Dungeons and Dragons style!

Deleted member 30375


Does anyone wanna play a game of pseudo D&D? I will require a somewhat basic knowledge of the game, but I will be making several changes to the lore of the land as well as a few other things. Also, we will be playing in a modern fantasy world. That means technology AND magic! Who's excited? I'm looking for Four players.

I WILL be rolling dice for certain encounters and outcomes, and all canon D&D and Pathfinder races, classes and other are allowed.

In this world, tech and magic work together. Halflings, Elves Dwarves and Humans all get along swell, as do most other races! The only exception to this rule are "Half-breeds" Half one race and half another, half breeds are usually the result of a sexual assault, but can be the products of happy relationships. You can mix most any two races and play yourself a half breed, but depending on what you mix you may end up with a mutation or deformity. I will roll on a table to determine this.

As for the story, here you go:

Ever since ancient times there have been tales of seven masks that each hold the secrets to one school of magic. These masks were once whole, and gave absolute power over the arcane arts. You are a recent student, graduate or maybe even expel-ee from the monster hunting school Dragon Hearts Academy, and you are after one or more of these masks. Tell me why.

Character sheet:

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So I'm planning on being a Paladin/Cleric class what gods are there in this world?
What's your opinion on Changelings? And I'm thinking about doing a Rouge or Ranger.
What's your opinion on Changelings? And I'm thinking about doing a Rouge or Ranger.

Thank you so much for asking! In this universe, a changeling takes on many forms, but it's form as a certain species is unique to that changeling, as in they cannot impersonate individuals. This is to stop players from derailing the campaign as well as to stop them from turning the party against itself.
So I'm planning on being a Paladin/Cleric class what gods are there in this world?

The dominant religion is Christianity but there are the gods from every religion worshipped these days, though by far the best pantheon to choose from would be Celtic gods, for those are the ones I know about. (Slight bias there due to being Wiccan)
I've never even heard of the Masks of Destiny, so I'm good on that front, lol.

Thinking about maybe rolling out my Tiefling Goolock/Sorcerer.

Although, what's your opinion on Homebrew content?
Haven't done RP on SV before, so I'll probably need some guidance, but I'm interested in this setting! I'm thinking of playing a human barbarian. Basic, I know. Where is the school located? In a city, or more rural?

Also, are the schools of magic the ones in D&D?I remember there being eight in total, so not all schools are covered by the seven masks?
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Homebrew must be run by me, what's a goolock?
It's the short form for referrign to Great Old One patron warLock from 5e.

Although, I've noticed that this is tagged with DnD and Pathfinder, so I suppose I may not necessarily need to turn to homebrew. So, are PF characters allowed?

Edit: Rogue'd!
Haven't done RP on SV before, so I'll probably need some guidance, but I'm interested in this setting! I'm thinking of playing a human barbarian. Basic, I know. Where is the school located? In a city, or more rural?

Also, are the schools of magic the ones in D&D?I remember there being eight in total, so not all schools are covered by the seven masks?

School is located in a rural town called Pepper Pond
School is located in a rural town called Pepper Pond
Not the actual school, but the types of magic.
Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation.

Abjurations deal with protection and defense.
Conjurations deal with transportation, creation, and summoning.
Divinations deal with information-gathering, clairvoyance, and foresight.
Evocations deal with channeling raw creational energy into elemental attacks or raw healing power.
Enchantments deal with the manipulation of the mind.
Illusions deal with concealment and... illusions.
Necromancy deals with the forces of life and death, resurrecting the dead, creating undead, or progressing decay.
Transmutations deal with changing one thing into something else or altering its properties.
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Name: Jonas Crosshaw
Race: Human
Class: Paladin

Description: Jonas stands at 5'11" with black hair and brown eyes, his usual clothing consists of Brown pants and an Orange T-Shirt, if he's called to go into battle he'll dawn his Paladin armor (However it looks like nowadays). His Go to weapon would be His short sword, enchanted to be wielded only by him those he trusts the most.

Backstory: Jonas was born into a family of four, where he and his family were just average people growing up with the faith and he didn't particularly want to become a Paladin until his adult years, where he grew to realize that all he wanted to do was protect people and that his temple gave him an easy in to do just that, and so he signed up to be in the Paladin sect of his Religion. this was of course after he graduated from the Academy.

I am noy very good with backstories but I think this should suffice as a basic rundown.
Thank you so much for asking! In this universe, a changeling takes on many forms, but it's form as a certain species is unique to that changeling, as in they cannot impersonate individuals. This is to stop players from derailing the campaign as well as to stop them from turning the party against itself.

So, less shapeshifter more shapechanger? That's cool okay, so would the school know I'm a changeling or would I be able to use a specific race to put up a front? Would just the school know or would my classmates know?
How's this:
Name: Brak
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian

About 7 feet tall, this young man has a head of short, messy dark brown hair. He has a rugged complexion, a scar running down the right side of his chin. His arms and back are strong from lifting things such as freshly chopped logs to fresh kills on the hunt. Outfitted in a simple tunic, he wears the fur of a bear he and his group of hunters had once slain. His everyday outfit includes a simple tank top and jeans. Wielding a greataxe, he has felled many trees, animals, and sometimes other men in skirmishes. Brak swings with unrelenting force! He holds a large backpack filled with all the tools he uses as a hunter/tracker, and a long chain of hair belonging to all those that perished in his village.

From a village in the rural backwaters of the north, Brak was part of a party of hunters. One day, while the entire party was out in the woods, the village was attacked and enslaved by a dark sorcerer! Wielding the dark art of necromancy, the sorcerer turned the entire village into undead servants. Upon returning, Brak's party was forced to cut down their own people to release them from the horrors of their arcane prison. After the period of mourning, Brak took with him a strand of hair from each fallen member of his village, as tradition goes. He vowed to never use his tribe's name until he has vanquished the evil magics that plague the lands. With renewed purpose, he sought to rid the world of dark magic and joined Dragon Hearts Academy not long after. Brak had to adjust to life in urban areas, with their "forests" of concrete and steel, and though he has adjusted well, he is still somewhat unfamiliar with some nuances of modern living. Brak searches for the Masks to learn about ways to destroy magic. He abhors necromancy, and distrusts magicians. By finding the masks, he hopes to learn to wipe away dark magic for good. In his final year, the greatest adventure of his life begins...
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Havent heards of MoD, is this more freeform or based on rolls?
So, less shapeshifter more shapechanger? That's cool okay, so would the school know I'm a changeling or would I be able to use a specific race to put up a front? Would just the school know or would my classmates know?

You could use a race to put up a front, you can spend unlimited time in a form but can only change 5 times a day. Only people you want to know would know.
How's this:
Name: Brak
Race: Human
Class: Barbarian

About 7 feet tall, this young man has a head of short, messy dark brown hair. He has a rugged complexion, a scar running down the right side of his chin. His arms and back are strong from lifting things such as freshly chopped logs to fresh kills on the hunt. Outfitted in a simple tunic, he wears the fur of a bear he and his group of hunters had once slain. Wielding a great axe, he has felled many trees, animals, and sometimes other men in skirmishes. Brak swings with unrelenting force! He holds a large bag filled with all the tools he uses as a hunter/tracker, and a long chain of hair belonging to all those that perished in his village.

From a village in the harsh hinterlands of the north, Brak was part of a party of hunters.
One day, while the entire party was out in the woods, the village was attacked and enslaved by a dark sorcerer! Wielding the dark art of necromancy, the sorcerer turned the entire village into undead servants. Upon returning, Brak's party was forced to cut down their own people to release them from the horrors of their arcane prison.
After the period of mourning, Brak took with him a strand of hair from each fallen member of his village, as tradition goes. He vowed to never use his tribe's name until he has vanquished the evil magics that plague the lands. With renewed purpose, he sought to rid the world of dark magic and joined Dragon Hearts Academy not long after. Brak searches for the Masks to learn about ways to destroy magic. He abhors necromancy, and distrusts magicians. By finding the masks, he hopes to learn to wipe away dark magic for good. In his final year, the greatest adventure of his life begins...

Perfect!! But, ah, we are playing in a modern fantasy world, which means technology and supermarkets.
Not the actual school, but the types of magic.
Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Evocation, Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation.

Abjurations deal with protection and defense.
Conjurations deal with transportation, creation, and summoning.
Divinations deal with information-gathering, clairvoyance, and foresight.
Evocations deal with channeling raw creational energy into elemental attacks or raw healing power.
Enchantments deal with the manipulation of the mind.
Illusions deal with concealment and... illusions.
Necromancy deals with the forces of life and death, resurrecting the dead, creating undead, or progressing decay.
Transmutations deal with changing one thing into something else or altering its properties.

I think I excluded Abjuration, I was just going based on memory. I will edit the post.
It's the short form for referrign to Great Old One patron warLock from 5e.

Although, I've noticed that this is tagged with DnD and Pathfinder, so I suppose I may not necessarily need to turn to homebrew. So, are PF characters allowed?

Edit: Rogue'd!

Yes, pathfinder characters are allowed, think of yourselves as starting at level 3
Name: Jonas Crosshaw
Race: Human
Class: Paladin

Description: Jonas stands at 5'11" with black hair and brown eyes, his usual clothing consists of Brown pants and an Orange T-Shirt, if he's called to go into battle he'll dawn his Paladin armor (However it looks like nowadays). His Go to weapon would be His short sword, enchanted to be wielded only by him those he trusts the most.

Backstory: Jonas was born into a family of four, where he and his family were just average people growing up with the faith and he didn't particularly want to become a Paladin until his adult years, where he grew to realize that all he wanted to do was protect people and that his temple gave him an easy in to do just that, and so he signed up to be in the Paladin sect of his Religion. this was of course after he graduated from the Academy.

I am noy very good with backstories but I think this should suffice as a basic rundown.

This is great! PM me your sheet?

I am making edits to the original post, please read them for me.