[X] A team of magical girls on the trail of their current nemesis. While seeking out their enemy, they have somehow found themselves in a strange place that could only be some kind of special secret base that belongs to their enemy. Having determined that they are in enemy territory, they are prepared to delve deeper and defeat their enemy once and for all.
[X] A force of nature bound to their blade - Almost nothing can withstand the march of time. Their body is naught but a fossil, nothing more than dust and stone held in place by the chains that were laid upon them by the enemy. Instead, the soul still burns brightly, the mind still remembers, and the heart still beats in the weapon that had been sealed alongside them. It only needs someone to wield them.
[X] A group of adventurous teenagers out to have some fun by exploring places they really shouldn't be hanging around, all for some cheap thrills. They are a bunch of mostly normal kids who are about to have their lives turned upside-down.
[X] A shade of power - The physical form is gone, having long since returned to the earth, and what's left of the mind is barely coherent, with only vengeance and hatred keeping it together. The soul, however, is incandescently bright. The potential for power still remains but in their current state, it is meaningless. For the Ebon Lord to continue their work, they must find a vessel to wield their power.
[X] Human yet not human - The seals have drained away their might and power, leaving nearly nothing but a wisp of the terrible strength that had once cowled entire legions and armies of the heavens and hell. Forced back into their original form, the Ebon Lord is vulnerable and weak. But it was in this form that they started their journey from being an inconsequential mortal to the one who decides their own fate and that of the world. They simply need to begin anew.
[x] A group of cultists who are seeking the perfect location to summon forth their dark gods. A mistranslation in the forbidden texts have lead them to the wrong place, and further misunderstandings have resulted in them deciding to break through the seal to get to the supposed forbidden sanctum within.
[X] A lessened but still mighty being - Their instincts have dulled. Their body degraded from eons of inactivity. Even the light of their soul has dimmed. However, the mind is still sharp. The power within still rages like the storm. Despite their weakened state, enough of their might still remains, to strike fear and terror unto the forces of Good and Evil. More than that, they still live.
[X] Human yet not human - The seals have drained away their might and power, leaving nearly nothing but a wisp of the terrible strength that had once cowled entire legions and armies of the heavens and hell. Forced back into their original form, the Ebon Lord is vulnerable and weak. But it was in this form that they started their journey from being an inconsequential mortal to the one who decides their own fate and that of the world. They simply need to begin anew. Hard