodded in understanding, her expression mirroring Kiran's sense of urgency. Without hesitation, she handed Kiran a hearty meat sandwich and a cup of water, offering him a small but nourishing reprieve before the impending confrontation.

"I know it's not that much," Timerra shrugged. "But, I hope that helps with your hunger pangs, Kiran."

As Kiran hastily devoured the sandwich and quenched his thirst, his mind raced with thoughts of the impending battle. Equipping the Breidablik to his right hand, he turned to Alear with determination etched on his features. "Alear, gather the rest of our allies," he instructed, with his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "I'm going to open a portal at the entrance of Solm Palace."

Alear nodded in agreement, determination gleaming in her eyes. "I understand," she affirmed, ready to rally their allies for the impending confrontation at Solm Palace. "I'll gather the rest of the group."

As Alear swiftly gathered their allies, the tension in the air was palpable, each member of the group steeling themselves for the impending confrontation. As Kiran quickly finished his makeshift breakfast, Alfred, Diamant, Fjorm, Seiðr, Fogado, Pandreo, Bunet, Merrin, and Panette stood ready, their expressions a mixture of determination and concern.

Kiran, ever vigilant, surveyed the assembled group, his gaze searching for any signs of hesitation or uncertainty. "Um, is that everyone?" he inquired, his voice steady despite the urgency of their mission.

Alear nodded firmly in response. "Yes, Kiran," she confirmed, her tone resolute. "I double-checked just to be sure."

Fjorm, her demeanor composed yet determined, stepped forward to address Kiran. "We're all ready to head back to Solm Palace," she affirmed, her voice echoing the determination of her allies.

"Just be ready to call in more allies," Seiðr suggested. "I truly expect our enemies will know that we are returning to Solm Palace."

"I agree with her," Alfred said to Kiran. "We should call in my sister Celine along with Alcryst and all of our retainers."

"Alfred and Seiðr both have a point," Alear complimented. "For all we know, we could be walking into a trap, like with Destinea Cathedral last time."

With a decisive nod, Kiran raised the Breidablik, focusing his energy on creating a portal back to Solm Palace. As the beam of light erupted from the artifact, striking the desert sand with a brilliant glow, a portal materialized before them, offering a glimpse of the palace beyond.

"There's no time to waste," Kiran declared, his tone firm as he urged his allies forward. "Let's head back to Solm Palace. I'll call forth the rest of our allies once we're in the palace entrance."

With resolve in their hearts and determination in their eyes, Alear, Kiran, and their allies stepped through the portal, ready to face whatever awaited them at Solm Palace. The fate of the queendom hung in the balance, and they were determined to protect it at all costs.
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Chapter 20, Part 2
As Alear, Kiran, Ivy, and Timerra burst into the Solm Palace, they were met with the alarming sight of Hortensia with a Corrupted soldier holding Queen Seforia hostage.

"Took you long enough," Hortensia taunted, her voice dripping with disdain as she addressed the newcomers.

"Let my Mom go!" Timerra demanded as she glared at Hortensia.

"Nope, I don't think so," Hortensia retorted coldly as the Corrupted soldier's grip on the Queen Seforia tightened. "I don't think you have the right to demand anything."

Then, to prove her point, Hortensia showed her left hand to the group. An Emblem Ring that was tinged in red aura adorned her left hand, specifically on her index finger.

"And I also have an Emblem Ring," Hortensia smugly continued. "Besides, it was easy for me to get in here by telling the guards I was separated from my sister."

"Sorry, everyone," Seforia regretfully addressed Alear and Kiran's group. "I didn't know Hortensia was still on Elusia's side."

While Ivy was visibly distressed at the sight of her sister holding the Queen of Solm hostage, she felt a touch on her back. Startled, she glanced back and saw Kiran's hand, the Breidablik glinting in the dim light. As Kiran's telepathic voice resonated through the Breidablik, Ivy felt a sense of reassurance.

"I know you're distressed," Kiran urged silently, directing Ivy's attention towards Hortensia. "But, look at her eyes."

Ivy studied her sister's gaze intently, her heart sinking as she noticed the telltale red tinge. Ivy knew that Hortensia's eye color was the same as her hair color - pink. To see that her younger sister's eyes were tinged red made Ivy concerned about Hortensia's condition.

"Hortensia..." Ivy thought as she looked at her sister's red eyes. "She has been brainwashed."

"We must find a way to free Hortensia from the brainwashing,"
Baldraz urged within the Breidablik as his concern for Hortensia was evident in his words.

Kiran's response was swift, his telepathic voice echoing in Ivy's mind. "We need to proceed with this carefully. Don't forget that Queen Seforia's life hangs in the balance," he reminded them, his words a sobering reminder of the gravity of the situation.

Hortensia's voice shattered the tense silence, her words dripping with malice as she addressed Alear and Kiran's group.

"You all have a choice," Hortensia declared with the Corrupted soldier's grip on Queen Seforia tightening with each passing moment. "Hand over the Emblem Rings and Kiran Pathfinder, or I kill the queen."

The ultimatum hung heavy in the air, the weight of their decision pressing down on Alear, Kiran, Ivy, and Timerra as they faced the daunting task of saving Queen Seforia without putting Hortensia's life in further danger.

As Kiran and Baldraz conveyed their concerns, Ivy took a step forward, her eyes filled with determination and sorrow. She shook her head at Hortensia, her voice soft but firm.

"Hortensia, please don't do this," Ivy said to Hortensia. "You don't have to go through with it."

When Ivy spoke to her, Hortensia's gaze met with her older sister, a mix of surprise and underlying warmth in her eyes.

"Ivy! It's been a while... I suppose the Divine One and Kiran were right all along," Hortensia began, her voice tinged with disbelief. "But, I can't believe you've chosen to stand with them!"

"Hortensia, you have to understand," Ivy explained as her words carried the weight of her experiences. "So much has happened since we last saw each other. I..."

"Ever since Father sacrificed himself, Elusia has been working with Lord Sombron," Hortensia interrupted as her discomfort and bitterness were evident in her voice. "You abandoned Elusia and me to side with the enemy."

Then, with a pointed finger, Hortensia's declaration hung heavy in the air. "You're a traitor to Elusia, Ivy," she accused, the weight of her words echoing through the tense atmosphere, leaving Ivy grappling with the pain of her sister's rejection. "A stinking traitor!"

As the tension in the room reached a boiling point, Ivy's voice cut through the silence, soft but persistent. "Hortensia, I haven't betrayed anyone," she insisted, her gaze locked on Hortensia's. "Please, let me explain..."

Hortensia's arms crossed defensively, her expression hardened with defiance. "I don't want to hear from your dirty, double-crossing mouth!" she spat out, her words dripping with contempt. "Surrender the Emblem Rings and Kiran Pathfinder now!"

Kiran's voice cut through the tension, unwavering in its resolve. "I will not surrender to Sombron's demands," he declared, his eyes fixed on Hortensia with unyielding determination. "I already made that clear to Sombron a few days ago."

Alear's voice joined the fray, her determination matching Kiran's resolve. "I won't surrender my Emblem Rings. I won't let you kill Queen Seforia," she affirmed, her gaze steely as she pledged to protect Kiran from Sombron at all costs. "And lastly, everyone here won't hand Kiran over to Sombron!"

Timerra's agreement with Kiran and the Divine One added weight to their cause. "I agree with them both. If the Fell Dragon obtains the Emblem Rings, my nation and my people are doomed," she asserted, her voice tinged with urgency and fear. "So, threaten us all you want. Take my whole family hostage, if it makes you happy, but I stand for Solm, and I always will."

A small smile graced Queen Seforia's lips as she looked upon her daughter with pride. "There she is, Solm's future queen," she murmured, her voice filled with warmth and admiration for her daughter. "And she's allied with the Divine Dragon and the Summoner."

As Hortensia's body began to emit a sinister red miasma, signaling her growing agitation, she turned her attention to Timerra, her voice tinged with disbelief and frustration. "What's wrong with you?" she demanded, her tone incredulous. "Your mother is being held hostage! You're supposed to be scared! Give me what I want!"

As she said those words, the red haze surrounding her seemed to intensify as she continued, her words fraught with desperation. "No, what I need... I need the Emblem Rings to bring Father back to life," Hortensia confessed as her red eyes glowed eerily. "And I want to present Kiran Pathfinder to Lord Sombron..."

Ivy shook her head sadly, her heart heavy with the weight of their family's tragedy. "Hortensia, about our Father... He's gone. He was murdered by the Fell Dragon," she interjected gently, her voice tinged with sorrow. "You didn't know because you fled from Destinea Cathedral at that time."

As Hortensia showed hesitation for a brief moment, Ivy continued as her tone remained gentle, yet firm. "And Hortensia, there's no way we can bring him back," she explained, her words a somber reminder of the irrevocable loss they had all endured. "Not even with the power of the Emblem Rings."

Hortensia let out a scoff, her expression a mix of defiance and desperation as she addressed Ivy. "You don't know that!" she retorted, her voice tinged with frustration. "I have to try... I need to save Elusia and bring Father back. I just want everything to go back to the way it was before."

Ivy's response was gentle, her voice carrying the weight of shared pain. "I know what it's like," she murmured, her empathy reaching out to her sister during turmoil.

Kiran interjected, his words holding a sense of wisdom and understanding. "Change is a constant in life, Hortensia," he stated, his voice carrying a tone of empathy. "It's better to appreciate the things you have now, especially knowing that your older sister is still alive."

Hortensia's body emitted an eerie red miasma, a manifestation of her inner turmoil. "Stop trying to get into my head!" she snapped at Ivy and Kiran, her voice laced with desperation and defiance. "I'll... I'll kill the queen! I'll do it!"

Alear stepped forward, her voice firm but compassionate as she addressed her troubled friend. "I don't think you'll go through with that threat," she stated calmly as she gazed at Hortensia. "I know what it's like to lose a parent. And I know that what you're trying to do won't bring your Father back."

As the tension in the room reached a fever pitch, Queen Seforia's voice cut through the turmoil, her tone resolute. "Get it over with, if that's what you want," she urged, her eyes locking with Hortensia's. "So, are we doing this, or not?"

Hortensia's hesitation was palpable as she struggled with her inner turmoil. "I... I..." she admitted, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Suddenly, Hortensia's body convulsed in pain, her hands clutching at her head as crimson miasma seeped from her pores. Struggling to stand up, Hortensia gazed at Alear, Ivy, and Kiran, hoping for them to listen to her.

"Help... me..." Hortensia pleaded weakly, her voice barely audible over the din of chaos. "I... I can't..."

Before anyone could come to help, Hortensia let out a bone-chilling scream as more red miasma leaked from her body, a haunting sight that sent shivers down the spines of those present. Then, Kiran saw an opening and quickly shot the Corrupted soldier holding Queen Seforia hostage. As the Corrupted soldier disintegrated, Kiran's voice broke through the cacophony, urgency coloring his tone as he issued a command to Timerra.

"Quickly, escort Queen Seforia outside the palace!" Kiran instructed Timerra as he glanced at the palace door.

Timerra nodded, determination flashing in her eyes. "Right! I'll do just that!" she affirmed, her voice steady as she swiftly guided Queen Seforia away from the harrowing scene. "I'll be back, okay?"

As Timerra escorted Queen Seforia out of the palace, Ivy attempted to approach Hortensia, but Kiran intercepted her, halting Ivy in her tracks. The Breidablik glowed white as more red miasma leaked out of Hortensia's body.

"Ivy, don't... I can sense foul magics leaking from Hortensia's body," Kiran explained to Ivy. "It's likely the same magic that brainwashed her."

As Kiran finished his explanation to Ivy about Hortensia's condition, the atmosphere in the room tensed further with the unexpected arrival of Zephia, one of the Four Hounds. Zephia's entrance was marked by a chilling admission, her voice dripping with cold calculation.

"I hate to admit it, but Kiran Pathfinder is right," Zephia confessed, her tone devoid of remorse. "Princess Hortensia has been a useful, brainwashed puppet so far."

Ivy's silent glare bore into Zephia, her eyes ablaze with fury at the revelation of Hortensia's manipulation. Ivy gripped her Icebound Tome tightly as red miasma continued to leak from Hortensia.

"What are you doing here, Zephia?" Alear demanded as she sensed the tension in the air.

"Missed you too, Divine One. It's been a while since your forces lost the battle back at Destinea Cathedral," Zephia replied to Alear in a cold and calculated tone as she casually gestured at Hortensia, her gaze fixed on Kiran. "As for why I am here, I want the same thing as she does - The surrender of the Emblem Rings and Kiran Pathfinder."

As Alear and Kiran glared at Zephia, Ivy's voice cut through the silence as her voice was eerily calm, but had a demanding tone underneath. "How... How did you do this?" she demanded with her voice subtly dripping in anger. "How did you brainwash Hortensia?"

As Hortensia's body ceased leaking red miasma, Zephia simply shrugged, a smirk playing on her lips. "I had help from Lady Veyle in subverting her," she admitted, her tone dripping with satisfaction. "Marni and Griss even ensured that Princess Hortensia was separated from her retainers."

As Zephia continued her explanation, the tension in the room escalated with the sudden appearance of two more of the Four Hounds, Marni and Mauvier, flanking her menacingly. Marni's voice cut through the silence, her tone cool and composed as she delivered her report.

"Aw, we're too late," Marni announced, her gaze flickering to Hortensia. "Queen Seforia managed to get away!"

Zephia's response was nonchalant, her demeanor unfazed by the setback. "It's alright," she reassured, her eyes gleaming with determination. "We'll get our chance another time."

Mauvier, the calmest of the trio, addressed Alear and Kiran with measured precision. "Divine One and Kiran Pathfinder..." he stated calmly as he reigned his horse, his gaze piercing as he awaited their response. "I hope to get some answers from the two of you."

Kiran's voice held a note of defiance as he countered Mauvier's implication. "What are you implying, Mauvier?" he demanded, his tone challenging as he met Mauvier's gaze head-on.

Before Mauvier could respond, Zephia's voice rang out, cutting through the tension like a blade. "Princess Hortensia, it's time for you to wake up," she commanded, her words directed at Hortensia.

As Zephia spoke those words, Hortensia rose to her feet, her body surrounded by a pulsating red aura. Then, Hortensia opened her eyes, and Alear, Ivy, and Kiran grimaced that the color of her eyes was still tinged in red.

"I'll... I'll kill them all," Hortensia proclaimed as she was brought under Zephia's control. "I'll... I'll do what it takes to retrieve the Emblem Rings and revive Father."

"This isn't you..." Ivy said as she pleaded at Hortensia. "Snap out of it, Hortensia! You have to fight this!"

As Ivy's plea echoed through the chamber, her eyes filled with desperation, Zephia's smirk only widened, a cruel glint in her eyes.

"I'm afraid she can't hear you," Zephia taunted, her voice dripping with malice. "But, I'll enjoy the spectacle as you all try to retrieve Princess Hortensia's Emblem Ring and inevitably... kill her."

"Zephia," Kiran questioned her. "What are you implying by that?"

"Oh?" Zephia replied to Kiran. "You will all see, soon enough."

Suddenly, the darkness seemed to seep into the very fabric of the palace, as multiple Corrupted emerged from pools of shadow and Elusian soldiers entered the palace from several entrances, their ominous presence casting a pall over the room.

At the same time, Zephia's wyvern and Hortensia's pegasus descended through one of the palace's open ceilings, casting sinister shadows against the stone walls. With a smirk, Zephia mounted her wyvern, flanked by Marni and Mauvier as they retreated to the throne room of the palace, with Hortensia in tow.

Just as the situation seemed dire, the sound of the palace door opening behind them shattered the tension. Alfred, Celine, Diamant, Alcryst, Fjorm, Seiðr, Fogado, and Timerra, accompanied by their retainers, streamed into the chamber, their presence a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. Among the group are Ivy's loyal retainers, Zelkov and Kagetsu, who were escorting her wyvern inside the palace.

Timerra's voice rang out above the clamor, her tone determined. "Now that Mom's safe, I've brought the rest of our allies to help out," she declared, her eyes blazing with resolve. "Let's do this!"

"Princess Ivy," Zelkov said to her. "Kagetsu and I have *brought* your wyvern along."

"Do not worry, Princess Ivy!" Kagetsu declared. "As your retainers, Zelkov and I will aid you in rescuing Princess Hortensia and bringing her back to her senses!"

"Zelkov, Kagetsu..." Ivy replied as her wyvern flew to her. "Thank you both for your support."

Ivy wasted no time as she mounted her wyvern just in time for the enemy forces to charge at the group. As the Corrupted and Elusian soldiers charged at them, Alear and Kiran's allies braced themselves. As their allies started fighting off the enemy forces, Alear's voice rose above the clamor, her words a call to action.

"Now is the time, Kiran," Alear urged, her eyes locking with his. "You need to summon your Heroes."

As the enemy forces surged forward, intent on overwhelming Alear, Kiran, and their allies, Fjorm stepped forward, her voice filled with determination. "Kiran, we'll hold them off," she declared, her Leiptr gleaming in the morning light of the palace. "You focus on summoning reinforcements."

Seiðr, the goddess of Vanaheimr, unleashed a blast of divine energy, sending one of the Corrupted reeling backward. "Time is of the essence," she reminded Kiran, her voice echoing with urgency. "Call forth more Heroes to bolster our forces."

Meanwhile, Kiran focused his attention on Hortensia, scanning her from a distance with the Breidablik. Baldraz's voice resonated in his mind, his words a revelation. "Hortensia is using the same Emblem Ring as before," Baldraz informed him, his tone grave. "It's the same Emblem Ring that is emitting energies from the World of Fodlan, and its red taint is likely the source of Hortensia's brainwashing."

Kiran nodded, a plan forming in his mind. "Thank you, Baldraz," he muttered as he prepared to summon reinforcements to turn the tide of battle. "I know what Heroes I needed to summon."

As Kiran readied his Breidablilk, Zephia observed the group from the higher floors of the palace. With Hortensia under her control, Zephia gripped the reins of her wyvern tightly as she saw what Kiran was about to do.

"Go ahead, Kiran Pathfinder," Zephia taunted Kiran as his group fended off one enemy soldier after another. "Summon your Heroes, if you dare."

As Zephia taunted the group from her vantage point, Kiran's steely glare locked onto her with unwavering determination. With a resolute pull of the trigger on the Breidablik, seven orbs, each bearing a distinct hue, erupted from the artifact. Three red, one blue, two green and one colorless orb landed on the ground, their otherworldly presence casting a radiant glow.

"Gathering stars to call upon the Heroes from Fodlan's Officer's Academy!" Kiran declared as he began to chant. "Heed my call and become the path its light shines upon!"

In a dazzling display of magic, the seven orbs transformed into portals, emitting a brilliant light that repelled nearby enemies, creating a protective barrier around the summoning ritual.

"Hero Summon!" Kiran's commanding chant filled the air, resonating with the weight of his determination. "I call forth Male and Female Byleth, Male and Female Shez, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude into the battlefield!"

As the portals erupted with energy, seven figures emerged, their forms materializing during the chaos. With weapons drawn and spirits high, Male and Female Byleth, Male and Female Shez, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude stood ready to fight alongside Kiran and his allies.

"I'm Byleth, the Tested Professor," Male Byleth declared, readying his Creator Sword. "I used to be a mercenary, but now I'm a professor. I will help your cause however I can."

"My name is Byleth, the Proven Professor," Female Byleth hesitated for a bit upon introducing herself. "I'm a former mercenary turned professor. I'll help your cause however I can."

"I'm Shez, Rising Mercenary," Male Shez declared as he readied his Crimson Blades. "Now that you've summoned me, who are we fighting?"

"I'm also Shez, but my title is the Keen Mercenary," Female Shez introduced herself as she readied her Crimson War-Axe. "Kiran, since you've called upon me, I'll win no matter who I'm up against."

"I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, heir to the throne of Faerghus," Dimitri declared as he reared his horse, readying his Noble Lance. "I hereby devote myself to your cause."

"I am Edelgard von Hresvelg, heir apparent of the Adrestian Empire," Edelgard boasted as she twirled her Victorious Axe. "I will follow you, but I bow to no one."

"I'm Claude. I'm not big on formalities, so no need to put on airs," Claude spoke as he readied his Cunning Bow as his horse reared up. "Feel free to throw me a feast any time, though."

On the other hand, Zephia couldn't help but muse aloud after Kiran had summoned his Heroes. Zephia simply snapped her fingers, and more Corrupted and Elusian soldiers started to appear around Solm Palace, growling at Alear and Kiran's group.

"Kiran," Zephia remarked, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and acknowledgment. "So, that is your answer..."

"So what if that guy can summon more people to fight for him?" Marni scoffed as she saw Kiran summon his Heroes. "Big deal!"

On the other hand, Mauvier was silent as he witnessed Kiran summoning his Heroes. Mauvier wanted to ask the Divine One and Kiran several questions, and his grip on his Flame Lance tightened as the battle was underway.

'Divine One... Kiran...' Mauvier thought. 'I hope that in this battle, they can answer the questions that are looming in my mind.'

With Queen Seforia escorted safely, the stakes were raised as Alear, Kiran, along with their Heroes and allies prepared to face Zephia and her forces head-on. An epic clash was imminent as the morning rays of the sun gleamed over Solm Palace.
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Chapter 20, Part 3
Meanwhile, as Reginn guided Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna through the Realm of Niðavellir, Alfonse's voice broke the silence, his tone tinged with a sense of familiarity as the group walked into a familiar forest.

"This forest feels familiar," Alfonse observed, his eyes scanning their surroundings.

Reginn nodded in agreement, her voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "We've returned to the Forest of the Sage, where Eitri used to reside," she explained, the memories of their previous encounters echoing in her words.

Sharena's voice joined the conversation, her recollection adding to the sense of deja vu. "I still remember the pit traps around the forest," she remarked, her expression reflecting a mix of caution and reminiscence. "And Reginn, you saved me from one, remember?"

As if summoned by their discussion, a Curse Directive soldier, a Lance Cavalier, charged at the group, only to trigger one of the concealed pit traps. With a resounding crash, the soldier tumbled into the pit, thwarted by the very obstacle Sharena had recalled.

"Well," Commander Anna remarked as she stared at the pit trap where the Curse Directive soldier fell. "That's one way to prove that the pit trap works as intended."

Reginn wasted no time urging the group forward, her sense of urgency palpable. "We must hurry," she insisted, her eyes scanning the forest for any sign of further danger. "I think the Curse Directive has already arrived."

The forest of Niðavellir crackled with an air of anticipation as the group braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead, their unwavering determination a beacon of hope amidst the looming threat of the Curse Directive.

A few minutes later, the air crackled with tension as the group neared the Shrine of the Sage, the sounds of battle echoing through the ancient forest. Ahead, they witnessed a fierce confrontation between the automated Gullinbursti and the Curse Directive soldiers, each side locked in a deadly struggle.

As Alfonse observed the chaos unfolding before them, his expression grim, he turned to Reginn with a sense of urgency. "It seems we've arrived in the heat of battle," he remarked, his voice laden with concern.

Reginn nodded in agreement, her gaze focused on the unfolding conflict. "At least the automated Gullinbursti under my command have been holding off the enemy forces so far," she replied, her tone determined as she readjusted her own Gullinbursti in preparation for what lay ahead.

Suddenly, a Mage Flier from the Curse Directive's ranks noticed the group's approach, their tome crackling with dark energy as they swooped down towards them with malicious intent. Before they could strike, however, a powerful orb of dark energy blasted them away, sending them tumbling to the forest floor.

The group turned to see Veronica, the Princess of the Emblian Empire, astride her horse with an aura of sacred darkness emanating from her tome, Enclosing Dark. Her arrival was a beacon of hope amidst the chaos, her presence a symbol of strength and determination in the face of adversity.

"All of you seem to require my assistance," Veronica spoke, her voice laced with authority. "It seems I arrived here just in time."

As the group rallied together, Alfonse couldn't help but express his surprise at Veronica's unexpected presence in Niðavellir. "Veronica," he admitted, as his tone was filled with curiosity and relief. "I didn't expect to see you here."

Sharena chimed in with her gratitude evident as she thanked Veronica for her timely intervention against the enemy Mage Flier. "Hi Veronica!" she said, her expression earnest. "Thank you for intercepting that Mage Flier!"

Veronica nodded in response, her demeanor calm and collected despite the chaos surrounding them. "Reginn has informed me of the Curse Directive's infiltration in the Realm of Niðavellir," she explained, her voice steady. "I'm here to lend whatever assistance I can."

Veronica nodded in acknowledgment before calmly stating, "Reginn informed me of the Curse Directive's infiltration in Niðavellir through a letter. It seems the situation is more dire than anticipated."

Reginn, a touch of embarrassment coloring her cheeks, scratched her head and turned to Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna. "I... I'm sorry," she apologized. "I forgot to explain that part to all of you."

Commander Anna waved off Reginn's concerns with a reassuring smile. "It's alright," she reassured her. "At least Princess Veronica is with us now."

With their attention turned to the looming threat ahead, the group pressed onward toward Eitri's workshop. However, their journey was soon interrupted as more Curse Directive soldiers appeared, surrounding them with hostile intent. Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, Veronica, and Reginn wasted no time in defending themselves, their weapons drawn as they prepared to face the onslaught of enemy forces.

Amidst the chaos of battle within Solm Palace, Alear and Kiran's group stood firm against the relentless tide of enemy forces that surged towards them. With each passing moment, the air crackled with the clash of steel and the shouts of combatants.

Alfred, the crown prince of Firene, proved himself a formidable warrior, his Arcane Qiang a blur of motion as he rode his horse into the heart of the fray. With each swift strike, he felled one Corrupted after another, his skill unmatched as he defended his allies.

Alongside him, Celine quickly moved around as she used her Joyous Tome to fire magic bolts at the enemies that were attacking her. As she did so, her Joyous Tome glowed in a green hue, healing the whole group of any of their wounds.

Besides Alfred and Celine, their loyal retainers, Etie, Boucheron, Louis, and Chloe, fought with unwavering determination, their weapons flashing in the morning light as they repelled any enemy soldier that dared to approach the Firene siblings.

"At least our retainers are holding off the enemies so far," Celine remarked as her Joyous Tome glowed green.

Suddenly, the rhythmic sound of hooves pounding against the palace floor drew Alfred's attention. Turning, he saw Dimitri, mounted on horseback and accompanied by Female Byleth. Both of them were running towards the group.

Dimitri's voice carried across the battlefield, strong and resolute. "Does your group require assistance?" he called out to Alfred, his gaze focused on the enemy forces that surrounded them. "And the Professor is with me."

"Don't worry," Female Byleth replied. "Dimitri and I would like to offer our aid."

Alfred nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of relief washing over him at Dimitri's offer of aid. "Any help would be appreciated," he replied, his voice tinged with gratitude. "Especially from Heroes such as yourselves."

Amidst the chaos of battle, Alfred's warning rang out as a group of Elusian soldiers surged forward, their weapons gleaming in the dim light of the palace. With a determined resolve, Alfred, Celine, Etie, Boucheron, Louis, and Chloe prepared to face their assailants head-on.

As the trio engaged the Elusian soldiers in combat, their attention turned to Dimitri, who found himself facing the brunt of the enemy's assault. With a swift motion, the Sword Flier bore down upon him, their blade poised to strike.

Alfred's voice cut through the din of battle, his concern evident as he called out to Dimitri. "Be careful!" he shouted, his eyes locked on the unfolding confrontation.

Dimitri nodded in acknowledgment, gratitude evident in his expression as he braced himself for the impending clash. With a firm grip on his Noble Lance, he met the Sword Flier's attack head-on, their weapons clashing with a resounding clang.

With impeccable skill and precision, Dimitri parried the Sword Flier's blow, deflecting the attack before delivering a decisive counterstrike that slew the Sword Flier, sending them and their wyvern careening into the palace floor.

"I won't be deterred!" Dimitri declared, his voice filled with determination as he stood victorious.

Then, an Elusian Axe Fighter charged at Dimitri, their Silver Axe gleaming in the morning rays of the desert sun. But, Female Byleth saw the attack coming and blocked the attempt with her Creator Sword.

"Allow me to demonstrate," Female Byleth declared as she slashed the Elusian Axe Fighter with her Creator Sword.

As Female Byleth took down the Axe Fighter, Celine walked towards her and Dimitri as her Joyous Tome glowed green. The rest of the group followed Celine as the glow of her Joyous Tome faded away, having restored the health of Female Byleth and Dimitri.

"There you go," Celine said to Dimitri and Female Byleth as her Joyous Tome glowed green. "I've healed you two a little bit. I hope that helps."

"Yes, it did," Female Byleth said to Celine. "Thank you."

"Princess Celine," Dimitri replied. "You have my thanks."

As Celine was about to reply, the moment of respite was cut short as a wave of enemy reinforcements charged at the group. As the battle raged on and more Elusian and Corrupted soldiers descended upon them, Alfred's voice rose above the fray, his resolve unwavering.

"It's not over yet!" Alfred called out. "Get ready everyone!"

With the clash of arms and the roar of conflict surrounding them, Dimitri, Alfred, Etie, and Boucheron braced themselves for the next wave of enemies, their unity and valor shining brightly amidst the chaos of war.

In the heat of battle, Diamant and Alcryst alongside their loyal retainers, Amber, Jade, Lapis, and Citrinne, fought with unwavering determination, their weapons flashing as they clashed against the relentless onslaught of enemy soldiers. With each strike of his Fair-Fight Blade, Diamant proved himself a formidable warrior, his skill unmatched as he swiftly dispatched his foes while Alcryst fired arrows from his Arcane Darkbow against any ranged enemies that were attacking the group.

Amidst the chaos, Edelgard, the fierce leader of the Black Eagles House and the heir to the Adrestian Empire, approached the group and her presence was a beacon of strength and resolve amidst the turmoil of battle. Standing alongside Edelgard was Male Byleth drawing his Creator Sword from his sheath as he accompanied Edelgard to rendezvous with Diamant and Alcryst.

"You two must be Diamant and Alcryst of the Kingdom of Brodia?" Edelgard confidently called out to Diamant. "It seems your group needs assistance."

"That is why Edelgard and I ran towards your group," Male Byleth replied. "We will need to stand together against the enemy opposition."

Diamant nodded in appreciation, a sense of gratitude evident in his expression as he acknowledged Edelgard's offer as he readied his Fair-Fight Blade.

"I appreciate both your help," Diamant replied, his tone sincere as he readied himself for the next wave of enemies.

"Y-yeah," Alcryst replied as he fired an arrow from his Arcane Darkbow. "W-we can use every help we can get."

"I'm glad we all agreed," Edelgard replied as she looked at Alcryst. "And you must be Alcryst, correct? You remind me of a classmate back in the Black Eagles House that Kiran had summoned as a Hero. Her name is Bernadetta, and she's also quite... skittish as you, and good with a bow as well."

"Is that so?" Alcryst replied as he scratched his head. "I-I guess I'll look forward to meeting her then."

As the group prepared to face the approaching Elusian soldiers, one of them, a Lance Cavalier, turned their attention to Edelgard, who stood poised and ready for battle. With a smirk, she tightened her grip on her Victorious Axe, anticipation gleaming in her eyes.

"I've been expecting you," Edelgard declared, her voice dripping with confidence as she braced herself for the Lance Cavalier's imminent attack. "What are you waiting for?"

As Edelgard spoke those words, the Lance Cavalier surged forward with a fierce attack, their lance aimed squarely at Edelgard. With lightning-fast reflexes, she swung her Victorious Axe, intercepting the blow with a resounding clang. The Lance Cavalier stumbled back, momentarily thrown off balance by the force of Edelgard's counter.

Seizing the opportunity, Edelgard pressed her advantage, her axe ablaze with fiery energy as she unleashed her Bonfire skill. With a mighty swing, she struck true, the flames engulfing her weapon as she brought the Lance Cavalier crashing to the ground.

"I will prevail!" Edelgard declared triumphantly, her voice ringing out above the din of battle.

But even as one foe fell, another emerged to take their place. As if to avenge their fallen ally, an Axe Cavalier charged at Edelgard with their Silver Axe, but Byleth managed to intercept the attack, using his Creator Sword to parry the Axe Cavalier's assault.

"Let the lesson begin," Male Byleth declared as he performed a riposte attack with his Creator Sword, taking down the Axe Cavalier.

As Male Byleth managed to take down the Axe Cavalier, a Sword Cavalier, and a Lance Flier thundered toward Edelgard and Byleth, their weapons raised in a vengeful strike. Before they could reach them, however, Diamant and Alcryst sprang into action, their weapons glowing as their special skills activated.

"For the pride of Brodia!" Diamant declared as he slashed at the Sword Cavalier, with his Fair-Fight blade glowing hot as he activated his Bonfire skill.

"I will protect everyone!" Alcryst said as he struck down the Lance Flier with one well-placed arrow that was enhanced by his Deadeye skill.

As the two enemies were disposed of, Edelgard turned to Diamant, gratitude shining in her eyes as she nodded in appreciation. "Thank you both for your assistance," she said, her voice sincere as she acknowledged his timely intervention.

But their respite was short-lived, as more Elusian and Corrupted soldiers descended upon them, their weapons raised and ready for battle. Diamant met Edelgard's gaze, determination burning bright in his eyes.

"The battle has only just begun," Diamant declared, his voice steady as he prepared to face the next wave of enemies head-on.

As the clash of arms and the chaos of war enveloped them, Edelgard, Diamant, and their allies stood shoulder to shoulder, their spirits unyielding as they faced the relentless assault of enemies.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Timerra and Fogado fought valiantly alongside their retainers, their determination unwavering as they faced wave after wave of Corrupted and Elusian soldiers.

With her Silver Lance held firmly in hand, Timerra struck down a Corrupted soldier with precision, her movements swift and decisive. "There are so many of them," she remarked, her voice laced with determination. "But we can't let that stop us."

Meanwhile, Fogado maintained his composure, his Killer Bow poised and ready as he aimed while riding his horse. With a steady hand, he unleashed an arrow that found its mark, bringing down one of the Elusian Sword Fliers with deadly accuracy. "We'll take them down one by one," he said calmly, his confidence unwavering.

As the battle raged on, Panette, one of Timerra's retainers, alerted her to the approach of more enemy reinforcements.

"Boss! More enemies incoming!" Panette shouted, her voice urgent as she braced herself for the impending onslaught.

With their group surrounded, Timerra, Fogado, and their retainers fought with renewed determination, their weapons flashing as they fended off the relentless tide of enemies.

Amidst the flurry of battle, an Elusian Mage Flyer descended upon Fogado, their Elfire tome aglow with ominous red energy. But before they could unleash their attack, an arrow streaked through the air, striking the enemy down with deadly accuracy.

Timerra and Fogado turned to see Claude, his bow drawn and his aim true. And he was accompanied by Male and Female Shez with both of them drawing out their signature weapons in front of the group.

"Looks like you could use a hand," Claude remarked with a smirk, his eyes scanning the battlefield. "And I brought these two along with me."

"It sure looks like you guys need help," Male Shez said. "We're ready to fight alongside you."

"That's why Kiran had summoned us here," Female Shez declared. "Good thing we arrived just in time."

Grateful for the timely intervention, Timerra nodded in agreement. "We're glad to have you three with us," she replied, her voice tinged with relief. "Every bit of help counts in a battle like this."

Claude chuckled, a sense of camaraderie evident in his tone. "I'm just doing my part," he said modestly. "Besides, I couldn't let you have all the fun without me or the Shezes, now could I?"

Before Timerra or Fogado could reply, another group of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers charged at the group. As Timerra, Fogado, and their retainers clashed with several of the enemies, the remaining three enemies, an Axe Flier, Lance Fighter, and a Bow Flier dashed towards Claude and the two versions of Shez.

In the heat of battle, the Axe Flier swung their Silver Axe at Male Shez, but he saw the attack coming and managed to block the attack with his Crimson Blades. Then, Male Shez lept at the Axe Flier, ready to do a retaliatory attack.

"You're done!" Male Shez declared as he took down the Axe Flier using his Crimson Blades.

At the same time, a Lance Fighter assailed Female Shez, their Killer Lance ready to strike the female mercenary. Yet, Female Shez expected the attack and used her Crimson War Axe to divert the Lancer Fighter's attack. As the Lance Fighter flinched at their attack being thwarted, Female Shez saw an opening, and swung her Crimson War Axe, striking down the Lance Fighter in one blow.

"This ends here!" Female Shez boasted as the Lance Fighter was taken down by her.

At the same time, Claude and the Bow Flier fired arrows at each other, but Claude was more skilled as he dodged the arrows that the Bow Fighter fired at him. Sensing an opening, Claude carefully aimed his Cunning Bow and fired a well-played arrow, which struck the chest of the Bow Flier, sending them and their pegasus down to the palace floor.

"Strategy in motion!" Claude declared as the Bow Flier was taken down by his arrow.

As Claude took down the Bow Fighter, he looked around and realized that the rest of the group managed to take down the enemy group. As they all regrouped, Fogado, the prince of Solm, approached Claude on horseback.

"Not bad!" Fogado said to Claude. "Seems you're much of a crack shot with a bow as I am!"

"Aw, thanks for the compliment!" Claude replied to Fogado. "You're not as bad with the bow yourself!"

As Claude and Fogado briefly chatted with each other, Timerra couldn't help but smile at the thought of victory. She then looked at her retainers, Panette and Merrin, as they were talking with the two versions of Shez and she realized that the Heroes that Kiran had summoned were decent people.

"Well, once this is all over," Timerra declared as she twirled her Silver Lance, her spirits lifted by the prospect of celebration. "I'll be sure to have a feast full of meat prepared!"

As Timerra said those words, Claude grinned in response, his eyes alight with anticipation. "Count me in for that," he said, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "I've never been one to turn down a good feast, especially after a hard-fought battle."

However, their respite was brief as another wave of enemies began to charge at them. With renewed determination, the group continued their advance through the palace, their resolve unshaken as they faced down wave after wave of enemies.

As the clash of swords echoed through the palace halls, Alear and Kiran's group fought bravely, their determination unwavering as they carved a path through the throngs of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers. With each enemy they defeated, they drew closer to their ultimate goal, the throne room, where Zephia, Marni, and Mauvier retreated, with Hortensia currently under Zephia's control.

"We need to reach the throne room where Zephia and Hortensia retreated," Alear declared, her voice filled with urgency as she exchanged blows with an Elusian soldier. "That's where we'll rescue Hortensia."

Ivy soared overhead on her wyvern, her eyes scanning the chaos below. "I agree," she called out, her voice ringing out above the sounds of battle. "We have to rescue Hortensia from Zephia's control."

Kiran nodded in agreement, his focus unwavering as he fired a shot from his Breidablik, striking down a Corrupted Mage Flier with pinpoint accuracy. "I couldn't agree more," he replied, his voice resolute as he surveyed the battlefield.

As a small group of enemies closed in on the group, Zelkov and Kagetsu, Ivy's loyal retainers, stepped forward to intercept them. Zelkov threw Silver Daggers while Kagetsu parried attacks from the enemy group that tried to block their way toward the throne room.

"Go," Zelkov said as he readied his Silver Daggers. "Rescue Princess Hortensia. Kagetsu and *I* will *fight* off the enemy soldiers."

"Do not worry about us, Princess Ivy!" Kagetsu said to Ivy, urging her to go ahead with Alear and Kiran. "Zelkov and I can handle these enemies! Go ahead with the Divine One and Kiran!"

Ivy hesitated for a moment, torn between staying to fight alongside her retainers and pressing forward to rescue her sister. But with a determined nod, she made her decision, turning to join Alear and Kiran as they continued their advance toward their objective.

As Zephia observed Alear and Kiran's group drawing nearer to the throne room, she turned her attention to Hortensia, her expression cold and calculating. The young princess stood nearby, her eyes glazed over with a haunting red glow, a clear indication of the insidious control Zephia held over her.

"Princess Hortensia," Zephia commanded, her voice dripping with malice as she issued her orders to the entranced princess. "Be a dear and attack them all."

Hortensia obeyed without hesitation, her demeanor distant and detached as she spurred her pegasus forward. With a swift motion, she transformed the tainted Ring of the Instructor into a lance, its gleaming surface now imbued with dark power.

"I... I must get the Emblem Rings," Hortensia murmured, her voice devoid of emotion as she echoed Zephia's words. "I must save Father."

With a chilling resolve, Hortensia charged towards Alear and Kiran's group, her lance held aloft as she led the charge alongside a contingent of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers. Mauvier could only watch in silence as he saw Hortensia fly towards the Divine One and Kiran's group.

Meanwhile, Marni, one of Zephia's allies, turned to her for guidance, her expression tinged with uncertainty. "What do we do now?" she inquired, her voice tinged with anticipation.

Zephia regarded the unfolding scene with an air of quiet satisfaction, her demeanor eerily calm. "Now, this is where our little puppet princess has outlived her usefulness," she replied, a sinister smile playing at the corners of her lips. "We can simply watch as Princess Hortensia meets her fate of being taken down by the very people who are aiming to save her."

As the group stormed into the throne room of Solm Palace, their senses heightened, they were met with the chilling sight of Hortensia charging towards them, flanked by a cohort of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers.

The urgency of the situation was palpable as Fjorm, her lance Leiptr gleaming in the dim light, swiftly engaged the enemy mages with practiced precision.

"I'll handle the mages," Fjorm called out to Kiran and Alear over the din of battle, her voice resolute as she deftly parried incoming spells. "Focus on rescuing Hortensia."

"Don't worry, Kiran!" Alear said as she clashed blades with one of the Corrupted soldiers that was going to attack Kiran. "I got this!"

Meanwhile, as her staff was crackling with divine energy, Seiðr unleashed powerful blasts that scattered the Corrupted soldiers in their path. "Kiran, time is of the essence," she urged Kiran, her tone urgent. "You must aid your allies in freeing Hortensia before it's too late."

Kiran nodded grimly, his resolve firm as he swiftly transformed his Dire Breidablik into the formidable Axe Breidablik. With determination etched upon his features, he prepared to face Hortensia head-on as she bore down upon him with her lance, Luin, her eyes vacant and glazed over with Zephia's control.

Then, Hortensia, under the malevolent influence of Zephia, unleashed a piercing shriek as she launched herself at Kiran with her lance, Luin, her movements fueled by a dark determination. But Kiran, his Breidablik transformed into its Axe form, reacted swiftly, intercepting her attack with a deft maneuver, much to Hortensia's frustration.

As Hortensia's eyes blazed with an unnatural fervor, leaking ominous red miasma, Kiran addressed her with a sense of urgency. "Hortensia! Snap out of it," he implored, his voice tinged with concern. "This isn't you! You're being brainwashed by Zephia!"

But Hortensia remained resolute, her resolve unyielding as she countered, "I will defeat you!" she declared. "It's the only way to save Father!"

As the tainted Ring of the Instructor pulsated with an ominous red glow, Alear managed to take down the Corrupted soldier as she looked at Hortensia, with her expression darkened with concern.

"Be careful," Alear warned Kiran as another Corrupted soldier attacked her. "Hortensia's Emblem Ring is leaking Fell Dragon energy."

Acknowledging Alear's warning with a nod, Kiran braced himself for the impending confrontation, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

"Thanks for the warning, Alear," Kiran replied, his tone resolute as he prepared to face Hortensia once more. "I just hope we find a way to free Hortensia before it's too late."

Then, the tension in the throne room escalated as Hortensia, wielding the ominous Fracture staff, aimed its power at Kiran, seeking to render him vulnerable to her subsequent attacks. However, Ivy quickly flew her wyvern and intercepted Hortensia's attack with a flurry of icicles conjured by her Icebound Tome, shielding Kiran from harm.

"Hortensia, please!" Ivy pleaded, her voice tinged with desperation. "Come to your senses!"

But Hortensia, her eyes ablaze with an unsettling crimson hue, met her sister's gaze with a steely resolve. "Why fight me, Ivy? All I want is to bring Father back," she retorted, her voice laden with anguish. "Don't you miss him?"

Ivy continued intercepting Hortensia's attacks as her own heart became heavy with longing for their Father, with both sisters giving it their all as their attacks kept being canceled out.

"Of course, I miss him, Hortensia," Ivy answered, her voice laden with anguish as she continued intercepting Hortensia's attacks. "My heart aches for him every day, but I can't bear to lose you as well."

During the intense battle between Ivy and Hortensia, a new voice echoed within the Breidablik. It was Baldraz, offering a solution to free Hortensia from Zephia's control.

"Kiran, the key to breaking Zephia's hold on Hortensia is to summon her as a Hero," Baldraz suggested. "You must fire a Golden Summon Orb at her."

Kiran understood the situation and prepared the Breidablik with a single Golden Summon Orb. "The challenge is Hortensia's speed, especially if her pegasus moves so fast," he said as he readied the Breidablik. "I need a clear shot."

Just then, Seiðr approached having dispatched her assailants with swift efficiency. "Kiran," she offered, her voice calm yet resolute. "I may be able to assist."

Kiran's face brightened with hope as he considered Seiðr's suggestion. "Seiðr, that's an excellent idea," he replied with a grateful smile. "Your ability can briefly stop Hortensia from moving."

Seiðr nodded in acknowledgment, her focus unwavering as she prepared to unleash her Future-Focused ability. "My ability will require some time to activate," she cautioned Kiran, her gaze fixed on the airborne Hortensia. "But once it's ready, I will be able to briefly stop Hortensia from moving. And when I do, please be prepared to act swiftly."

"Seiðr, please do," Kiran replied. "We'll need all the help we can get to rescue Hortensia."

As he transformed his Axe Breidablik back to its Dire form, Kiran aimed at Hortensia carefully, Seiðr's concentration intensified, her staff emitting a faint glow as she channeled her Future-Focused ability. Kiran watched with a sense of anticipation, his grip on the Breidablik tightening as he waited for the opportune moment.

As Hortensia momentarily pauses in her aerial maneuvers, Seiðr's voice rings out, filled with determination. "I have halted her movement for a brief moment," she urges, her eyes locked on the unfolding scene. "There is hope yet, Kiran!"

With determination in his eyes, Kiran seized the opportunity presented by Seiðr's intervention. "It's now or never," Kiran declared. "There's my opening!"

With unwavering focus, Kiran unleashed the Golden Summon Orb from his Breidablik, the orb streaking toward Hortensia with unyielding purpose.

Since she was in combat with Ivy, Hortensia was caught off guard by the sudden strike of the Golden Summon Orb. As the orb made contact, a brilliant light erupted from within her, illuminating the grand halls of Solm Palace. The red miasma that had clouded her mind and soul began to dissipate, purged by the cleansing power of the orb, prompting Hortensia to let go of her lance, Luin, reverting the lance to Ring of the Instructor. Ivy had to cover her eyes as Hortensia's body began to glow white.

As Alear saw Hortensia letting go of her Emblem Ring, she dashed towards the Emblem Ring, and with some effort, she managed to obtain the tainted Emblem Ring while everyone else was distracted by Hortensia.

Just as Alear managed to retrieve the Ring of the Instructor, Hortensia's scream pierced the air, a mix of agony and liberation as the light enveloped her form, transforming her into a radiant glow. The chamber was bathed in the ethereal light, a moment of transformation and rebirth as the grip of darkness that had bound her began to unravel, revealing the true princess beneath the shadow of corruption.

As the light dimmed around them, Kiran and Ivy found themselves standing in a dreamscape, a realm of swirling mists and ephemeral shadows. Ivy's voice cut through the surreal atmosphere. "Where are we, Kiran?"

Kiran glanced around, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "If I'm not mistaken," he began, "We're inside Hortensia's mind."

Before they could ponder further, an apparition materialized before them, taking on the form of Hortensia herself. The spectral figure spoke, her voice echoing softly.

"Kiran," Ivy spoke as she saw the apparition of Hortensia. "Is that..."

"Yeah," Kiran replied as he saw the visage. "This must be Hortensia's soul."

"Thank you, Kiran. You've freed me from the shackles of control," Hortensia said, her words carrying a weight of regret and gratitude. "But, I was the last person left at Elusia Castle. Without me, there'll be no one to lead."

Ivy's voice joined the conversation, her tone resolute despite the dire circumstances. "It's true, Hortensia, but the situation is beyond our control. Elusia has fallen under the sway of the Fell Dragon."

Hortensia listened intently, her ethereal form seeming to absorb Ivy's words. "Our Father ceased to be king the moment Elusia was seized by Fell Dragon Sombron," Ivy continued, her voice tinged with bitterness. "And now, his daughter and the Four Hounds serve as his enforcers."

In the swirling dreamscape, Kiran's voice carried a weight of solemnity as he recalled the events at Destinea Cathedral, where he saw King Morion as a Corrupted soldier.

"Hortensia," Kiran began, his tone tinged with concern, "If you return to Elusia now, you risk falling under Zephia's control once more. You'll either become a mindless puppet or, worse yet, be killed and transformed into one of the Corrupted."

Hortensia's gaze met Kiran's, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features. Before she could respond, Ivy interjected, her voice soft but firm. "Hortensia, I miss Elusia too," she admitted, her words heavy with regret, "But, there's no home to return to until we defeat Fell Dragon Sombron. We all played a part in the tragedy that befell our kingdom."

The weight of Ivy's words seemed to settle upon Hortensia, her expression shifting to one of dismay. "I know... And I got separated from Rosaldo and Goldmary when those Four Hounds kidnapped me," she confessed, her voice tinged with sadness. "I've left everything behind."

Kiran's voice cut through the uncertainty in the shifting haze of the dreamscape. "Hortensia," he said gently, "Even though your Father is gone, your sister is here with us. And as for your retainers, they're out there somewhere looking for you."

Hortensia's lips curved into a melancholy smile at Kiran's words. "Well.." she admitted softly. "I suppose you and Ivy are right."

Turning her attention to Kiran, Hortensia's expression grew earnest. "Kiran, do you remember what I said to you back at the Grand Crossing?" she asked, her voice tinged with remorse. "I called you a big, lying phony."

Kiran nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of understanding dawning on him. "Yes, I remember," he replied quietly. "That was the first time I encountered you in battle, Hortensia."

With a hint of vulnerability, Hortensia offered her apology. "As much as it's not cute for me to say this," she confessed. "I'm... sorry for my actions back then. There, I... I said it!"

Kiran's response was swift and forgiving. "It's alright, Hortensia," he said to assure her. "Ivy and I are here to forgive you."

"We can't change what has already happened, but we can still change the present and the future," Ivy said to Hortensia. "And Hortensia, I allowed Kiran to summon me as a Hero last night."

As she listened to Ivy, Hortensia nodded as her gratitude radiated in the dreamscape began to fade around them. "Wait, Ivy is now a Hero? Fine... I suppose I'll allow myself to be summoned by you as a Hero," she said earnestly to Kiran. "And once you do, you'd better think of a grandiose speech that describes my cute looks as I get to be summoned by you, okay?"

"Don't worry, Hortensia," Kiran replied as he readied the Breidablik. "I will..."

With those words, the dreamscape dissolved, leaving Kiran and Ivy standing amidst the shifting mists, their path forward now clear.

As the bright light engulfed Solm Palace, casting its radiance throughout the grand halls and chambers, Marni, stationed at the edge of the throne room, shielded her eyes against its brilliance.

"What in the world did that guy just do?" Marni questioned, her voice tinged with bewilderment.

Zephia, standing nearby, raised her tome defensively, attempting to ward off the blinding light. "I... I don't know," she admitted, her voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "But, I feel my control over Hortensia has been broken."

As the intensity of the light began to wane, the inhabitants of Solm Palace slowly regained their bearings. The aftermath revealed a scene of chaos and disarray; the outburst of light had decimated most of the Corrupted soldiers and left the remaining Elusian soldiers disoriented and confused.

Alear, rubbing her eyes as the brightness faded, voiced the collective confusion. She then checked if she still had the tainted Ring of the Instructor with her, and fortunately, she still had that Emblem Ring in her possession.

"What just happened?" Alear wondered aloud, trying to make sense of the sudden upheaval.

From Alear's Ring of the Princess Exalt, Emblem Lucina's voice echoed in Alear's mind. "Kiran has succeeded in freeing Hortensia," Emblem Lucina's words carried a note of triumph and relief. "That's not all. I'm sensing that Hortensia is being summoned by Kiran himself as a Hero."

The room fell silent as everyone watched in awe as Hortensia's body began to glow with a golden hue, her figure surrounded by an ethereal light. Standing beside her, were Kiran and Ivy, having freed Hortensia from Zephia's control. Then, Kiran raised his Breidablik, his words resonating with power.

"Gathering stars to call on the charming second princess who walks on the path of redemption!" Kiran chanted, his tone filled with determination. "Become the path its light shines upon!"

As the glow around Hortensia slowly faded, Kiran's voice rang out in Solm Palace, carrying the weight of his summoning chant,

"Hero Summon!" Kiran chanted as he twirled his Breidablik. "Become a cute Hero, Hortensia, the Little Charmer!"

The room erupted into murmurs of amazement and admiration, the sight of Hortensia breaking free from Zephia's brainwashing and embracing her new role as a summoned Hero filling everyone with hope.

"Kiran, Ivy..." Alear muttered. "You both did it..."

"Well done, Kiran," Fjorm said. "I believed in you, and that has never wavered..."

"It fills me with joy that the Child of Elusia such as Hortensia is saved," Seiðr said. "And now, she has become a Hero."

"I am glad that Princess Ivy and Kiran are alright," Kagetsu remarked. "And I am even more happy that they rescued Princess Hortensia and she is now a Hero like Princess Ivy!"

After completing the summoning process, Hortensia struck a cute pose as she rode her pegasus, her demeanor shifting as she introduced herself.

"It's me — the second princess of Elusia, Hortensia!" Hortensia declared, her voice filled with newfound resolve. "I'm ready to use my cute looks to support Kiran as a Hero!"

But amidst the awe and celebration, Marni stared at the whole event in disbelief and Zephia could only frown in frustration. At the same time, Mauvier remained silent as he stared at Alear and Kiran. For Zephia, her plan to manipulate Hortensia as a sacrificial pawn had been thwarted by Kiran Pathfinder and the realization left her seething with resentment and anger.

"To think that Kiran Pathfinder was the one who broke Hortensia free from my grasp," Zephia muttered, barely able to contain her frustration. "The Divine One and the Summoner... Both of them are indeed threats to Lord Sombron's plans... For that, they must die, here and now."
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Chapter 20, Part 4
As the radiant glow of Hortensia's transformation filled the throne room of Solm Palace, a hush fell over the chaotic scene. Swords paused mid-swing, spells hung suspended in the air, as all eyes turned towards Kiran and the newly summoned Hero, Hortensia.

Hortensia's Fracture staff began to shimmer and morph in the stillness, its form changing into a dazzling golden heart-themed staff. With a gasp of astonishment, Hortensia reached out to inspect her new weapon, marveling at its beauty.

Beside her, Kiran raised the Breidablik, scanning the staff keenly. "Hortensia, you have a new weapon," he proudly told Hortensia. "It's a staff called the Arcane Charmer. It seems that you were summoned as a Rearmed Hero, just like with Alfred."

Hortensia's smile widened at the revelation. "I'm a Rearmed Hero, huh? And the Arcane Charmer..." she repeated as she inspected her new staff, her voice filled with delight. "It's the perfect staff to complement my cute looks."

"Zephia," Alear said as she pointed her Libération towards Zephia. "Enough. Hortensia is freed from your grasp. Leave here at once, or we'll force you to!"

"Well, if it isn't my favorite lizard! How's Solm treating you after your loss back at Detinea Cathedral?" Zephia mockingly sneered at Alear. "Don't you worry... Most of your 'friends' are safe with Sombron. Celica, Micaiah, Marth... Aren't you going to demand them back?"

"You..." Alear glared at Zephia.

"Oh, did you want to see them?" Zephia replied as she showed the tainted Ring of the Holy Knight, her voice dripping in insults. "Shame. I only brought Sigurd with me. Couldn't have you taking all of them, could I?"

As Alear was about to reply, Kiran put his right hand on her shoulder. As Alear noticed Kiran's right hand on her shoulder, she nodded as she calmed down. Then, she heard the voice of Baldraz speaking in her mind.

'Alear, do not fall for her ploys,' Baldraz said to Alear. 'Should Zephia be defeated or killed here, the tainted Ring of the Holy Knight will teleport back to Evil Veyle, rendering your attempt at retrieving it for naught."

'I see,'
Alear thought. 'So, what should we do then?'

'Don't worry about that, Alear,'
Kiran thought back. 'We may not be able to retake Emblem Sigurd here, but we can at least inflict a humiliating defeat on the Hounds and send them packing...'

When she heard Baldraz and Kiran's thoughts, Alear slowly nodded, trusting Kiran with whatever plan he was concocting. Then, Kiran stepped forward and confronted Zephia.

"Ah, Zephia... The most loyal of Sombron's lapdogs," Kiran sarcastically said to Zephia. "How is he by the way? Still sulking around after we've escaped from his grasp?"

As Zephia insulted Alear earlier, she was appalled when Kiran delivered his brand of insult on not just her, but also Fell Dragon Sombron. On the other hand, Marni clenched her right hand in anger as Kiran insulted Lord Sombron.

"You... How dare you sully Lord Sombron's name in vain!" Marni spoke in Zephia's stead and glared at Kiran. "You should've died the moment your army lost that battle!"

"True, we did lose that battle in Destinea Cathedral and lost the first six Emblems, but we retreated, and we're still here," Kiran admitted as his grip on the Breidablik tightened. "But, it's different this time. Look around you, most of the Elusian and Corrupted soldiers you brought along have been taken down!"

As Kiran's words echoed throughout the palace, Zephia and Marni stared at Kiran in silent fury. Everyone else, from Alear to Ivy, and even Hortensia listened on as Kiran continued his speech.

"Not only did you fail in capturing Queen Seforia, but even Hortensia was freed from your grasp and she is now a Hero. Unlike back at Destinea Cathedral, I can confidently say this," Kiran solemnly declared. "This time... We'll send you Hounds back to your Fell Dragon master with your tails between your legs!"

The moment Kiran spoke those words, Zephia gripped her Thoron tome as she glared at him, with the tainted Emblem Ring in her possession glowing bright red. "Kiran Pathfinder, I have gravely underestimated you. To think someone like you is on par with that lizard of a Divine One in terms of being nuisances," she admitted, her tone laced with venomous resolve. "But now, both you and the Divine One must die here."

With a snap of her fingers, the tranquility shattered as several Corrupted soldiers materialized in the throne room, their dark forms casting ominous shadows across the marble floors. The brief respite was over, replaced by the renewed tension of battle as the forces of darkness closed in once more.

"Your death threats don't concern me at all, Zephia," Kiran retorted, having none of it as he gestured towards Hortensia. "On the other hand, Hortensia would like to speak with you."

With her Arcane Charmer staff pointed squarely at Zephia, Hortensia's voice rang out, filled with righteous anger. "How dare you!" she exclaimed, her words echoing with fury. "Your so-called Fell Dragon killed my Father, ruined Elusia, and forced me to fight Ivy!"

As Hortensia's body began to glow with soft, white light, she fixed her gaze unwaveringly on Zephia. "I... I want my life back!" she declared, her voice carrying the weight of her determination. "You're going to pay for what you did to everyone here!"

The radiant aura emanating from Hortensia not only enveloped Alear, Kiran, and their allies, but also seemed to debilitate Zephia, Marni, Mauvier, and the rest of the Corrupted soldiers standing with them. Their combat prowess weakened, and their forms shrouded in an oppressive energy that sapped their defenses.

"That aura..." Ivy remarked to Kiran. "Is that her skill?"

Within the depths of the Breidablik, Baldraz's voice echoed in the minds of Alear, Kiran, and Ivy. "Yes, Ivy. Hortensia possesses a unique skill," he explained telepathically, his tone filled with anticipation. "It's called 'Glittering Anima.' It increases the combat prowess of allies while debilitating enemies."

With a commanding tone, Zephia reined in her wyvern, her voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "What are you waiting for?" she demanded of the Corrupted soldiers, her eyes ablaze with determination. "Kill the Divine One, Kiran, and the rest of their allies! Show no mercy!"

Her words spurred the Corrupted soldiers into action, and with a chilling battle cry, they charged toward Alear, Kiran, Ivy, and Hortensia. Marni, Mauvier, and the other Corrupted soldiers joined the fray, their weapons gleaming in the morning light of the throne room.

"Hmm, I remember Mauvier wants to fight me and Alear for some reason," Kiran remarked as he saw Mauvier galloping his horse in his direction. "Ivy, Hortensia... Can I leave Zephia to you two?"

Ivy, her eyes locked on Zephia, turned to Kiran with a determined expression. "So be it, Kiran. Leave Zephia to me and Hortensia," she said to Kiran. "You and the Divine One focus on Mauvier."

Hortensia's grip tightened on her Arcane Charmer as she nodded in agreement with Ivy's plan. "I agree with Ivy. We both have a score to settle with her," she said. "Zephia will pay for what she did to me."

"If you're willing, I think Seiðr and I can fight off one of the Hounds," Fjorm suggested to Kiran as she pointed at Marni. "I think she goes by the name of Marni."

"I agree with Princess Fjorm here," Seiðr interjected. "We have to keep the Hounds occupied as the rest of our allies finish off the remaining enemy forces in the palace."

Kiran, his gaze locked on Mauvier approaching on horseback, made a decision. "I'll handle Mauvier. Alear and I will take care of him," he suggested. "Ivy, Hortensia, be careful with Zephia."

Alear nodded in understanding as she readied herself for the upcoming battle. "Don't worry about me or Kiran. We'll watch each other's backs," she replied. "Stay safe, Ivy and Hortensia."

As Ivy and Hortensia squared off against Zephia, Alear and Kiran faced off against Mauvier while Fjorm and Seiðr confronted Marni. The stage was set for a fierce confrontation, with alliances tested and destinies intertwined in the heat of battle.

The clash of swords and the roar of magic continued to echo through the halls of Solm Palace as the battle raged on. Mauvier, mounted on his horse, charged towards Alear and Kiran, a group of Corrupted soldiers at his side. With his Flame Lance drawn, Mauvier called out to his adversaries.

"Kiran Pathfinder," Mauvier declared, his voice ringing out above the chaos. "It is time for you to answer my questions."

Kiran, standing firm alongside Alear, met Mauvier's gaze with unwavering resolve. "Mauvier, is it?" he replied calmly, his tone betraying no hint of fear. "You'll have your answers soon enough."

Weapons clashed as Kiran parried Mauvier's Flame Lance attacks with the Axe Breidablik. As Alear stood there and watched Kiran square off against Mauvier, she couldn't help but feel both in awe and concerned about Kiran, but she had already put her trust in him in this particular battle.

Mauvier's expression hardened as he spoke once more, his voice tinged with suspicion. "I know that the Veyle that is with Sombron is not the Lady Veyle that I know," he accused, his eyes narrowing in scrutiny. "That is why I must know what happened to Lady Veyle during your retreat."

As the Corrupted soldiers closed in around them, Kiran's attention shifted, his gaze darting toward the approaching threat. "Mauvier, as much as I'd be willing to explain," he conceded, his voice measured. "But, there are too many prying eyes here. I'm sure Sombron and the false Veyle can oversee the battle through the eyes of the Corrupted."

As Mauvier noticed how Kiran referred to the Veyle that was with Sombron as 'false', Kiran clashed weapons with Mauvier. Then, the Corrupted soldiers began to growl and charge at Kiran, to overpower the Summoner with sheer numbers. Alear readied her Libération to fight off the incoming Corrupted, a certain group emerged to aid Alear and Kiran in their struggle against Mauvier and the Corrupted soldiers. Male and Female Shez, Claude, Timerra, Fogado, and their retainers launched a fierce assault on the enemy, their weapons flashing in the morning light of Solm Palace.

"Kiran," Claude said as he shot an arrow at one of the Corrupted soldiers using his Cunning Bow. "Seems you always tend to be in the thick of things."

"As expected, I tend to be like this during battle," Kiran remarked as he backed off from Mauvier. "But, thank you for the concern, Claude."

"I kinda agree with him," Male Shez remarked as he readied his Crimson Blades. "Kiran's been like that, even when he summoned me and my female counterpart last time."

"Well," Female Shez said as she readied her Crimson War Axe. "At least as Heroes, we have to protect and back him up, right?"

Timerra's voice cut through the din of battle as she addressed Alear and Kiran. "Looks like you two could use some help," she remarked, her tone confident as she gazed at Mauvier. "Shall we take that guy head-on?"

Alear nodded gratefully, her eyes scanning the battlefield. "Thank you, Timerra, but I think Kiran got this one. If your group can handle the Corrupted soldiers following Mauvier," she replied, pointing at the group of Corrupted that were accompanying the eponymous Hound. "Kiran and I will confront Mauvier himself."

With a wink, Timerra assured Alear of their capabilities. "You got it, Divine One," she smirked. "Since you and Kiran saved my Mom, we'll take care of these enemy soldiers."

"And remember what Timerra said about Solm yesterday?" Fogado said as he readied his Killer Bow. "As you can see, we're more than eager to repay the favor quickly."

With a swift motion, Timerra activated the Ring of the Radiant Hero. As Emblem Ike appeared briefly in front of the group, the Emblem Ring on Timerra's finger glowing brightly as she declared, "Emblem Engage!" In an instant, her form shifted, assuming her powerful Engage Form.

With Timerra at the helm, leading the charge, their group surged forward, engaging the Corrupted soldiers with precision and skill. Their combined efforts created an opening for Alear and Kiran to focus their attention on Mauvier, the leader of the enemy forces.

"Hmm," Mauvier remarked as he saw the Corrupted soldiers that were accompanying him being attacked by Timerra's group. "Is this your plan all along?"

"Kind of... I know you wanted me to answer your questions," Kiran replied as he readied his Axe Breidablik. "I'd reckon that it's best to rid of the Corrupted accompanying you so that we can begin."

As the battle raged on, Alear and Kiran squared off against Mauvier, their determination unwavering as they prepared to face their formidable adversary head-on. With their allies fighting at their side, they braced themselves for the intense struggle that lay ahead.

As Fjorm and Seiðr faced off against Marni, the tension in the air was palpable, their weapons drawn and ready for battle. Marni, flanked by a contingent of Corrupted soldiers, regarded her adversaries with a mocking smirk.

"Ah, how beautiful Solm Palace is," Marni remarked sarcastically, her voice dripping with disdain as she gripped her Hurricane Axe tightly. "It's a nicer tomb than you deserve!"

Fjorm tightened her grip on her Leiptr, her expression steeled with determination. "What do you mean by that?" she demanded, her voice echoing with resolve.

Seiðr, her staff glowing with teal and gold light, stepped forward, her gaze steady as she addressed Marni. "That's not a very nice thing to say," she chided gently.

Marni's lip curled in a sneer as she snapped back at Seiðr. "And who do you think you are? A goddess?" she retorted, her tone laced with mockery.

Seiðr's response was calm but firm. "Indeed, I am," she stated, her voice carrying the weight of her divine heritage. "I am Seiðr, a Vanir goddess of Vanaheimr, the Realm of Light."

With a dismissive glance at the Corrupted soldiers by her side, Marni issued a chilling order. "Whether you're a goddess or not... It doesn't matter to me," she commanded, her words sending a shiver down the spine of her allies as they prepared to carry out her bidding. "Kill anyone who stands with the Divine One and Kiran!"

As Marni's command spurred the Corrupted soldiers into action, Fjorm and Seiðr braced themselves for the incoming onslaught. Swords at the ready, they prepared to meet the charge head-on.

However, just as the Corrupted soldiers surged forward, a new group of allies arrived on the scene, intercepting the enemy forces with impeccable timing. Female Byleth, Dimitri, Alfred, Celine, and their retainers leaped into action, engaging the Corrupted soldiers in combat.

Alfred, leading his group, approached Fjorm and Seiðr with a confident smile. "Whew, that was close!" he announced, his voice filled with determination. "Fjorm, Seiðr... Are you two alright?"

"We're alright," Fjorm replied to Alfred. "Thank you for arriving."

"Thank goodness!" Celine exclaimed as she gripped her Joyous Tome. "We made it this time!"

Female Byleth, her gaze steady as she addressed Fjorm and Seiðr, laid out their plan. "We'll handle the Corrupted," she declared, her tone resolute as she stared at Marni. "You two focus on your opponent."

Gratitude filled Fjorm's voice as she responded to Alfred and Female Byleth. "Thank you for your help," she said sincerely, her appreciation evident.

Seiðr nodded in agreement, her staff crackling with energy. "Your assistance was crucial," she acknowledged, her eyes gleaming with determination.

With Alfred's group engaging the Corrupted soldiers, Fjorm and Seiðr turned their attention towards Marni, their resolve unwavering as they prepared to confront their formidable opponent head-on.

Amidst the swirling chaos of battle, Ivy and Hortensia found themselves locked in a fierce confrontation with Zephia, their movements fluid as they deftly fired spells, blocked attacks, and dodged incoming magic.

Zephia's voice cut through the fray, filled with scorn as she addressed Hortensia. "You've been quite naughty," she taunted, her words laced with malice. "You broke free from my control, only to ally yourself with Kiran. Didn't you fight him last time?"

Hortensia's eyes flashed with defiance as she retorted, "That was then," she scoffed at Zephia. "A lot has changed today."

Zephia scoffed, her tone dripping with disdain. "Joining forces with the man that you fought against at the Grand Crossing?" she sneered, her insults intended to provoke. "How unbefitting of you, Princess Hortensia."

Ivy, standing beside Hortensia, couldn't remain silent in the face of Zephia's mockery. "Even if Hortensia and I first met Kiran as enemies, Kiran has been unbelievably kind to us," she interjected, her voice firm with conviction. "Since Hortensia and I are summoned by him as Heroes, neither Hortensia nor I will allow any insult directed towards him."

Hortensia nodded in agreement, her resolve unwavering. "Ivy's right. Even now, Kiran treats me with the respect I deserve as the cutest Elusian princess," she declared proudly, her voice carrying a note of defiance. "On the other hand, you brainwashed me and sent me to fight my sister and her allies to the death! I'm going to make you pay for that!"

As the tainted Ring of the Holy Knight pulsated with a menacing red glow in Zephia's grasp, she cast a calculating gaze toward Ivy and Hortensia.

"Hmph, fine," Zephia muttered, her voice tinged with frustration. "It seems I'm left with no choice but to use my Emblem Ring just to deal with the two of you..."

With a swift motion, Zephia activated her Emblem Ring, the Ring of the Holy Knight transforming into a tainted copy of Sigurd's sword, Tyrfing. As she did, a group of Corrupted soldiers rushed to Zephia's side. Among them were Bow Fighters, their arrows poised to strike at Ivy and Hortensia.

Before the Corrupted soldiers could unleash their volley, however, a new group of allies arrived on the scene. Male Byleth, Edelgard, Diamant, Alcryst, and their retainers launched into action, engaging the Corrupted soldiers in combat. Among the retainers present were Zelkov and Kagetsu.

"Princess Ivy," Zelkov said. "We have *arrived* here as fast as we could."

"Do not worry, Princess Ivy!" Kagetsu declared as he gestured towards Zephia. "We can handle the enemies here while you and Princess Hortensia fight that Hound! She deserves to be beaten down by you and Princess Hortensia!"

"Zelkov, Kagetsu..." Ivy muttered. "Thank the Divine One you two survived so far..."

"Princess Ivy and Hortensia of the Kingdom of Elusia, is it?" Edelgard spoke as she twirled her Victorious Axe. "We've arrived to aid you two as fast as we could."

Male Byleth addressed Ivy and Hortensia with a determined tone. "Leave the Corrupted to us," he instructed, his voice resolute.

Diamant, his expression stern, directed Ivy and Hortensia's attention toward their true adversary. "Settle your score with Zephia," he urged them, his words carrying a sense of urgency. "We can handle the enemies here."

"Uh, Diamant..." Alcryst spoke as his grip on his Arcane Darkbow tightened. "We should deal with the Bow Fighters. They seem eager to fire their arrows on Ivy and Hortensia."

"Right," Diamant replied as he readied his Fair-Fight Blade. "No less than victory!"

With the Corrupted soldiers now occupied in battle, Zephia's frustration boiled over. Gritting her teeth, she watched helplessly as her minions struggled against the combined might of Male Byleth, Edelgard, Alcryst, and Diamant's group.

"To think that they'd interfere," Zephia scoffed in frustration. "How unfortunate..."

"That's right," Hortensia replied as she readied her Arcane Charmer. "Now with your minions out of the way, you'll get beaten down by Ivy and yours truly!"

It became evident to her that not even the Corrupted could aid her against the righteous fury of Ivy and Hortensia. Faced against two furious Elusian Heroes, Zephia could only use the tainted Emblem Ring in her possession to even stand a chance.

Amidst the tumultuous clash between Timerra's group and the Corrupted soldiers accompanying Mauvier, Mauvier himself seized the opportunity to address Alear and Kiran. His voice rang out above the din of battle, filled with a mix of admiration and determination.

"I must commend the Divine One for her formidable army," Mauvier remarked, his tone laced with respect. "And you, Kiran, for your summoned Heroes. Because of that, I will hold nothing back."

Alear, her eyes narrowed in determination, turned to Kiran with a sense of urgency. "Leave Mauvier to me," she insisted, her voice filled with determination.

Kiran shook his head in response, a determined glint in his eyes. "No, Alear. Mauvier wants answers from me specifically," he explained, his voice resolute. "Trust me. Just prepare to defend me if any of those Corrupted soldiers show up."

Reluctantly, Alear acquiesced to Kiran's request, her expression tense with worry. "Okay, Kiran," she urged him, her voice tinged with concern. "Just be careful..."

As Mauvier charged at Kiran with his Flame Lance, Kiran swiftly transformed the Breidablik into its Axe form, using it to parry Mauvier's attack with skillful precision. Mauvier, impressed by Kiran's prowess, offered a begrudging acknowledgment.

"You fight well, despite being the Summoner," Mauvier conceded, his tone tinged with respect.

Kiran's response was calm and collected as he shrugged off the praise. "I've had a lot of practice," he replied nonchalantly, his focus unwavering as he prepared to face Mauvier head-on.

As Kiran deftly parried Mauvier's relentless onslaught with his Axe Breidablik, the voice of Baldraz, the spirit within the Breidablik, echoed in his mind. "Surprisingly enough, Mauvier has the potential to be summoned as a Hero," Baldraz's telepathic voice conveyed, prompting Kiran to consider an alternative approach. "Try to convince him using one of the letters you wrote earlier."

Kiran's mind raced as he recalled the letters he had penned the night before, one of which was intended for Mauvier, inspired by the glimpses he had seen through Veyle's memories.

As Mauvier lunged forward once more, Kiran anticipated the attack, blocking it with his Axe Breidablik before swiftly retreating a few steps to create distance.

Seizing the opportunity, Kiran reached into his pocket and retrieved the letter addressed to Mauvier. With a swift motion, he hurled it towards Mauvier, who deftly caught it with his right hand, his expression curious yet guarded.

As the letter exchanged hands, a tense silence enveloped the battlefield, the outcome hanging in the balance as Kiran waited with bated breath for Mauvier's response.

As Mauvier grasped the letter, his brow furrowed in curiosity. "What letter is this?" he inquired, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Kiran leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper as he addressed Mauvier. "This letter will answer your questions," he explained cryptically. "But you can only open it when no one else is around—not even the Corrupted, Sombron, the rest of the Hounds, or the false Veyle that's with you right now must know about that letter."

Mauvier's expression shifted as he mulled over Kiran's words, his mind racing with possibilities. Kiran's next words only served to deepen his intrigue.

"If you want to see the real Lady Veyle," Kiran continued, his voice earnest, "That letter is the key."

Mauvier regarded Kiran with a mix of skepticism and curiosity before turning his attention to the letter in his hand. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke, his voice tinged with resignation. "Be that as it may, my orders do not involve dying," he stated firmly. "I must take my leave."

With a final glance at Kiran, Mauvier acknowledged the significance of the letter in his hands. "Kiran Pathfinder," he admitted, a note of solemnity in his tone. "I hope this letter best explains what truly happened to Lady Veyle."

Kiran nodded in understanding. "Don't worry Mauvier," he affirmed. "It will..."

With that, Mauvier turned and retreated from Solm Palace, his departure prompting a collective sigh of relief from Alear and Kiran.

"Kiran," Alear spoke to him. "I remember earlier today that you showed that letter to me. It seems that you were waiting for this moment to give that letter to Mauvier."

"True," Kiran replied. "The moment that we saw Mauvier when we went inside Veyle's subconscious and saw through her memories, I figured that Mauvier is loyal to Veyle herself. We just need to convince Mauvier to defect from Sombron and into our side."

"Is that so?" Alear replied. "Kiran, I think there's another reason why you're doing that."

"That's right, Alear," Kiran replied as he smiled at her. "During that fight, Baldraz was able to sense Mauvier's potential as a Hero. And as a Summoner, I can't exactly turn a blind eye to that, right?"

"Fair enough, Kiran," Alear chuckled as her grip on her Libération tightened. "We should head to Ivy and Hortensia. I hope they're doing okay against Zephia."

"I couldn't agree more," Kiran replied. "Let's go to them, shall we?"

As the tension of battle began to ebb away, they were left to ponder the significance of Mauvier's departure and the secrets contained within the letter he held in his hands. Thus, Alear and Kiran head over to where Ivy and Hortensia were, in hopes of assisting in their battle against Zephia.

During the fierce battle, Fjorm and Seiðr found themselves locked in combat with Marni, the air crackling with tension as their weapons clashed.

Marni swung her Hurricane Axe with reckless abandon, her frustration evident in her words. "Why won't you die?" she snarled, her attacks relentless as she aimed blow after blow at Fjorm.

Despite being at a disadvantage in the weapon triangle, Fjorm managed to parry Marni's onslaught, her determination unwavering. "I fight for Kiran," she declared, her voice ringing with conviction. "My belief in him is what keeps me going."

Suddenly, Marni felt a strange sensation, as if her movements had been impeded. She turned to see Seiðr glowing with a teal and gold light, a telltale sign that she had activated her Future-Focused ability.

Seiðr wasted no time in seizing the opportunity. "Princess Fjorm," she urged Fjorm, her voice resolute. "Now's your chance to strike back!"

With a determined nod, Fjorm lunged forward, delivering a powerful strike with her Leiptr. "This is my all!" she declared, her determination shining through.

As Fjorm's attack connected, knocking Marni back, Seiðr's staff shimmered with a brilliant light. With a fierce cry, she unleashed a barrage of magic bolts at Marni.

"Revealing Light!" Seiðr declared, echoing through the air as her magic bolts hit their mark on Marni.

The combined assault of Fjorm and Seiðr proved too much for Marni to withstand, and she staggered under the onslaught, her defenses crumbling before their righteous fury.

As Seiðr's magic bolts rained down upon her, Marni found herself barely clinging to consciousness, her body battered and bruised from the onslaught. With a strained effort, she managed to stagger to her feet, her pride wounded but her resolve undiminished.

"The floor's slippery, that's why I lost," Marni protested weakly, her voice tinged with frustration. "That's it! I'm going home!"

With that, Marni turned on her heel and retreated from Solm Palace, her departure leaving a trail of defeat in her wake.

Fjorm watched Marni's hasty exit with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "She's quite immature," she remarked dryly, shaking her head in disbelief.

Seiðr, her expression thoughtful, nodded in agreement. "As a goddess, I can sense that she is indeed young," she confirmed, her voice carrying a note of understanding. "It is unfortunate that she has sided with the enemy."

Surveying the battlefield, Fjorm's gaze settled on the Corrupted soldiers being routed by Alfred's group. "Anyway, we need to meet up with Kiran and Alear," she stated firmly, her tone resolute.

Seiðr nodded in agreement. "I could not agree more," she replied, her voice echoing Fjorm's determination.

With a shared sense of purpose, Fjorm and Seiðr departed from their current location, setting off to rendezvous with Kiran and Alear.

Amidst the chaotic flurry of magical attacks, Ivy and Hortensia found themselves locked in a deadly dance with Zephia, the air crackling with energy as they dodged and blocked her relentless assault.

Zephia's frustration was palpable as her Thoron and Levin Sword attacks rained down upon Ivy and Hortensia. "No need for restraint," she sneered, her voice laced with malice. "I've let my Emblem Ring run wild!"

As Zephia became increasingly fixated on Ivy, the young warrior sensed an opening, exchanging a subtle nod with Hortensia as they silently coordinated their next move.

With Zephia fully engrossed in her rant, she continued pelting Ivy and Hortensia with magical attacks that were enhanced by the tainted Ring of the Holy Knight. As Ivy deftly blocked the majority of her incoming attacks, this created an opportunity for Hortensia to make her move.

Seizing the moment, Hortensia urged her pegasus forward, her determination shining through as her Arcane Charmed glowed in a brilliant golden light as she activated her Special skill, Glitter of Light.

"Now you've done it!" Hortensia declared, her voice resolute as she launched several heart-shaped icicles at Zephia using her Arcane Charmer.

As Zephia was pelted by heart-shaped attacks, Hortensia's Glitter of Light activated, enveloping Zephia in a dazzling display, disorienting her and leaving her unable to retaliate. Caught off guard by Hortensia's unexpected maneuver, Zephia staggered backward, her confidence wavering as she struggled to regain her bearings in the face of their combined onslaught.

Seizing the moment, Hortensia urged Ivy to deliver the final blow, her voice filled with determination.

"Now's your chance, Ivy!" Hortensia called out, her eyes blazing with determination. "Finish her!"

Ivy nodded in understanding, guiding her wyvern forward as her Icebound Tome crackled with magical energy. As multiple icicles began to form around her, Ivy released them with a fierce cry, her voice echoing through the air.

"For Elusia!" Ivy declared, her determination evident in every syllable.

The onslaught of icy projectiles proved devastating, striking Zephia and her wyvern with unyielding force. Due to being unable to retaliate thanks to Hortensia's Glitter of Light, Zephia barely managed to withstand the onslaught, her body reeling from the impact as she and her mount were knocked back several feet.

Huffing in frustration, Zephia's gaze flickered to her tainted Emblem Ring, its malevolent energy seeping out like a dark miasma. "To think as Heroes, they're formidable, even without using their Emblems..." she muttered bitterly, her voice tinged with frustration. "That would've been too easy..."

Meanwhile, Ivy and Hortensia took a moment to catch their breath, their hearts pounding with the adrenaline of battle. Relief washed over them as they spotted Kiran, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr running towards them, their expressions filled with concern and relief.

"Divine One, Kiran..." Zephia declared as she glared at the two of them. "Your army and your Heroes may have won this time, but mark my words — I will see you all again in battle soon enough."

"Sombron's hold on those tainted Emblem Rings cannot last forever," Kiran declared. "Alear and I will eventually reclaim them. Now, go. Leave the Queendom of Solm and never return."

As Kiran made his retort, Zephia spurred her wyvern into flight, disappearing into the distance as she retreated from the palace. And with the retreat of the Hounds and the subsequent routing of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers, the battle for Solm Palace has concluded.
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Chapter 20, Part 5
As they continued fighting Curse Directive soldiers alongside the automated Niðavellir Gullinburstis, Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, Veronica, and Reginn pressed forward relentlessly, their weapons flashing as they battled their way through the groups of enemies that barred their path. With each strike and parry, they edged closer to their destination: Eitri's workshop.

Riding atop her formidable Gullinbursti mech, Reginn cut a path through their adversaries with effortless precision, her gaze fixed ahead with unwavering determination.

"Let's hope we're not too late," Reginn called out to her companions over the din of battle, her voice resolute.

Alfonse's brow furrowed with concern as he surveyed their surroundings. "Reginn," he replied, his tone grim. "I hope that's the case."

Finally, the group reached the abandoned workshop, their breaths ragged from the exertion of battle. Sharena's sharp eyes caught sight of a figure making a hasty exit from the warehouse, her expression clouded with recognition.

"I know that Thief!" Sharena exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration. "We've fought him before back at the first Curse Directive encampment a few days ago!"

Veronica's eyes widened with realization as she identified the figure. "That's Shade," she declared, her voice filled with urgency. "He's Ebony's second in command, and he has the stolen blueprints!"

As Shade smirked deviously, he observed Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, Veronica, and Reginn with a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes.

"To think I would encounter the accursed Askrans and Emblians along with the Niðavellir princess," Shade remarked. "While I have no time to fight against you right now, my soldiers do..."

With a snap of his fingers, he summoned forth more Curse Directive soldiers, scattering them in the path of their pursuers like pieces on a chessboard. There were far too many Curse Directive soldiers to deal with, and thus, Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Reginn had to forgo their chance to pursue Shade to deal with the soldiers he spawned into the area.

As Shade fled the area, Reginn's expression darkened as she watched Shade's maneuver. "The blueprints for the prototype Gullinbursti..." she muttered, her voice heavy with frustration. "Stolen by the Curse Directive."

Commander Anna's eyes narrowed with determination. "This isn't good at all," she stated, her tone resolute. "Kiran will have to contend with enemy Gullinburstis in the future."

Alfonse nodded in agreement, his jaw set with resolve. "Our priority now is to eliminate the remaining Curse Directive forces in the area," he declared, his voice steady. "We can't let these enemies be on Niðavellir."

With a heavy sigh, Reginn readied her Gullinbursti for battle, her grip tightening on the controls. "Yeah, let's take these enemies down," she murmured, her thoughts already turning to the challenges that lay ahead. "I hope that Kiran is prepared to face enemy Gullinburstis in Elyos."

As they prepared to engage the enemy forces, the group steeled themselves for the battle to come, knowing that their actions would have far-reaching consequences in the ongoing struggle against the Curse Directive.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, Alear and Kiran stood at the forefront, with Diamant, Alcryst, Alfred, Celine, Ivy, Hortensia, Fjorm, Seiðr, and summoned Heroes gathered around them, a sense of accomplishment and relief washing over the group.

Kiran's voice cut through the stillness, gratitude evident in his tone as he addressed their comrades. "I want to extend my deepest thanks to Male and Female Byleth, Male and Female Shez, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude," he began, his expression earnest. "Your assistance during this battle was invaluable."

Claude offered a casual shrug, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Hey, it's all part of the job," he remarked nonchalantly.

Edelgard nodded in agreement, her gaze thoughtful. "Indeed. Every challenge we face serves to strengthen our resolve," she added, her voice tinged with determination.

Dimitri's expression softened, a sense of gratitude shining in his eyes. "I'm glad we were able to save the ruler of this nation," he stated, his voice resonating with sincerity.

Turning back to Alear, Kiran's gaze held a hint of curiosity as he inquired about the Ring of the Instructor. "Alear," he asked, his voice tinged with anticipation. "Did you manage to retrieve the Ring of the Instructor?"

Alear nodded in confirmation, her grip tightening around the tainted Emblem Ring she had acquired.

"Yes," Alear replied as she explained to Kiran. "I picked it up when Hortensia dropped it during your attempt at summoning her."

As Alear gingerly presented the tainted Ring of the Instructor, a sense of solemnity hung in the air, her expression reflecting a mixture of regret and determination.

Hortensia's voice broke the silence, filled with genuine remorse. "I'm truly sorry for what I did," she offered, her tone heavy with sincerity as she addressed Alear directly. "That Emblem Ring... It's yours in the first place, but don't give me too much credit. I wasn't exactly planning to hand it over."

Kiran's voice cut through the tension, his eyes fixed on the tainted emblem. "Even if that's the case, thank you, Hortensia," he replied to Hortensia. Then, he turned his attention to Alear. "Alear, let's purify the ring. I'll use the Breidablik to stabilize the purification process."

Alear's smile blossomed, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Kiran," she replied, her voice filled with appreciation for his unwavering support. "Shall we begin?"

With a focused determination, Kiran activated the Breidablik, channeling its power to cleanse the taint from the Ring of the Instructor. Seiðr became fascinated, as she had never seen such a thing before.

"Oh, I see..." Seiðr remarked. "So, this is how Emblem Rings are purified."

"Indeed," Fjorm replied. "I saw that first-hand a few nights ago. I suppose this is your first time seeing it, Seiðr."

As the purification process began, Alear's voice rose in a chant, her words resonating with purpose. "Teach us, Emblem of the Academy!"

The taint dissipated under the combined efforts of Kiran and Alear, the emblem glowing with newfound purity. And then, as if emerging from a deep slumber, Emblem Byleth materialized before the group, his presence radiating with newfound clarity.

"I'm Emblem Byleth..." Emblem Byleth remarked, his voice filled with relief. "It feels as though I've awoken from a very long dream."

As Emblem Byleth manifested in front of the group, everyone, especially the Fodlan Heroes, stared at Emblem Byleth, each with different thoughts and reactions concerning his appearance.

"Incredible..." Edelgard said as she glanced at Male Byleth. "The male version of the Professor has an Emblem counterpart?"

"I'm just as surprised as you," Dimitri replied. "But, this is another world, after all."

"Yeah, we've already met a version of the female Professor wearing swimwear," Claude remarked. "So, this shouldn't be as surprising."

"True, but it feels surreal," Male Byleth remarked as he scrutinized Emblem Byleth. "So, this is the Emblem version of me."

"I concur," Female Byleth said as her gaze drifted between Male Byleth and Emblem Byleth. "Despite resembling more closely to you, I think he's still a version of me as well."

"Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude... It is good to meet you here in Elyos..." Emblem Byleth said to them. Then, he turned his attention to Male and Female Byleth, along with Male and Female Shez. "I know that you two are my true basis, but I do not know of the other two."

"Well, I guess my counterpart and I should introduce ourselves," Male Shez replied as he scratched his head awkwardly. "I'm Male Shez, a mercenary."

"And I'm Female Shez, also a mercenary," Female Shez introduced herself. "According to Kiran, my counterpart and I come from two alternate versions of Fodlan. It's really hard to explain..."

"I see," Emblem Byleth nodded. "So, are you all Emblems, just like me?"

"No, Emblem Byleth. They're not Emblems," Kiran spoke on behalf of the Fodlan Heroes. "They're Heroes that I've summoned and formed contracts with. It's quite different from how an Emblem is summoned."

"Thank you for clarifying that for me," Emblem Byleth replied. "And you must be..."

"Oh? My name is Kiran Pathfinder," Kiran introduced himself. "I'm a Summoner from the Nine Realms of Zenith, in service to the Kingdom of Askr. Although my arrival here in Elyos was accidental, I'm helping Alear in her quest to gather the remaining Emblem Rings and save Elyos."

"I see. It's good to meet with you, Kiran Pathfinder," Emblem Byleth bowed in respect to Alear and Kiran. "Divine One and Kiran... I'm glad to be on your side. Now that I'm here, I can help guide everyone."

Alear nodded, her expression one of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Emblem Byleth," she replied, her voice steady with resolve.

With Emblem Byleth by their side, Alear and Kiran were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, strengthened by their unity and the guidance of their newfound ally.

"Kiran," Male Byleth said to him, gesturing at the rest of the Fodlan Heroes. "It is time for us to return to the Kingdom of Askr."

"Right," Kiran replied as he readied his Breidablik. "Please write a battle report of the events that transpired here."

With a nod of appreciation, Kiran turned his attention to the Breidablik in his hand, the device pulsing with power. With a decisive pull of the trigger, he dismissed Male and Female Byleth, Male and Female Shez, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude from Elyos, their duty fulfilled for the time being.

Amidst the aftermath of the battle, Queen Seforia, accompanied by her children, Timerra and Fogado, approached Alear and Kiran with a sense of gratitude and relief.

"I can't thank you both enough," Queen Seforia began, her voice filled with sincerity. "You not only saved my life but also the entire Queendom of Solm."

Alear's response was humble yet determined. "It was simply the right thing to do," she replied, her gaze unwavering.

Kiran nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a similar sentiment. "We acted according to our principles," he added, his tone resolute.

Hortensia stepped forward, her demeanor contrite. "Look, I'm sorry for what I did," she offered, her voice tinged with regret as she addressed Queen Seforia directly. "I'll accept whatever punishment you give me."

Alear interjected, her tone gentle yet firm. "Queen Seforia, please," she explained, her words carrying a sense of understanding. "Hortensia was under Zephia's control. She did those things against her will."

Kiran twirled the Breidablik thoughtfully as he spoke. "Summoning her as a Hero was the only way to break her free from Zephia's influence," he clarified, his voice steady with resolve. "But, it all worked out in the end, and she even gave her Emblem Ring to Alear."

Queen Seforia's gaze shifted from Ivy to Hortensia, her expression a mix of solemnity and consideration as she addressed the two princesses.

"Threatening a queen's life is a grave offense," Seforia began, her voice carrying a weight of authority. "Normally, such actions would warrant imprisonment within Solm's dungeons."

Seforia briefly paused, her eyes softening with understanding as she looked at Ivy and Hortensia. "However, considering the circumstances..." she continued, her tone measured yet firm. "And because the only offense was Hortensia's unwelcome intrusion and the threat made, I will not take such drastic measures."

Ivy's gratitude was palpable as she nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "We appreciate your leniency."

Queen Seforia offered a small nod in return before addressing Ivy and Hortensia once more. "If you both wish to make amends with Solm," she began, her voice carrying a note of resolve. "Then, prove it by aiding the Divine One and Kiran in the defeat of the Fell Dragon and the restoration of Elusia."

Ivy's response was immediate, her determination shining through her words. "We will do everything in our power to restore Elusia," she promised, her voice unwavering.

Seforia nodded in approval, her thoughts already turning to the future. "Very well," she replied, her tone thoughtful. "In the meantime, we must strengthen the palace's defenses. There's a chance that the Fell Dragon's forces may return to attack Solm, and we must be prepared."

"That's a good idea," Alear remarked. "We can never be too careful nowadays."

After Queen Seforia's words, Timerra, her voice filled with excitement, turned to Alear and revealed, "Solm holds another Emblem Ring, the Ring of the Crux of Fate," she revealed. "I think it's located at the Northern Fortress."

Alear's face lit up with a smile as she responded. "That's good news," she replied. "We can head there tomorrow then."

Timerra, eager to embark on the quest, replied. "If you say so," she shrugged. "We'll make our way to the Northern Fortress tomorrow."

Queen Seforia observed the exchange with a thoughtful expression before speaking up. "Divine One, when you spoke just now, and the way you looked into my eyes..." she remarked, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "You remind me so much of Queen Lumera."

Alear's cheeks flushed with gratitude at the comparison. "Thank you, Your Majesty. That's a great honor," she responded, her tone genuine.

Kiran, ever observant, interjected at this point. "Speaking of requests, Queen Seforia, you asked me yesterday to summon the real Ike," he recalled, prompting Seforia to nod in confirmation.

"Yes, I did," Seforia affirmed, her expression thoughtful. The mention of Ike, the legendary hero, sparked a sense of anticipation among the group as they prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

Kiran, with determination in his eyes, raised the Breidablik and turned to Queen Seforia, suggesting, "What if I summon a Hero you're familiar with instead?"

Kiran's suggestion caught Queen Seforia off guard, and she looked at him with curiosity as he readied his Breidablik once more. "What do you mean by that?" she inquired, her tone tinged with intrigue.

With a determined expression, Kiran raised the Breidablik and began his summoning chant. "Gathering stars call to the former queen whose sacrifice paved the way to the future! Become the path its light shines upon!" he intoned, his voice echoing with power.

As he pulled the trigger, a radiant glow enveloped the space before them, and with a flourish, he completed the summoning ritual. "Hero Summon!" he declared. "I call forth Lumera, the Dragon Monarch!"

To Seforia's astonishment, the figure of Lumera materialized before them, her regal presence filling the room. "Lumera..." Seforia murmured in disbelief.

"Mother..." Alear muttered. "It's good to see you here."

Lumera, ever composed, addressed Kiran with warmth in her voice. "I am grateful for the summons, Kiran," she somberly said. "And to see you, my child, and the rest of your allies safe and sound warms my heart."

With a gracious smile, Seforia turned to Kiran, her gratitude evident. "You didn't have to do this," she said sincerely. "But, thank you."

"We owe it to Kiran and my child so much... Even though my mortal life has passed and I am not the Dragon Monarch anymore, Kiran fulfilled my request and brought me back as a Hero," Lumera expressed, acknowledging the significance of the moment as she turned her attention to Queen Seforia. "Anyway, it is an honor to speak with you once more, Queen Seforia. It seems Kiran summoned me here from Somniel just to have a chat with you..."

With the Battle for Solm Palace concluded, a sense of peace settled over the room as Queen Seforia and Lumera engaged in conversation while Alear and Kiran's group listened on, bridging the past and present in a meaningful exchange.

And there you have it! This is the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

To all the people who offered advice in brainstorming this story, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

And here are two Stingers this time...

At the Curse Directive encampment nestled between the Kingdoms of Nifl and Muspell, Ebony, the enigmatic Shadow Director, sat inside her tent, a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. She took a bite of her bread and sipped her coffee, her thoughts focused on the return of her trusted second-in-command, Shade.

Just then, the flap of her tent rustled, and Shade stepped inside, holding a bundle of parchments. Ebony's gaze shifted to him, a mixture of curiosity and expectation in her eyes.

"Shade, you're back," Ebony remarked, her voice a low murmur.

Shade nodded, his expression serious as he approached Ebony's table. "Yes, Shadow Director," he replied in a neutral tone. "I've brought what you requested from Niðavellir."

Ebony's lips curled into a faint smirk as she leaned forward, her interest piqued. "Excellent," she commanded, gesturing towards the parchments in Shade's hands. "Show me what you've retrieved."

With a nod, Shade carefully laid out the parchments on Ebony's table, Ebony's gaze lingered on the blueprints spread across her table, a gleam of anticipation dancing in her eyes. Beside her, Shade stood with a solemn expression, awaiting her orders.

"These blueprints are quite the find, Shade," Ebony remarked, her voice filled with satisfaction. "The Gullinbursti mechs will prove invaluable to our cause."

Shade nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the intricate designs before him. "Indeed, Director. However, there's another blueprint here," he explained, pointing to the unfamiliar design. "I am not familiar with its design..."

Ebony's interest was piqued as she examined the mysterious blueprint. "Interesting," she mused, her mind already racing with possibilities. "We'll have to delve into this later."

"Shadow Director," Shade inquired. "Do you have something else in mind?"

"Yes," Ebony commanded, her tone firm and decisive. "I want you to allocate our black gems towards producing our battalion of Gullinburstis."

Shade bowed respectfully, his commitment unwavering. "As you wish, Shadow Director," he replied dutifully. "The production will commence immediately."

With a nod of dismissal, Shade left Ebony's tent to carry out her orders, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Ebony's gaze lingered on the blueprints, a smile playing on her lips.

"This is just the beginning," she whispered to herself, her voice filled with determination. "Kiran Pathfinder won't know what hit him."

With a sense of anticipation coursing through her veins, Ebony began to envision the new additions that would bolster her forces, confident in the path that lay ahead.

In the solemn halls of Destinea Cathedral, Zephia stood before Evil Veyle, her report of the recent battle at Solm Palace laid bare. Evil Veyle shrouded in the darkness of her miasma, listened intently, a sinister grin playing on her lips.

"Well, well..." Evil Veyle chuckled, her voice dripping with malice. "It seems our little game is progressing nicely. Even though Hortensia was summoned by Kiran as a Hero, that didn't change our plans in the slightest..."

Zephia, ever loyal, couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern. "But what about the Ring of the Instructor, my lady?" she inquired, her voice laced with worry.

Evil Veyle waved a dismissive hand, her crimson eyes gleaming with confidence. "Don't worry about that," she replied. "The Divine One may have it for now, but acquiring the Emblem Rings again will be child's play when the time is right. After all, I did succeed in stealing the first six Emblem Rings away from her last time."

Zephia nodded, reassured by Evil Veyle's words, though a hint of doubt lingered in her mind.

Turning her attention to Mauvier, Evil Veyle's expression shifted, her gaze piercing. "And what of you, Mauvier?" she queried, her tone sharp. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Mauvier, ever stoic, took a moment to ponder his response. "My lady, I did what was asked of me, nothing more," he replied evenly, his voice devoid of emotion.

Evil Veyle sighed, a hint of disappointment flickering across her features. "Very well. You've earned your rest," she ordered, her tone final. "Return to your quarters and recover."

With a nod of acquiescence, Mauvier bowed respectfully before turning to leave. As he disappeared from view, Evil Veyle's gaze darkened, her mind already scheming for the next phase of her twisted plan.

Alone in the quiet confines of his quarters, Mauvier carefully unfolded the letter he had received from Kiran during the chaos of battle. His hands trembled slightly as he read the words penned by the Summoner himself.

As the letter revealed Kiran's authorship, Mauvier's eyes widened in astonishment, his breath catching in his throat at the startling revelation contained within.

Dear Mauvier:

I've written this letter in case Alear or I encounter you once again. If you're the recipient of this letter, you must ensure that you read this letter with no one else around because this letter is for your eyes only.

I am not sure if you know this already, but the Veyle that's with you right now, the one that's loyal to Fell Dragon Sombron... She might be a split personality and likely not the real Veyle's personality, which is why I decided to call her 'Evil Veyle'. Evil Veyle likely came to be when she attacked me during the retreat from Destinea Cathedral, and out of desperation, I tried to summon her as a Hero, splitting her from the real Veyle.

As for one that you call Lady Veyle... She's with me and the Divine One. Lady Veyle is alive, and I have summoned her as a Hero.

If you want to meet with her, meet with me and Alear somewhere in Destinea Cathedral where no one else is around. I will summon Lady Veyle in front of you to prove the truth of this letter.

Thank you for reading this letter...

Kiran Pathfinder

As Mauvier finished reading the latter, the mention of Lady Veyle, alive and summoned as a Hero, sent a surge of hope coursing through him, mingled with disbelief.

"Lady Veyle... was summoned as a Hero?" Mauvier murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper, the words heavy with emotion. "And she's with the Divine One and Kiran?"

With a sense of urgency, he read the final lines of the letter once more, his heart racing with newfound determination. The prospect of meeting Lady Veyle, the real Lady Veyle, ignited a flicker of hope within him, dispelling the shadows of doubt that had clouded his thoughts.

Closing the letter with a decisive motion, Mauvier steeled himself, his resolve firm. "If Kiran says she's alive, then she must be," he declared, his voice tinged with newfound purpose. "And I hope to find out the truth..."

Turning towards the window, Mauvier gazed out into the night, the twinkling stars overhead seeming to offer silent reassurance. With a silent prayer, he vowed to seek out Kiran and Alear, determined to uncover the truth and reunite with Lady Veyle once more.

In the next chapter:

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 21: Road Taken in the Ruins!

See you fellas next time!
Chapter 21, Part 1
Welcome to the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

The Fire Emblem franchise belongs to Intelligent Systems. I only write this crossover for the readers' fun, entertainment, and enjoyment.

Now, let us begin this chapter...

In a corner just outside the Destinea Cathedral, Mauvier stood, his figure barely discernible in the swirling snowstorm. His gaze fixed upon the cloudy afternoon sky a day after he received the letter from Kiran, he seemed lost in thought as snowflakes danced around him. Suddenly, a shimmering portal materialized in front of him, casting a faint glow against the wintry backdrop. From within the portal emerged Alear and Kiran, their expressions determined yet wary.

Alear spoke first, her voice conveying concern over the howling winds. "Kiran, are you sure about this?" she remarked. "Returning to Destinea Cathedral during such a snowstorm and deep within enemy territory... It's a risk."

Kiran met her gaze, his eyes reflecting a resolve tempered by uncertainty. "I know, Alear," he replied. "But, I had to honor what I wrote in the letter to Mauvier, at least. It also helps that I can use the Breidablik to revisit locations such as this place after going here for the first time."

Turning to Mauvier, Kiran spoke again, his tone respectful yet tinged with apology. "I hope we didn't keep you waiting, Mauvier."

Mauvier's demeanor remained calm, his expression unreadable beneath the veil of falling snow. He nodded gently, acknowledging Kiran's words. "Not at all. Follow me to my room. As you requested in the letter, I've ensured no one else is around."

With silent nods exchanged between Alear and Kiran, they fell into step behind Mauvier as he led them through the labyrinthine corridors of the cathedral. The sound of their footsteps echoed softly against the stone walls, muted by the blanket of snow outside. As they reached Mauvier's room, a flickering candle provided the only illumination source within.

"Thank you, Mauvier," Kiran replied sincerely. "Your discretion is appreciated."

Mauvier inclined his head, his gaze steady as he regarded them both. "It is the least I could do," he said. "Please, Divine One and Kiran... Follow me to my quarters. It's one of the safest places in Destinea Cathedral. You two will not be tracked by the Corrupted or even my fellow Hounds."

With silent nods of understanding exchanged between Alear and Kiran, they trailed behind Mauvier as he led them through the wintry landscape towards his secluded quarters, where the fate-altering meeting awaited in the shadowed halls of Destinea Cathedral.

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 21: Road Taken in the Ruins!

"On behalf of Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna, this concludes the orientation on the Order of Heroes. You can now wander around Askr for a time until we head back to Elyos."

In the majestic halls of the Order of Heroes within the Kingdom of Askr, Fjorm concluded her role as the guide for Seiðr, Ivy, and Hortensia, acquainting them with the labyrinthine pathways of the fortress. As they reached a tranquil courtyard, Seiðr, with a hint of curiosity in her voice, turned to Fjorm.

"Thank you for showing us around, Fjorm," Seiðr said, her gaze wandering around the serene surroundings. "Isn't it usually Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna leading the orientations?"

Fjorm nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Indeed, they typically handle the introductions, but they've only just returned from Niðavellir," she explained. "They're worn from their battles against the Curse Directive soldiers."

Seiðr's understanding nod mirrored Fjorm's own. "Ah, I see. That must have been quite the ordeal," she remarked, her gaze trailing back momentarily, only to find Ivy and Hortensia venturing off on their own.

"Wait," Seiðr exclaimed. "Where did Princess Ivy and Princess Hortensia go off to?"

Fjorm noticed Seiðr's concern and offered reassurance. "Don't worry. After all, I did say that they're free to wander around Askr for the rest of their time here," she explained. "We'll all rendezvous at the Elyos Outrealm Gate after exploring Askr."

With a nod of gratitude, Seiðr turned her attention back to Fjorm, a sense of camaraderie forming between them as they prepared to embark on their separate journeys within the kingdom's walls.

In the grand halls of Askr, Ivy, adorned in regal attire befitting her status as the crown princess of Elusia, strode with purpose, her gaze scanning the labyrinthine corridors in search of her sister, Hortensia.

"Of all the times..." Ivy sighed as she wandered around the halls. "Where did Hortensia wander off to this time?"

For a while, Ivy wandered around the halls of Askr Castle, meeting up with other Heroes like Eliwood, Hector, and Lyn, especially her various versions that Kiran had summoned, much to Ivy's surprise since she had only met Lyn during the retreat from Destinea Cathedral.

After traversing the echoing halls and meeting several Heroes, Ivy's perseverance was rewarded as she finally caught sight of her sister engaged in conversation with two fellow Heroes. One was a striking orange-haired girl clad in a sleek black school uniform, while the other was a petite girl with soft pink hair. With relief flooding her features, Ivy hastened towards them, her steps echoing against the polished marble floors.

"Hortensia, there you are," Ivy greeted warmly, her tone laced with affection. "I see you're getting acquainted with our fellow Heroes."

Hortensia turned towards her sister, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, I've been chatting with them. The orange-haired girl is a Hero from Fodlan named Annette while the little girl is Fae," she replied, her voice animated with excitement. "I'm searching for potential pupils among the Heroes. I want someone cute to teach!"

Ivy chuckled softly, placing a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. "That's a noble endeavor, but remember, Kiran has summoned countless Heroes," she reminded gently. "It might take some time to find the perfect one to take under your wing."

As Ivy and Hortensia conversed amongst themselves, their attention was soon captured by the approach of two more girls. With vibrant pink hair cascading down her back and dressed in elegant hakama, one exuded an air of grace and poise. The other, her blonde hair styled into playful pigtails and adorned in a striking black dress with delicate pink accents, wore a warm smile that radiated friendliness.

"Hello there!" The blonde girl chirped as she waved her right hand at Hortensia. "I'm Elise, a princess from Nohr. It's wonderful to meet you!"

The pink-haired girl followed suit, her demeanor shy but sincere. "Um, h-hello," she murmured. "I'm Sakura, a princess from Hoshido. It's nice to meet you both."

Ivy returned their greetings with a welcoming smile, her posture poised yet approachable. "We're new to the Order of Heroes," she confirmed, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "I'm Ivy, the crown princess of Elusia."

Hortensia's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she eagerly stepped forward. "And I'm Hortensia," she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with energy. "The cutest second princess of Elusia! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Elise, and Sakura!"

Elise and Sakura exchanged a glance, their smiles widening as they realized they had encountered new comrades within the Order of Heroes. With their camaraderie, they welcomed Ivy and Hortensia into their midst, eager to embark on new adventures together.

Two hours later, in Somniel's Plaza, the hustle and bustle of the area came to a halt as Alear and Kiran emerged from the shimmering portal, drawing curious glances from passersby. Alear, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity, turned to Vander, who stood nearby.

"Vander, how has everyone been faring while we were away?" Alear inquired, her voice laced with genuine concern for their companions.

Vander, one of Alear's Loyal Three Stewards, stepped forward, his demeanor composed despite the gravity of the situation.

"Divine One, most of the group opted to stay here in Somniel," Vander explained. "But Princess Ivy, Princess Hortensia, Princess Fjorm, and Seiðr decided to journey to Askr to get their official orientation to the Order of Heroes, with Fjorm as their guide."

With a solemn nod, Vander reached into his coat pocket, retrieving a sealed letter adorned with the emblem of the Kingdom of Askr. He extended it towards Kiran, his eyes conveying a sense of urgency.

"Before I leave to tend to my other duties," Vander said as he handed the letter. "Kiran, you should read this. A particular owl entered Somniel from the Zenith Outrealm Gate and gave this letter to me to be handed to you."

As Kiran perused the letter's contents, a troubled expression clouded his features, prompting Alear's concern as he started reading the letter.

Dear Kiran:

Sharena, Commander Anna, and I have decided to go to Niðavellir on Reginn's request. Along the way, we also met up with Veronica, who Reginn also called in. In particular, Reginn wanted to enlist the aid of both the Kingdom of Askr and the Emblian Empire because the Curse Directive had made their move to steal the blueprints of the Gullinbursti.

Unfortunately, we arrived too late, and we saw Ebony's second-in-command, Shade, getting away with the blueprints while leaving behind soldiers we had to take down.

Even though we have at least routed the soldiers Shade has spawned, the fact remains that at least two blueprints had been stolen, one of which is the Gullinbursti blueprints. Kiran, you know how formidable Gullinburstis are in battle, as Reginn, Fáfnir, and Ótr can attest as we fought them 3 years ago.

As of this writing, Sharena, Commander Anna, and I will return to Askr while Reginn and Veronica go back to Embla and Niðavellir, respectively. We need to recuperate after that battle.

However, Ebony and Shade are likely to field their own Gullinburstis soon. Stay safe, Kiran, and I hope this letter reaches you because you and Alear will likely fight Curse Directive forces once again.

May your path open the way.

Alfonse, the Prince of Askr and co-leader of the Order of Heroes

After reading the letter, Kiran's brows furrowed as he processed the information that he had learned from the letter. Sensing Kiran's unease, Alear approached Kiran, her eyes searching his troubled gaze.

"What's wrong, Kiran?" Alear inquired softly, her voice laced with genuine concern.

Kiran folded the letter with deliberate care, his frown deepening as he met Alear's gaze. "It's a letter from Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna," he explained. "The Curse Directive... they've stolen the Gullinbursti mech blueprints from the Realm of Niðavellir."

A sense of foreboding settled over the plaza as Alear and Kiran exchanged glances, realizing the magnitude of the threat they now faced. With their allies scattered and danger looming on the horizon, they knew that their next steps would be crucial in thwarting the sinister machinations of the Curse Directive.

Alear's eyes widened with realization, her mind retracing the memories of Kiran's earlier explanations about the Realm of Niðavellir. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon her as she processed the implications of the stolen Gullinbursti mech blueprints.

"The Realm of Niðavellir..." Alear murmured, a sense of urgency creeping into her voice. "I remember when you first told me about it. It's the Realm of the Dvergar, right?"

Kiran nodded solemnly, his expression reflecting the grim reality of their predicament. Then, Kiran massaged his head as he tried to recall what he had said to Alear that particular day.

"Yeah... With the Curse Directive having obtained the Gullinbursti mech blueprints," Kiran affirmed, his voice tinged with concern. "They'll likely deploy their own Gullinburstis against us."

Alear paused, her mind racing as she considered their next action. "To be frank, I haven't faced a Gullinbursti before," she admitted, her tone laced with determination despite her uncertainty. "But, I think you did, Kiran. Can you describe what a Gullinbursti is?"

Kiran offered her a reassuring smile, his voice steady as he shared his knowledge. "Gullinburstis are formidable machines in battle. Most Gullinburstis are automated, but some can be ridden like a horse, like with Reginn," he explained, his words carrying the weight of experience. "They excel at hit-and-run tactics, what I like to call 'Canto'."

Feeling a surge of determination, Alear placed her hand firmly on Kiran's shoulder, her gaze unwavering. "Whatever challenges our enemies throw at us," she vowed as she conveyed her resolve. "We'll be ready."

As Alear and Kiran finished their conversation, the Zenith Outrealm Gate flickered to life, casting an ethereal glow across the plaza. Stepping through the gate emerged Ivy, Hortensia, Fjorm, and Seiðr, their expressions a mix of weariness and anticipation.

"Ah! Welcome back" Kiran exclaimed. "How did the orientation go?"

"It went well, Kiran," Seiðr replied. "Princess Fjorm was the one who guided us around Midgard."

Fjorm, the seasoned warrior of Nifl, spoke first, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion tinged with satisfaction. "I had the honor of guiding Ivy, Hortensia, and Seiðr around the Kingdom of Askr," she explained, her gaze sweeping over the group.

Ivy nodded gratefully, her expression reflecting a sense of appreciation for Fjorm's guidance. "We're truly grateful for Princess Fjorm's patience during our official orientation as Heroes," she acknowledged, her voice tinged with respect. "She was patient on orienting us."

"Well... Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna just recently returned from the trip to Niðavellir," Fjorm replied. "Commander Anna permitted me to do the orientation of Ivy, Hortensia, and Seiðr."

"That's good to hear," Alear smiled. "What did you do afterward?"

"Divine One... I did meet up with some of the Heroes, like Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, and their various versions that Kiran had summoned," Ivy replied. "It's good to meet the people who are the basis of the Emblems that we know."

Curiosity sparked within Kiran as he turned to Hortensia, eager to hear about her experiences. "Hortensia, how did your orientation go?" he inquired, his tone laced with genuine interest.

Hortensia's face lit up with enthusiasm as she recounted her encounters with fellow Heroes during her stay. "I met so many cute Heroes, including a little girl named Fae," she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Kiran's eyes widened in recognition as he realized the significance of Hortensia's encounter. "Fae is a Divine Dragon from the World of Elibe," he explained, his voice carrying a note of intrigue.

"Another Divine Dragon?" Alear inquired as she scratched her head. "I see. I really should meet up with the Divine Dragons of other worlds whenever we visit Askr."

Hortensia nodded in agreement, her smile widening as she continued her tale. "Along the way, I had the pleasure of meeting a girl from Fodlan named Annette, and along with Ivy, I met up with two more girls from Hoshido and Nohr named Sakura and Elise," she concluded, her voice filled with excitement at the prospect of forging new friendships. "We spent some quality time before coming back here."

"Alright," Alear replied. "I'm glad you all spent some quality time after the battle at Solm Palace yesterday."

Ivy's voice cut through the air, carrying a sense of urgency as she addressed Alear. "That we did, Divine One," she reminded Alear. "Although, we mustn't forget that our group needs to make our way to the Northern Fortress to retrieve Solm's second Emblem Ring — the Ring of the Crux of Fate."

Alear's response was swift, her resolve unwavering as she nodded in agreement. "You're right, Ivy. We can't afford to delay any longer," she nodded. "We need to prepare to leave for Solm's Northern Fortress by nightfall."

Meanwhile, Kiran stood nearby, his expression focused as he readied his Breidablik for the upcoming journey. "Timerra and Fogado are expecting us," he reminded the group, his voice steady with determination. "We shouldn't keep them waiting any longer than necessary."

With a swift motion, Kiran fired the Breidablik into the ground, the device pulsing with magical energy as it created a portal of shimmering light before them.

Turning to address the assembled group, Kiran's voice rang out, a note of anticipation in his tone. "Is everyone ready to enter Solm?"

Alear nodded firmly, her gaze sweeping over their companions. "Everyone else is prepared," she confirmed, her voice echoing Kiran's determination. "And if we need to, we can always bring in more allies and summon more Heroes."

With a collective sense of purpose, the group stepped forward, crossing the threshold of the portal and disappearing into the swirling vortex of light. Their destination: the Queendom of Solm's Northern Fortress, where their next challenge awaited them in their quest to secure the Ring of the Crux of Fate before Sombron and his minions do.
Chapter 21, Part 2
Within the sturdy walls of the Kingdom of Askr, Alfonse and Commander Anna sat in the hallway, poring over the battle reports meticulously compiled by Male and Female Byleth concerning the recent skirmish at Solm Palace. At the same time, Sharena was busy talking with three Heroes from Hosido and Nohr, Female Corrin, Male Corrin, and Azura.

"Don't worry about Princess Hortensia!" Sharena cheerfully said. "She and her sister Ivy will come back occasionally since they're still needed back at Elyos!"

"Oh, I hope so," Female Corrin replied. "Sakura and Elise were delighted to meet with the two of them earlier."

"I agree with her," Male Corrin nodded. "But, I hoped to meet Ivy and Hortensia while they were here."

"I have a feeling we'll meet with them soon enough," Azura replied to Male Corrin before turning her attention to Sharena. "If you would excuse the three of us..."

As Female Corrin, Male Corrin, and Azura left the hallway, Commander Anna broke the silence with a thoughtful remark as her brow furrowed in concentration.

"You know," Commander Anna began, her voice measured. "The Heroes that Kiran has summoned from Elyos has sparked interest in certain Heroes."

"Yeah! From what rumors that I keep hearing around," Sharena replied. "Some of the Heroes are even hoping that they meet the Emblems."

"To be fair, new types of Heroes are being summoned by Kiran occasionally," Alfonse remarked. "Even to this day, I'm still intrigued as to why most Heroes are drawn to Kiran."

Sharena, her eyes alight with admiration, couldn't help but interject with a smile. "Oh, Kiran is just so charismatic!" she exclaimed. "It's no wonder people are drawn to him."

Alfonse nodded in agreement, his gaze drifting momentarily as Feh, the messenger owl for the Order of Heroes, returned to her perch with a rustle of feathers. "It seems Kiran has received our letter," he observed, his tone reflecting a hint of relief.

Commander Anna's lips quirked into a wry smile. "Well, at least he's aware of the looming threat posed by the Curse Directive and their Gullinburstis," she remarked dryly.

Sharena's confidence, however, remained unshaken as she leaned forward, her voice brimming with optimism. "But, I think Kiran will be fine," she confidently said. "He has plenty of Heroes in Elyos ready to lend him their strength, and if he needs to, he can always summon more Heroes as reinforcements!"

Alfonse turned to Sharena, a hint of warmth in his eyes. "I couldn't agree more," he affirmed. "Let's put our faith in our Summoner, shall we?"

A sense of solidarity coursed through Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna as they placed their hopes and faith in Kiran. They knew that if the situation called for it, Kiran could summon more Heroes from Askr, including themselves, to support and back him up.

Under the vast expanse of the Solm desert, where the night sky stretched endlessly overhead, Alear, Kiran, Ivy, Hortensia, Fjorm, and Seiðr trudged alongside their guides, Timerra and Fogado. The shifting sands whispered secrets beneath their feet as they ventured into the unknown.

Alear, her voice tinged with a hint of apprehension, addressed Timerra. "Is the Northern Fortress truly as haunted as the rumors suggest?" she inquired, her gaze flickering towards the distant silhouette of the foreboding structure.

Timerra, her expression grave, nodded solemnly. "Yup," she affirmed, her tone weighted with the weight of ancestral knowledge. "Our ancestors designed it that way. They didn't want people to poke around."

Fogado chimed in, his voice carrying a note of unease. "Even the locals steer clear of the Northern Fortress," he added, his words punctuated by the eerie howl of the desert wind. "They believe the place is haunted by restless spirits who wander its halls."

Kiran arched an eyebrow in intrigue. "Is that so?" he mused, his tone contemplative as he absorbed the grim tales spun by their guides.

Timerra elaborated, her voice hushed as if speaking of forbidden secrets. "It's like a haunted castle," she explained ominously. "Lately, there have been whispers among the villagers—a young woman's voice echoing from within, calling out to those who dare to approach."

As Alear and Kiran exchanged a meaningful glance, they turned their attention back to their companions. Ivy, usually composed, visibly tensed at Timerra's revelation, her nerves betraying her as the unsettling rumors sank in.

Alear, ever perceptive, noticed Ivy's unease and gently inquired, "Is something troubling you, Ivy?"

"It's just... what Timerra said about the Northern Fortress," Ivy confessed as she fidgeted nervously. "The idea of ghosts... it's unsettling."

"Ghosts?" Kiran interjected incredulously. "Are you afraid of ghosts, Ivy?"

Ivy nodded sheepishly, her fear palpable in the air. "Yes," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly.

"Ghosts, huh?" Hortensia said incredulously. "I can't believe that my sister, of all people, is afraid of ghosts!"

Timerra, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips, sought to reassure Ivy. "Relax, Ivy. It's just local lore," she remarked casually, though her words did little to ease Ivy's nerves.

"Why make it sound so real then?" Ivy countered, her voice tinged with frustration as she sought an explanation from Timerra.

Timerra's smirk faltered, replaced by a contrite expression. "Sorry, Ivy. I didn't mean to frighten you," she apologized sincerely. "To be fair, I've never set foot in the Northern Fortress myself."

Fogado offered insight into their family's caution. "Mom always warned us to stay away," he explained solemnly, his gaze distant as memories resurfaced. "She wanted to ensure that no one else would stumble upon the location of the Emblem Ring."

Kiran nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the wisdom behind their mother's decision. "It's reassuring to know that measures were taken to safeguard such a valuable artifact," he remarked, a sense of gratitude underlying his words.

As the group pressed onward through the shifting sands, the silhouette of a derelict fortress emerged on the horizon, its crumbling walls casting ominous shadows against the desert landscape. Timerra, her finger outstretched, pointed towards the ruins.

"There it is," Timerra declared solemnly. "The Northern Fortress."

Before they could take another step closer, Kiran's keen eyes caught sight of shadowy figures materializing from the swirling sands, their forms blurred by the desert haze.

"Corrupted," Kiran exclaimed, his voice edged with urgency as he recognized the menacing threat approaching. "They're already here."

Alear, ever decisive, nodded in agreement with Kiran's assessment. "We can't allow the Corrupted to gain access to the Emblem Ring," she declared firmly, her gaze sweeping over her companions with determination.

Kiran's gaze lingered on Ivy, still visibly nervous despite their impending danger. With a calm demeanor, he addressed her directly.

"Ivy," Kiran urged gently as he encouraged Elusia's crown princess. "You need to face your fears."

With a resigned sigh, Ivy attempted to steady her nerves, her resolve wavering as she contemplated the daunting task ahead.

"For the Divine One's sake as well as yours," Ivy murmured to Kiran as her voice was tinged with determination. "I'll come with you to the Northern Fortress. I'm already here with the group, after all."

Alear's smile was one of encouragement as she reassured Ivy. "That's the way, Ivy," she replied to Ivy before turning her attention to Kiran. "Kiran, we mustn't waste any more time. Once we're inside the Northern Fortress, open a portal from Somniel. We may need more allies."

"Right,' Kiran nodded as he readied his Briedablik. "And when the situation escalates enough, I'll summon additional Heroes."

With renewed determination, Alear, Kiran, and their companions set off towards the Northern Fortress, their footsteps quickening as the distant murmurs of the approaching Corrupted grew louder, echoing across the desolate landscape. Time was of the essence as the shadowy figures closed in around them, their numbers multiplying with each passing moment.

Stepping into the dimly lit chamber of the Northern Fortress, Alear and Kiran's group wasted no time in surveying their surroundings. As the group entered the first chamber of the fortress, Kiran swiftly summoned a portal using the power of the Breidablik, through which Diamant, Alcryst, Alfred, and Celine emerged.

"Don't worry!" Alfred declared as he reared his horse. "Diamant, Alcryst, Celine, and I have arrived to help!"

"Alear, sorry... We're limited by the size of this room," Kiran remarked to Alear, a note of urgency in his voice. "I can't bring in any more allies unless we find a larger space."

Alear nodded in understanding, gratitude evident in her expression. "It's okay, Kiran," she acknowledged, her voice tinged with appreciation. "Thank you for bringing in the reinforcements."

"I concur," Diamant replied to Kiran. "Since most of us here have been summoned by you as Heroes, our overall strength should be enough."

Timerra, her gaze scanning the chamber warily, interjected with a somber observation. "Every ally counts in a situation like this," she remarked gravely. "We'll just have to make do with what we have!"

"With those enemies swarming around," Fogado remarked as he readied his Silver Bow. "The Northern Fortress certainly lives up to its haunted reputation."

As Timerra and Fogado spoke those words, Kiran's attention, however, was drawn to sight within the confines of the fortress — a man trapped in a nearby room, surrounded by a swirling vortex of ominous purple miasma. The man was standing near a pedestal containing an Emblem Ring when two Corrupted soldiers spawned from the ground. As the Corrupted approached the man, the Emblem Ring began to glow white and a barrier enveloped both itself and the man, shielding them from the two Corrupted.

"Look, there's a man surrounded by two Corrupted!" Kiran exclaimed urgently. "And by the looks of it, the Emblem Ring is also in that room!"

Alear's resolve hardened as she registered the perilous situation. "That must be the Ring of the Crux of Fate," she declared firmly, determination flashing in her eyes as she prepared to lead her comrades into action. "We need to rescue him before those Corrupted reach him."

"In that case, we can fight off these enemies," Timerra grinned as she readied her Silver Lance. "You two can go rescue that guy and retrieve the Emblem Ring."

"I agree," Fjorm replied as she readied her Leiptr. "Kiran, we'll take care of the enemies here. Go rescue that man and retrieve the Emblem Ring."

"Go ahead. Retrieve the Emblem Ring and rescue that mortal," Seiðr urged as she readied her staff. "We will hold off these creatures."

As Alear and Kiran ran off while the rest of their group began fighting the Corrupted soldiers, the fate of the trapped man hung in the balance, and time was of the essence if they were to save him from the encroaching darkness.

Meanwhile, Seadall, confined within the dim confines of the secluded room, found himself flanked by two menacing Corrupted soldiers, the air thick with the oppressive presence of the purple miasma. His eyes flickered nervously towards the Emblem Ring pedestal, its radiant glow contrasting starkly with the shadows that engulfed the chamber.

"At least it's just two of these dark creatures," Seadall muttered to himself, his voice laced with a hint of grim determination. "Better than facing a whole enemy group."

To his surprise, the Emblem Ring, in a voice that echoed with an ethereal, feminine quality, spoke to him.

"I was telling you to hide," The Emblem Ring spoke in a feminine voice. "Not to come looking for me."

Seadall's brow furrowed in confusion as he grappled with the surreal nature of the situation.

"How can I ignore a talking ring?" Seadall questioned aloud, his tone incredulous yet tinged with curiosity as he looked at the Emblem Ring on the pedestal.

As the conversation unfolded, Seadall couldn't shake the conviction that the voice within the ring belonged to a trapped princess, imprisoned by some dark magic. Determination flared within him as he resolved to aid the mysterious entity trapped within the ring's confines.

"I take it that you're a princess, trapped within that ring?" Seadall declared resolutely, his voice ringing with determination. "In that case, I'll help you."

"Wait, you're right that I'm a sort of a princess," The Emblem Ring tried to explain. "But, if you just let me explain..."

"I don't need convincing, Your Highness," Seadall replied. "I'm not the one who doubts an unusual story."

As the two Corrupted soldiers relentlessly attacked the barrier surrounding him, Seadall's hands instinctively sought out his deck of fortune-telling cards, clutching them tightly as if drawing strength from their presence. The air crackled with tension as the conflict intensified within the confines of the secluded room.

In a moment of eerie synchronicity, the Emblem Ring's voice echoed softly through the chamber, addressing Seadall with a sense of familiarity. "So, you're a fortune-teller?" she observed, her tone tinged with nostalgia. "You remind me of someone I knew long ago..."

Seadall nodded in acknowledgment, his focus momentarily diverted as he delved into the depths of his divination, seeking guidance amidst the chaos unfolding around them.

"O spirit of the cards," Seadall intoned solemnly, his voice carrying a note of reverence. "Cast your light upon the path before us..."

As if guided by an unseen force, Seadall involuntarily drew three cards from his tarot deck, each one revealing a glimpse into the possible futures that lay ahead. His eyes widened in astonishment as he studied the cards laid out before him, their symbolism speaking volumes in the language of fate.

The Emblem Ring, ever curious, posed a question to Seadall, her voice gentle yet insistent. "What do the cards reveal to you?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued by the enigmatic symbols that adorned the drawn cards.

Seadall's gaze remained fixed on the trio of cards before him, his mind racing as he deciphered their hidden meanings. "I drew Le Dragon, Le Magicien, and L'étoile," he explained, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and certainty. "It signifies that two individuals that are chosen by the Stars will come to our rescue."

The Emblem Ring's response was swift and decisive, her words carrying a sense of urgency. "I see," she instructed, her voice echoing with a solemnity that belied the gravity of their situation. "In that case, you should stay near the pedestal until help arrives."

With fate as their guide, Seadall knew that their salvation lay in the hands of those who would heed the call of destiny and come to their aid.

As the chaos of battle raged around them, Alear and Kiran sprinted through the labyrinthine corridors of the Northern Fortress, their determination unwavering as they cut down any Corrupted soldiers that dared to impede their progress. Their footsteps echoed loudly against the stone walls, the urgency of their mission driving them ever forward.

Alear's voice rang out above the clamor of combat as she voiced her concern to Kiran. "Do you think that man is trying to steal the Emblem Ring?" she queried, her brow furrowed with apprehension as they neared the room where their mysterious ally was trapped.

Kiran shook his head decisively, his eyes blazing with certainty. "From what I saw earlier, I doubt it," he replied firmly. "I think he's protecting the Emblem Ring from the Corrupted."

A relieved smile tugged at Alear's lips as she realized the true intentions of the man they sought to aid. "In that case, he could certainly use our help," she declared, her voice resolute as they charged onward.

As they reached the room where the man was ensnared, Alear and Kiran wasted no time in battling the two Corrupted soldiers that were attacking the barrier earlier. With practiced precision, Alear swung her blade, the Libération slicing through the air with deadly accuracy as she dispatched one of their foes.

Meanwhile, Kiran conjured a bolt of magic energy from the Breidablik, unleashing it with pinpoint accuracy at the second Corrupted, the arcane blast tearing through the air to strike down their enemy with a resounding impact.

With their enemies vanquished and their bodies dissipating into darkness, Alear and Kiran stood victorious, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they surveyed the room before them. As the barrier that was enveloping the pedestal dissipated, the path was now clear, and they turned their attention to the man trapped near the pedestal, ready to offer him the aid and support he so desperately needed.

As Alear approached the man who stood near the pedestal, her movements remained cautious, yet resolute. "Don't worry," she assured him, her voice calm and reassuring as she extended a hand in a gesture of goodwill. "We're not your enemies."

The man, his long hair tousled and his expression guarded, regarded Alear and Kiran with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. "Who are you two?" he inquired, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Alear stepped forward, her demeanor composed as she introduced herself with a sense of pride. "I am Alear, the Divine Dragon of Elyos," she declared, her voice carrying a weight of authority.

Kiran, standing by her side, offered his introduction with a touch of humility. "And I am Kiran, the Summoner from the Nine Realms of Zenith," he added, a hint of mystique in his tone. "A sort of Magician, you could say."

The man's gaze flickered towards the three cards he had drawn earlier, their symbolism now taking on a newfound significance in light of the events unfolding around them. "Le Dragon, and Le Magicien... It seemed that my card reading has come true," he murmured to himself, a sense of wonderment coloring his words as he introduced himself in turn. "I am Seadall, a traveling dancer."

Kiran, ever inquisitive, posed a question that hung heavy in the air. "How did you end up here?" he asked, his gaze fixed intently on Seadall as he awaited an answer.

Seadall hesitated, his expression betraying a flicker of uncertainty as he grappled with Kiran's inquiry. "I was out rehearsing when those creatures appeared and attacked me," he explained, his tone laced with a sense of disbelief. "But, a talking ring called me to safety."

"A talking ring?" Alear interjected, her expression incredulous as she struggled to comprehend Seadall's words.

Seadall nodded earnestly, his gaze meeting Alear's with unwavering certainty. "Yes, I believe there's a princess trapped within the ring," he affirmed, his voice tinged with conviction.

Alear shook her head, her skepticism evident as she attempted to make sense of Seadall's fantastical tale. "It's hard to explain," she remarked, her tone tinged with uncertainty. "But, I don't think that princess is trapped within that ring."

"What do you mean?" Seadall questioned, raising his eyebrow as he looked at Alear.

Deciding to show rather than tell, Alear gestured towards the Emblem Ring resting upon the pedestal. "Allow me to access the ring in the pedestal, and we'll find out together," she suggested, her voice tinged with determination as she sought to dispel any doubts that lingered in Seadall's mind.

Seadall hesitated, his gaze shifting between Alear, Kiran, and the Emblem Ring before him. Before he could voice his apprehensions, the Emblem Ring spoke directly to him, its ethereal voice echoing softly in the chamber.

"You can trust her," The Emblem Ring assured him, her words carrying a weight of sincerity.

With newfound resolve, Seadall turned to Alear, a sense of trust blossoming within him. "Alright, I'll allow you to retrieve the ring," he declared, his voice firm as he placed his faith in the hands of the Divine Dragon of Elyos and her companion.

As Alear approached the pedestal, Seadall's curiosity bubbled forth in the form of a question directed at Kiran. "Does the talking ring have a name?" he inquired, his eyes fixed intently on Kiran, awaiting an answer.

Kiran nodded in affirmation, his expression thoughtful as he provided the sought-after information. "Yes, the ring does have a name," he replied, his voice resonating with a sense of reverence. "It's called the Ring of the Crux of Fate."

Meanwhile, Alear wasted no time in reaching for the Emblem Ring, her movements swift and decisive. With a resolute chant, she invoked the power of the ring, her voice ringing out with authority. "Bare your fangs, Emblem of Fates!"

As if in response to her command, the Ring of the Crux of Fate began to glow with a brilliant white light, bathing the chamber in its radiant glow. Before their astonished eyes, an apparition materialized — a woman clad in armor, her presence commanding respect and awe.

"I am Emblem Corrin, and I'll help ensure that the path you decide to walk is the right one," Emblem Corrin introduced herself. "And I thank you three for finding me."

Alear, her heart filled with relief, expressed her gratitude to Emblem Corrin. "Thank you, Emblem Corrin," she murmured, her voice filled with sincerity. "I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long."

As the gravity of their encounter settled upon them, Alear, Kiran, and Seadall stood united, their fates intertwined by the discovery of the Ring of the Crux of Fate and the enigmatic presence of Emblem Corrin.

Seadall's gaze lingered on Emblem Corrin, a mixture of awe and reverence reflected in his expression. "To think I'm in the presence of an Emblem, a godlike figure of legend," he remarked softly, his voice tinged with wonder.

Alear, ever practical, turned to Seadall with a sense of urgency. "Seadall, will you help us leave this fortress?" she implored, her eyes searching his for reassurance.

Seadall nodded without hesitation, his resolve firm. "It would be my pleasure," he declared, his voice filled with determination. "I want to fight alongside Emblem Corrin and aid you two..."

However, their moment of solidarity was interrupted by the sudden appearance of multiple pools of darkness, ominous shadows swirling ominously around them. Alear tensed, her grip tightening on her Libération as she prepared for the imminent threat.

"Are those Corrupted?" Alear asked Kiran, her voice laced with concern.

Kiran's gaze hardened as he observed the dark entities reforming before them. As the dark figures slowly emerged from the portals, Kiran could discern that these entities were not Corrupted as he saw a familiar sigil etched in their armor.

"Not this time," Kiran replied grimly. "They're soldiers of the Curse Directive."

A sense of dread washed over Alear as the Curse Directive soldiers materialized before them, their malevolent presence palpable in the air.

"Not only do we have to contend with the Corrupted, but also with the Curse Directive," Alear grimaced as she turned to Kiran as she readied her Libération. "Kiran, you must summon more Heroes."

Then, another group of Corrupted soldiers spawned nearby, putting Alear, Kiran, and Seadall on guard. As the Curse Directive soldiers battled the Corrupted, the remaining Curse Directive enemies set their sights on Alear, Kiran, and Seadall, their dark-colored weapons gleaming in the moonlight.

Seadall, bewildered by the sudden turn of events, stared at Kiran in disbelief. "Heroes?" he echoed incredulously, the weight of the situation sinking in as he grappled with the reality of the impending battle. "I don't understand..."

"Just as you saw me activate the Emblem Ring earlier," Alear replied as she fended off a Curse Directive Axe Fighter. "Just watch what Kiran is about to do. I'll hold off the enemies in the meantime."

As Seadall stared at him while Alear fought off Curse Directive soldiers that were charging at them, Kiran's gaze shifted between Seadall and Emblem Corrin, and a sense of determination flickered in his eyes.

Baldraz, the spirit within the Breidablik, offered a suggestion, his voice echoing within Kiran's mind. "There's a fortune-teller from Hoshido you can summon for this battle," he suggested. 'It's because I noticed that Seadall was holding three cards from a fortune-telling deck earlier.'

Kiran nodded in agreement, a spark of inspiration igniting within him. "That's a great idea," he murmured to Baldraz, his voice tinged with gratitude for the guidance.

Meanwhile, Alear battled ferociously against the encroaching Curse Directive soldiers, her Libération flashing with each strike as she defended herself and her allies. With the Curse Directive soldiers fighting the Corrupted and Alear simultaneously, Emblem Corrin manifested from the Ring of the Crux of Fate, staring at Kiran with her ethereal-looking eyes.

"I admit, I'm also curious about what you're going to do," Emblem Corrin told Kiran. "Why don't you show it to us?"

With a swift motion, Kiran unleashed the power of the Breidablik, firing four orbs — one red, two blue, and one green — into the fortress floor. As the orbs embedded themselves into the ground, Kiran uttered a powerful incantation, his voice resonating with the weight of his command.

"Gathering stars to call upon the Heroes united under the Crux of the Fateful Prince and Princess!" Kiran chanted. "Heed my call and become the path its light shines upon!"

Seadall and Emblem Corrin watched in awe as the four orbs began to glow with a brilliant white light, their radiance illuminating the chamber with an otherworldly glow. With each passing moment, the anticipation mounted, the air thick with the promise of impending reinforcements as the Heroes answered Kiran's summons.

As the four orbs blazed with radiant light, Kiran's incantation reached its climax. "Hero Summon!" he proclaimed, his voice resonating with power and authority. "I call forth Female Corrin, Male Corrin, Azura, and Orochi into the battlefield!"

In a dazzling display of magic, the orbs transformed into swirling portals, from which emerged Female Corrin, Male Corrin, Azura, and Orochi, their presence commanding and resolute. The summoning process also knocked away the Corrupted and Curse Directive soldiers that were in the chamber, making Alear sigh in relief. As Kiran summoned his Heroes, Seadall watched in astonishment, his eyes widening in disbelief at the miraculous sight unfolding before him.

"I'm Corrin, the Fateful Prince — raised in Nohr but born in Hoshido," Male Corrin introduced himself as he wielded his signature sword, Yato. "I devote my Yato blade to your cause, and to ensure that the path you walk is right!"

"I'm Corrin, the Fateful Princess — raised in Nohr but born in Hoshido," Female Corrin declared as she readied her Gloom Breath Dragonstone. "I devote my dragon power to your cause, and to ensure that you're on the right path!"

"My name is Azura, the Lady of the Lake, from... both Nohr and Hoshido," Azura declared as she readied her Sapphire Lance. "I offer you my song as you walk your chosen path."

"I am Orochi, diviner of Hoshido and seer of all," Orochi introduced herself as she wielded her Tiger Spirit scroll. "Your future is but a glance away... if you wish to know it."

"Incredible... So, this is Kiran's power... to summon these people as Heroes," Seadall muttered as he held a certain card in his hand. "This must be the true meaning behind the L'étoile card that I drew out using fortune-telling earlier."

"Oh? So, you're also a fortune-teller," Orochi remarked as she noticed Seadall drawing a card from his fortune-telling deck. "Although our fortune-telling methods are different, it seems we have something in common, you and I."

Even Emblem Corrin, her expression a mask of stoic composure, couldn't conceal her astonishment as she beheld the figures before her. "This is the first time I have met my true basis," she remarked, her voice tinged with awe as she regarded Female and Male Corrin. "And to think I have a male counterpart..."

Male Corrin nodded in agreement, a sense of wonderment in his voice as he spoke. "It's the same for me and my female counterpart," he confirmed, his gaze lingering on Emblem Corrin with a mixture of curiosity and reverence. "It's an honor to meet you, Emblem Corrin."

Female Corrin, her demeanor poised and confident, explained to the bewildered onlookers. "We were informed about the Emblems beforehand by Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna," she explained calmly, her words carrying an air of certainty. "Like with my male counterpart, it's a great honor to meet with my Emblem self."

"You may not be the version of Corrin that I'm familiar with," Azura spoke to Emblem Corrin. "But, I'm delighted to meet you, Emblem Corrin."

"Thank you, Azura. Your words mean a lot to me," Emblem Corrin replied as she turned her attention to Kiran. "Um, you're Kiran, right? So, this is your power... to summon these people as Heroes."

"That's right, Emblem Corrin. And we're going to need their help," Kiran replied as he readied his Breidablik. "There will be more enemies that will spawn shortly, which is why we need to regroup with the rest."

"I understand," Alear nodded as she tightened her grip on her Libération. "Let's leave this chamber and regroup with the others."

And so, Alear, Kiran, Seadall, Female Corrin, Male Corrin, Azura, and Orochi left the chamber, having successfully retrieved the Ring of the Crux of Fate and rescued Seadall. As they left the room, more Corrupted and Curse Directive soldiers spawned out of portals of darkness, ultimately fighting each other in the process.
Chapter 21, Part 3
Meanwhile, Alfred, Celine, Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Timerra, Fogado, Hortensia, Fjorm, and Seiðr are fending off Corrupted soldiers in the large room. In the heat of battle, Alfred mounted upon his trusty steed and maneuvered swiftly through the chaos, his blade flashing as he engaged a Corrupted Sword Fighter with unmatched skill. As he swiftly dispatched his foe, he couldn't help but remark on their relentless onslaught of enemies.

"Wither and fall!" Alfred exclaimed as he twirled his Arcane Qiang, his voice filled with determination. "They're just as relentless as I am!"

"We need to press on!" Celine said as her Joyous Tome glowed green in the moonlight. "My tome can help mitigate some of our wounds!"

"I agree," Diamant remarked as he readied his Fair-Fight Blade. "If there's anything that the Corrupted has, it's the fact that they're relentless."

"Um..." Alcryst muttered as he readied his Arcane Darkbow. "M-more enemies are coming!"

Seiðr, her staff crackling with arcane energy, unleashed a powerful blast of magic that sent a Corrupted Mage reeling. "I can sense something different, something darker nearby," she warned, her voice tinged with concern as she surveyed the battlefield. "I am certain that these are not Corrupted."

Just as the group began to gain the upper hand, a new threat emerged—the unmistakable sigil of the Curse Directive soldiers emblazoned upon their armor. Fjorm's eyes narrowed as she recognized the familiar emblem, her voice grave as she sounded the alarm.

"Curse Directive soldiers!" Fjorm called out, her tone filled with urgency.

Timerra, her lance poised and ready for battle, surveyed the scene before her with grim determination. "It's a three-way free-for-all," she observed, her voice steady despite the chaos around them.

"What a pain," Fogado muttered as he fired an arrow from his Silver Bow at a Curse Directive Bow Fighter. "These party-crashers sure know when to appear, do they?"

With enemies converging from all sides and fighting each other simultaneously, the group braced themselves for the fight ahead, their resolve unwavering in the face of overwhelming odds. As Corrupted and Curse Directive soldiers clashed with both their group and each other, they knew that victory would not come easily—but they were prepared to fight for it nonetheless.

As the echoes of battle reverberated through the cavernous room, the group turned their attention toward the source of the commotion, their hearts racing with anticipation. To their relief and delight, they watched as Alear, Kiran, Seadall, Female Corrin, Male Corrin, Azura, and Orochi sprinted towards them, their movements a blur as they swiftly dispatched any Corrupted or Curse Directive enemies in their path.

The sight of their comrades-in-arms fighting alongside them ignited a fierce determination within Alfred, Celine, Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Timerra, Fogado, Hortensia, Fjorm, and Seiðr. With renewed vigor, they joined the fray, their weapons flashing as they fought with unwavering resolve.

Together, the reunited group fought as one, their coordination and teamwork unmatched as they pushed back against the tide of enemies that assailed them. With each strike and parry, they drove the Corrupted and Curse Directive soldiers back, their determination unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds.

As the final enemy fell, Fjorm approached Alear and Kiran with relief and gratitude evident in her eyes. "I'm glad you're both alright," she said, her voice filled with sincerity.

"I could say the same thing," Ivy spoke to Alear and Kiran. "I take it that you two retrieved the Emblem Ring?"

"Yeah, Ivy," Alear replied as she gestured towards Seadall, who was currently holding the Ring of the Crux of Fate. "And I also managed to awaken Emblem Corrin within the ring."

Then, Emblem Corrin materialized herself from Seadall's Ring of the Crux of Fate, her ethereal presence visible to the group.

"It's nice to meet with all of you," Emblem Corrin spoke to the group. "I am Emblem Corrin. I'm here to help guide you all."

Then, Hortensia, Elusia's second princess, broke the silence as she saw the four Heroes that Kiran had summoned.

"Yeah, not only that but Kiran also summoned additional Heroes, including a cutie!" Hortensia said, pointing at Male Corrin, who scratched his head awkwardly. Then, Hortensia noticed Seadall nearby. "And who's the new guy?"

Kiran nodded, a sense of satisfaction evident in his expression. "I've summoned these four Heroes to save this man and to help us out," he explained, his tone calm and composed as he gestured towards Seadall. "You know what, why not all of you introduce yourselves?"

"I'm Corrin," Male Corrin introduced himself. "As a Hero summoned by Kiran, I'll do what I can to help out."

"Same here," Female Corrin introduced herself. "My name is also Corrin. And like with my male counterpart, it's nice to meet with you all."

"I am Orochi, a diviner in service of Hoshido's royal family," Orochi introduced herself. "If any of you wish to have their fortunes read, I'm happy to oblige."

Seadall approached the group, a smile playing on his lips as he introduced himself. "I'm Seadall, a traveling dancer and also a fortune-teller," he announced, his voice filled with warmth and camaraderie. "Along with my fortune-telling, I can dance to inspire us all."

Azura nodded in agreement, her eyes shining with determination. "And I am Azura, a songstress from... both Hoshido and Nohr," she added, her voice resonating with quiet confidence. "And I will do the same through my song."

Then, both Male and Female Corrin stared at Ivy and Hortensia, with Hortensia staring back while Ivy became intrigued with the two Corrins.

"Um," Female Corrin spoke. "By chance, are you two Princess Ivy and Hortensia from the Kingdom of Elusia?"

"Yes, we both are," Ivy replied as she steadied her wyvern. "Why do you ask?"

"Yeah," Hortensia replied as she reined in her pegasus. "I think you two are mesmerized by my cute looks, right?"

"Not exactly," Male Corrin explained. "It's because Sakura and Elise mentioned your names earlier."

"Oh?" Hortensia replied, intrigued by Male Corrin's explanation. "I did meet up with Sakura and Elise earlier when Ivy and I were doing our orientation back at Askr. We had a great time earlier today."

"Alright, fellas. As much as we want to chat, we can do that once we leave the Northern Fortress," Kiran interjected, acknowledging the current situation as he turned his attention towards Alear. "What do you think, Alear?"

A sense of urgency hung heavy in the air as Alear addressed the group, her voice tinged with determination. "You're right, Kiran," she declared, her gaze sweeping over her companions. "Since we've regrouped, we should be able to leave through the same door we entered."

However, before they could take a single step toward the exit, the entire fortress trembled, causing Alear and Kiran to whirl around in alarm. Their hearts sank as they watched the entrance door seal itself shut, effectively trapping them inside.

Kiran's voice was grim as he relayed the grim reality to Alear. "How frustrating," he stated as he stared at the sealed door his tone tinged with frustration. "We can't escape the way we came."

Seiðr, ever resourceful, suggested Alear and Kiran. "Fret not, Kiran," she pointed out, her voice calm and steady amidst the chaos. "There is a narrow passage nearby."

Alear nodded solemnly, her eyes narrowing as she surveyed the purple miasma that enveloped the narrow passageway. "There is a passageway, but it's being blocked by clouds of purple miasma," she wondered aloud, her brow furrowed with concern. "But, how do we dispel this?"

Just then, Emblem Corrin materialized from her Emblem Ring that was currently with Seadall once again, her presence a beacon of hope amidst the uncertainty. "I can use my Dragon Vein skill to dispel the miasma by coating it with ice," she offered, her voice echoing with determination. "There is a drawback. On its own, it will take some time for the ice to thaw out."

As Female and Male Corrin stepped forward, a sense of determination radiated from their poised figures. Approaching Emblem Corrin, whose Emblem Ring was currently in Seadall's possession, they offered their assistance in dispelling the purple miasma that blocked their path.

"Maybe we can help?" Female Corrin suggested, her voice filled with confidence as she addressed Emblem Corrin.

Her male counterpart nodded in agreement, his expression resolute. "We know how Dragon Veins function," he said to Emblem Corrin. "Together, we can strengthen your Dragon Veins to dispel the miasma faster."

"Thank you both," Seadall replied as he bowed respectfully at Female and Male Corrin. "I will accept any help that you two can offer."

Emblem Corrin's smile was warm and grateful as she looked upon her counterparts. "Thank you as well," she said sincerely. "Seadall needs all the help he can get to activate and channel my Dragon Vein skill."

As Female and Male Corrin made their way toward Seadall and Emblem Corrin, a sudden emergence of Curse Directive soldiers threatened to disrupt their plans. Alear wasted no time readying her Libération, her voice firm as she addressed the group.

"We need to defend Female and Male Corrin, along with Seadall, while they dispel the purple miasma," Alear declared, her eyes blazing with determination.

Kiran twirled his Breidablik with practiced ease, his voice commanding as he issued his instructions. "Everyone needs to play their part," he stated firmly, his gaze sweeping over the assembled group. "We need to fend off the enemies to bide time for the three of them."

With their resolve steeled and their allies united, they prepared to face the oncoming onslaught with courage and determination.

As the Curse Directive soldiers pressed on, their relentless assault met with fierce resistance from Alear and Kiran's group. Meanwhile, Seadall, Female Corrin, and Male Corrin forged ahead, their determination unwavering as they approached the looming cloud of purple miasma.

With the Ring of the Crux of Fate securely on his right hand, Seadall glanced at Female and Male Corrin, their silent agreement palpable in the air. Without hesitation, they raised their hands towards the swirling miasma, channeling their combined Dragon Vein abilities into a powerful surge of energy.

In an instant, the purple miasma surrounding the Northern Fortress was encased in a layer of ice, its malevolent presence neutralized by the combined strength of the trio's abilities. As the ice began to sublimate into the air, Emblem Corrin's voice rang out with a note of triumph.

"We did it," Emblem Corrin declared, her tone infused with relief as she sensed the dissipation of the miasma. "I can sense that there's no more miasma in the fortress."

However, their victory was short-lived as a group of Curse Directive soldiers emerged from the narrow passageway. Female Corrin tightened her grip on her Gloom Breath Dragonstone, her eyes flashing with determination as she prepared for battle.

"We best be ready," Female Corrin warned, her voice steady despite the mounting threat. "We need to defend Seadall from the enemies."

Male Corrin drew his sword, Yato, his movements fluid and decisive as he took up a defensive stance. "Our path is certain," he declared, his voice echoing with resolve as they braced themselves for the coming confrontation.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Alear and Kiran's group continued to hold their ground against the relentless onslaught of Curse Directive soldiers. As Kiran observed Female Corrin, Male Corrin, and Seadall successfully dispelling the haze that had shrouded the fortress, a sense of relief washed over him.

"They did it," Kiran remarked, his voice filled with admiration for their allies' strength and determination. "I think they just dispelled all the miasma in this fortress."

However, their moment of respite was short-lived as Alear caught sight of more Curse Directive soldiers emerging from the narrow passageway. Her expression filled with concern, she turned to Kiran, her voice urgent as she called for assistance.

"They need our help," Alear exclaimed, her eyes scanning the battlefield for a solution. "I think we should at least send a Hero or two to back them up."

As more Curse Directive soldiers spawned nearby, Kiran, ever composed in the face of danger, raised his right hand in a calming gesture, his gaze steady as he reassured Alear.

"Stay calm, Alear. I'll send Azura and Orochi over while Female and Male Corrin continue to defend Seadall," Kiran stated firmly, as his grip on the Breidablik tightened. "And if Seadall needs to, he has the Ring of the Crux of Fate, and thus, he can Engage with Emblem Corrin."

Then, two Curse Diective soldiers, an Axe Calvary, and a Mage Calvary, emerged from two pools of darkness and charged at Alear and Kiran. Alear clashed weapons with the Axe Calvary, winning the bout with a riposte attack from her Libération while Kiran quickly fired a bolt of magic from the Breidablik to take down the Mage Calvary before they could even attack.

"Now, where was I? Oh yeah..." Kiran said as he turned his attention to Azura and Orochi. "Azura, Orochi... Go to the narrow passageway and reinforce their positions."

"As you wish, Kiran," Azura nodded as she ran towards the narrow passageway.

"We think alike, you and I," Orocho replied as she readied her Tiger Spirit scroll. "I'll do what I can."

As Azura and Orochi ran towards the narrow passageway, Alear smiled, her trust in their allies unwavering. "Thank you, Kiran," she agreed, determination shining in her eyes. "In that case, we need to focus on taking down the enemies on our end before regrouping with them."

With their roles defined, Alear and Kiran's group prepared to face the enemy head-on, confident in their ability to emerge victorious against whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the group of Curse Directive soldiers charged towards them, Female Corrin and Male Corrin stood firm, their resolve unwavering. With a shared understanding of their roles in the upcoming battle, Female Corrin took the lead, her movements fluid and purposeful.

Activating her Gloom Breath Dragonstone, Female Corrin underwent a dramatic transformation, her form shifting into that of a formidable quadrupedal dragon encased in gleaming armor. With a powerful roar, she launched herself into the fray, her purple breath weapon engulfing a nearby Curse Directive Sword Fighter and sending them flying backward.

"I won't surrender!" Female Corrin declared, her voice resonating in her dragon form.

Seadall watched in awe as Female Corrin effortlessly dispatched multiple enemies, her strength and prowess evident with each strike. Turning to Emblem Corrin, who had materialized from her Emblem Ring, Seadall couldn't help but voice his admiration.

"Emblem Corrin," Seadall asked as he stared at the Ring of the Crux of Fate on his left index finger, his curiosity piqued by the sight before him. "Can you transform into a dragon as well?"

As she manifested from her Emblem Ring, Emblem Corrin offered a reassuring smile, her presence emanating a sense of calm assurance. "While Engaging with me doesn't result in a full transformation into a dragon," she explained patiently, "Users can instead manifest draconic aspects on certain parts of their body for specific attacks."

Seadall nodded, absorbing this new information with a sense of fascination. "That's good to know," he remarked, his admiration for Emblem Corrin's abilities growing with each passing moment.

As the battle raged on, he found himself filled with a newfound sense of determination, eager to see what other surprises awaited them in the heat of combat. Suddenly, one of the Curse Directive soldiers, an Axe Fighter, charged at Seadall with their Silver Axe drawn.

As the Curse Directive Axe Fighter charged towards him, Seadall braced himself, the glint of the enemy's Silver Axe flashing menacingly in the moonlight. Just as Emblem Corrin prepared to offer guidance, Male Corrin sprang into action, his swift intervention deflecting the Axe Fighter's attack with expert precision.

With a deft maneuver, Male Corrin executed a riposte with his Yato, swiftly neutralizing the threat with a decisive strike.

"I choose to stop you!" Male Corrin declared, his voice ringing out with determination as he dispatched the Axe Fighter with a swift stroke of his blade.

The Curse Directive Axe Fighter was knocked away due to Male Corrin's counterattack, dissipating into a cloud of miasma.

Grateful for Male Corrin's timely intervention, Seadall expressed his appreciation with heartfelt thanks. "Like a shooting star," he acknowledged, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "Thank you for defending me."

Their respite was short-lived as two more Curse Directive soldiers, a Sword Fighter and a Mage Infantry, surged forward, their weapons poised for attack. Undeterred, Male Corrin readied his Yato, his gaze steady as he prepared to face the incoming onslaught.

"It's not over yet," Male Corrin remarked to Seadall, his tone resolute as they braced themselves for the renewed confrontation.

As the Curse Directive Sword Fighter and Mage Infantry bore down on Male Corrin and Seadall, their impending assault halted abruptly as Azura and Orochi intervened with expert precision. Azura, her movements graceful yet determined, engaged the Sword Fighter head-on, her Sapphire Lance poised for battle.

With a swift and calculated maneuver, the Sword Fighter lunged forward, their Silver Sword gleaming ominously in the dim light. Undeterred, Azura remained composed, her focus unwavering as she deftly blocked the Sword Fighter's assault with her lance.

Seizing the opportunity, Azura launched a counterattack, her movements fluid and precise as she unleashed a series of strikes with her Sapphire Lance.

"Now for a showstopper!" Azura declared, her voice ringing out with confidence as she delivered two decisive blows to the Sword Fighter.

The Curse Directive Sword Fighter, unable to withstand Azura's onslaught, was swiftly overpowered by her relentless assault. With a final strike, Azura's lance sent the Sword Fighter hurtling backward, their form dissipating into dark miasma upon impact with the fortress floor.

As the threat was neutralized, Male Corrin and Seadall watched in awe at Azura's prowess, impressed by her skill and determination in battle.

Meanwhile, Orochi squared off against the Mage Infantry. As the Mage Infantry launched their assault, conjuring a crackling bolt of lightning from their Elthunder tome, Orochi stood her ground, her senses honed to anticipate the attack. With a quick flick of her wrist, she unfurled her Tiger Spirit scroll, channeling its protective energy to deflect the oncoming lightning with precision.

Undeterred by the Mage Infantry's initial assault, Orochi wasted no time in mounting her offensive. With a focused expression, she invoked the power of her Tiger Scroll, summoning forth a spectral tiger from the depths of her magical arsenal.

As the spectral tiger materialized before her, its ethereal form pulsating with energy, Orochi met the Mage Infantry's gaze with a steely resolve.

"You'll regret angering me," Orochi warned calmly, her voice carrying a quiet intensity.

With a powerful surge of energy, the spectral tiger lunged forward at the Mage Infantry, its spectral form moving with uncanny speed and ferocity. The force of its attack struck true, propelling the Mage Infantry backward several feet and slamming them into the unforgiving stone wall of the fortress.

With a resounding impact, the Curse Directive Mage Infantry crumpled to the ground and unformed into a cloud of dark energies, defeated by Orochi's formidable display of magical prowess.

As Seadall watched in awe at the coordinated efforts of Azura and Orochi, he felt a surge of gratitude towards them for their valiant intervention. "Thank you, both of you, for stepping in to protect us," he expressed, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

"Azura, Orochi..." Male Corrin spoke to them. "Thanks for showing up on time."

Orochi offered a humble nod in response to Seadall's gratitude. "It was Kiran who asked for my assistance," she explained with a persistent yet compassionate tone. "But, I couldn't stand idly by while a fellow fortune-teller was under attack."

Azura chimed in, her voice serene yet determined. "Indeed, while Orochi and I managed to dispatch those foes," she observed, her concern evident. "Female Corrin still requires aid against the remaining enemies in the narrow passageway."

"In that case," Male Corrin said to Azura and Orochi as he readied his Yato. "I'll help her out. Orochi, I hope you can defend Azura and Seadall in my place."

As Male Corrin ran off to help his female counterpart, Seadall turned his attention to Orochi once more, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Could you defend us while Azura and I provide support through song and dance?" he inquired, a sense of determination coloring his words.

A warm smile graced Orochi's lips as she prepared herself for the task at hand, her resolve unwavering. "Of course," she affirmed, her voice brimming with confidence. "I'll gladly stand guard and ensure your safety while you both lend your talents to aid Female and Male Corrin."

With their plan in place, Azura's melodic voice filled the air, her enchanting song weaving a protective aura around them. Meanwhile, Seadall's graceful movements wove a mesmerizing dance, further bolstering the morale and strength of Female and Male Corrin as they faced their adversaries head-on. And as Orochi stood vigilant, her Tiger Spirit scroll at the ready, she vowed to defend her allies with unwavering determination against any foe that dared to threaten them.
Chapter 21, Part 4
As the clash between the Curse Directive soldiers and the Corrupted unfolded outside the Northern Fortress, the chaotic scene was soon interrupted by the ominous arrival of Shade, the formidable second-in-command of the Curse Directive. Emerging from a swirling pool of darkness, Shade's presence cast a shadow over the battlefield as he materialized, his cursed form fueled by the power of a sinister black gem.

Casting a detached, calculated glance around the growing turmoil, Shade's focus turned to the just-arrived Gullinbursti Steam mechs, imposing machines made of steel and hate. As their mechanical forms gleamed in the moonlight, the Gullinbursti Steam mechs bore the iconic sigil of the Curse Directive in their chassis.

"Hmm," Shade commented with a tone that hinted at satisfaction at the deployment of these powerful machines. "This is a big step for the Curse Directive."

As the Curse Directive soldiers and the Corrupted continued fighting, Shade glanced at the Gullinbursti Steam mechs on standby mode, awaiting his orders.

"Splendid, our first foray into the field with our Gullinbursti army," Shade declared, his voice dripping with amusement. "Let's see if they can hold their own against these Corrupted."

With a snap of Shade's fingers, the Gullinburstis charged at the remaining Corrupted enemies and finished off their adversaries swiftly. After the remaining Corrupted were taken down, the Gullinburstis returned to Shade, in the same positions as they materialized due to their innate Canto ability.

"Excellent. This will mark the first time our Gullinburstis take the field," Shade remarked, his voice dripping with pride and anticipation. "Let's see how Kiran Pathfinder and his so-called Heroes fare against our army of mechanized automatons."

It was clear that Shade relished the prospect of pitting the Curse Directive's advanced weaponry against their adversaries, eager to witness the outcome of this ominous encounter.

With the dust settling from their hard-won battle, Alear and Kiran's group found a moment of respite amidst the chaos of the Northern Fortress. As Kiran surveyed the area, there were only two Curse Directive enemies that the group was facing at the moment, a Lance Armor, a Bow Cavalier, and a Bow Flier.

The Curse Directive Lance Armor was currently fighting Timerra. The Lance Armor swung their Killer Lance at Timerra, which she barely managed to block with her Silver Lance.

"I don't do mercy!" Timerra declared as she twirled her Silver Lance and launched a counter-attack, knocking the Curse Directive Lance Armor back.

Ivy swooped in with her wyvern as the Lance Armor began to recover from the knockback. Timerra watched as multiple icicles started to materialize around Ivy.

"Loathsome..." Ivy muttered as she finished off the Curse Directive Lance Armor by flinging ice shards from her Icebound Tome.

At the same time, Fogado was currently trading arrow shots from a Curse Directive Bow Flier. As Fogado managed to dodge most of the arrows that the Bow Flier shot at him, he saw an opening and quickly loaded an arrow on his Silver Bow.

"Just how I like it!" Fogado declared as he fired an arrow from his Silver Bow on a Curse Directive Bow Flier, taking them down in a single shot.

However, this prompted the Bow Cavalier to charge at Fogado, with their Killer Bow ready to fire an arrow at him. Then, Alcryst ran towards Fogado and readied an arrow onto his Arcane Darkbow.

"I hope this is enough!" Alcryst declared as he released the string of his Arcane Darkbow, firing an arrow that finished off the Curse Directive Bow Cavalier.

As the Bow Cavalier crumbled to dust, Alear and Kiran breathed a sigh of relief as they cleared the room of enemies for the time being. Then, Alear and Kiran looked at the narrow passageway and saw Azura, Orochi, Seadall, Female Corrin, and Male Corrin running towards them, having taken down the enemies in the passageway.

"Kiran!" Female Corrin spoke to him. "We've cleared the narrow passageway of every enemy we can find!"

"Sorry it took us a while," Male Corrin added as he scratched his head. "But, we did it."

"While Female and Male Corrin took down the majority of the enemies," Seadall said as he formally performed a bow. "I also did my part through my dance."

"I also lent a helping hand through my song," Azura declared as she gripped her Sapphire Lance. "We all did our part."

"As for me," Orochi said as she held her Tiger Spirit scroll proudly. "I managed to fend off any enemy that was aiming for Azura and Seadall while they were dancing and singing."

Kiran nodded in acknowledgment. Then, he turned his attention to Alear and the rest of the group.

"Thanks to all our efforts, the narrow passageway is clear," Kiran announced with resolve evident in his voice. "We can't afford to linger on this part of the fortress any longer."

Alear nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting the urgency of their mission. "Time is of the essence," she replied. "We must move swiftly. Stay vigilant and watch each other's backs. We can't allow the Corrupted or the Curse Directive to regroup and corner us."

With a sense of unity and purpose, the two groups converged, their resolve unshaken as they braced themselves for whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they navigated the narrow confines of the fortress, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls as they pressed forward, ready to confront whatever awaited them on the other side.

In the grand halls of the Kingdom of Askr, Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna chatted with Princess Reginn of Niðavellir, who recently arrived from the Realm of Niðavellir for a brief visit. As they discussed the looming threat of the Curse Directive, Reginn's voice cut through the tension.

"Hi, Reginn!" Sharena chimed. "What brings you to visit?"

"I'm concerned about the Curse Directive deploying their squad of Gullinburstis after Kiran," Reginn replied as she expressed her worry, her eyes reflecting unease as she dismounted from her Gullinbursti. "After all, we failed to secure the blueprints yesterday. And I want to make amends for it somehow..."

Alfonse, the stalwart prince, met her gaze with a reassuring nod. "The only way is for Kiran to summon you in Elyos somehow," he offered a solution, his voice calm yet determined.

Reginn, understanding the weight of her past actions, nodded solemnly. "Yeah," she admitted, a hint of remorse in her tone. "I willingly entered a contract with Kiran when I first assaulted the Kingdom of Askr years ago when Fáfnir planned on invading the rest of the Nine Realms."

Sharena, the ever-optimistic princess, chimed in with a confident smile. "I'm sure Kiran will summon you if the Curse Directive deploys their Gullinburstis," she reassured Reginn, her voice full of faith in their ally.

Commander Anna added her perspective with a reassuring smile. "Have faith in Kiran, Reginn," she encouraged Reginn, her words laced with hope and possibility. "Who knows? You might get summoned by Kiran sooner than you think."

"That's right! Why don't we go to the Training Tower?" Sharena chimed in. "Maybe we can do some combat exercises while we wait for you to be summoned by Kiran!"

"That's a great idea, Sharena," Reginn replied as she nodded and stretched her arms. "My Gullinbursti and I could use some warm-up fights."

As the group went to the Training Tower, they strategized and shared their hopes for the future. A sense of unity and determination filled the air, binding them together as they awaited Kiran to summon either of them when he needed to.

In the depths of the Northern Fortress, the group pressed on with their weapons gleaming in the moonlight as they took down any Corrupted and Curse Directive soldiers that dared to oppose them. The narrow passageway echoed with the sounds of battle, the clash of steel against steel filling the air.

As the group reached a spacious chamber, Alear, ever vigilant, voiced her concern. "It's too quiet," she remarked, her eyes scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. "I thought we were going to face Corrupted or Curse Directive enemies in this part of the fortress."

"Hmm," Seadall muttered as he grabbed his fortune-telling deck. "Perhaps I could use my fortune-telling to peer into the future?"

"Oh?" Orochi replied as she noticed Seadall's fortune-telling deck. "I'll do the same with my fortune-telling."

"O spirit of the cards," Seadall chanted solemnly, his voice carrying a note of reverence. "Cast your light upon the path before us..."

While everyone in the group watched as Seadall and Orochi performed their fortune-telling, Emblem Corrin manifested from Seadall's Emblem Ring, curious to see the results of Seadall and Orochi's fortune-telling.

"So, how did it go?" Emblem Corrin inquired. "What do the fortunes reveal to you two?"

"An upright Sept de Baguettes..." Seadall remarked as he held the titular card in his right hand. "It means there will be one last challenge that we need to overcome before we can safely leave the fortress."

"I agree with him," Orochi said as she peered into the future on her Tiger Scroll. "I'm seeing the same fortune as he is."

Kiran, the leader of their group, nodded in agreement. "It's as if the Curse Directive has cleared out the fortress of every Corrupted," he observed, his voice tinged with suspicion. "I have a bad feeling about this..."

Just then, Shade, the enigmatic second in command of the Curse Directive, materialized near the chamber's exit. With a sarcastic tone, he addressed Kiran.

"You're right in that regard, Kiran Pathfinder," Shade taunted, his presence sending a chill down their spines. "This fortress shall be your grave."

Undeterred by Shade's taunts, Kiran confronted him with a sharp remark. "Never heard of that one before," he remarked dryly, his gaze unwavering despite the tension between them. "It's been a while Shade. Are you here to showcase something?"

Shade remained silent in response to Kiran's accusation, his expression unreadable. Suddenly, the ground rumbled as a squadron of Gullinbursti Steam units stormed into the chamber through the supposed exit, their metallic forms glinting ominously in the dim light.

As the menacing Gullinbursti Steam mechs advanced into the chamber, Shade's chilling chuckle reverberated through the air like an ominous warning. "Behold," he smugly announced. "The first squadron of Gullinbursti Steam units fielded by the Curse Directive."

Alear, her gaze fixed on the formidable automatons before her, expressed her astonishment. "This is the first time I lay my eyes on a Gullinbursti," she admitted, her voice tinged with curiosity and apprehension.

Kiran's gaze hardened as he focused on the mechanical monstrosities. "Did you replicate the Seiðjárn to power these machines?" he demanded, his tone laced with accusation.

Shade smirked smugly in response to Kiran's question. "Replicate? Not exactly, Kiran Pathfinder," he admitted, his voice dripping with arrogance. "We've substituted it with black jewels as an alternate power source."

Kiran's expression darkened as he processed Shade's words, a mixture of disdain and anger clouding his features. "Using the black jewels as a power source for your automatons? You've crossed several lines there, given that we know how black jewels are created, Shade," he scoffed, his voice tinged with disapproval. "You and Ebony do love to plagiarize the work from others. By the way, how low will you and Ebony go just to kill me?"

Shade, undeterred by Kiran's disdain, retorted with a cold determination. "The Curse Directive will do whatever it takes to eliminate you and your allies," he declared, his eyes gleaming with malice. "And we intend to do so using our automatons. Now Gullinburstis, kill Kiran and his allies!"

As Shade's automated Gullinburstis surged forward, their metallic forms gleaming with malevolence, Alear, Kiran, and their allies braced themselves for the coming onslaught. The tension thickened as the automatons closed on them, ready to strike.

As the Gullinbursti Steam units charged at Alear and Kiran's group, Emblem Corrin, her eyes ablaze with determination, called out to Seadall, urging him into action.

"Engage with me, Seadall!" Emblem Corrin commanded, her voice ringing out with authority. "Hurry, before we're overwhelmed!"

Seadall, his resolve unwavering, nodded in response. The Ring of the Crux of Fate on his left index finger shimmered in the moonlight

"Emblem Corrin," Seadall chanted as the Ring of the Crux of fate in his possession glowed brightly. "Join me for one song."

As he invoked the transformative power of the Emblem Ring in his possession, Seadall assumed his Engage form after a dazzling display of light, his presence radiating strength and purpose.

Transformed into his Engage form, Seadall faced down one of the charging Gullinburstis, a formidable Steam Lance model. With a fluid motion, a Dual Katana materialized in his hands, ready for battle. As the automaton bore down on him, Seadall's battle instincts kicked in.

Seadall deftly blocked the incoming attack with a precise maneuver, the clash of metal ringing out in the chamber. Seizing the moment, Seadall launched a counterattack, driving his Dual Katana into the vulnerable spot of the Steam Lance. The automaton staggered backward, its metallic frame groaning under the force of the blow, before crashing into the fortress wall with a resounding clang.

Meanwhile, the rest of Alear and Kiran's allies were fighting off the other Gullinburstis with everything they had. Swords clashed, spells crackled through the air, and the chamber reverberated with the sounds of battle as they fought to hold back the onslaught of Shade's mechanized forces.

"Scatter like petals!" Alfred exclaimed as he took down a Steam Sword with a jab from his Arcane Qiang. "This is the first time I'm fighting this thing!"

"I concur," Diamant remarked as he blocked an attack from a Steam Lance and retaliated with a Bonfire from his Fair-Fight Blade. "While they move fast and hit hard, these machines are quite frail."

Meanwhile, one of the Gullinbursti machines, a Steam Sword, charged at Female Corrin, prompting her to activate her Gloom Breath Dragonstone to assume her draconic form. As the Steam Sword attacked Female Corrin, their Brave Sword clanged through Female Corrin's armor-like scales twice, but to no avail since their attack failed to damage Female Corrin.

"We won't give up!" Female Corrin declared as she exhaled a corrosive breath at the Steam Sword, corroding its joints and making it collapse into the fortress floor.

At the same time, a Steam Axe made a beeline toward Male Corrin, prompting him to wield his Yato. The Steam Axe attacked Male Corrin with their Emerald Axe, but Male Corrin managed to deftly block the assault. Then, Male Corrin saw an opening and performed a counterattack at the Steam Axe as his Yato glowed red, signifying that his Dragon Fang skill had activated.

"I've made my choice!" Male Corrin exclaimed as he slashed the leg joints of the Steam Axe with his Yato.

Amid the chaotic battle against Shade's relentless Gullinburstis, a voice resonated within Kiran's mind. Baldraz, the spirit dwelling within the Breidablik, spoke urgently to Kiran.

"Kiran, you must hurry," Baldraz urged. "Summon a Hero from the Realm of Niðavellir!"

Kiran, his determination unwavering, nodded in response to Baldraz's counsel. Focusing his energy, he unleashed a blast from the Dire Breidablik, shattering one of the Gullinbursti Steam Lances with a powerful surge of energy. Then, Kiran remembered what that certain Niðavellir Hero had said to him a few years ago.

'Thanks for all your help, Kiran. Before you know it, I'll be returning the favor!'

"I know which Hero I must summon," Kiran muttered under his breath, his eyes blazing with a fierce resolve. "But, I think Shade will notice, like what he did last time..."

As Kiran prepared to call forth the chosen Hero, ever watchful Shade caught wind of his intentions, confirming Kiran's suspicions. With a swift command, more Steam units spawned near him as he ordered his Gullinburstis to attack Kiran before he could complete the summoning ritual, seeking to thwart their plans and crush their hopes.

"Gullinburstis!" Shade declared as he pointed his right index finger at Kiran. "Charge straight for Kiran! Stop him from summoning!"

"I knew it," Kiran grimaced as he tightened his grip on the Breidablik. "Everyone, please back me up here..."

"This is bad!" Alear grimaced as she took down a Gullinbursti Steam Lance with her Libération. "Everyone, we need to defend Kiran as he is about to summon a Hero to aid us!"

"Don't worry, Kiran," Fjorm addressed him as she wielded her Leiptr. "We'll protect you with everything we have."

"Right! Emblem Engage!" Timerra exclaimed, her gaze filled with resolve as she Engaged with Emblem Ike. "Let's do this!"

The group sprang into action, intercepting most of the automatons that surged towards Kiran, their weapons clashing against the metallic foes in a cacophony of battle. Melee weapons clashed while arrows and magic bolts were fired at the automatons that were charging straight for Kiran, in a bid to stop their advance.

Amidst the chaos, a lone Gullinbursti Steam Axe managed to break through the defenses, hurtling towards Kiran with deadly intent. Unfazed by the imminent danger, Kiran raised his voice, his words carrying a mystical resonance.

"Gathering wishes to call upon the Princess of Niðavellir that bears hope!" Kiran chanted, invoking the ancient magic of summoning in a desperate bid for aid. "Become the path its light shines upon!"

With the Gullinbursti Steam Axe bearing down on Kiran in the heat of battle, Seiðr realized that Kiran was in danger, and she channeled her divine energies into her eponymous staff, hoping that her ability would affect the Gullinbursti Steam Axe before it could reach Kiran.

"Kiran!" Seiðr exclaimed as her body glowed teal and gold, signifying her Future-Focused ability had been activated. "There is hope yet!"

With the Gullinbursti Steam Axe momentarily distorted due to Seiðr's ability, Kiran resolved to finish his summon chant, determined to bring a certain Hero to aid him and his allies.

"Thank you, Seiðr," Kiran replied, his Breidablik glowing brightly in the shadowed corridors of the Northern Fortress as he finished his chant. "Hero Summon! I call forth Reginn into the battlefield!"

The Breidablik crackled with power as Kiran pulled its trigger. Upon doing so, a portal opened in the air, and Reginn, riding her custom-made Gullinbursti, leaped through with a determined resolve.

With swift precision, Reginn wasted no time, immediately assaulting the Gullinbursti Steam Axe that threatened Kiran. Activating the machine gun ports on her Gullinbursti, she unleashed a barrage of bullets, riddling the automaton with relentless fire. Then, using her custom-made Gullinbursti's mechanical arms, Reginn readied her blade, Lyngheiðr, and slashed through the automaton with calculated expertise.

As the Gullinbursti Steam Axe was destroyed under Reginn's assault, Shade's frustration was palpable. He had been on the brink of disrupting Kiran's summoning, only to be thwarted by the timely arrival of Reginn.

"No, no, no! Gods damn it all!" Shade fumed in anger as he glared at Kiran and Reginn. "Of all the Heroes he had summoned, why did he summon the Niðavellir princess?!"

While Shade seethed in rage, Kiran expressed his gratitude to Reginn for her timely intervention. "Thank you, Reginn," he said to her. "Your swift action saved not just me, but all of us here."

Reginn's smile was steely with determination as she replied, "You're welcome, Kiran," she smiled as she glanced at Kiran's allies. "After all, I'm Reginn and I'm here to help, which is exactly what I'll do!"

With unwavering resolve, Reginn turned her Gullinbursti around and faced Shade, standing alongside Kiran and his allies in their battle against the Curse Directive's formidable forces.
Chapter 21, Part 5
Near the exit of the Northern Fortress, the tension hung heavy in the air as Kiran stood with a determined expression, having summoned Reginn, the princess of Niðavellir, to face off in battle, much to Shade's frustration.

"So, this is Reginn," Alear remarked as she stared at the Niðavellir princess. "She's as gentle and fierce as Kiran described back then in Lythos."

Reginn, her eyes flashing with accusation, turned to Shade and spoke in disbelief, "I saw you back at Niðavellir," she declared as she pointed her Gullinbursti's mechanical right arm at him. "You stole the blueprints from Eitri's workshop, didn't you?"

Shade admitted as he let out a vicious smirk. "Guilty as charged, Princess Reginn. But what's done is done," he sneered. "You and Kiran will soon realize the futility of your efforts when you're overwhelmed by mass-produced Gullinburstis and my additional forces."

Kiran shook his head, his voice firm as he rebuked Shade, "Quality holds its merit over quantity, Shade," he said as he readied the Breidablik. "You're underestimating the strength of our resolve."

Shade's eyes narrowed as he snapped his fingers, summoning more Curse Directive soldiers to bolster his Gullinbursti Steam battalion. With a cold glare, he taunted Kiran. "You will pay dearly for underestimating the Curse Directive, Kiran Pathfinder," he said as he glared at Kiran. "Your insults will not go unanswered."

The battle raged on as Shade, his eyes blazing with determination, readied his knife, Skofnung, and pointed his right index finger at Alear and Kiran's group. "Curse Directive soldiers, Gullinburstis, attack Kiran's allies. I'll deal with Kiran personally," he commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos of the battlefield.

As Alear and Kiran's group fought off the remaining Gullinburstis and additional Curse Directive soldiers spawned by Shade, one of the enemies, a Gullinbursti Steam Lance, dashed towards Celine, with its Instant Lance at the ready. As the Gullinbursti Steam Lance attacked Celine, she managed to deflect the attack with her Joyous Tome. Then, Celine's body glowed green as the Gullinbursti Steam Lance tried to make a retreat, but it could only take a single step backward, its inner gears and circuits overheating for some reason.

"Celine!" Alfred exclaimed as he quickly dispatched a Steam Sword before rushing towards her on horseback. "Are you alright?"

"Alfred, I'm alright," Celine huffed as she clutched her Joyous Tome. "That was close."

"Princess Celine, right?" Reginn said as she dashed over to the Firene princess using her Gullinbursti. "If you want, I can take down that Steam Lance for you."

"Princess Reginn, thank you for the offer," Celine replied as she stared at Reginn. "But, that automaton didn't hurt me too badly. So, I want it struck down by my own hands."

Sporting a determined expression, Celine approached the Gullinbursti Steam Lance that had attacked her. As Celine readied her Joyous Tome, her body glowed green as the automaton tried to retreat, but to no avail.

"It's tea time!" Celine declared as she fired a magic bolt from her Joyous Tome.

The magic bolt hit its mark on the Gullinbursti Steam Lance, blowing a hole in its chassis and collapsing it on the fortress floor. Nearby, Kiran watched Celine's battle with the Gullinbursti Steam Lance, intrigued at Celine's body glowing green earlier.

"I noticed that the Gullinburstis near Celine couldn't move more than a single step," Kiran muttered as he scanned Celine using the Breidablik. "Not to mention that her body glowed green the moment that Steam Lance tried to retreat using its Canto. Could it be..."

"It seems that Celine has a skill called Canto Control," Baldraz revealed as the Breidablik scanned Celine. "Canto Control weakens the effects of Canto on enemies after taking their actions, with melee units only taking a single step while ranged units can't even move at all."

"That's good to hear," Kiran muttered as he and Shade stared each other down. "Look like the battle has just entered its midpoint."

As the battle raged on, Shade spawned more Curse Directive soldiers and Gullinbursti Steam automatons, Alear and the rest of the group braced themselves for the onslaught. As the group continued fending off the enemies, Shade prepared his Skofnung, projecting several copies of the deadly blade, and hurled them at Kiran with deadly precision.

Alear's eyes widened in alarm as the knife projections hurtled toward Kiran. "Kiran, watch out!" she shouted, her voice urgent and concerned for her comrade.

Reacting swiftly, Kiran readied his Breidablik and unleashed a barrage of shots, each one aimed at a knife projection, deflecting them with remarkable skill and precision. The air crackled with energy as the projectiles collided and dissipated, leaving Kiran unscathed.

"You and Ebony are always trying to kill me, aren't you?" Kiran scoffed, his grip on the Briedablik tightened. "You're tenacious, Shade, I'll give you that..."

Seizing the opportunity, Shade dashed towards Kiran, his Skofnung poised to strike. However, before he could reach his target, Alear leaped into action, her Libération sword flashing as she intercepted Shade, her eyes blazing with determination and her stance unwavering.

"Kiran, I've got your back," Alear declared, her voice ringing out with fierce determination as she faced Shade, her sword locked with his, the clash of metal reverberating through the tumultuous battlefield.

The air hummed with tension as the three combatants stood locked in a fierce confrontation, each one driven by their motives and convictions, the outcome of their clash hanging in the balance.

Alear and Shade clashed weapons, the sound of clashing steel echoing in the air. Frustration seethed within Shade as he grudgingly asked Alear. "Accursed Divine One!" he sneered at Alear. "Why would you defend Kiran Pathfinder?"

Alear's response was firm. "I have no idea what you and the rest of the Curse Directive are bent on killing Kiran, but as a Hero," she declared. "I'll defend Kiran with all that I have!"

As she spoke, Alear's Emblem Ring, the Ring of the Princess Exalt, glowed brightly. With determination in her eyes, she declared, "Emblem Engage!" assuming her Engage form.

Shade's eyes widened as Alear transformed, and he gritted his teeth as he jumped back a few feet away from Alear's Engage form. Then, Shade snapped his fingers and several more Gullinbursti Steam units spawned near him, ready to obey their master's commands.

"Gullinburstis!" Shade declared as he pointed his right index finger at Alear. "Attack the Divine One! Overwhelm her with sheer numbers!"

Gullinbursti Steam units spawned near him and charged at Alear. The relentless Steam units dogpiled Alear, overwhelming her with their sheer numbers, but Alear was more than a match for the automatons as she effortlessly destroyed each Steam unit, one by one.

As he readied his Skofnung, Shade sneered at Alear. "No wonder Ebony refers to you as a 'naïve woman'," he said to her. "I will finish you off here once you're overwhelmed by my minions."

Just as Shade was about to attack Alear, Kiran stepped in, shooting magic bolts from his Breidablik at Shade, which Shade parried using his Skofnung. "That's enough, Shade," he said firmly, his voice cutting through the tension. "I'm what you're after, not her."

Alear fought off the Steam automatons, her eyes flashing with urgency as she called out to Kiran, "Kiran! Get away from Shade!" she exclaimed. "He's here to kill you!"

Kiran turned to Alear, his expression determined as he replied, "Trust me, I have a good reason to confront Shade directly," he replied to Alear. "Please fend off any enemy reinforcements for me."

"Divine One," Baldraz spoke telepathically to Alear from the Breidablik. "Kiran has a plan. You just need to trust him."

"I understand," Alear replied as she took down a Steam Axe with her Libération. "But still, be careful, Kiran."

As Alear fended off the Gullinburstis, Shade's gaze bore into Kiran, his voice cold as he said. "Kiran Pathfinder," he sneered. "You just made my objective a lot easier by approaching me."

Kiran shrugged nonchalantly. "Sure," he snarked. "If that's what you want to think."

With a swift motion, Shade threw his knife, Skofnung, at Kiran. Reacting quickly, Kiran switched his Breidablik to its Sword form and parried the knife. As Skofnung flew back to Shade's hands, Kiran spoke, his tone unwavering.

"Let me ask you one thing, Shade," Kiran said as he stared at Shade. "What happens if you manage to kill me?"

Shade faltered momentarily at Kiran's question, his voice tinged with unease as he demanded. "I..." he stammered. "Why would you dare you ask that question?"

Kiran's rebuke was swift and unwavering, his words cutting through the tension like a blade. "It's because my Heroes and I fight to protect the Nine Realms as part of the Order of Heroes," he countered, his conviction unshakeable. "Since you and Ebony lead the Curse Directive, what do you and Ebony fight for?"

Shade's eyes narrowed in the heat of the battle as he glared at Kiran, a flicker of uncertainty clouding his expression. He knew Kiran's words had struck a nerve, leaving him without a convincing response.

"You have no right to say those words to me," Shade snapped, his voice laced with venom. "Just be silent, and let me kill you."

With a fierce determination, Shade lunged at Kiran, the clash of their blades ringing through the air as Skofnung met Sword Breidablik. Kiran's resolute voice cut through the tension as the two warriors fought.

"Your motives are empty, Shade," Kiran declared, his words echoing with unwavering conviction. "If you and Ebony can't come up with a good reason to kill me, neither of you will triumph in this conflict."

Shade's focus wavered momentarily, his grip faltering as Kiran's words pierced through his resolve. Sensing an opportunity, Kiran swiftly transformed Sword Breidablik into its Dire form, unleashing a potent magical bolt that struck Shade's abdomen. A surge of black miasma leaked from Shade's cursed body, eliciting a guttural growl of agony.

"Damn you, Kiran Pathfinder!" Shade seethed through clenched teeth, his eyes ablaze with fury and pain. "How dare you hurt me!"

The battlefield crackled with tension as the confrontation between Kiran and Shade spiraled into a clash of wills and magic, each moment charged with the intensity of their conflicting destinies.

"Oh, please. I know you're just using a cursed body," Kiran scoffed at Shade. "I'm sure you can afford to feel pain in that remote body of yours, can you?"

Kiran stared at Shade with unyielding determination, his eyes ablaze with resolve. "And besides, you think I'll confront you here for no reason?" he declared, his voice steady and unwavering. "Unfortunately for you, I'm the distraction."

Shade's composure momentarily faltered at Kiran's words, but before he could react, he heard a woman's singing voice echoing around the fortress. The woman was none other than Azura, with Shade dancing along as she sang her song, with their song and dance empowering Alear and Kiran's group. Then, Hortensia flew towards one of the Gullinbursti Steam Swords on her pegasus, her Arcane Charmer glowing brightly as she attacked the automaton.

"How cute am I?!" Hortensia declared as her Arcane Charmer glowed brilliantly as she activated her Glitter of Light.

As Hortensia's Glitter of Light activated, Shade was forced to close his eyes due to the bright light that her Arcane Charmer emitted. While the Glitter of Light disoriented Shade, Reginn, astride her Gullinbursti, charged forward and tackled Shade into the fortress wall.

"Quickly, Reginn!" Kiran said to her. "Destroy Shade's cursed body!"

"Tch...I... I can't be taken down here while I am so close!" Shade grunted in pain as he tried to un-pin himself from the fortress wall. "I will kill you, Kiran, even if it's the last thing I'll ever do!"

Before Shade could get himself loose from the fortress wall, Seiðr quickly moved in using her goat mount and stepped in front of Shade, determined to stop him and protect Kiran.

"You will not harm Kiran anymore, Shade!" Seiðr declared as her body glowed in a teal and gold aura. "Revealing light!"

As Seiðr activated her Future-Focused ability, Shade felt that his entire being was momentarily stopped in time, leaving him completely helpless as Reginn charged at him, her Gullinbursti radiating a lot of heat.

"Yeah! I'll use Seiðr Shell to end this quickly!" Reginn declared as her Gullinbursti glowed red. "Shade, this is it for you!"

The moment Reginn used her personal Gullinbursti's signature ability, Seiðr Shell, this attracted the attention of Seiðr herself the moment Kiran commanded Reginn to attack Shade.

Upon activation, her Gullinbursti opened its machine gun ports and opened fire at Shade. As Shade was pinned in the fortress wall, he winced in pain as Reginn's machine gun fire pelted him, more black miasma oozing from his cursed form. Shade expelled a large amount of miasma from his mouth, knowing that his cursed body had reached its limit.

"Well played," Shade begrudgingly admitted to Kiran, his body leaking out more miasma. "But, I swear Ebony and I will not stop trying to kill you."

Undeterred, Kiran met Shade's threat with steely resolve. "You can try all you like," he retorted, his voice tinged with defiance. "But, it'll be a futile effort, an inconvenience at best. We'll meet again on another battlefield. Say hi to Ebony for me."

Shade's cursed body gave out as Kiran spoke those words, dissipating into black miasma. The Curse Directive and Gullinbursti Steam units followed suit, fading into nothingness.

A few minutes later, the group finally managed to escape the Northern Fortress, Alear's exhausted huffs filled the air as she reverted to her normal form, being certain that there were no more enemies around the area. Looking around at her allies, including Seadall and Timerra who also returned to their original states, she let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad tonight's battle is over," Alear murmured wearily. "We had to contend with not only the Corrupted but also with the Curse Directive..."

Kiran turned to Alear, a determined glint in his eyes. "The Ebony, Shade, and the rest of the Curse Directive will return," he stated firmly. "They're all tenacious in their goal of killing me, I'll admit to that."

Fjorm, the princess of Nifl, stepped forward, her voice steady and resolute. "Don't worry, Kiran," she affirmed, her icy gaze unwavering. "We'll be ready for them."

Seiðr, the Goddess of Vanaheimr, spoke with pride in her voice. "Our group deserves a well-earned victory," she declared, her presence commanding attention. "Even small victories like these count towards the greater whole."

Alear nodded, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten. "You're right," she agreed, a hint of satisfaction in her tone. "Our victory is well-deserved." The group stood together, united in their triumph and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Seadall approached Alear with a determined stride, holding out the Ring of the Crus of Fate. "Divine One, this belongs to you," he said, his voice carrying a note of conviction. "The Emblem Ring was always meant to be yours."

Alear accepted the ring with a mix of astonishment and gratitude. "Thank you, Seadall," she murmured, her eyes shimmering with emotion. "You can join us back at Somniel to rest for tonight."

"It would be an honor, Divine One," Seadall replied as he bowed at Alear respectfully. "You have my thanks."

As Alear turned away from Seadall, her gaze fell upon Kiran, engrossed in conversation with Female Corrin, Male Corrin, Azura, and Orochi. Kiran's authoritative voice cut through the air.

"I need the four of you to compile a detailed battle report for Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna," Kiran said to the five Heroes. "They must know the extent of our recent battle against the Curse Directive."

Female Corrin nodded, her expression resolute. "We will personally deliver the report to them," she assured Kiran, her determination matching his own.

"Don't worry, Kiran," Male Corrin replied. "You can count on us."

Reginn, speaking with a hint of urgency, announced. "I must return to Niðavellir after this battle," she explained. "I do have duties back at home."

"Before you leave, Child of Niðavellir," Seiðr said to Reginn. "I want you to promise me to elaborate as to how your machine's ability shares the same name as mine."

"Sure," Reginn replied. "I'll happily explain it to you whenever you visit Zenith, Seiðr."

With those words, Reginn, Female Corrin, Male Corrin, Azura, and Orochi vanished from Elyos, transforming into shimmering motes of light that danced and dissolved into the air.

As Reginn, Female Corrin, Male Corrin, Azura, and Orochi vanished from Elyos, Emblem Corrin manifested from her Emblem Ring, her form solidifying as she took in her surroundings.

"So, that's how Kiran dismisses his Heroes," Emblem Corrin mused, her voice tinged with a mixture of awe and uncertainty. "It's rather similar to how us Emblems are dismissed to our respective Emblem Rings."

Alear, standing nearby, nodded in agreement. "It's indeed a convenient thing to have as a Hero summoned under Kiran," she remarked, her expression thoughtful as she regarded Emblem Corrin.

Emblem Corrin's eyes widened at the implication, and she turned to Alear. "Are you also a Hero summoned under Kiran?" she asked, her voice betraying a hint of curiosity and surprise.

Alear smiled softly, her gaze briefly meeting Kiran's before returning to Emblem Corrin. "Yes. Alfred, Celine, Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Hortensia, and I willingly formed a contract with Kiran at various points and were summoned as Heroes under him," she began, her voice calm and assured. "We all feel a deep sense of loyalty to Kiran for being there during our moments of need."

Emblem Corrin's mind raced with questions, her gaze flickering between Alear and Kiran, trying to comprehend the depth of their connection. The realization that these Heroes had willingly pledged themselves to Kiran left her with a mix of admiration and curiosity, and she couldn't help but wonder about the intricacies of their relationship with Kiran.

Then, Emblem Corrin nodded, her blue aura flaring up the light as she leaned forward. "It's remarkable that you can still Engage with an Emblem, even as a Hero now," she said to Alear, her voice carrying a note of genuine curiosity.

Alear held the three rings in her hands, the Ring of the Princess Exalt, the Ring of the Lady of the Plains, and the Ring of the Crux of Fate, the Ring of the Instructor, each one pulsing with its unique energy.

"It is surprising," Alear admitted, her gaze shifting between the rings. "Even I never expected this connection to remain after becoming a Hero."

"It kinda is since you have the best of both worlds, Divine One," Timerra said as she approached Alear and Kiran, wielding the Ring of the Radiant Hero. "And Kiran, I hope you summon me and Fogado as Heroes someday."

"Of course," Kiran smiled as he replied to Timerra. "The time will come when you and Fogado will be summoned as Heroes."

After Kiran replied to Timerra, Emblem Corrin's eyes widened slightly. "Hmm, if you think about it..." she mused, her mind racing with the possibilities. "That could mean Emblems like me could be summoned by Kiran as Heroes."

"I agree," Emblem Lyn said as she manifested from the Ring of the Lady of the Plains. "Given that Kiran can summon our true basis as Heroes, I think it's possible."

"I've seen what Kiran and his Breidablik can do since my awakening," Emblem Byleth said as he materialized from the Ring of the Instructor. "I do believe we have only seen the surface, so to speak."

"Given his deeds and accomplishments in helping Alear save Elyos," Emblem Lucina added as she manifested from the Ring of the Princess Exalt. "If us Emblems were to be summoned under Kiran, we would lend our support to him without question."

"So, if us Emblems were to be summoned by you as Heroes," Emblem Ike asked as he materialized from Timerra's Ring of the Radiant Hero. "Does that mean we get to have physical bodies?"

"Emblem Ike, I think an Emblem can gain a physical form if summoned as a Hero," Kiran replied as he stared at the Breidablik. "Take Lumera for example. We all know that she passed on, but because she requested it, I managed to bring her back as a Hero."

"Got it," Emblem Ike replied to Kiran as he crossed his arms. "That means you wouldn't object if I get to eat meat if I become corporeal, right?"

"Yeah," Kiran replied. "Since all Ikes that I've summoned love to eat meat. You can count on it, Emblem Ike."

Then, Kiran glanced over at Ivy, who conversed with Hortensia, Alfred, Celine, Diamant, and Alcryst. "Fellas, Emblem Byleth's right. We've only seen glimpses of what the Breidablik can do," he said, his voice carrying an air of certainty. "Take Ivy for example. She is the first Attuned Hero that I've summoned."

Alear turned to Kiran, her expression a mix of hope and uncertainty. "You have a point there with Ivy, Kiran" she replied, her voice tinged with excitement as she asked another question. "But really, Kiran? Do you think it's possible?"

Kiran met her gaze, his eyes reflecting the flickering light of the Breidablik. "The Breidablik still holds many mysteries," he admitted, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I have a feeling that the divine relic still holds a lot of potential than we realize."

Then, Kiran readied his Breidablik and fired a portal into the air, the shimmering energy forming a gateway with Somniel visible on the other side.

"Everyone, we are exhausted after the battle in the Northern Fortress. It's time for us to return to Somniel for a well-deserved rest," he announced, his voice carrying a note of relief.

Alear smiled, the weariness evident in her eyes as she nodded in agreement. "I couldn't agree more," she said, her voice soft but resolute.

Timerra spoke up, her voice carrying the weight of the recent battle. "Fogado and I would like to tag along," she said, concern etched on her face.

Fogado winced, rubbing his shoulder as he approached Alear, Kiran, Timerra, and the rest of the Emblems. "I'm rather sore after that battle in the fortress," he replied, his voice strained.

Alear chuckled, a glint of warmth in her eyes. "Of course, you both should come along to Somniel. We are friends and allies, after all," she said, offering a reassuring smile.

With their decision made, Alear and Kiran's group stepped into the portal, leaving the Northern Fortress behind as they ventured towards the rest and respite awaiting them in Somniel.

And there you have it! This is the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

To all the people who offered advice in brainstorming this story, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

And here are two Stingers this time...

In the dimly lit Curse Directive encampment nestled between the Kingdoms of Nifl and Muspell, Shade stirred from his slumber, his mind still haunted by the memory of his cursed body being destroyed back in Elyos. As he pushed aside the heavy fabric of his tent, he was greeted by the sight of Ebony, the enigmatic Shadow Director of the Curse Directive, entering with a tankard of water in hand.

"Have you done as I asked?" Ebony inquired, her voice carrying a commanding tone as she approached Shade.

Shade, his throat parched from restless sleep, nodded in response, accepting the tankard from Ebony. "Yes, I have, Shadow Director," he confirmed, taking a long, satisfying gulp of the water. "But I must admit, despite my defeat at the hands of Kiran and his Heroes, the Gullinbursti Steam automatons displayed remarkable potential in their inaugural battle."

A devious smirk tugged at the corners of Ebony's lips as she handed a sealed letter to Shade. "Excellent, I'll have more Steam units constructed to bolster our forces," she stated cryptically, her eyes glinting with hidden motives. "And by the way, this letter is for you. One of our soldiers received this letter while you were controlling your cursed body back at Elyos."

As Shade broke the seal and began to read the contents of the letter, a sheen of sweat formed on his brow, betraying the unease that churned within him.

Dear Brother:

It's been ages since you left Embla, and it's getting boring here! Lots of those pathetic nobles are scheming against each other, and even Princess Veronica can't appease them all. It's only a matter of time before any of them start a ruckus, and I'll be caught in the crossfire.

That's why I'm going to where you are now, Brother. I'll be joining the Curse Directive, or whatever the name of your group is. Imagine if I can harass Askr's Order of Heroes, or even become a nuisance to their Summoner. I think it'll be fun messing around with you and our enemies.

I'll be going to the encampment by tomorrow...


Sensing his discomfort as Shade crumpled the letter in his hands, Ebony leaned in, her voice laced with curiosity. "Who is the sender?" she inquired.

With a tremor in his voice, Shade replied, "Shadow Director, it's from my younger sister, Angeyja," he explained. "She's coming, and she wants to join the Curse Directive."

The revelation seemed to catch Ebony off guard, her expression momentarily faltering before regaining its composure. "Is that so?" she mused, her mind undoubtedly already calculating the implications of this unexpected development. "But, you look nervous, Shade. What bothers you about your sister?"

Shade nodded grimly, a sense of foreboding settling over him like a shroud. "Yes, Shadow Director. While my sister is a decent healer and a good caster, let's just say that Angeyja and I... don't exactly get along," he affirmed, his voice heavy with apprehension. "And knowing my sister, she won't take no for an answer. Once she wants to join an organization, she'll get in, one way or another."

"I see. It seems Angeyja may have some merits, based on what you described about her," Ebony replied as she picked up the empty tankard from Shade. "I'll allow your sister to join if she proves competent enough."

"So be it, Shadow Director," Shade said as he reluctantly accepted. "I shall do my best to... tolerate Angeyja's antics."

As Ebony left his tent, Shade blankly stared at space, trying to process the fact that his younger sister was going to join the Curse Directive tomorrow. Between his duties in the Curse Directive and antagonizing Kiran and the Order of Heroes, Shade felt that his Angeyja would... brighten up his day, whether he wanted to or not.

Back at Destinea Cathedral, Mauvier stood by the window in his room, gazing at the night sky as heavy snow fell outside. The soft glow from the moon cast a serene light over the cathedral, creating a sense of calm amidst the chaos that had unfolded earlier. Lost in thought, Mauvier finally spoke, his voice carrying the weight of recent events.

"I cannot believe what transpired only a few hours ago," Mauvier muttered to himself, his mind replaying the unsettling events.

Recollecting the pivotal moments, Mauvier's thoughts drifted back to when he had escorted Alear and Kiran to his chamber...

Several hours ago...

After Mauvier escorted Alear and Kiran to his room, he secured the door, ensuring that neither the Corrupted nor his fellow Hounds could intrude upon their conversation. Turning to Kiran, Mauvier made a request that carried a sense of urgency and hope.

"Kiran, please summon Lady Veyle to my room, as you promised in the letter you sent," Mauvier implored, his eyes reflecting a mix of desperation and resolve.

Kiran nodded in acknowledgment, his expression conveying both determination and loyalty. "That's precisely why Alear and I are here," Kiran assured Mauvier, his voice unwavering. "I aim to fulfill that promise that I've written in that letter."

Alear, standing beside Kiran, added her own words of reassurance. "If there's one thing I've learned from Kiran, it's that he keeps his promises," she affirmed, her gaze unwavering as she looked at Mauvier.

Nodding in gratitude, Mauvier turned his attention back to Kiran, his tone firm yet tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I see, Divine One," Mauvier urged, his voice carrying a sense of urgency and determination. "Do what you must, Kiran. Summon Lady Veyle."

Kiran took a deep breath, focusing his energy as he readied his Breidablik, the mythical weapon pulsing with power in his hands. "Gathering stars to a Fell Dragon with a gentle heart! Become the path its light shines upon!" he chanted, his voice ringing out with determination.

Mauvier watched in silence, his eyes fixed on Kiran as the summoning ritual reached its climax. The air crackled with anticipation as Kiran continued, his voice unwavering, "Hero Summon! I call forth, Veyle, the Gentle Dragon!"

A blinding flash of light erupted from the Breidablik, and Veyle, the Gentle Dragon, materialized before them, her presence radiating a sense of serene power.

"My name is Veyle," Veyle declared, her voice resonating with grace and strength. "Kiran, I have answered your summons, and I am ready to assist you and Alear in any way I can."

Veyle turned her gaze to Mauvier, and a soft smile graced her lips. "And Mauvier," she said, her eyes holding a depth of emotion. "It's good to see you again."

Mauvier met her gaze with a mix of reverence and gratitude. "Lady Veyle, what Kiran spoke of, your summoning as a Hero..." he acknowledged, his voice filled with respect. "It was true..."

Veyle nodded, her expression carrying a weight of responsibility. "Kiran has more than earned the right to summon me as a Hero," she affirmed. "It's a way for me to atone for the sins I have caused to Alear, Kiran, and the rest of their allies."

Mauvier spoke with a sense of burden in his voice as he turned to Lady Veyle. "My lady, I too have committed sins for which I must atone," he confessed. "You are not alone in your atonement." His words hung heavy in the air as he sought her understanding.

Then, Mauvier shifted his attention to Alear and Kiran, his gaze unwavering. "If you would allow it," he declared, his voice tinged with determination. "I wish to defect from Sombron, the false Veyle, and the rest of the Hounds to join forces with the two of you, to stand by Lady Veyle's side."

Alear's eyes widened at Mauvier's proposition. "Are you sure about this?" she asked, her concern evident. "If you defect, Sombron, Evil Veyle, and the rest of the Hounds will likely try to kill you."

Mauvier met Alear's gaze with unwavering resolve. "My loyalties lie with Lady Veyle," he affirmed. "If Kiran summons her as a Hero, then I will stand by her side, no matter the consequences."

As soon as Mauvier spoke those words, Alear and Kiran shared glances before Kiran turned his attention towards Mauvier.

"Mauvier, because of your loyalties to Veyle," Kiran offered with sincere intentions evident in his voice. "I have a proposition for you..."

Mauvier's thoughts returned to the present time as he gazed from the window in his room. As the snow stopped falling and the clouds gave way to the full moon, Mauvier let out a small smile, signifying that his choices were final and there was no turning back for him.

"I have no regrets joining forces with the Divine One and Kiran Pathfinder," Mauvier muttered as he stared at the outside through his room's window. "To think that such events would lead to this..."

Then, Mauvier stared at the space in his room where Alear, Kiran, and Lady Veyle stood before they left Destinea Cathedral via a portal that Kiran had conjured. For Mauvier, he was indebted to the capabilities that Kiran Pathfinder had shown in front of him.

"For Lady Veyle's sake, I shall be the Divine One and Kiran's liaison to observe Sombron and Evil Veyle as they plan their next moves," Mauvier muttered as his right hand clenched in determination. "While biding my time to make my defection formally known..."

In the next chapter:

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 22: Seashore Travels and Sacred Stones!

See you fellas next time!
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Chapter 22, Part 1
Welcome to the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

The Fire Emblem franchise belongs to Intelligent Systems. I only write this crossover for the readers' fun, entertainment, and enjoyment.

Now, let us begin this chapter...

Two days later, in the warm embrace of sunlight streaming through the windows of Café Terrace in Somniel, the fellowship of heroes gathered around a large table, their laughter mingling with the clinking of cutlery and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Alear delicately savored her omelet, her gaze drifting thoughtfully over the assembled group before she spoke.

"Now that we've obtained Emblem Corrin," Alear said, her voice filled with satisfaction and anticipation. "I'm certain that all Emblem Rings have been collected."

Kiran nodded thoughtfully, his gaze sweeping across the group. "Yes, both our group and Sombron's forces have gathered all twelve Emblem Rings," he confirmed, his tone reflecting the weight of their accomplishment.

Alfred, Firene's crown prince, leaned forward, his expression serious. "No more Emblem Rings in the wild," he stated, his voice tinged with concern. "We currently possess five Emblem Rings, while Sombron's forces hold seven."

Alear frowned slightly, her mind racing through their history with their former allies. "Most of the Emblem Rings that Sombron controls used to be our allies," she observed, a hint of regret coloring her words. "Marth, Sigurd, Celica, Roy, Leif, Micaiah..."

Alfred's eyes narrowed as he spoke, his voice firm. "Don't forget there's another Emblem Ring that Sombron's forces stole from Lythos - the Ring of the Azure Twins," he revealed, his words hanging heavy in the air, stirring a sense of urgency among the group.

"And if I remember correctly," Alear surmised as she pondered. "The Ring of the Azure Twins holds two Emblems in one ring - Emblem Eirika and Emblem Ephraim."

"I see," Kiran muttered as he examined his Breidablik. "I did summon the original versions of Eirika and Ephraim, along with their alternate versions some time ago."

"If the situation needs it, you might want to summon the Hero versions of Eirika and Ephraim," Alear replied to Kiran as she clenched her right hand into a fist. "There will be no doubt that Sombron will eventually confront us. To gather all the Emblem Rings, we must face Sombron and his forces directly."

Diamant, Brodia's crown prince, broke the tense silence. "Are you implying that our forces will invade Elusia?" he said as his sharp gaze bore into Alear, awaiting her response.

Ivy, Elusia's crown princess, interjected, her voice laced with concern. "Divine One, we can't invade Elusia yet," she explained. "Sombron has seven out of twelve Emblem Rings. He has the clear advantage."

"Yeah, I agree with Ivy here," Hortensia said as she pointed out their group's disadvantage. "I'm sure Sombron has already taken full control of the remaining Elusian forces."

Kiran, the resolute Summoner of Zenith, stepped forward, his voice unwavering. "While Sombron holds seven Emblem Rings," he pointed out. "As the Summoner, I can summon countless Heroes from various worlds to help even the odds."

As she stared at Kiran, Alear voiced her reservations. "There's a risk of Sombron or Evil Veyle stealing our five Emblem Rings again," she admitted. "But, Kiran has a point."

Suddenly, a resonant voice filled the room. Baldraz, the spirit within Kiran's Breidablik, spoke with unwavering conviction. "Fret not," he assured. "Kiran's power to summon Heroes is something that Sombron can never, ever steal or take away."

A genuine smile graced Alear's lips. "That's good to hear," she replied. "So, any suggestions?"

"Hmm..." Diamant muttered as he thought up a suggestion to Alear. "Perhaps our group should strike first to minimize the risk of an ambush."

Before Alear could reply to Diamant, Vander, one of Alear's Three Stewards, approached the dining table, his expression grave. "Divine One," Vander said, inclining his head respectfully. "A fleet of warships have been spotted from several ports around the Queendom of Solm."

Alear furrowed her brow, concern etching her features. "I see," she inquired, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Vander, are they sailing under a kingdom's banner?"

Vander shook his head, his eyes scanning the room. "Judging from the symbols in their sails, the warships appear to be Elusian vessels," he informed them, his tone heavy with the weight of the news.

Ivy, the exiled Elusian crown princess, leaned forward, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and unease. "Where are the fleet of warships heading?" she asked, her voice betraying her anxiety.

"Yeah," Hortensia added as she briefly glanced at Ivy. "I want to know too!"

As he visibly coughed, Vander hesitated before replying. "The Elusian warship fleet is heading towards the Kingdom of Firene," he revealed, his words hanging heavily in the air.

Alfred, a seasoned warrior in Alear's retinue, felt a chill run down his spine as the gravity of the situation sank in. "Firene is about to be attacked," he muttered, his eyes widening with realization.

"Our home," Celine muttered, her distress visible to both Alear and Kiran. "Mother will be in danger..."

Diamant's face became stern as he realized the implications. "And if Firene falls..." he muttered.

"Um..." Alcryst stammered. "T-then Brodia is likely what that warship fleet is going next."

To break the silence, Fogado, Solm's prince, stepped in and voiced his opinion. "Come on, guys," he said. "We can't just stand here sulking around while that big, bad warship fleet is sailing around!"

Timerra, Solm's crown princess, spoke up, her voice steady despite the situation's urgency. "I agree. We can't just stand here and do nothing! That doesn't suit me," she declared, her eyes glinting with determination. "We should head to the Azure Coast. It's near the border and has a clear view of the sea."

Alear nodded, her mind already strategizing. "We will go there soon enough," she declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. "We need to finish our breakfast and gather our remaining allies."

"Yeah," Kiran replied, drinking his coffee before standing up from the table. "Alear, I'll go to the other table where Fjorm, Seiðr, and Reginn are."

"Sure, we'll come along with you," Alear replied as she finished her omelet and drank her coffee. "And thanks for summoning Reginn to Somniel, Kiran."

"It's alright," Kiran replied. "Seiðr wanted to know why the ability of Reginn's Gullinbursti has the same name as her."

"You mean Seiðr Shell, am I correct?" Ivy inquired as she stared at Kiran pensively. "I admit that I'm also curious to know about that."

"Then, what are we waiting for?" Timerra grinned as she stood up from the table. "We should go to the other table and check 'em out!"

Alear and Kiran smiled at Timerra's enthusiasm as the group finished their breakfast and stood away from the table. Together, they went to the table where Fjorm, Seiðr, and Reginn were, hoping to piece together the correlation between Reginn and Seiðr.

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 22: Seashore Travels and Sacred Stones!

On a particularly sunlit morning, the Café Terrace was abuzz with activity. Fjorm and Seiðr, two valiant heroes, were seated at a table, savoring their breakfast alongside Reginn, the spirited princess of Niðavellir. Seiðr, her gaze thoughtful, turned to Reginn and inquired.

"Child of Niðavellir, I could not help but notice that your Gullinbursti shares the same name as mine," Seiðr admitted as she asked Reginn. "What is the story behind that?"

Reginn, her eyes alight with amusement, replied, "Ah, Seiðr. By the way, you can just call me Reginn," she replied. "Are you referring to my Gullinbursti's signature skill, Seiðr Shell?"

As Seiðr nodded in confirmation, Fjorm chimed in, her voice gentle manner.

"That's precisely why Kiran summoned you for breakfast in Somniel, Reginn," Fjorm replied in Seiðr's stead. "Seiðr is eager to know that question, despite the two of you hailing from different parts of the Nine Realms."

A group of familiar faces approached their table before Reginn could respond to Seiðr's query. Alear, Kiran, Alfred, Celine, Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Hortensia, Fogado, and Timerra joined the gathering, adding to the lively atmosphere.

Alear's voice cut through the chatter as she addressed Reginn with a curious expression. "We couldn't help but overhear your conversation," she admitted, her tone thoughtful. "I'm also intrigued by the connection between Seiðr and your Gullinbursti."

Reginn's admission hung in the air, her words carrying a weight of history and legacy. "I didn't name Gullinbursti's Seiðr Shell after you, Seiðr," she clarified, her voice gentle yet firm. "It was Eitri who designed the ridable Gullinburstis and their abilities."

"I see. In all fairness, my name can mean 'magic'," Seiðr nodded as she replied to Reginn. "Specifically, my namesake is a form of magic related to the telling and the shaping of the future. "

Alear's brows furrowed with concern as she absorbed Reginn's words. "Reginn, is this the same Eitri who essentially put you on Niðavellir's throne at any cost?" she inquired, her tone tinged with skepticism.

Reginn let out a heavy sigh, a mixture of resignation and acknowledgment coloring her voice. "Yes, it's the same Eitri," she admitted, her gaze momentarily distant. "Despite her... methods, I can't deny that she played a significant role in making Niðavellir prosperous, even after her treachery and eventual passing."

With a sense of finality, Reginn rose from her seat, her gratitude evident in her expression as she addressed Kiran and Alear. "Thank you for allowing me to join you for breakfast here in Somniel," she said, her voice tinged with sincerity. "But duty calls, and I must return to Niðavellir to attend to my responsibilities as the realm's princess."

"Alright, Reginn," Kiran replied as he nodded at her. "Do what you need to do."

As she made her way towards the exit of Café Terrace, Reginn paused, her gaze shifting to Kiran with a sense of urgency. "Before I go, Kiran," she began, her voice carrying a note of importance, "I thought you should know that Dagr, the crown princess of Jotunheimr, will be visiting the Kingdom of Askr today."

As Reginn's figure disappeared through the doors of the Café Terrace, Alear turned to Kiran, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Kiran, who is Dagr?" she inquired, her voice tinged with intrigue. "You mentioned her back when you explained the Nine Realms of Zenith back in Lythos, but you never fully went into details about her."

Kiran pondered for a bit before he responded. "Yes, I did mention her," he explained. "Dagr is one of the Jotunheimr's twin princesses, her sister being the late Nótt."

A sense of melancholy washed over Alear's expression as she spoke softly. "I see," she replied with a crestfallen look. "Kiran, I had no idea Nótt had passed away."

"My condolences to Nótt," Ivy said to Kiran.

Kiran nodded, his gaze somber. "It's alright since that event has long since passed. After all, Dagr asked me to keep her twin sister's passing as discreet as possible," he explained. "Nótt sacrificed herself to protect Dagr from Fáfnir's rampage at that time."

Timerra, ever the voice of reason, interjected. "You know, there's no use dwelling on past events," she said to Kiran. "Although, I'd like to meet Dagr myself one day."

Kiran nodded in agreement. "After the events in Niðavellir, I did form a contract with Dagr, summoning her as a Hero," he said to Timerra. "Who knows? I might summon Dagr to help us out later on."

"Then, we should head for the Azure Coast," Alear suggested. "We've eaten our breakfast. So, we should have Kiran open a portal to Solm."

"Yeah!" Timerra grinned as she crossed her arms and nodded. "And just like with the Northern Fortress, I'll guide us all when we arrive!"

"Sounds good to me," Kiran replied as he unholstered the Breidablik from his side pocket. "I'll open a portal to Solm right away."

With their goal for the day set, Alear, Kiran, and the rest of their allies stood up from their table. Then, Kiran opened a portal to Solm using the Breidablik, and the group stepped forward, crossing the portal's threshold and disappearing into the swirling vortex of light.

On the deck of one of the warships slicing through the waves along the coasts of the Queendom of Solm, Marni's voice cut through the salty sea breeze, her tone sharp with anticipation.

"At this rate, we'll be the first to reach the Kingdom of Firene," she remarked, her eyes alight with eagerness as she addressed her companion, Mauvier.

Mauvier, lost in thought, offered a distracted response. "It would seem so," he murmured, his gaze distant as he watched the horizon.

Marni, undeterred by Mauvier's preoccupation, pressed on with determination. "Zephia's orders are clear," she declared, her voice tinged with excitement. "We go ahead and kill anyone who dares to stand in our way."

A gleam of anticipation danced in Marni's eyes as she continued, her voice tinged with a hint of sadistic pleasure. "I can't wait to tally up the number of foes we'll face," she exclaimed, her anticipation palpable. "Lady Veyle will be proud of our accomplishments! What do you think, Mauvier?"

Mauvier's response was curt, his tone devoid of emotion. "I have my orders," he stated simply, his voice flat and unyielding. "I will follow them."

Marni's frustration bubbled to the surface, her eyes widening in exasperation as she stomped her right foot in annoyance at Mauvier's indifferent reply.

Marni's frustration simmered beneath the surface, her words laden with exasperation as she turned her ire towards Mauvier. "This is exactly why I can't stand you," she declared, her voice edged with annoyance. "You never praise me, and you're no fun at all! Even Griss isn't that boring."

Before Mauvier could respond, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a male Elusian soldier. His urgent tone cut through the tension like a knife through butter as he delivered his news.

"Um, we have a situation on hand," The Elusian soldier began, his voice tinged with urgency, "Two soldiers have deserted the fleet. They've attacked the soldier that was guarding one of the Emblem Rings — the Ring of the Azure Twins."

Marni's eyes widened in shock, her teeth gritted in frustration. "Ugh!" she seethed, her anger palpable. "How dare they steal one of the Emblem Rings!"

Mauvier, ever composed, turned his attention to the messenger, his voice calm and collected. "Do you know the identities of these deserters?" he inquired, his tone measured.

The male Elusian soldier nodded solemnly. "Y-yes!" he exclaimed with a grim expression. "Their names are Rosaldo and Goldmary!"

As the names of Rosaldo and Goldmary, Princess Hortensia's retainers, echoed across the deck, Marni's features twisted into a scowl of fury. "Rosaldo and Goldmary... Those two are Princess Hortensia's retainers," she spat, her voice laced with venom. "Rest assured, they will pay dearly for their treachery, alongside their princess. If it wasn't for Kiran Pathfinder, we could've disposed of Princess Hortensia back then..."

Turning her attention to the male Elusian soldier, Marni issued her command with steely resolve. "Take this ship to the coast of Solm," she ordered, her tone brooking no argument. "We'll make sure those two traitors don't present the stolen Emblem Ring to the Divine One and Kiran Pathfinder."

The Elusian soldier nodded briskly, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation. "As you command," he replied, his voice filled with determination. "I'll inform the ship's captain right away!"

As Marni stormed off to another corner of the ship, her frustration boiling over, Mauvier watched her go with a sense of resignation. His gaze shifted to the clear skies above, memories of his pact with Alear and Kiran flooding his mind.

"For Lady Veyle's sake," Mauvier muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, "I will do what I can as a liaison for the Divine One and Kiran Pathfinder."

With a heavy heart and a sense of duty weighing upon him, Mauvier braced himself for the challenges ahead, determined to honor his commitment to those who had trusted him.
Chapter 22, Part 2
Meanwhile, back at the Kingdom of Askr, as Reginn departed from Askr Castle, her form disappearing into the distance, Sharena's observation drew Alfonse's attention.

"Wow, look at her go!" Sharena remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Reginn seems to be in quite a hurry after being summoned to Elyos by Kiran."

Alfonse nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "Reginn carries a heavy burden of responsibility back in Niðavellir," he replied, his tone tinged with understanding. "Although, I'm glad she still visits Askr now and then."

Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the sudden forceful opening of the castle's front door. In strode Dagr, the current crown princess of Jötunheimr, her presence commanding attention.

Dagr's words cut through the air like a blade as she addressed Alfonse directly. "Well, if this isn't the right time for a visit, I don't know what is," she remarked, her tone laced with a hint of amusement. "I hope this isn't a bad time for me to visit the Kingdom of Askr."

Alfonse offered her a warm smile, his demeanor gracious. "You're always welcome here, Dagr," he assured her, his voice sincere.

Sharena, ever eager to engage with their guests, chimed in with a bright smile. "Dagr! It's nice of you to come and visit Askr!" she greeted the Jötunheimr princess cheerfully. "Do you remember the contract you formed with Kiran?"

Dagr smirked, a playful glint in her eyes as she replied to Sharena, her voice laced with amusement. "Oh, I remember that contract with Kiran as clear as day. It seems my adventures in Askr are far from over," she said, her tone hinting at exciting prospects ahead.

Alfonse's brow furrowed with concern as he listened to Dagr's explanation. "I wonder why you visited here?" he inquired, his voice gentle yet probing.

Dagr met Alfonse's gaze, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "Alfster, sorry not explaining," she explained, her voice tinged with regret for her delayed arrival. "Mom forced me to stay in Jötunheimr back then, which is why I could only make it to Askr now."

Sharena, ever the empathetic soul, interjected with a hint of surprise in her tone. "I had no idea you were facing such challenges, Dagr," she remarked, her voice filled with understanding. "It must be tough balancing royal duties with personal matters."

Dagr shrugged nonchalantly, a hint of frustration flickering in her eyes. "That's the thing about politics," she muttered, her voice tinged with disdain. "It always gets in the way. It makes me wish I wasn't always a princess, you know?"

Alfonse's gaze softened as he broached a more delicate topic. "Are you struggling, Dagr?" he asked gently. "With Nótt's passing?"

Dagr's shoulders slumped slightly, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "Alfster, Nótt died protecting me," she admitted, her voice tinged with sorrow. "I've been trying my best to cope with her loss."

After a moment of contemplation, Dagr voiced a heartfelt desire. "But, still..." she admitted, her voice filled with longing for her sister's return. "I wish Kiran could bring Nótt back to life by summoning her as a Hero. It would mean everything to me."

Commander Anna's response was solemn as she delivered a harsh truth. "Dagr, even if Nótt were to be summoned as a Hero," she explained, her tone matter-of-fact, "She couldn't resume her role as a princess of Jötunheimr. Legally, she's already dead."

As Commander Anna's explanation sank in, Dagr's expression softened, her gaze turning introspective. "I know. Even if Nótt is gone," she began, her voice tinged with sadness, "Seeing her again as a Hero would bring me happiness, even if she can't reclaim her title as a princess of Jötunheimr."

Sharena, ever the optimist, chimed in with reassurance. "Don't worry about that, Dagr!" she interjected, her voice warm with encouragement. "Kiran has summoned Heroes who have passed on in their homeworlds before!"

Alfonse nodded in agreement, his tone earnest. "Heroes like Sigurd and more recently, Lumera, have been summoned after their deaths," he added, his words carrying a note of hope. "There's a chance."

Dagr's lips curled into a small, determined smile, a glimmer of hope flickering in her eyes. "Thanks, Alfster," she declared softly, her resolve firm. "I'll hold onto that hope."

Commander Anna, always practical, suggested to lighten the mood. "Why don't we all head to the Aether Resort for breakfast?" she proposed, her tone inviting. "That might cheer you up."

Dagr's eyes lit up with enthusiasm at the prospect. "Yeah, I haven't eaten since leaving Jötunheimr," she exclaimed heartily. "Cakes and pastries sound perfect right about now!"

Thus, Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Dagr left the halls of Castle Askr and headed toward the Aether Resort. As Sharena and Commander Anna escorted Dagr, Alfonse couldn't help but think about a certain Summoner.

'I wonder how Kiran is doing in Elyos?' Alfonse thought. 'I hope he's doing alright.'

In the shadow of the looming mountains between the Kingdoms of Nifl and Muspell, a tense silence hung over the encampment of the Curse Directive. Ebony, the enigmatic Shadow Director, stood alongside Shade, her trusted lieutenant, observing a fierce confrontation. Before them, a young girl, no older than 17, faced a group of hardened Curse Directive soldiers while riding a black pegasus with unwavering determination.

"Shade?" Ebony's voice held a note of surprise as she turned to Shade. "Is that your younger sister, Angeyja?"

Shade's expression remained stern as he stared at his younger sister. "Yes, Shadow Director," he replied. "As annoying as she may be, Angeyja is relentless in battle."

As if sensing their scrutiny as she was riding her black pegasus, Angeyja waved cheerfully at Ebony and Shade before turning her attention back to the task at hand. "Hey, Ebony!" she called out, her voice carrying across the encampment. "Do I need to pass some kind of test to join the Curse Directive?"

Ebony regarded her sister with a calculating gaze. "You need to prove yourself in battle. Take down the soldiers in front of you," she commanded, her voice unwavering.

Angeyja's smirk was fearless as she readied her Eistla Staff, the glint of determination in her eyes. "That's not a problem at all," she declared, her voice carrying a hint of eager anticipation. "Watch me fight, Shade!"

Shade grunted in annoyance as Angeyja prepared herself for battle. The clash of steel and the crackle of magic filled the air as Angeyja faced her adversaries, her every move a testament to her unyielding spirit.

The Curse Directive soldiers lunged at Angeyja with a coordinated assault, their weapons poised to strike. As the Mage Infantry unleashed a searing fireball from their Elfire tome, Angeyja's reflexes kicked in. With a deft movement, she raised her Eistla Staff, deflecting the fireball with ease.

"That's not going to scorch me," Angeyja quipped confidently, her voice laced with determination.

Summoning her fireball by twirling her Eistla Staff, Angeyja retaliated swiftly. She launched the fiery projectile at the Mage Infantry with precision aim, sending them crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

But Angeyja's attention didn't linger on her fallen foe for long. Spotting the Bow Fighter aiming, she knew she had to act fast. With a burst of speed, she closed the distance between them, her resolve unwavering.

"Burn to ash!" Angeyja exclaimed, her voice ringing out with fierce determination as she unleashed another fireball from her staff. The fiery projectile struck true, engulfing the Bow Fighter in flames and sending them tumbling to the ground, their body adorned with burn marks.

Amidst the chaos of battle, a Curse Directive Thief hurled their daggers towards Angeyja with deadly precision. However, Angeyja's reflexes were as sharp as her wit. With a swift movement, she deflected the daggers effortlessly using her Eistla Staff.

"Is that all?" Angeyja taunted, a smirk playing on her lips as she faced her assailant.

Summoning her fiery prowess again, Angeyja conjured a blazing fireball with a flick of her staff. With a determined glare, she unleashed the fiery projectile at the Curse Directive Thief, declaring, "Go to blazes!"

The fireball struck its mark with unerring accuracy, engulfing the Thief in flames and knocking them to the ground in defeat.

Witnessing Angeyja's impressive display of skill, Ebony stepped forward, her voice filled with authority. "That's enough, Angeyja," she declared in a firm yet approving tone. "You've proven yourself in battle. You've passed the test."

Angeyja's smirk widened into a grin of satisfaction as she turned to Shade, her victory evident. "Looks like I'm officially a member of the Curse Directive," she remarked, her voice tinged with pride.

Ever the stoic one, Shade sighed in annoyance, his irritation palpable. "Do as you wish," he grumbled, resigned to Angeyja's triumph.

As Angeyja gracefully dismounted from her pegasus, she turned to Shade with a hopeful expression. "Does this mean we'll spend the rest of the day together?" she inquired eagerly.

Shade rolled his eyes, his reluctance was evident, but he couldn't deny Angeyja's request. "Fine," he conceded begrudgingly, unable to resist her enthusiasm.

As Ebony observed the two siblings walking to another part of the encampment, Ebony let out a smirk. "Well," she mused. "I'm sure they'll have some quality time for themselves."

Then, a plan formed in Ebony's mind as she reached for her pockets to grab a black jewel as it leaked out black miasma. "Perhaps I should take this time to visit Kiran and his so-called Heroes," she mused. "I will find his weakness eventually..."

Meanwhile, as Rosado guided his weary wyvern towards the coastline of Solm, Goldmary clung tightly to his back, her gaze scanning the horizon for any signs of pursuit. As they touched down on the sandy shore, Goldmary wasted no time in disembarking and planting her feet firmly on the beach.

Rosado, his demeanor as elegant as his feminine attire, turned to Goldmary with a calm reassurance. "Now that we're in Solm," he remarked, his voice carrying a hint of relief. "We should start looking around for Hortensia."

Goldmary nodded in agreement, her eyes flickering with concern as she assessed Rosado's weary wyvern. "But, your wyvern looks exhausted," she observed gently. "She needs to rest."

Rosado's expression hardened with determination, his resolve unyielding. "No can do. We can't afford to rest," he replied firmly. "Soldiers are pursuing us, and we need to deliver the Ring of the Azure Twins to Hortensia."

Before they could formulate a plan, their attention was drawn to the sudden appearance of two Elusian soldiers. Goldmary's voice rang out with urgency as she alerted Rosado to their presence.

"We've been spotted," Goldmary grimaced, her tone filled with urgency.

Rosado wasted no time in springing into action, his movements graceful yet swift. "Let's get moving," he declared, his voice resolute as he urged Goldmary to follow suit. "I'm sure we'll meet up with Hortensia sooner or later!"

With a sense of urgency propelling them forward, they set off once more, determined to fulfill their mission despite the looming threat of pursuit.

At the same time, Alear, Kiran, and the rest of the group emerged from the portal onto the sandy shores of the Azure Coast, they were greeted by the gentle lull of the ocean waves and the warmth of the sun on their skin. Timerra, ever the welcoming host, spoke up first.

"Welcome to the Azure Coast!" Timerra announced with a smile, gesturing towards the expanse of beach before them.

Kiran took a moment to soak in the surroundings, a nostalgic smile tugging at his lips. "It's been a while since I've been to a beach like this," he remarked, his tone reflective.

"I remember we once visited a beach like this with Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna," Fjorm remarked as she reminisced about that particular event. "I even met with a version of Ylgr and Gunnthra wearing summer attires."

Seiðr nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Vanaheimr boasts similar beaches to Solm's," she added, her voice tinged with reminiscence as she turned her attention to Alear. "And it seems Alear notices something in the distance."

Alear's sharp eyes caught sight of something in the distance, her expression growing serious as she pointed towards the horizon. "Look," she exclaimed, her voice tense. "That fleet of Elusian warships is indeed heading towards Firene."

"Great," Fogado muttered as he observed the Elusian warship fleet sailing from the distance. "Another wave of Elusian party crashers, here to ruin our beach day."

Timerra's gaze followed Alear's outstretched finger, her brow furrowing in concern. "That confirms it," she observed, her tone wary. "And there's a search party of Elusian soldiers combing the beach.'

Kiran's mind whirled with possibilities as he surveyed the scene before them. "The question is," he mused aloud, his voice tinged with curiosity, "What is the search party looking for?"

Amidst the group's contemplation of Kiran's question, as Ivy rode her wyvern, her keen eyes caught sight of approaching figures on the horizon. With a sense of urgency, she alerted Alear and Kiran to their presence.

"Divine One, Kiran..." Ivy announced, her voice tinged with concern. "A woman and a man riding a wyvern are approaching us."

Hortensia's eyes widened with recognition as she focused on the approaching duo. "Hmm," she remarked, her tone filled with curiosity. "I think those two look familiar."

As the woman and the wyvern-riding man drew nearer, Hortensia disembarked from her pegasus and stepped forward to greet them, her expression one of both surprise and relief.

"Rosado... Goldmary?!" Hortensia called out, her voice filled with warmth and familiarity. "Is that you two?!"

Rosado's smile was gentle as he guided his wyvern to a graceful landing, acknowledging Hortensia's greeting with a nod of his head. "Hortensia!" he replied, his voice carrying a sense of nostalgia. "It's been a while."

Goldmary's concern was evident as she addressed Hortensia, her voice laced with worry. "Are you hurt?" she inquired, her eyes searching Hortensia's face for any signs of injury. "I was so worried..."

Hortensia's smile was bright and reassuring as she shook her head in response. "Not at all," she reassured them, her voice filled with genuine relief. "I'm just happy to see that the two of you are still alive."

Upon spotting Alear and Kiran, Rosado and Goldmary became wary of the presence. Sensing their discomfort, Hortensia stepped forward, her voice steady and reassuring. "I'm with the Divine One and Kiran now," she declared in a firm tone as she gestured towards her older sister. "And Ivy, my sister, is with them too."

As both retainers stared at Alear and Kiran, Rosado's suspicions lingered, his doubts weighing heavily on his mind. Leaning in close to Hortensia, he whispered in a hushed tone, his voice tinged with concern.

"Are you being held against your will?" Rosado whispered, his eyes searching hers for any sign of coercion. "If so, please blink three times."

Much to Rosado and Goldmary's surprise, Hortensia did not blink her eyes thrice. Instead, Hortensia met his gaze with unwavering resolve, her voice steady as she addressed his concerns head-on.

"Remember when the Hounds attacked us?" Hortensia reminded him, her tone gentle yet firm. "I think it was after we fled from Destinea Cathedral."

Goldmary nodded in agreement, her expression solemn as she recalled their ordeal. "It's true," she confirmed, her voice tinged with regret. "We were separated from you, Hortensia, and forced to fight for Elusia."

A soft smile graced Rosado's lips as he looked at Hortensia, a glimmer of relief shining in his eyes. "That's why we deserted the Elusian army to find you," he explained, his voice filled with sincerity.

After hearing Rosado and Goldmary's replies, Hortensia took a deep breath and cleared her throat before speaking, her voice filled with a mix of relief and lingering pain. "When I was separated from both of you, I fell into the clutches of Zephia, one of the Four Hounds," she explained. "She brainwashed me, forcing me to fight against my will in Solm Palace."

As the weight of Hortensia's revelation settled over the group, Goldmary's expression twisted with horror at the thought of her friend enduring such torment.

"How awful," Goldmary murmured, her voice filled with sympathy as she struggled to comprehend the extent of Hortensia's ordeal.

Hortensia nodded solemnly, her gaze meeting Goldmary's with a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "I know. I was aware of my own body moving against my will," she admitted, her voice tinged with emotion. "But thanks to Kiran summoning me as a Hero, I was freed from Zephia's control."

Rosado's attention shifted to Kiran, his eyes searching for confirmation of Hortensia's words. "Kiran," he inquired, his tone firm yet respectful. "Is what Princess Hortensia said true?"

With a solemn nod, Kiran reached for the Breidablik, the artifact shimmering in the sunlight as he held it aloft. "What Hortensia said is true," he confirmed, his voice steady. "I summoned her as a Hero to dispel the brainwashing inflicted upon her by Zephia."

Rosado's expression softened with relief as he absorbed Kiran's words, a sense of gratitude washing over him. "In that case, thank you for what you've done to free Hortensia from a cruel fate," he replied sincerely. "I'll be sure to draw you a portrait later on, as a token of my gratitude."

Kiran nodded in acknowledgment, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied, his tone humble yet appreciative.

Hortensia's gaze shifted to her loyal retainers, her voice soft but resolute as she addressed them. "I've decided to stand with the Divine One and Kiran Pathfinder," she explained in a steady tone. "Question is... As my retainers and my friends, will you join me?"

Rosado's response was immediate, his commitment unwavering as he nodded in agreement. "If that's what you want," he declared, his voice filled with loyalty. "Then, that's what I want too!"

Goldmary echoed his sentiments, her determination shining through in her words. "Whatever banner you're under," she vowed, her eyes shining with unwavering loyalty. "I'll be there to defend you with all my might."

A smile of gratitude spread across Hortensia's face as she looked at her faithful companions. "I knew I could count on you both," she said, her voice filled with warmth and appreciation.

As Hortensia mounted on top of her pegasus, Rosado retrieved the Ring of the Azure Twins from his pocket and presented it to Alear. As he did so, a sense of solemnity filled the air. As he stared at Alear and Kiran, Rosado's voice was tinged with remorse as he offered his apology for the actions he and Goldmary had taken.

"Divine One, Kiran... We apologize for fighting against you and your allies," Rosado began, his tone heavy with regret. "That's why we stole this Emblem Ring from the ship we were on."

Alear accepted the Emblem Ring, her gaze shifting to inspect it closely. After a moment of scrutiny, she nodded, her expression thoughtful.

"The Ring of the Azure Twins," Alear observed, her tone measured. "Hmm... I don't detect any traces of Sombron's taint in it."

"That's good to hear," Diamant remarked as he stared at the Ring of the Azure Twins. "That means the Emblem inside that ring can be awakened right away."

Goldmary stepped forward, her voice filled with sincerity as she addressed Alear. "Divine One, even though we intended to give the Emblem Ring to Hortensia," she admitted truthfully. "We both know it rightfully belongs to you."

Alear's gratitude was evident as she looked at Rosado and Goldmary, a sense of appreciation shining in her eyes. "Thank you both for your efforts," she said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

With a sense of purpose, Alear held the Ring of the Azure Twins aloft, her voice resonating with power as she chanted the incantation.

"Restore calm," Alear chanted. "Emblem of the Sacred!"

As the Ring of the Azure Twins bathed in a radiant light, the air around them shimmered with magic. From within the glow emerged two ethereal figures, a young man clad in blue armor and a young woman clad in red armor and white skirt, their presence imbued with otherworldly energy.

As the ethereal figures materialized before them, the woman in red spoke first, her voice carrying a sense of grace and determination. "Finally, I am returned to your side," she introduced herself, her presence emanating an aura of strength. "I am Emblem Eirika. I raise my sword in hopes that peace will come to this world at last."

Her counterpart, the man clad in blue armor, followed suit, his voice resonating with authority as he spoke. "And I am Emblem Ephraim," he declared, his gaze steady and resolute. "My twin sister and I will guide you like we did before."

Alear nodded in acknowledgment, her expression reflecting a sense of determination. "Emblem Eirika and Emblem Ephraim," she replied, her voice filled with confidence. "I will depend on both of you."

With a sense of purpose, Alear returned the Ring of the Azure Twins to Rosado, her gaze steady as she addressed him. "Rosado, if you want to earn my trust," she stated firmly, her tone unwavering. "You need to do your part."

Rosado's smile was genuine as he accepted the Emblem Ring, a sense of determination shining in his eyes. "I won't let you down, Divine One," he promised, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'll do my part!"

Just then, Alfred's sharp eyes caught sight of approaching Elusian soldiers, prompting him to issue a warning to Alear. "Um, I hate to say this," he cautioned, his voice tinged with urgency. "But, we have company!"

"T-those are Elusian soldiers!" Alcryst exclaimed as he readied his Arcane Darkbow. "They must be the search party!"

Celine's gaze flickered to the horizon, where the Corrupted soldiers appeared alongside the Elusian forces. With a sense of foreboding, she alerted Alear to their presence. "The Corrupted are here too," she reported, her voice filled with concern.

Then, Baldraz, the wise spirit residing within the Breidablik, gazed into the distance and spotted two figures, Mauvier and Marni, emerging on the sands. "Two of the Four Hounds are nearby," he warned Kiran and Alear, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "Get ready for battle."

Kiran nodded as the Breidablik glowed in a soft, white light, allowing him to telepathically communicate with Alear. As Kiran's telepathic voice resonated through the Breidablik, Alear felt a sense of reassurance.

'Is that Mauvier?' Alear thought. 'He did make a deal with us yesterday.'

Kiran thought back as he stared at Mauvier from a distance. 'Based on what Veyle has told us, he is trustworthy. We just need to play along for now, if you understand what I mean.'

After hearing Kiran's thoughts, Alear turned to Kiran, her expression resolute. "In that case, it's time," she urged, her eyes reflecting the determination that burned within her. "Kiran, summon the Heroes we need for this upcoming battle."

Kiran, the cunning tactician, smirked confidently as he prepared to wield the power of the Breidablik. "I know just the Heroes to call upon," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of excitement.

As Kiran pulled the trigger, four orbs of radiant energy emerged from the Breidablik, each pulsating with elemental power. One red, two blue, and one colorless orb descended gracefully onto the beach's sandy shores.

With a commanding voice, Kiran chanted the incantation, his words echoing across the battlefield. "Gathering stars to call upon the princes and princesses from Renais, Frelia, and Rausten who call Magvel their home!" he chanted. "Become the path its light shines upon!"

As the orbs glowed with ethereal energy, the anticipation among the group grew palpable. Suddenly, the air around them shimmered with magic as two figures emerged from the orbs' radiant glow.

"How adorable!" Rosado spoke as he rode on his wyvern. "The way that Kiran summons his Heroes is worth drawing later on!"

Emblem Eirika, her presence exuding grace and determination, materialized from Rosado's Emblem Ring alongside Emblem Ephraim, their forms solidifying before the group's eyes.

"This is reminiscent of how an Emblem like us is summoned," Emblem Eirika remarked, her voice carrying a sense of recognition.

"Renais, Frelia, and Rausten?" Emblem Ephraim muttered. "But, that means..."

As Kiran completed his incantation, the air crackled with energy, and the four orbs transformed into swirling light portals. With a determined expression, Kiran called out the names of the Heroes he summoned.

"Hero Summon!" Kiran declared, his voice echoing across the beach. "I call forth Eirika, Ephraim, Innes, and L'Arachel into the battlefield!"

As the portals stabilized, Eirika, Ephraim, Innes, and L'Arachel stepped forth, commanding attention amidst the chaos of battle.

"My name is Eirika, the Restoration Lady, the Princess of Renais and Ephraim's twin sister," Eirika introduced herself as she readied her sword, Sieglinde. "I'm not fond of fighting, but I'll do my best to support your cause.

"I am Ephraim the Restoration Lord, the Prince of Renais, and Eirika's twin brother," Ephraim introduced himself as he readied his lance, Siegmund. "So, point me at my enemy. I'll get to work."

"I am Prince Innes of Frelia," Innes declared as he readied his bow, Nidhogg. "Not that I care, but... I'm glad you summoned me alongside Ephraim."

"Friends of justice! Allies of righteousness and order!" L'Arachel declared as she reared her horse and readied her tome, Ivaldi. "Know that I, L'Arachel, the beautiful princess of peerless beauty, have arrived!"

As Kiran summoned the Heroes from the World of Magvel, Emblem Eirika turned to Alear, her expression filled with curiosity. "Alear?" she inquired, her voice tinged with intrigue. "What did Kiran do exactly?"

Emblem Ephraim, ever the stalwart warrior, nodded in agreement. "I admit I'm quite curious as well," he added, his gaze fixed on the unfolding scene.

Alear offered a brief nod of understanding before addressing the ethereal Emblems. "Kiran possesses the ability to summon Heroes from different worlds," she explained, her tone calm yet resolute. "Emblems and Heroes have a lot in common."

As Eirika stared at her, Emblem Eirika's eyes widened in astonishment as she regarded her counterpart with newfound respect. "I see," she remarked, a sense of wonder coloring her words. "So, Eirika, right? You are my true basis."

Eirika met her Emblem self's gaze with a smile of acknowledgment. "Emblem Eirika, I always suspected we would meet eventually," she replied, her voice filled with a quiet determination. "It seems my intuition was correct."

"Commander Anna informed us of Emblems like you two and how you both are based on our likeness," Ephraim explained as he stared at his Emblem counterpart. "Anyway, I'm glad to meet you, Emblem Ephraim."

"The pleasure is ours," Emblem Ephraim replied to his true basis. "Especially that we're on the same side."

Innes glanced between Ephraim and Emblem Ephraim, his brows furrowing slightly. "Despite being informed by Commander Anna, I must admit," he said, his tone carrying a hint of discomfort, "For me, it's awkward to see two versions of Ephraim standing side-by-side."

L'Arachel, ever the lively Princess of Rausten, chimed in. "Indeed, Innes. Remember that we have encountered various versions of ourselves along with Eirika and Ephraim back in Askr," she said thoughtfully as she stared at Emblem Eirika and Emblem Ephraim. "But, what makes Emblems Eirika and Ephraim so different?"

The mood grew awkward, the silence hanging heavily in the air as everyone absorbed the implications of their words. The tension was palpable until Alear stepped forward, breaking the uneasy quiet.

"Innes, L'Arachel... We can worry about the details later," Alear told them urgently. "Right now, we have a battle to win."

Kiran nodded in agreement, his gaze sweeping over the assembled group. "Alright, fellas. Focus on the battle," he instructed in a clear and resolute tone. "The Corrupted and Elusian soldiers are approaching our position. We need to be ready."

A palpable sense of determination settled over the group as they focused on the impending conflict. Ephraim and Emblem Ephraim exchanged a knowing glance, their bond as Emblems and Heroes reinforced their resolve. Eirika and Emblem Eirika did the same, their eyes meeting in silent understanding.

"We will fight if we must," Eirika declared as she raised her Sieglinde skyward.

"I concur," Emblem Eirika agreed as she stared at the incoming Elusian and Corrupted soldiers. "My brother and I will do our best to guide you all."

"Trust me," Ephraim said, his voice steady as he gripped his Siegmund. "I don't pick fights I can't win!"

"I agree," Emblem Ephraim echoed, his ethereal form brimming with confidence. "We'll guide you all in taking them on!"

"Hmph," Innes muttered as he readied his Nidhogg. "There is nothing my arrows cannot pierce."

"I will show you the splendor that is L'Arachel in action!" L'Arachel declared, her eyes shining with determination as she readied her Ivaldi tome. "Let these foes bear witness to our might!"

"That's the spirit, fellas!" Kiran interjected as he readied his Breidablik. "Let's show the enemies that we're not to be messed with!"

And so, Alear, Kiran, and the rest of their allies prepared for the clash as the Corrupted and Elusian soldiers drew closer. Once a serene landscape, the beach of the Azure Coast became the stage for a fierce battle where Emblems and Heroes would fight side by side against the approaching band of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers.

In an outcrop overlooking the beach of the Azure Coast, Ebony, the Shadow Director of the Curse Directive, manifested herself in Elyos using the black jewel. As Ebony got to look at her surroundings, she saw on one side of the beach, Alear and Kiran's group, and Mauvier and Marni along with their Elusian and Corrupted soldiers on the other side.

A devious smirk formed on Ebony's face as the two opposing armies were about to clash.

"Oh?" Ebony mused as she observed the two opposing forces about to clash. "This is going to be interesting."
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Chapter 22, Part 3
Meanwhile, in the serene setting of the Aether Resort, Male Alear and Veyle sat together, enjoying their breakfast. The morning sun bathed the area in a warm, golden light, making the peaceful surroundings even more idyllic.

Male Alear took a sip of his tea, and then curiously glanced at Veyle. "Where were you yesterday, Veyle?" he asked, setting his cup down.

Veyle looked up from her plate of curry with a thoughtful expression. "Kiran summoned me back to Elyos to meet up with someone," she replied, her voice calm and measured.

Intrigued, Male Alear leaned forward slightly. "I see," he replied. "Veyle, who did you meet?"

Veyle hesitated for a moment before answering. "You see," she explained. "I met with one of the Four Hounds, Mauvier."

Male Alear's eyes widened in surprise. "Mauvier?" he replied. "I remember seeing him when I went inside your mind."

Veyle nodded, her gaze distant as she recalled the memory. "Yes, Mauvier has always been loyal to me," she replied. "At one point, I even asked him to be my knight."

Male Alear pondered this for a moment, his brow furrowing in thought. "In that case," he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice. "Is Mauvier your unofficial retainer of sorts?"

A smile tugged at the corners of Veyle's lips. "Something like that," she said softly, her eyes twinkling with a hint of amusement. "Mauvier has always been by my side ever since I woke up from my long slumber, even when things were at their darkest."

Male Alear nodded thoughtfully, appreciating the loyalty that Mauvier seemed to embody. "I'm glad someone like Mauvier was there when you woke up from your deep slumber," he remarked. "It must be comforting to have someone so dedicated to you."

Veyle's smile widened slightly. "It is," she agreed. "Mauvier's loyalty has been a beacon of hope for me, especially when I felt most lost."

They continued their breakfast in companionable silence, each lost in their thoughts. The tranquility of the Aether Resort provided a perfect backdrop for their conversation, a moment of peace amidst the chaos of their world.

As Male Alear and Veyle savored their breakfast, their attention was drawn to the restaurant's front door. Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Dagr entered the Aether Resort, their presence filling the room with lively energy.

Sharena was the first to speak, her voice cheerful. "It's been a while," she said, addressing Male Alear and Veyle with a warm smile. "I'll ask the Heroes in here to cook up food for us."

"Go ahead, Sharena," Alfonse replied. "We'll find a table for all of us."

As Alfonse, Commander Anna, and Dagr sat at a nearby table, Veyle observed the newcomer, her eyes lighting up. "It's nice to see the Askr trio again," she replied, her tone genuinely pleased as she stared at Dagr. "But, I've never seen her before."

Male Alear, however, found his gaze lingering on Dagr. "We both know about Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna," he said, his curiosity evident. "But, even I don't know who she is."

As she heard Veyle and Male Alear talking about her, Dagr stepped forward to their table. "Yo, I'm Dagr, Princess of Jötunheimr," she introduced herself, her voice friendly yet commanding. "It's nice to meet both of you."

Veyle nodded, her expression welcoming. "I'm Veyle," she introduced herself. "Nice meeting you too, Dagr."

"And I'm Alear a Divine Dragon from the World of Elyos," Male Alear introduced himself. "But I prefer to be called Male Alear because of my female counterpart."

Dagr grinned broadly, her enthusiasm contagious. "I gotcha! I'll be off at the counter," she announced, already heading in that direction. "Alfster, I wonder why your sis is taking so long to choose our breakfast?"

Male Alear watched her go, then turned back to Veyle. "We're eating our breakfast too," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice as he saw Sharena returning from the counter. "And it seems Sharena came back just in time."

Just as Male Alear said, Sharena returned with two Heroes, Cherche, and Oscar, accompanying her, with all three of them carrying trays of food and drinks.

"Sorry for being late," Sharena sheepishly smiled as she gestured towards Cherche and Oscar. "Plus, I also ordered more food for Male Alear and an especially spicy curry for Veyle!"

"I see," Male Alear replied. "Thank you, Sharena."

"Thanks for the curry," Veyle replied as she received her plate. "I always love spicy food, after all."

"Aw, don't thank me," Sharena replied. "After all, Cherche and Oscar agreed to cook our breakfast."

"It isn't a big deal at all," Cherche replied as she placed the food on Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Dagr's table. "I love to cook."

"The same goes for me," Oscar added as he placed the additional trays on Male Alear and Veyle's table. "After all, my skills lie mainly in... Hmm, let's see... I guess, cooking for everyone? Anyway, Cherche and I have to be somewhere else. I hope you all enjoy your meals."

As Cherche and Oscar left the area, the group ate their breakfast, adding to the sense of camaraderie. As they settled in and quickly ate their meals, the room buzzed with the sounds of their animated conversations and the clinking of cutlery against plates.

Sharena glanced at Male Alear and Veyle's plates. "So," she asked, curiosity piqued. "How's the food here?"

Veyle smiled when she listened to Male Alear's question. "It's wonderful," she replied. "I always come back here whenever a Hero can cook spicy food."

Alfonse nodded in agreement. "The Aether Resort never disappoints," he said, reaching for a piece of toast. "Especially if a Hero cooks the meals."

Commander Anna leaned back in her chair, surveying the room with a satisfied expression. "It's good to see everyone together like this," she said. "These moments of peace are precious."

Male Alear nodded with a thoughtful gaze. "They are," he agreed. "Especially with everything that's happening."

Dagr returned to the table, a plate heaped with food, which was comprised of meat and sweets. "Got to fuel up for the day ahead!" she declared, her grin wide. "I'm digging this breakfast already!"

As Dagr quickly ate her food, Veyle and Male Alear noticed how passionate Dagr was as she ate her breakfast. Her assortment of food and drinks meant that she wasn't that picky about what food she ate on the table.

Veyle chuckled softly. "Um," she stated. "You're certainly enthusiastic at eating your food, Dagr."

Dagr shrugged good-naturedly. "It's just how I am," she replied, digging into her meal with gusto. "After all, I'm heading towards the Training Tower to blow off some steam!"

"Sounds good," Veyle replied as she glanced at Male Alear. "Can we come along?"

"Sure!" Dagr replied. "I don't mind having you two with me to the Training Tower!"

"I'm glad we agree!" Commander Anna spoke. "After all, Alfonse, Sharena, and I have other duties to do for today!"

"We'll check up on you three once our tasks are complete," Alfonse added. "You three have a great time."

"So, don't worry!" Sharena exclaimed. "I'm sure you three will have fun in the Training Tower!"

The group continued their breakfast, their conversations flowing easily. It was a rare moment of tranquility, a brief respite from the battles and challenges they faced. At that moment, surrounded by friends and allies, Male Alear and Veyle felt a sense of belonging and camaraderie that strengthened their resolve for the days ahead.

Back on the beaches of Solm's Azure Coast, the tension was palpable as Marni and Mauvier patrolled with their squadron of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers. The midday sun cast long shadows across the sand, and the sound of the waves was a stark contrast to the impending clash. From a distance, they spotted Alear and Kiran's group, their figures distinct against the bright horizon.

Marni's eyes narrowed as she recognized the stolen Emblem Ring now in Alear's possession. "So, those good-for-nothing traitors handed over the ring," she spat, her voice dripping with contempt. "They will pay with their lives."

Mauvier glanced at her, his expression calm but wary. "I saw Kiran summon his Heroes," he noted, his voice steady and composed. "They've bolstered their ranks considerably."

Marni scowled, her frustration evident. "I don't care how many Heroes they have," she scoffed. "I still want to take back the Emblem Ring those traitors stole."

Mauvier shifted his gaze back to Alear and Kiran's army, assessing their strength. "We can attempt," he said cautiously, "But if our Elusian and Corrupted soldiers are routed, we must retreat. There's no point in a futile battle."

Marni sighed, her grip tightening on her Hurricane Axe. "Fine," she muttered, her voice tinged with resignation. "But I need to vent my anger. This will have to do."

Mauvier gave a curt nod, signaling their troops to prepare. The Elusian and Corrupted soldiers moved into formation, their dark armor glinting menacingly in the sunlight.

As they advanced towards Alear and Kiran's group, Marni couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. She wanted to punish the traitors, to reclaim what was stolen, and to unleash her fury.

On the other side of the Azure Coast, Alear and Kiran's group steeled themselves as the Elusian and Corrupted soldiers charged towards them. The clash of steel and the roar of battle filled the air, mingling with the sound of crashing waves. Kiran's eyes darted around, taking in the battlefield and the rising tide that partially immersed the sandy ground with seawater.

Kiran turned to Alear, his voice urgent. "Alear, be careful. The tide is rising," he warned. "Don't fight enemies while wading in the water; it will slow you down."

Alear, after dispatching a Corrupted soldier with a swift strike, nodded. "I understand, Kiran," she acknowledged. "Water can impede our movement."

Rosado, perched atop his wyvern, let out a confident grin. "Not to worry!" he exclaimed. "Water isn't going to be a problem for us flyers."

Hortensia, riding her pegasus, echoed his sentiment. "I agree," she replied. "Ivy, Rosado and I can fight in the water without any issues thanks to our flying mounts."

Ivy, reining in her wyvern, glanced over at them. "We must take advantage of this while we can," she said in a resolute tone. "We'll handle the enemies in the water."

Kiran nodded, grateful for their aerial support. "Then it's up to you three," he replied. "We'll hold the line here on the shore."

As the tide continued to rise, the battlefield became a chaotic mix of water and sand. Alear and the ground troops maintained their position on the shore, fending off the advancing soldiers with practiced precision. Meanwhile, Rosado, Hortensia, and Ivy soared above the waterlogged battleground, picking off enemies with swift aerial maneuvers.

Rosado swooped down, his lance striking true as he knocked an Elusian soldier into the surf. "This is almost too easy," he called out, his voice carrying over the sounds of battle.

Hortensia, using her magic from above, cast a spell that took out a group of Corrupted soldiers struggling in the rising water. "Stay focused, Rosado," she admonished, though her tone held a note of pride. "We can't afford to be careless."

Ivy, her wyvern gliding effortlessly over the waves, targeted a cluster of enemies with a well-aimed barrage of icicles. "They're struggling in the water. Let's keep the pressure on."

Down on the shore, Alear fought alongside Kiran, their coordination seamless. "They're doing great up there," Alear said, blocking an incoming attack before countering with a swift strike.

Kiran nodded, firing off shots from his Breidablik at an Elusian Mage Calvary that was about to attack him. "They are," he replied. "Let's make sure we hold our own down here."

The battle raged on, but with the combined efforts of the ground troops and the aerial fighters, Alear and Kiran's group began to turn the tide against the Elusian and Corrupted soldiers. The rising water that once threatened to hinder them now became an advantage, exploited by their quick-thinking and versatile tactics.

The determination and unity of Alear and Kiran's group shone through as the enemy forces started to dwindle. They fought with renewed vigor, knowing that victory was within their grasp.

A massive Corrupted dragon-like beast burst from the ground, its scales shimmering with a dark, ominous light. It joined the ranks of the Elusian and Corrupted soldiers, its roar shaking the very air around them as it menacingly advanced on Alear and Kiran's group.

Kiran's eyes widened as he took in the fearsome sight. "Alear," he wondered aloud. "What kind of enemy is that?"

"Kiran, from what I remember reading in the books back at Lythos, that's a Corrupted wyrm," Alear replied grimly as she stared at the Corrupted creature. "As the name implies, it was once a living dragon, brought back by Sombron's Fell Dragon magic."

Baldraz's voice echoed from within Kiran's Breidablik. "In that case," he replied. "We need to be careful. We don't yet know what its capabilities are."

Just then, Kiran noticed Rosado flying on his wyvern towards the Corrupted wyrm. Concern flickered across his face. "Rosado..." he muttered. "I hope he knows what he's doing."

Rosado, undeterred by the beast's size, swooped in with his lance at the ready. "I've got this!" he shouted, determination clear in his voice.

Riding atop his wyvern, Rosado zeroed in on the massive Corrupted wyrm. The Corrupted wyrm tried to swipe Rosado off his wyvern, but Rosado managed to dodge such an attack. The beast's dark presence loomed ominously, but Rosado's determination burned brighter.

"While our side's cuter," Rosado quipped. "The enemy's side might be tougher."

Just then, Emblem Eirika manifested from the Ring of the Azure Twins, her ethereal form radiating a calming, powerful presence. "Rosado," she began, "Since you are using my Emblem Ring, I can grant you the ability to pierce a portion of the enemy's defenses."

Rosado smirked, gripping his Steel Greataxe tightly. "That's good enough for me," he replied, his eyes gleaming with resolve.

As Rosado readied his weapon, the Corrupted wyrm launched a dark breath attack, the noxious fumes swirling toward him. Despite the weight of his Steel Greataxe, Rosado's reflexes kicked in, and he skillfully maneuvered his wyvern to dodge the deadly breath.

"Nice try!" Rosado shouted, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He closed the distance swiftly, the Steel Greataxe glinting menacingly in the sunlight. With a mighty swing, he brought the axe down onto the wyrm, the strike empowered by Eirika's magic.

The blade bit deeply into the beast's scales, sending a shockwave through its body. The wyrm roared in agony, staggering from the force of the blow. Though severely wounded, it remained standing, its eyes burning with rage.

As the Corrupted wyrm reeled from Rosado's powerful strike, Rosado tightened his grip on his Steel Greataxe and remarked, "That monster is tougher than it looks."

Suddenly, Emblem Eirika's voice cut through his focus. "Rosado, watch out!" she exclaimed. "An Elusian Bow Infantry is aiming at you!"

Before Rosado could react, the Elusian Bow Infantry, poised with a Silver Bow, was struck down by a swift arrow. Almost simultaneously, a brilliant orb of light obliterated the weakened Corrupted wyrm. Rosado turned quickly to see Innes and L'Arachel standing resolutely, the former lowering his Nidhogg bow and the latter closing her Ivaldi tome.

"Thank you!" Rosado said he breathed a sigh of relief. "You two saved my hide back there!"

Innes nodded, his expression composed yet focused. "You created the opening," he replied. "I just took advantage of it."

"Innes and I have arrived!" L'Arachel smiled brightly, a hint of pride in her eyes. "Together, we shall purge this beach of unsightly enemies."

Rosado returned the smile, his confidence bolstered by their presence. "Let's keep up the pressure and push these enemies back," he remarked. "The battle's just begun."

"We will guide you, Rosado," Emblem Eirika suggested. "Engage with me and my brother!"

"Sure!" Rosado replied as the Ring of the Azure Twins began to glow brightly. "Cuteness... combined!"

Upon doing so, Rosado jumped off from his wyvern as he assumed his Engage form, floating in the air in the process. Then, a Rapier appeared in his hands. Rosado took a moment to flourish the Rapier in front of Innes and L'Arachel.

"Hmph," Innes muttered as he saw Rosado's Engage form. "So, that's how you Engage with an Emblem."

"It's a work of art!" L'Arachel exclaimed as her eyes shone in excitement. "I sure hope Kiran can summon an Emblem someday! I wait for the day to have myself Engaged with an Emblem!"

"I'm sure you'll Engage with an Emblem someday!" Rosado cheerfully replied as he readied his Rapier against incoming Elusian and Corrupted soldiers. "Now, let's show these enemies how cute we are!"

Amidst the chaos of battle, Goldmary squared off against an Elusian Mage Cavalry and a Corrupted Sword Infantry, her Silver Sword gleaming in the sunlight. The Elusian Mage Cavalry raised their Thoron tome, a crackling lightning bolt surging forth.

Goldmary darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike, but found herself immediately confronted by the Corrupted Sword Infantry, their Steel Sword descending with lethal intent. Goldmary barely managed to block the attack, the force of the clash sending vibrations up her arm.

"Hmph," Goldmary gritted her teeth. "Don't make me angry."

Just as she began to push back, a familiar voice rang out. "Coming through!" Ephraim charged in, his lance Siegmund poised for attack. With a powerful thrust, he drove the Corrupted Sword Infantry away from Goldmary, giving her the much-needed respite.

At the same moment, Eirika dashed towards the Elusian Mage Cavalry, her sword Sieglinde glowing with energy. "Now it's my turn!" she declared, slashing through the Mage Cavalry with swift precision, the foe collapsing in the beach sands.

Goldmary took a breath, nodding to the Renais twins. "Thanks," she said to Eirika and Ephraim. "I needed that."

"My brother and I are happy to help," Eirika replied. "I'm glad we arrived in time to help you."

"I'm glad we saved you," Ephraim reassured her. "Eirika and I will take care of them."

As Goldmary watched Eirika and Ephraim dispatch the Elusian Mage Cavalry and the Corrupted Sword Infantry with remarkable skill, a familiar sight caught her eye. Hortensia, riding her pegasus, swooped down gracefully beside her. With a flourish of her Arcane Charmer, Hortensia cast a healing spell, mending Goldmary's injuries.

Goldmary felt relief as she looked up at her friend and retainer. "Thank you, Hortensia. I needed that," she said, gratitude evident in her voice. "By the way, do you know anything about Eirika and Ephraim?"

Hortensia gave a slight shrug, her eyes glancing at the twin heroes who had just saved Goldmary. "I barely know them myself," she admitted, her tone thoughtful. "But because they are fellow Heroes summoned by Kiran, I trust them. If Kiran summoned them, they must be reliable."

Goldmary nodded, still processing the whirlwind of the battle and the new allies. "I guess I have a lot to learn about Kiran and his Heroes," she mused, watching as Eirika and Ephraim regrouped and prepared for the next wave of enemies.

Hortensia's gaze shifted, and her expression turned serious as she spotted another group of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers advancing towards them. "We need to regroup with Eirika and Ephraim," she said firmly. "More enemies are coming our way."

Goldmary tightened her grip on her Silver Sword, determination burning in her eyes. "Right, Hortensia," she agreed, following Hortensia as they moved to join their newfound allies. "I am prepared."

Meanwhile, Alear, Kiran, Fjorm, and Seiðr fought side-by-side, taking down any Elusian and Corrupted soldier that foolishly charged them. Amid the chaos, Baldraz's voice echoed from within Kiran's Breidablik, a note of urgency in his tone. "Everyone," he warned. "Marni and Mauvier are approaching shortly."

Sure enough, Marni and Mauvier came into view, striding purposefully toward Alear, Kiran, Fjorm, and Seiðr. Marni's eyes gleamed with a mix of malice and arrogance as she stared at Alear and Kiran.

"Well, well, well," Marni sneered. "While we did come here to hunt down the traitors who stole the Emblem Ring, I can't pass up the opportunity to take down the Divine One and Kiran Pathfinder for humiliating me back at Solm Palace."

Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr narrowed their eyes, their stances growing more defensive. Alear stepped forward, her Libération sword glinting in the sunlight as she pointed it at Marni. "Insult me all you want, Marni," she warned. "But I will not allow you to harm Kiran."

Fjorm tightened her grip on her lance, Leiptr, her expression fierce. "I'll protect Kiran with everything I have," she declared, her voice steady and resolute.

Seiðr, her goddess-like aura radiating power, nodded in agreement. "And I will also protect Kiran with my powers as a goddess."

Marni scoffed, her eyes flicking dismissively over the group. "Such loyalty. It's almost touching," she said mockingly, raising her Hurricane Axe. "But loyalty won't save you from what's coming."

Then, before Marni could even attack, the skies above the Azure Coast began to darken ominously. Shadows twisted and pooled on the ground, and from these black pools emerged several Curse Directive soldiers, their malevolent presence adding a new layer of danger to the battlefield.

Kiran's eyes widened in alarm. "Gods!" he exclaimed, his grip tightening on Breidablik. "The Curse Directive is here!"

Marni's frustration boiled over. "I'm not done with you yet!" she shouted, glaring at Alear and Kiran.

Mauvier stepped closer to Marni, his expression grave. "Marni, we should withdraw from the area," he urged quietly, his tone brooking no argument.

Marni scowled, her anger barely contained. "But, Mauvier..." she retorted, her voice filled with venom. "We haven't even punished the traitors who stole the Emblem Ring from the ship!"

Mauvier's eyes hardened as he shook his head. "Marni, there is no more time," he replied sternly. "More of these Curse Directive enemies will appear. Since our survival is the highest priority, we must leave... now."

As she reluctantly listened to Mauvier, Marni shot one last glare at Alear, Kiran, Fjorm, and Seiðr, her eyes blazing with unspoken threats. "Next time, you won't be so lucky," she spat before reluctantly retreating. "I'll have our soldiers deal with you lot. Next time, though? You're all dead... Super-duper dead!"

As Marni and Mauvier withdrew, Mauvier glanced back at Alear and Kiran, a subtle but significant look passing between them. It was a silent reminder of the deal he had made with them the previous day, a deal that meant he was, in truth, on their side.

As Marni and Mauvier retreated from the Azure Coast, more Curse Directive soldiers emerged from the dark pools around Alear and Kiran's group, their sinister presence sending a chill through the air.

Fjorm, her Leiptr poised for battle, looked puzzled at the retreating figures. "Kiran?" she wondered aloud. "Why did Marni and Mauvier leave so quickly?"

Seiðr, her goddess-like aura shimmering with curiosity, nodded in agreement. "And why did Mauvier glance at Alear and Kiran as they retreated?" she added, her voice tinged with suspicion.

Kiran, firing magic bolts from his Breidablik, kept his eyes on the approaching enemies. "I'll answer those questions later," he replied, his tone focused and urgent. "Right now, we have to deal with three different enemy factions."

Alear, her Libération sword flashing as she struck down a Corrupted soldier, spoke up. "We have to deal with not only Elusian and Corrupted enemies but also Curse Directive soldiers," she reminded the group, her voice steady despite the chaos. "This battle has become a three-way fight."

Kiran nodded, his eyes narrowing as he aimed at another target. "Since the Curse Directive soldiers are here, it means Ebony or Shade is nearby," he remarked, his voice carrying a note of anticipation.

As the Curse Directive soldiers charged at them, Alear readied her sword and looked at Kiran. "Either Ebony or Shade will show up once we've taken down enough enemies," she said with determination.

Kiran, his Breidablik glowing as it unleashed another bolt at a Curse Directive Sword Armor, glanced at Alear and smiled grimly. "I couldn't agree more," he replied. "Let's clear the field."

Fjorm and Seiðr moved to flank Alear and Kiran, their weapons at the ready. Fjorm's icy lance, Leiptr, cut through the air, freezing and shattering Corrupted soldiers with each strike. "We'll hold them off together," she declared, her voice resolute.

Seiðr, her magical aura bright and commanding, nodded. "Yes, we'll protect each other and overcome this threat," she affirmed, casting powerful spells to decimate the Curse Directive soldiers.

The battlefield became a flurry of motion and magic as Alear, Kiran, Fjorm, and Seiðr fought side by side, their synergy and strength holding the line against the overwhelming forces. With each enemy they felled, they grew closer to facing the greater threat looming in the shadows, determined to stand united and emerge victorious.

On another side of the beach, Rosado was flying high above the chaotic battlefield in his Engage form, was a whirlwind of steel and determination as he struck down every Elusian and Corrupted soldier in his path.

Then, he felt his power fading away as he reverted to his normal form, with the Rapier in his hand reverting into a Steel Greataxe. Fortunately, his wyvern, Camille, was following him closely since he Engaged with Emblems Eirika and Ephraim earlier and Rosado was able to ride his wyvern in midair.

"That was exhilarating!" Rosado exclaimed as he stared at the Ring of the Azure Twins. "So, that's how Engaging feels like. Too bad it's only temporary."

"My apologies," Emblem Eirika replied as she manifested from the Ring of the Azure Twins. "Engaging with an Emblem puts a strain on your body. That's why it's only temporary."

"That's okay," Rosado replied as he steadied his wyvern. "At least we managed to take down the enemies while being adorable!"

As the tides flowed in the beach once again, Rosado's wyvern roared, cutting through the air with swift, deadly precision. Suddenly, Rosado noticed several soldiers clad in unfamiliar uniforms emerging from the pools of darkness spreading across the ground.

"Who are these guys?" Rosado muttered, his brow furrowing. "I don't recognize them as Corrupted or even Elusians."

As Rosado voiced his confusion at the new enemies, Emblem Eirika, her ethereal form shimmering in the sunlight, shook her head. "I have no idea who they are," she admitted, her voice tinged with concern.

Emblem Ephraim also shook his head as he materialized alongside Emblem Eirika. "Surely, they're not Elusian or Corrupted," he said cautiously. "Be careful."

"Wait, these enemies are familiar," Innes said as he stared at the enemies clad in black with gold outlines. "These are Curse Directive soldiers."

"I recognize them as well," L'Arachel said as she readied her Ivaldi tome. "These vile cretins started a fiasco between the Kingdom of Askr and the Emblian Empire some time ago. This is my first time fighting them on Elyos."

Then, the two Curse Directive soldiers, a Bow Fighter, and a Mage Infantry charged at Rosado, Innes, and L'Arachel.

The Bow Fighter acted first, setting their sights on Rosado and aiming at him with their Silver Bow. Having anticipated this, Innes readied his Nidhogg bow and fired an arrow at the Bow Fighter, striking their heart and slumping down on the beach sands.

"Thanks for the opening," Inne scoffed as he steadied his Nidhogg bow.

Meanwhile, the Mage Infantry conjured a fireball from their Elfire tome at L'Arachel. Letting out a smirk, L'Arachel conjured a bright flash of light from her Ivaldi tome, making the Mage Infantry lose their concentration and misfire their spell, sending the fireball careening into the beach sands. Sensing an opportunity, L'Arachel retaliated by casting a searing ray of light from her Ivaldi tome, disintegrating the Mage Infantry.

"I've passed my judgment!" L'Arachel declared as she reared her horse, having been victorious.

Then, several Curse Directive soldiers lunged at Rosado, Innes, and L'Arachel, their weapons glinting menacingly. The trio barely had time to raise their weapons when Diamant, armed with his Fair-Fight Blade, and Ivy, armed with her Icebound Tome and riding her majestic wyvern, swooped to aid them. Diamant slashed through one of the attackers with a decisive blow, while Ivy launched a flurry of magical attacks from above.

"For the pride of Brodia!" Diamant declared as his Fair-Fight Blade glowed red-hot.

"I'll make this quick!" Ivy declared as she conjured several icicles with her Icebound Tome.

As Diamant and Ivy took down the two enemies, Rosado approached them on his wyvern. "Thanks for the save!" he said to Diamant and Ivy. "Do you know anything more about the Curse Directive?"

Ivy, guiding her wyvern closer to Rosado, called out. "Yes," she explained. "The Curse Directive are enemies from Kiran's world, Zenith."

"We fought the Curse Directive several times before," Diamant said as he steadied his Fair-Fight Blade. "Their leader, Ebony, has a grudge against Kiran."

Emblem Eirika nodded gratefully. "Thank you for the information," she said, her voice calm yet appreciative. "So, these are the Curse Directive..."

Rosado, swinging his axe to fend off another attacker, glanced at Ivy. "Curse Directive soldiers, huh?" he remarked, his eyes narrowing in focus. "That explains why I've never seen them before."

"Be careful," Ivy warned, her eyes scanning the battlefield. "They're just as dangerous as the Corrupted, if not more."

"Stay on guard, Rosado," Emblem Ephraim added. "We'll guide you as best we can."

"And since Kiran summoned us to aid you all," Innes said. "L'Arachel and I will do our part."

"Fear not, friends and allies of justice!" L'Arachel declared bombastically. "As long as I, L'Arachel, still stand, we shall be victorious!"

Rosado nodded as he tightened his grip on his axe, steeling himself for the battle ahead. "Got it," he said resolutely. "Let's show these Curse Directive soldiers what we've got!"

On another side of the chaotic beach, Alfred, Celine, Alcryst, Timerra, and Fogado fought valiantly against the relentless waves of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers. The clash of weapons and the crackle of magic filled the air as they battled to hold their ground.

"Scatter like petals!" Alfred declared as he took down an Elusian soldier using his Arcane Qiang.

At the same time, Alcryst and an Elusian Bow Fighter were firing arrows at each other. But, Alcryst had the upper hand and managed to find an opening the moment the Elusian Bow Fighter fired their arrow.

"I hope this is enough!" Alcryst muttered as he fired an arrow from his Arcane Darkbow at the Elusian Bow Fighter, hitting its mark and striking down the enemy soldier.

Alfred, atop his trusty horse, reared back and expertly thrust his lance, Arcane Qiang, into a Corrupted soldier, felling the creature with a decisive strike. As the soldier crumpled to the ground, Alfred's eyes scanned their surroundings with unease. "Something is wrong here," he muttered, his voice tinged with concern.

Nearby, Celine unleashed a powerful blast from her Joyous Tome, obliterating an Elusian Mage in a burst of light. As the mage fell, she noticed the ominous pools of darkness forming around them. "These pools," she called out, her voice carrying over the din of battle, "They're surrounding us."

Timerra, her Silver Lance gleaming in the sunlight, readied herself for the next attack. "There's only one enemy faction that uses black pools," she remarked, her tone grim.

As if on cue, more enemies emerged from the inky darkness. Soldiers clad in the eerie insignia of the Curse Directive stepped forth, their eyes cold and determined.

Celine's eyes widened in recognition. "These are Curse Directive soldiers!" she confirmed, her voice filled with a mix of shock and resolve.

"Get ready, everyone!" Alfred declared as Curse Directive soldiers started fighting not only their group but also the Elusian and Corrupted soldiers nearby.

As the battle quickly became three-way, one of the Curse Directive Mage Infantry set their sights on Celine and fired a bolt of lightning from their Elthunder tome. Having anticipated the attack, Celine managed to deflect the lightning with her magic from her Joyous Tome. Then, Celine retaliated by casting a shock wave at the Curse Directive Mage Infantry.

"You need pruning!" Celine declared as her magic attack hit its mark, taking down the Curse Directive Mage Infantry.

Alcryst, perched at a vantage point, nocked an arrow to his Arcane Darkbow and fired, striking down one of the Curse Directive Bow Fighters with deadly precision. "This isn't good at all," he commented, his voice strained with worry. "M-more of Curse Directive soldiers keep showing up."

Fogado, ever the pragmatist, took in the scene with a quick, assessing glance as he readied his Killer Bow. "I agree," he said, his tone serious. "We're up against three different enemy factions in the same battle. This is going to be a tough fight."

As Kiran, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr fought off the relentless assault of Elusian, Curse Directive, and Corrupted enemies, the clash of weapons and the roar of battle filled the air. Suddenly, Ebony, a sinister figure cloaked in darkness, leaped from one of the rocky outcrops and landed gracefully on the beach sands before them.

"Kiran Pathfinder," Ebony taunted as she readied her Örmt tome. "How fortunate for me to find you on this beach."

Kiran, his Breidablik raised, responded with a mix of exasperation and determination. "Hello Ebony," he greeted her with contempt. "Don't you have anything better to do than try to kill me?"

Ebony let out a smirk, her lips curling in a cold, cruel smile. "As the Shadow Director, I've made it the Curse Directive's goal to see you die," she sneered. "I will not stop until you are dead."

With a snap of her fingers, multiple wingless and winged draconic women emerged from pools of darkness, their forms twisting and shifting as they stepped onto the battlefield. In an instant, they transformed into their true dragon forms, towering over Kiran, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr, their scales glistening ominously.

"These dragons..." Ebony explained, her voice dripping with malice, "They were once living Emblian manaketes that your Order of Heroes has slain over the years. Now, I have brought them back under the banner of the Curse Directive to have their vengeance."

Alear's eyes widened as she gripped her Libération sword tighter. "Dragons... brought back from the dead?" she muttered. "Just like with the Corrupted wyrms... This is... beyond vile."

Fjorm, steadying her lance, Leiptr, glanced at Kiran. "We have to be careful," she said, her voice firm. "These dragons will be powerful. Kiran, we've fought several of them back when Nifl and Muspell were at war."

Seiðr, her divine aura glowing faintly, nodded in agreement. "Their rage will make them formidable foes," she added, her eyes narrowing at the approaching dragons.

As their group found themselves surrounded by Ebony and her formidable manakete army, Alear turned to Kiran, her expression tense. "Kiran," she asked. "Do these manaketes behave like the ones we faced back at Lumera's Grand Hero Battle?"

Kiran nodded, his eyes scanning the battlefield. "Yes, Emblian manaketes use their breath weapons for their attacks," he affirmed. "Stay vigilant."

Ebony's chilling laugh cut through the air as she raised her Örmt tome. "Manaketes, in the name of the Curse Directive," she declared. "Kill Kiran and his allies!"

The dragons roared in unison, charging at Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr, exhaling torrents of destructive breath. Alear dodged a blast of fire, her sword flashing as she struck down one of the manaketes. Fjorm's lance, Leiptr, glowed with icy power as she impaled another dragon, while Seiðr's divine magic obliterated a third.

Amidst the chaos, Kiran and Ebony engaged in a fierce duel. Ebony fired dark bolts from her Örmt, each one crackling with malevolent energy. Kiran retaliated with precise shots of magic from his Breidablik, their attacks clashing in a brilliant display of light and darkness.

"You and your paltry Heroes will be overwhelmed," Ebony sneered, her voice dripping with contempt.

Kiran smirked, noticing a bright white glow emanating from his Breidablik. "Unfortunately," he replied. "That's where you're wrong, Ebony."

Before Ebony could respond, Diamant, Ivy, Innes, L'Arachel, and Rosado rushed to Kiran's aid, cutting through the dragons with ruthless efficiency. Diamant's sword cleaved through scales and flesh, his movements swift and deadly. Ivy, astride her wyvern, rained down ice magic from above, her spells devastating the enemy ranks. Innes fired arrows from his Nidhogg while L'Arachel incinerated her foes with her Ivaldi. Rosado, with Emblems Eirika and Ephraim empowering his strikes, brought his Steel Greataxe down on the dragons, shattering their defenses.

Alear, still locked in combat, glanced over her shoulder and saw their reinforcements. "Hold the line!" she declared. "We're not alone in this fight!"

Fjorm, her breath visible in the cold air around her, nodded grimly. "I will not back down!" she declared. "For Kiran!"

"We shall not fall here," Seiðr's voice rang out, filled with divine authority. "Stand together!"

The tumult of battle raged on as Ebony's forces clashed against Kiran, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr. Amidst the chaos, a trio of reinforcements arrived swiftly to bolster their ranks. Diamant, Ivy, and Rosado stood tall, ready to strengthen the fight.

"Divine One, Kiran..." Ivy declared with her voice firm with determination. "We came as fast as we could."

Alear turned to greet them with gratitude. "Thank you all for coming in time," she acknowledged, relief evident in her tone.

Diamant nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "The moment Ebony showed up," he explained, his eyes scanning the battlefield for signs of their adversary. "We knew we had to rush in to help."

Ebony's rage burned hot as she surveyed the arrival of the reinforcements. "It matters not how many reinforcements Kiran has," she seethed, her voice laced with venom. "I will stamp out any resistance with my forces alone."

"I wouldn't think so," Rosado declared as he reigned his wyvern. "Your side may look rougher, but our side is cuter and tougher!"

Having heard what Rosado said, Ebony glared at Rosado, feeling insulted by his words. "You would dare insult me?" she spat, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "Your feminine attire is an eyesore to me. Manaketes, overwhelm him!"

As several Emblian manaketes unfurled their wings and transformed into their draconic forms, Rosado braced himself for the onslaught, his expression steely despite the impending danger, with Innes and L'Arachel defending him from the dragon attacks.

Baldraz, the spirit residing within the Breidablik, spoke out, his voice echoing in Kiran's mind. "Keep in mind that most wyvern riders like Rosado often have low magic resistance," he advised. "He will not last long against these dragons. Use a Golden Summoning Orb to summon Rosado as a Hero."

The moment Baldraz told him to summon Rosado, Kiran realized that Rosado could be summoned as a Hero. But, as he readied his Breidablik, Kiran hesitated as he stared at Ebony, knowing that she could be planning to intervene, like what she and Shade did before.

Kiran's mind raced with strategy as he weighed his options. "For that to happen," he replied in a determined tone. "Ebony needs to be distracted first."

As the intensity of the battle heightened, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr caught wind of Kiran's urgent need for assistance in distracting Ebony. Without hesitation, Alear turned to Kiran, determination blazing in her eyes.

"Kiran, we'll help you with your plan," Alear declared, her voice resolute. "Fjorm, Seiðr, and I will handle Ebony for as long as we can."

Fjorm nodded, her expression steely. "I'll occupy Ebony's attention," she promised, gripping her lance tightly. "After all, I am suited to fight against mages like her.'

Seiðr stepped forward, her eyes narrowing with focus. "I'll use my Future-Focused ability to predict Ebony's actions," she assured Kiran, her voice calm yet confident. "And if need be, I can momentarily distort her perception of time."

Before Kiran could reply, the trio charged at Ebony with fierce resolve, their coordinated assault aimed at buying Kiran the precious time he needed.

"I'm with you!" Emblem Lucina spoke through Alear's Ring of the Caring Princess. "Engage with me and we'll help Kiran in his plan!"

"Let's go!" Alear declared as she activated the Ring of the Caring Princess. "Emblem Engage!"

As Alear assumed her Engage form, Ebony's eyes widened in realization as she witnessed their advance. "Attack Kiran before he can enact his plan!" she bellowed, her voice laced with fury.

As Ebony was forced to fight Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr, the remaining dragons under Ebony's command swarmed towards Kiran, their massive forms blotting out the sun. Kiran raised Breidablik, managing to shoot down a couple of dragons with precise shots, but the overwhelming numbers threatened to engulf him.

Diamant and Ivy arrived to bolster Kiran's defenses in the nick of time. Ivy's magic flared as she cast icicles from her Icebound Tome, while Diamant's Fair-Fight Blade cleaved through the draconic threats.

"Kiran, run to Rosado!" Ivy shouted, her voice urgent as she conjured more icicles from her Icebound Tome. "We'll cover you!"

Diamant swung his Fair-Fight Blade, cutting down another dragon with a powerful Bonfire strike. "Leave the dragons to us, Kiran," he urged. "Ivy and I will handle them."

Kiran sprinted towards Rosado with newfound determination, trusting his friends to hold the line. The chaos of battle swirled around them, but their unwavering resolve created a path of hope amidst the darkness.

With Ebony distracted and the remaining manakete dragons occupied, Kiran sprinted toward Rosado, Innes, and L'Arachel. The effeminate wyvern rider, the Frelian prince, and the Rausten princess were locked in a fierce battle with five dragons, their agile movements and sharp strikes barely keeping the beasts at bay.

"Kiran!" Rosado called out, his voice strained as he deflected a dragon's attack with his lance. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm going to attempt something. Hang on," Kiran replied as he readied his Breidablik. "Innes, L'Arachel... Cover me!"

"Dashing!" L'Arachel replied as she galloped her horse to protect Kiran.

"I'll keep you safe," Innes declared as he fired several arrows at most of the dragons.

Kiran didn't waste a moment with Innes and L'Arachel backing him up. As Innes and L'Arachel took down several dragons that were closing in on Kiran, he quickly loaded a Golden Summoning Orb into Breidablik. As the weapon began to glow radiantly, Kiran aimed the Breidablik at Rosado.

"Gathering stars to call upon Hortensia's effeminate retainer!" Kiran chanted as the Breidablik began to glow brightly. "Become the path its light shines upon!"

With precise aim, Kiran fired the Golden Summoning Orb at Rosado. The orb hit its mark, and a brilliant shock wave erupted from Rosado, knocking the two remaining dragons that were harassing Rosado away. The force of the blast sent the dragons reeling, giving Rosado a moment of respite.

As the tides ebbed away from the beach, Rosado's eyes widened in amazement as he felt a surge of power coursing through him. "Oh my!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder. "I'm feeling something incredible! It's... similar to being Engaged, but different!"

From Rosado's Emblem Ring, Emblem Eirika manifested, her ethereal form shimmering with light. "Rosado, my brother, and I can sense what Kiran is doing," she said gently. "Kiran is attempting to summon you as a Hero."

Beside her, Emblem Ephraim appeared, his presence exuding strength and determination. "Accept Kiran's offer, Rosado," he urged. "As a Hero, you'll be much stronger. You'll be able to protect your friends and fight with greater power."

After listening to Emblem Eirika and Emblem Ephraim, Rosado looked at Kiran, his eyes brimming with resolve. "So, this is probably how Hortensia was summoned as a Hero," he declared, his voice firm. "I accept!"

Sensing Rosado's subconscious acceptance, Kiran raised Breidablik again and finished the chant."Hero Summon!" he declared. "Be inducted as a Hero, Rosado, the Adorable Artist!"

Upon completing the summoning process, Rosado closed his eyes as he and his wyvern glowed brightly. As the glow faded away, Rosado opened his eyes and he let out a smile.

"I'm Rosado, adorable royal knight of Elusia and retainer of the equally cute Hortensia!" Rosado introduced himself. "Kiran, I'll be in your care!"

Then, a radiant light enveloped Rosado, and his Steel Greataxe began to shimmer and transform. When the light faded, the Steel Greataxe had become a much stronger weapon, adorned with a pink ribbon tied to its hilt.

Rosado's eyes widened in amazement as he examined his transformed weapon. "Kiran, my weapon has changed!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement. "It looks even more adorable and it's even lighter to wield than before!"

Kiran scanned the new weapon using Breidablik, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Your new weapon is called the Axe of Adoration," he informed Rosado. "That weapon grants you a decent amount of defense and it heals you a little bit after combat."

Rosado beamed, his smile radiant. "The Axe of Adoration?" he said, his tone brimming with pride and joy. "That's a perfect name for someone as adorable as me!"

Before they could relish the moment, the two dragons that had been knocked back retook flight, their eyes gleaming with vengeful fury. They swooped down towards Rosado, their roars echoing across the beach.

With his newfound strength as a Hero, Rosado met their attack head-on. He swung the Axe of Adoration with effortless grace, the weapon's power cutting through the air with a fierce pink glow. In a display of unmatched skill and power, Rosado effortlessly slayed the two dragons, their massive forms crashing into the sand and disintegrating into black mists.

"Picture-perfect!" Rosado declared as he steadied his Axe of Adoration.

Kiran watched in awe as Rosado stood victorious, the Axe of Adoration gleaming in his hands. He then looked at Innes and L'Arachel, who just defeated the enemies on their end.

"Well done, Rosado," Kiran said, his voice filled with admiration. "Not bad for your first stint as a Hero."

Rosado smiled, his eyes shining with determination and pride. "Thank you, Kiran," he said. "With this power, I'll protect everyone and bring cuteness to the battlefield."

Together, Kiran, Rosado, Innes, and L'Arachel turned to face more Curse Directive soldiers who had just recently spawned, ready to continue the fight with renewed vigor and hope. Although Kiran's goal was to rendezvous with Alear and the rest, he and the Heroes that were near him had to first take down the enemies that were in their way.
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Chapter 22, Part 4
Meanwhile, at Solm's Azure Coast, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr stood firm, facing off against Ebony and her Curse Directive minions. The tension crackled in the air, the sounds of battle surrounding them.

Ebony glared at the trio, her eyes filled with malice. "You nuisances," she spat, her voice dripping with venom. "You three keep getting in the way of my mission to kill Kiran."

In her Engage form, Alear stepped forward, pointing her Libération sword at Ebony, her stance resolute. "You've made it clear you won't stop until you kill Kiran," she said, her voice steady and determined. "But I won't allow that to happen."

With a snarl, Ebony conjured an orb of darkness from her Örmt tome, firing it straight at Alear. "For a Divine Dragon of Elyos, you're a naïve woman," Ebony hissed. "You deserve to perish alongside Kiran."

Just as the dark magic hurtled towards Alear, Fjorm leaped in front of her, her Ice Mirror II activating in a brilliant display. A barrier of ice formed, absorbing the dark orb and shattering it into glittering shards.

"Princess Fjorm," Seiðr said, her voice filled with gratitude as she saw the ice fragments fall to the ground. "It was fortunate that you intercepted that attack."

Alear nodded, her heart pounding from the close call. "That was a close one," she admitted, glancing at Fjorm. "Thank you."

Fjorm steadied her breath, her eyes locked on Ebony. "We need to bide our time until Kiran comes back," she replied, calm and strategic.

Ebony's frustration was palpable, her dark magic swirling around her like a storm. "You can delay all you want," she growled, "But you three will pay for getting in the way."

Alear tightened her grip on Libération, determination fueling her resolve. "We will protect Kiran," she declared as she glared at Ebony. "No matter the cost."

The three women readied themselves for the next assault, their bond of trust and determination shining bright against the darkness that Ebony wielded. They knew their strength and Kiran's eventual return would be enough to stand against any foe.

Ebony's glare intensified, her eyes burning with fury as more Curse Directive soldiers, manaketes, and Gullinbursti Steam mechs emerged from pools of darkness around her. "You will pay for intervening with your lives," she spat, her voice laced with malice. "Minions, take these three down!"

As the dark minions swarmed towards them, Alear swung her Libération sword precisely, taking down a Gullinbursti mech. "We must stand our ground," she declared, her voice unwavering amidst the chaos.

Fjorm nodded in agreement, deflecting Ebony's magic attacks with her Ice Mirror II. "I believe in Kiran," she said, her voice unwavering. "I will not let him down."

Seiðr, casting powerful magic bolts from her eponymous staff, took down a manakete dragon with a determined expression. "Our contracts with Kiran still hold," she affirmed, her voice steady. "The best thing we can do is hold off Ebony until he arrives."

Ebony's minions pressed closer, their attacks relentless, but the trio fought back with all their might. Alear's swordsmanship, Fjorm's defensive prowess, and Seiðr's magical expertise created a formidable defense. The three held onto their hopes that Kiran Pathfinder would arrive to back them up.

At the same time, Kiran, Rosado, Innes, and L'Arachel were in fierce combat against a mixed onslaught of Elusian, Curse Directive, and Corrupted soldiers. The battlefield was a chaotic swirl of clashing weapons and magical blasts.

Kiran blasted one of the Curse Directive Mages with a precise shot from his Breidablik, the magical weapon glowing with power. "The enemy forces won't let up," he muttered, frustration etched on his face.

Stepping his Axe of Adoration gracefully and ferocity, Rosado cleaved a Corrupted wyrm in half. "It's getting out of hand," he said, glancing around at the melee. "Every side is fighting each other."

Standing tall with his Nidhogg bow in hand, Innes fired an arrow that struck down an Elusian pegasus knight with unerring accuracy. "Our side should have the advantage," he remarked coolly, "Since the three enemy factions are also fighting each other."

L'Arachel, her Ivaldi tome glowing with ethereal light, blasted a Curse Directive Mage Cavalry, sending the enemy tumbling from their mount. "I agree with Innes," she declared, her voice ringing with righteous zeal. "Elusians, Curse Directive, and the Corrupted—it doesn't matter what kind of enemies they are. They will all be struck down by my brand of justice!"

Kiran nodded, the resolve in his eyes mirrored by his allies. "Let's use their chaos to our advantage," he suggested. "Strike hard and keep them off balance."

Rosado grinned, twirling his Axe of Adoration. "Sounds like a plan," he declared. "Let's show them what true, adorable heroes are made of!"

Innes notched another arrow, his expression determined. "We'll cut through them and reunite with the others. Stay focused."

L'Arachel raised her tome high, the magical energy crackling around her. "For justice, and our comrades! Onward!"

Then, Kiran saw four familiar allies, Eirika, Ephraim, Hortensia, and Goldmary, running towards him through the chaos. Relief washed over him at the sight of their reinforcements.

L'Arachel smiled brightly, her confidence bolstered. "With Eirika and Ephraim here, our group now has the advantage," she declared.

Eirika, Ephraim, Hortensia, and Goldmary quickly joined the fray, their combined might swiftly take down the enemies surrounding Kiran, Rosado, Innes, and L'Arachel. The tide of battle began to turn in their favor. The remaining Elusian, Corrupted, and Curse Directive soldiers converged on the quartet.

One of the enemies, an Elusian Axe Flyer, lunged at Eirika with their Silver Axe at the ready. Fortunately, Eirika foresaw this and dodged the attack with her Sieglinde. As the Elusian Axe Flyer reeled their pegasus for having their attack thwarted, Eirika saw an opportunity to retaliate.

"I cannot allow this!" Eirika declared as she flourished her Sieglinde before striking down the Elusian Axe Flyer.

At the same time, Ephraim was fighting a Corrupted soldier wielding a Killer Lance. The two exchanged and parried each other's attacks, but Ephraim was more experienced and saw a gap in the Corrupted soldier's defenses, which he exploited immediately.

"Alright! Let's fight!" Ephraim exclaimed as he slashed through the Corrupted soldier with his Siegmund.

Meanwhile, Goldmary clashed her Silver Sword against a Corrupted soldier wielding the same sword as hers. Using her resolve to protect Hortensia, Goldmary mustered enough strength to break the clash and kicked the Corrupted soldier away. As the Corrupted soldier flinched from her kick, Goldmary took advantage of the opening.

"You can die now!" Goldmary declared as she finished off the Corrupted soldier with her Silver Sword.

Lastly, Hortensia reigned in her pegasus as she dodged the firebolt attacks that were conjured from the Curse Directive Mage Flyer's Elfire tome. As she gripped her Arcane Charmer, Hortensia saw an opportunity to strike back against the Curse Directive Mage Flyer and aimed her Arcane Charmer at the enemy. In mere moments, multiple heart-shaped frost bolts appeared around Hortensia and flew toward the Curse Directive Mage Flyer.

"How cute am I?" Hortensia declared that her heart-shaped frost bolts from Arcane Charmer had finished the Curse Directive Mage Flyer.

As the last of the immediate threats were dealt with, Kiran took a moment to catch his breath and addressed Hortensia and Goldmary. "I'm glad you're all okay," he said, his voice filled with genuine relief.

Hortensia smiled confidently, giving a nod to Kiran. "We'll manage," she replied, her tone light but determined.

Goldmary, ever poised, offered a graceful smile. "Thank you for your concern, Kiran," she said. "I'm glad to see you're safe as well."

Rosado, twirling his Axe of Adoration with a flourish, turned to Hortensia with a grin. "Look, Hortensia!" he announced proudly. "Kiran summoned me as a Hero!"

Hortensia's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Congratulations, Rosado!" she exclaimed. "That's incredible news!"

Rosado's smile widened, his eyes shining with newfound determination. "Since I'm now a Hero, I'll be an even stronger retainer for you," he promised.

Eirika approached Kiran with a relieved smile. "Thank goodness we arrived in time," she said, her voice warm with relief.

Ephraim nodded, his expression serious yet relieved. "I'm glad to see you're faring well in this battle, Kiran," he said, reassuringly touching Kiran's shoulder.

At that moment, Emblem Eirika and Emblem Ephraim materialized from Rosado's Emblem Ring. Emblem Eirika looked at her counterpart and spoke, "I feel the same way, Eirika. It's good to see you all safe."

Emblem Ephraim scanned the battlefield, eyes narrowing as he observed the unfolding chaos. "It's not over yet," he said, his voice grave. "The Curse Directive soldiers are taking down the Elusians and the Corrupted. Soon, we'll be facing only Curse Directive soldiers as the battle continues."

From within the Breidablik, Baldraz's voice echoed with urgency. "Kiran," he warned. "Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr are fighting Ebony. You must aid those three before it is too late."

Kiran turned to his group, his expression determined. "In that case," he said, his voice steady, "I'm going to need help to reach Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr."

Eirika nodded firmly, determination shining in her eyes. "We'll make sure you get there, Kiran."

Ephraim drew his lance, ready for battle. "We'll clear a path," he said "Let's move out."

Rosado adjusted his grip on the Axe of Adoration, his eyes gleaming with resolve. "I'll be right behind you, Kiran," he replied. "I'll take down any bad guy that hurts your adorable look!"

Innes notched another arrow, his expression focused. "I'll cover you from the rear," he calmly stated. "Do as you need, Kiran."

L'Arachel raised her tome, her voice ringing with conviction. "Justice will light our way!"

Hortensia and Goldmary flanked Kiran, ready to lend their support. "We're with you, Kiran," Hortensia said confidently.

"Let's show them what we're made of," Goldmary added, her eyes fierce with determination.

As the dust of battle began to settle, Alfred, Celine, Alcryst, Timerra, and Fogado arrived, their weapons still drawn and eyes alert.

Alfred, his face flushed with the exertion of battle, spoke first. "We've managed to rout our side of enemies," he said, his voice firm. "I overheard that you need help to reach the Divine One."

"Y-yeah," Alcryst chimed in. "We want to help out too!"

"Couldn't agree more!" Timerra exclaimed as she twirled her Silver Lance. "Fogado and I want to do our part!"

"As am I," Fogado nodded as he readied his Killer Bow. "After all, more party-crashers will be coming."

Celine, with her usual grace and calm demeanor, nodded in agreement. "Kiran, we all want to help you reach Alear in any way possible," she said, her eyes shining with determination.

Kiran smiled, gratitude evident in his expression. "Thank you, all of you..." he said sincerely. "All of your support means a lot."

Before he could say more, Diamant and Ivy appeared, adding to the group's growing strength.

Diamant, his sword still gleaming from the recent skirmish, spoke first. "Kiran," he reported. "Ivy and I have cleared our side of enemies."

Ivy, her eyes sharp and vigilant, added. "We should get ready for enemy reinforcements," she pointed out. "It won't be long before more Curse Directive enemies appear."

Kiran nodded, understanding the urgency. "We need to act quickly," he said, his voice unwavering. "Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr are fighting Ebony and need our help."

The group exchanged determined glances, their resolve solidified by Kiran's words. "Let's go," Kiran commanded, conveying urgency and leadership. "We all have to do our part."

With a collective nod, the group surged forward, their movements synchronized by their shared purpose. Alfred led the charge, his lance ready, while Celine and Timerra flanked him, their weapons poised for any threat. Alcryst and Fogado brought up the rear, their eyes scanning for any signs of danger.

Diamant and Ivy moved alongside Kiran, taking down any enemy that dare stood in Kiran's path. As they advanced, the battlefield seemed to blur into a chaotic dance of steel and magic, but their focus remained unbroken.

Together, they pushed through the tide of enemies, their combined strength creating a path through the chaos. Each step brought them closer to Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr. And as Kiran's heartbeat strummed with the rhythm of their united effort, he knew that with allies like these, they could overcome any challenge and bring hope to even the darkest corners of the battlefield.

Meanwhile, on another side of the beach, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr continued their desperate battle against Ebony and her Curse Directive soldiers, manaketes, and Gullinbursti Steam mechs.

Fjorm, her breath heavy with exertion, took down a Curse Directive Mage Infantry with a precise lance strike after the enemy shattered her Ice Mirror II.

"She's slowly overwhelming us with her minions," Fjorm panted, her eyes darting around for the next threat.

Seiðr, her staff glowing with magical energy, dispatched a Gullinbursti Steam Sword with a well-aimed bolt of magic. "We must not relent against Ebony's assaults," she declared, her voice steady despite the chaos.

Alear, determination blazing in her eyes, ran towards Ebony, cutting down every Curse Directive soldier in her path with swift, decisive strikes of her Libération. "You will be stopped, whatever it takes," she vowed, her voice ringing with conviction.

Ebony glared at Alear, her eyes narrowing in irritation. "I almost admire your persistence, almost,?" she spat, her voice dripping with disdain. "Yet, I grow tired of hearing your naivety, Divine One."

With a flick of her wrist, Ebony opened her Örmt tome, conjuring multiple orbs of darkness that she hurled at Alear. Alear moved with fluid grace, deflecting the darkness orbs with her Libération and dodging those she couldn't evade. She pressed forward, her focus unyielding as she closed the distance between herself and Ebony.

Fjorm, watching Alear's charge, called out, "Alear, be careful!" She knocked another Curse Directive soldier aside, her Ice Mirror II shimmering protectively.

Seiðr joined her, sending a flurry of magic bolts into the ranks of Ebony's minions. "We need to keep her off balance," she said, her voice tense but controlled. "If I can disrupt her focus with my Future-Focused ability, Alear can get through."

Alear, hearing her allies' words, felt a surge of determination. She sidestepped another orb of darkness and lunged forward, bringing her sword up in a powerful arc aimed at Ebony. "Your tyranny ends here!" she shouted, her blade glowing with righteous fury.

Ebony sneered, summoning a dark energy barrier to block Alear's strike. The force of the collision sent shockwaves through the air, but Alear did not back down. She pressed harder, her will unwavering. "Come on!" Alear declared, her eyes burning with fierce resolve.

Then, Seiðr activated her Future-Focused, briefly distorting Ebony's perception of space and time Sensing an opening, Alear leaped toward Ebony.

"Damn it!" Ebony gritted her teeth as she glanced at one pool of darkness behind her. "I will not go down so easily!"

As an enemy began to materialize from the pool of darkness, Emblem Lucina's voice echoed in her mind, speaking from the Ring of the Princess Exalt. "Alear, watch your back!" Emblem Lucina warned urgently.

Alear's eyes widened as she caught sight of a Gullinbursti Steam Lance charging at her with its Brave Lance poised to strike. As Seiðr's Future-Focused wore off, Ebony jumped out of the way, leaving Alear to face the automaton head-on. The Gullinbursti's rapid attacks forced Alear to parry frantically with her Libération.

"Grant me strength!" Alear cried out, summoning all her resolve. She counterattacked swiftly, and decisively, her blade slicing through the Gullinbursti Steam Lance with a brilliant flash. The automaton crumpled to the ground, defeated.

But Ebony seized the moment, unleashing several orbs of darkness from her Örmt tome. The dark magic struck Alear, enveloping her in smoke and debris. For a tense moment, silence reigned.

As the smoke began to clear, Alear emerged as she reverted to her normal form, her eyes burning with fierce determination. She had withstood Ebony's assault, her resolve unbroken. She glared at Ebony, her grip tightening on Libération.

Ebony narrowed her eyes, her frustration growing as Alear withstood her magic attacks. "You're a naïve lizard," she mocked, her voice dripping with disdain. "Fall, damn you!"

Alear glared at Ebony, unflinching. "Is that insult all you can muster?" she retorted, her grip tightening on Libération. "I've... been called worse."

The Örmt tome in Ebony's hands glowed a menacing purple. "Let's see if you can withstand this," she sneered, raising her hand to cast another dark spell. Fjorm and Seiðr, sensing the danger, tried to run towards Alear, but Ebony was faster. She unleashed a powerful beam of darkness straight at Alear.

Alear raised her Libération sword, bracing herself to block the attack. Just as the dark beam was about to strike, a beam of light appeared behind Alear, intercepting the dark magic. Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr glanced back in surprise.

Kiran stood behind them, his Breidablik glowing brightly as he sustained the light beam against Ebony's dark magic. "I'm glad I made it in time," he said, his voice steady and determined.

Alear's eyes widened in relief and gratitude. "Kiran, you're here!"

Fjorm, still maintaining her defensive stance, nodded firmly. "Kiran, I'm glad you arrived!" she said to him. "We can push back now."

Seiðr, wielding her staff, stood ready. "Kiran Pathfinder," she declared. "With your guidance, we will overcome this battle."

As the beams of light and darkness continued to collide, more Curse Directive soldiers spawned around Ebony.

Kiran strained against the force of Ebony's attack, his light beam unwavering. "Alear, Fjorm, Seiðr," he said to them "Cover me. Don't let those enemies get any closer."

Alear's determination reignited, and she turned back to face Ebony and her minions, her resolve unshaken. "I understand, Kiran," she acknowledged. "We'll defend you with what we have."

Ebony's eyes flickered with anger and frustration as her dark beam clashed against Kiran's light. "You think you can defeat me?!" she spat, pouring more energy into her attack. "You must be jesting!"

But Kiran's light held strong, bolstered by the presence of his allies. "Ha," he declared. "I'm afraid I'm not jesting, Ebony."

As Kiran and Ebony traded hostilities, Alear steeled her resolve, her Libération sword gleaming with a radiant light. "For Kiran!" she declared. "For everyone!"

As the clash of light and darkness intensified, Alear Fjorm and Seiðr defended Kiran against the onslaught of Curse Directive forces that charged at him. The tide of battle was turning, and with Kiran's timely intervention, hope surged through their hearts.

In the Special Training: Melee portion of the Training Tower, Dagr, Male Alear, and Veyle fought valiantly against a swarm of imaginary enemies. The battle had been fierce, but now only one enemy remained—a Lance Infantry, charging at Dagr with a Silver Lance poised to strike.

Dagr grinned, her eyes alight with excitement as she readied her axe, Skinfaxi. "Get behind me!" she commanded, her voice confident.

Male Alear and Veyle quickly obeyed, darting past Dagr to position themselves out of harm's way. As they moved, Veyle glanced at Male Alear, concern on her face. "I hope Dagr knows what she's doing," she murmured.

Male Alear gave her a reassuring nod. "Just watch," he replied, his eyes fixed on Dagr.

The Lance Infantry thrust forward, but Dagr was ready. She dodged the attack with a swift and powerful movement, the clang of metal ringing through the training hall. Seizing the moment, she swung Skinfaxi in a wide arc.

"Smash and bash!" Dagr declared, her voice echoing with fierce determination.

Her counterattack struck true, and the imaginary enemy disintegrated into motes of light, scattering and fading away. Dagr stood tall, her breathing steadying as she lowered Skinfaxi.

"What a workout," she said, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.

Male Alear stepped forward, admiration clear in his eyes. "Impressive as always, Dagr."

Veyle nodded in agreement, her earlier worry replaced with awe. "You handled that perfectly. I see why you wanted us to stay back."

Dagr chuckled, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow. "Always trust your instincts and your allies," she declared. "Together, there's nothing we can't handle."

The trio caught their breath with the last enemy vanquished, knowing their teamwork and strength had seen them through yet another trial.

As Veyle noticed that she and Male Alear were slightly further from Dagr, she turned to him, her curiosity piqued. "Let's head over to Dagr," she suggested, walking towards their companion.

As they approached, Veyle asked, "Dagr, do you have some ability to let your allies move further?"

Dagr looked up from adjusting Skinfaxi and nodded with a smile. "Yes, I do. Skinfaxi has a unique effect called 'Pathfinder.' It allows any ally near me to move faster than usual."

Veyle's eyes widened in recognition. "Kiran has 'Pathfinder' as his last name."

Dagr grinned broadly, clearly enjoying the memory. "I remember Kiran having a similar reaction when he discovered that his last name is the same as my ability."

Suddenly, Dagr began to glow with a bright white light. She looked at herself in surprise before glancing back at Male Alear and Veyle. "Speaking of Kiran, it seems he is summoning me," she remarked. "I can't help but answer his call, ya know?"

Male Alear stepped forward, concern and support in his eyes. "Be careful out there, Dagr."

Dagr nodded, her smile reassuring. "Don't worry, I'll be fine," she grinned. "I'll tell Kiran that you both are doing well."

With a final, confident nod, Dagr disappeared from the Training Tower in a burst of glowing motes, leaving Male Alear and Veyle standing together.

"There she goes," Veyle said, her admiration evident. "Dagr's always so confident."

Male Alear nodded in agreement. "And she's right," he said. "I hope she arrives to help Kiran out."

Back at Solm's Azure Coast, the clash between light and darkness continued as Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr defended Kiran Pathfinder from Curse Directive soldiers that were spawning around them.

As Kiran's light beam continued to clash against Ebony's dark beam, he felt a memory surfacing—an image of two familiar princesses from Jötunheimr.

"I'm going to be a GREAT queen. My reign is going to be a lot of fun for everyone!"

"Find a way...to be a great queen... I'm sure you will...be splendid."

During the battle, Baldraz, the spirit within the Breidablik, spoke urgently. "Kiran, two Heroes are attempting to summon themselves," he informed "Be ready for their arrival."

A knowing smile crossed Kiran's face. "I know who they are," he muttered under his breath.

Alear, standing nearby, overheard him. "Kiran, are you going to summon a Hero? Like you did against Evil Veyle?" she asked, her voice filled with hope.

As he answered Alear's question, Kiran's concentration never wavered as the beams of light and darkness continued to collide. He began to chant, his voice steady and clear.

"Gathering stars to call upon the two princesses that are akin to day and night!" Kiran chanted. "Become the path its light shines upon!"

The intensity of the colliding beams grew, casting a blinding light that seemed to pierce the very fabric of the battlefield. Ebony, hearing Kiran's chant, began to panic. "It can't be," she whispered, her confidence shaken. "You would dare… summon?!"

"Hero Summon!" Kiran's chant reached its crescendo. "I call forth Dagr and Nótt into the battlefield!"

The colliding beams of light and darkness dissipated in a spectacular explosion, prompting everyone nearby to shield their eyes from the intensity of the light emitted.

As the explosion faded away, and two figures began to materialize from within its radiance. As the forms became clear, who they were was evident—Dagr and Nótt, the twin princesses of Jötunheimr. The power of the summoning overwhelmed the dark beam, forcing Ebony to retreat a step.

Dagr, the day princess, emerged first, her presence radiant and powerful. "Kiran, it's been too long!" she called out, her voice filled with warmth. "It's me, Dagr, second of the twin princesses of Jötunheimr. Hope you're ready for a good time! Thanks for the invite, by the way!"

Nótt, the night princess, appeared beside her calmly and composedly. "I am Nótt, one of the princesses of Jötunheimr and a former queen candidate," she said, her eyes locking onto Ebony. "We sensed your need, Kiran, and we are here to assist."

Fjorm, her eyes wide with awe, turned to Kiran. "You did it," she said, her voice filled with admiration.

Seiðr nodded, her expression one of wonder. "A miracle has occurred on the battlefield," she added, her eyes fixed on the two princesses.

Alear, still holding her Libération sword at the ready, glanced at Kiran. "You mentioned Dagr and Nótt back at Lythos," she said, her voice filled with a mix of surprise and recognition. "This is the first time I've seen the Jötunheimr princesses being summoned."

Dagr, ever the radiant warrior, flashed a grin. "As much as I'm happy to see my sister summoned after her death years ago," she said, her tone both joyful and serious, "But, I kinda understand that we need to focus on taking down that gaunt-looking gal."

Nótt, her demeanor as calm and composed as the night, nodded in agreement. "Even if I have been summoned back from the dead, we must prioritize our mission," she said, her gaze steady and unwavering. "Ebony must be stopped."

Ebony, her confidence shaken but not broken, sneered at the new arrivals. "Do you think summoning two more Heroes will change your fate?" she taunted, her Örmt tome glowing with dark energy. "You are all destined to fall before me."

Kiran, feeling the strength of the twin princesses bolstering their side, stepped forward. "Dagr, Nótt, let's show her what we're capable of," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Dagr readied her axe, Skinfaxi, her eyes gleaming with fierce resolve. "With pleasure," she said, her grin widening. "It's time to smash and bash!"

Nótt, holding her lance, Hrímfaxi, positioned herself with graceful precision. "We will bring an end to this," she said, her voice as serene as the night.

Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr gathered around the newly summoned Heroes, their spirits renewed by the miraculous events. The battlefield crackled with anticipation as they prepared for the next assault.

Kiran, his confidence bolstered by the presence of Dagr and Nótt, called out to his comrades. "Everyone, let's go!" he declared. "With Dagr and Nótt by our side, we can turn the tide of this battle!"

With a united cry, the group charged forward, their hearts filled with unyielding determination. Ebony's forces, sensing the power shift, began to falter. The battle for Solm's Azure Coast raged on, but the victory seemed within reach with the light of hope and the strength of their bonds.
Chapter 22, Part 5
Back at the Curse Directive encampment, nestled between the icy reaches of Nifl and the fiery lands of Muspell, Angeyja stood with a pout on her face. She glanced at Shade, her older brother, who stood guard at the entrance to Ebony's tent. The sun had barely risen, casting long shadows across the encampment.

"Why won't you let me visit Ebony?" Angeyja asked, her voice a mixture of frustration and curiosity.

Shade sighed, his expression stoic but weary. "I'm under the Shadow Director's orders to stand guard here," he explained patiently. "No one is allowed inside without her permission."

Before Angeyja could respond, they heard a faint sound inside the tent—a cup of water falling to the ground. Shade immediately stepped inside, his senses alert. Angeyja was determined not to be left behind and followed closely.

Shade bent down to pick up the fallen cup inside the dimly lit tent. As he straightened, he noticed Angeyja standing just a few steps behind him. He frowned, his tone a mix of exasperation and concern. "Why did you follow me inside, Angeyja?" he asked.

Angeyja shrugged nonchalantly. "One way or another," she replied, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I'm going to get inside Ebony's tent anyway."

Shade sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You always were stubborn," he muttered, his frustration evident.

Angeyja's gaze wandered around the tent as she ignored her brother's suggestion. Her eyes fell upon Ebony's sleeping form, sprawled on a makeshift bed. Intrigued, she took a few steps closer.

Angeyja stood silently momentarily, staring at Ebony's motionless form on the bed. Finally, she broke the silence, her voice filled with curiosity. "Why is Ebony lying on the bed like that, Shade?"

"Shadow Director Ebony has used a black jewel to manifest a remote body in another world called Elyos," Shade explained sternly to Angeyja. "She transferred her soul into that remote body, causing her real body to fall into a deep sleep."

Angeyja's eyes widened with interest. "Aww," she declared with a hint of excitement. "I want to use a black jewel someday."

Shade looked at his younger sister, his expression softening slightly. "It's up to Shadow Director Ebony to decide if she wants to give you a black jewel to use," he said calmly, though the warning in his tone was unmistakable.

Angeyja frowned, her earlier excitement dampened by Shade's words. "I hope Ebony will come back," she said, her voice tinged with worry.

Shade placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Ebony's soul will surely return to her real body soon enough," he said with conviction. "We just need to trust in her and continue to follow her orders."

Angeyja nodded slowly, her gaze lingering on Ebony's sleeping form. "I guess you're right, Shade. I'll have to be patient."

Shade smiled slightly at his sister's determination. "That's the spirit, Angeyja," he nodded. "Let us return to our posts until Ebony wakes up."

As they resumed their positions outside the tent, the siblings shared a silent understanding. They would do whatever it took to support Ebony and their cause, no matter how long it took for her to return.

On Solm's Azure Coast beaches, tensions were at their peak as Alear, Kiran, and their allies faced off against Ebony and her Curse Directive minions. Dagr stepped forward, her Skinfaxi axe gleaming in the sun, and fixed her gaze on Ebony.

"Are you the one who ordered the theft of the blueprints back at Niðavellir?" Dagr demanded, her voice filled with righteous fury.

Ebony scoffed, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Yes, I did order the theft," she replied sarcastically. "And what of it?"

In response to Ebony's callous reply, Dagr pointed her Skinfaxi axe at Ebony, her eyes blazing with determination.

"As the living heir to Jötunheimr, Niðavellir is temporarily under my rule," Dagr declared at Ebony. "What you did was a grave crime to both Jötunheimr and Niðavellir."

Nótt, standing beside her sister, nodded in agreement. "Which is why I'm grateful Kiran summoned both of us," she said, calm but firm. "And I agree with Dagr. I won't simply let you get away with that heinous crime."

"And that's why, along with Kiran and his allies," Dagr grinned as she tightened her grip on her Skinfaxi Skinfaxi. "We will beat you senseless as punishment for your theft."

Ebony's expression darkened, her teeth gritting in anger. She snapped her fingers, and more Curse Directive soldiers spawned around her, their eyes glowing with malevolent energy. "If you want to take me down," Ebony snarled, "Bring it."

As more Curse Directive enemies spawned near Alear, Kiran, Fjorm, Seiðr, Dagr, and Nótt, Alear tightened her grip on her Libération sword, her eyes scanning the battlefield. She turned to Kiran, concern etched on her face.

"Kiran, what happened to Alfred and the others?" Alear asked, her voice steady despite the chaos.

Kiran quickly replied, his gaze never leaving the approaching enemies. "Alfred and our remaining allies are fighting off Elusians, Corrupted, and Curse Directive soldiers. They helped me reach here in time."

Fjorm, the Princess of Nifl, nodded thoughtfully. "That may be why Kiran is on his own," she said, her voice filled with understanding.

Seiðr, the Goddess of Vanaheimr, added, her tone confident, "With the twin princesses of Jötunheimr on our side, we now stand a chance against Ebony."

Kiran acknowledged their support but pointed out a significant concern. "The problem is that Ebony will use the minions she summoned to block the path towards her."

Dagr and Nótt exchanged determined glances and nodded in unison. Dagr, her voice filled with resolve, said to Kiran, "Don't forget that Nótt and I both have the Pathfinder ability."

"My sister and I can help open a path for you to reach Ebony," Nótt, with a slight smile on her lips, added. And Dagr can run faster than me."

As Alear saw the Curse Directive enemies charging at them, she readied her sword and said, "We need to be ready!"

Dagr gripped her Skinfaxi axe, her eyes blazing with determination. "Let's clear a path to Ebony together!"

Nótt, with a fierce look in her eyes, positioned herself beside her sister. "We'll carve a way through these minions."

Fjorm raised her lance, her Ice Mirror II shimmering in the light. "I'll provide support and protect us from Ebony's magic."

Seiðr brandished her staff and reared up her goat mount, ready to unleash powerful magic. "Let's not waste any time. We must strike swiftly and decisively."

Standing at the group's center, Kiran lifted his Breidablik, its glow radiating strength. "Everyone, move forward! We can do this!"

With a unified battle cry, they charged into the fray. Dagr and Nótt's Pathfinder abilities enabled their allies to move swiftly, precisely dodging attacks and cutting down Curse Directive minions.

On the other side of the battlefield, as Kiran, Alear, Fjorm, and Seiðr charged toward her while being aided by Dagr and Nótt's Pathfinder abilities, Ebony's eyes widened in realization, and she began to back away slowly, muttering under her breath.

"This can't be happening... I might lose this battle," Ebony said, her voice tinged with frustration. "But I won't go down without a fight!"

Using her Örmt tome, Ebony fired a barrage of dark orbs at the advancing group. Kiran swiftly countered, firing multiple magic blasts from his Breidablik to intercept the projectiles. Kiran's projectiles destroyed most of Ebony's dark orbs, but one slipped through.

Fjorm reacted quickly, her Ice Mirror II shimmering as it absorbed and deflected the dark orb. The mirror shattered, but Fjorm used the momentum to leap forward, her Leiptr lance poised for attack.

"Leiptr!" Fjorm declared. "Lance of Ice!"

Upon saying those words, Fjorm slashed at Ebony with her Leiptr, the blade biting into her flesh and causing her to flinch in pain.

"Agh!" Ebony cried out, stumbling back. Her eyes blazed with anger and desperation as she struggled to regain her composure.

Alear seized the opportunity, charging at Ebony with her Libération sword. She swung the blade with precision, aiming to end the battle. Ebony, however, managed to block the attack with her Örmt tome. Sparks flew as sword met tome, and Ebony sneered at Alear, but her confidence was short-lived.

Alear responded with a swift, unexpected kick to Ebony's face, sending her staggering backward. Ebony huffed in pain, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. She glared at her adversaries, her eyes filled with rage and despair.

"Damn you, Kiran, and your so-called Heroes," Ebony rumbled as she gritted her teeth. "I can't believe I'm losing to you all again."

Kiran tightened his grip on Breidablik, leveling his gaze at Ebony. "Your obsession with killing me won't bring you success, Ebony," he calmly said to her. "You're clinging to shallow goals."

Ebony's face twisted in rage, and she tried to conjure an orb of darkness from her Örmt. However, as she began to summon her dark magic, her perception of time and space started to warp and twist around her. Her eyes widened in shock and confusion.

Seiðr, glowing with an ethereal mix of teal and gold light, stepped forward. Her Future-Focused ability had activated, casting a serene but powerful aura around her. "Your rampage ends here, Ebony," Seiðr declared, her voice firm and unwavering.

"I agree with Seiðr," Kiran declared as he aimed the Breidablik at Ebony. "Why don't you return to where you came from and stay there for a while?"

Kiran aimed at Ebony, who was gathering magical energy at the tip of Breidablik. The air crackled with power as he prepared to fire. With a determined expression, he pulled the trigger, and a bolt of pure magical energy shot forth, hurtling toward Ebony.

Ebony could only watch in horror as the projectile closed in. The bolt struck her with a brilliant explosion of light and magic, engulfing her in its devastating force. Then, she felt her cursed body breaking apart as she let out a howling scream. When the explosion cleared, the battlefield was eerily quiet.

Alear stepped forward, her sword at the ready. "Is it over?" she asked, her voice tinged with cautious hope. "Has Ebony been defeated?"

Kiran holstered his Breidablik, his expression thoughtful but calm. "Ebony used a black jewel to manifest a remote body here in Elyos," he explained. "I've only destroyed that remote body. She will return another day."

Fjorm nodded, her grip on her Leiptr lance relaxing slightly. "Then we've only bought ourselves some time," she said. "We'll need to prepare for her return."

Seiðr's glow began to fade, but her determination remained strong. "And we will be ready," she said, her eyes meeting Kiran's. "Together, we can face whatever Ebony throws at us."

Dagr and Nótt moved to stand beside Kiran, their expressions mirroring their companions' resolve. "She won't catch us off guard again," Dagr said, her voice full of confidence.

Nótt nodded in agreement. "I agree," she replied. "Ebony has much to answer since she committed those crimes against Niðavellir."

Alear sheathed her Libération, a sense of relief washing over her. "Let's regroup and plan our next move," she said. "We have much to discuss and prepare for."

Kiran looked at his friends, feeling renewed hope and unity. "Thank you all," he said. "Together, we will stand strong against any threat."

Kiran turned around and saw Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Hortensia, Goldmary, Rosado, Timerra, and Fogado approaching.

Diamant, the crown prince of Brodia, spoke first, his voice steady despite the recent battle. "Alear, Kiran," he reported. "We've cleared the beach of most Curse Directive enemies."

"Aren't we all cute?" Rosado declared as he steadied his wyvern. "We managed to stand adorably victorious!"

As Diamant and Rosado finished speaking, Eirika, Ephraim, Innes, and L'Arachel arrived. Eirika, her demeanor calm yet assertive, addressed the group. "We've routed the Curse Directive enemies on our end as well," she said, relief evident in her tone.

Ephraim's voice resonated with confidence. He added, "The rest of the Curse Directive enemies crumbled to dust." He turned to Kiran, his expression thoughtful. "Do you think it has something to do with Ebony?"

Kiran pondered momentarily, his eyes narrowing as he considered the situation. "It might be," he muttered. "Since Ebony was the one who spawned the Curse Directive soldiers into the battlefield."

Alear, standing beside Kiran, nodded in agreement. "Ebony's threat is taken care of for the time being," she said, her voice carrying a sense of cautious optimism.

Kiran glanced at Alear and nodded. "In that, I agree," he replied, his tone firm. "But we need to stay vigilant. Ebony will return, and when she does, we must be ready."

Fjorm, still gripping her Leiptr lance, spoke up. "We have a moment of respite," she said. "Let's use this time to regroup and strengthen our defenses."

"We all did our part," Ivy stated as she fanned over her wyvern. "But, I think some Corrupted are still on the beach. We may have missed some of them during the battle."

"I agree with Ivy here," Timerra replied as she leaned slightly on her Silver Lance. "We gotta make sure that this area of Solm is free from any enemy whatsoever."

"I am with them," Emblem Eirika said as she and Emblem Ephraim manifested from Rosado's Emblem Ring. "It's a given since the Corrupted can spawn nearly anywhere."

"I agree," Emblem Ephraim affirmed. "My sister and I will help you defeat the remaining enemies here."

Seiðr nodded at Ivy, Timerra, Emblem Erika, and Emblem Ephraim, her eyes meeting Kiran's. "They may be right. In that case," she said. "I suggest we scour this beach for any remaining enemy forces."

"That's a good idea," Kiran pondered. "Fjorm, Seiðr… Go with Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Hortensia, Goldmary, Rosado, Timerra, and Fogado, and scour the Azure Coast for any Corrupted or Elusian enemies we may have missed."

As Fjorm, Seiðr. Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Hortensia, Goldmary, Rosado, Timerra, and Fogado ran off with Kiran's orders.

Kiran turned to address the group, his voice calm yet authoritative. "Eirika, Dagr, Nótt, Ephraim, Innes, L'Arachel," he began, "I need you all to return to the Kingdom of Askr and submit a battle report to Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna."

Dagr nodded, her expression resolute. "We'll deliver the report to them," she assured him, glancing at her sister. "You got it, Boss!"

Nótt sighed softly before speaking. "I wish I could return to my home realm," she said, a hint of sadness in her voice. "But I can't return to Jötunheimr since I've already passed on."

Dagr placed a reassuring hand on her sister's shoulder. "Well, sis… If you can't return to Jötunheimr, why not join the Order of Heroes?" she suggested with a smile. "We could use your strength."

Nótt shrugged, a faint smile tugging at her lips. "If you say so," she shrugged. "At least I'm back in the mortal realm, as long as my contract with Kiran holds."

Eirika stepped forward, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you for summoning us, Kiran," she said. "It's been an honor to fight alongside you."

Ephraim nodded in agreement. "If you need to summon us again, we won't hesitate to answer your call," he added firmly.

Kiran nodded back, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. "Thank you, all of you," he said.

With a final nod of understanding, Eirika, Dagr, Nótt, Ephraim, Innes, and L'Arachel began to shimmer. Motes of light surrounded them, their forms slowly dissolving as they returned to the Kingdom of Askr.

Kiran watched them disappear, feeling a sense of accomplishment mixed with the weight of the ongoing battle. Alear, standing beside him, placed a hand on his shoulder. "They'll deliver the report safely," she said, her voice reassuring.

Kiran nodded, taking a deep breath. "We still have a lot to do here," he replied, determination in his eyes.

As the last motes of light from his dismissed Heroes faded, Kiran turned his attention to Alfred and Celine, who were staring intently at the shoreline. An Elusian ship was sailing away, carrying Mauvier and Marni, who had retreated from the battle earlier. Their expressions were tense and filled with worry.

Alear, noticing their distress, approached Kiran. "I noticed earlier that Alfred and Celine weren't with Diamant and the others," she suggested. "Kiran, why not we check on them?"

"Sounds like a plan," Kiran replied as he nodded in agreement. "They look troubled."

With that goal in mind, Alear and Kiran approached the Firene siblings.

"Alfred? Celine?" Alear asked, concern evident in her voice. "What's wrong?"

Alfred, the crown prince of Firene, turned to them with a solemn nod. "Divine One... Kiran," he replied to Alear and Kiran, his voice heavy with worry. "The fleet of Elusian warships is heading towards the Kingdom of Firene."

Celine, his younger sister, nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with concern. "Mother is in danger," she added, her voice barely above a whisper. "If the warship fleet reaches Firene's coasts…"

Alear exchanged a glance with Kiran, unsure of what to say. She gave him a slight nod, signaling for him to speak.

Kiran stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Alfred's shoulder. "We'll do everything we can to protect Firene and your mother," he said firmly. "We have faced great challenges and will face this one together."

Alfred's eyes met Kiran's, a flicker of hope returning to them. "Thank you, Kiran," he said. "Knowing that we have your support means a lot."

Celine nodded, her expression softening slightly. "We'll need all the help we can get," she admitted. "The enemies are relentless."

Alear stepped closer, her presence radiating strength and confidence. "We'll gather our forces and defend the Kingdom of Firene after a few hours," she promised. "I promise to you two that your mother will be safe."

"Let's prepare for the battle ahead since we have a few hours to recuperate," Kiran nodded in agreement. "We won't let Sombron's forces succeed."

With renewed determination, the group turned their attention to the seas beyond the Azure Coast, ready to face the impending threat together. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but with their combined strength and unwavering resolve, they were prepared to protect Firene and all they held dear.

And there you go! This chapter marks the end of the most recent installment of Emblems and Heroes.

I want to thank everyone who offered advice in brainstorming this story from the bottom of my heart.

And here is a Stinger this time.

In the dimly lit tent of the Curse Directive encampment, Ebony woke up, her body drenched in sweat, a testament to the intense struggle she had just endured in Elyos. Her breathing was ragged, and she wiped her forehead with a trembling hand. The defeat at Kiran's hands had left her drained and vulnerable.

Suddenly, Shade and Angeyja burst into the tent. Shade carried a tankard of water, and his expression was one of urgent concern. "Ebony, you need to drink a lot of water," he said, thrusting the tankard toward her. "Inhabiting a cursed body is quite stressful."

Ebony snatched the tankard from Shade's hand, her grip shaky. She raised it to her lips and drank deeply, the cool water providing a brief respite from the oppressive heat and exhaustion.

Angeyja, her eyes wide with curiosity and concern, edged closer. "Ebony, I want to use a black jewel someday to help out the Curse Directive," she said, her voice eager and filled with determination.

Ebony paused, lowering the tankard. She studied Angeyja for a moment, her gaze penetrating. "I'll give you a black jewel when the time comes," she replied, her voice steady despite her fatigue.

Shade watched the interaction closely. "We should leave Ebony be," he said, his tone firm. "She needs to recuperate."

Angeyja pouted, her disappointment evident. "But I have more questions for her," she protested, looking up at her older brother.

Shade gave her a stern look, his patience wearing thin. "Shadow Director Ebony needs to rest," he reiterated, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Reluctantly, Angeyja nodded, her shoulders slumping. Shade gently but firmly guided her out of the tent, casting one last concerned glance back at Ebony before they left.

As Shade and Angeyja left her tent, Ebony sat on her bed, her thoughts swirling in a tumultuous storm. Her mind drifted back to the fierce clash of dark energies against Kiran on the Azure Coast, each moment replaying vividly.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her head, and she clutched it, wincing as an image of a skeletal-looking woman wielding a scythe flashed before her eyes.

"For a mere mortal, you have some defiance in you," The skeletal-looking woman said. "For that, I will spare you, but I shall erase who you are, and you will be reborn... in darkness!"

"Was that... a vision?" Ebony muttered, confusion and intrigue mingling in her voice. "Who is that woman?"

She shook her head, trying to clear the lingering image from her mind. Rising from the bed, she walked to the table where the two stolen Niðavellir blueprints lay.

She moved aside the blueprint detailing the Gullinbursti designs, her focus narrowing on the second blueprint. As she examined it, her eyes widened in realization. "This... this is a schematic to replicate the Breidablik," she whispered, her voice barely audible but laced with awe. "Eitri... She must have been more clever than I realize."

Her thoughts drifted briefly to Kiran's Breidablik, the weapon that had bested her remote body in Elyos. "Why am I thinking about the Breidablik?" she muttered, shaking her head again, trying to dispel the intrusive thoughts. The significance of the blueprint before her began to crystallize in her mind.

As she stared at the schematic, determination hardened her features. "I... may have some uses for this blueprint," Ebony declared, her voice firm and resolute. "After all, having my own Breidablik can bolster the Curse Directive's forces immensely."

Her eyes gleamed with a mixture of ambition and vindication. She knew that with this knowledge, she could turn the tide in her favor and perhaps even gain the upper hand against Kiran and his allies.

Thus, Ebony began formulating her plan with renewed purpose, meticulously considering every detail. Although her defeat at the Azure Coast was a setback, the stolen blueprints could catalyze her following scheme.

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 23: Hope Amid Ruinous Serenity - Part 1!

See you next time!
Chapter 23, Part 1
Welcome to the latest chapter of Emblems and Heroes!

The Fire Emblem franchise belongs to Intelligent Systems. I am writing this crossover only for the readers' fun, entertainment, and enjoyment.

Now, let us begin this chapter.

Amidst the deck of an Elusian warship sailing steadfastly towards the Kingdom of Firene, Zephia approached Evil Veyle, and the sun cast a golden hue upon their faces as they exchanged tense words.

As the leader of the Four Hounds, Zephia shared the intelligence gleaned from Mauvier and Marni's recent reconnaissance mission. "Lady Veyle," she revealed. "Reports indicate that the Ring of the Azure Twins has fallen into the possession of the Divine One and Kiran Pathfinder."

Evil Veyle's lips twisted into a cruel sneer. "It matters not," she dismissed with a wave. "Those two are bound for the Kingdom of Firene eventually. Stealing the Emblem Rings from them there holds great appeal, seeing how successful our previous endeavor was."

Zephia chuckled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Are you suggesting we try the same strategy again?" she asked playfully.

Evil Veyle responded with a confident smirk. "Stealing the Emblem Rings from under their noses is an enticing proposition," she replied. "But I doubt that such a plan would bear fruit again due to those two likely making countermeasures against such attempts."

Curiosity piqued, Zephia pressed further, "Is that so, Lady Veyle?" she queried, eager to hear her companion's thoughts. "And what alternative suggestions do you propose?"

Evil Veyle's response came swiftly, her voice filled with malice. "Zephia, I shall merely engulf their forces with an overwhelming horde of Corrupted beings and Elusians," she declared coldly. "And there's a certain… former king I've resurrected as a Corrupted creature who will prove instrumental in our upcoming battle."

Zephia's expression remained impassive, yet curiosity lingered within her eyes. "Sounds like an interesting strategy," she questioned. "Anything else, Lady Veyle?"

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Evil Veyle ordered, "Tell Griss, Marni, and Mauvier to ready themselves for our imminent arrival in Firene," she commanded. "I'll give them some of the Emblem Rings to bolster themselves."

As Zephia retreated from the warship's deck, Evil Veyle gazed out at the approaching shoreline of the Kingdom of Firene. Memories of her failure at the Destinea Cathedral resurfaced, fueling her burning desire for vengeance.

"One day, Alear and Kiran Pathfinder will pay dearly for eluding my grasp," Evil Veyle swore, her eyes narrowing with unbridled rage. "But for now, I shall vent my wrath upon the land they seek to protect – the Kingdom of Firene."

Emblems And Heroes

A Fire Emblem Heroes x Fire Emblem Engage Crossover

Chapter 23: Hope Amid Ruinous Serenity - Part 1!

Inside the grand Askr Castle in the Kingdom of Askr, Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna gathered around the table, engrossed in the recently submitted battle reports from Eirika, Ephraim, Innes, L'Arachel, Dagr, and Nótt. Their expressions were grave as Alfonse read through each account aloud.

Alfonse's brows knitted together as he reached the end of the last report. "According to this battle report," he announced solemnly. "Sombron's forces are marching towards the Kingdom of Firene via a fleet of warships."

Sharena looked up from her seat, her eyes widening in surprise. "Didn't we visit Firene when Kiran summoned us there?" she questioned.

Commander Anna nodded, vividly recalling the event. "Yes, we did, alongside Princess Veronica of Embla," she confirmed.

Alfonse nodded as he placed the battle report on a nearby table. "I agree," he added. "That was also the initial instance when Kiran called us to Elyos."

"Speaking of who," Sharena cheerfully wondered. "I wonder how is Veronica holding up these days?"

Just then, the heavy oak doors of Askr Castle swung open, revealing none other than Veronica, the Princess Rising of Embla, standing proudly at the entrance.

"Princess Veronica!" Commander Anna exclaimed. "We weren't expecting you here!"

Veronica smiled warmly, stepping forward to greet her friends. "Greetings, Alfonse, Sharena, and Commander Anna. It seems fate has brought us together once more," she remarked, her voice filled with determination.

Alfonse turned to Veronica, a smile playing across his lips. "Veronica," he greeted warmly. "Your timing could not have been better."

"Indeed, Alfonse," Veronica calmly agreed, her serene expression never wavering. "It seems so."

Sharena chimed in, her eyes shining with delight. "It's wonderful to see you again, Veronica!" she mentioned excitedly. "We were just discussing the details of Kiran's most recent victory at Elyos."

"Ah, yes, I overheard that," Veronica nodded as she replied. "There's a possibility that Kiran may call upon all four of us to join him in battle again."

Commander Anna interjected, "I agree with her," she explained pragmatically. "We'll be ready when Kiran needs our help."

Considering the situation, Alfonse suggested, "Perhaps it would be wise for you to remain here in Askr until then," he advised gently. "Kiran tends to summon at the most inconvenient times."

Agreeing with Alfonse, Veronica conceded, "I understand your concerns, Alfonse. However, I cannot resist the allure of the Aether Resort's Dining Hall," she admitted with a slight smile. "After all, I'm famished."

"Really?" Sharena replied to Veronica. "Are you planning on eating lunch with us?"

Gracefully, Veronica accepted the invitation. "Of course, Sharena," she decided, leading the group toward the Aether Resort's luxurious dining establishment. "Let us proceed to the dining hall and indulge ourselves before facing whatever challenges lie ahead."

With empty stomachs and high spirits, Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Veronica prepared themselves for a satisfying meal before embarking on their upcoming adventure.

Several hours later since the battle in the Azure Coast, Alear, Kiran, Fjorm, Seiðr, Alfred, and Celine emerged from a portal in a lush forest on the outskirts of Florra Mill Town in the Kingdom of Firene. The air was thick with anticipation as they stepped foot onto a previously visited territory.

Kiran surveyed their surroundings, his tone serious. "We've made it to the Kingdom of Firene, specifically in this forest close to Florra Mill Town," he informed Alfred and Celine.

Alear peered around cautiously, noting their immediate environment. "There don't seem to be any Elusian or Corrupted soldiers present at the moment," she observed.

Alfred's keen senses picked up on something troubling. "The enemy forces are probably making their way towards Firene Castle via Florra Port," he deduced grimly.

Celine's eyes widened as she spotted plumes of smoke billowing from the forest's edge. "This isn't good," she warned ominously.

"I concur, Princess Celine," Seiðr said as she gripped her eponymous staff tightly. "I have a dreadful feeling about this."

Fjorm's expression grew somber as she recognized the signs of destruction mirrored in the distant flames. "It's just like when the Kingdom of Muspell attacked the Kingdom of Nifl," she recalled mournfully.

Determined, Alear addressed her companions resolutely. "We must hurry to Florra Mill Town," she instructed decisively.

Without hesitation, the group quickly departed the forest, sprinting towards Florra Mill Town to assess the situation and prevent further damage. Time was of the essence, and their combined efforts would be crucial in turning the tide of battle.

Upon entering Florra Mill Town, Alear, Kiran, Fjorm, Seiðr, Alfred, and Celine were met with a heartrending sight. The once idyllic countryside village lay in ruins, its buildings reduced to charred remains, and the peaceful atmosphere replaced by chaos and despair.

Celine's face contorted with distress as she took in the devastating scene. "No, this can't be true," she murmured sorrowfully. "Florra Mill Town is…"

"Such devastation…" Seiðr lamented. "I have never witnessed such cruelty like this before."

Alfred clenched his fist, his emotions boiling over. "These people are simple farmers, not soldiers," he lamented. "They have loving families, homes, and dreams, to witness Florra Mill Town razed to ashes before our eyes…"

Compassionately, Alear placed a comforting hand on Alfred's shoulder. "Alfred, Celine… Stay strong," she urged softly. "Don't give in to despair. We can still save Firene."

Grim determination etched itself across Kiran's features as he scanned the wreckage. "The Elusian warships bringing the enemy forces into Firene must be stopped before everything crumbles," he resolved firmly.

"I couldn't agree more," Alear concurred, her resolve unwavering.

Then, the whole ground shook as the Elusian warships on the coasts began bombarding the battered town with fireballs from their cannons. The group narrowed their eyes on the Elusian warships, knowing those vessels would destroy what was remaining of the settlement if allowed to continue their assaults.

Suddenly, the Breidablik began to glow white, signifying that Baldraz was about to speak. "Kiran! Alear!" he warned. "I can sense Evil Veyle and the Four Hounds are nearby! Be on your guard!"

Startled, the group spun around to confront the new threat. Indeed, Evil Veyle, accompanied by her loyal followers Zephia, Griss, and Marni, strode menacingly towards them.

Zephia sneered at Alear and Kiran, feigning mockery. "Well, well, well, look who's graced us with their presence once more," she greeted sardonically. "Are you two impressed that we've managed to reforge Firene's cherished Florra Mill Town...with fire?"

"No," Alear replied, glaring at Zephia and Evil Veyle. "Kiran and I… are far from impressed."

Evil Veyle chuckled darkly behind her minions. "As you can see," she sarcastically confessed. "All of this... was my brilliant idea."

Alfred's furious gaze bore into Evil Veyle. "Why?" he demanded harshly. "Why did you do this?"

Evil Veyle responded nonchalantly with a dismissive wave. "Because I wanted to," she said flippantly. Her words hung heavily, leaving the group in shock and anger.

Celine's voice trembled with anger. "How despicable," she uttered disdainfully.

Rolling her eyes, Evil Veyle affected a saccharine sweetness. "Why, thank you for the compliment. But remember, as Sombron's daughter, I must make examples of his enemies," she declared coldly as she pointed her fingers at two particular people. "Starting with you two, Alear and Kiran Pathfinder!"

As Evil Veyle said those words, a sense of righteous anger unified the group, prompting Alear to grip her Libération sword tightly and Kiran to draw his Breidablik.

Evil Veyle let out a derisive chuckle, her eyes narrowing dangerously at Alear. "I will offer this ultimatum one last time – surrender the remaining Emblem Rings and Kiran Pathfinder," she threatened coolly. "And I'll swiftly end your pathetic lives."

Alear's steely gaze locked with Evil Veyle's, her voice firm and unyielding. "How many times must I tell you and Sombron that..." she retorted fiercely. "I will never surrender the Emblem Rings, nor shall I give Kiran to your grasp!"

Kiran stepped forward, his voice steady and determined. "Did you not learn anything during our encounter at Destinea Cathedral?" he asked pointedly. "Sombron will never, ever have my ability to summon Heroes. It is beyond his reach."

Alear continued, her conviction unshaken. "Evil Veyle, you are nothing more than a facsimile, a false copy of the genuine Veyle," she stated unequivocally. "Practically everyone in our army knows that fact."

Infuriated by their defiance, Evil Veyle's form began to twist and contort, black miasma seeping from her pores as her rage reached its breaking point.

Infuriated by Alear and Kiran's accusations, Evil Veyle snapped, "How dare you call me a fake!" she bellowed angrily.

Griss sneered maliciously at the part, "You two should have kept your mouths shut," he warned ominously. "Look at what you two have done with her."

Marni joined in, her voice dripping with venom. "Ha! I can't believe you two have truly enraged her," she threatened chillingly. "Now, she'll stop at nothing to kill you both."

Mauvier did not say anything; he slowly shook his head at Evil Veyle, knowing that what Alear and Kiran had said to her was entirely accurate.

As Evil Veyle continued leaking black miasma from her body, several Corrupted soldiers burst forth from the ground, surrounding Alear and Kiran's group.

"All of you," Evil Veyle commanded in a huff. "Retreat with me to the center of this burning town. These Corrupted soldiers will buy us some time."

As Evil Veyle and her Four Hounds walked away, Kiran saw Mauvier glancing back at him and Alear, signifying that Mauvier was still upholding the deal he had with him and Alear a few days ago.

"I can see that Mauvier still trusts us," Alear muttered to Kiran, her eyes intently on the incoming threat. "But, we must get ready to fight off the Corrupted. With Evil Veyle and the Four Hounds retreating to another place in town, that gives us a bit of a breathing room."

Kiran nodded solemnly, gripping the hilt of his Breidablik tightly. "Agreed. I think even Evil Veyle knows she can't just attack us directly without some plan," he vowed resolutely. "Anyway, let's take these Corrupted soldiers down."

Determination fueled the group's fight against the relentless horde of Corrupted soldiers; each blow struck with unwavering commitment and courage. Their bond, tested and proven, stood steadfast amidst the chaos and carnage.
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Chapter 23, Part 2
Back at the serene Aether Resort in the Kingdom of Askr, Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Veronica gathered at a cozy table, indulging in delicious hamburgers and refreshing supplemental drinks.

Veronica savored every bite of her meal, her eyes closed in delight. "The Aether Resort's food is exquisite, as always," she praised appreciatively between chews.

Commander Anna smiled warmly at her friend. "That's why Veronica insists on having lunch here whenever she visits," she remarked fondly.

Before Veronica could respond, their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Male Alear and Veyle, each bearing a steaming bowl of sweet curry.

Sharena welcomed them with open arms, her face lighting up with joy. "Hello, Male Alear and Veyle! Won't you please join us for lunch?" she invited cheerfully.

Male Alear politely smiled as he accepted Sharena's generous offer. "Thank you, Sharena. We would be delighted to join you," he replied.

Veyle also agreed, her expression friendly and relaxed. "Yes, I'm pleased to accept your invitation, Sharena," she added pleasantly.

And so, the six friends enjoyed their meal together, sharing stories, laughter, and camaraderie amidst the picturesque surroundings of the Aether Resort. At the tranquil Aether Resort table, Male Alear and Veyle sat among Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Veronica, enjoying their hearty meals and pleasant company.

Curious about their recent activities, Alfonse focused on Male Alear and Veyle. "What have you two been up to before joining us today?" he asked casually.

"Well," Male Alear replied. "Veyle and I just completed our training at the 'Special Training - Ranged' stratum of the Training Tower."

Sharena turned her attention to Veyle, her tone filled with concern and interest. "Oh yeah," she inquired gently. "Since Kiran summoned you as a Hero, how has your training in Askr progressed so far?"

Veyle offered a thoughtful response. "I think I've reached my full potential as a Hero," she assured confidently. "I feel prepared and eager to aid Kiran when he calls me back to Elyos."

Commander Anna interjected gravely, "There's a possibility that all of us might be needed by Kiran, given that Sombron's forces are approaching the shores of the Kingdom of Firene," she cautioned somberly.

Male Alear and Veyle fell momentarily quiet as they pondered the gravity of Commander Anna's revelation, focusing on the looming threat and the potential implications for their roles in the unfolding events.

Veyle leaned forward, furrowing her brow in concern. "Is it confirmed that Evil Veyle is leading the attacks on the Kingdom of Firene?" she anxiously asked Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Veronica.

Alfonse hesitated, his expression grave. "It's a distinct possibility," he admitted reluctantly. "Veronica said the same thing earlier."

Veronica nodded in agreement. "That's why we're taking advantage of this opportunity to refuel ourselves," she reasoned, gesturing towards her hamburger. "We want to ensure that we have the energy to lend our full support to Kiran when he summons us to Elyos."

Commander Anna grinned, her eyes twinkling with pride. "Kiran once told us that an army marches on its stomach," she recalled fondly. "So, let's finish our meals and prepare for whatever lies ahead."

Veyle looked down at her bowl of sweet curry, and her resolve strengthened. "Commander Anna's right," she concurred earnestly. "I couldn't possibly face my evil counterpart on an empty stomach."

Sharena clapped her hands together, her voice brimming with optimism. "Excellent! That means we should focus on finishing our lunches since Kiran may summon us today."

And so, the six Heroes continued to enjoy their meals, their spirits buoyed by the knowledge that they were united in their determination to stand alongside Kiran in his hour of need. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but they remained steadfast in their belief that, together, they could overcome any obstacle and restore peace to their realm.

Back at the Kingdom of Firene, Alear and Kiran fought off against the squadron of Corrupted soldiers spawned by Evil Veyle. Alear slew several Corrupted with her Libération while Kiran blasted the several Corrupted soldiers with shots from the Breidablik.

With Fjorm, Seiðr, Alfred, and Celine assisting, they managed to hold their ground, their combined efforts keeping the enemy forces at bay.

As the last corpse of a defeated Corrupted soldier disintegrated into dust underfoot, Alear took a deep breath and spoke triumphantly. "We did it," she declared. "We managed to take down those Corrupted soldiers that Evil Veyle sent after us."

Her words barely left her lips before Kiran chimed in, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "But the battle has only just begun, Alear," he affirmed. "Let's bring in most of our allies – we need every able body we can muster to turn the tide in our favor."

With determination etched onto her features, Alear nodded in agreement. "Opening a portal from Somniel is a sound strategy," she affirmed.

Kiran didn't waste a moment. He readied his Breidablik, pulling the trigger to release a powerful beam into the ground. The earth trembled beneath their feet as the portal opened, revealing the familiar faces of Diamant, Alcryst, Ivy, Hortensia, Timerra, and Fogado, along with their loyal retainers.

"Divine One! Kiran!" Diamant said as his voice boomed across the battlefield, his Fair-Fight Blade igniting with burning resolve. "We're here now, ready to fight alongside you two."

"W-we have to win," Alcryst muttered as he readied his Arcane Darkbow. "My retainers and I have to do our part."

"Hiya papaya! It's me, Yunaka, the mysterious wanderer!" Yunaka declared as she readied her Silver Daggers. "So that you know, I've been training extra hard lately. I'll show my prowess in this fight!"

"We'll make no mistakes," Ivy uttered as she steadied her wyvern, her Icebound Tome ready. "For the Divine Dragon and the Summoner!"

"It's me — the second princess of Elusia, Hortensia!" Hortensia said as she rode on her pegasus, gripping her Arcane Charmer tightly. "It's time to show my cuteness in battle!"

"Alright!" Timerra declared as she twirled her Killer Lance. "I'm gonna tear it up on the front lines again!"

"Talk about good timing!" Fogado said as he drew out his Killer Bow, his boundless enthusiasm infused newfound hope into their ranks. "Time to party!"

"I'm Seadall, famed dancer of Solm," Seadall calmly introduced himself. "It seems this battle was foretold, and I'm ready to assist."

Then, Alfred and Celine looked at the retainers that showed up, and both siblings were glad that their retainers were among the group.

"Nearly everyone's here," Alfred said as he and Celine looked at their retainers. "Even Boucheron, Etie…"

"I'm here now, Prince Alfred," Boucheron said. "I'm ready to fight alongside you once again."

"Yeah," Etie said as she readied her Protection Bow+. "This battle should be a fun workout!"

"Louis and Chloe," Celine spoke to her retainers. "It's been a while since we last fought together."

"It's been a while since I'm in a battle," Louis said to Celine. "But I'm glad I can fight alongside you, Princess Celine."

"How lovely," Chloe said as she readied her Dreaming Spear while riding her pegasus. "This battle will be picturesque!"

Amidst the wreckage of the fiery town in Elyos, Kiran's determined voice rang out through the chaos. "Alear, that's most of our allies accounted for," he proudly informed her.

Alear's expression remained focused, her eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of danger. "I sure hope so," she explained as she stared at a familiar figure at the center of the burning Florra Mill Town. "And there she is…"

Then the group spotted Evil Veyle, accompanied by the Four Hounds and with someone who was all too familiar to Ivy and Hortensia, standing confidently in the center of the burning town with an army of Elusian and Corrupted soldiers under her command. Ivy and Hortensia's gasps echoed throughout the battlefield as they recognized their long-lost father, King Hyacinth of Elusia, now twisted into a Corrupted form.

Evil Veyle sneered maliciously, taunting them mercilessly. "While you've been gathering your allies," she jeered at them, pointing her fingers to a familiar man beside her. "Let me introduce you to a special guest - Corrupted Hyacinth!"

"Ivy, Hortensia…" Hyacinth spoke, his body leaking dark miasma typical of a Corrupted. "And you two, Divine Dragon and Kiran Pathfinder. It's been some time, has it not?"

As she saw her deceased father revived as one of the vile Corrupted, Ivy's eyes widened in shock, her heart heavy with sorrow. "No...this cannot be," she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Hortensia's voice cracked with emotion as she stared at her father's tainted visage. "Father! No!" she lamented as she glared at Evil Veyle. "What have you done?"

Evil Veyle laughed wickedly, savoring their pain. "Oh, I promise you won't want to miss the spectacle of watching you both perish in despair as you fight your very own father!" she said as she handed an Emblem Ring to Corrupted Hyacinth.

"I was supposed to give you the Ring of the Lady of the Plains, but your daughter stole that ring last time," Evil Veyle said to Corrupted Hyacinth while glaring at Ivy. "Here, take the Ring of the Sage Lord instead."

"Yes…" Corrupted Hyacinth replied as he equipped the tainted Emblem Ring. "Lady Veyle…"

Ivy's anger flared, her eyes narrowing as she locked gazes with Evil Veyle. "You think you can manipulate us like that?" she declared. "You will face retribution, one way or another!"

Evil Veyle stared at Ivy, her eyes gleaming with malice as she taunted her. "Insult me as much as you want," she snarled at Ivy. "Reviving Hyacinth as a Corrupted was merely a small act of cruelty compared to what I have planned for you all!"

Kiran shook his head sadly, his eyes never leaving hers. "Reviving Hyacinth as a Corrupted," he responded in a tranquil tone. "You revel in cruelty, aren't you?"

The corners of Evil Veyle's mouth lifted into a sinister smile. "Of course. I am the Sombron's daughter, the instrument of his will," she goaded. "What are you planning to do about it, Kiran Pathfinder?"

Before anyone could react, Kiran raised his Breidablik, aiming it directly at Evil Veyle. His expression remained resolute. "You had to ask that, didn't you?" he replied. "Why don't I show you, Evil Veyle?"

Alear watched in silence, and her brows knitted together in worry. "Kiran," she urged quietly. "You're going to…"

Kiran glanced at her, a small smile playing on his lips. "I'm glad you asked that Alear," he replied, focusing intently on his weapon.

At the Aether Resort's Dining Hall, Male Alear and Veyle's smiles widened as they looked upon Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Veronica. A sense of camaraderie and friendship filled the air as they finished their lunch.

However, their moment of reunion was abruptly interrupted when an unexpected event unfolded before their eyes. A soft, ethereal light enveloped Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Veronica, causing them to glow with an otherworldly radiance.

"I can feel it," Alfonse declared, his words carrying a weight that demanded immediate action. "Kiran is calling us!"

"I agree with Alfonse," Sharena affirmed, her eyes gleaming with resolve. "We must rush to Kiran's aid."

"Based on how I can sense it," Veronica muttered. "I can feel Kiran's desperation as he is calling us."

"Then, we shouldn't keep him waiting," Commander Anna smiled. "We've eaten our lunches. So, let's go to Elyos, where Kiran needs us."

"Go on ahead," Male Alear said to the quartet. "If Kiran needs you four, by all means…"

"Yeah," Veyle smiled. "But, please be careful."

"We will," Sharena said as she winked at Male Alear and Veyle. "Who knows? Maybe Kiran will summon you two next! Just be ready for it!"

Then, Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, and Veronica vanished from the World of Zenith in motes of light, leaving Male Alear and Veyle sitting on the table. Their sudden disappearance left Male Alear and Veyle with mixed emotions, especially concern for their safety since they were going to be summoned by Kiran in a battle.

"There they go," Male Alear muttered. "I hope Kiran summons us back to Elyos."

"Have faith," Veyle replied. "Just as Sharena said, that may happen sooner than we think."

In that instant, eight orbs of various colors—four red, two blue, and two green—emanated from the Breidablik. Kiran began chanting, his voice rising above the din of battle.

"Gathering wishes that call upon the Heroes of Midgard and the Realm of Dreams!" Kiran solemnly chanted. "Become the path its light shines upon!"

"Do you think I'd allow you to summon your Heroes?!" Evil Veyle snarled as an orb of darkness manifested from her Obscurité. "I won't allow you!"

Aggravated by Kiran's display of power, Evil Veyle retaliated, firing an orb of pure darkness from her Obscurité tome toward him. But Fjorm quickly intervened, her Leiptr lance glowing brightly as her Ice Mirror II activated — an ice barrier formed around her, which intercepted Evil Veyle's attack. As the ice mirror shattered, Fjorm shielded Kiran from the attack with a determined cry.

"I won't let you harm Kiran!" Fjorm exclaimed, her voice ringing clear and valid amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

Undeterred by Fjorm blocking her first attack towards Kiran, Evil Veyle tried another attempt, but she felt her perception of time and space distorted.

"What…" Evil Veyle muttered as she felt her body's perception of time and space being momentarily distorted. "How?!"

Then, Evil Veyle noticed that one of Kiran's allies, a teal-haired woman riding a goat, was glowing teal and gold and was glaring at her, preventing Evil Veyle from conducting a second attack.

"I will not let you harm Kiran!" Seiðr said as her 'Future-Focused' power came into play to prevent Evil Veyle from targeting Kiran a second time.

With Fjorm and Seiðr defending him, Kiran completed his chant as the eight orbs he had summoned came to rest on the ground, his voice carrying over the tumultuous din of battle. Evil Veyle could do nothing but watch as Kiran successfully summoned his Heroes.

"Hero Summon!" Kiran finished his chant. "I bring Alfonse, Sharena, Commander Anna, Veronica, Peony, Mirabilis, Triandra, and Plumeria into the battlefield!"

True to his word, the orbs transformed into shimmering portals. One by one, the named Heroes emerged, landing gracefully on the battlefield. Their expressions ranged from surprise to determination as they surveyed the situation unfolding before them.

Alfonse stepped forward first, addressing Kiran with a firm yet friendly tone. "It seems what Veronica and Commander Anna said earlier was right," he acknowledged as he brandished his Fólkvangr. "We had expected you to call upon us."

"Alfonse is correct," Veronica calmly stated as she held her Enclosing Dark tome. "I am ready to assist in this battle."

"Yeah," Sharena exclaimed as she twirled her Fensalir lance. "We're ready to fight alongside you once again, Kiran!"

"I can say the same," Commander Anna replied, gripping her Nóatún axe tightly. "Let's give it everything we've got!"

Peony followed suit, and her voice filled with excitement. "Don't worry, Kiran!" she said as her Flower of Joy floated. "I'll use my powers over sweet dreams to assist in this battle!"

"Yawn…" Mirabilis muttered as her Flower of Ease floated beside her. "I'll use… my daydreams… to help whenever I… can."

"Let's have some fun, Kiran," Plumeria smirked mischievously as her Flower of Plenty floated beside her. "I'll make these foes uncomfortable with every lewd dream imaginable."

"Just say the word, Kiran," Triandra said as she held her Flower of Sorrow. "And I'll give the enemy nightmares they may never wake up from."

Kiran turned to each of his newly arrived allies, offering a grateful smile. "Thank you all for answering my summons," he expressed sincerely.

Evil Veyle sneered derisively, her confidence seemingly undeterred by the influx of reinforcements. In response, more Corrupted soldiers spawned from the ground and surrounded Alear and Kiran's group, bolstering Evil Veyle's already numerous army.

"It doesn't matter how many Heroes you summon once I obtain all twelve Emblem Rings," Evil Veyle jeered at Kiran. "Even with six Emblem Rings on each side, my forces will crush you all."

Undaunted, Kiran met her challenge head-on. "We'll see about that," he retorted firmly, his resolve unwavering as he prepared himself and his allies for the impending conflict. "Everyone, shall we begin this battle?"

"I agree, Kiran," Alear nodded as she readied her Libération. "We've got this!"

Thus, the battle in the Kingdom of Firene has begun. As the Elusian and Corrupted soldiers charged at Alear and Kiran's group, they had one goal: to reach the center of the burning town and confront Evil Veyle and Hyacinth.
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