[X] Plan Steady Advances and Consolidation

So what's the cut off point for Patriarchal authority? 75? Because while I like their support I don't want to give them actual secular authority.

Are you thinking fight the Cherokee?
[X] Plan Expansion
-[X] Maintain the traditional exemptions. (+5 Patriarch Authority)
-[X] [100 Administrative] The great population boom is continuing as those who were born just after the Landing form families of their own. In addition to this, minor native tribes are beginning to if not integrate at least become a part of Elysian town life. With assistance from the census rolls and information from our
scouts we can offer families tax incentives to settle the frontier, bringing more territory under Elysian control. (+Global Settler Increase)
-[X] [50 Diplomatic] Trading with Vinland would no doubt be a boon to our economy, allowing our artisans and tradesmen to work with materials that are only found in the frozen north - as well as providing the same to Vinlandic traders who lack goods that are made easily in Elysia. The increase in production and exchange of valuable items will no doubt increase the
quantity of transactions and therefore the cut of the imperial treasury.
-[X] Prepare plans for a war of conquest against a native tribe.
-[X] [200 Hyperpyra/-60 Expenses] It is well past time that New Constantinople was fortified. Even a simple stone wall surrounding the polis and the fields would vastly improve both the defensibility of the area against raids and provide a line of defense in the event of an attempt on the city. Of
course maintenance is a factor required to keep those fortifications patrolled and in good repair.
-[X] [200 Hyperpyra] [-30
Hyperpyra Expenses] Building trade vessels answering directly to the administration would allow the prioritisation of trade. Building five light vessels capable of filling their holds with Vinlandic goods could significantly increase profits.

[X] Plan Steady Advances and Consolidation

Now that the native coalition is scuttled, it's time to expand north. I want to take Long Island before the Vinlanders start colonizing in earnest.
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[X] Plan Steady Advances and Consolidation

So what's the cut off point for Patriarchal authority? 75? Because while I like their support I don't want to give them actual secular authority.

Are you thinking fight the Cherokee?
70s is a good cut off point yeah.

Well lets see what our options are, Personally I want to eat the Ponca and Tutelo first. But we'll see.
[X] Plan Expansion

It's time to eat our neighbors before they Confederate again.

Edit: Aren't both plans the exact same thing?
[X] Plan Steady Advances and Consolidation

I like everything in this plan save for the settlers bit but I dont care enough to dissent.
Do we really want to go any further north, isn't the south much more attractive and also currently unoccupied?
[X]Plan Steady Advances and Consolidation

Changing my vote to show support for first come, first served :D.

So yeah, a hero general. The next turn we better see no more native civilizations on our borders.
A New World: Render Unto Caesar
This will be your second war. Unlike your first this will be of an inevitably wider scope, with multiple enemies to dispatch. There are a few options of whose territory to open to Elysian settlers. The compromise with the barbaroi councils after the conquest of the Tuscarora has shown that with autonomy even the barbaroi are unwilling to rebel for the power to eject Elysian settlers or prevent the extraction of natural resources. This will provide those resources and avenues for expansion, but most importantly it will remove threats to Elysia itself.

[ ] Lenape, Erie, and Monongehala. While the Lenape have failed to adapt to the times, and the Erie lag at least a decade behind the innovations of your subjects the Piscataway, the Monogehela are a larger tribe in direct contact with your subjects, and as a result of their larger size have a certain organisational bent that mirrors Elysia's doctrines - in a way. While your forces are supremely organised, the Monongehela have developed the art of the ambush to a fine art. This 'triple alliance' of tribes will result in two fronts - one in the north, and one in the west. All told you will likely be facing around ten thousand angry natives in two major groups, which will require splitting your own army to prevent them rampaging through the Elysian heartland.

[ ] Susquehannock, Tutelo, and Ponca. These three tribes have been more isolationist than not, and as a result Tutelo is completely unprepared to fight on terms with the Elysian army. Susquehannock is a little better, but attempting to catch up to the doctrines of Diogenes is not enough anymore. The true threat in the war will be Ponca, which has developed a surprising population after settling into a sedentary lifestyle. This small tribe can probably muster five to six thousand warriors, more than half the forces of Tutelo and Susquehannock combined. The north and west fronts will require splitting your forces, but you predict an easy victory. One might argue that this easy victory is exactly why they shouldn't be the target, but you can't argue with success.