DtG: Destroy the Godmodder (The Broken Masquerade)

Round 4
One would look into the Godmodder's rapid movements and wonder, "Would speed such as that truly be the best course of action in these fields such that debris fills it?" The answer? "No, no it is not."

We look into the Godmodder as of now, weaving through attempts at her life with her alleged "rapid movement" or "superspeed." We then focus our attentions not at the Godmodder, nor the attempts at her life, nor her assailants. No, we focus our attention to the chunks of rocks, afterthought of the several meteors crashing into each other, aimlessly floating in zero gravity. By now, the Godmodder has probably mapped this area out in her memory, so perish the thought of these chunks of rocks tripping the Godmodder.

At least, untouched they won't.

The unseen force makes its next move. An unnoticeable meteor flies and pushes the optimal meteor chunk for tripping the Godmodder into position. As unnoticed as it was coming in, the perpetrator meteor exits the field, leaving a piece of meteor primed to trip the Godmodder.

As to how the Godmodder is actually tripped, well, we could add comedic value into this by making a shoelace loophole get caught in the floating rock, but how sure are we that she indeed is wearing a shoelaced shoe? Instead, the rock will just scrape whatever surface is present on the Godmodder's ankle.

What matters not is if this causes the Godmodder pain or not. What does matter is that it does impede her movement as well as her train of thoughts, leaving her open for the next attack. That or if there's no reliable attack waiting for her, she could just crash into yet another chunk of floating debris that momentarily escaped her memory thanks to that ankle-bump.
The Godmodder's distracted, leaving her open to the next attack!
I cast Delayed Fireball... only for it to fall down... down... down...


I task another portion of my conscious with concentrating on maintaining that spell. Hope I didn't need that processing power for anything important later.
Delayed Fireball cast! A wonderful spell, if I say so myself!
I feed my X-Wing a Rare Candy, causing it to evolve into Millenium Falcon. The Millenium Falcon then uses Tractor Beam, locking onto falling allies and pulling them into its cargo hold.
Your X-Wing undergoes a transformation into a Millenium Falcon.
....Amazing. I never thought I'd ever see one....
It opens it's beak, and tractorbeams Paradox into her pocket dimension-slash-cargo hold!
Incredible. That was absolutely incredible to watch.
I SLAP BIGG MAN. I then remember that the Godmodder is not a Man! I panic, then SLAPP BIG MAN into the Godmodder! SLAPP.
I then drop BIG TOWER, the BIG MAN's house, onto the battlefields
I then summon the BOG MAN, and give JOE his BOG LIMBS
You unleash a vicious open-palmed assault onto the Godmodder using the power of the BIG MANN! The Godmodder rubs her cheek.
1 Damage!
BOG Limbs given to JOE!
Personal opinion, but I disapprove of the sale of the body parts of a creature.
The guy pulls out a parasol to fall gently to the ground.
As you're already on a platform with stable altitude, a sudden updraft sends you up to height 3! It's the least I can do for you.
frickin trees *sets trap*

Oh! Idea! I summon an Iron Golem right above the Godmodder. The large, flailing metal monstrosity starts falling down towards the Godmodder with incredible force. If only the Godmodder was able to move just an itty bitty inch to the right, they'd be safe! But the Godmodder is totally incapable of doing that, isn't that right, Godmodder?
:taunt: :taunt: :taunt:
Trap set! As the Godmodder is no longer distracted, she phases through the Iron Golem with a smile.
"Iron? Please."
Pft. the godmodder 'dispersed the energy'?
There's a Lot of energy there. more specifically, if you take the output of a low-grade laser and multiply it by the number of photons a lightbulb produces each second, you still don't get the total energy amount. the walls have all melted into liquid superheated metal, which I apply a medium-grade telekinesis spell to, causing it to converge on, and burn, the godmodder. also, the warship is in ruins, so there's that. while they're distracted by that, I mentally scroll through the radiation types, until I find the right oŋΣ̶̡̀Σ͊ͪ̄̏ͥ̉̿͑ͫͤ̃҉͏̨͡Σ̡̡ͧ͊͌̀̓̈̋͝Σ̵ͣͧ̀ͪͨ̉̿͏Σ̨͇̫͇̗̞̺̹͎̫̰̤̤̙͔̣̝͙̊ͣͦ͛͟Σ̴̸̡̮̙͇͓̰͍̩͉͈̲͙̭͚̗̪͙͔͈̌ͯ̆ͯ̉̂́͘Σ̴̢̡̗͉͖̝̮̰̹̳͎̦̱͖͕̤̐͌̆ͮ͌́̑̆.
Purple and Blue the colors of night the fallen shards of endless white the cause of madness of three bright minds the ones of paltry poultry with season's fungi a spoon of pitch a plate of wood, a land of wealth and confusion both filled with crystals fourfold red and yellow, blue and gold a crazed monster loses his treasure and screeches laughter- thief's no better. a hopeful mind strives for knowledge and in time falls as well ignorance of warnings marks you unlucky while failure with knowledge marks the dumb and all you know is wrong, is wrong, listen to the endless birdςΘφγ ahem yes it has... interesting effects on the mind, as you can see.
it's powerful, i suppose, but not safe for any prolonged time. with a few clicks of the trigger, it surrounds the godmodder. wonder what'll happen?
Hey, I didn't come up with how the Godmodder warps physics. Regardless, whatever radiation you used, youve hurt the Godmodder!
1 damage!
Listening to the Narrator that was listing the things happening in the battle I blink and attempted to remember how did I get out of the warship in the first place.

I look upwards where the voice was coming from and simply shrug, unconscious use of Reality-warping powers I guess? Even I don't recall how I found myself out of the warship in my sloop. Just that I was.

Before I turn my attention to my main interest, I glance at the Harpoon gun and still notice it was still shooting out more of the Void Rope. Why did I think of use a weaker material for the harpoon... Ah well... It'll hit something soon... I think. With that done, I take a DEEPER look in the voidfire outside my ship. Using a multitude of eye-protection I peer at it in the safety of my ship. I feel my more scholarly side threatening to pop out after my long absence of scientific pursuit.
The voidfire is a bright reddish flame, requiring no fuel, and radiating no heat whatsoever. It seems to only burn at the touch.
the Cyan platform of energy glows somewhat brighter, becoming more translucent as well, then wobbles. and then wobbles again. then, with a loud Glorp, the platform envelopes me like a hamster ball, and I close my eyes. they, too, begin to glow a faint cyan,and to emit a mist of white-cyan. after a minute, the mist coagulates into a body-like shape with no legs, still made of mist. through this, i shall act on the field, while the cyan sphere rockets off towards whichever energy signature was the weakest, unless its significantly further then second-weakest, in which case second-weakest.
You go off into the void to search for energy signatures! I'll keep you posted.
I take out a set of what appear to be car keys, complete with fob, and press a button on the fob. A distant chirping noise is heard.

A few minutes later, a dragon-shaped mech suit appears, complete with rocket boosters in its feet, durable metal plating, a multitude of offensive options, and a cockpit in the rough "brain" area.

The Dragon suit catches me in the cockpit. I strap in, close the hatch, and fire the rocket boosters to stabilize and halt my descent.
Your Dragon suit appears, and stabilizes your altitude!
I scoop up some Voidfire Embers, and promptly hand them to that one skeleton blacksmith in dark souls, and get him to craft me possibly one of the oddest weapons, metaphysically speaking: A Voidic Great Chaos Flame Zweihander. I then store this in the inventory for further use.
Voidic Great Chaos Flame Zweihander forged! Wow, that's a mouthful. Voidic Great Chaos Flame Zweihander Voidic Great Chaos Flame Zweihander Voidic Great Chaos Flame Zweihander.
...Oh, right, I'm using a speech to text program right now. Sorry about that.
"Hey Godmodder, punch me in the face!"

"In the face! Please, please punch me right in the face!"

"It doesn't have to be a punch, honestly; I'd settle for a kick."

"Doesn't even have to be in the face, anywhere would be great!"

"But please, oh please punch me right in the face!"

I continue annoying the Godmodder in this manner until they eventually do get around to punching me in the face, or elsewhere in a simple attempt to get me to SHUT UP ALREADY. Unfortunately for her, my current avatar is actually made of positronium, a finely-balanced mix of matter and antimatter; thus, when she punches me, I explode with a truly apocalyptic amount of force.
With a roll of the eyes, the Godmodder points at you. "Click!"
And with that, you've been muted!
I activate the loudspeakers of my Dragon suit and say the following to the Godmodder:

"There's an old tradition when fighting Godmodders. You know the one. And since nobody else has done it, I get the chance to do so."

While the Godmodder is pondering my words, I call up a man who owes me a favor.

But this is no ordinary man, and the favor I'm calling in took me years of planning and hard work to acquire.

For after all, what can you do for the ultimate fighter? What does the greatest champion need?

How, in short, do you get Chuck Norris to owe you a favor?

I can't recall today how I did it, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm calling in the favor.

Chuck Norris appears and attacks the Godmodder. The favor is repaid.
....Was something supposed to happen just now?
I grow a tree on Krill's platform, precisely 1 high. This allows me to climb it and rise to 3!
Altitude gained!
I cast a Web spell to stop myself from falling any further.

Why did I do this, I'm stuck in a giant web now?!
Altitude stabilized!
I equip a Ring of Levitation, allowing me to fly in whatever directions I please without further explanation, and stop my descent.

That said, we who surpass the gods must rise above them in weaponry as well as station. Unexplored-Class, despair! With this, the black sword that Malivenera no Rosemary would once have dreamed, tear open the veils of the-

Wait, that's for later. Activate a FTL interference device so whenever the Godmodder attempts to move at FTL speeds she'll crash at that speed into a shredding vortex-wall of tachyonic nopes. I doubt it means anything good that she's not using that speed to leave the one phenomenon that stands a chance at doing anything to her, but we should at least put up a pretense.
The Godmodder slowed down! Status changed to levitating!
Summoning some rather advance Void research equipment, I soon use the containers that come with the kit and read the fine print and instructions that came with the equipment...
You conjure up things that would give even me a headache reading. What's this about "exotic matter containment cells," and "picoscopes"?
A cute girl floats in through a random hole in the wall. She's capable of levitation, apparently.

<02215.Rinna> umm what am i supposed to do
<01426.Hazuki> Don't do anything yet.
She just stays there, dodging any attacks that happen to inadvertently come her way, but not doing anything else. Wonder what she's doing...
Welcome! Altitude stabilized at 3!
The nameless stands up and looks at the screen, watching everyone with intense amusement, and presses its finger, against the screen sort of drawing on it.
This causes rifts in the air that sort of solidify, slowing down the falling of several people who are falling.

Hmm... I suppose that since the nameless is unable to answer the GM until its passed a certain number of trials, I will have to suffice.
No, the nameless cannot hear you. It doesn't even realize the effect it is having on the battlefield, probably doesn't even understand what it's looking at through the screen in that temple.
I, on the other hand, can respond to both of you, for however much good that does... well, any of us, really.
My name is SONG, I am a failed attempt at recreating the mythical theoretical beings called Terminae. Well, I was. Through a long chain of events I was chained to the Great Trials, to act as a sort of narrator for those forces that might be able to look into it to have things rendered in a way such that certain things can be obfuscated, and others highlighted, while the bulk of my power was absorbed into the Great Trials themselves to act as a sort of targeting system for the outside effects of finishing each trial, or interactions with the screen before it becomes a proper doorway.

And miss godmodder, I know what you're thinking, killing me won't actually prevent the nameless from affecting the battlefield, all it will do is prevent you from seeing what it is doing, thus rendering you unable to prepare for its eventual arrival, so don't bother trying.
I see. In that case, hello SONG! I must say, your name has a musical ring to it.
Everyone who's falling has their altitude stabilized!
I transform myself into a dragon and began flying upwards
Flying applied!
The Millenium Falcon continues to collect players with its Tractor Beam, while hovering at elevation 2. While it does that, I use Upgrade on it to give it a bunch of gun turrets, allowing all the players to use them to shoot a storm of lasers at the Godmodder.
You augment the Millenium Falcon with laser turrets!
I Create some Good Glue and put it into my Inventory for later use as I speed up my ascent
You move to Elevation 3!
Oh, right. Second post a round.

This, the void of IS NOT seen at the unexplored realm above the gods. Resplendent nothingness, despair, tears that know not why they come and an urge to sleep forevermore!

I give the godmodder a truly ridiculous amount of depression so she'll create a cure for depression when she counteracts it.

...Going to vaguely apply for 4th Wall Awareness and 'from outside the main universe' since I forgot to ask earlier and I did more or less open by arbitrarily entering from a point that most people would probably not find sensible otherwise. You mind waving that in?
For just a moment, the Godmodder staggers for a moment, before tossing you a vial with a golden liquid inside! You have three guesses as to what this is, and the first two don't count.
The view cuts to a scene taking place in yet another universe, in a planet that is arguably Earth but may be called differently by its inhabitants. Zooming into the planet's surface, we, the viewers, see what kind of civilization exists there: one of fantasy. Scanning over this world of fantastical setting as if we are looking in the eyes of a powerful avian, each imaginary wing beat the force of a tsunami, we see many a settlements in ruins, creatures of darkness, corrupted and natural alike, sprawl all over the earth like the plague of the land they are, and a tower of obsidian juts out of the earth, presumably the source of this disease.

Moments later, we all lay witness to a story of hope and miracle as four young adventurers march towards the heart of this madness. We all follow these four as they trudge on through moments of hardship, revel in chances of celebration, and appreciate the times of camaraderie. In their wake lay cleansed lands and recovering civilizations, a sign of success in their task. It takes not a long period of time for the party to reach their destination. Besting each and every challenge inside, the group finally reach the one that oversaw the corruption in its beginning, the one who is responsible for it in the first place, the ancient evil released from its prison through the actions of a foolish one, the one that holds many a tortured souls within its own body purely for the pleasure, the designated bad guy of the story. Both the group of heroes engage the adversary in front of them in one last combat.

Though the battle proves to be grueling, the heroes stand near-triumphant over their opponent, whom has been reduced from the being feared by all in the land into the blubbering mess kneeling, begging for its life to be spared, "promising" to be good. It begging for its life is genuine, but the promise is not, and the heroes do not fall for this attempt at trickery, no. Instead, a plucky young boy, whom the viewers have known to be the protagonist of this story, raises his sword high in the air. The sword, in response, glows a blindingly golden glow. Those who did follow through the story know one thing of this sword: it has been enchanted not to imprison the ancient evil as have the previous group of heroes did. What a mistake that turned out to be. No, this sword is enchanted to vanquish the ancient evil once and for all. The evil, knowing of what this will mean to it, makes one last attempt at preserving its own life; it opens a portal that leads to lands not known by neither heroes nor itself and enters it, but not before being pursued by a ray of golden light coming from the sword. Both the evil and the ray enter the portal, the latter being cut off from its source after the portal closes.

The portal does close, and the heroes wait in worried anticipation of what comes next. Then, like a wish upon a shooting star come true, all of that blot of corruption begin dissipating into nothingness. Spires of black, mounds of darkness, tendrils of evil, all disappear with nary a trace left behind. The same goes for the corrupted ones, sentient or insentient; the taint that forcefully took over innocent lives and inanimate objects are all ejected from their hosts, leaving behind many that gratitude for their restored freedom of will. With the ancient evil's influence eradicated from these fair lands, all lives still present for this moment rejoice with the metaphorical energy of ten suns. The four heroes, though only called that initially to bring a placebo of hope to all who were in despair, are now recognized and hailed as the true heroes of these lands. Within the four's carefree chatter with each other, a question, though with lighthearted intention, is asked:

"What did happen beyond that portal?"

The view goes back in time and in position of this specific Godmodding war. It's yet another turn of the Godmodder fighting off the multitude of beings that want her head off, however metaphorical that statement may be. In the midst of all the goings-on in this combat, a portal of jet black opens up. From it, a ragged cloak connected to a skeletal figure comes out, making the unfortunate misstep of bumping in the Godmodder. At the exact moment this newcomer makes contact with the Godmodder, a spear of golden light flies out from the portal and pierces both newcomer and Godmodder through their chests. The spear then dissolves into a swarm of golden light that fly into the indefinite. The Godmodder most definitely lives through this new wound and most probably does not give too much attention to it. The newcomer, on the other hand, is reaching to its own chest, disbelief being an obvious expression that it's wearing right now.

The newcomer lets out a wail...no wait, two...no there's another one...hold on a moment.


A horde of wails comes out from the newcomer's maw, as hundreds, if not thousands, of souls fly out, revealing themselves to be the actual source of the wailing. Though one would expect relief to be the emotion that should be felt by these freed spirits, they have been under too much torture that any semblance of sanity is no longer present. Their drive, though allegedly revealed to be a bid for vengeance through a mad mantra of the same word uttered by each and every soul, is, in reality, a horribly deformed definition of the word; that is, they intend to indiscriminately tear through any living being they see. And oh, what a coincidence! The only living being they can see, thanks in part to the debris that's been blocking any sight of the others and the fact that she was next to that newcomer when it died, the Godmodder. As they do spot the Godmodder, their one-word mantra changes by a whole word.

"tear tear tear tear tear tear tear teAR TEAR TEAR TEAR TEAR TEAR TEAR TEAR TEAR"

The vengeful spirits all march menacingly towards the Godmodder as they repeatedly scream their mantra towards her. Then, one takes the initiative and lunges itself towards the Godmodder, followed by all of the others.

The Godmodder would, of course, triumph over these souls, but not without obtaining some damaging wounds herself.
The Godmodder watches as the Sleepless emerge from this despicable creature, a look of horror on her face. With look that almost resembles resignation, she closes her eyes as the entire chamber is lit up in a flash of blue.
"Rest in Peace."
Ack! I can't see!
...Where are the shades? More importantly, what the heck just happened?
1 Godmodder Damage.
The girl continues to levitate, before floating slowly upward. She tries to introduce herself to some of the people around her.

???: umm... the name's rinna. i'm just your average anime character, i guess...
RINNA: hehe.

RINNA: i hope you don't mind me just... observing.

She just floats there.
Hey, Rinna. Nice to meet you! I'd give my name, but, secrecy issues. Say, is that Hizuki person also here?
Regardless of the outcome of my taunting the Godmodder, the resulting explosion really hadn't harmed me. It had also occurred to me that sooner or later, the Godmodder would start whipping up minions to cause us additional grief, and when that happened we'd want some heavy firepower to deal with them. That said, the conventional method of summoning generally lead to weak Entities that would be of negligible use in this sort of war; on the other hand, there didn't seem to be any way to directly store up power in order to get a more powerful thing made.

And then an idea struck me. Quickly, I began pouring every bit of power I could muster into creating a statue of a slender woman dressed in half-plate armor. It wasn't a magical animated statue or anything like that, just a damn fine sculpture. It was utterly lacking in curses for the unwary, mysterious prophecies, or radioactive glows. Really, the only notable property of the thing was that it was made of the single most excessively durable material I could come up with, a light gray metal that I decided to call Adamantine. I also thought ahead and made my statue firmly on solid ground; wouldn't do to have my creation damaged by falling from the sky.

[AG] Adamantine Statue summoned! It does nothing!
Wow, that's a lot of Adamantine.... It's more than I've ever seen in my whole life. I've only ever seen it in swords, bullets, a pair of gauntlets one time, but even then, it was always alloyed with something else.
OOC: Hey Just! Good to see you again! Probably shoulda posted that when I first saw you'd posted but whatever

The nameless decides that it doesn't understand what's going on in the screen, so its going to continue with its trials, the only purpose it truly has at this point in time. It crosses the bridge to the first door it went through, now closed, and goes up to the gallery, where the three doors behind the Trial of Air have opened up. One looks out into a windy expanse, another into clouds of mist, and the last into bright blue sky.

It looks into the first and steps forwards, through the door, entering the next trial.

The Trial of Wind
"The wind is carefree, wandering about withersoever it wishes, knowing that above all, movement, the thing it most loves, is what keeps it alive."​

The nameless appears in another empty area of air. It floats for a moment, confused, how is this different than the previous trial? Its question is answered when a blast of air sends it tumbling through the sky. It whips around and is buffeted on every side by the wind, tumbling about in the air, once again no longer in control of its movements.
The nameless tries to push back against the wind that sends it tumbling through the sky, but with every push against the wind comes a greater push that knocks the nameless flying once more.
The nameless struggles and struggles until it runs out of energy. It feels itself starting to slip away, and then a thought comes to it. As the wind pushes it along in different directions, instead of fighting against it, the nameless pushes forward with the wind, changing its angle slightly, but pulling along with the wind. After all, it has no where it's trying to get to, why not go along with where ever the wind is taking it?
And so wind spreads the nameless's nonexistent wings and the nameless goes from simple floating, to soaring.

And with that, wind fills the shaft in the battlefield, massive gusts of wind pushing everyone upwards and giving them a boost upwards as the powerful winds glide in under their limbs and torsos, gently lifting them up away from the encroaching ground below to better launch their assault upon the Godmodder.
Effect: players can now give themselves flight more easily.

The nameless soars through the air, until it sees the temple, and with that, the wind subsides. But not all the way, as the nameless has come to understand the nature of the wind, and with that understanding glides itself down to the central platform, and with the motion of landing, once more stands in the center of the temple.​
Flight applied to all stabilized people!

Destroy The Godmodder!

Alright, I think some of you need to understand that you're falling. Y'know, the sensation of wind blowing past your faces? I know, it might be stressful, which is why you haven't fully comprehended the situation. So, I'm going to simplify this for you. There's four altitudes right now, going from 0 to 3. 0 is at the bottom of this shaft most of you are right now, the furthest you can possibly be from the Godmodder. 3 is where the godmodder is right now. If you're falling, you will decrease in altitude every round, as well as your chances of affecting the Godmodder. If you're flying, you will be increasing in altitude each round. That clear?
Start flying.

[GM] The Godmodder. 75/80 Hp. Altitude: 3, Flying!

[AG] TOG. Altitude: 2, Feather Falling, Flying!
[AG] Redstone. Altitude: 3, On Krill's Platform, Flying!
[AG] Crusher. Altitude: 3, On a Millenium Falcon, Flying!
[AG] Paradox. Altitude: 3, Flying!
[AG] JOEprobe. Altitude: 3! On Energy-Platform, Flying!
[AG] Piono. Altitude: UND, Is somewhere else!
[AG] Krill. Altitude: UND, Is a cosmic omnipresent force of some sort!
[AG] Vanestus. Altitude: 3! Flying!
[AG] Winkins. Not Falling, Altitude: UND. In a spaceship!
[AG] Karpinsky. Altitude: 3, in Dragon Suit, Flying!
[AG] Nedben. Altitude: 3, has Ring of Levitation, Flying!
[AG] Emerald, Altitude: 3, On Krill's Platform, Flying!
[AG] IJustWrite, Altitude: 3, Flying! Muted(unable to communicate verbally or telepathically next round)
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I thank BIG MANN, and he flies off. However, he gave me something before he left.
Bigg Glove: +999 Slapiness
I equip the Glove.
I then slap the laws of physics, defying it
The Glove mann... hass the Flight.
Slapp stuf

Activating my rod of soul anchor with the incredibly stupid password, the Godmodder finds herself unable to move from where she is.
I throw, with perfect accuracy, several hundred small vibranium darts at the Godmodder, who can neither dodge nor phase through them. They all impale her, dealing an insignificant amount of damage, but distracting her long enough for me to activate my trap card.

It's not actually a Trap Card, or really a card at all. I mean, you could call it an ace up my sleeve, if you'd like but point is it's a trap.
See, the Iron Golem I summoned was summoned not only above the Godmodder, but above the Delayed Fireball too. When it fell, it hit not the floor, but an explosion (delayed for [1 round], aka an arbitrary amount of time I'm going to call several days. Because of this, the explosion deals several hundred dice worth of damage. The dice all come up as '1's, of course. Just my luck. But it's still a massive amount of damage.) which sent it shooting back up towards the Godmodder.
The Godmodder failed to notice this because the vibranium darts did what vibranium does best and absorbed the sound from the explosion and Golem.

How is the Iron Golem still alive, though, you may ask? Didn't fall really hard onto a force strong enough to send it flying back upwards at an incredible pace, after taking hundreds of dice worth of firey damage? Why yes, yes it did. "Firey" being the keyword there.
For you see, Iron Golems have the rare (althoguh not unique) ability of Fire Absorption: Whenever the golem is subjected to fire damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of Hit Points equal to the fire damage dealt. Because of this, the Golem's HP numbers rather higher than when it was first summoned.

Unable to do anything to get out of the way of the Iron Golem, she's forced to tank it. The Golem, of course, survives slamming into the paralyzed Godmodder thanks to its massive HP. It breathes poison right in the Godmodder's face. An incredibly rare, dangerous poison I just invented called Glibglobink. I hold the only known antidote to the poison in my hand, but the Godmodder is still unable to move thanks to the rod of Soul Anchor and, more importantly, being unable to figure out for the life of her how the DnD grappling rules work.

Glibglobink doesn't, however, kill her via conventional means. In fact, it does no damage to her directly at all. All it does is make her incredibly vulnerable to magical damage for as long as it's running through her system.
The Iron Golem takes full advantage of this and it's Magic Weapons (The golem's weapon attacks are magical.) to Slam and Sword the Godmodder to death with its massive amount of magical weaponry it pulls out of its own body. It can survive this, of course, for obvious reasons.

Meanwhile, I taunt the Godmodder for falling to something with a name so stupid. Glibglobink. Who even comes up with this stuff?
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Meanwhile, even more meteors fly by the vicinity of the fight, crashing into other meteors and forming shapes that are impossible for these chunks of rocks to attain without any outside influence.

The shapes begin conjoining into objects of tools known for their lethality, in other words, traps. Guillotines, bear traps, pendulum axes, Indiana-Jones style boulders, and many much more now litter an unused corner of the battlefield. Before anyone could even think of doing anything with that spot, yet more meteors fly and crash in, forming a cubic room to house all of those traps in.

All onlookers are then reminded that this was done with coincidence.

The trap-filled cubic room remains unused for now, presumably being kept for later use.
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I cast Retroactive Flight, causing me to fly up to 3rd level elevation... in the past.
Aka before my last post.
Why not just post these posts in the reverse order and not bother with Time shenanigans?
Because I'm a rebel...

and a sucker for time-travel and unnecessary complexity.
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Having grasps what I had for disposal, I get to work and suited myself up in a basic void hazmat suit. Using a tool that resembles oversized tweezers (but is totally not the case) I ready some basic void cell jars and carefully observe for voidfire that was in 'pristine' state and proceed to pluck from my the safety of my relatively small space sloop.

This continues for a while as I used most of my powers to figure out the slight, SLIGHT, difference in the voidfire to get as many samples as I could before getting to my next task. By the end of my sample gathering, I had obtained around... one.. two... 103 differing samples of voidfire. That and I've gotten really decent at figuring out the miniscule instensities which regular orange voidfire can burn at.

(Gathering samples, boring stuff)
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I snek over to TOG's Placeholde- I mean ploco stash, and stuff a bunch into a bag.
I then load the PLOCO CANNON
thE cannan.... HASS the AMMA
I fire it at the Godmodder
I urge my fellow players to load their Ploco Cannons. I distribute ammo
my smoke-self disperses slightly, as if it's not focusing on maintaining the form as much, and two hands of near-solid mist form, attached to nothing.
These hands take the BOG LIMBS, and rearrange some of the material, cutting out part of the center for the arms, and nothing for the legs. then, the bottom half of the mist-torso (there's a section that looks surprisingly face-like, with 2 glowing orbs of cyan light, which is not being counted here) flows into the blood vessels of the BOG LEGS, taking control of them, while the mist that made up the hands goes into the cut-out part of the BOG ARMS, taking control of them as well. this provides shelter from attacks to the mist located within, as well as whatever advantages BOG LIMBS grant. also, it reduces the telegraphing of attacks that normally occurs, obscuring any change in mist color.
I continue flying even higher while purifying the Glue into a Conceptual Form of Stickiness ,holding it out in front of me to make sure it doesn't stick to a wall or something
I press a few buttons on the control panel of my Dragon suit.

Suddenly, the Godmodder is surrounded by copies of the Dragon suit, covering all possible approach vectors. All but one of these are holograms, with that one being the real one. I know this. The Godmodder knows this. But most importantly, I know the Godmodder knows this.

When the Godmodder moves to attack any one of them, a flurry of piercing bolts fly from the holograms to strike her from behind. No matter which way she turns, the bolts are always coming from behind her. The bolts have an effect, very tricky to produce but I spared no expense, which causes them to exist in all realities simultaneously; this counteracts any phasing attempts.

I dismiss the holograms to reveal a network of Slugthrower Drones, which draw on a near-infinite supply of bolts for ammunition. If and when the Godmodder manages to hit a drone, it throws a massive number of slugs in her face as its final attack, then the remaining drones retreat.
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Suddenly, the Godmodder's head is wrapped in duct tape. Not only should that shut her up, but that should also cause her to take some damage trying to pull it out of her hair.
It's time to surpass! More importantly, she's using the ship's defenses considerably and pushing her back to the Void will help with some pretense of territory defense.

Transcend the gods, slice apart spacetime! Let us tear past the flames into nothing! Unsullied truth, white conceptual heroism! Godmodder lady, I'll tear down that wall! Beyond the impossible, black white and red, in the name of someplace you took over but it probably doesn't like you, banishing blade...Open up!

Rip open a giant hole in the universe around the Godmodder, so she'll be cut out of the universe and flung into the Void. That way we can run out and shoot all her nearby reinforcements in the void too!
I continue flying up then drop the Glue on TOP of the Godmodder,with Telekinesis,I quickly manipulate it to bind her arms and legs together while leaving her hair untouched
Considering I'm flying, I cut the tree down and instead swing it at the Godmodder, but wait! The tree is a really really old tree! Made of... mahoguny. I then shake the tree around, causing acorns to fly around and promptly explode.. MAHOGUNY!
I fly the Dragon suit over to the Voidfire and collect a sample.

I conduct some quick field analysis of the Voidfire and determine a means of weaponizing it.

The Dragon suit can now shoot Voidfire out of its "mouth."
My mist-self's eyes, tiny whirlpools of energy, swirl and twist, and split in two, two whirlwinds moving away and bringing their own share of mist with them, forming another set of hands,which proceed to vanish in a flash of light. looks like I'm working on background stuff... makes sense, I've already done one damage and stolen a leg. no need to over-reach.
Can someone please do a nullpost or something so I can do my second action? /NULL
(Here you go, and nice drawings btw.)

With samples all properly lined up, I summon as many different elements I can and conjure a void saw temporarily to saw my hand... IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE

Of course, the hand grows back due to our nature as reality-warpers but it's the thought that counts. I take out an observation tool which I won't name for simplicity sakes and carefully watch how the voidfire interacts with the different essences and elements, including my aged off hand which I vaguely still feel. Is it burning conceptionally? Or just in a material sense?

So I continue to watch and gain a better understanding of the nature of voidfire.
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Oh jeez so many posts already. Welp, time to do some more stuff and pass more trials.

The nameless, already on a bit of a roll, moves up to the second door of the air balcony, suddenly noticing along the way, that in the space to either side of the bridge leading to that side, the wind has begun swirling. Perhaps something will appear there later on?

And so it enters into the next trial.

The Trial of Mist
"The mist is mysterious, fading in and out as it wills, it is not restrained by a need to be where it does not want to, if it wishes to leave, it can do so and merely reappear at a later time."
The nameless appears within a cloud of mist. It cannont see for very far, though, due to there being nothing to see in the other two trials, that makes very little difference, but here it can tell it can't see very far, because of the swirling and shifting of the mists around it.
It contemplates, what is it meant to do here...? And then it freezes. Something is moving in the mist. For some reason the nameless feels that it doesn't want to be caught by whatever it is. The nameless begins going through the motions once more, trying to move with wind... but that just attracts the attention of whatever the thing in the mist is.
It struggles and flies, and tries to will itself into the-



-nameless reappears out of the mist, now that the trouble is gone... and finds itself standing not in the mist, but back in the temple once more. It sits down against the central viewing window's pedestal, a little exhausted from the rush of not-quite-adrenaline that went through its system moments before, but it has moved another step forward to its goal... whatever that goal is.

And then suddenly, on the battlefield, a fog begins creeping in... mist fills up and swirls around the various combat figures until almost nobody can almost anything. Even the godmodder's sight is severly limited by this strange mist. Then comes the shadows. Figures in the mist, moving about, darting too and fro... varying in size from breadbox to human, and in a number of different shapes, they move between the combatants, always just out of reach. Any lights or flame fired off into the mist merely illuminates the depth of the shadow these beings create, though if hit they do disappear all at once, as if they were never there in the first place.
Then comes the sound. It is a high pitched sound, not quite a squeal... more of a desperate wail, but not human or recognizable in any way. It feels alien, foreign, as if the thing making it is something that does not belong in our reality, and is only here because the mist makes things... different somehow, less connected. It makes everyone very uneasy, as the wailing seems to come from every direction at once, almost as if the mist itself is what's creating the sound.
And then comes the final shadow. Circling around, people can see... off in the distance, a massive shadow circles around the party. Powerful in its own right, and somehow very ominous. With every orbit, it comes a little closer, becoming a bit larger, until it begins to move through the mist of the party, moving around, leaving the entire view of whoever is moves past filled with a blackness that leaves them totally blind until the shadow passes onwards. And then it grows, nobody can see anything, not even the Godmodder. Until suddenly the Godmodder sees something.
The wailing suddenly stops, the great shadow moves away and off into the distance where it can't be seen, and the mist recedes. Breaths that nobody realized they were holding are suddenly released as everyon heaves sighs of relief.
Where's the Godmodder?
The Godmodder is gone, with the disappearance of the mists, the Godmodder has disappeared as well, gone into whatever realm of nonbeing the mists come from. And unlike the nameless, she will not be able to return quite so easily...​
I tear my way free from the web I'm stuck in and as I start falling I summon an Androsphinx to fly beneath and catch me mid-fall.

The nameless stands up and looks at the viewing screen, and, if the Godmodder has reappeared, presses down on them wondering what it will do.

This does nothing but cause the Godmodder's liver to turn into mist, and disappear. This has no immediate effect, but if the Godmodder ingests any alcohol later down the line, they will get drunk much faster than usual.
Anyway, the fact of the matter was that I was still muted, but it really didn't matter for what I was about to be working on next. Also, since these actions are past-tense, I can describe them without needing to use images.

To be completely blunt, I really didn't care what the Godmodder did to my Avatar that had just seemingly blasted them with a Cheaty Bullshit Laser; it was expendable in the grand scheme of things, not to mention the fact that it was an extremely destructive antimatter bomb just waiting to get punched in order to detonate.

Thus, I completely withdrew my attention from my avatar and focused on other matters for the time being; the Godmodder would dispose of it as she saw fit, probably in a violent manner, hopefully blowing herself up in the process.

The matter that I instead focused my attention on was a matter of conjuration, forging a pair of weapons that were self-contradictory by their very nature. They simultaneously did and did not exist. They simultaneously were and were not machine guns, lasers, swords, tower shields, and any other weapon that the wielder could think of. In battle, they could easily bypass defenses since they didn't exist, while at the same time doing immense damage to anything they hit with their undeniable reality.

The one and only non-contradictory property that these weapons had was that they could only be used by one specific person, locked to only exist in a useful fashion for a soul that did not yet exist; not even I would be able to truly put the blades to proper use. Fittingly, I named them the Blades of Contradiction; I didn't bother keeping track of where I put them once I finished forging them; they simultaneously were and were not exactly where they would need to be when the time came. After all, you can't avoid something that doesn't exist, nor can you impede its passage.

[AG] Blades Of Contradiction Forged! They Do Nothing!

Past Creations
[AG] Adamantine Statue
Round 5
I thank BIG MANN, and he flies off. However, he gave me something before he left.
Bigg Glove: +999 Slapiness
I equip the Glove.
I then slap the laws of physics, defying it
The Glove mann... hass the Flight.
Slapp stuf
You have the glove. YOU HAVE THE GLOVE! Heh.

Activating my rod of soul anchor with the incredibly stupid password, the Godmodder finds herself unable to move from where she is.
I throw, with perfect accuracy, several hundred small vibranium darts at the Godmodder, who can neither dodge nor phase through them. They all impale her, dealing an insignificant amount of damage, but distracting her long enough for me to activate my trap card.

It's not actually a Trap Card, or really a card at all. I mean, you could call it an ace up my sleeve, if you'd like but point is it's a trap.
See, the Iron Golem I summoned was summoned not only above the Godmodder, but above the Delayed Fireball too. When it fell, it hit not the floor, but an explosion (delayed for [1 round], aka an arbitrary amount of time I'm going to call several days. Because of this, the explosion deals several hundred dice worth of damage. The dice all come up as '1's, of course. Just my luck. But it's still a massive amount of damage.) which sent it shooting back up towards the Godmodder.
The Godmodder failed to notice this because the vibranium darts did what vibranium does best and absorbed the sound from the explosion and Golem.

How is the Iron Golem still alive, though, you may ask? Didn't fall really hard onto a force strong enough to send it flying back upwards at an incredible pace, after taking hundreds of dice worth of firey damage? Why yes, yes it did. "Firey" being the keyword there.
For you see, Iron Golems have the rare (althoguh not unique) ability of Fire Absorption: Whenever the golem is subjected to fire damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a number of Hit Points equal to the fire damage dealt. Because of this, the Golem's HP numbers rather higher than when it was first summoned.

Unable to do anything to get out of the way of the Iron Golem, she's forced to tank it. The Golem, of course, survives slamming into the paralyzed Godmodder thanks to its massive HP. It breathes poison right in the Godmodder's face. An incredibly rare, dangerous poison I just invented called Glibglobink. I hold the only known antidote to the poison in my hand, but the Godmodder is still unable to move thanks to the rod of Soul Anchor and, more importantly, being unable to figure out for the life of her how the DnD grappling rules work.

Glibglobink doesn't, however, kill her via conventional means. In fact, it does no damage to her directly at all. All it does is make her incredibly vulnerable to magical damage for as long as it's running through her system.
The Iron Golem takes full advantage of this and it's Magic Weapons (The golem's weapon attacks are magical.) to Slam and Sword the Godmodder to death with its massive amount of magical weaponry it pulls out of its own body. It can survive this, of course, for obvious reasons.

Meanwhile, I taunt the Godmodder for falling to something with a name so stupid. Glibglobink. Who even comes up with this stuff?
1 Damage to the Godmodder, nicely done!
Meanwhile, even more meteors fly by the vicinity of the fight, crashing into other meteors and forming shapes that are impossible for these chunks of rocks to attain without any outside influence.

The shapes begin conjoining into objects of tools known for their lethality, in other words, traps. Guillotines, bear traps, pendulum axes, Indiana-Jones style boulders, and many much more now litter an unused corner of the battlefield. Before anyone could even think of doing anything with that spot, yet more meteors fly and crash in, forming a cubic room to house all of those traps in.

All onlookers are then reminded that this was done with coincidence.

The trap-filled cubic room remains unused for now, presumably being kept for later use.
You make a crazy amount of traps!
So, mysterious cosmic coincidence-causing force, is it possible for you to hold a conversation with me?
I cast Retroactive Flight, causing me to fly up to 3rd level elevation... in the past.
Aka before my last post.
Why not just post these posts in the reverse order and not bother with Time shenanigans?
Because I'm a rebel...

and a sucker for time-travel and unnecessary complexity.
Suddenly, a light blue portal opens up. On the other side, an incredibly large, helmeted head looks you in the eye. With a massive hand, it points to it's eyes, and then at you. Just as quickly, it closes, leaving no trace behind.
Having grasps what I had for disposal, I get to work and suited myself up in a basic void hazmat suit. Using a tool that resembles oversized tweezers (but is totally not the case) I ready some basic void cell jars and carefully observe for voidfire that was in 'pristine' state and proceed to pluck from my the safety of my relatively small space sloop.

This continues for a while as I used most of my powers to figure out the slight, SLIGHT, difference in the voidfire to get as many samples as I could before getting to my next task. By the end of my sample gathering, I had obtained around... one.. two... 103 differing samples of voidfire. That and I've gotten really decent at figuring out the miniscule instensities which regular orange voidfire can burn at.

(Gathering samples, boring stuff)
You safely gather samples of voidfire!
I snek over to TOG's Placeholde- I mean ploco stash, and stuff a bunch into a bag.
I then load the PLOCO CANNON
thE cannan.... HASS the AMMA
I fire it at the Godmodder
I urge my fellow players to load their Ploco Cannons. I distribute ammo
You fire a..PLOCO at the Godmodder? Whaa?
my smoke-self disperses slightly, as if it's not focusing on maintaining the form as much, and two hands of near-solid mist form, attached to nothing.
These hands take the BOG LIMBS, and rearrange some of the material, cutting out part of the center for the arms, and nothing for the legs. then, the bottom half of the mist-torso (there's a section that looks surprisingly face-like, with 2 glowing orbs of cyan light, which is not being counted here) flows into the blood vessels of the BOG LEGS, taking control of them, while the mist that made up the hands goes into the cut-out part of the BOG ARMS, taking control of them as well. this provides shelter from attacks to the mist located within, as well as whatever advantages BOG LIMBS grant. also, it reduces the telegraphing of attacks that normally occurs, obscuring any change in mist color.
Your probe attaches the BOG LIMBS to itself! I must say, your magic's really impressive.
Meanwhile, you hurl yourself through the void at incredible speeds, it's an incredible sight, even though you have to weave through large swathes of voidfire, and interdimensional minefields to find the closest energy signatures.
Wait. Minefields? In this space? Could you take a closer look?
I continue flying even higher while purifying the Glue into a Conceptual Form of Stickiness ,holding it out in front of me to make sure it doesn't stick to a wall or something
You achieve the vaunted ELEVATION 4. How is this even possible? I have no idea.
I press a few buttons on the control panel of my Dragon suit.

Suddenly, the Godmodder is surrounded by copies of the Dragon suit, covering all possible approach vectors. All but one of these are holograms, with that one being the real one. I know this. The Godmodder knows this. But most importantly, I know the Godmodder knows this.

When the Godmodder moves to attack any one of them, a flurry of piercing bolts fly from the holograms to strike her from behind. No matter which way she turns, the bolts are always coming from behind her. The bolts have an effect, very tricky to produce but I spared no expense, which causes them to exist in all realities simultaneously; this counteracts any phasing attempts.

I dismiss the holograms to reveal a network of Slugthrower Drones, which draw on a near-infinite supply of bolts for ammunition. If and when the Godmodder manages to hit a drone, it throws a massive number of slugs in her face as its final attack, then the remaining drones retreat.
Despite the Godmodder's best efforts, the slugthrower drones overcome her defenses to deal 1 damage!
Suddenly, the Godmodder's head is wrapped in duct tape. Not only should that shut her up, but that should also cause her to take some damage trying to pull it out of her hair.
The Godmodder is blinded by the duct tape!
"Real mature!"
It's time to surpass! More importantly, she's using the ship's defenses considerably and pushing her back to the Void will help with some pretense of territory defense.

Transcend the gods, slice apart spacetime! Let us tear past the flames into nothing! Unsullied truth, white conceptual heroism! Godmodder lady, I'll tear down that wall! Beyond the impossible, black white and red, in the name of someplace you took over but it probably doesn't like you, banishing blade...Open up!

Rip open a giant hole in the universe around the Godmodder, so she'll be cut out of the universe and flung into the Void. That way we can run out and shoot all her nearby reinforcements in the void too!
As you attempt to open up a hole in the universe around the godmodder, you find that you are already in the void, and as such, cannot rip a hole in the universe around the Godmodder, when there is no universe around the Godmodder!
I continue flying up then drop the Glue on TOP of the Godmodder,with Telekinesis,I quickly manipulate it to bind her arms and legs together while leaving her hair untouched
You drop glue onto the Godmodder, binding her down!
Considering I'm flying, I cut the tree down and instead swing it at the Godmodder, but wait! The tree is a really really old tree! Made of... mahoguny. I then shake the tree around, causing acorns to fly around and promptly explode.. MAHOGUNY!
1 Damage to the Godmodder! Nice pun!
I fly the Dragon suit over to the Voidfire and collect a sample.

I conduct some quick field analysis of the Voidfire and determine a means of weaponizing it.

The Dragon suit can now shoot Voidfire out of its "mouth."
Okay, let's see, you analyze the voidfire, and find that it's... different. It's exhibiting properties unlike that of regular voidfire, radiating a...different energy signature compared to regular voidfire. The only place you can think of where voidfire would exhibit similar properties would be the Elemental Plane of Fire, but that's impossible. The Elemental Plane of Fire can't possibly be here, can it?
Can it?
Dragon Suit weaponized with this "exotic voidfire".
My mist-self's eyes, tiny whirlpools of energy, swirl and twist, and split in two, two whirlwinds moving away and bringing their own share of mist with them, forming another set of hands,which proceed to vanish in a flash of light. looks like I'm working on background stuff... makes sense, I've already done one damage and stolen a leg. no need to over-reach.
You do what you're doing.

1 Godmodder Damage.
Can someone please do a nullpost or something so I can do my second action? /NULL
(Here you go, and nice drawings btw.)

With samples all properly lined up, I summon as many different elements I can and conjure a void saw temporarily to saw my hand... IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE

Of course, the hand grows back due to our nature as reality-warpers but it's the thought that counts. I take out an observation tool which I won't name for simplicity sakes and carefully watch how the voidfire interacts with the different essences and elements, including my aged off hand which I vaguely still feel. Is it burning conceptionally? Or just in a material sense?

So I continue to watch and gain a better understanding of the nature of voidfire.
...Ew. Sorry, I know you'll be okay, but I can't stand to watch self-harm. You experiment with the other thirty-five elements of the Void, only to make an alarming discovery: the Voidfire's consuming them, turning it into more Voidfire, even the voidice and voidwater are turning into Voidfire! As the flames lick at your hand, you feel a transcendental burning sensation as your flesh becomes part of the voidfire.
By my father's tears, what's going on?
Oh jeez so many posts already. Welp, time to do some more stuff and pass more trials.

The nameless, already on a bit of a roll, moves up to the second door of the air balcony, suddenly noticing along the way, that in the space to either side of the bridge leading to that side, the wind has begun swirling. Perhaps something will appear there later on?

And so it enters into the next trial.

The Trial of Mist
"The mist is mysterious, fading in and out as it wills, it is not restrained by a need to be where it does not want to, if it wishes to leave, it can do so and merely reappear at a later time."
The nameless appears within a cloud of mist. It cannont see for very far, though, due to there being nothing to see in the other two trials, that makes very little difference, but here it can tell it can't see very far, because of the swirling and shifting of the mists around it.
It contemplates, what is it meant to do here...? And then it freezes. Something is moving in the mist. For some reason the nameless feels that it doesn't want to be caught by whatever it is. The nameless begins going through the motions once more, trying to move with wind... but that just attracts the attention of whatever the thing in the mist is.
It struggles and flies, and tries to will itself into the-



-nameless reappears out of the mist, now that the trouble is gone... and finds itself standing not in the mist, but back in the temple once more. It sits down against the central viewing window's pedestal, a little exhausted from the rush of not-quite-adrenaline that went through its system moments before, but it has moved another step forward to its goal... whatever that goal is.

And then suddenly, on the battlefield, a fog begins creeping in... mist fills up and swirls around the various combat figures until almost nobody can almost anything. Even the godmodder's sight is severly limited by this strange mist. Then comes the shadows. Figures in the mist, moving about, darting too and fro... varying in size from breadbox to human, and in a number of different shapes, they move between the combatants, always just out of reach. Any lights or flame fired off into the mist merely illuminates the depth of the shadow these beings create, though if hit they do disappear all at once, as if they were never there in the first place.
Then comes the sound. It is a high pitched sound, not quite a squeal... more of a desperate wail, but not human or recognizable in any way. It feels alien, foreign, as if the thing making it is something that does not belong in our reality, and is only here because the mist makes things... different somehow, less connected. It makes everyone very uneasy, as the wailing seems to come from every direction at once, almost as if the mist itself is what's creating the sound.
And then comes the final shadow. Circling around, people can see... off in the distance, a massive shadow circles around the party. Powerful in its own right, and somehow very ominous. With every orbit, it comes a little closer, becoming a bit larger, until it begins to move through the mist of the party, moving around, leaving the entire view of whoever is moves past filled with a blackness that leaves them totally blind until the shadow passes onwards. And then it grows, nobody can see anything, not even the Godmodder. Until suddenly the Godmodder sees something.
The wailing suddenly stops, the great shadow moves away and off into the distance where it can't be seen, and the mist recedes. Breaths that nobody realized they were holding are suddenly released as everyon heaves sighs of relief.
Where's the Godmodder?
The Godmodder is gone, with the disappearance of the mists, the Godmodder has disappeared as well, gone into whatever realm of nonbeing the mists come from. And unlike the nameless, she will not be able to return quite so easily...​
As the mists subside, the Godmodder is nowhere to be seen. In addition, her Warship is also gone, leaving you all floating in the Void. Whatever that thing was, it just dealt 1 Damage to the Godmodder. SONG, what exactly just happened? I wasn't able to see through that mist, and that worries me.
I could've sworn I saw the Godmodder smiling.
I think something's wrong.
I tear my way free from the web I'm stuck in and as I start falling I summon an Androsphinx to fly beneath and catch me mid-fall.

You reach ELEVATION 4, not that it means much anymore.
The nameless stands up and looks at the viewing screen, and, if the Godmodder has reappeared, presses down on them wondering what it will do.

This does nothing but cause the Godmodder's liver to turn into mist, and disappear. This has no immediate effect, but if the Godmodder ingests any alcohol later down the line, they will get drunk much faster than usual.
...I have no idea what just happened. I need to take a moment to reacquire the godmodder's location. In the meantime, I can't confirm if she no longer has a liver anymore.
Anyway, the fact of the matter was that I was still muted, but it really didn't matter for what I was about to be working on next. Also, since these actions are past-tense, I can describe them without needing to use images.

To be completely blunt, I really didn't care what the Godmodder did to my Avatar that had just seemingly blasted them with a Cheaty Bullshit Laser; it was expendable in the grand scheme of things, not to mention the fact that it was an extremely destructive antimatter bomb just waiting to get punched in order to detonate.

Thus, I completely withdrew my attention from my avatar and focused on other matters for the time being; the Godmodder would dispose of it as she saw fit, probably in a violent manner, hopefully blowing herself up in the process.

The matter that I instead focused my attention on was a matter of conjuration, forging a pair of weapons that were self-contradictory by their very nature. They simultaneously did and did not exist. They simultaneously were and were not machine guns, lasers, swords, tower shields, and any other weapon that the wielder could think of. In battle, they could easily bypass defenses since they didn't exist, while at the same time doing immense damage to anything they hit with their undeniable reality.

The one and only non-contradictory property that these weapons had was that they could only be used by one specific person, locked to only exist in a useful fashion for a soul that did not yet exist; not even I would be able to truly put the blades to proper use. Fittingly, I named them the Blades of Contradiction; I didn't bother keeping track of where I put them once I finished forging them; they simultaneously were and were not exactly where they would need to be when the time came. After all, you can't avoid something that doesn't exist, nor can you impede its passage.

[AG] Blades Of Contradiction Forged! They Do Nothing!

Past Creations
[AG] Adamantine Statue
....Woah. That's...pretty amazing you can make something like that. Again, I'm impressed.
The Millenium Falcon is now equipped with a drone fabricator and deployer.
Millenium Falcon equipped.

Find the Godmodder
Destroy the Godmodder?
Follow JOE?

As you stand around awkwardly, you all get the chance to take a deep breath. You now have the power of... Prep Time.

Prep Time, Charge, Energy, whatever you call it, it's probably most powerful force ever. With sufficient Prep Time, one can accomplish anything!

Since you were with the Godmodder left, I think you'll have the best chance at finding her location. You try to do that the same time I am, okay?

Also, someone try follow JOE, I think it's best if we stay together.

[GM] The Godmodder. 70/80 Hp. REACQUIRING LOCATION.....
[AG] I Just Write? 20/20 Hp. [A] Blades Of Contradiction.
[AG-TOG] Iron Golem. 99,000/39,000 Hp. Glibglobinkbreath: 1/3
[AG-Crusher] Millenium Falcon. 70,000/70,000 Hp. Deploying Drones: 1/4
[AG-Vanestus] Thorgi. 118,000/118,000 Hp.
[AG-Vanestus] Androsphinx. 34,000/34,000 Hp. Heal: 1/3. Demoralizing Roar: 1/7.
[AG-Karpinsky] Slugthrower Drone 3,000/3,000 Hp. Reload: 1/6. x20
[AG-I Just Write] Adamantine Statue 30,000/30,000. Incapable of action!
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