Elemental Swordsman [A RWBY x Demon Slayer OC]
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A Hashira in a world with Grimms, Aura, and Semblances. Where will he fit?
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I. De Nobis Fabula Narratur
Manila, Philippines
About Us is the Story Told

"No, no! This... isn't... possible." A distorted, angry cry reverberates as the sun slowly rises in the distance. Muzan Kibutsuji, the First Demon, had the horrifying appearance of a gigantic unborn child that was having trouble staying upright as the sun's rays struck its unholy flesh.

"I will... win! I am... going to..." Muzan let out a final cry, his upper body still writhing in agony, and directed his hideous red eyes toward the person who had successfully removed both his heart and brain.

"Hi...ka...ru... Y-You..."

And just like that, the Demon King himself, Muzan Kibutsuji, the First Demon, died.

Tanjiro, Hikaru, the remnants of the Demon Slayer Corps, and a few other Kakushis who were present at the scene gazed at the last crumbling mess.

"Did we... just won?" Out loud, one of the Slayers enquired. He was followed by the slayers' own questions; they were crying with joy and shouting in victory, with a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

However, Hikaru wasn't happy at all. Gazing at the mound of ash where Muzan had perished, he felt as though his soul was empty.

They won, but at what cost?

The fact that he arrived late to the scene of Lady Tamayo's death, when she was defending the cure from Muzan, made him hate himself. He also detested himself for not making it to Obanai and Mitsuri, who were both engaged in combat with Muzan. His anger was immense, and so he decided to take matters into his own hands. With his superior breathing technique and adrenaline running through his veins. He successfully decapitated Nakime, sending then all back to the real world at the cost of his left eye.

Sanemi joins the battle alongside Gyomei, the strongest Hashira, and himself, the second strongest, and informs them of the circumstances while devising a scheme to discover Muzan's weakness. The altercation continued for an hour and a half until Tanjiro recently joined and told them what he had observed on Muzan's body.

Throughout his body were multiple hearts and brains.

The Slayers were somewhat demoralized by this, but Hikaru rallied them and helped them get ready for his next attack, which aims to remove some of Muzan's organs.

Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao join in, giving their team more strength for the grueling two hours before the sun would rise.

The six combined unleashed their full arsenal of skills, aiming far enough to prevent Muzan from being able to duck and escape. Hikaru, seeing this as a golden opportunity, braced himself by taking a stance and unleashing one of his powerful breathing form, destroying two hearts and a brain that greatly angered Muzan.

Muzan was furious about this and unleashed his tendrils in a frantic and disorganized way, catching the majority of the Demon Slayers at the ropes and simply knocking them all down.

There were only two people left on the scene: Hikaru and Kanao.

Hikaru encouraged her not to give up, even though she was appalled by this and had already taken a step back.

After giving him a brief look, still terrified but unrelenting, Kanao nodded in comprehension as she moved to stand behind the Light Hashira. Her unwavering will to fight despite her wounds surprised Hikaru a little.

With his left eye gone, his left arm slightly broken, and his right ear sliced, Hikaru mockingly smirked at the Demon King. After this, he told him, he is not going to win.​

"Nah, I'd win."

Tanjiro intervenes as Hikaru launches his attack, catching Muzan off guard. Using the strength of the Sun and Light Breathing, they both shine through Muzan and overpowered his darkness.

They battled fiercely and to the death, Teacher and Student working in perfect tandem to take aim at Muzan's internal organs. After Hikaru gives Tanjiro instructions to synchronize with him and Tanjiro tells him where they are, Muzan's organs have reduced to just his heart and brain, which severely weakens him.

Hikaru informed Tanjiro that they were winning and to keep attacking Muzan because the Demon had now been forced into a corner. Hikaru was unprepared for Muzan's cunning maneuver, though.

His neck and his surviving eye were both punctured by the concealed tendril.

Despite Tanjiro's concerns, Hikaru pushed himself to keep fighting and avoided passing out. A panicked Muzan was startled when he told him to keep fighting as the sun rose. When Hikaru realizes he must choose between life and death, a white halo appears above his head, revealing his Demon Slayer mark.
An image of a cross that crawls through his right neck and across his face.

As Hikaru's strength, speed, and vitality doubled, Muzan became even more terrified of his form.In the demon's eyes he'd appeared to have like feathered wings growing out of his back, and his Nichirin Sword had fully transformed into a holy, pure white weapon.

Awed, Tanjiro follows Hikaru as they began their attack against Muzan once more. A desperate Muzan chose to target Tanjiro first as he dodges Hikaru's barrage of blows with fifteen minutes to go before dawn. Upon noticing Inosuke and Zenitsu joining Tanjiro, Hikaru was taken aback. He fought alongside three of his students, whom he and the late Flame Hashira, Rengoku, had observed from the start.

Muzan found himself pushed into a corner by the beast, thunder, sun, and light itself, while Hikaru's well-placed kick propelled Muzan skyward. He ordered Tanjiro to launch his own attack as his last, causing damage to his throat and ruptured voice in the process.

When the sun rose, it did its job and obliterated what was left of Muzan's organs.

Muzan screeches from the top of his lungs in horror as the first ray of the sun scorched his arm. Muzan then points out that if he shrinks himself he'll burn away instantly thus in order for him to have a chance to survive he must protect himself with a body/mass of flesh.

Doing so, his body expands in all directions turning himself into a giant demonic infant. Coming to everyone's shock, the giant infant absorbs Tanjiro into its body and desperately tries to crawl around the building in order to get to the shade. Kiriya shouts and begs the Demon Slayer Corps to stop the Demon King from entering the shade.

With Hikaru's strength coming to an end, he can only watch and rely on his right ear to deliver sign language to some of the Kakushis arouns, telling them to block Muzan's path by using anything such as closets, cars, bookshelves, tables and other large objects.

Despite all their combined attacks on the Demon King, it does not stop the giant infant from burrowing into the ground. Tanjiro continues to grip his Nichirin Sword as hard as he can making its bright red color linger. From this, the infant regurgitates a lot of blood from its mouth, stopping it from digging any deeper into the ground. Being unable to escape the sun in anyway, the demonic infant wails and bawls as it continues to disintegrate. Thus the Demon Lord Muzan Kibutsuji himself is finally dead and defeated forever.

This led them to the present...

As Hikaru turns around, his face turns into a scowl and sensed a new demon staring at him. From his smell, his aura, and his movements, Hikaru raised his blade and faces his new adversary.

Tanjiro had became a demon...

Upon becoming a Demon, Tanjiro recovers from the poison that caused the growth on his face and regenerates his lost arm and eye. And with this new threat, even if he hesitates, Hikaru struggled to breath and attack Tanjiro.

The morphed Tanjiro sees him and goes to attack Inosuke Hashibira, who saved Giyu, only to be embraced by a panicking and saddened Nezuko. Nezuko tearfully begs her brother to stop so they can return back home, and Tanjiro manages to temporarily calm himself down after he unconsciously bites Nezuko's shoulder.

The screams of Nezuko was heard by Hikaru. Left with no other choice, he decided to face his student and tried to knock him out or to kill him.

However, as Hikaru lands several punches to Tanjiro in a plea, Tanjiro further evolves his demon form and grows bone appendages similar to Muzan's.

Nezuko continues to beg to Tanjiro to not lose himself to Muzan but he continues to mindlessly attack the Demon Slayer Corps, swinging one of his bone appendages towards Zenitsu.

This went for minutes until Kanao arrived.

She uses her left eye and approaches Tanjiro to inject him with the medicine, getting struck by one of Tanjiro's bone appendages in the process. Hikaru was stabbed by several bone appendages on his chest and legs, severing his movement and made his breathing worse. With Kanao's medicine and his friends pinning him down, Muzan fades from Tanjiro's subconscious, finally defeated for good.

However, time is running out for the Light Hashira...

Tanjiro later awakens surrounded by a tearful Nezuko and the rest of the Demon Slayer Corps, gleefully welcoming him back. But then he remembered his teacher, Hikaru, is seen resting behind the walls of a broken church. His horrid expression sent the others alarmed as well as they rushed over to Hikaru. Kakushis and other Demon Slayers tried to heal the Light Hashira. Hikaru shakes his head with a comfortable smile, quietly telling them not to. Instead, he pointed his finger at Tanjiro and his student gets what he's trying to say.​

"M-My bible... Get me my bible..."

Tanjiro had Hikaru's small bible, bloodied and some of the pages are missing, he gently gave it to his teacher who accepted it with happiness and content. In his final minutes, he glances at them and nodded his head, mouthing some phrases as he felt the light from his eyes fading.

Hikaru Shin, died, with a smile on his face.​

But, no...

Hikaru feels strange.

Undoubtedly, he senses his body drifting through the chasm. The sound of a single, quiet drop of water reverberates throughout the serene, dark limbo.

Until he heard a voice and sees something ahead.

But that is weird for simply because he was already blind from Muzan's attack.

The deep voice resonates througg the abyss as he spoke,​

"Hikaru, my child... I am with you, always."

Then, white collected him as he was pushed out from the void, waking himself up.​
II. Omne Initium Difficile Est
Every Beginning is Difficult

He thought he'd died.

Now, though...

He had not died.

Seated on a sandy beach, the former Light Hashira, Hikaru Shin, fixed his gaze intently on the rising sun that was visible across the blue ocean.

His expression alternates between confusion, anger, disappointment, and sadness at times, as if his mind is uncontrollably spinning its cogs and gears wildly.

He was supposed to be dead. Alongside them...

He had done what a Demon Slayer was supposed to do.

He had witnessed Muzan's death.

There is nothing but questions.

What brings him here? In excellent shape? How come he is still breathing How is he able to stand? How can he open his mouth with ease?

Such inquiries probed the depths of his mind, weighing each and every potential explanation.

That wouldn't matter anymore. Hikaru should give thanks to God for his survival, that is all he knows. He is grateful for his second chance at life, regardless of the reason behind it.

Resolving that pursuing answers will no longer be helpful, Hikaru slowly gets to his feet, having just begun to acclimate to his restored body. His haori quickly appeared to be fixed, as if nothing had happened to it. Tucked into its sheath around his waist was his Nichirin Blade. A square-shaped object was felt inside of his clothing just as he was about to take his first step. He took it out and grinned at the object.

That was his Bible.

He gave a brief nod of gratitude as he put it back inside of his clothing and starts to look around.

"All right. First things first, where am I?"

Merely listening to the waves lapping against the sands and rocks, while scanning the deserted shores. Hikaru pivoted and strolled along the coastline. Wondering anxiously if the people were speaking the same language as his or not, Hikaru hadn't seen a single soul for the last fifteen minutes.

That made him dejected, but just as he was about to give up, he happened to spot a rough road that leads away from the coast.

Hikaru follows the road for five minutes, trekking , and as the sun starts to show itself, Hikaru can feel the heat slowly touching his skin. But his patience paid off as he saw a small village at the end of the road.

"Civilization, finally." Hikaru laughed quietly.

Moving forward, Hikaru saw the name of the village.

"Sumire..." He uttered the name. "So, they are Japanese?"

Presuming he is correct, Hikaru secretly felt delighted to see those individuals. Thus, he advanced and came to a halt in front of the village entrance. He noticed an old man brandishing the tip of its spear.

Seeing this, he decided to conceal his blade out of consideration.

"Hello." He said in Japanese. "Lovely day, is it?"

With confusion, the elderly man's eyes narrowed at him. Hikaru understood this right away and knew...

'English, then?' He thought, 'Oh no.'

"I... Oh... Sorry..." The man was able to understand Hikaru despite his poor English. "I can... Understand... But slowly." Word for word, he spoke.

He paused for a moment and recalled himself.

"Could you please tell me where I am?" Hikaru went on with a straight English, albeit had a slight accent of Japanese.

The old man ceased brandishing his spear and laughed. "An explorer? My boy, you are in Sumire, within Vale."

Hikaru felt uneasy and was shocked by that statement.

"Vale?" He muttered in Japanese. "That's not Japan..."

He looked at the man and bowed a little. "I see. Thank you, sir."

The man waved his hand in dismissal, "Where are you from, young man?"

Hikaru stopped to consider. Firstly, he was aware that he was no longer in Japan and, worse still, that he was nowhere on Earth anymore. Secondly, this world could be exactly like his, complete with demons and all. Finally, there is the technology. Because he had observed that one of the guards was staring at a gadget he was using, and that there was a massive steel tower nearby.

"Not from this continent, but from another." He refused to give more information in secrecy. Fortunately for him, the elderly man refrained from pressing the issue.

"That sounds plausible. I have seen people from all walks of life taking their stop here in our village. Faunus or not."

The word caught Hikaru's attention. "Faunus?"

Eventually, the man raises his eyebrow at him. "Ya don't know? Faunus, people with animal-like traits." The old man explained.

By his words, Hikaru shuddered at the thought of people with animal features that made him to mutter something under his breath.

"By the Lord in Heaven... What hath come to this world?"

"Eh, don't 'cha worry now, boy. Faunus here are friendly, sometimes I envy them when they can hear, see, and smell better than us, humans." The old man shrugged. "Ah, where are ma manners." He stands up with a groan and stretches his back, offering Hikaru a hand to shake. "Name's Dell. Retired hunstman, currently town's Marshal and Lead Guard."

Hikaru shook Dell's hand and grinned. "My name is Hikaru Shin, and I am a swordsman." Dell arched an eyebrow at this, and eyed the weapon on his waist.

"A swordsman, you say?" As they withdrew their hands, he laughed. "How pretty good are ya with it?"

Hikaru gives his chin a quick scratch before revealing its sheath to Dell. "Very good at protecting myself from harm, I guess." Hikaru answers exuberantly.

As he quickly examined the sheath made of gold and white, Dell hummed. "If ya say so, boy. My boys might want a lil spar with that."

Hikaru lowered his head and laughed quietly. "I would gladly take upon the offer, Dell." He spoke as his automatic incorporation of Japanese honorifics almost happened.

"Hah!" He gave the boy a back pat. "Well, don't just stand 'ere! Come inside the village, look around if ya found somethin."

"Thank you, Dell."

"Do not worry, boy! You were also in time for breakfast! To commemorate the founding of the town, Mayor Teele is hosting a gathering this morning."

"Mayor Teele?" He can understand that a little.
"And... Festival?" When he asks this, Dell is talking next to him as he enters through the gates.

"Aye, The Sumire Festival. The day following the Great War, our village was established."

A knot formed in his throat, making him hesitate to inquire, "This... Great War. Could you elaborate on it for me?"

Dell looked ahead and remained silent for a short while before he finally gave in and sighed.

His face gave into seriousness as he starts his story.

"A long, long, time ago... There were four kingdoms. Mistral, Atlas, Vacuo, and Vale..."

Dell's storytelling finished almost exactly as they reached the town proper. People can be seen gathering at the center of the plaza, stalls of different kinds of food, and weapon shops.

Walking ahead, Hikaru asks Dell regarding the aftermath of the Faunus people. "You were saying that the Faunus were given a small island below Atlas as a reward for their participation during the war?"

Dell grimly nodded. "Sadly, yes. Discrimination after the war became rampant as people began to blame amomgst themselves and the Faunus kind."

"But, why them? Shouldn't they blame the people who are responsible behind it?"

"That argument won't work here, Hikaru." Dell coldly stated. "With the White Fang, there's no turning back of the hatred Humans have created on them. Beside, we have good Faunus people in our village."

"That is... quite sad." Hikaru commented.

After their conversation, Dell's expression shifted in a happy one as he took a step ahead. "Hikaru, welcome... to Sumire."

(8 Months After)

Hikaru felt happiness. A peaceful one he had since he died.

He was like a family inside the village. Dell and his wife, Elia Onyx happily accepted Hikaru in their home. He and the old couple exchanged stories as time goes by.

Hikaru learned a lot from this new world. The usage of Dust crystals, utilization of Aura and Semblances, the ugly relationship between Humans and Faunus, the four Kingdoms, the Great War, the Brother Gods, and most especially...

The Creatures of Grimm.

From what he learned, these creatures are the real enemies. They were originally created by the God of Darkness and are described as "creatures of destruction" that do not possess a soul, rendering them unable to use Aura. They are also drawn towards negative emotions such as jealously, grief, loneliness, hatred and fear; causing them to often congregate on the source of these emotions, attacking any and all Humans and Faunus they encounter on sight.

In short, Hikaru sees them as heretic demons.

Ranging from different kinds of unimaginable beings, tiny or a huge one, they are all the same for him. They do not posses emotions, they are monsters.

The first time he encountered those creatures when a group of Beowolves raided a small farm inside the town's territory. Dell, Hikaru, and a couple of local hunstmen fought the Grimms yet the former Demon Slayer refrained on not using his Breathing Techniques in order not to raise suspicion and to show the others that he's skilled on using his blade.

Months came by and they would regularly fight some of those wandering Grimms. Hikaru would secretly train his Breathing Techniques outside Sumire and from watchful eyes, by honing them more clearly. He also managed to learn Thunder Breathing's First Form and its Variants, he already had theories of the other Breathign Styles because the Light Breathing was the other main line aside Sun Breathing. For months, Hikaru learned Water Breathing, and by watching Tomioka and Old Man Urokodaki. Also, the likes of Flame Breathing from Rengoku, who happily challenged him after getting all of its forms, making his spine froze at the memory.

However, the hardest he had yet to learn was Sun Breathing itself. He knows that Light Breathing was the descendant of the first Breathing Technique and for him, he was still learning the first two Forms, and it annoyed him.

But for now, he is having a meeting with some of Sumire's finest Huntsmen, and a map of the town pinned on the wall, four black arrows directing to the village itself.

He was there, listening as Dell had an argument with Mayor Teele. She tried to explain that there is a huge amount of Grimms currently traveling and is about to make way to the village.

"Mayor, we cannot face that amount of Grimms! Think about the civilians!" Dell implied.

"Dell!" Mayor Teele snapped. "What do you want me to do?! Leave the village that you grew up and loved?!" Realizing that she had let her emotions took over, she slumped back to her chair and let out a deep sigh. "I am in a tight decision as well, Dell... You know that."

Dell understands the Mayor's anger and apologizes, "Forgive me for speaking such words, Mayor Teele. But your plan is suicidal. If we chose to face the Grimms head on, we might slow them down, but they will not stop and still would head towards the village."

"I know my plan will work, Dell." She stated and looked briefly at Hikaru, before she glanced back to the hunstmen. "Do not worry, the seven villages around us had gave us their support to fight the Grimms head on, too. Considering that their path will trample upon their villages most likely."

"Seven villages?! Doesthe Council knew about-"

"Probably. But they'll turn their eyes away from us just like those times..." She said with a frown. "Look, we can't depend the safety of our village to the Concil nor to Headmaster Ozpin's Beacon Academy, we are on our own. But we will try to ask their assistance in terms of evacuation."

Dell went silent as murmurs from the other huntsmen filled the room. Hikaru silently listened as they heard a horrifying roar outside. The whole room shook as the rest grabbed their weapons.

Mayor Teele looked at Dell and his group. "Dell, this is it. If we fail, our village will fall. But if we win..." She paused as her hands trembled. "May the Brother Gods guide us."

Countering that, Hikaru made a sign of the cross and muttered in Latin, "Deus nobiscum."

"Everyone, move out! Stella, lead me to the villagers we'll handle the evacuation!"

"Yes, ma'am!" Stella, Mayor Teel's aide, nodded and exited the room, with the Mayor following her from the back.

As the group of huntsmen geared themselves up, Dell approaches Hikaru and greets him with a pat on his shoulder. "Are you nervous, kid?"

"Not at least." He said with a calm nod. "I have seen much worse, Dell."

"Worse?" Dell said curiously.

Hikaru paused, his body shook a bit as he remembered the pain and their fight against Muzan. "It's... nothing."

Dell sighs, already seeing this kind of reaction from Hikaru, and refusing to tell him the story behind. "As you say, kid. But remember this, me and Elia considers you like our child. If you are ready, just tell us, alright? Everything."

He smiled and leaves the room. One by one, the huntsmen followed Dell, leaving Hikaru alone, deep in thought.

He was conflicted to tell the truth or not. Hikaru knows that he is an outsider in this world. He does not belong here. He died before for God's sake!

He remembered his family.

His friends.

His loved ones...

"Everyone, should I do it?" He muttered to the wind. "Do I have the guts to tell Dell and his wife the truth? I don't want them to hate me that I lied about my origins for almost nine months."

His thoughts were interrupted as another roar shook the ground. "I guess I'll do it after we defeat those heretics."

A/N: This is an import story of mine from SB and Wattpad, although altered a bit in terms of grammatical and understanding. I understand that my previous story was forgotten because of some... personal reasons.

Anyways, cheers!
III. Dies Irae
Day of Wrath

As Hikaru followed Dell outside the Town Hall, he saw that people were leaving quickly and in a well-organized fashion.

Hikaru made some observations about the situation after seeing their belongings packed and some of the flying machines land on the level grassy plains.

A mass flight of birds flew past them making them more uncomfortable for the problem ahead.

"This is really bad." Dell remarked. "C'mon, boy. Follow me to the ridge." Dell said to the Demon Slayer as he unfurled his rifle-spear named, "Unbroken", behind his back.

There are twenty-eight more huntsmen and huntresses waiting for Dell as they approach the edge. As they saw their leader, they readied themselves, and a few of them nodded, signaling that they were prepared to hold off the Grimm.

"I see that beneath those toughened expressions on your faces are expressions of fear, hesitation, and worry." Dell got right into his speech. "I am aware of my own fear. However, we have to get rid of those ideas because the Grimm will become more powerful against you because of them."

Hearing that, a few straightened up. Dell went on, "Now is the time! It is up to us to save the village! It is something we must do. We are going to do this! Huntsmen of Sumire, are you with me?"

Few people cheered. Yet Dell raised his voice even further. "I say again, HUNTSMEN OF SUMIRE, ARE YOU WITH ME?!"

"YEAHH!" All of them roared in response.

"For our village! Defeat the Grimms!"

"Defeat the Grimms!"

Exactly as they said that, the ground trembled. All of the defenders stopped their cheering as they turned around.

"I see something through the treeline." Hikaru pointed out as Dell squints his eyes.


The trees rattled as some of the tall ones fell. A giant Megoliath raised its tusks and destroyed any small bushes and trees that are blocking its way. Above them were a flock of Ravages, couple of Teryx, and a dozen of Razorwing circled the lone Megoliath.

Behind the Megoliath are the combined horde of Ursas, buzzing Lancers, Death Stalkers, and a single Centinel marched their way behind the Megoliath's way.

Hikaru snarled at the enemy's strength while Dell's face paled.

"Dell, is that all of them?" Hikaru asks through the silence. Dell did not answer and stared at the Grimm horde.

"Might be. Or they are just the spearhead of the main horde."

"Then we must act. Hit them now before they could reach this ridge." Hikaru stated, Dell's face went back to reality as he nodded at the boy.

"Stopping their advance would work." Dell muttered, then he turned and face some of the huntsmen. "Cole, Topaz, you are the fastest amongst us, find us an exit point if we got overrun by the Grimm."

Cole and Topaz nodded, jumping down as Dell turns next to the other hunstmen near him. "Piña, Quartz, lead some of the men down there and divert the Megoliath away from its original route by my signal. We will strike first the flying Grimms and then the others. Understood?"

Piña and Quartz nodded as they used their weapons to sprang up, jumping down to the forest right after.

Dell finally glanced at Hikaru. "As for you, kid..." He smiled. "I know you have those fancy moves of yours." Hikaru was shocked to hear that from Dell, wondering how did he know his secret. "It is up for you to use it or not. But tonight is the right time."

Dell used his spear and vaulted down to the forest, leaving Hikaru left wondering.

Minutes have passed as they all took their positions. The broken moon was their only hope, lightening the night sky. Hikaru, Dell and some of the huntsmen hid above the branches, waiting for the signal. Next to him was a leopard Faunus, using her ears to listen for any noises. Hikaru wasn't bothered by this and used his enhanced hearing as well, thanks to his Total Breathing Concentration.

"Iris, hear anything?" Hikaru asks the leopard. She growls and shakes her head.

"Nothing. Not even a single shot from Cole and Topaz's team just yet."

"I thought Dell gave the signal for them to attack first?" Hikaru wondered what's wrong.

"That's the problem. They haven't." Iris implied.


A bloodcurling scream interrupted their conversation as Hikaru hears Iris cursing under her breath. She stands up and looked at Hikaru with a worried expression. "This is bad..."

"What, what is it?"

"That scream... It's from Topaz." Iris revealed.

"God..." Hikaru muttered.

"We have to go, now!" Iris ordered as she jumped away from the branch. Hikaru trailed behind her as they reached Dell after a minute.

"Iris? We've heard the scream." Dell stated, gritting his teeth. "It seems that Topaz and Cole's location are compromised."

"What we gonna do?" Iris asks, some hunstmen started to mutter within themselves.

A screech cut them off and all of a sudden, Hikaru's senses flared, his eyes widening at the incoming threat.

"Everyone, duck!" He yelled as a Grimm Lancer dove toward them, and a stinger from it pierced one of the unaware huntress through the neck, immediately killing her.

"Scatter! Now!" Dell yelled as the others did what they need to do. The huntsmen started to dodge and defend themselves for the meantime.

Hikaru sommersaults up front and dodged some of the Grimm Lancer's flying stingers. Unsheating his Nichirin Sword, he parried an incoming Razorwing's claw and twisted his body before delivering his own slice at its leg, causing it to shriek in pain.

Taking a soft landing, Hikaru sees more Razorwing diving and aiming for the two huntsmen that are fighting a lone Death Stalker, unaware of the danger behind them.

Hikaru took his right feet backwards and bended his knee. In a stance, Hikaru breathes deep and uttered his words.

" Be exalted, O God, above the Heavens, and let Your glory be over all the earth. Give victory with Your right hand, and answer me, so that those whom You love may be rescued. "

Hikaru's legs started to incorporate yellow lightning as he took another breathe.​

" Through You, we push back our enemies; through Your Name, we trample our foes. I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but You give us victory over our enemies, You put our adversaries to shame. "

Wind swirls beneath his feet, lightning crackled and dances around his sword as he clenched it tightly.​

"Thunder Breathing: First Form..."

And as he opens his eyes, he disappeared in a bolt of lightning.

"Thunderclap and Flash!"

In a single second, a bolt of lightning strafed through the flock or Razorwing, cutting them in halves as the two hunstmen gaped at the scene of Hikaru's attack.

Months before he arrived in this world, he had learned that using his Breathing Styles was more visualized and incorporates elements of nature rather than before that made his eyes go wide and question himself. For example, using Water Breathing makes his blade emits streaks of water, Light Breathing causes him to disappear in a flash of light, and so on.

Back to the fight, he noticed more Razorwings, they turned their attention at the Demon Slayer and charged ahead. Hikaru sees this and tightened his body, crouching in mid-air as he took another deep breath.

"Thunderclap and Flash..."

The wind around him spun wildly as the trees in the vicinity slightly bended away.

And as the thunder roars, Hikaru leaned and dashed.


With Hikaru using Thunderclap and Flash in six consecutive times. His path of destruction swerved in six directions, eradicating the Razorwings into crisp.

Landing in a spin, Hikaru skids to stop his advance and turned to check the two huntsmen.

"Are you okay?" He asked. The two stunned huntsmen had their jaws hanging on what he did to the Razorwings. Seeing that they're still frozen shut, Hikaru sighed. "Uhh... Alright? Good talk, see you around."

He left them and leaped to the other direction, hoping to help the others and to end the Grimm assault for good.

4 hours had passed and it felt like eternity for Dell and his tired group of huntsmen. Iris and some seriously wounded had retreated from the fight. Inch by inch, the Grimms are pushing them back towards the ridge. Still, the reinforcements from the other villages didn't helped that much as they were still overpowered by the Grimms.

Dell had one of his eyes closed due to an Ursa nearly clawing it. Cole and Topaz were already dead since the beginning of the attack, Piña was feasted by a group of Ravagers, gnashing her insides. Quartz is currently leading the second line of defence while Hikaru...

The young boy he had met since then...

Words from the other huntsman that he saved earlier told Dell about his lightning-speed 'semblance', his acts of heroism and expertise on killing stood a chance against Grimms. Whether that is a Ravager, a Lancer, or an Ursa. All perished to his sword.

Dell smiled at the words, already knowing Hikaru's secret of trekking outside of the village during the night as he trains his swordsmanship and his attacks that made Dell curious.

Yet he doesn't want himself to made the first move to speak about it. He wishes Hikaru to tell the truth, however, staring at the young boy's eyes speaks a different story.

A story of pure, agomizing pain and sadness...

Dell hoped for Hikaru to open this up in the future, but it seems that won't do much either.

"Dell!" His aide, Jade the Mantis Faunus, yelled. "We've been cut off!" She shouted as she used her boomerang blade to slice an arm of an Ursa.

"Where's the Megoliath?! Surely it didn't made its pass yet?!" He inquired.

"Not yet." Jade replied, dodging a Lancer's stinger as she twirl mid-air. "But the Ravagers and Lancers are the biggest pain in our asses right now!"

"Just don't let them get through the ridge! Tighten your defences people!" He ordered as they retreated further to the entry of the pass.

Fighting for another thirty-five minutes, Dell's remaining huntsmen group of ten fortified themselves at the very opening. Dead Grimms dropped under their feet as he soon noticed Hikaru's absence.

"Jade, do you see Hikaru?" He asked the Faunus.

"No! Haven't seen him yet after our retreat!"

Dell's heart sank at the news. The news of the poor boy he considered as his own son was now missing and absent in the defence. With this, he was caught off-guard when a Centinel managed to slip past through them and punctured his chest, completely piercing his Aura.


With a spat of blood, Dell braces and grits his teeth as he twirled his spear and changed it into gun mode, he aims the gun behind and pulled the trigger, hitting the Centinel right through its face. It retreated its tip and shrieked as it dug itself back to the soil.

"Dell!" Jade yelled but when she was about to approach the old man, another Grimm jumped and swung its tail at an unaware Jade, sending her crashing through the rocky cliff. As she was stuck there, a group of Ravagers flew to her and clawed her continually, biting her face as her Aura depletes into zero, killing her at the process.

Struggling to stand up, Dell's vision went blurry as he scanned the battlefield around him. One by one, the huntsmen he'd rallied before are either dead or falling to the might of the Grimm horde. He finally took his time to stand up, holding his spear as a crutch and steadied himself.

As he lifted his head, his face shifted in horror as the terrifying Grimm stared at him, cold red eyes waiting for him to say something. The thin bodied Grimm who rides on a horse, picked up its lance from its back and waited.

The Nuckelavee stares at him, like the picture of Death himself.

"C-Come... and get me..." He snarled, rage building inside of him as the Grimm's eyes glowed in murder. "You Creatures of Grimms!"

The Nuckelavee screeched in response as it raised its weapon, aiming to pierce Dell from top to bottom. But as it was about to strike its lance down, a single bolt of lightning passed through him and the Grimm, causing it to stop its attack.

Then, Dell heard a familiar voice uttering a word.


"To Godspeed!"

The lone bolt of lighting became a giant spear of thunder as it blitzed through the Nuckelavee's horse and through it. The Grimms that were unlucky enough to be at the back of the Grimm were sliced and turned into crisps.

"H-Hikaru...?" Dell's hopes lit up as the thunder continues to roar around, decimating Grimms in his path.

A storm approached, and it was Hikaru.

Dell watches as Hikaru stopped mid-air and numerous flying Grimms surrounded him and starts their advance.

However, as Dell was about to warn Hikaru, the former Hashira prepared his stance, aiming to turn around for a spin.

"Vertical Water Wheel!

The water from Hikaru's sword spun like a saw and the poor Grimms who decided to charge were sliced vertically in half. The rest hesitated and were stunned for a bit. Hikaru took this opportunity to strike and changed his stance in a new one, his blade raised high in a downward slash.

"Light Breathing: Ninth Form - Negating Light!"

A single downward slash created eight curved slashes as it traveled around Hikaru, creating a negative light of slashes as it chased the retreating Grimms up in the air, killing them instantly.

Hikaru then spotted a mortally wounded Dell and his face went horrid.

"DELL! NO!" He cried out as he rushed back to the huntsman and carried him away from the still stunned Nuckelavee.

"Kid... Y-You don't have to carry me..." Dell weakly said as he can feel his consciousness diminishly fading. Sensing this, Hikaru lands on one part of a cliff and observed Dell's wounded condition.

"I-I can fix you! P-Please hold on! I-If I could c-carry you back to Sumire village, then-!"

Dell raised his bloodied hand, weakened and catching his breath, he gave Hikaru his most tearful smile and ruffled Hikaru's golden-black hair. "I know the truth, H-Hikaru... It is nice to know that there we are not alone in this world after all." Dell revealed.

Hikaru was taken aback by this and has his gaped expression. "Y-You already knew...?"

Dell weakly chuckled as he coughed a small amount of blood. "You're sneaking out of the village every midnight...? Kid... I am a former huntsman, you know?"

Hikaru's tears starts to fall as he let his emotion out for the first time since he got here. "I-I am sorry t-that I l-lied to you... I am very... s-sorry."

"You don't have to. Me and Elia had already treated you as our own. She was unable to have a child before... But then, you came."

Hikaru shook his head as tears flooded his eyes. Refusing to accept this reality. For once, he shed his tears when his parents died, second is when Rengoku was killed during the Mugen Train mission, in which he arrived late at the scene.

Third is...

"No, no, no, please... I don't want to lose you, too..." He said as he held Dell's old hands tightly. "For almost nine months, I learned everything in this new world since I woke up. Teaching me your language, the technology, all of it! Why?!" Hikaru cried out in pain and sadness.

"S-Sorry, kid..." Dell's consciousness from his eyes are alresdy fading. "It's all up to you now, I know you can... do... it."

And with that, Dell Obsidian died in his wounds.

For the second time, Hikaru felt emptiness...

Death turned to silence.

Silence turned to sadness.

Sadness turned to Grief.

And gried turned to rage.

Rage became wrath.

Clenching his teeth so tightly with his bloodshot eyes, Hikaru snapped his head towards the approaching Megoliath, murderous eyes drilling at the Grimm Mammoth, he hissed and steam came out from his mouth.

"Light Breathing: Eight Form - God's Wrath..."

A distorting vacuum-like sound shattered the Megoliath's skull. It was a tiny, cocentrated beam of light pierced the Grimm in a second.

Leaving no chance for the heretics. Hikaru breathed once more deeply and prepared his leap, blade on a stance as he uttered,

"Light Breathing: Third Form - Shooting Stars of Never-Ending Trail!"

Three straight strikes, creating a luminar triangle was unleashed towards the Grimms and decimated the little ones while the Nuckelavee had enough and starts its retreat.

"I won't let you get away, demon."

As he jumped up high, it created cracks in its aftermath. Up high, the veins in his forehead bulges and he felt his legs already getting weaker, so he decided to finish this in three consecutive Breathing Techniques.

Rapidly breathing, his heart pumped more blood as he had adrenaline surging through his veins. Raising sword high like a bat, he uttered,

"Water Breathing: Tenth Form - Constant Flux!"

Striking continously while evading the retreating Nuckelavee's extended arms, Hikaru uttered another form,

"Flame Breathing: Fifth Form - Flame Tiger!"

He dashed forth towards the Nuckelavee's legs and the flames from his sword sliced the front in pieces, however, Hikaru wasn't finished yet.

He moved again above the Nuckelavee's face, and he was an inch away from the stunned expression of the Grimm. He hissed as flame and lightning coursed through his body, slightly making burnt holes in his haori.

"Thunder Breathing: Flaming Thunder God!"

And in a split second, the Nuckelavee's tough body was destroyed as Hikaru drilled a hole through the Grimm, a figure of a flaming thunder dragon followed behind his thrust.

The Grimm, shrieked in pain as it slowly disappeared in pieces. With his last remaining strength, Hikaru's legs felt numb. He limped and turned aroundz only to see nobody, except the corpse of the Nuckelavee hanging tall, slowly disintegrating as a flaming hole can be seen on its body.

"Gahk-!" He puked a large amount of blood as he crashed on the burnt grass, coughing desperately to lessen the blood that is drowning his lungs. Gasping for air, he couldn't collect air from his mouth and tried on his nose, it helped a little as Hikaru crawled away from the mess he made.

"Need... to.... get... away..." He said to himself repeatedly until he felt a foot on his hand. Slowly lifting his head with his blurred eyesight, Hikaru passed out.

Qrow Branwen noticed a roar of thunder from the distance as he and Vale's huntsmen arrived at the village of Sumire. The town was already empty when Glynda Goodwitch, Headmaster Ozpin's right hand at Beacon Academy shows up.

"What was that? Thunder in this clear sky?" Glynda wondered. "Something's wrong and you know what to do, Qrow."

Obviously, Qrow rolled his eyes and took a swig on his flask. "Yeah, yeah. I know..."

He then morphed in his bird form and flew towards the area.

But as he arrived there, he was in shock to see nobody. Grimms were nonexistent, burnt trees and ruptured ground painted the scene as Qrow scanned the area. He then pulled his scroll out and called Ozpin.

"Hey, Oz. I'm in the outskirts of the pass. You seeing this?" He said as he took a video of the area.

A holograpic image of Professor Ozpin appeared on hid left and his face went sour. "Grimm?"

Qrow shook his head, "Not likely. I do not know a certain specie of Grimm that can do this kind of damage..."

"Investigate around the area, Qrow. I am sure something or someone did this as Glynda reported no sign of Grimm activites as well on the other areas around there."

"No what-?" Qrow wondered. "Alright, I'll do it."

He went further into the undamaged part of the forest as he heard moaning somewhere. Qrow stopped and pulled his weapon, only to hear the same moan again. Snapping his head on that direction, Qrow walked until he finally spotted a young man wearing an odd clothing, crawling on the ground as he used his hands to move forward.

Raising his scroll to his ear, Qrow stared at the child in shock as the child stared at him in response before passing out.

"Oz, I think we found our culprit."
IV. Lux in Tenebris Lucet
The Light that Shines in the Darkness

He thought he died, again.

No, he did not...

He remembered Dell's dying face, the Grimms.

Then there's the thunder.

He screamed as his eyes snapped open, taking in air through his nostrils. With his abnormal breathing, he immediately noticed the unfamiliar room he's at.

"Where...?" He paused as he sensed someone was sitting not far from his bed. Snapping his head to the unknown individual, he waited for him to say something.

"Calm down, young man." The reassuring voice spoke to him. He was sitting on a chair with a cane resting beside him. "A week ago, we noticed you unconscious near the forest. You should get more rest."

Uncertain of the man's intentions, Hikaru narrowed his eyes at the silver-haired man. "Where am I?" He asked for an explanation.

The man gets up from where he was sitting in the shadows and moves forward to show his face. "You are in the medical area of Beacon Academy, Mr. Shin."

Hikaru recognized the man, and his eyes grew wide. "H-Headmaster Ozpin of Beacon?

On his way to Hikaru's bed, Ozpin gave a nod of agreement. "Indeed I am. After the Defence of Paschendale, Qrow was the one who discovered you unconscious in the forest."

At the name, Hikaru cocks an eyebrow. "Paschendale?"

Ozpin was shocked to learn that the young man was unaware of Dell's real identity. "Dell Obsidian withheld his real story from you?" Ozpin shook his head at the thought and answered his question. It was named Dell's Pass, the ridge you defended. Dell hated the name, which was ironic since he had defended the same pass during the Great War, fifty years earlier."

Upon hearing that from the Professor, Hikaru was stunned. "Dell participated in the War?" Ozpin nodded grimly.

Indeed. During the War he was one of Vale's most experienced captains. He was feared by many and became well-known for using his gunspear."

"Whoa..." Hikaru was in awe of this. "How is the village doing?"

"Evacuated. The village was deserted, unharmed, and resembled a ghost town when Vale's Beacon Huntsmen arrived." Hikaru scowled as Ozpin paused. "Regarding Sumire..." Leaning over him, Ozpin asked. "Hikaru Shin, where are you originally from?"

Biting his tongue, Hikaru hesitated, carefully considering what to say next. "I am not sure... I washed ashore, not even knowing my real name and..." was all Hikaru could recall.

Ozpin let out a sigh. "That means the Hikaru you gave to yourself?" Glancing at him, Hikaru nods slowly. "So could you please elaborate on how you have become such a skilled swordsman?"

Grasping and looking at his hands, Hikaru lied, "The sword... It's like whispering, calling unto me. Whenever I get my hands on it, it feels like I know it myself. The moves that I made, the swings, the slashes... It was all familiar."

Thankfully, Ozpin bought his lie. "That is odd..." He said, "Anything you know about the thunder from the battlefield you've gone unconscious?"

Again, Hikaru chose to lie to protect himself. "Thunder? What do you mean by that, Headmaster?" He said with his most convincing head tilt, Zenitsu-style.

"You mean you genuinely don't know?" Hikaru nodded. "Hm..." Ozpin rubbed his chin at the thought of Hikaru's excuse but he let it slide.

"I do not know the whole thing, but..." This got Ozpin's attention. "-whenever I use my sword, I feel a surge of elements coursing through my veins, giving me adrenaline and such."

"And the most intriguing thing is that you don't have an Aura to protect you." Ozpin deduced, clearly hitting Hikaru's hole in his answer. He only gritted his teeth slightly at the Headmaster's words.

"Yes." Hikaru told the truth. "Like I said, Headmaster Ozpin. "I do not know who I am, nor where I hail from." And lied. "Dell was generous to aid me in unlocking my Aura, but I decided against it." He told the truth again. "But I needed to gather my memories slowly for nine months before I could do those things." Lied once more.

"Ah, that explains why you stayed at the village for months." Ozpin muttered, pulling out a folder as he handed it over to Hikaru. "Dell's wife, Elia, told me the story of how you ended up in Sumire. Now that we have your own statement, it does fit correctly with her interview."

This slightly caught Hikaru's attention, mentally saying to himself that he might've gotten lucky with his words. "Elia Obsidian told us that based on your actions of curiosity, it seems that you have temporary amnesia. For the past eight and a half months, you've learned all about Remnant and its story."

Ozpin stood up as Hikaru silently watched the Headmaster move to the door. They heard a knock and their heads glanced at the door. "Come in." Ozpin declared, and the knob twisted, revealing the tall and beautiful Glynda Goodwitch.

"Headmaster Ozpin." She nodded as Ozpin returned her greeting. "Have you talked to the child?"

Ozpin briefly glanced at Hikaru before looking back at Glynda. "Yes. And in his words, he does indeed have amnesia."

"That is..." Glynda sighed at the news. "-regrettable."

"Hikaru Shin, this is Professor Glynda Goodwitch. Glynda, meet Hikaru." Ozpin gestured at Hikaru sat straight and did a short bow in respect.

"It is nice meeting you, Ms. Goodwitch."

"Likewise, Mr. Shin." Glynda was surprised to hear Hikaru didn't mess up her status.

"Anyways, Hikaru. You are now okay to discharge yourself from the infirmary. And, if you feel certain symptoms, I suppose you can stay here for a while."

Hikaru's eyebrow was raised in his statement. "You mean, here? In Beacon?"

Ozpin let out a chuckle as both of the professors shook their heads. "No, what I mean is that you can stay here in the infirmary if you feel weak. But-" Ozpin merely checked with Glynda for confirmation. "-if you want to enroll here in Beacon, you will have to wait for the new school year that'll start in three months."

Hikaru's attention perked up at the news of enrollment. "How do I enter?"

Ozpin raised his hand and listed three fingers, smiling. "In three ways." He stated. "One, by normal tuition, Two, if your parents formerly worked or studied here in Beacon, you'll get a discount. Lastly, is the Beacon Scholarship Program."

"Scholarship? That sounds interesting." Hikaru hummed as he tried to get out of bed. Only he can't do it yet with his weak knees.

"Careful, Mr. Shin, you are still recovering from your wounds." Ozpin smiled, and went back to the topic. "Basically, we scout people who are gifted that we could imagine and observe them for a month or two. However, if they fail to live up to our expectations, they will be out of the Program. If not, . We will visit them personally."

Hikaru then noticed the hidden picture behind Ozpin's intention here in the infirmary. "Oh, so did I pass?"

Silence engulfed the room as Hikaru could notice the emerging grin from the Headmaster and Professor Glynda herself. "My, my..." Ozpin chuckled. "I did not expect for a person with amnesia like you to be clever."

Hikaru shrugged. "You gave me subtle hints, Headmaster. So I jumped at the opportunity."

"Indeed, you are, Mr. Shin..." Ozpin then glanced at Glynda, as the professor had a letter on her hand, giving it to Hikaru as the former Hashira opened the letter, reading it silently as Ozpin declared, "Mr. Hikaru Shin, we have observed you for four months and with the statements we have received from the Huntsmen of Sumire, and by watching some of your fights before, Beacon Academy chose you to be a part of the Beacon Scholarship Program. However, due to the medical condition you currently have, it is fair to let you take a written and practical exam in order for you to pass."

Hikaru's jaws hung low as the Headmaster finished his statement. "When is the exam?"

"We will give you a full month to prepare yourself. So you better train and study, Mr. Shin."

"I... I will, Headmaster. Thank you for the chance." He then snapped his head back at the Headmaster for a quick question. "Wait-! Am I free to return to Sumire?!"

"You could." Ozpin turned at the door and stopped. "So I suggest you do it now as your time had started. Goodbye, Mr. Shin. Until we meet again at your examinations."

The two professors left a still smiling Hikaru. He couldn't believe that a blessing in disguise followed after the fight. Yet his delightful face quickly soured as he remembered Dell.

"I need to go back to Sumire..."

A week after

A lot has changed since the so-called Defence of Sumire. People mourned their loved ones as Mayor Teele declared, the day after, a full mourning. Then the next day, there was a small banquet for those who survived. Hikaru returned exactly at that time and he was bombarded by questions by the townsfolk. Some said that he was responsible for stalling Grimm and with the eyewitness accounts of those who he had saved before, his popularity within the village grew.

He had taken shelter at Dell's home, with him telling Elia the truth about his true origins. The widow was shocked that Dell already knew, but he chose not to tell her. Hikaru then promised at Dell's grave that he would not repeat the mistakes he made during the Defence. Instead, he said that he'll save people whether they are Faunus or a human, and wipe out Grimms whenever and wherever they are.

2 weeks later

2 weeks had passed and Hikaru went back to his daily practice routine. With Flame, Thunder, Water, and Light Breathing in his arsenal. Hikaru noticed the same weakness he had before.

His stamina and endurance.

Indeed, it was his weakness since he fought Muzan and the Upper Demon Moons. He was greatly annoyed by this and decided to improve it by doing some rigorous exercises.

He also took the opportunity to learn some of his colleagues' Breathing Styles like Sanemi's Wind Breathing and Muichiro's Mist Breathing. However, due to the lack of information, unfamiliarity, and incompatibility of the Breathing Styles, Hikaru only learned First and Second Forms from each.

End of the month

Hikaru is seen wearing his new orange and white haori as he enters Beacon Academy's auditorium arena. It might be quite small for him on the outside, but it was huge when you entered the arena. Thankfully, there are no students watching from the stands as only himself, Headmaster Ozpin, Professor Glynda and two more Professors he doesn't know stands in front of him.

He had already taken the written exam minutes ago, as is about to start the practical exam.

Ozpin presented the two more professors beside him. They were Professors Port and Oobleck, already with their weapons at hand.

"Now, do you understand the rules of engagement, Mr. Shin?"

Hikaru nodded and repeated his words. "Survive their attacks for five minutes. I will be given my chance to strike back in three. Should their Aura depletes will be additionally included in the exam." He then blinked. "Oh, can I also ask for a wooden sword, Headmaster?" Hikaru asked for permission, "I don't want to accidentally cut their neck in reflex." He sheepishly rubbed his neck.

Port and Oobleck nervously chuckled at the thought of their heads falling off the floor, Glynda rolled her eyes while Ozpin sighed.

"I was intending to say that, Mr. Shin." He then gestured at the lone table not far from them. "There is a wooden sword that we procured before the exam, I hope it'll suit your grip."

Walking into it, Hikaru unbuckled his sword and placed it on the table, switching it with the wooden one as he gave it a quick test. It genuinely surprised him to see and feel that it was likely the same as his Nichirin Blade. "I am ready, Headmaster."

"Excellent." Hikaru went back to the arena as Professors Port, Glynda, and Oobleck took their positions at the other end of the stage. "I have a lien here." He showed them a small coin. "When the coin falls on the floor, the fight will start."

With a flick, the coin flew upward, and the world around Hikaru slows down as he observed the coin floating above.

Breathing through his mouth with a small hiss, he took his stance and placed his hand onto his wooden sword.

Ozpin carefully watched the boy as he took his stance and lowered himself. Glynda and her group prepared themselves as well as they all waited for the coin to fall.

He then noticed Hikaru's expression completely changing. A cold, professional, and murderous one. Like another soul had possessed his body.

Then, the boy breathed through his mouth and he swears he sees steam coming out from his lips.

Ozpin heard the boy mutter as the coin continued its descent.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form..."

This made Ozpin grin, knowing that his assumptions were correct after all.

"Thunderclap and Flash!"

Ozpin declared as he raised his hand. "Begin!"

Hikaru made the first move by dashing across as thunder struck behind him, aiming first at Glynda Goodwitch.

Qrow joined in the spectacle as he stood right next to Headmaster Ozpin, watching the fight with a drink in hand.

"Kid's got a battle IQ. He's attacking the least mobile first. I would do that too if I was in his shoes." Qrow commented before he took a swig from his flask.

Glynda quickly raised her riding crop and a barrier of concrete and metal protected her from a wall. Port and Oobleck dodged into the side and started their own plan to counter attack. Hikaru noticed the concrete wall and skidded to the side, only to know that he is currently testing them and not officially attacking.

"Smart attempt. He's testing the waters." Ozpin remarked. "He probably forgot and remembered that it's not his time to attack yet."

Seeing that the speedy Doctor Oobleck is coming right at him, Hikaru ceased his move and took a leap back, making his retreat to block Oobleck's weapon.

"Mist Breathing: First Form..."

Parrying Oobleck's club, Hikaru did a counter thrust to recoil himself backwards.

"Low Clouds, Distant Haze..."

The mist engulfed Hikaru as he was sent back and away from the Professor. This surprised everyone, including Ozpin.

"Mist?" Qrow queried, "I thought the kid only knew lightning?" This made the Headmaster shook his head.

"No, I didn't know. It seems he really came prepared for this." Qrow chuckled at his remarks.

"Heh. But using the mist to cover his tracks is an excellent tactic."

"I agree." Ozpin nodded before he looked at his watch. "2 more minutes!" He shouted.

Hikaru hummed as he swerves to the left and twisted his body as Glynda sends a hail of floating debris at him like bullets. "Now, Professors!" She said as Oobleck fired his flamethrower club in front of Hikaru. The former Hashira sees their plan yet not Professor Port in sight. He quickly scanned the arena around with his eyes until he felt a sense of danger coming above him.

A flying axe flanking him through the flames?

Hikaru then tightly held his defense and lowered his sword, aiming for an upward slash. He breathed and uttered,

"Flame Breathing: Fourth Form..."

"Blooming Flame Undulation!"

By waving his sword upwards and through left and right, flames blocked the professor's axe as it retreated back to its owner.

"Flame...?!" Qrow gasps.

"One minute!" Ozpin shouted. The three professors intensified their assault.

Parrying both Oobleck and Port's series of attacks, it nearly caught Hikaru as Glynda was on the back causing trouble in disrupting Hikaru's movements. Counter each move he does, only for him to escape with slim chances by using Water Breathing Style.


Glynda was annoyed at the scene of them not breaking the boy's endurance and therefore surrounded the boy with hundreds of sharp metal bars, aiming to fire in a single blow. This really worried Ozpin and Qrow very much.

"Uhh, is that okay, Oz?" Qrow points out, yet the Headmaster was silent and observes the boy carefully as he shouts. "Ten!"

The dome of metal bars moved closer and tightened its encirclement, forcing Hikaru to move less.


Port and Oobleck did whatever they could to isolate the boy even more as they managed to land a hit on his chest.


Glynda raised her riding crop as the metal bars glowed purple, ready for the final strike.


However, this was one of Hikaru's plans. He victoriously grinned at the three professors that it caught them confused for a second.

"Zero." Hikaru counted as he prepared himself in a spinning slice.

"Water Breathing: Sixth Form..."

Both Oobleck and Port retreated to give way to Glynda's attack.

The water around Hikaru whirled as it made contact with her attack.


"What?" Glynda bellowed as her attack crumbled.

"You got three minutes to attack, Mr. Shin." Ozpin stated with a grin. "And it starts... now."

"Finally." Hikaru smirked as both Oobleck and Port readied themselves for his assault. But Glynda Goodwitch remembered what happened earlier as was about to warn them when-

Hikaru gripped his sword in a lunging position, the veins on his forehead bulged and on his legs.

"Thunder Breathing: Sixth Form..."

"He's coming for-!"

Glynda hurriedly encompassed herself with a telepathic barrier as she shot a whirlwind of debris at the boy to stall his attack

"Rumble and Flash!"

His series of long range lightning struck Glynda's barrier, and it misdirected itself all over the arena as Hikaru spared no chance to attack again.

This time towards the other two...

"Port, Dodge!" Oobleck yelled as Hikaru's attention shifted over to them

"Two more minutes!" Ozpin noted.

Hikaru dashed and engaged the two in close-combat. Eventually, the former Hashira had the upper-hand before he uttered his attack,

"Light Breathing: First Form..."

Hikaru prepared in a bat swing as his wooden sword shone in bright yellow.

"Obscuring Light!"

In the blink of an eye, Oobleck felt his Aura shattered. He was then kicked by Hikaru, sending him out of the ring.

"Did he just strike my chest...?" Oobleck wondered to himself, checking his clothes for damage, but saw none.

"Professor Oobleck, out." Ozpin declared. "One more minute!"

"Time to end this..." Hikaru muttered as he ran towards Glynda once more, dodging some of the rock pillars that are emerging from the ground. He twirled, spinned, and did a front flip as electricity started to flicker on his legs again.

"Thunder Breathing: First Form..."

"Thunderclap and Flash - Lightning Burst!"

In a flash, Hikaru's speed went in a flicker and dashed forward and did three horizontal slashes in quick succession. Glynda tried to evade this but with the wide range of the slash, the lightning struck and her Aura went down in red. A sign that she's out.

"Glynda Goodwitch ou-" Ozpin is declaring that she's out when...

Hikaru wasn't finished.

With an unprepared Port and his weapon raised, Hikaru turned quickly to him and uttered one last Form.

"Wind Breathing: First Form..."

Hikaru raised his sword in a horizontal movement and sliced the wind continuously.

"Dust Whirlwind Cutter!"

The huge gust of wind slams unto Port, sending him to the wall and out of the ring, ending the exam.

"The exam is finished!" Ozpin tapped his cane as the giant screen showed three pictures of the professors in red with three meter bars empty. "Professors Port and Oobleck were out by knockout. While Professor Goodwitch is out by Aura depletion. Therefore, Hikaru Shin passed the exam!"

Catching his breath, and bullets of sweat all over his body, Hikaru grinned and pumped his fist in victory. "Alright!"

Ozpin and Qrow approached Hikaru and the huntsman offered him a hand. "Congratulations, Mr. Shin. You passed the exam and are now qualified for the Scholarship Program." Hikaru accepted Qrow's handshake.

"Kid, what you did there was... great." Qrow grinned as he put his arms crossed. "I never thought that a lone teen could beat three professors in two and a half minutes."

"Thanks, Mr. Branwe-"

"Qrow. Call me Qrow, kid."

"Thank you, Qrow."

"Moving on, next week, you'll be awarded a dorm inside the campus itself. And by the end of this month, class will officially start. The school will give you your uniform, supplies and monthly allowance as per the agreement." Ozpin stated. "However, you can either do some curricular activities in Beacon such as helping Ms. Thumbelina Peach in the library or Ms. Goodwitch in administering papers."

"I... would gladly accept that, Headmaster."

"Good." He smiled. "And also, Mr. Shin?"

"Yes, Headmaster?"

"Welcome to Beacon."