Eevee Therapy for Little Magi (Pokemon x F/SN)

First, an announcment! After hearing all your commentary and conferring with my co-writer, it has been decided that we'll be updating this story monthly, at least for the forseeable future. We have a good cushion set up, and Miho thinks we can handle it. She's got a good grip on our writing momentum, tis true.

On my predictions for the Eveelutions:
Everyone's predicting Eeveelutions. I'm surprised more people aren't trying to guess what other Pokemon they'll be picking up along the way.
I'm surprised more people aren't trying to guess what other Pokemon they'll be picking up along the way.
Shirou: Fairy and/or Steel (Do I need to explain? :p )
Illyasviel: Ghost and/or Psychic (Third Magic is related to the soul and such)
Rin: Ones capable of various elemental powers (she's an Average One) and/or Rock (Jewel Magecraft)
Sakura: Dark and/or Ghost (Even if the old worm is gone I suspect there are side-effects)
Not sure about Kiritsugu.
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Only one of your guesses are correct!

To be fair to you lot, Shirou's is kinda hard to guess.

I will offer a hint to those guessing.

Each Eeveelution we chose does have an aspect of thematic relevance to their character. Shirou's is the hardest to guess as it is both the most obvious and least obvious at the same time.
Oh! Is Rin going to get a Sableye? Maybe not entirely out of choice, like it follows her around because of all of the cool shinies she has with her. Plus a mega Sableye that knows how to use Jewel Magecraft would probably be terrifying. Either way I'm pretty sure that Rin could do some really cool stuff with evolution stones, maybe even make her Eevee able to swap between evolutions like that one other Eevee(was it from the manga or anime?).
It's going to be crazy watching Kirisugu try and attack a pokémon with weapons only to see it did as little damage as it did with servants
Hmm, For Kiritsugu, I'm going to guess Dark Types, because Assassin. Something like Umbreaon, Absol (Absol actually Fits Kiritsugu really well if you think about it), Meowscarada and Houndoom. As well as one of the Ralts line, probably a Gallade because of his Ideal (or maybe Iron Valiant because of how his ideal was twisted?).

On the other hand, I could see Shirou and Illya having a Gardevoir and Gallade pair. Although I could also see Illya with Hatenna or an Alolan Ninetails, though I feel Like Misdreavous would also fit either her or Sakura really well. I'm not sure about Shirou because he's had Avalon removed before it could reshape his soul too much and he didn't reach the point of inheriting Kiritsugu's ideal on the night of his death (unless this is a difference in the backstory I'm not aware of). Maybe a Golette or a Larvesta/Volcarona eventually? I'm honestly stumped here.

Edit: I just realized, for some reason I feel like Rin would work well with a Pokémon from the Fennekin line and Sakura could pull off having a Ninetails, maybe.
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Why you didn't bother to use one of your agents to wipe the Pillars from becoming Demons I will never understand.

To be fair, Alaya isnt actually sapient and acts more like a machine, i.e., if the problem hasn't happened yet, then there is no problem. Same reason why Alaya doesnt just spam Counter Guardians at the Fifth Holy Grail War; until enough people have died for humanity to be at risk, it aint a problem. Though, if Alaya was sapient, then it totally dropped the idiot ball.

And poor EMIYA SHIROU, being used as a disposable bullet. Man cant catch a break.
To be fair, Alaya isnt actually sapient and acts more like a machine, i.e., if the problem hasn't happened yet, then there is no problem. Same reason why Alaya doesnt just spam Counter Guardians at the Fifth Holy Grail War; until enough people have died for humanity to be at risk, it aint a problem. Though, if Alaya was sapient, then it totally dropped the idiot ball.

And poor EMIYA SHIROU, being used as a disposable bullet. Man cant catch a break.
Yep, this is how things work in canon. But as deep and interesting as Nasu's works can be sometimes, the amount of legwork that authors would have to do to write in his sandbox "properly" is daunting. So the most common form of Nasu fanfic tends to be AU.

This is one of them. Myself and Tale Swapper will do our best to keep core elements of F/SN's canon close enough for legal work, but expect things to change. Because frankly I can't be bothered to spend hours upon hours of my day I could use writing researching why exactly I should care about textures.
Because frankly I can't be bothered to spend hours upon hours of my day I could use writing researching why exactly I should care about textures.
And it's amusing to say the reason why the FSN world is so messed up is because of the local spirit of humanity's attitude, lack of foresight and general poor manners.

....In other words, she's very representative of humanity. :p
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So Pokemon teams for the fate crew.

For Kiritsugu, I could see him eventually getting a Hisuian Zoroark. They are said to resemble an embodiment of death, are full of energy made from their spite and hatred, to the point it can cause harm to others and themselves, yet can be greatly companionate to those it cares for.

Kiri has lived a life soaked in death to the point he is seen as one of the greatest killers, been submerged in and infected by 'all the worlds evil', which caused him and others great suffering, yet he still is able to hold compassion, and even learned to embrace it, as shown with Shirou.

For other Pokemon I think it would make thematic sense if his team was made up of "peaceful" and honourable Pokemon to show the changes in his worldview.

For Shirou I see him becoming a fire type specialist. His life has been defined by fire, fire Pokemon would help him with cooking, or blacksmithing, and I think it was implied his original element was fire. Might be misremembering that.
Otherwise I could see him with dragon and fairy types, as a representation of his bond to Saber (sure they have never met in ITTL, but you can't deny their fates are intwined), and fire and steel as a aspect of himself.

For a mixed team I can see Flareon (Eevee and fire), Garchomp (a dragon who is close to the ground), Gallade (a noble knight from a "magic" lineage), Bastiodon (peaceful, kind, yet a unmovable shield), Lucario (I don't think this needs explanation) and Lopunny (Lopunny are one of the faces of "romanceable" Pokemon, representing Shirou is a harem protagonist, plus pure normal types often get overlooked).

Rin I see with with fire, water, ground/rock, flying and ghost/dark/psychic Pokemon.
So a Espeon (Eevee and psychic), Emboar (martial artists that are relentless when fight and shows deep affection for those they call friends), Liepard (moody and vicious, like Rin in the morning) and Gigalith (stores energy deep in it's core that it uses to fire powerful attacks, like Rin's magecraft). Honesty Black and White are the games I know least about.

Not sure with Sakura, other then dark types.

For Illya, I think fairy and ice types best represent her. Plus a Hariyama, Pangoro or Chesnaught. Illya without her Berserker is like Shirou not being able to cook.
So a Alolan Ninetales (fairy and ice), Glaceon or Sylveon, Frostlass, Weavile, Gardevoir (to match Shirou, plus being willing to give their lives to save their loved ones, Heavens Feel), Mawile (looks cute and non-threatening to trick foes, actually brutal) or Mimikyu (at heart is truly lonely and unforgiving to those it sees as hurting them.)

TLDR. I spent way too long thinking about this and got bored trying to use region only Pokemon after Rin. Opps.
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Otherwise I could see him with dragon and fairy types, as a representation of his bond to Saber (sure they have never met in ITTL, but you can't deny their fates are intwined), and fire and steel as a aspect of himself.
Someone's gotten the closest to guessing the source of Shirou's Eeveelution~

These are wonderfully well thought out, by the way. I might have to steal some of these mons as ideas. (Because as a disclaimer, Tale Swapper and I largely are seeing where the natural encounters take us. We have some team members plotted, but only a few are truly set in stone.)

And, ah, we won't be regionlocking ourselves.
Shirou - Sylveon(exposure to Avalon)
Illya - Glaceon or Espeon
Rin - Flareon or Umbreon
Sakura- Vaporeon
Though they should have at least one 'comedy' pokemon in one or more of the teams in order to mix things up instead of only getting perfectly designed builds etc.

A Wobbuffet would be perfect. :V
Thematically, Kiritsugu getting a Wobbuffet kind of works.
Unless I've been mixed up with a lot of fanon, Kiritsugu is not the greatest, most powerful mage of all time. The reason he was so effective was that he took advantage of others weaknesses and arrogance, setting up situations where he would win fights that he wouldn't win if they were straight. A mon like Wobuffet, whose entire gimmick is trapping opponents into bad situations (Shadow Tag) and turning opponent's abilities against them (Counter and Mirror Coat) is oddly fitting for Kiritsugu.
whose entire gimmick is trapping opponents into bad situations (Shadow Tag) and turning opponent's abilities against them (Counter and Mirror Coat) is oddly fitting for Kiritsugu.

Yeah, plus he also plans ahead and considers his targets record and station which is how he was able to accurately predict Kayneth El Mellio would using the Top Floors of the Hotel in the Fourth War. So a Pokemon that requires an understanding of your Opponent's Strengths would fit him
Chapter 2: New Homes and Parties
Good News, Everyone! after assessing our backlog, we've decided to move up to twice-monthly postings!
Two additional chapters are still available on Patreon. Give us a look!

", this 'typing' thing. There are 18 distinct types, but each Pokémon can only have two? Why is that the hard cap, as opposed to–"

Juniper raised a hand as they finally stepped out of the forest. "You ask a lot of good questions, Rin. But I don't know all the answers; Pokemon and Garde still have many mysteries, and it's the job of professors, like myself and my wife, to delve as deep as we can into figuring them out!" She smiled, motioning to the town spreading out before them. "And here's Striation City! At the very least, we can get you girls set up with some help here."

"So the study of Pokemon is a science then?" Sakura asked curiously, snuggling her Eevee, "and a fairly recent field?"

"Recent? No. But it is one of the largest, or perhaps most expansive, fields." Juniper replied. "Ever since the scientific method became a thing, people have been categorizing, studying, and working with Pokemon. The first Pokedex was created about five hundred years ago, by Professor Laveton, in the now renamed Hisui region, and he wasn't even the first Pokemon researcher!" Her smile dimmed as they continued to walk forward. "Still, a lot of those early researchers were a lot less… kind. Not the same world as the modern one; vivisections indeed." She growled the last two words..

Rin, personally, agreed. Vivisections were stupid, especially on living beings that could tell you exactly what they were feeling if you put in enough effort. That or just get a recently dead corpse for the exact same effect. The insane magi rarely lasted long for a reason, or so Kirei told her. Hmmm, now how to redirect the conversation towards-

"We were talking about types, yes?" Sakura asked shyly. and Rin almost facepalmed. All she had to do was ask.

"Yes, we were. Rin, we don't know why Pokemon can only have up to two types. But it's a truth which seems mostly invariable." She chuckled. "Not that Pokemon can't change types as they evolve, like your Eevee." At this, both brown foxes perked up from their spots; Sakura's in her arms, and Rin's perched on one shoulder.. Rin didn't mind. The fox wasn't particularly heavy, and it seemed fairly special and rare, based on what the Professor had told her already, and even more so now.

"Oh?" The Tohsaka heiress asked, arching an eyebrow, though she was unable to hide her small smile.

"Mhm! In fact, Eevee has the most dynamic evolutionary divergence of any Pokemon. They can evolve into eight different species, and all but one of those is very well documented." Pausing, the professor frowned, before nodding slowly, "There's a fairly well regarded theory that Eevee likely evolves into one of all eighteen types, perhaps sans the Normal-type, but we have no confirmed reports of any evolutions sans the eight I have already mentioned. Several unsubstantiated reports from the past that we only have second hand records of, and some art, though we have precious little ancient art depicting the Eevee line; a collector who collected most of them lost the entire collection to a fire that many believe was intentionally set by a jealous rival."

"Well, at least the espionage is the same." Rn murmured.

Sakura looked down at her Eevee. "So… which one do you want to be?" She asked, only for the little Eevee to cock its head, puzzled. "I guess that wouldn't be that easy of a choice, huh?" She continued, smiling, "That's fine! We can choose together!"

"Good of you to ask, anyway!" Juniper chirped, only to freeze as a loud, high pitched voice echoed over the land. "Oh? Ah, that's Fennel!" She turned, motioning towards a purple-haired woman with a sweet countenance as she ran towards them. "And here's–"

"Juniper!" Fennel yelled, skidding to a halt right before her wife. "The sensors in my lab are going nuts! We may have actualization of outer-dimensional beings in our area right now!" She hopped in place, holding onto Juniper's hands. "This is going to be so exciting!"

"The outer-dimensional beings are right in front of you, Fennel," Juniper deadpanned in sync with Rin, the younger girl blinking at the older woman's dry humor and smiling. Dry humor was the best! Her sister giggling was also a plus, and Rin secretly made a mental note of it. Father wasn't here, and nor was Magus Society! She could interact with Sakura as much as she wanted now.

The aforementioned woman started, before nodding carefully, "Fallers?"

"Fallers." Juniper responded dryly, as if this was a regular thing.

Fennel's enthusiasm spiked. "Yeee! Oh, wait, how old are you two?" She looked back and forth between the two. "I have so many questions!"

"Nee-san is eleven, and I am ten." Sakura stated demurely, clearly trying to deflect attention away from her.

"And I would prefer if we be given time to settle before questions, please." Rin added quickly, receiving a grateful smile from Sakura, which made it worth it. She would have personally not minded bouncing questions off the excitable woman, but it wasn't that big of a loss either way.
"Aww, too young to really understand dream science…" Fennel murmured. "Anyway, Junebug, are we going to let the authorities know about this?" She cockedher head. "I mean, we probably should…"

"Maybe not. Faller laws here are pretty old. I think something about ownership?" Juniper tilted her head. "I don't want the girls tossed into the local spin cycle, especially since they'd lose their new partners from the start."

Sakura squeaked, burrowing her face into Eevee's fur. Briefly, she felt the monster surge in her, before a nuzzle to her chin calmed her down. She was safe here, and the adults were looking to protect her anyway. A hesitant hand laid on her shoulder reassured her that her sister was trying to reach out… though Sakura wasn't entirely sure how she felt about that. Shaking off the hand, Sakura took a deep breath, then looked up at the two women, who were looking back at her in concern. "If you don't mind me asking, what are you planning?"

"Well…" Juniper murmured. "We could just… hmm. If it were a hundred years ago, we could bring you in, claim you were from the boonies, or refugees from another region. But that wouldn't pass muster now."

Fennel's eyes darted to Sakura's hair, then to Rin's. A wide smile began to cross her face. "Or… Junebug, we are friends with old Alder, right?"

"That's no way to talk about the champion, Fennel." Juniper replied. "But… yes."

"So… we could ask him to post-date some adoption papers." Her eyes were bright. "I mean, they even look a little like us!"

"Is that legal?" Rin asked, a serious look on her face, "And… do you need help?"

Sakura flinched, before she took another look at these two women. Getting adopted again, but this time by two beautiful, kind professors… She looked over at Rin. "'re okay with this? Won't mom…"

Rin flinched. "...if she's ever well enough to notice, we can deal with it then. This isn't home, and this isn't a Magus bloodline contract." She swallowed. "When we get home, I can use my authority, talk to Zouken. He'll understand."

" don't know what you're offering." Sakura whispered. Looking up, she nodded. "But… I'll take it."

"You suffered there, didn't you?" Rin stated softly, intended to be only for her ears, though Sakura heard it anyway, "I was stupid for believing you wouldn't, I suppose…"

Before they could keep speaking, both froze at a loud sniff. Beside them, Professor Juniper blew her nose. "We're keeping you. We're keeping both of you, understood?" She hiccuped, even as Fennel swept around her wife, pulling both girls into a big hug. "And no, Rin, you don't need to do anything. It won't be exactly legal, but once everything's done, no one will be able to tell."

Fennel's arms were firm. "Come on, let's get you two home. I suspect we have a lot to talk about." Letting them go, she pulled out a pokeball, releasing a floating pink elephant creature. "Munna, we're heading home. Teleport, please?"


"Wait, teleport–" Rin began, before the whole world went pink.

Professor Carolina looked up at her four charges as they emerged from the back room of the Pokemon center, flanked by a Joy and a Jenny. She stood up, setting the magazine she'd been reading down. "So, ladies, is everything in order?"

The Jenny nodded, smiling. "The Eevee match no known lineages, and don't have any of the ink marks most breeding centers use on their charges. No local reports of missing kits in their age range, either." She flipped over a document. "And… here. Two provisional blue cards, upgradable to citizenship in one moon. We can issue trainer's licenses then."

Joy nodded, handing each child one Pokeball. "Your Eevee are in perfect health. Miss Einzbern, yours is a female, and Mr. Emiya, yours is a male. They've been registered to you, and you both are in good health as well." She gave a bright smile. "I hope to see you both again! Just… not too soon, alright?"

"Of course, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny." Shirou replied politely, bowing, "Thank you for taking the time to help us."

Illya scooped up her Eevee, nodding in response. Before they left, Carolina stopped them. "Kids, without a license you should have your partners in their balls." Behind her, Jenny nodded.

Illya sighed, looking her Eevee in the face. "See you soon." She whispered, tapping the ball against her partner's forehead. Beside her, Shirou did the same.

As the three humans walked out of the Pokemon center, the eldest among them snorted. "Well, you're all legal, for all you're stuck here for a month. What are you two going to do?"

"I'm going to make sure that daddy taught Shirou magecraft properly," Illya declared, smiling, "And I'm going to spend time doing research, playing with Shirou, and practicing my own magecraft."

"Magic, hmm?" Carolina murmured. "There are a few practitioners here in town, mostly at the shrines and temples. Will you need any materials? I know Cogita uses a cauldron and a staff for her work…"

"Chalk is always useful." Illya replied idly, "I'll have to figure out pretty much everything else from scratch, though."

Shirou shook his head. "Dad had barely gotten me past the point of forming circuits. He said I had almost no talent."

"... What?" Illya blinked after several moments where she had stared at Shirou in sheer shock, "Form- Are you making circuits out of your nerves?! What… No! Magic Circuits are something all magi are born with! How could daddy mess up teaching you something so simple?!"

"Umm." Shirou rubbed his head. "He was against training me anyway, and he's only given me a little instruction so far. He also said he can barely use magic anymore since the war, so…"

"... Not an excuse. Come here." Illya grumbled, before realizing they were still walking home, "On… second thought, wait till we get home. I'll open your circuits then. It'll be painful."

"As painful as making a nerve into a circuit?"

"Not that painful. Maybe." Illya allowed, then turned back to Carolina, who's eyes were open with concern. "Magecraft is dangerous, but it's even worse when someone's doing it improperly. It'll be actually safer here, since you can draw more power without having to strain yourself."

Carolina nodded thoughtfully. "If you kids say so."

Shirou nodded once, before he hesitated. "Ah, Carolina-san, where will we be staying?"

"With me." Carolina responded absently.

Illya's head spun to face the older woman. She buried her initial reaction of paranoia; it wasn't helpful, and this wasn't her world, nor was Carolina a Magi. "... You don't have to. Shirou and I can probably find somewhere to stay." She replied after a moment, bashful.

"You could. I could find you a place." She agreed. "But all I want from the two of you is conversation… and to have Shirou keep cooking for me." She looked over at the young man, grinning. "How about it, young man? Be my cook for room and board?"

"... I still don't understand why everyone loves my cooking so much. I just learned because dad can burn water." Shirou muttered, blushing. "But that sounds reasonable, Carolina-san. We'll be in your care!"

Illya smiled outwardly, though inside, she sighed. In addition to magecraft lessons, I see I'll need to teach him about bargaining. She nodded in acceptance. At least this is a fair deal.

Leading them both back to her home, Carolina looked up at the setting sun. "Well, it'll be dark soon. Shirou, you and I can cook, if Illya has any prep work she needs to do for your collaboration, she should do that."

"Just a little." Illya admitted, "I'll be done before dinner, and I can help if you'd like?"

"I'd like that, onee-san." Shirou responded, giving his big sister a smile.

When the flash had cleared, Rin found herself in a much smaller community, and had been a little stunned as she was escorted to the home of her new soon-to-be-mother. They had just casually done something that was generally regarded as the realm of True Magic, that or magecraft of the Age of Gods. The Pokemon that had taken them wasn't even winded, and could clearly do this all day.

Her thoughts filled with possibilities, endless, endless possibilities, and for the first time in a while, Rin was truly happy. Her sister was back, Magic was Magic again, and while the new world she inhabited made no sense, she could learn of it, and how to live in it.

"... That was impressive." She said aloud, a severe understatement for her awe, but it would have to do. Sakura nodded along.

"A lot of Psychic types can teleport, though most can't take passengers without training." Fennel explained. "Munna's best at bringing me from here to the office and back, though she's going to need extra treats after getting all of us here in one go!" She booped the little elephant on the nose, letting it give a cheerful bleat. "Thank you!"

"They're living beings," Juniper stated at the pair of questioning looks, "They have their own wants, needs, feelings, and thoughts. Pokemon and Humans are symbiotic; we help each other out, and we can't be at our full potential without each other." The professor scowled, "Though those who abuse the system do exist, since the power balance is currently in humanity's favor."
"... It wasn't always?" Sakura asked hesitantly.

"No." Juniper answered, "Those who say that Pokemon are universally good, and only the human trainer controlling them can be evil are morons who haven't studied history. There was a reason the times before 300 years ago were a terrifying time for a lot of humans."

"Oh." Sakura whispered, looking down at her Eevee. "I see."

Fennel returned her Munna, then put a hand on Sakura's shoulder, wincing slightly at the girl's instinctive flinch. "That's not to say Pokemon are evil either; just that the conflicts between them and humans could get pretty bad. Today, there's mutual respect and bonds of friendship making things run a lot more smoothly." She took her hand away. "Come on in, let's show you around!" She walked towards the large mansion-like building before them.

The girls blinked as they were led inside. Something in them had expected a standard Magus household; with a cultured, posh exterior hiding secret workshops and ancient libraries. Instead, the door swung open with a slight hiss, allowing the girls to enter a massive space with white tile floors. Desks with computers were set along the walls, while a large central area was occupied by a raised dias surrounded by cameras. Juniper swung her arms in an arc. "Welcome to the Nuvema Pokemon Laboratory, the world's foremost center for research into Pokemon history, origins, and evolution- in the proper term, that is." She looked back at the girls. "What do you think?"

"It's very modern." Sakura said, smiling, "Not at all what we're used to." Beside her, Rin seemed paralyzed, looking around with a dazed expression.

"Not everything's top of the line, but Unova does give me the good funding. I usually don't have to sweat my research grants." She walked over towards the massive central platform, motioning with one hand as she moved behind a nearby monitor. "Could you two and your Eevee step onto the platform?"

"Of course." The plum haired girl replied immediately, dutifully doing so.

"What does it do?" Rin asked, her tone sharp and concealing a note of concern.

"It's a broad-spectrum analyzer, which we use to take biological data from Pokemon. Works on people, too!" Fennel explained promptly. "Two new Eevee, origins unknown, and two outworld visitors; best to see if you're carrying anything nasty." Sakura, on the dias, flinched.

"... I see. Probably for the best. I presume I'll be going up there after Sakura? Or would you prefer I go up there now as well?" Rin replied slowly, nodding in some minor understanding.

"Go on up. I scanned a schooling Wishiwashi with this once, four beings isn't going to tax it." Juniper replied. Rin nodded, not quite getting what was going on, but took her place atop the podium anyway, her eevee hopping off to stand at her side.

"Right, scan underway…" After a few minutes, Juniper blinked. Once. Twice. Then she looked up at Sakura, face twisting into a scowl. "...this Zouken. Did he put that parasite in you?" As Sakura flinched, Juniper growled. "Is this… normal?"

Rin stared at her sister, then blurred into motion, taking a look at the screen in front of her, before her veins began to glow. The table she was gripping began to crack within her grip. " It's not." She jerked her head up. "Is this…"

Sakura began to shake, before her Eevee leapt up, forcing her to latch on as he crooned softly. Seconds later, Rin and Fennel wrapped their arms around the softly sobbing girl.

The tableau lasted for a few seconds before Juniper joined them on the podium. "...well, whatever it was, it's dead now." Sakura froze at those words, even as the professor continued. "We should be able to remove it… hell, we'll have to, before it starts to–"

"Enough, Aurea." Fennel whispered. "We… we can talk about this later."

"... If Zouken is alive if or when we get back, I am going to ensure he suffers for this." Rin hissed, eyes alight in frozen rage, an aurora reflected by a glacier. She gripped her sister all the tighter as she continued, "Then I am going to drag father's spirit from the afterlife and make him suffer."

"He's gone…" Sakura said softly. "He– he told me he put his soul in that worm. So that I would always have him with me." She shuddered. "It it's dead… then so is he."

"...good." Rin stated softly, in an oddly hollow voice, "Good."

Shirou flexed his hand, watching a series of blue veins pulse into being then fade as he focused, the sound of a popping fire triggering his circuits. "This is… much easier than the nerve circuit method." He flexed again. "So… 27 circuits?"

"Of middling quality, yes." Illya says in reply, nodding happily, "You're lucky, Shirou. You have a good amount of circuits of decent quality, which is already fairly rare even among established lineages."

Shirou frowned. "I wonder if my old family…" He shook his head. "Okay. So… I suppose we can practice this tomorrow."

"Yes, best to let them cool down tonight." Illya responded, before turning to look out the window beside her brother. " day, and everything is different." She murmured. "A new world, a little brother, and… freedom." She spoke the last word as though tasting it, her tongue curling as she sounded it out.

"Did you want to talk about it, nee-san?" Shirou asked softly after an awkward pause, his voice gentle, "It helped, for me. Talking to someone, I mean."

"...papa promised. He promised to come back for me, and then he never did. Or they said he never did." Illya murmured. "The Einzberns… they kept me there, in that castle. A captive princess." She tilted her head back, silver hair falling down her back. "But now I'm free." At her brother's silence, neither judging nor pitying, Illya continued, "And I'm honestly not sure how to deal with that."

Shirou closed his eyes. "...the old man pulled me out of the fire. I don't remember anything before that." He opened his eyes, looking at his sister. "Afterward, I was like a zombie. Dad told me that you have to take every day at a time. You're free, and I'm alive. We have to forge ahead, and leave the past behind." He paused. "As much as possible, I guess.""

Smiling, the snow-haired girl nodded, "I think I can do that, Shirou." Closing her eyes, she smiled, "You'll be there?"

"Always." Her brother replied without any hesitation whatsoever, "To the best of my abilities."

"E-vuh!" "Vee!" Two shrimps sounded, as twin critters pushed their ways onto the laps of the siblings. Shirou smiled, running his hands through his Eevee's fur. "You'll be with us too, hmm?" Scratching under his chin, Shirou smiled. "I can't imagine you fighting…"

"That's because you haven't seen how well Pokemon fight, boyo." Carolina interjected from the doorway, smirking, "I have some old recording of my grandaughter's Eevee. Would you two like to see how absurd these small foxes are?"

Illya looked up, eyes shining. "Really?"

"Sure. After that, I'm certain we can find videos of the other Eeveelutions on the internet." Carolina confirmed.

As Shirou rose, Illya blinked. "Umm… what's an internet?"

Rin eyed the arcane device in front of her, blinking at the graphics passing across it in utter bewilderment. "Okay… so, that's magic, right?"

"No, nee-san, it's technology." Sakura replied, watching as the Flareon on-screen blasted aside a group of buzzing Beedrill. Sakura suspected she would never be comfortable around these 'bug-type' pokemon. Watching this was more cathartic than she expected.

Aurea and Fennel watched the two from one side. "Pokemon battles come in all shapes and sizes, but every Pokemon is dangerous in its own way. Or, has the potential." Aurea explained. "Is the potion doing its job, Sakura?"

Sakura looked down at the shirt she'd been provided, her heart skipping slightly as she saw the bulge beneath it; the bandages tied to her torso, right over her heart. "...I think so. There's no pain."

"... No, there should be some light stinging," Fennel muttered, before pausing, "Ah, right. Has the anesthetic worn off yet, Sakura? That might be the reason."

Sakura paused. "I… don't feel anything… Nothing worth mentioning, anyway."

"Ah, right. I can explain this one, Professor." Rin offered, gently and awkwardly patting her sister's head, "Magi naturally have an absurdly high pain tolerance because using magic hurts us. Our circuits, when used, heat up, and… it isn't really a pleasant experience. Sakura probably has an even higher pain tolerance because of… Zouken's interesting choice of training." She spat, her face twisting in disgust, "Did the useless worm even teach you anything useful, Sakura?"

Her sister shifted uncomfortably. " I…no." She shook her head. "No."

Rin growled. "Well, if he–"

"Nee-san." Sakura shook her head. "You will not teach me the Tohsaka secrets."


"You need those more than me. And… I don't want them."

"...can I at least teach you the basics?" Rin offered, "I don't need to go into family secrets to do that, so it won't affect my magecraft's potency."

Sakura looked at the hopeful light in Rin's eyes, and couldn't help but smiled slightly as she nodded. "...yes, you may."

Rin smiled back, then paused, looking at the screen. "You know… maybe we could establish a new magical tradition…"

Aurea chuckled as Rin began to mutter about possible magical derivatives of Pokemon. Beside her, Fennel shook her head. "Already fitting right into this family, I guess." She elbowed her wife. "Was this a good idea, or what?"

"Yes." Juniper stated, going smugly silent as Fennel tried to figure out exactly what she meant, before she too shrugged and sat back to enjoy the next video.

The next chapter is written, and will be posted here in a month. Or... you could check my Patreon and get it right now. Look here, or here if you want to support Miho Chan, my co-author.