[X] Tie her up with your chains and watch out for her powers just in case she's got a trick or two up her sleeve. Immobilize her so that you can chat like civilized Meguca. -[X] Talk to her, just talk to her, why did she come to fight 'The Adult Magi' anyways? Who told her about you and what did they tell her you did that makes you worth a stupid suicide run?
[X] Tie her up with your chains and watch out for her powers just in case she's got a trick or two up her sleeve. Immobilize her so that you can chat like civilized Meguca.
-[X] Talk. Let her know she got sent into a suicide run. Ask if she needs help.
[x] Okay, now you have to get her talking. Be a cheeky motherfucker, get your taunt game going and rile her up so much she'll have to drop something useful.
-[x] When it becomes clear you aren't getting more, restrain her with your chains.
[X] Severely injure her. (1 Difficulty; the intent is to scare her off permanently. It's not great but it'll be better than killing her, and it leaves a chilling effect on Kasamino)