Dwarf Fortress: It is terrifying

If this manages to be popular, I'm considering turning it into a succession fort. Good or bad idea?

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!!FUN!! Containment Officer
New Delhi


Somehow, I get the feeling I'm going to be sharing this guy's fate.

Well, you all know Dwarf Fortress already. The learning curve, the !!FUN!! and the inexplicably large cat populations.
This LP will chronicle my first serious attempt at surviving a terrifying embark. The screams of the dying and the moans of the undead shall be interspersed with the occasional cringe inducing attempt at humour.
This is going to be my first LP, hell, it's going to be the longest post I've ever written on the internet. Expect updates every weekend and feel free to guilt trip me if I fail to deliver.
Before I forget, this is Dwarf Fortress version 40.24, taverns and scholars and such have not been implemented. I've never played the newest version and can't deal with that on top of the expected FUN.

I'll attempt to downsize images somewhat but I'm afraid it's going to be quite taxing on anyone with a slow connection.

So, to start us off-

The embark has a heavily forested untamed wild to the northwest and the rest of it is upon the terrifying mountain The Horn of Pus. There is little soil and shallow as well as deep metals.
The saga of the fortress Bomrekakmesh "WhippedTempests" begins now!

Ok, just started and already a rookie mistake. Turns out I can't figure out how to take a picture of the whole embark area. Here's the stuff around the wagon.

It is a land that would be a delight for any dwarf were it not, y'know, a blasted hellscape. A river passes between two hills, a sight that would inspire many a megaproject in a true dwarf. The trees to the north shall be the source of the wildlife that shall proceed to murderize us as undead. Can't have a terrifying embark without proper shambling hordes.

Immediately, an order is given to dig an entrance in which we shall hide. But the presence of a solitary undead hoary marmot changes those plans.

Using the wood we brought the dwarves build a wall around the wagon and set to dig down instead. Satisfied I start to watch them work until I realise that we're short a miner.

The spry little guy's already started mining out the old designation and I quickly wall him in. Dwarves working too quickly, will miracles never cease?

I shall now get started on the usual beginning stu- Oh god it's raining dwarf blood.

The fact that the nearby forest is spotless only serves to highlight the evil of this place

After rushing everyone underground and building a door, work begins on digging a tunnel to the hill with the miner to start us off in earnest.

Diggy diggy hole~. The animals have been walled in for eternity, we're finally getting stuff done.
Oh fuck all kinds of duck.

Or fuck all kinds of owl people I guess.
Thankfully, we're roofed and walled in. Problem is that we have no soil to provide food and any attempt at a meat diet will come with a heaping helping of Darwin's middle finger. I'll have to flood a room with water and to create something fertile.
But first, look at that beautiful iron ore.

This place might look like a shithole from the outside but the Horn of Pus hides a great bounty. Perhaps that is what motivated the dwarves to start out on this insane venture.
Come to think of it... violent and terrifying on the outside, warm and nurturing on inside.
Is it possible for a mountain to be a tsundere? I-It's not like I want you to build a beautiful fort inside me or anything... baka.
I'm going to leave you all with that mental image and sign off for now.

Next time on Vikram's ill advised venture, fumbling around with water and hopefully not drowning.
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The Baracks and the food storage being prepared. I'm just shifting everything from the shelter to the fort. The owls seem to have left at least. But first of all:
Blood and death all around but by God the dwarves will have their luxurious dining hall. (also so they don't kill each other).

Onto the main event, the totally well thought out and not at all worrying irrigation of our future farms
The prep:

Two floodgates, with the control levers in the dining hall upstairs.
Off goes little Udil.

Hallelujah! And nobody died, too. Worked like a charm

And since now we've covered the bases on survival... It's time to make everything Beautiful!!! (And get some smelters running)

While said beautification was happening, we actually received some migrants crazy enough to join us here! And wonder of wonders, the map was free of undead at the time so we didn't have a slavering horde of zombies on hand.

Bomrekakmesh is now home to 15 bearded little souls+one useless kid not worth counting.
We've got two miners, a mediocre craftdwarf, a surgeon who'll be pretty useful, a fisherdwarf who wont, a thresher, a grower and the best of the bunch, a soldier who wields an undead pinata smasher i.e. mace.
To accommodate all these we've got a tiny dormitory with three beds which you've probably noticed.
Gonna have to fix that soon. I'll use the reprieve to stockpile some wood.
Incidentally, the drought animals have turned into murder machines, as expected. In case you forgot this was a hellhole.

Which reminds me, Animal Quarantine 2.0

It's a bloody zombie party out there

If there ever was an excuse to never go outside, this would be it. But unlike the stereotypical shut in, we'll actually be doing something productive (for the fort, irl I'm playing a video game).
We've got the forge going, churning out weapons and armor for the future militia

The living quarters have been designated to be dug out.

Time passes, resources accumulate and walls are smoothed out. And then arrives the outpost liaison, caravan less as the fort has no depot, and is walled off besides. He is let in swiftly, but the lone merchant following them is caught by an undead kestrel and succumbs to terror, running around like a headless chicken, but not before killing said undead menace in one blow!

The caravan guards have long since abandoned him. But fortunately he able to reach the map's edge before he is caught by the more solid undead.

The fort prospers, sequestered away in truth in a tiny hillock, barely a tenth of the embark. I've decided to open up the entrance to create some excitement, or this would be very boring LP indeed.

In the mean time arrives another migrant wave, but this one is right underneath this:

Okay, seriously... nothing happens. Nothing. I thought I was finally going to get some blood and carnage but no, the fast little buggers somehow outrun the flying zombie men. All I get is these two bitchslapping a named kestrel corpse's neck and moving along.

We now have 28 dwarves in WhippedTempests

All those 'peasants' (with the green shirts) are certified bad-asses, so this wave isn't entirely useless.

That's all for today. As for what happens next I'm hoping for some suggestions from SV, otherwise I'll do the boring thing and build a hospital and such. Also, as per tradition you may pick a dwarf, give it a name and hope they don't get horribly murdered.

Although, come to think of it, I'm really not the right person to watch playing a Terrifying embark. The commentary seems too calm and the kind of panicked flailing that makes it fun to watch is absent. I look at the normal LP's at Bay12 and the flaming clusterfucks they turn into and think "How could you possibly mess this all up so badly, just be a little more careful." Kind of a boring attitude to have. So, I'd appreciate some advice to spice things up a bit.

Vikram, signing out.
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Okay let's see what we can do today. I'll just unpause...

We're under attack from a teenage mutant ninja tortoise


...fuck. Seems Armok heard me talking shit and now I'm going to get wrecked. The military isn't remotely ready, hell they're not even armed. Even if they were, I'm not sending rookie macemen against a tortoise monster.
Even if they did manage to kill it we'd just have an undead tortoise monster and a military infected with weartortoisism , which is just the same thing multiplied by satan. So I'm going to do the cowardly thing and hope that the cage traps can get it. Then wall the fucker in for eternity.

It's gotten in a punchup with an owl woman zombie right outside. The dwarves are confined to the emergency burrow, consisting of the dining hall and food storage (gotta make better arrangements later).
Okay, it's coming on to the traps...

Wereanimals are trapimmune how could I forget :cry:.
RUN MY DWARVES!! Build that wall!

Woohoo! Safe. Thank god for indestructible dwarven constructions. I'm going to have to pick a sacrifice from our military peasants. Even if they manage to kill it they'll have to be quarantined for werebeast infection. This is why I love this game, you've got to do things you'd never even thought of before.

OH come on! :mob: and I was just starting to have fun too. The upside is that we can now capture her.

A description of our... guest. She is promptly caged, inspiring my next mistake, I mean project.

An arena, where captured enemies shall face my dwarves in bloody combat! This being a reanimating area makes it such a suicidally stupid idea that it is perfect for dwarf fortress. But the werecreature is to dangerous to let live, lest it should spread the infection. Off to quarantine you go.

Ugh, you idiot. Walled himself inside. Again and again and again. Had to build a bridge and raise it instead.

A shot of the bottom floor, just below the main fortress. Nice and red. They won't even notice the bloodstains all over the arena. Incidentally, forgone conclusion reached-

On that note, it's time to create a military. Dwarf fortress really brings out the fact that behind every army there is some poor bloke burdened with an inhuman amount of paperwork.

Say hello to the "Galleys of Sensing". Not really sure what to make of the name but I'm sure they'll take down a few zombies before joining the shambling hordes themselves. They shall be armed and armored in iron.
A military zombie retains both his weapon and his skills, so to avoid that apocalyptic scenario I'll be training them using the arena, feeding them kills piecemeal. See! the idea isn't completely insane.
I'll show you our three bravehearts' profiles so you can get attached to them and feel bad when they die. mwahaha.

Aw... Kib and Datan are romantically involved! Datan dreams of raising a family. And Dumat is married and is the mother of the only child in the fort. These are the ones I'm sending into mortal peril? :cry:.
Er! No! I mean that I shall laugh as they're eviscerated by the undead and watch as the lovers die protecting each other and watching a family mourn... :(
What? I'm not feeling guilty you're feeling guilty!

Anyhow, that's all for now. Next time in WhippedTempests, testing out the military against a captured zombie as normal training is completely useless.

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Finally got a full embark shot. To put things in perspective:

It's a truly beautiful embark. To tell the truth I embarked here many times, adjusting the size and location of the available land until it was just right. It almost creates a sense of wonder, of intruding in a place that neither man or dwarf has ever touched. You cannot embark further into the mountains, as if even dwarven greed cannot motivate them enough to venture further in. The dead find no peace here. The pristine brook simply dies, its tiny rivulets like the lolling hand of a corpse. No seeds from the forest nearby takes hold in the mountains, as if the very land abhors all that mother nature has to offer.

It makes you think, what kind of horrors must lie at the heart of such lands? Giants of pearl white bone, animated by the powers of the god who holds sway over the dread mountains, herding beasts long forgotten by time. Demons who have quenched their thirsts on rains of blood ever since the world sprang forth from Armok's anvil. The same rains have watered great eldritch forests, of trees covered in eyes which follow your every movement, of spires of gleaming netherwood who forever hold the chill of death. What could possibly have twisted these lands so?

I believe that ignition of our imagination is what Tarn Adams aspired to achieve, to create entire worlds woven with mathematics and simple cause and effect. My respect for the man and his brother is immense, and whenever this game gives me a new experience it grows even larger. So, I ask of you SV, between updates share with me some tales of a time where you were awestruck, not only by this game but by any other creation of man so we may realize the endless possibilities the world holds.

...Huh, believe me, this whole monologue was completely unplanned. The words just sprang out the moment I scrolled over the two images.

Gather round, gather round for the fight of the Century! (the only fight) On one side we have the venerable Galleys of Sensing, miraculously holding formation for once. On the other, abominations against all that is holy, the restless dead, the slavering beasts of the Horn of Pus!!! :o
Well, to be honest it's just an owl woman corpse and the head of a hen. Not even a whole hen, just the head. :facepalm: Yes, that little o and some gristle.
Anyhow, it's more than what they've ever faced before so let's hope no one dies in the most embarrassing way possible. Release the dead!

Datan, the speedy bugger lands the first blow on both opponents, crushing the hen head in one blow and crippling the owl woman! Probably trying to impress his girlfriend, the cheeky bastard. Meanwhile, the other two are slow and clunky in their new armor. Perhaps I shall promote Datan in the commander's place.

The fight ends, all three having beaten on the enemy together. Once again Datan scores the final blow, but when I look at the kill screens of the soldiers, both of the martial couple Datan and Dumat are credited. How sweet.
Pictured: Macedwarf Datan:

The owl woman was a vicious opponent, going for the neck on both but only managing to scratch them.It also managed to cut Dumat's ear off. It seems I underestimated the zombies this time.
Even the tiniest cuts can get infected so it's time to build a hospital. Honestly I should have done this earlier. Oh wait

Oh dear I hope I have the required materials.
Zuglar Fathdeg screams, I must have bones!

I'm going to have to sacrifice a dog for this. And have the militia looking over the butcher's shoulder.
On the upside, I'll finally have some tallow for making soap. Oh and another nuisance just came up.

The owl's arms have come alive. Go forth my minions.

That was fast. And it provided the bones needed by our surgeon as well. Remember, always recycle!

The hospital's cistern is filling up rapidly and it will be in use the moment it's properly stocked. And it will be super useful because I'm the kind idiot who forgot to lock the refuse stockpile. Fortunately a miner was there to shatter the errant arm bone.
What's that outside the fort?

A giant hamster. Really mother nature wtf.
And ugh, more zombie nuisances.

The dark gnomes are feasting on the leftovers of the old merchant's luggage. I didn't even know it was there. They're puny little things and the militia manages to kill four. I really should have made a note of their first battle but there really wasn't much to it. Once again the battle couple scored all the kills.
We now have access to a real bounty, more than enough to last us a long while.

And that's just the first page. The dwarves stream to gather the fallen goods, watched over by the now properly blooded Galleys of Sensation.

The last agenda on getting a hospital going is soap. Because we lack any animals to butcher for tallow( for good reason). We'll press some rock nut seeds for oil instead.
It took me half an hour to realize that making oil required jugs, not pots or barrels. If there were any infections we'd be screwed by now. Anyway, we've got a functioning hospital now.

Don't mind the glass furnace, the fumes are good for the patients. And look who's here!

Elves! Those rotten treehuggers have found us even here. Despite my prejudice against the knife-ears, I'm usually willing to trade with them. But this time due to lack of crafts to trade that food they've got looks mighty tempting indeed. I mean, my militia is right there. Who'll even miss them?
So, I am trapped in a dilemma. Senseless slaughter, or noble abstinence?
That decision I will leave to you all at SV. Should we kill them all or not? Come and leave your vote.

Nothing new except the hospital and cistern, some extra storage as well.

Vikram, signing out.

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Elves may be tree-loving fools, but there's no reason to slaughter them-they'd just come back from the dead anyways.
With a heavy heart, I am forced to let the elves go unharmed. While the frail pointy-ears are of no concern, the yak bull that accompanies them is far too deadly to trifle with alive, let alone undead.
Wait, good sense in a dwarven fort!? Must be the lack of booze because what the fuck we're out of drinks.
After taking care of that particular embarrassment, I shall chronicle the recent events.
Our fey mood has borne fruit:

Our first artifact, carved from the bones of our enemies. I find it quite pleasing. As if inspired, Immediately afterwards our surgeon withdraws from society. What is with medical dwarves here? Perhaps the violation of everything they've ever known by these lands has affected them.
Our stockpiles of wood are low and I'm going to dig a tunnel to the forest for safe harvesting. The surgeon needs it for his work anyhow.

As the wood is being gathered, arrives a wave of migrants including one with an almost sadly appropriate name, squashed wheels the adequate miller.

That is literally all he has accomplished in his life. :jackiechan:
The wave also contains two hammerdwarves, who will eventually join the militia.
Meanwhile, the reanimating limbs in the refuse stockpile continue to be a pain in the ass. It's like mowing a lawn, except the grass is zombies. I forgot to lock the door again and only noticed because of the units screen.

In total the fort now contains 35 dwarves. Meanwhile our surgeon just completed his artifact as well:

A useless trinket, as expected.
Work continues apace, the forges getting slightly expanded and a proper smelting area being prepared.

And something to celebrate as well: The first birth in our fort!

A shame the little tyke will amount to nothing but a skill-less peasant.
Oh It's a baby boom, the valiant macedwarf couple Dumat and Datan now have a son!

The little brat popped right out in the middle of the baracks! :grin:
Just look at the scene, the commander and new recruit peeping fearfully over the bed while father Datan loses his shit in the corner. Most awkward day of training ever!

I'm playing, writing and editing images at the same time, makes for a more authentic experience for me.
We've got a new recruit in the Galleys of Sensing, the axedwarf Nolan YawnedOils. When asked for her opinion on it, she said-

:rofl: Yes, there's a lot of love flying around at the moment.

The forge is fully expanded, getting a proper smelting area. Really, I do things in the strangest order.

Along with the births there is bad news as well. We have our first injured soldier, the Axedwarf Nomal injured while battling a undead hoary marmot.

Truly a dangerous foe. Almost as dangerous as the weretortoise we have trapped in the basement.
A spinal injury at that. Let us hope she recovers. Ok nevermind she's alive and kicking again, it was just a flesh wound. Among the militia, Datan is far in the lead with 10 kills:

With his wife in second place with four and that useless Militia Commander Kib with only one. In honour of his speed and ferocity I'd like to christen him-
And give him and his wife masterwork armor... They're going to need it as it's time to have some FUN

Thought I'd forgotten about the arena, did ya. Nope! Release the dread llama!!!!

They engage it, 'Sonic' Datan unsurprisingly at the front, along with Kib. I do hope Dumat doesn't get too close though, nobody likes cleaning baby puree. Dwarves take their children into battle with them.
I'm going to be giving tick by tick commentary on this, use your imagination.
The llama charges at the commander, pushing him back. But she stands up cause she's no weakling-

Dumat, ever the hero, strikes the llama, breaking ribs. But the undead care not for such things and the foul creature jumps away from the commander's strike, bringing him in reach of Datan.
Depending on his swiftness, 'Sonic' weaves around the llama's attack and kicks it right in the right leg! It is followed by his mace in the next strike, but the limb stands firm.
He again dodges the next attack, jumping back and look!

Dumat has joined the melee, proclaiming-

She bashes the llama's foot, backing up her husband while the commander recovers. The new recruit is still out of reach, unused to combat and having already been burned before.
They trade blows until she jumps away to dodge and Sonic swipes at the beast's head to not much effect.

Finally, the new recruit takes the fore. Perhaps her axe will be more effective.

It certainly is! Will this mark a turning point in this battle?
Axedwarf Nomal blocks the llama's return strike with her trusty shield and hacks the llama in the chest.
Datan drives a kick at its head but it jumps away, now only in the reach of Nomal.
Another change of positions puts it in the reach of the commander as well

With two heavy blows Dumat shatters both its tail and its foot, and again on its other foot, It's on the ground now!
With the combined efforts of Numal and Dumat its almost completely crippled.
All the llama has managed so far is to bruise Datan's leg a little.
They're all beating on it together now, and someone bashes its teeth in, I almost feel bad for it.

Its teeth are still airborne when the commander friggin punches it in the face! Blow rain down on it rapidly until it resembles a used pinata, with teeth as the candy. But the abomination is still moving, and the dwarves are still weaving around its every attack.

Abruptly the fight ends, with Datan once again landing the final blow. About as abruptly as the sudden turn of the LP to sports commentary, come to think of it.
And little baby Dastot had front line seats to the whole of it. When asked about his opinion, he answered-

Well, ask a stupid question...
And while perusing the soldiers' profiles I discovered a surprising detail in Dumat's.

She's practically a child in dwarven terms, her husband is half a century older than her!
Anyhow, with that bit of excitement over, I'll be ending the update here.
I'd quite like to hear some detailed comments on how the LP's been so far, it is my first one after all. Also, I'm quite hesitant to add to massive quantity of images on this one page, do me a favor and move this thread onto the second, would ya?

Vikram, Signing out.
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In celebration of receiving the hallowed 'meow' rating, have a picture of my cat-

Also, the title of this thread as it appears in the computer and video game section is not bolded, unlike almost every other thread. Is there any way to fix that?
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It's not bolded because you've read it. Undead threads are bolded.

Cute cat. Also, what you're doing so far is great though I think it can get a bit overly train of thought at times.
Mind if I get made into a Dwarf?

Like say, a miner?

Not asking to be a overseer candidate.


The dread llama has been slain, and the fort now feasts on its hard earned remains. The butcher's shop is placed in the arena itself, for security purposes. I find new uses for the it every time.

Meanwhile, the human caravan has just arrived and yet again the map is miraculously free of undead.

Embarking next to a forest seems to have 'taken up' the number of creatures being spawned as a flock of ravens have been hanging around. Of course, when zombies do come they're from the deadly megafauna so it kinda balances out.

We sell off some substandard armor for food, thread for the hospital and a barrel of... artichoke wine. Because apparently Night_Stalker's dwarf likes it.

The barracks are expanded to house the three new members of the squad, a speardwarf and two hammer dwarves. Given the compact nature of the fort I don't feel the need for more than one squad. The recruits' profiles:

With that, every dwarf with combat skills is now in the militia.

But honestly, they're still completely incapable of fighting the undead. I ran a test save in the arena with the lot against a captive Alpaca corpse and they were slaughtered to the man. Utterly one sided. 'Sonic' Datan lived the longest as expected, watching his squad and family be slaughtered and his wife rising from the dead before falling unconscious.

After that, well...

Yeah, his wife killed him. Just smashed his head until nothing was left. Yikes.
Dwarf fortress is a brutal game, and it really drives in the horrific nature of the undead. There was no drama. She died, she rose and she smashed her husband's head in like a watermelon.

Okay... I've reloaded and am looking at the fort

But after that particular episode I'm rather at a loss in regards to what to do next. Can any Dwarf Fortress players offer some suggestions?

Vikram, signing out for now.
Minor screw up occurred, and the current save was lost. But since I'm a paranoid guy I had an older backup so things were swiftly brought up to date. The babies were born the same way, the forge was expanded etc.
I have also found out that our chief medical dwarf is a melodramatic pastry-

He was bruised. On the leg. By the hand of a dark gnome. :facepalm:
Some giant flying squirrels did a fly by of the place at ridiculous speed. In less than five seconds they came into the map and out the other side.

Unfortunately, the human caravan was scared off by an undead bird of all things so we couldn't get anything from them.
The cramped dining hall is expanded into... a slightly less cramped dining hall.

And the barracks are engraved, mostly with the events of the fort and the killing of various beings by yetis on the Horn of Pus. Fitting to have something to remind them of what they fight for and the dangers of the land.

A zombie hydra. Let's hope it doesn't visit us.
While some are awfully specific

Asking Datan about his feelings gets-

He fights zombies for a living! How much more excitement could he want?
Nomal the axedwarf on the other is having some complex feelings

No need to feel bad, you've all been doing an excellent job. I mean, just look

Sparring until you pass out, damn.

We did have a stroke of luck in regards to the military, a peregrine's head came alive and I sent the lot to kill it. But the damn thing just would not die no matter how much they beat on it, ultimately passing out from exhaustion.

Since the head couldn't hurt any of them through the armor they all got some mad skill gains instead of dying against our very own punching bag. Long story short, Datan Ducimken is now a mace lord-

I don't even know how I'm getting so lucky all the time.
I haven't really brought attention to it but all the important dwarves of the fort, like the mason, the furnace operator, the metalsmith etc. are all miners as well. This of course has two benefits. One is that more miners=faster work and the second is that they can all defend themselves pretty damn well when push comes to shove.

In other news, the whole personal room thing was getting to be a pain in the ass so I'm knocking down the walls to make a dormitory

After a long lull in which nothing really interesting happened aside from upgrading the military gear to all masterwork and the maces to silver, the dwarven caravan arrives. It gives a good opportunity to offload some useless crap, I mean valuable trade goods to the mountainhome.
They've brought a heavy escort, as expected for these lands.

But due to the broken discipline mechanics they're all liable to run around like headless chickens the moment someone looks at them wrong. I think It's time to build some fortification around the outdoor trade depot-

The outpost liaison meets with us.

Bad new all around, The Red Wraith and The Dutiful Lies are tearing through the dwarves. And I bet the change of leadership in the bloody "Rack of Evisceration" wasn't exactly peaceful.
I ask them to bring everything they have that's made of steel, as well as as many flux stones they can carry.
I trade them a small arsenal of iron weapons and armor for everything they have that's made out of steel for melting. In the end we have a whopping 46 bars of steel which goes right into making weapons and armor.

Oh this old song and dance again. Well, he's actually our mechanic as well as our carpenter. He swiftly claims the carpenter's workshop and starts working.

Let's have a look at the deities our dwarves worship.

A most well rounded pantheon for any dwarven nation. The Glad Pillars being our civilization, which I've somehow completely failed to mention so far.
We seem to have a small army of Giant Emus hanging around

You know what, there hasn't been much bloodshed recently and I'm bored. I'm sending the veteran members of our militia to kill them all.

The emus lead them on a merry chase, preferably set to Yakety Sax, throughout the forest. But as expected, they are run down by 'Sonic' Datan who scores the first kill and two other emus are slain.

These ones too are swiftly killed. They've come a long way from their alpaca fearing days.
The best part is that they won't rise as zombies because our militia's been using silver weapons. Wait, no, that's a lie. It's the being smashed to a pulp by a psychotic dwarf thing that keeps them down. Crushing the head or the body mangles them beyond raising, the reason why I've been using maces.
That said, the violence was short and unsatisfying, like a pack of cheetos, and completely failed to break up the monotony.
I really shouldn't be tempting Murphy so much by complaining, lest he should give me the equivalent of a T-bone steak but right now, even that would be welcome.
Meanwhile, a new squad is created, putting a speardwarf and two hammerdwarves together. Since they are still green recruits I did not add them to the Galleys of Sensation.
Meet The Rough Limbs, with the tiny cramped barracks to signify their noob status.

Hmm. What to do now... I know, let's get some air conditioning for the dining hall. Yes, you read that right. We're going to make a dwarven mist generatorTM​.

The cycle of the pumps begin from the leftmost one, pumping water north to south where it's carried anti clockwise. The device exploits the fact that screw pumps draw input from one level below, through the holes and to above the next. The water then falls down, to the dining hall, generating mist in the process before being drawn up to the next pump and so on. Now to get some power to the thing.
Huh, the game keeps crashing for some reason. I'll post further when I've figured out how to fix that.
Never mind, false alarm. It's working again.
@SteelRaptor Nomal the axedwarf now bears your name. It's quite fitting as she's gotten incredibly deadly with her masterwork steel axe.

I was not exaggerating about the mad skill gains.

We've got a working mist generator, which will accomplish nothing except drag down the FPS.
Although perhaps there is another use. Nothing kills the mood to party like being splashed by a literal metric ton of water. If one were to load the pumps with 7 deep water...


On the other hand, the happiness granting properties of mist are insignificant compared to this because dwarves are mentally invincible in this version for some reason. Even watching their entire family get slaughtered and turned into zombies makes them only mildly upset instead of driving them insane like it did in the earlier versions. Honestly this place should be a pressure cooker but right now it's like a bloody retirement home.
Even the blood rain's gone from scary to tacky. I mean, brown and red, the whole place looks like the aftermath of a Mexican food binge.
For all I waxed poetic about the horrors of the land the most the zombies have done here is scare away the traders, and even that gets me free stuff. Anyhow, that's all for today.
Here's the status of the fort.

As always, I'm open to dwarfings and suggestions.

Vikram, Signing out.

The new barracks for our elite squad, under construction and a planned power station on the river.
I know perfectly well it utterly over sized and unnecessary but I like my rooms big and shiny. I've been restraining myself so far in that tiny hill but now is the time for Bling.

And look, it's time for Galleys of Sensing to earn their new accommodations. We've got an owl infestation.

Both squads are sent out, the veterans to do the actual killing and The Rough Limbs to, I dunno, be meatshields I guess.

*Insert Western duel music here*
The dwarves and the zombies sight each other. The captain of the rookie squad rushes the zombies, in a martial trance. Yeah, he's gonna die.

After a frankly ludicrous amount of beating on each other, the fight ends

Surprisingly, the captain survived, but the two other rookies were killed in battle. Catten actually survived till the end but succumbed due a mangled spine.

Catten and Adil, you will be missed. Maybe.
One's corpse was too mangled but the other has risen as a zombie after bleeding to death. Time for round two, vs Catten the zombie dwarf.

Well, let's just say it didn't take very long at all.
The battle ends with two dead and two injured. Both squad leaders have fractured a limb but will soon recover.

I'm forbidding the equipment of the fallen, it shall become a part of a memorial to the dead. It's a sign of great hubris that I haven't made one yet. It is a terrifying region after all. Though let's see if I can't recover the corpses as well...

Huh, it seems Adil wasn't as mangled as I thought. She, along with the assorted bits and pieces of owl people has risen to haunt the living again. This should be a cakewalk compared to the last battle. The uninjured veterans are sent to put them down.

You know, it is rather funny that we're mangling our dwarves's bodies beyond recognition so we can bury them properly. The militia goes out to recover a body, it starts to rise and *bonk* get in the bloody coffin, Adil.
Reminds of that Monty Python sketch...

Work begins on a proper tomb/memorial area for our fort, just behind the arena. The water is still being filled oh so slowly by the dwarves.

That'll be all for today. It's a bit short but I felt that I should maintain at least some momentum so I keep on doing the LP.

The focus of the next update is going to be a mystery I've been contemplating for a while.

Where's my FPS, man? There are only 37 dwarves in the fort and next to no animals. I don't even have ungodly amounts of bars and blocks to slow the game down. I should be getting a hell of a lot more speed.
I'm guessing that the cause might lie in the cavern creatures, and so we are going to dig deep and find out.