Vote tally - Echoes of Creation (30k/Exalted)

Adhoc vote count started by Yzarc on May 14, 2024 at 9:29 AM, finished with 30 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Echoes of Creation (30k/Exalted)
Post #1707
Post #1736


  • [X] Individual Meditation: People can choose to meditate alone, focusing their thoughts and energies on the protection of the tribe. This method could require a deep connection to one's inner self and a strong sense of faith.
    [x] Chanting Rituals: People can engage in chanting rituals, where specific words or phrases are repeated rhythmically to invoke a sense of spiritual power. This method could require precision and adherence to tradition.
    [X] Group Prayer: People can join together with other tribe members in a collective prayer, amplifying their faith energy through unity. This method could require cooperation and coordination among the Tribesmen.
    [X] Plan: Choice with a bit of anime and gaming
    -[X] Individual Meditation: People can choose to meditate alone, focusing their thoughts and energies on the protection of the tribe. This method could require a deep connection to one's inner self and a strong sense of faith.
    --[X] Write in: Group Prayer, Chanting Rituals, Incantations, Dance Ceremonies, Music, Art, Symbolic Offerings, hand signs, mental visualization, imagery and imagination, creativity and canvas, all of these are forms of prayer where individuals can choose to partake but at the end of it all, a prayer comes from the heart
    ---[X] People can join together to amplify faith through unity, but that is of choice and not coerced
    ---[X] People can engage in chanting rituals to invoke spiritual power, with words coming from the heart
    ---[X] people can perform dances to express faith and channel energy, with strength hidden within
    ---[X] People can make offerings, but they should not be given to prove ones faith but an expression of gratitude given freely by the individual
    --[X] *insert generic Minecraft ending poem* about how the universe made you out of parts of itself(atoms) just so you can love existence which in-turn means you love the universe(yourself) so you(the universe) can know the universe and be known by the universe(yourself), how your stronger then you know and how the universe loves you and is loved by you. that you are alive and are a story made of love, never alone
    [X] Dance Ceremonies: People can perform sacred dances, using movement and rhythm to express their faith and channel their energy into the amulets. This method could require agility and a deep connection to the tribe's cultural heritage.