Earth, Wind, and Fire (And Water) - A WOW Elemental Quest

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Long ago, in far, far simpler times, the elements itself raged across (the then-unnamed) Azeroth. Led by Ragnaros the Firelord, Neptulon the Waterlord, Princess Theradas the Earthlady, and Al'Akir the Windlord, The very planet was torn apart in the frantic clashes for the legendary fifth element: Spirit. While interrupted by both the landing of The Old Gods and the sealing by The Titan Pantheon, their battle has not abated, even to this day. The war rages on, even after the Summoning of Ragnaros back to the Material realm by the supposed "Dark Iron Clan", he still does not leave his realm unattended. Neptulon plots at this development, eagerly awaiting a chance to exploit it to gain an advantage. Al'Akir broods in silence, wondering how to twist this, as all wind does. The only one unaffected is Theradas, preferring to bolster her mighty defenses that await all her foes.

You are a newborn elemental, just barely a core. You have yet to develop your elemental affinity, but it is a time close approaching.

Where do you wake?

[] A Craggy Cavern, surrounded by the stone of the Earth.
[] A Coral Reef, the gentle currents of water wash over you.
[] A Fluffy Cloud, spritely wisps of air flitter about.
[] A Bed of Coals, where flame and lava rush past you in a rage.

(AN: Welcome to Earth, Wind, and Fire (and Water), a quest where you will play as a newly-born elemental on the elemental plane, and you will have to survive there. It takes place during the time when Ragnaros is being summoned to Blackrock Mountain, during the end of the War of the Three Hammers. You can build up power in your respective elemental land, taking on more and more power, and potentially become an Elemental Noble...or More. The vote will last for 9 hours, so choose wisely.)
There's not much to do as a water elemental.

Well, not much to do when one is naught but a core. All you can do is wriggle a little bit, look around the corals, and absorb energy.

...Perhaps you should do something like that.

What do you want to do?

(You can choose as many as you want unless specified otherwise)

[] Wriggle like a madman (or mad elemental, in this case)
[] Look around (Who knows? Maybe something has changed in the last five seconds since you looked around.)
[] Absorb some energy (and actually do something useful, for once) [CHOOSE ONE]
-[] Try to absorb as much as possible, no matter how thin it is
-[] Try to absorb the thickest strings of energy, despite it taking longer

(AN: Short one, but still useful nonetheless. The vote will be open for 24 hours, to let any potential questers have a chance to vote.)
[X] Absorb some energy (and actually do something useful, for once) [CHOOSE ONE]
-[X] Try to absorb as much as possible, no matter how thin it is
[x] Absorb some energy (and actually do something useful, for once) [CHOOSE ONE]
-[x] Try to absorb the thickest strings of energy, despite it taking longer