Dungeon Warlock

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Blake Robin survived the start of the Apocalypse. Only to be betrayed a month later. Left for dead inside a dungeon he decides to use a power he gained on the Day Of Turmoil, to strike a deal with the dungeon itself.
Chapter 1
Chapter 1

Blake Robin Survivor of the Day Of Turmoil

I wake up naturally. Which already has alarm bells ringing in my mind. I was expecting to have been woken by Jared or Ashley. Looking around I find that they took everything that wasn't on my person and have left me to die. I feel quite bitter about this, and I can't help but wonder how many times they have pulled this little trick. They said I could have the final watch, because even in a safe room of a dungeon it is smart to keep up good habits.

There is only one way I'm gonna be able to get out of this mess. I have to use the ritual I was 'blessed' with the first day of the apocalypse. I'm reluctant to use the ritual. Because I would have to become a servant to what the information I was given calls a 'higher being'. But in exchange I would be granted a seed of power that would grow alongside me. Unfortunately the information that was put into my head on the Day Of Turmoil, tells me that to get in contact with a specific 'higher being' that I would have to go somewhere aligned to them, and do the ritual there. I am afraid of doing the ritual here because what might be aligned to a dungeon, but I don't have much of a choice if I want to survive. As soon as I leave the safe room I will have to fight my way out, and there's no chance that I will be able to do so without my shield and spear. So here's hoping that the magic that comes with a pact will allow me to survive.

As I start to draw the ritual circle, my mind begins to wonder. It has been a month since the Day Of Turmoil, and the apocalypse is in full swing. Monsters can appear anywhere or so it seems. There are rumors that some of the 'blessed' can ward a building or a plot of land to prevent monsters forming from the ambient mana. As far as anyone I've talked to knows, mana and monsters did not exist until the Day Of Turmoil happened. One day things were normal and then the next mana appeared and with it came 'blessings' some of us were 'lucky' to get. Some of the so-called 'blessed' might as well be monsters for all the chaos they have caused. It's on this thought that I finish the circle.

Now all I have to do is say the chant and pore mana into the ritual circle. Then something will answer if it wants to form a pact, and after that comes negotiations. The chant is in a language that I don't recognize and as I speak it seems to come out easily, especially considering I don't think humans can make half the sounds that make up the language. I can feel something answering the call before an image forms in the circle. I know that it allows the 'higher being' to form an avatar of their choosing but I'm confused by what appeared before me. In the circle is a small gem about the size of my thumb. If it weren't floating, and glowing, I would think it a normal everyday emerald. As I am taking stock and trying to figure out if something went wrong the gem starts to vibrate and produce a sound, no not just a sound but an alien language. It's a good thing the ritual translates for both parties, it is the only reason I can recognize that it is speaking.

"Mortal you want a pact. I answered because I want things outside of my reach. I will grant you power and in return you will collect interesting things for me. I do have a condition of my own though. When you die I want your soul. If you prove a good investment I will need it to resurrect you."

"As tempting as resurrection is, I don't even know what you are yet. Let alone if I can trust you with my soul. How do I know you won't eat my soul if I don't prove to be a 'good investment'".

"As you should know, neither of us can lie to the other due to the magic of the pact. I tell you now that I would not eat your soul. I don't even think I could if I wanted to. As to what I am, I'm the stone around you, the floor at your feet, the roof over your head, and the monsters roaming outside of the safe room. I AM THE DUNGEON."

"Wait if you are the dungeon does that mean that if I complete the pact that I could just walk past the monsters without being attacked?"

"Yes, if you complete the pact I will no longer be your enemy. My monsters will see you as one of them. If it comes down to it they will even fight alongside you."

Well seeing as my entire goal of forming a pact was so that I could get out of this situation without dying, I think I have to take the deal. "I accept the pact with the agreed upon terms." And with that said the ritual circle catches a green, ghostly fire until it completely burns away leaving behind glowing ash. Which surges up and starts to force itself into my mouth, and down my throat. Oddly the ash has no taste and despite being on fire a moment ago didn't have a heat to it. Still gave me an extreme case of cottonmouth, but beyond that I can feel a new power bubbling up from within me.