Vote tally - Duodecimarch Revolution (Warhammer x Metroid x Worm x Transformers Multicross Quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Mental Omega on Oct 15, 2020 at 2:54 PM, finished with 6 posts and 5 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Duodecimarch Revolution (Warhammer x Metroid x Worm x Transformers Multicross Quest)
Post #35
Post #40


  • [X] Samus
    - [X]: Fight a rearguard action to allow your allies to withdraw to a more advantageous position. This will require you to try and distract the Rikti long enough for your allies to flee rather than seek to engage them to destruction.
    [X]: Have yourself and the autobots split up to engage different squadrons separately, holding down all their attention and keeping the less durable humans out of harm's way. Allow PRT and Protectorate to split up to engage as they will.
    [X]: Draw combats close enough to support but not close enough to merge (Fights will be separate but characters may offer support to each other)
    [X] Arne
    - [X]: Engage Rikti in close-quarters combat to prevent them from being able to focus on allies. You are the most durable person in the group and would attract the most attention. This will keep your allies the safest.
    [X] Arne
    - [X]: Engage Rikti in close-quarters combat to prevent them from being able to focus on allies. You are the most durable person in the group and would attract the most attention. This will keep your allies the safest.
    [X] Write In : Make sure there is as little for the PRT to salvage as possible; ideally, nothing. You don't know near enough about them to trust them with access to tech clearly so much more advanced than theirs, and what you do know isn't indicative that you can.