Eevee Therapy for Little Magi (Pokemon x F/SN)

Man I kinda want to know what the details of the pact were. With a name like "Four Swords" it sounds like the swords of justice were present for mediation.
If people are interested in the exact wording of the pacts, I may end up writing them all out as a Canon Sidestory. I may end up doing them regardless that way, but there are about 9 Pact for the mainline regions, and then there's 3 Accords between Humans and Pokemon in the Ranger Regions
I dunno the whole "never approach me again" but seemed kind of harsh. While sure they broke their agreement, they literally just fixed Sakura's biggest problem pretty much for free.

It just reeks of, "how dare you save me without me asking you? I'm going to sue you and put up a restraining order too."

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I dunno the whole "never approach me again" but seemed kind of harsh. While sure they broke their agreement, they literally just fixed Sakura's biggest problem pretty much for free.

It just reeks of, "how dare you save me without me asking you? I'm going to sue you and put up a restraining order too."

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
You're forgetting the fact they kidnapped her, something we depicted as her being very not okay with.

Also, I'd like to point out that we never, as the authors, said that Sakura's "problem" would ever actually be a problem. The Pokemon assumed it would be, and kidnapped a 10 year old to "fix" it by doing a auric ritual on her. And, as noted, they broke a rather Ancient Pact to do so.

Edit: Also, Sakura's fucking ten. I think this is a pretty reasonable reaction from a 10 year old
I dunno the whole "never approach me again" but seemed kind of harsh. While sure they broke their agreement, they literally just fixed Sakura's biggest problem pretty much for free.

It just reeks of, "how dare you save me without me asking you? I'm going to sue you and put up a restraining order too."

It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
You're forgetting the fact they kidnapped her, something we depicted as her being very not okay with.

Also, I'd like to point out that we never, as the authors, said that Sakura's "problem" would ever actually be a problem. The Pokemon assumed it would be, and kidnapped a 10 year old to "fix" it by doing a auric ritual on her. And, as noted, they broke a rather Ancient Pact to do so.

Edit: Also, Sakura's fucking ten. I think this is a pretty reasonable reaction from a 10 year old
While I could see them trying to renegotiate via an intermediary in the future, tehy still kidnapped a ten year old for an issue that may or may not have been a problem. Imagine if doctors working for a hospital just kidnapped someone out of a family's house in another state to fix a potential health issue (where they are the only ones able to render judgement on whether the health issue actually existed/was a problem). Just because you are trying to help doesn't mean that methods don't matter.
While I could see them trying to renegotiate via an intermediary in the future, tehy still kidnapped a ten year old for an issue that may or may not have been a problem. Imagine if doctors working for a hospital just kidnapped someone out of a family's house in another state to fix a potential health issue (where they are the only ones able to render judgement on whether the health issue actually existed/was a problem). Just because you are trying to help doesn't mean that methods don't matter.
Also the child had a live in doctor for that issue who they didn't consult or take with them.
Well the Tohsaka-Juniper duo have something of a nasty combo team forming here. Psychic, Dark, and Ghost with a bit of Grass and Fire on the side.

The girls are going to be terrifying in the.........less official pokemon battles, AKA when Team [insert label here] and/or random goons try to jump them.

"Ah, no. If you can be turned into a Pokemon, then you can be reborn as one," Zoroark said, walking around to her. "Granted, the risk was almost non-existent under these circumstances, and you'd likely not be able to perform it with such a solid sense of self without finding your perfect match."

"Well that's good to know for future reference," Ben stated with a smile, "Then again, there's a shortcut to that as well."
Place your bets folks; when and/or if will any of the three faller groups have one/all of them turned into pokemon and what will they be?
Shirou turns into a Honedge. :p
Too easy. Besides the divine llama took measures against that:
And now for the man of the hour. Arceus handed off the Eevee to the boy's soul, then reached back in and pulled out the Sheath of Avalon. I'll give this back when it won't spiritually corrupt and mold the boy's soul further. He mused, hanging it on his wall. Don't want him to turn into a Honedge. Now… close to home should work well enough. Welcome to Sinnoh, children.
With how adorable Pokémon can be, I really hope that the quintet does eventually get back home and participate in the Grail War so that we can see Saver and Rider cooing over the adorable murderbeasts (I will not apologize for that joke).
With how adorable Pokémon can be, I really hope that the quintet does eventually get back home and participate in the Grail War so that we can see Saver and Rider cooing over the adorable murderbeasts (I will not apologize for that joke).
*le gasp!* How have they figured out our plans so easily!

AN: The author will neither confirm nor deny that this is going to happen, mostly because keeping you lot guessing gives me a boundless source of entertainment. However, I will point you at the title, and specifically at the first bit. You can make your own assumptions from there :)
With how adorable Pokémon can be, I really hope that the quintet does eventually get back home and participate in the Grail War so that we can see Saver and Rider cooing over the adorable murderbeasts (I will not apologize for that joke).
Hey for all we know due to shenanigans resulting from Arceus taking the Sheath of Avalon out of Shiro's soul and storing it somewhere, over in Kalos (seemingly) unconnected to the three Fallers; there is a young, green eyed girl that has been having some odd dreams lately (that she chalks up to the excitement of finally starting her Pokemon journey) heading out with her Litleo. Though she'll find she has a talent for bonding with Dragon-types as well.
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he's since become embodied with the slowly rising Team Flare,

Rin's second Pokemon, and the oldest member of the main cast. Libra is somewhere in the realms of one hundred years old, and has the knowledge to match. However, as a result of the isolation she spent her life in, she is by far the least wise member of the party. Libra is a bookworm, but is highly capable in her extremely technical method of fighting. Similar in personality to Agate, though there are noticeable differences.
Doesn't say what Libra actually is within the description.
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Honestly I can see some ongoing comedy being the various prat-falls of Alaya trying (and utterly failing) at trying to get the souls of the quartet back (not like she's going to just wait for Arceus to give them back).

Why prat-falls instead of just being blocked? Well you see Arceus let Mew take charge of keeping Alaya out and said hyperactive all-powerful kitten recently watched the poke-world's versions of the Home Alone movies....;)