Vote tally - Elysian Dream (Byzantium in the New World) (EU4 Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by UlseDovThur on Feb 24, 2019 at 5:22 PM, finished with 104 posts and 21 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Elysian Dream (Byzantium in the New World) (EU4 Quest)
Post #2714
Post #2817


  • [X]Plan Build Up
    -[X] [80 Diplomatic] While much of Elysia's wealth comes from cotton and the tobacco leaf, the value of furs should not be underestimated. At present this industry has lagged behind the others due to lack of interest in their expansion compared to the more lucrative and straightforward plantations, but we must be prepared to grasp all advantages in our ascent to dominance over trade in the New World.
    -[X] [110 Military] The square formation first pioneered by the Iberians and adopted as standard for pike and shot has proved its effectiveness on the battlefield, but the difficulty in manoeuvring the formation has become more and more of liability as opponents adapt to the weaknesses of the tactic. Splitting it into smaller and more mobile formations of the same type will reduce their protective quality, but is needed to preserve their strategic effectiveness.
    -[x] [60 Administrative] While the colonial bureau has been of great assistance to our expansion efforts, there is always room for improvement. They have been slow adopt new practices in response to the actions of the other colonizers, even if there are techniques or advantages in their methods. It's time to shake up the bureau and revitalise it with new blood. [Expansion Ideas]
    -[X] [100 Administrative] There is always room for tax reform, especially when it comes to poll taxes. Equally there are always projects that cost only time and effort that will improve conditions for the citizens and thus their health - public baths and aqueducts the most obvious among them. It can take a great deal of work on the part of the bureaucracy to put such plans into action, but the returns are worth it. (Increases development and tax income.) [Repeatable]
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Haudenosaunee (Arrange royal marriage for our heir, and prepare for war against Cahokia and its allies in the near future)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Vinland (Prepare for war against Cahokia and its allies in the near future)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Potawatomi (Request that they break alliances with Ottawa and Huron, and either become neutral or form an alliance with their co-religionists, Elysia and Haudenosaunee)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Karankawa (Request that they attack and weaken the Mexicans, but avoid conflict with the West Indies Castilian loyalists for now)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Pawnee and Chickasaw, without directly declaring war on Cahokia
    --[X]Also prepare for a war of conquest against the Ottawa IF they are no longer allied with the Potawatomi
    [X] Major decisions.
    [X] Plan: Box the Mexicans In
    -[X] [160 Administrative] It has been acknowledged and known for over a thousand years that iron is a superior metal to bronze and copper, yet utilising it to full potential has always been challenging. But hotter furnaces and new innovations in technique are beginning to make it easier and quicker to melt the ore and produce higher-quality metal. This is the first step to an age of steel, one long overdue.
    -[X] [80 Diplomatic] While much of Elysia's wealth comes from cotton and the tobacco leaf, the value of furs should not be underestimated. At present this industry has lagged behind the others due to lack of interest in their expansion compared to the more lucrative and straightforward plantations, but we must be prepared to grasp all advantages in our ascent to dominance over trade in the New World.
    -[X] [110 Military] The square formation first pioneered by the Iberians and adopted as standard for pike and shot has proved its effectiveness on the battlefield, but the difficulty in manoeuvring the formation has become more and more of liability as opponents adapt to the weaknesses of the tactic. Splitting it into smaller and more mobile formations of the same type will reduce their protective quality, but is needed to preserve their strategic effectiveness.
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Haudenosaunee (Arrange royal marriage for our heir, and prepare for war against Cahokia in the near future)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Vinland (Prepare for war against Cahokia in the near future)
    -[X] Send a diplomatic mission to Potawatomi (Request that they break alliances with Ottawa and Huron, and either become neutral or form an alliance with their co-religionists, Elysia and Haudenosaunee)
    -[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against the Lipan and the West Indies.