Dungeons and Daedra
Chapter 1
The Prisoner's Dilemma
The first thing Akari noticed on awakening was the splitting headache, which kind of got in the way of noticing anything else. She tried to open her eyes, only to find her vision extremely blurry and the light in the area was only aggravating her pain.
She felt weak, disoriented, her thoughts were a confused mess. Trying to think and process just hurt more, so she instead lay there, curled up, not even attempting to wimper as the pain spread not to just her body but her mind as well. Her thoughts were even more chaotic than normal, an incoherent mess of visions filled with fire and blood that denied the potential for any comprehensible thought.
eventually, the pain subsided, reduced to little more than an ache that was soon forgotten, and the visions faded to darkness. Akari began to stir. She opened her eyes, waiting for a moment while they adjusted. Her vision was still blurry. And she felt so damn weak.
Was she hungover? It felt like she had been partying with Dionysus or Ama-no-Uzume again, and that would be an explanation for the pain she had been in. However, as she soon saw, this wasn't Olympus. Well, unless Olympus had drastically downgraded their prisons, at least.
No, this wasn't Olympus. Judging from the feel of the place, it wasn't even Arborea.
She was in a small damp dirty cell made of stone, laying in an alcove on a rough sheet of cloth that seemed to serve as a blanket. There wasn't much to the cell; a crude wooden table and chair on which was a simple clay jug and cup, manacles on chains hanging from the ceiling, a bucket in a corner for her needs, though the most notable feature had to be the bones scattered about.
Akari looked over herself. Her strength wasn't the only thing that had changed. He clothes had changed as well, she was back in her old enchanted uniform, of all things. Something she had worn in her early days soon after she had been transformed from a mortal. The only addition was a pair of iron manacles on her wrists, though there were no chains attached to them.
At that, Akari started, standing up. Her weakness, her old outfit. Had she somehow been reverted back to…
No. Looking within herself, Akari felt none of the desires of a mortal, no hunger, or sleep, nor the need to breathe. She still had no physical needs. She was still a Ghaele Eladrin, a Spirit. Albeit very weakened from her former might. Though how was a mystery indeed. Had she been enervated? She wasn't sure. She had been subject to energy drain magics before and this didn't exactly feel like that. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like any answers were forthcoming soon.
Which left the problem of the cell itself. There was a barred window letting in a ray of light and on the other side a barred gate. Striding up to the gate she placed her hands on it. Before, at her former might, she could have ripped this door off it's hinges, or failing that at least bend the bars to slip through. Now, she had none of those options, try as she might, so instead, she attempted other tricks.
"Hello? Anybody?" She called out, hoping to get the attention of any sort of guards or jailers. She had no idea where she was, and she needed some answers. This must have been a misunderstanding, right? She couldn't recall having done anything to warrant being jailed.However, there was no response.
Well, not from any staff at least.
Hey you, you're finally awake!"
It did however seem to get the attention of a prisoner in the cell across from her. As he approached his cell door, she took in his features. Judging from his features, the dark blue skin and pointed ears, he was a Drow. His expression changed from curiosity to a cruel sneer as he took a look at her.
"Hmm… looking at you, pale skin and all, you must be a Breton. The 'masters of Magicka' or so they say." The Drow gave a snort. "You're nothing but a stuck up harlot with cheap parlor tricks."
Akari said nothing in response, though apparently, her expression gave something away.
"Oh, did I strike a nerve girl? Well, go ahead, prove me wrong. Try your Magicka in here! Make these bars disappear!" He said, wiggling his fingers.
Her magic didn't work like that, but it could do other things. Like assuming a glowing incorporeal globe of light. She held up her hand, attempting to invoke the integral transformation that she had done so many times before.
Nothing happened.
She tried again.
Nothing continued to happen.
"Oh, what's wrong? Is there a problem? Not so powerful are you Breton? You're not going anywhere soon." The Drow taunted. "No, you're not going to leave this prison 'til they throw your body in the lake. Oh that's right, you're going to die in her Breton. You're going to die!"
The Drow gave a cackle while Akari tried not to let her frustration show on her face. Instead she calmly turned away, heading deeper into her small cell.
She couldn't transform. Why?
For a moment she wondered if she had been thrown into an Antimagic cell, but no, she could still feel the protective enchantments of her clothing. So what gave?
Akari looked up, at the single ray of light emerging from the cell window. Out of curiosity, she headed over and leaped up, clambering up the wall to grasp onto the bars. From there, she peered outside.
She could see a field of grass, and in the distance she could vaguely make out a body of water, possibly the lake the Drow had been referring to. It was here that she realized that her senses had been dulled as well. Ordinarily she could have seen much farther, even under the conditions that she was in, but now, the lack was again frustrating.
Not seeing anything changing in the scenery, she let go, landing back down in the cell, and it was here that she had to decide on a course of action.
Seeing as she was in a cell, weakened, and with no avenues of escape presenting themselves, there weren't many courses of action to decide on, save to wait.
Fortunately, one of the perks that came with becoming a spirit was patience. She again lacked physical needs and she didn't quite get bored easily. So Akari sat down on the floor, crossed her legs, and closed her eyes to meditate.
Time passed...
Truth be told, she wasn't entirely sure how long she had been here in this cell initially and added onto that was the fact that it was easy to lose track of time as a spirit. Boredom didn't come easy. Most spirits could do the same thing for ages without issue.
At least, she had a window so she could now mark the changing of day to night. Another decent marker was that every so often, a guard, Human by the look of him, came by with a tray consisting of a bowl of thin gruel and dry bread, with the occasional wilted vegetable. None of it looked exceptionally appetizing, which wasn't a problem for her.
She had tried speaking to the guard who delivered her food, demanding to know why she had been imprisoned. He didn't answer her, barely even acknowledge her existence, much to her frustration, and the Drow's amusement.
From him, she learned a little more, at least in between all the mockery. His name was Valen Dreth and they were locked up in the prisons of Imperial City, capital of the 'Empire'. That didn't tell her much, though Valen Dreth indicated he was from a country (province? It wasn't clear and trying to press the Dark Elf for more information just resulted in more insults) called Morrowind, on an island called Vvardenfell. Unfortunately, none of those names meant anything to her.
And so, Akari waited.
Which left her plenty of time to ponder. One of the more particular things was how she had wound up in this cell in the first place.
Akari wracked her memories, but it was all a blur. The last clear thing she remembered was wrapping up a mission dealing with some Tanar'ri causing trouble in Limbo. Afterwards she had returned to Arborea to… to…
And that was where things got fuzzy. Had the spell gone wrong? Limbo could do funny things to magic after all. But she did remember arriving in Arborea, didn't she? It was frustrating and the only consistent thing she could recall was the feelings of strong determination, anger, confusion, arousal, outrage and the sensation of falling, though she wasn't even sure what order she had felt those things in.
And then she had woken up here, after strange dreams.
Early on, she had checked the pockets of her skirt, hoping to find something of use. Unfortunately, there was nothing but lint. Which made her wonder what had happened to all the magic items she had possessed previously. Her sword, her rings, her robe, her other enchanted garments, along with wondrous items, wands, potions, scrolls and so forth. All the things an adventurer carried around on themselves. Gone.
Time passed...
Good news: As it turned out, not all her magic was gone.
Bad news: It seemed she was limited to the the most basics of basics, mere cantrips and orisons. As Valen would put it, prestigiditations and cheap parlor tricks.
Fortunately, her skills seemed not to have been lost. A few run throughs of fighting stances and katas made this clear, she still had her fighting instinct and prowess, though the mystical arts based on her chi were of course beyond her now.
Not that such skill would do much good stuck in her cell. She had tried a few times to pick her cells lock using a splinter of bone, but unfortunately, she had never actually learned how to lockpick. Why when she could have ordinarily just smashed or phased through?
Which again left her in the position of simply waiting, as she had for weeks, sitting cross-legged on the floor of her cell for the most part. When she had stopped speaking to him and stopped moving altogether for long periods of time, Valen Dreth had tried to get in more barbs at her, but she had already tuned him out and at the persistent lack of response he had (eventually) given up.
Time passed...
Akari had stopped bothering to keep track of time, simply staying in her meditation stance, eyes closed, thoughts turned inwards. Valen had gone silent, though she could hear him shuffling around in his cell every so often, though he made no more attempts to speak to her.
Which left the cell block quiet enough to hear the sounds of commotion from upstairs one day, sounding like multiple people, which was new. There had only ever been the one guard who delivered her food. which she had never eaten (even after she had realized she could still use
Prestidigitation). The food didn't look exactly fresh and she had no idea if something had been placed into it. As a Celestial she was resistant to poisons, but no reason to take risks especially now. If they were at all concerned by her lack of eating, it didn't show. They simply removed her untouched trays and left every day.
But now, things were different.
She opened her eyes and stood up for the first time in a week, walking towards the bars of her cell. Valen Dreth was there at the bars of his cell as well.
"What's going on?" She asked, as she heard the door open. There was the sound of voices, speaking urgently, though she couldn't make out what was being said.
"Hear that? The guards are coming… For you!" The Drow let out a cackle as he moved away from his cell bars.
Was that true? Were they coming to execute her? If they were, well, she wasn't going to make it easy for them. She may be outnumbered, but she wasn't going down without a fight.
Akari heard the clatter of multiple armored figures walking down the staircase, as well as finally some intelligible speech.
"Baurus, lock that door behind us." A feminine voice sounded.
"Yessir." A male voice answered.
"Undead in the streets. What is the world coming to?" A third voice sounded, also male.
"It's happening. This is the end. My children. They're dead, aren't they?" Another male voice sounded, this one mournful.
"Sire, we don't know that. The messenger only said they were attacked."
"No, they're dead. I can feel it."
"Well, all I know is that my job right now is to get you to safety."
Some of the newcomers came into view, revealing themselves to be more Humans, in armor, though different from the armor the prison guard had been wearing.
"Wait, what's this prisoner doing here? This cell block is supposed to be off limits! It was decomissioned!" The woman said.
No acknowledgement of Valen Dreth?
A male voice sighed. "Usual mix-up with the watch. I… er…"
So they weren't here for her?
"Never mind, get that gate open. Stand back prisoner!"
Well, if they were going to open the gate, she might as well oblige them.
As she backed away, the soldiers opened the gates. A dark skinned man entered the cell. "Stay put, prisoner."
"No, the less who know of our passage the better, kill her." The woman said.
"Yessir." The man drew his weapon at her orders.
Akari immediately dropped into a fighting stance. Her opponents were armed and armored, and outnumbered her. At her former strength, this wouldn't have been too much of an impediment, but now, the odds were very, very much against her.
Still, she knew she wasn't going down without a fight. She'd try to fake him out. Bait him into making the first move. If he tried to swing at her she'd duck and strike at his legs, trip him or at least attempt to get him to drop his weapon, and-
Stand down!" A powerful voice barked out.
The man paused, and turned as another figure entered the cell. This man was different from the others, being a gray haired elderly man clad in elegant robes, a sword at his side. However the thing about him that drew the most attention was the large ruby red amulet around his neck. That thing was obviously magical in some form, and it set her on edge. Rubies weren't really a good sign after all.
"You… you're… you're not from here… are you?" He asked.
"I'm not sure what you mean?" She said cautiously, tilting her head. Did he know she was extraplanar? Most Eladrin didn't like to let on to their true nature to mortals, and she'd prefer to adhere to that. "Who are you anyways?"
"I am Emperor Uriel Septim VII, by the grace of the Nine I serve Tamriel as her ruler. As to you... You're not supposed to be here, are you?"
Akari got the feeling it was more than just her being in an apparently off limits cell he was referring to. Also, the
Nine? That with the prominent magical ruby amulet he was wearing didn't paint a good picture. Still, she needed more answers.
"I don't believe so, stars willing. Which then begs the obvious question."
"Perhaps a quirk of fate or perhaps the gods have placed you here that we may meet."
"Perhaps." Akari had speculated many things as to how she had wound up in her predicament. She may have been the subject of a calling spell, it wouldn't have been the first time she had answered the call of a Planar Ally spell or been the target of a Planar Binding. Or maybe a god had plopped her down here like the Emperor suggested. She wouldn't put it past Zeus to have done this on a whim. "Though what are you doing here then, if not here for me?"
"An attack. My Blades and I are moving out of the city." Emperor Uriel said. Akari did recall them mentioning something about undead.
"Sire, we must keep moving." said the female bodyguard. She pushed a stone in the cell wall, and it slid inward. There was then a grinding sound as the alcove in which her bedding lay changed, the ledge sliding down while the back wall opened to reveal a secret passage. Would that Akari had known about that earlier.
"Well, it's your lucky day prisoner." The dark-skinned guard said coldly. "Just keep your distance."
After a third one of these 'Blades' locked the cell door behind him Emperor and his guards departed into the hidden passage. Akari followed behind slowly, letting them get out of sight.
So this is a thing. Of the various official Dungeons and Dragons settings, there are really only three I care much about, the top being Planescape*. I love the plane-hopping, bizarre environments, philosophy, and outsiders. Hence crossing this over with Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Oblivion is kind of the red-headed stepchild of the franchise, but it was my introduction to Elder Scrolls, way back when I first rented it from Blockbuster (ain't that dated). I've always had a soft spot for it, janky as it is. Played the crap out of it when I originally rented and later bought it, and recently dusted it off to play again (which is where the idea for this fic came from). However, looking back, one of the things that i rather disliked was despite the game being called Oblivion, you only ever go to one realm (the Deadlands) and only one Daedric Prince is involved in the main story which feels disappointing, so that (and some other things, as you can no doubt tell from this chapter alone) will be changed.
So, we'll see where this goes. Feedback is appreciated. Also someone who's fairly knowledgeable of Elder Scrolls lore.
*The other two for the curious are Dark Sun and Dragonlance.