Duodecimarch Revolution Redux: Metroid x Worm x Warhammer etc Multicross

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The stars are right and realities collide. The Warp stirs and monsters and menaces untold hunger for a chance to fall on fallow and unready worlds. Standing in their way is a young Samus Aran and her friends as worlds such as Earth Bet and Primal Earth face the terrors of being within the crossfires of interversal and extraterrestrial conquerors a plenty.
Introduction and initial party building


Judeo-Spartacist Bolshevik-Kabbalist
Sanctum Arcanorum
The year is 102,014; you are Samus Aran, fourteen years old; one year after leaving Zebes to learn how your own kind interacts with one another; hot on the trail of unknown spacecraft in the Dasha Galaxy far on the fringes of charted space. Your own sleek red craft, the Dormach; buzzed near the saucer shaped space in real-space, a red comet designed by yourself and assembled in a process you directed. You were proud of it, every last atom of it was a work of love from your restless mind; as much a thing to take pride in as the chozo tech armour you wore around yourself, designed by you with the direction of your caretakers to fit your own growing body in a red and yellow carapace.

Next to your own craft was a nimble blue strike fighter designed by your close companion and someone who; should destiny not correct itself; will walk down a road that leads to him being your rival Sylux. The Sleipnir, personal craft of Arne Skjoldr, who lived for freedom of being in the pilot's chair and feeling the solar winds on his skin through his neural link with his forward swept winged craft as it spun through a debris field, pushing ahead of yours in his eagerness to get the Saucer in his sights; the Alimbic technology craft sliding through a curtain of missiles released from the top of the Saucer in an attempt to get away from its pursuers, your own gunship just bulldozing through the primitive warheads without slowing down.

"+How much longer until this guy leads us to where the rest of his group is?+" You asked as Arne's craft deftly accelerated and winged unnervingly close to the Saucer, forcing it to go the direction he wanted before he pitched down and redirected his thrusters to avoid its barrage of mass-driver rounds; once again leaving you somewhat at a loss as to why craft these primitive even bothered to attack the convoys the two of you were travelling with to get used to socialising with more "normal" people.

"+Shouldn't be too long, he's firing his weapons off frantically without any care for ammo consumption and that Saucer doesn't have any self-sustainment capabilities.+" He responded, his nerves so much calmer when he was in the cockpit of his craft as your suit fed your nervous system through its psionic link data about new contacts. Your own latent psychic abilities and mystic talent gave you brief flashes of visions and possible strands of fate, letting you get a sense for the swarm of craft starting to head your direction.

"+Wer sind diese Leute? Ihre Manövrierfähigkeit ist unmöglich!+" (Tl: "Who are these people? Their manoeuvrability is unbelievable!") According to your armour this language was one that hadn't been spoken by humans in a very, very long time. But even with that you understood that the speaker was terrified, his voice filling the comm waves that your ship intercepted with ease.

"+Denken Sie an Ihre Flugübungen und umgeben Sie sie. Es gibt nur zwei von ihnen.+" (Tl: Remember your flight practice and surround them. There are only two of them.") almer, clearly confident that you were just two bandits to be sent on your way somewhere far from whatever or wherever it was that these people thought was so important. But based on the savagery of their attack on civilians for reasons you couldn't really fathom; you welcomed a chance to pick a fight with them.

Your heart was hot and your chest tight, the coldness with which they strafed civilians relaxing on the beaches as part of the convoy's stop infuriated you with a sensation of molten metal in your veins. Nobody would hurt like you did eleven years ago, never again would you not be able to help people screaming all around you, never again would you shy away from the flames of war when those who could not and would not fight were at risk.

"+Rette unseren Kameraden vor diesen Eindringlingen und gib unseren Raumschiffen einen direkten Pass zum Realitätstor. Heil Ziegler!+" (Tl: Rescue our comrades from these invaders and give our spaceships a direct passage to the reality gates. Hail Ziegler!) Reality gate then? From another universe? That sort of technology seemed way beyond people like this. But who was this Ziegler? So many questions...

"+Ah that's how they escaped my sensors...reality phase cloak. Pretty clever honestly, but now that I know what to look for...Samus should we follow them through this gate or not?+" Arne asked, deferring to your judgement as he did so often.

"+Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?+"

"+Just need confirmation, that's all.+" He responded a bit sheepishly, seeming to believe you were angry at him for some reason.

"+Arne, I'm not mad, not at you anyway. But whatever our past priorities were, we need to stop them from trying anything like what they did at Sondras III again.+" You said, your voice calm, a bit pitying but understanding. He didn't always appreciate it, but you always took care to treat him delicately. You didn't like to see him get hurt.

"+Samus we were asked to accompany that convoy. Even if this follows from what we were doing before; shouldn't we at least tell them where we're going?+" He asked. Such a stickler for doing what he was told whenever it was by people he trusted the authority of.

"+It's alright, don't worry about our previous orders. Keeping them safe is more important than following directives. Zurvduat isn't here to hurt you if you don't.+" You said, feeling his brief melancholy at the mention of the name of that monster before he shook his head.

The enemy craft took ages to race to your position as they disgorged from their ovoid shaped carriers in large numbers, each seeking to find their place in formation against you as they split into teams of four. It would be clever, if you weren't entire levels of existence above the technological capabilities of whomever it was these people were.

You wanted to shoot them down, to blast them to pieces and rip through their ranks. You wanted to just rip into them without pause until they were all gone, but you had to restrain yourself, you were picking up the odd signatures of their so called Gate now that you were actively searching for it; and you couldn't let yourself get distracted with the smallfry.

The Swastikas were hard to miss and with the language being used and their usage of the term "Heil"...it seemed insane, an absurdity for a menace of humanity's ancient pre-spacefaring history to still be here. If Arne and yourself didn't look into the history of your Jewish ethnicities you may never have been more than vaguely aware of what that symbol meant beyond that it symbolised one of humanity's ancient mistakes like the Imperial Double-headed Eagle, the Rising Sun banner, the Union Jack, or the Stars and Stripes.

But the gate they were approaching was a rather interesting contraption. A great circular machine at the centre of a decent-sized starfort; whose magnaflak guns and missiles were furiously trying to menace you and Arne's ships as you slid through the barrages of firepower thrown your way in a desperate attempt to stop you from making the trip.

You sent the command to your ship, the Dormach ripple-firing a series of rift torpedoes that collapsed into short-lived black holes that drew in the matter of one of the smaller ships towards its event horizon before the timed hawking acceleration tore the rift apart in a brilliant blast of superheated ejecta.

In an eyeblink afterwards, the immediate path for you to let Arne's positron cannons tear through a shielding stripped warship with blistering arcs of anti-particle electricity.

Hot alloys spun away from the sites of impact, bodies pulled into the void desperately grasped towards any salvation as you did your best to not look too closely at the personnel pulled into the empty void; pushing through the lines of enemy fire and simply letting their lasers overheat themselves against your shielding as you approached the swirl of strange energies and warped spacetime.

"+Are you sure we should just rush through? The scanners are indicating an incredible degree of chrono-spatial fluxes....a lot of them immaterial. It's interesting math but incredibly tempermental.+" Arne said, the lightning rider's voice cracking a bit as he ran the numbers in his brain.

Strange, bruise-like colour patterns danced across the normally blue-white skin of the fluctuation fields, and you could briefly hear whispers of an evil power at the edge of your thoughts before you decided to shut them out of your mind altogether by simply denying them access. You could understand his trepidations though, but you were inheritors to the progenitor cultures; you'd be fine. You think, and you were very smart so you trusted your thoughts.

"+We don't have time to debate this, let's go and put this to rest.+" You responded as you gunned the engines and shot through the eye of the interdimensional storm, pushing through the veil of reality and through a tunnel of strange colours and shapes.

Quite different from the spectral sights of N-Space or the mirror finish of Alcubierre drives, quite stranger, quite darker. You briefly felt the attentions of fathomless beings who keenly noted your passage through the unspace between all existences in realms without reality or definition, where distance and time not only held no meaning but did not exist. Things you struggled to assign even basic resemblances to swam around in a nothingness beyond description, not black, not transparent, not white; just nothing, and things in that nothing that had no realness.

In what felt like both forever and no time at all, you slipped out of the other side of the reality gate into a different set of stars altogether. Your eyes and the computers assisting your brain within your armour and your ship identified a number of constellations and calculated the star charts with a surprising result.

"Earth?" You said as it made a 99.99% match based on the collected data when compared to the continents on the world below and the pale white moon in the distance. Based on the positions of the stars and the radio data from nearby satellites.

"Two thousand and eleven..." You muttered. Ancient history, closer to the time of Caesar than to you. What was going on?

The ships moved in formation, untraceable to the primitive equipment not even designed with the possibility of orbital lanes over Earth being congested by anything bigger than a small space station. Based on their trajectory and turning capabilities they didn't seem set on stopping by at the planet itself. But they had the firepower to utterly devastate life on an unshielded planet like this,

"+Samus are you seeing that?+" Arne asked, clearly confused by what his instruments were reading or what his eyes were seeing.

"+A different universe I think?+" You said as your two strike craft pulled away from the gate, moving through the void of space in orbit around this small blue rock, third from its star.

A number of things called your attention, a strange mental signal from youthful voices lost and alone calling for help, flare ups of energies that seem consistent with highly ritualistic and regular sorts of magic, unusual chatter by technology far beyond the planet below's general capabilities that suggests mechanical intelligence, and the fluctuations of spacetime below indicative of some manner of permanent portal.

All of them near a small city in what used to be called Connecticut in a country that hadn't existed for a very long time. And you could tell at a quick glance that some of the saucers of these zeppelin like craft were descending towards the world like meteors in clandestine ops.

Was anyone helpful to you following you two, and if so who?

Choose something to respond to:

[]: Odd psychic signal: An immaterial signal from the planet has reached your mind, calling for help from any who might be sensitive to such energies in the hopes of being rescued. (Adds some young Eldar to your initial group upon mission checkpoint; providing more esoteric capability such as warpcraft. They're young Eldar though and Eldar are somewhat...standoffish with humans.)
[]: Mystic energy build up: Energies whose patterns suggest ritualistic sorts of magic are detected on the surface below, likely tied to spellcasters of some sort. (A band of adventurers from Golarion who are quite the jack of all trades as a group and can cover just about every niche albeit with a weakness when it comes to technology)
[]: Anomalous technological readings: (Puts you into immediate contact with the Autobots, who are durable and tanky combatants and have substantial resources to call on as well as experience with blending in.)
[]: Odd Dimensional Activity: (Puts you into contact with extradimensional superheroes from the same multiverse that these nazis hail from; Paragon City to be exact. Quite familiar with cape culture and how to deal with the nazis, though they're lost kids like yourselves.)

Initial Companions: This will set the tone of the campaign and how heavy the burden of being actual children facing a great multiversal cataclysm are.

[]: Freelancer mentors: Start with support from Ghor, a Cyborg technopath and one of the most famous active names in the field of freelance star hunting, as well as Spire; the last known member of the Diamont Progenitor species and an impressively powerful silicoid warrior with technosorcery to rival your own. Let's the two of you start with home universe mentor figures who can teach you more about the ropes of how to come into your own as inheritors and possibly even freelancers yourselves, but does mean that you'll have people who are going to act as custodians who will be able to act as guardians for you. Also as very obvious aliens, some may be more uncomfortable with them and most other freelancers.
[]: Inheritor Friends: Two other inheritors will come through, doubling the number of inheritor grade characters you have to start with. While just as traumatised and...weird as you due to being raised by differing progenitor culture aliens, these are two very powerful forms of assistance in combat even if they're just as socially awkward and stuck half-way between humanity and alienness as you are.
[]: More "normal" friends: A larger number of less powerful but still abnormal helpers like Ian Malkovich will end up coming through. Though they're not as powerful as inheritors, and more vulnerable, they are more well adjusted to polite society and can help with peer social interactions in particular, though keeping them up with yourselves may be more difficult.
[]: On your own: The two of you came on your own, which does mean that you'll have to handle more of the initial work of the quest by yourselves but it also gives you a lot more freedom to act as you see fit and you can help other people from your reality come over to help you as time passes later on.

What initial gear did you bring?: Choose up to eight items. You start with the Morph Ball/Psychomorph, Scan Visor, Morph Ball Bomb/Psychomorph Pulse, Long Beam, Charge Beam, Grapple Beam, and Missiles. Zero suit starts with paralyser pistol, modular rifle, and thruster boots.

[]: Super Missiles: Allows for ranged attacks to have the Large Area of Effect descriptor, and greatly increases ranged damage magnitude when using missile ammo
[]: Speed Booster: Increases Speed magnitude and allows for high magnitude melee charge attacks.
[]: Varia Suit: Increases defensive magnitude for shielding and armour, ignore extremes of temperature
[]: Ice Beam: Allows freezing and cold damage descriptors to be attached to range and melee attacks and moderately increases damage
[]: Positron beam: Increases ranged damage significantly, attaching electrical and anti-matter descriptor to beams and arm-blade
[]: Blink Pack: Allows for line of sight teleportation and redeployment of self and carried objects
[]: Time-Dilator: Allows for distortion or even freezing of time, allowing for greater number of actions
[]: Spazer Beam: Allows attacks to hit multiple times
[]: Infrared Visor: Negates stealth by enemies with Invisibility (Infrared)
[]: Spider Ball: Allows for Wall-Crawling.
[]: Jump Boots: Increases mobility magnitude, allowing for greater chance of evading incoming attacks.
[]: Regenerator: Allows for shield and armour, and zero suit integrity and shield health to recover over time without outside energy
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Rules and mechanics
The Basics

  • STATS: The Stats in Duodecimarch Revolution are are divided into primarily combat and social stats, with additional stats governing corruption and magic. These Stats provide the dice (always D20s) and/or modifiers used in rolls to determine the results of a social encounter or a combat round.
    • The Stats are represented by greek letters on either a positive scale or a negative scale, in positive scale the closer to Alpha the higher the average result of the roll, while in negative scale the closer to Omega the higher the average result of the roll.
      • Most stats working on a positive scale are actively used in rolls, while negative stats usually represent more passive attributes and are typically rolled to provide a partly randomized difficulty to overcome.
        • In all cases a higher positive rating is superior to a lower rating, while in negative scale the opposite is typically, but not always true.
      • Stats working on either a positive or negative scale are both used as modifiers for other rolls.
        • In both scales the Rho rating represents a "baseline" providing neither a negative or positive modifier when used to provide one.
    • These are the following stats used in Duodecimarch Revolution.
      • Combat: ...
        • Ablation, represents both a character's various layers of defense, but also their general health and physical status in the form of a body rating.
          • Ablation: Usually Positive Scale some examples maybe be Negative Scale.
        • Weapons have two ratings, their effectiveness which works like most other stats, and a number of attacks they make in a single round.
          • Effectiveness: Positive Scale
        • Beyond Ablation and Weapons most of a character's combat stats deal with their ability to compel their foes to flee and/or surrender and their ability to resist similar compulsions.
          • For major characters the latter is represented by their Willpower: Positive Scale
          • For minor characters or mobs of enemies the latter is represented by their Morale: Positive Scale
          • For both types they have an Intimidation stat to represent their ability to compel foes to flee or surrender: Negative Scale
        • Other forms of Equipment are typically represented as abilities affecting the course of combat, additions to these stats, or modifiers added to the rolls they provide.
      • Corruption: …
        • Corruption comes in both Physical and Psychological forms, that can grow as a character is exposed to them and fails to resist their influences.
          • Physical and Psychological Corruption Ratings are color coded according to the Entity with the greatest influence on a character's corruption.
          • Both forms of Corruption: Positive Scale
        • There is a stat, Steadfastness, that is rolled to resist these forms of Corruption, but at first its rating is hidden and can only be discovered later.
          • Steadfastness: Negative Scale
      • Magic: …
        • Magic is divided into four types each with two ratings for their Cost: the chance of losing the ability to cast further after casting, and Risk: the chance of something harmful happening in response to the casting or otherwise going wrong.
          • Psionics or Esoteric Abilities is a category of magic covering a wide variety of powers that are generally both low cost and low risk.
          • Vancian Magic possesses very formalized practices and components that has little risk but a high cost for inexperienced practitioners.
          • Warp Sorcery draws upon the chaotic energies of its originating dimension with very little cost, but a great deal of risk involved.
          • Ritual Magic is both highly risky and requires a great deal of preparation with little room for error even when expending everything it requires.
        • All four magic types also have an associated Efficacy rating representing how skilled a practitioner is in a particular type of magic.
        • Efficacy: Positive Scale, Spell Level: Positive Scale, Cost & Risk: Negative Scale
      • Social: …
        • Empathy, represents a character's general effectiveness at understanding, sympathizing, and communicating with others.
          • Empathy's rating tends to rise and fall with overall trends in their connections to other people and exposure to particular events.
          • Empathy: Positive Scale
        • Mood, represents a character's present emotional state positive or negative.
          • Mood tends to swing more wildly than other Ratings based off more recent events with it usually returning to an equilibrium particular to the character.
          • Mood: Positive Scale
        • Socialization, represents a character's experience with socializing with others and understanding of social norms and etiquette.
          • Socialization tends to change as the character socializes more and with rolls against it becoming easier over time and social exposure.
          • Socialization: Negative Scale
  • RESOLUTION: When a rating is being tested against another their two associated dice pools and modifiers are tallied up and then rolled against each other. The highest total of roll+modifiers wins.
    • If a tie results, reroll once, if another tie results whichever side has the higher modifier wins the tie.
The Rest

  • COMBAT: Physical conflicts deadly or otherwise are separated into Rounds, during a Round all available actors to the conflict select their targets, and then simultaneously roll their weapons against the ablations of their targets. After all these rolls have been resolved and their results applied, does the Round end and a new Round begins if any opposing actors remain both capable and willing of carrying on the conflict.
    • Towards the end of each round of combat, actors on both sides of a conflict will roll their willpower and morale against the highest intimidation rating on the opposing side that remains capable after the direct damage has been tallied and applied. Failing these rolls will cause an actor to either flee or surrender, taking them out of the conflict.
      • In the case of major characters they will also apply their Mood modifier to their Willpower rolls.
  • CORRUPTION: When a character is exposed to corruption their hidden Steadfastness rating is rolled against the source of Corruption's rating. On a success they completely resist the corruption, while if they fail their physical, psychological or both corruption ratings increase.
    • Once they have a physical and/or psychological corruption rating it can further impede the character and require Steadfastness to be rolled, and possibly even grow independent of any further exposure to Corruption.
  • MAGIC: When casting a spell, a character rolls their Efficacy in the type of magic they are using against a Spell's Level rating, if they succeed in the roll the spell is successfully casted.
    • However, the spell's type of magic also rolls its Cost and Risk ratings, if they roll higher than the caster's Efficacy roll then the caster suffers from cost or risk.
      • Suffering cost tends to make that type of magic temporarily unavailable to the caster until they can recover the resources necessary to once again practice that type of magic.
      • Suffering risk, while variable between the different types of magic, tends to create complications for the caster detrimental to their goals, in warp sorcery this is often drawing the attention of demons or unleashing corruption for example.
    • When rolling Efficacy vs. Spell Level, if the Efficacy rating is different than the Spell Level rating the difference between the modifiers of the two ratings is then added as a negative modifier (if Efficacy is higher than Spell Level) to the Cost and Risk rating rolls, or added as a positive modifier (if Efficacy is lower than Spell Level) to the Cost and Risk rating rolls.
  • SOCIAL: In most social encounters a character will roll the highest of their Empathy or Mood against their Socialization rating, with additional modifiers added based off personal familiarity with the person they're interacting with, previous history, circumstances, and so on. If they roll higher than their Socialization rating's roll they succeed.
    • The most common exception to this is in social encounters where socialization is not a practical representation of the expectations the other party may have towards communication in which case the Character rolls their Empathy and the individual they are trying to communicate with rolls their own Empathy. The goal in this case is to match rolls.
      • Positive modifiers instead of being solely used in a positive manner can be used to either lower or raise the roll closer to the other Empathy roll's result.
      • Negative modifiers however push the roll in the direction further from the other roll possibly being used to add to instead of only subtracting from the roll's total.
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Arc 1: Reich, Fasces, Sun, Jack, Eagle, and Sigma: Mission 1: Blizzard Rescue: Part 1
Adhoc vote count started by Spartakrod on Jan 27, 2022 at 11:15 PM, finished with 31 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X] Plan Kids and their new Guardians
    -[X]: Odd Dimensional Activity: (Puts you into contact with extradimensional superheroes from the same multiverse that these nazis hail from; Paragon City to be exact. Quite familiar with cape culture and how to deal with the nazis, though they're lost kids like yourselves.)
    -[X]: Freelancer mentors: Start with support from Ghor, a Cyborg technopath and one of the most famous active names in the field of freelance star hunting, as well as Spire; the last known member of the Diamont Progenitor species and an impressively powerful silicoid warrior with technosorcery to rival your own. Let's the two of you start with home universe mentor figures who can teach you more about the ropes of how to come into your own as inheritors and possibly even freelancers yourselves, but does mean that you'll have people who are going to act as custodians who will be able to act as guardians for you. Also as very obvious aliens, some may be more uncomfortable with them and most other freelancers.
    -[X]: Speed Booster: Increases Speed magnitude and allows for high magnitude melee charge attacks.
    -[X]: Varia Suit: Increases defensive magnitude for shielding and armour, ignore extremes of temperature
    -[X]: Ice Beam: Allows freezing and cold damage descriptors to be attached to range and melee attacks and moderately increases damage
    -[X]: Time-Dilator: Allows for distortion or even freezing of time, allowing for greater number of actions
    -[X]: Infrared Visor: Negates stealth by enemies with Invisibility (Infrared)
    -[X]: Jump Boots: Increases mobility magnitude, allowing for greater chance of evading incoming attacks.
    [X] Plan Alien Powers Unite
    -[X]: Odd psychic signal: An immaterial signal from the planet has reached your mind, calling for help from any who might be sensitive to such energies in the hopes of being rescued. (Adds some young Eldar to your initial group upon mission checkpoint; providing more esoteric capability such as warpcraft. They're young Eldar though and Eldar are somewhat...standoffish with humans.)
    -[X]: Inheritor Friends: Two other inheritors will come through, doubling the number of inheritor grade characters you have to start with. While just as traumatised and...weird as you due to being raised by differing progenitor culture aliens, these are two very powerful forms of assistance in combat even if they're just as socially awkward and stuck half-way between humanity and alienness as you are.
    -[X]: Speed Booster: Increases Speed magnitude and allows for high magnitude melee charge attacks.
    -[X]: Varia Suit: Increases defensive magnitude for shielding and armour, ignore extremes of temperature
    -[X]: Positron beam: Increases ranged damage significantly, attaching electrical and anti-matter descriptor to beams and arm-blade
    -[X]: Blink Pack: Allows for line of sight teleportation and redeployment of self and carried objects
    -[X]: Time-Dilator: Allows for distortion or even freezing of time, allowing for greater number of actions
    -[X]: Spazer Beam: Allows attacks to hit multiple times
    -[X]: Infrared Visor: Negates stealth by enemies with Invisibility (Infrared)
    -[X]: Regenerator: Allows for shield and armour, and zero suit integrity and shield health to recover over time without outside energy
    [X] Plan Robot and Cyborg Friends
    -[X]: Anomalous technological readings: (Puts you into immediate contact with the Autobots, who are durable and tanky combatants and have substantial resources to call on as well as experience with blending in.)
    -[X]: Freelancer mentors: Start with support from Ghor, a Cyborg technopath and one of the most famous active names in the field of freelance star hunting, as well as Spire; the last known member of the Diamont Progenitor species and an impressively powerful silicoid warrior with technosorcery to rival your own. Let's the two of you start with home universe mentor figures who can teach you more about the ropes of how to come into your own as inheritors and possibly even freelancers yourselves, but does mean that you'll have people who are going to act as custodians who will be able to act as guardians for you. Also as very obvious aliens, some may be more uncomfortable with them and most other freelancers.
    -[X]: Varia Suit: Increases defensive magnitude for shielding and armour, ignore extremes of temperature
    -[X]: Positron beam: Increases ranged damage significantly, attaching electrical and anti-matter descriptor to beams and arm-blade
    -[X]: Blink Pack: Allows for line of sight teleportation and redeployment of self and carried objects
    -[X]: Time-Dilator: Allows for distortion or even freezing of time, allowing for greater number of actions
    -[X]: Infrared Visor: Negates stealth by enemies with Invisibility (Infrared)
    -[X]: Jump Boots: Increases mobility magnitude, allowing for greater chance of evading incoming attacks.
    -[X]: Spider Ball: Allows for Wall-Crawling.
    -[X]: Regenerator: Allows for shield and armour, and zero suit integrity and shield health to recover over time without outside energy


It was not just the two of you that managed to slip through the reality gate that the Nazis had established. A small shape and a larger, craggy and crystalline one followed suit; both having followed you to keep you safe for the time being. Or rather, show you the ropes of the stars so that you could venture across them as a learning experience. You are good at auto-didactism but you supposed some manner of guidance was always necessary. Even if you were just a touch annoyed at the assumption that you weren't ready to handle all of this on your own just yet.

"+You really do need to keep me in the loop more often Samus. What am I supposed to tell Old Bird or Elmorni if the gate closed behind you?+" Ghor said, his metallic and bassy voice calm and avuncular. Though he was not one of the progenitors nor an inheritor, he still talked to you as a senior and you supposed...yeah he did have some right to do that.

"+I'd find a way to make it work.+" You said confidently, relaxing a bit in your seat as you pushed through the strike craft blizzards trying to slow you down.

"+I think she would...yeah.+" Arne chimed in, clearing his throat after having swept some of the incoming interceptors and screening frigates from the spacelanes; making sure to send the debris on an outbound orbit that would take it away from earth altogether.

You smiled just a bit...show off.

"+Be that as it may, you are young, and not ready to go out on your own just yet.+" Ghor responded with the same patience that he gave to you when you first met. An even tempered placidity to make all the fires of the world seem that much less threatening.

"+Give her some space to grow or she'll never spread her wings.+" Spire said, the Diamont's tone somewhat remniscent of the rumbles of an earthquake or a restless volcano.

"+We are letting them come all the way here, are we not?+" Ghor responded.

You switched over to the private channel you had with Arne, deciding ot let the adults talk to each other while the gears in your head spun with conspirational energies. "+Heeeeey, Arne, there's some extradimensional activity on the planet there. I'm going to have a look at it. Want to come with me or are you going to just listen to Ghor and Spire talk?+" You said with a slightly sing songy voice, knowing that he would follow you to the ends of the stars themselves. You promised each other that, and your enthusiasm for it never dimmed even when you sometimes got visions of a blue helmed faceless marauder when you slept near him; that last son of Cylosis.

"+Well...these people have to be here for a reason right? Based on their hostility, I'd say bad ones. Especially with their...political allegiances.+" He said, a stutter in his voice as he tried to hold down a sensation of disgust.

"+Intercepts say they're with the Interuniversal Germanic Reich...supporting some organisations called the Empire-88, Gesellschaft, and 5th Column. Not seeing anything on the last group in the local satellite networks though. Non-native maybe?+" He said with the clink of touching his hand to his helmet before shaking his head.

You checked the data yourself regarding the interdimensional flux and the chatter of the Reich's spacecraft. Whatever it was, they regarded it as a minor incident, but the 5th Column seemed to speak of the people there with recognition.

Let's see...outskirts of a place called Brockton Bay, and based on the data you could harvest it was January, 2011. More than one hundred thousand years downtime. What happened in this period of history? Your memory was eidectic, but it wasn't clairvoyant. You never really learned much about this time period and so it wasn't committed to memory to begin with.

But the weather conditions were quite frosty and the reported movements of these people were erratic, confused. Cell Phone messages were constantly being sent out along with more private forms of communications; with a trivial slice through the security measures indicating that they were from the year 2024, more than thirteen years uptime relative to this planet. Their signals showed some names....Alice Wetticks Dohl, Joseph Willow Black, Marcus Wilson, Mitsuki Aiko, Aronim Ophilix, Elyra Ophilix, Raelamiel Thelemir, and Tyrius Veldegard. The last four names don't look like they belong to any human culture from the period that you know of.

Making things worse, their team has split up. Marcus, Mitsuki, Raelamiel, and Tyrius venturing multiple kilometres away from the others to try and scout the area; leaving Alice, Joseph, and the Ophilix twins on their own with major enemy movements approaching them. Further complicating things are local response teams investigating the unusual energy signatures, response teams that you fear might make things bloodier than they have to be.

Well, time is wasting so you had the Dormach launch itself forward; a barrage of repli-missiles spreading to clear out some of the chaff that had gotten in your way and give yourself an opening to begin descent. Nacelles released streams of power to blast through would be tail chasers while you briefly felt the impact of the atmosphere starting to envelop your craft as the stars began to twinkle. Your ship's shields diffused the atmospheric re-entry trail that may have given your position away while you were given a series of pings from Ghor.

"+Samus, what are you doing?+" He said when you finally opened communications with him.

"+There's people that might need my help. They might be lost or cold..and they're under threat. I don't think the local response teams can handle this. And aren't we supposed to intervene wherever we see people in need o fhelp?+" You said, throwing words Ghor had once given you right back at the old cyborg, getting a small laugh out of him.

"+Impetuous as ever. What I wouldn't give to have that same fire you've got in you. Alright, you've convinced me. But please, allow me to handle talking with the natives.+" He said, gentle and sweet.

"+What am I? Your biographer? What am I supposed to do?+" Spire chipped in jokingly.

"+Help me out preferably. You know Arne much better than I do.+"

"+Huh, F-22s. First time I've seen one in person.+" Arne said as the Sleipnir passed by some American air force craft on patrol, leaving the bewidlered pilots to briefly wonder what the hell just buzzed by them as his custom built strike-fighter made moves that should have resulted in a sonic boom powerful enough to obliterate them, but barely even registered in their ears as he dipped out of their sight; unable to be followed by their radar.

"+...The fuck kind of Tinker bullshit...+" 21st Century American english flooded your brain to allow for understanding of what was being spoken. It was very different from the Galaxan or the Kah-Sahmat dialect of the Chozo language of Kaset you typically spoke or the Grendelish dialect of the Uskarling tongue you used to converse privately with Arne. But it was usable, though based on your general mannerisms your accent would come out a bit Irish while speaking it.

Based on the landing zones, you saw that the more in threat group was Alice's; as she hunkered down at an unused summer cabin with a large number of fiery heat signatures, demon like creatures prowling around for any possible danger while the four of them were unaware of hit teams including a substantial number of large robots advancing on their position; shadowfields working to obscure their position from detection by flickering them just slightly out of phase with normal reality. They had formed an encirclement around the kids, with troops bearing the emblem of a helmeted skull amidst a red background starting to take up sharpshooting positions, others bearing what seemed to be some sort of capture devices. They intended to take them alive.

The other group of four were having a...huh werewolves. That's different. Other predatory creatures stalking alongside them in the darkness of the early morning of the dead of winter, moving through blizzard like conditions while the more senior four members of their team looked for anyone to contact. The minders of these monsters remaining in the comforts of tracked transports that chewed through the snow, trying to remain hidden. They moved with some local auxiliaries, mostly Empire-88 gangbangers; to accompany the 5th column fighters and a handful of soldiers from the Interversal Reich; troops of the so-called "Axis America" reality who were here on observation. They were in loose formation, marching to establish set up positions for ambush

Local forces, with a group you identified as the PRT, were moving in armoured all-terrain response vehicles. They were sorely outgunned and outnumbered and clearly not familiar with large unit military tactics. Based on their disposition they seemed to assume that this was merely another small scale criminal incident. They would not survive contact if they kept on moving towards what were increasingly prepared positions meant to receive them.

- Landing Decisions: Ghor and Spire will, unless you request otherwise; take care of the group you aren't helping out. Arne and Samus cannot be split up for this action. -

[]: Land at Alice's group to rescue them
[]: Land at Tyrius' group to assist them

Aggression decisions:

[]: High aggression: Move in for a fast and furious assault to catch them off guard without regard for stealth, raises your profile and immediately escalates the incident to a full on combat action but allows for maximum damage to be inflicted on enemy forces
[]: Medium aggression: Land off to the distance, let them move to a position that favours you and then strike at them to relieve the team under threat and withdraw them to your ships for safety
[]: Low Aggression: Land near the two teams to quickly evacuate them to get a better sense of what's going on before deciding where to go from there.

Arne Tactics: Write in

Samus Tactics: Write in

With your current information level you may ask me up to five questions before submitting a plan to refine your plan.

Also feel free to ask me about Arne and Samus' somewhat different capabilities since Sylux and Samus are similar but not entirely identical fighters.
Last edited:
Arc 1: Reich, Fasces, Sun, Jack, Eagle, and Sigma: Mission 1: Blizzard Rescue: Part 2

Your caretakers moulded you into a killing machine at close quarters. You were trained to fight at any distance of course; with the shock coil allowing you to recover from damage dealt with little issue. Samus had given her signal for you to head out, designating a place for you to strike. Brief conference took place in the form of edited images the two of you exchanged until you decided to settle on the exact placement. Wordless editing and re-editing of a plan of action until your mind was settled on a single course.

Your Strike Fighter would release a swift barrage of low-impact warheads in a tight spread; each separating into submunitions to seek out other targets while you pulled your seat back. Letting the hatch dilate open beneath you, you tumbled out and hit the ground boots first, feeling the snow crunch beneath you as your cannon was readied for action.

You acted on almost programmatic instinct, analysing what enemies were there before acting. The capture teams were the lynchpin of the enemy's plan, large men in grey uniforms reinforced with low grade power armour. Enhanced physiologically, but not to your degree. You moved faster than the lead one was able to process, your fist striking with enough force for the air around your hand to catch fire, the thunderclap too slow to reach your ears without the aid of your helmet's vibration reader before you extended the wrist blade and speared into flesh that yielded before a teleport out.

Subject is the recipient of a complex albeit crude series of augmentation processes that enhance them far beyond the norms of the human body. While genetically still compatible with twenty first century Homo Sapiens Sapiens, the subject's tissue is enhanced to being more than enough to resist period anti-tank munitions and allow for strength to rival tank engines. While massively inferior to your own, these are enough to make them a combatant far beyond the capabilities of conventional 21st century military personnel to manage. Ubermensch do not have any particular weaknesses beyond a lack of resistance to mentally directed attacks to maintain pliability to indoctrination. Ubermensch are typically only created from Veterans of an organisation known as the Fifth Column, a paramilitary terror group created by the Axis powers to wage augmented warfare against the allies during the second world war, and receive higher grade enhancements as they ascend the ranks.

Samus' Notes: This doesn't make sense, how are there people still fighting for that regime in this era? Whatever the reason is though, if they want to carry out that dream; I'll stop it.

Arne's Notes: The relative sophistication of their augmentations suggests a well resourced movement...I don't want to think about a society that still provides these sorts of people with this many resources.

Hrm, seemed that they had some sort of medical teleporter ready to evacuate their forces when their vital signs went critical. A bit more advanced than you expected from this period. But before one of the more normally proportioned soldiers dressed like some manner of special forces with electrofibre and plate augmented armour with a skull like gas mask; could turn to acknowledge you, you had switched out to missile mode and let out five rounds rapid.

Two to clear the area around you, three to pulverise the unit that had been set up to support them. The fireball barely registering as you let speed build up before unleashing your boosters; striking through the remainder of the platoon like a lightning bolt with fiery blue energy surrounding you like the trails of a comet. Some of them probably died outright, particularly the gangbangers who had wrapped themselves in winter gear and taken snow vehicles out to accompany the column, but you knew that wasn't really something you should be letting consume your thoughts.

Samus arrived just a bit later as the chatter of rotary guns tore at the snow above the howl of the winter winds. You shrugged off the bullets coming at you, they'd be trivial to dodge but did utterly negligible impact, your mouth kept shut by your battle focus as you wheeled around and supported Samus with a burst of your Positron beam, the anti-matter tearing from your cannon in a flow of electrical power, its annihilation of the air it passed through giving you a brief sensation of thrill before the soldiers struck by it exploded into a fizzle of lightning.

It was a hideously powerful weapon and especially devastating to robotic enemies or those who used non-magically augmented technology, and it felt almost wrong to use it on these people. The thunderclap of the beam and its detonations ringing slightly in your hearing while you moved to the next target.

"+Arne, robots. I'll deal with the sharpshooters.+" Samus said over the comms, leaping onto a bluff without effort, her cannon sweeping her fire across them; Cryolyst subweapon erupting from the cannon she wielded to engulf a surprised looking marksman while you eyed a large, walking tank sized and oddly spindly robot.

The ultimate in automated fighting systems within the 5th Column's employ the Mk II Wolfpack robot is fearsome in combat, capable of taking on whole armored companies by itself. The robots' unerring aim and large caliber weaponry make them a threat to any hero they come across. Their enhanced AI allows them to coordinate with the 5th Column's human troops, making them the perfect battlefield commanders. Deadly at all ranges, but vulnerable to concussive force and electrical attacks; their weapon systems are variable but are typically built around proton cannons, missile launchers, optic laser cutters, and power claws. Target the head for optimal damage results.

Samus' Notes: How did they manage to achieve synthetic consciousness with silicon transistors and binary code programming of this level of sophistication? That shouldn't be doable with their means...but here it is. I just hate that they're programmed for this sort of use.

Arne's Notes: Creating intelligent, thinking life for Nazism is obscene. Robotics should be a science of camaraderie and liberation, not an agent of massacre and genocide...the work is brilliant though but...it makes me feel nauseous. Who made these exactly?

A hulking robot more than six meters tall let out an electronic howl, swinging its claw to try and grab at you; a sizzle of disruptor fields around it lethal to flesh and steel alike. You grabbed at the scalpel like finger with your gauntleted hand, armour and shielding containing its effects, and then twisted your hand to break it. Your cannon shifted modes again, and the Shock Coil burst forth in a stream of charged anti-matter and forcibly directed neutrinos that could worm their way through nearly any physical defence.

Energy flowed from the thing's destruction to your own armour and body, a vampiric rush that always felt a bit too good. As its body was torn apart by the arcs of electricity like anti-particles and neutrinos, you felt yourself become more alive as it died. And even as it ripped apart into fine mist as the energy of its annihilation was channeled by the arcs of power; you still felt a bit "hungry". The smaller machines were next, all energy to be harvested. All power to be extracted.

The eruption of fire around you was your only real sign that your gunships had joined the fray; and there was a bit of you that was satisfied with your handiwork doing such a good job of keeping the area clear; the Sleipnir dancing as it fried everything that may have possibly tried to flank you, giving you a clear shot to tear through the foe one after the other.

But like a switch, when you saw that the shack was in sight, your mind adjusted its gears.

A demonic creature with the head of a bovine's skull and bat-like wings turned on cloven hooves to look at you with some surprise clear in its eye-sockets while you offered a small wave; Samus arriving via a drop kick to the head of a stealthed 5th Column trooper whom you had noticed but chose to ignore.

The two of you exchanged a glance and then a nod before sharing a quick fistbump, a gesture you'd learned from Ian was a sign of respect and camaraderie. On the other side was a rather young looking girl in a white outfit, who opened the door with brash confidence, trying to stand tall even though you towered more than a head over her.

Analysis of data on the subject reveals that this individual's real name is Alice Wetticks Dahl. Data extracted from FBSA issued metahuman registration card, personal phone, and laptop further indicates that Alice is the daughter of Anette Dahl and James Canonchet; a Norwegian Witch and a Narragansett Magician. Educated in the ways of magic that have been passed down her two lineages, Alice specialises in Daemonomancy and Pyromancy and has a pact with the benign Demon Prince Winterpyre, who helps to instruct her in further magic. Alice is capable of using her magic in many ways but is most well suited to offering support, healing, augmentation, and hexes with her Pyromancy and summoning additional aid with her Daemonomancy. Her direct offensive capabilities are somewhat limited but not nonexistent.

Samus' Notes: How does her relationship with her demons work? How does she explain them to other people who might find them offputting? I hope she's not enthralling them into her service at least.

Arne's Notes: I'm curious as to why she chose the stylisations for her armour that she did. It seems to alternate between a mishmash of differing aesthetics...maybe it's just what she thought was interesting?

"I'm Eudai-" She started, making a friendly wave and grin as she approached, her costume's visor offering her some fairly impressive for her time HUD data.

"Alice Wetticks Dahl right? Your position is surrounded, we need to get you out of here." You said, gesturing towards the Sleipnir as it hung low in hovering position; its batteries adding to the fire of the Dormach to repulse further efforts at 5th column pushes.

"Wait how did you know my name?" She said, her tone dropping to one of frightened confusion as her Demonic assistants turned towards you and let out hisses of displeasure, creatures of varying size attempting to interpose themselves between you and their mistress.

She tapped at her tiara and grimaced "Not now winterpyre." She mumbled as she looked at you and then Samus, waiting for answers.

"Your security on your I.D was so poor I thought it was supposed to be public information." You said bluntly as she just about jolted before throwing an accusatory finger at you.

"YOU CAN'T JUST SPEAK A REGISTERED HERO'S SECRET IDENTITY OUT LOUD LIKE THAT!" She snapped as you sheepishly looked towards Samus, backing slightly away from the unexpected hostility.

"We're not from this...planet, or yours. But could you please just, come with us to a less dangerous place?" You said to her, as she huffed and folded her arms.

"Nuh-uh. You owe me answers." She said as you noticed incoming vehicles registered to an organisation known as the PRT, which braved this nightly snow seemingly unaware of the nature of the firefight that had just happened; officers in heavy kevlar and flexible material armour with mirror finished visors tumbling out with weapons ready; a figure in power armour driving a snow-bike bringing his machine to a halt as he held onto a Halberd on another hand.

"Oh shit...uh..Jo-I mean nightcaaaster what's the portal corps first contact protocol??!" Alice said to a figure in a wizard hat and mask who stepped forth from the shadows at her word and behest.

Nightcaster's actual name is Joseph Willow Black. Born to a Pequot practitioner of magic named Sarah Willow and to an English-American warlock named James Black under an eclipse at Halloween, Joseph was infused with extraordinarily high potential for umbramancy. Quickly befriending many spirits of the night which helped him master his magical abilities, Joseph seeks to use his powers to help as much as possible and follow in both of his parents' footsteps. Joseph's offensive capabilities are moderate as his magic is primarily focused on offering support. Still, his ability to enervate enemies and bolster allies with the strength he steals is regarded as a tremendous asset to the Starsetters in Paragon City.

Samus' Notes; Hrm, that's a lot earlier than I know any humans to have practiced umbramantic magics. But calling himself a Warlock seems so interesting! I should talk to him about his practice. Maybe he can teach me some things?

Arne's Notes: Why are unsupervised children being used for interdimensional exploration by what I assume is the United States government? Especially with so many potential easily cured illnesses lurking in their genomes like time bombs.

"Uhhh lemme look at the app..." He said with a somewhat shaky voice a she opened up his phone and flipped through a few screens.

"Ahah...when being approached by extradimensional law enforcement please try to put them in contact with Primal Earth authorities to begin negoti-" He said before he heard the guns click through the howl of the blizzard.

"Freeze." The power suit clad man said, accompanied by a youth in a red coloured power suit on a hoverboard, a young girl in a green outfit trying her best not to freeze, and a Kurdish woman who looked like she was frozen inside already.

"Hello there indigenous inhabitants of dimension...uh...whatever...I'm here on behalf of portal co-" Joseph started before the figure in the blue and white suit pointed his halberd towards him.

"Zip it." He said as you got in a scan on him.

Armsmaster: Real Name: Collin Wallis.

General: Armsmaster is a Veteran "Cape" attached to an organisation known as the Protectorate meant to consolidate large numbers of parahumans under the aegis of the governments of the United States and Canada. While broadly fitting within the genetic norms expected of fully matured human of the early 21st century, an extradimensional symbiont has formed a connection to the subject. It has altered the Brain to create a new segment referred to as the Corona Pollentia and appears able to modify specific patterns of behaviour subtly. Symbiont appears to implant suggestions for technology that it adjusts to function in particular formats into the memory of the host. Recommendations based on armour suit analysis revolve around efficiency and miniaturisation, further modified by symbiont's extradimensional energies to allow for additional effects.

Personal information: Collin Wallis is a resident of the City of Brockton Bay (Notice: No such city is known to have existed in this time within the United States, discrepancy recorded) and a former student of Psychology. Collin Wallis bonded with the symbiont during his adult years and was thus able to directly join the Protectorate rather than first serving within its youth program. Over his years of service, Collin has demonstrated a high degree of competence, skill, and professionalism that has made many see him as an ideal hero. However, Collin occasionally clashes with others over his disdainfulness towards individuals who do not take "Hero-Work" seriously enough. Despite this, many regard him as highly approachable in the right circumstances.

Combat Capabilities: Armsmaster's armour is well outside of the norm for the present era and contains a large quantity of miniaturised equipment greatly exceeding what would usually be possible with the demonstrated technology of this planet. Armour provides for general survival capabilities, physical augmentations, mental shielding, electronic warfare capabilities, and battle-prediction systems. Halberd demonstrates numerous additional capabilities that the weapon may transform into including flails, plasma blades, rotary capability, grappling hooks, and extension.

Samus' Notes: Oh if they have power armour why is a vigilante the only one using it? Must be something to do with the symbiont attached to him. It seems rather selfish of him to restrict his work to law enforcement though, especially the American one when he could be using it to help people...but if he picks a fight I'll be happy to give him one.

Arne's Notes: Must be a custom suit he's wearing, some sort of elite volunteer unit in the American police in this reality? Probably makes him a dangerous fanatic to the American ideology then. I'll be careful.

Based on your analysis of enemy comm chatter; the 5th Column and the Empire-88 would likely regroup soon enough and would likely take advantage of the PRT's barging in to reconsolidate and reconsider what weapon systems they needed for their operation. And it seems that Ghor and Spire at least had also found their marks, based on the occasional distant explosions and frantic reports of being overrun.

You though, were not inclined to trust Armsmaster. What you knew of American history painted it in a similar light to such regimes as the Third Reich, Roman Imperium, or the British Empire. And staring at its law enforcement was making you uncomfortable.

Samus for her part was clearly ready for a fight, but when wasn't she? Injustice never sat well with her, and next to her outrage at it, your own sense of justice sometimes felt like a cold neutron star next to a raging hypergiant. Yet words were hard and people were chaotic and hard to predict. You wanted to just let Ghor take care of it, but he was sweeping up more distant forces, and you had to be on guard for a counter-attack.

You wish you had Samus' confidence to just say things that went through her mind. It must have felt so powerful to not be constantly judging yourself for every word out of your mouth. To have so much boldness to just confront people on what you thought was wrong and give them pieces of your mind. Pieces like

"Are you with these people? That's typical for police of your era right?" She said, pointing to one of the 5th Column troops she had engulfed with her Cryolyst, making sure that the Swastika they wore was visible. You had a brief set of micro-visions of possible conflicts that could arise from this and your latent empathy gave you that hot feeling of sudden anger at these accusations.


Due to a fairly substantial number of rolls I'm going to summarise rather than give a complete transcript of every roll given.

Offensive Capabilities: Enemy Average of Nu, Samus and Arne grade of Eta, Attack rate grade Eta (ranged), Missile reduced attack rate for higher effectiveness. Samus has higher melee attack rate, Arne has higher melee attack effectiveness.
Defensive capabilities: Enemy average of Mu, Samus and Arne Category of Epsilon grade Armour, Eta Zero Suit, Theta Body
Enemy Morale: Strong
Arne Willpower: Beta
Samus Willpower: Alpha
Samus Mood: Impetuous
Arne Mood: In-The-Zone

Resistances halve total wounds dealt by enemy after subtracting one (minimum of one)

Enemies are consolidated into troops that act as singular units for convenience.

Samus and Arne have a +5 total bonus to attack rolls and a +9 total bonus to defensive saves. Enemies have a -9 penalty to attack rolls (must roll a ten and then reroll at least a six or higher to hit) and a -3 penalty to defensive saves.

Attack Total: Samus and Arne make up to twenty attacks total given mobility disparity, Inheritor reflexes, and Time dilator. Enemies make ten attacks due to numbers, but take surprise penalty.


Samus and Arne take overall light damage, six of ten enemy troops broken, remaining enemy troops in immediate combat drop in morale grade. Arne uses Shock Coil to recover energy to full. Samus recovers energy from fallen enemies to recover energy to full.

12 missiles expended by Arne, 23 missiles expended by Samus. 8 recovered by Arne, 20 recovered by Samus. 96 missiles remaining for Arne, 97 missiles remaining for Samus.

Enemy objectives greatly hampered.

Contact with objectives established.

Actions (Split into one for Samus and one for Arne)

Priority Decisions (With your current action economy you can focus on up to two at a time. Order from highest to lowest.)
[]: Focus on getting the Starsetters to your ship
[]: Focus on confronting the PRT
[]: Focus on re-establishing contact with Ghor and Spire
[]: Focus on clearing the immediate area of 5th Column troops
[]: Focus on getting answers on what's going on right now
[]: Focus on getting more information about the wider context of the current situation

Social Approach:
[]: Aggressive, push your own position strongly, do not concede in an attempt to get them to give you as much of what you want as possible. Can backfire. (Samus' preferred approach)
[]: Assertive, don't fold without a fight but try to be reasonable and see what favourable compromises can be made. Can backfire, though not as harshly as aggressive. (Samus' second preference)
[]: Neutral, no bonuses towards either other party mood or the possible magnitude of success. (Arne's preference)
[]: Passive, give ground but don't be a total wet blanket, makes them more likely to have a good mood but can lose you ground in discussions.
[]: Submissive, concede on just about everything to appease the other as long as it does not directly imperil you, generally best reserved for long term ploys.

Goals in discussion:

Write out two for Arne and Samus for them to find something to work towards in the social conflict round.

Remaining Nazi plans:

Write in tactics, making note of degree of aggression, tactical priorities (like defending people or an objective), and preferred targets (such as chaff enemies, elites, large units etc)