[X] Plan Motivation and Reward Exalted Sorcery Version
- [X] We some before you because we face a threat to all. Today he seeks to curse our world and raise it as an undead mockery of what it was. Tomorrow, I believe, he seeks to claim dominion over all, both the dead and those yet to die. He is a coward though, he seeks to use others rather than fight himself. Here, now, he seeks to use you to make of you his shield. Come with us and we shall punish him for his presumptions.
- [X] Bur we do not come before you as beggars, offering nothing but our pleas. Consider this: reach down with your hand and throw a large lump of sand in the air, then use MHM backed by craft charms to melt the sand into liquid glass and then condense it into an articulated (moving joints) glass sculpture of a hawk, and use MHM to make it fly around. Consider the hawk. Beautiful, yes. Its wings beat. But does it truly live? No. But this's Ise Keth to transform the glass hawk into a living one, and cast it up into the air so it soars up into the sky under its own power. This is life. This is what I offer. In return for your magnanimity in coming with us to craft down this usurper, the necromancer I will first perform a working to make you live again, as glorious as you were when you first wore living flesh, if not more.
-[X] Everyone involved in making those social rolls use willpower
-[X] If Fan is the one making the rolls Use Willpower, Iron Resolve and CCC.
-[X] Power Armor Gift
--[X] Fan Morgal
Ghost Touched
--[X] Lorgar
--[X] Dharok
-[X] Thalasssa
--[X] Attribute+Ability: Mental Primary Physical Secondary
--[X] Mythos Powers (7/7)
---[X] Death of a Thousand Cuts
---[X] Invisible Means Undodgeable
---[X] Supernatural Sensitivity
---[X] Race Against the Clock
---[X] Hammerspace
---[X] Instant Diagnosis
---[X] The Sleepless
--[X] Gifts (7/7)
Malleable Spirit
Release from Bondage
Iron Resolve
Ghost Touched
Preternatural Awareness
Apecraft's Blessings
Gaia The Machine God's Toolbox
--[X]Archeotech Implants (7/7)
---[X] Artifact Exoskeleton (3): Enhances Physical rolls by adding a x6 modifier. By committing one Essence, Thalassa can render herself immune to one of the following for the scene, to be declared at the start.
---[X] Infinite Prana Reactor(1): She regenerates one Essence or one Willpower per 15 minutes of rest and has unlimited power for various energy using tools like Las weapons and other implants.
---[X] Transhuman Potential (Mental): Gains -4 Difficulty on her primary Specialization or -2 on her secondary specialization.
---[X] Integrated Armor (1): 10 dice + 5 automatic successes on soak rolls.
---[X] Integrated Weapons (1): Allows the use of Heavy Weapons at the best configuration (Max Accuracy and damage with no Penalty. Can also freely switch between lethal and non-lethal damage).