DtG: Destroy the Godmodder (The Broken Masquerade)


I call upon the Lifestaff's Power and the Healix Fossil(PRAISE HELIX) and Heal up the Lunar Priest
19/40 -1 18/40
As P5 likely sends the first metal chunk flying, it impacts the second one, and moves that one up. in the gap left behind swarm a small, well, swarm of those technological drones. now, P5 is below elevation 10, which means they cannot teleport. with that in mind, the 2 metal chunks fall on them again, this time as a group. if P5 tries to dodge, several lasers of concentrated ultraviolet light fire at them, turning the air around them into plasma and possibly burning their skin off. if they knock the chunks up again, some high-speed ultraviolet-based spot-welding results in a sealed ceiling. as the Drones encircle them, all ready for action (and some optically and mana-cloaked so they can't kill all the drones in one shot), I step forwards.
"P5, or... whatever name you would like to be called, but i can't call you anything else because I only know of you as P5"
"I offer you a bargain. last time we fought in this manner, you turned and fled. I suspect this means you either could not win, or victory would cost you something you prefer not to lose."
"This time, you cannot flee. Science Worlds anti-teleportation mechanisms are too comprehensive."
"Give me one of your arms, and I swear I will not attack you again bar yourself attacking my entities and taking advantage of this. also, you won't have to spend your time fending off this attack, nor be injured by it."
"You have 2 minutes, since i don't think we want to keep everyone else waiting."

If they give me their arm, I bow, shake hands politely (and do not try to rip off their other arm while doing so), or if they decline a handshake, merely bow respectfully, turn, and return to the facility. if they seem to be having trouble healing that arm, I also cast a heal spell or something.
If they decline to give me one of their arms, then at the precise end of the 2 minute mark, or when they start to attack,two drones activate their plasma buzzsaws and initiate evasive manouvers, charging at P5 at high speeds when launched by another drone via the graviton beams of their radiation guns. without a movement, as this battle begins I activate telekinesis (a pure mind power, and so not magic) and prepare my stolen mines (which I rearrange into explosion mode instead of summoning mode.). The mines spread out around the fight, and one drone- more strongly armoured then the rest- floats in the middle, shooting constant streams of gravitons at the mines to keep them from moving too close or far. with telekinesis, I send the mines spinning quickly, so any attempt to enter or leave could set one off. with that done, I sit back and watch as the drones initiate the various phases (explosive launching distraction followed by Occult Energy shotguns followed by high-speed spinning blade drones, which this time use the central armored drone as their vector to circle, as opposed to others.). this time, though, I came a bit more prepared. I expend a single charge, and create an array of portals, Occult in nature (hence the charge use, i'm not exactly fluent in the occult). through each portal goes one of my fingers, and the other ends are scattered around, all facing the battle. using some relatively advanced targetting systems on my suit, I fire beams of every sort at P5, but never at any drone. shadiamond radiation lances out, followed moments later by a telekinetically-lifted piece of metal blocking a beam of infrared radiation... allowing the shadiamond to solidify within P5 and along the path of the beam. Gravitons pull them off-balance. electromagnetic radiation, aimed at the head, causes dizzyness and halucenations shut up about whether that's how life works i mek da rules hear. 5 different magical varieties shoot at them at once, forcing them to either multitask and probably fail to dodge a normal attack, or get hit. dual beams of photons and anti-photons, aimed at just the right angles, pepper them with explosions... and, of course, the focussed super-ultra-mega-ultraviolet radiation beams turn the air, the clothing, and them into plasma. one extra aim the ultraviolet and gravitons have, though, is the ultraviolet aims for their shoulders extra-often, and the gravitons, whenever the shoulders take damage, see if it's enough for them to pop right off. and then, once their arm is mine, just for fun I have the mines converge on them and explode.

I would like to note that my internet went out before I could post this, and it should have happened last round. also, the hole i made was Above them, so I could Get to them.
...FABBER makes the drones for this attack, aron jason and james work on stability field. steffan improves these particular anti-P5 drones based on data from last time.
23 Charges

Well, with the case with the elemental done, hopefully, I take the harpoon guns and make sure that "Barely Sentient" is added to the list of criteria. I then take aim once again and let the harpoon loose, maybe I'll get something thing successful this time around?

Of course, if I somehow find a decent replacement for a Lifegem, then I'll probably just summon up a living wall to defend the Matriarch
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I bestow upon all the drones in the above attack a semblance of a soul, making them significantly more resistant to magic for the next few minutes, after which the "soul" will degrade into uselessness, not even going into the net.
Lesser Fire Elementals : bodyguarding Mageling Hoarde
Fire Elementals: bodyguarding Mageling Hoarde
Mageling Hoarde: keep on keeping on
Knifire Elemental: bodyguarding Toros
Elder Fire Elemental A: bodyguarding Elder Fire Elemental B
Elder Fire Elemental B: bodyguarding Defective Drone Factory
Defective Drone Factory: bodyguarding Cloning Vat, making drones
Cloning Vat: cloning IPR...
Toros: carrying all units downwards

Iron Godlem: spying, strengthening...

I chase after the only real-looking wizard man.
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Astrec laughs.
He smirks and thrusts his hands forward, sending a wave of lime energy forward, annhilating the Guard's weapons. He then puts the disintegration gloves away, and grabs the lances. He then takes out a grenade and tosses it at the guards, where it explodes. A large wave of silver energy erupts from it, shoving the guards back and blocking all entrance points. He then scans all the crates, identifying what he needs, then tossing all that, the lances, and a bunch of random stuff ((DCCCV decides content of random crates)), into the portal door he set up. As soon as he and his cargo exit the portal, he remotely collapses the portal in the cargo ship, causing it to fold in on itself, then violently explode in a brutal tearing of the fabric of space, consuming the ship land transporting it to another plane of space, where Voidic Authorities detain the ship, taking it and the crew back to the part of the Void still free from the Godmodder for trial and detainment.
((Sorry for trying to rush through this encounter, kinda wanna finish it up and get the stuff so I can do my stuff))
Uh you never responded to my Bill Nye blessing of AGs.
The gun duo unleashe a miniature bullet hell game upon the Shadow Wizards, countering their Magykks with the power of GUN
They also scan the artifacts. If any of the artifacts are gun, they call dibs
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Round 21
Lesser Fire Elementals : bodyguarding Mageling Hoarde
Fire Elementals: bodyguarding Mageling Hoarde
Mageling Hoarde: keep on keeping on
Knifire Elemental: bodyguarding Toros
Elder Fire Elemental A: bodyguarding Elder Fire Elemental B
Elder Fire Elemental B: bodyguarding Defective Drone Factory
Defective Drone Factory: bodyguarding Cloning Vat, making drones
Cloning Vat: cloning IPR...
Toros: carrying all units downwards

Iron Godlem: spying, strengthening...

1. same orders as before
2. Knifire Elemental begins bodyguarding the Toros, now that its actually important

I stage-mutter to myself in a voice audible to the shadow wizards.
"Wait a minute... these aren't real wizards at all... these idiots are just fakers! Sorcerers!"

If they've a pint of real wizarding in their soul, this insult should drive them into a gibbering frenzy full of explosions and screaming.
24k damage to the only actual real Wizard in the group!
-1 PG Morale
Charge 40/40 (using now)
The physical manifestation of 40 charges take flight once again, giving form to another figure. A flash of bright cyan brightens up the surroundings as the new figure makes itself known.

The figure, again, holds an identity of being a hand, but is quite hard to distinguish it as one. It's a large, bulky rod of wine-coloring, again. Its "fingers," physically describable as smaller rods, orbit around the larger one, each with inconsistent axes. They would also blink and change displacements with a sense of idleness behind. An aura protrudes from it as well, one of bright cyan, similarly-colored to the flash it came in with. Emblazoned on what can be argued as the "top" of this hand is the letter "Z" in the same bright cyan as its aura.

It reeks of coincidence, a specific one. All entities on the opposing side feel unsure of their current spots.

The Z Hand is summoned.​
HP: 260,000
AC: 1
EoTB Actions:
- Attack an enemy for 15,000
- Each EoTB, a random allied attack will hit the wrong target, but there will be a +50k boost to the damage.
- 30% chance to dodge, or rather, blink out of the enemy's attack.

HP: 400,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Calls in 4 of his underlings and 1 Hired Mussel(props to DCCCV for that name) as minor entities on the field.
HP: 10,000
Attack: 2,000
Hired Mussel:
HP: 25,000
Attack: 5,000

2. Unleashes a barrage of attacks with all of his weaponry, each one having a unique property over the others.
AK-47: Fires 30 bullets that hit random opposing enemies, each dealing 500 damage for a total of 15,000.
Grenade: Tosses a grenade to a target that deals 20,000 damage to a single entity, or a distributed total of 40,000 to a horde entity.
Golden Revolver: Fires 3 targeted shots at 3 targets, dealing 5,000 each for a total of 15,000.
Sword Cane: Assaults 1 target with a flurry of slashes, dealing 30,000.

More attacking. AK-47 bullets all over the enemy side, Grenade on the Shadow Wizards, Golden Revolver shots and Sword Cane flurry to one of them.

HP: 250,000
EoTB Actions:
- Attack an enemy for 60,000.
- Each EoTB, a random enemy entity, due to impulsive "muscle" manipulation, will accidentally attack one of its allies as their EoTB action.
- Has a passive 10% chance to dodge, or rather, cause the assailant to impulsively miss.

The I-Hand claws at a Shadow Wizard.

HP: 260,000
AC: 1
EoTB Actions:
- Attack an enemy for 15,000
- Each EoTB, a random allied attack will hit the wrong target, but there will be a +50k boost to the damage.
- 30% chance to dodge, or rather, blink out of the enemy's attack.

The Z Hand rams its many smaller rods into a Shadow Wizard.

I apparently have this guy under my name.

The Sniper takes an aimed shot at a Shadow Wizard.
The view cuts to yet another story.

Tales were told o' a mighty storm, floatin' in th' sea o' darkness that be space without end. In its innards lie clouds as dark as th' eyes o' a Dark One, lightnin' that can end a scallywag t' no trace, 'n corpses o' scallywags 'n ships alike floatin' around.

Men, braver than th' most bravest I know, would loot up th' challenge o' tamin' this cloudy beast, but none returned t' proudly declare they 'ave. Bein' able t' return from it, 'tis by itself a miracle on its owns.

Word o' th' beast spread far, 'n it ain't long afore it reaches th' ear o' a scallywag that holds as much potential as a seed growin' into great ole Yggdrasil.

'n so, an expedition towards th' heart o' th' beast be made, but as soon as th' crew reaches where th' beast best be, 'tis nah thar anymore. Cowardice or jus' chance, no one really knew why it disappeared, but th' former guess was believed by th' scallywags 'n so they hailed th' potentious scallywag a legendary scallywag fer somehow drivin' out th' beast.

The jet black cauldron is slowly approached by a cosmic storm, billowing clouds with the occasional thunder and lightning inside and all that. Then, the misty air around the concoction aggressively pulls in the storm into the concoction itself.

The concoction retains its envy-coloring, but similarly-colored clouds form on the surface of the concoction like foam. Occasional thundering and lightning still occur within the clouds.
Jet Black Cauldron Concoction:
- "Mana"
- Strange Ball of Fire
- Evergrowing Seed
- Heartfreeze Ice
- Childish Tempest
+ Cosmic Storm
Z-Hand Summoned, Entities ordered, Cosmic Storm placed in the cauldron, which begins to crack from the objects stored within!
22 Charges

"Oh, OH! I'm quite sorry... I thought for sure I had the harpoon to reel in a being that's barely sentient! Just let me..."

I few clicking sound are heard as I play around with the harpoon gun. Soon, there's a hiss and the harpoon dislodge itself from the Life Elemental. I immediately turn towards the Life Elemental and do a 90 degree bow.

"Again, I'm so sorry about this misunderstanding! I hope you may forgive me for my mistake! Ah, you still have to get back to where you last were right? Let me just look up some coordinates and open a gate for you."

I quickly look over the harpoon's logs to figure out the coordinates of where the harpoon had snag him and set up a temporary gate.

"Again, I hope you can forgive me for this, I'm willing to pay you back for the inconvenience this had cause you. I'm quite unfamiliar of on what you want something for payment as we're of different species and am uncertain if we have different wants due to meeting an elemental for the first time that's willing to talk to us. I apologise if I offended you deeply sir... or ma'am... or whatever you refer yourself as. I-I'm still unable to tell your gender... or even if you had one..."

I give another bow and hope to convey the sincerity of my words.
The Life Person regards you for a moment, before conjuring a sphere of solidified life energies.
"I'm not stupid, I know there's a war going on. Take this."
With that, they leave back home.
35/40 Archailect, esotericanomicon crossreferencing for godweb congruity elementalization (system-cross prep)

Abstraction grab! Use the Curse of Repetition as a melee weapon to beat up one of the shadow wizards on our level for being stereotypical, as an example to the others, so they'll stop being such identical masses. If we can't use sufficient AoE, we'll need to make them all distinct targets to avoid raising questions as to why we can't hit them as piles! Diversifyyyyy!

While I'm being violent, could you list the 36 Elements for me? I'm receiving memoput from a different framework, I'm not as familiar with localcast as I should be. Maybe some of the wizards can respecialize...
27k damage to a Shadow Wizard! The shades attempt to become as unique as possible!
Okay, the 36 Elements are Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Plant, Energy, Ice, Electricity, Time, Space, Light, Darkness, Void, Chaos, Order, Life, Death, Metal, Mind, Gravity, Magic, Distortion, Creation, Oblivion, Reality, Train, Blood, Machine, Hope, Code, Beast, Ranch, Dream, Ink, Squares and Sound.

I try this Lifestaff&&Self-Perpetualing Love||Medicine

Spaceship to form a Holy Hand Grenade via Magitech an Infused with the Holy Light to Attack the Shadow Wizards
You make a staff with the power of Love and healing!
Personally, I don't like love magics. I don't want my feelings for someone to be manufactured. It has to be real, you know?
Entities ordered.
34/40 I throw a rock at the weak wizard
15k damage to the weakest Shadow Wizard!
Charge 1/40
Some structural failures occur within the facility as floors below the [AG] forces break, causing them to drop down by one more in elevation.
An entire floor of Science World collapses, as the entire AG Force is dropped a further floor, dealing 10k damage to everything.
Please don't do this again.
I activate a Psychic Protection Field on DRACO, granting all players and entities within 1 level of DRACO (so, like, if he's on level 8 it covers levels 7-9) some resistance to psychic attack for as long as the field holds.
Psychic field applied!

I run towards the nearest stairway, smacking away any enemies that try to block me, and descent to the next level.
You descend to level 7, where you see P5 and his assembled army.
...That's a lot of people.
36/40 Archailect seraph synchronization over metamundial codecast principles

Use a gullotine to execute one of the shadow wizards! Being beheaded causes damage, right?
21k damage to a Shadow Wizard!

I call upon the Lifestaff's Power and the Healix Fossil(PRAISE HELIX) and Heal up the Lunar Priest
26k healing to the Lunar Priest!
19/40 -1 18/40
As P5 likely sends the first metal chunk flying, it impacts the second one, and moves that one up. in the gap left behind swarm a small, well, swarm of those technological drones. now, P5 is below elevation 10, which means they cannot teleport. with that in mind, the 2 metal chunks fall on them again, this time as a group. if P5 tries to dodge, several lasers of concentrated ultraviolet light fire at them, turning the air around them into plasma and possibly burning their skin off. if they knock the chunks up again, some high-speed ultraviolet-based spot-welding results in a sealed ceiling. as the Drones encircle them, all ready for action (and some optically and mana-cloaked so they can't kill all the drones in one shot), I step forwards.
"P5, or... whatever name you would like to be called, but i can't call you anything else because I only know of you as P5"
"I offer you a bargain. last time we fought in this manner, you turned and fled. I suspect this means you either could not win, or victory would cost you something you prefer not to lose."
"This time, you cannot flee. Science Worlds anti-teleportation mechanisms are too comprehensive."
"Give me one of your arms, and I swear I will not attack you again bar yourself attacking my entities and taking advantage of this. also, you won't have to spend your time fending off this attack, nor be injured by it."
"You have 2 minutes, since i don't think we want to keep everyone else waiting."

If they give me their arm, I bow, shake hands politely (and do not try to rip off their other arm while doing so), or if they decline a handshake, merely bow respectfully, turn, and return to the facility. if they seem to be having trouble healing that arm, I also cast a heal spell or something.
If they decline to give me one of their arms, then at the precise end of the 2 minute mark, or when they start to attack,two drones activate their plasma buzzsaws and initiate evasive manouvers, charging at P5 at high speeds when launched by another drone via the graviton beams of their radiation guns. without a movement, as this battle begins I activate telekinesis (a pure mind power, and so not magic) and prepare my stolen mines (which I rearrange into explosion mode instead of summoning mode.). The mines spread out around the fight, and one drone- more strongly armoured then the rest- floats in the middle, shooting constant streams of gravitons at the mines to keep them from moving too close or far. with telekinesis, I send the mines spinning quickly, so any attempt to enter or leave could set one off. with that done, I sit back and watch as the drones initiate the various phases (explosive launching distraction followed by Occult Energy shotguns followed by high-speed spinning blade drones, which this time use the central armored drone as their vector to circle, as opposed to others.). this time, though, I came a bit more prepared. I expend a single charge, and create an array of portals, Occult in nature (hence the charge use, i'm not exactly fluent in the occult). through each portal goes one of my fingers, and the other ends are scattered around, all facing the battle. using some relatively advanced targetting systems on my suit, I fire beams of every sort at P5, but never at any drone. shadiamond radiation lances out, followed moments later by a telekinetically-lifted piece of metal blocking a beam of infrared radiation... allowing the shadiamond to solidify within P5 and along the path of the beam. Gravitons pull them off-balance. electromagnetic radiation, aimed at the head, causes dizzyness and halucenations shut up about whether that's how life works i mek da rules hear. 5 different magical varieties shoot at them at once, forcing them to either multitask and probably fail to dodge a normal attack, or get hit. dual beams of photons and anti-photons, aimed at just the right angles, pepper them with explosions... and, of course, the focussed super-ultra-mega-ultraviolet radiation beams turn the air, the clothing, and them into plasma. one extra aim the ultraviolet and gravitons have, though, is the ultraviolet aims for their shoulders extra-often, and the gravitons, whenever the shoulders take damage, see if it's enough for them to pop right off. and then, once their arm is mine, just for fun I have the mines converge on them and explode.

I would like to note that my internet went out before I could post this, and it should have happened last round. also, the hole i made was Above them, so I could Get to them.
...FABBER makes the drones for this attack, aron jason and james work on stability field. steffan improves these particular anti-P5 drones based on data from last time.
After firing two blasts of psionic energy towards you, drones begin to circle P5, which he ignores. Instead, he stares directly at you. You feel an impossibly strong force clamp on all your limbs, as you are pulled through two floors to come face to face with P5. Note that he didn't pull you through the holes you made, but instead chose to use your body to make two more. As your plasma lasers attempt to deter him, they are simply absorbed with no effect. Panicking, you command your drones to attack. The first two drones approach with their plasma buzzsaws. The moment they come into contact with P5, they dissappear. They're just gone. You pump every type of radiation you can think of at him, but he just takes it. All the while, he's just staring at you, without a hint of emotion. He raises an arm, pulling all your drones and mines towards him. Like the two drones earlier, they disappear the moment they touch him. Finally, he floats over to you, and places his hand over your face. You are wracked with agony beyond comprehension as you are assaulted by a magic only theorized to have once existed, but nobody alive is around to teach.
Oblivion Magics tear into your very being, destroying your Radiation Armor. If you weren't a Descended, this would've killed you permanently as your soul is irrevocably wiped from existence. Instead, this only temporarily revokes your invincibility. However, you're still surrounded by P5 and his invasion force.

My entities and I will descend
Got it.
25/40 I descend again, let's catch that bugger!
Undeterred by the sudden destruction of one of your friends, you continue to descend!
23 Charges

Well, with the case with the elemental done, hopefully, I take the harpoon guns and make sure that "Barely Sentient" is added to the list of criteria. I then take aim once again and let the harpoon loose, maybe I'll get something thing successful this time around?

Of course, if I somehow find a decent replacement for a Lifegem, then I'll probably just summon up a living wall to defend the Matriarch
You create a Living Wall to defend the Lunar Matriarch, which I find slightly disturbing!
I bestow upon all the drones in the above attack a semblance of a soul, making them significantly more resistant to magic for the next few minutes, after which the "soul" will degrade into uselessness, not even going into the net.
Soul integrated! I have one question, though. I have a soul, and magic harms me just fine. How do your souls work differently so that you have magic resistance?
Lesser Fire Elementals : bodyguarding Mageling Hoarde
Fire Elementals: bodyguarding Mageling Hoarde
Mageling Hoarde: keep on keeping on
Knifire Elemental: bodyguarding Toros
Elder Fire Elemental A: bodyguarding Elder Fire Elemental B
Elder Fire Elemental B: bodyguarding Defective Drone Factory
Defective Drone Factory: bodyguarding Cloning Vat, making drones
Cloning Vat: cloning IPR...
Toros: carrying all units downwards

Iron Godlem: spying, strengthening...

I chase after the only real-looking wizard man.
You yourself descend a further level....
Astrec laughs.
He smirks and thrusts his hands forward, sending a wave of lime energy forward, annhilating the Guard's weapons. He then puts the disintegration gloves away, and grabs the lances. He then takes out a grenade and tosses it at the guards, where it explodes. A large wave of silver energy erupts from it, shoving the guards back and blocking all entrance points. He then scans all the crates, identifying what he needs, then tossing all that, the lances, and a bunch of random stuff ((DCCCV decides content of random crates)), into the portal door he set up. As soon as he and his cargo exit the portal, he remotely collapses the portal in the cargo ship, causing it to fold in on itself, then violently explode in a brutal tearing of the fabric of space, consuming the ship land transporting it to another plane of space, where Voidic Authorities detain the ship, taking it and the crew back to the part of the Void still free from the Godmodder for trial and detainment.
((Sorry for trying to rush through this encounter, kinda wanna finish it up and get the stuff so I can do my stuff))
Uh you never responded to my Bill Nye blessing of AGs.
The gun duo unleashe a miniature bullet hell game upon the Shadow Wizards, countering their Magykks with the power of GUN
They also scan the artifacts. If any of the artifacts are gun, they call dibs
You escape the supply ship and try teleport it somewhere else, but it stays in place. Still, you've made off with a crate labelled. HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL, PROPERTY OF Ʊ. Personally, I'm now very interested in seeing what this holds....
The Blessing of Science has been applied! It will now be slightly easier to gain entity advantage!

The weakened "Shadow Wizard" succeeds at Morale, as more of their brethren descend with a giant Pig from Level 10 to join them! Assembled at Level 8, they raise their hands above, and begin to shriek in their shrill voices, calling forth massive amounts of generic dark magics! These dark magics deal 60k damage to one of their own (Thanks I-Hand!) and 120k to Metal Gear Rex, the Lunar Matriarch(Reduced by Living Wall), Lunar Knight(Doubled, downed), Big Fish, and TOROS(Knifire Elemental Down)! The weakened Shadow Wizards resign themselves to only dealing 40k damage to the Aspect of Air, Sniper and Monsterpig. The PG Monsterpig slams into the Boredom Gollem, breaking it apart! The Dark Beast tries to tear down the Mageling Hoard, but only gets through a few Fire Elementals!

P5 turns his head over to Karpinsky's assembled entities, and casts a lengthy spell that wipes the Drone Factory from existence. With that done, he, along with the rest of his army moves on to Level 6, where only Urist is waiting for him.
-7 AG Morale
+1 PG Morale

With all that out of the way, our assembled group advances to Level 6, the same place as P5's Invasion Force. It's clear that they've already plundered some of the facility's technological developments. Regardless, I'm sure you can take them on, right? Right?

Anyhow, first off, the Facility made it's drones, so it's out of commission this round. The Spaceship throws a Holy Hand Grenade at a Wizard, dealing 50k. The Winds of Destruction prove their tactical superiority by smashing up a Mithral Golem for 80k, And Metal GEAR REX proceeds to battle it's natural predators, dealing 200k to one of them. Big Fish Succeeds Morale and deals 10k to Three Shadow Wizards, and another 40k to one in particular., and the Matriarch and Priest heal Big Fish up for 60k. With shaking hands, the last remaining sniper lines up a shot.
"This is for everyone I love that I'll never see again!"
60k damage to a Shadow Wizard. The Toros launches several hard-light missiles at the Shadow Wizards, lighting them up for 30k, while the I-Hand crushes one for 60k, and the Monster Pig gores a Mithral Golem for 70.

Okay, this next round is going to be tough, since those Shadow Wizards are about to unleash the strongest spell in their arsenal. If you aren't ready to take some hits, I suggest that you end them. Quickly. Good luck.

Stop P5 before he reaches Elevation 1.

ENTITY ADVANTAGE: [AG] Note: Heavy AG allows entities to automatically descend two floors, AG descends 1, PG stays in place, Heavy PG ascends one.
FIELD EFFECT: TOROS. AG Forces descend one more elevation each round, while the Toros is on the field!
Anyone with a different Elevation will be noted!

[PG] Voidmine. 4,000/4,000 Hp. Is keyed to the Plane of Fire! x2 Elevation: 10
[PG] Monsterpig. 32,000/300,000 Hp. Elevation: 8
[PG] DANGEROUS Shadow Wizard SQUAD 1. 208,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 3/3. x3. Elevation: 8
[PG] DANGEROUS Shadow Wizard A. 158,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 3/3. Elevation: 8
[PG] DANGEROUS Shadow Wizard SQUAD 2. 138,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 3/3. x2. Elevation: 8
[PG] DANGEROUS Shadow Wizard B. 46,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 3/3. Elevation: 8
[PG] WEAKENED Shadow Wizard. 202,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 2/3. x3. Attack weakened! Elevation: 8
[PG] Shadow Wizard A. 84,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 2/3. Elevation: 8
[PG] Shadow Wizard B. 49,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 2/3. Elevation: 8
[PG] Shadow Wizard C. 25,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 2/3. Elevation: 8
[PG] Shadow Wizard D. 77,000/240,000 Hp. Avada Kedavra: 2/3. Elevation: 8
[PG] Dark Beast. 105,000/145,000 Hp. Elevation: 8
[PG][ELITE] METAL GEAR RAY 337,000/800,000 Hp. Pressure Cut: 2/3.
[PG] Mithral Golem 53,000/143,000 Hp. Immune to Magic!
[PG] Mithral Golem 63,000/143,000 Hp. Immune to Magic!
[PG] Mithral Golem 9,000/143,000 Hp. Immune to Magic!
[PG] Warmech. 67,000/80,000 Hp. Bomb: 1/3. Immune to Electricity!
[PG] Warmech. 23,000/80,000 Hp. Bomb: 2/3. Immune to Electricity!
[PG] Warmech. 78,000/80,000 Hp. Bomb: 3/3. Immune to Electricity!
[PG] P5.

[N] Exo-Toa Suit. 400,000/400,000 Hp. x4
[N] Cloning Pod. 70,000/70,000 Hp. Creates Clone Soldiers every round! x9

[AG-JOE] Guard Drone V2. 35,000/55,000 Hp. 1 AC! Bodyguarding Facility! 15% chance to deflect! Repairs 5k each round! x4
[AG-JOE] The Facility. 206,000/330,000 Hp. Structural Stability: 81%! Bodyguarding Steffan, Jason, Aron, James, FABBER and Minelayer!. 1 AC. Regenerates 10k Hp each round!
[AG-JOE] #10: Steffan. 20,000/20,000 Hp. WP/r: 2. 15 Squadmates! Specialty: Engineering & Construction! Work Points: 0.
[AG-JOE] #17: Jason. 20,000/20,000 Hp. WP/r: 2. 15 Squadmates! Specialty: Programing! Work Points: 0.
[AG-JOE] #34: Aron. 20,000/20,000 Hp. WP/r: 2. 15 Squadmates! Specialty: Planning & Design! Work Points: 0.
[AG-JOE] #51: James. 20,000/20,000 Hp. WP/r: 2. 15 Squadmates! Specialty: The Substitute Person! Work Points: 0.
[AG-JOE] FABBER Conduit. 25,000/25,000 Hp. Each stands for a different element! x11.
[AG-JOE] Minelayer. 81,000/90,000 Hp. Defected!
[AG-JOE] Soul Net. 120,000/120,000 Hp. 8T1, 3T2, 3T3, 1T4
[AG-Karpinsky] DRACO. 190,000/200,000 Hp. Containment: 5/5. 30% Dodge! Elevation: 5
[AG-Karpinsky] Slugthrower Drone. 2,000/2,000 Hp. Reload: 1/6 Elevation: 5
[AG-ParadoxDragon] Spaceship. 177,000/205,000 Hp. Regenerates 10k Hp per round! Touched by The Game.
[AG-Enerald] Mistral 65,000/75,000 Hp.
[AG-Enerald] Monsoon 50,000/60,000 Hp. 65% Dodge!
[AG-Enerald] Sundowner 79,000/90,000 Hp. 4 AC! Blocking!
[AG-Enerald] Minuono 36,000/50,000 Hp. 50% Block, 35% Counter, 140% Accuracy!
[AG-Enerald] Dwarf Gekko "Hand" 1,000/1,000 Hp. x2
[AG-ParadoxDragon] Grand Alchemiter.
[AG-TOG] Mageling Horde. 215,000/215,000 Hp. Controlling Fire Elementals!
[AG-Algot] Superguard 60,000/60,000 Hp. Regenerates 30k Hp per turn! Bodyguarding Elder Fire Elemental!
[AG][ELITE] Metal Gear REX. 559,000/1,000,000 Hp. Nuclear Wasteland: 5/5
[AG-Krill] The Big Fish. 183,000/400,000 Hp.
[AG-Winkins] Lunar Matriarch. 194,000/450,000 Hp. Lunar Salvation: 2/5. To The Moon's Call: 7/8
[AG-Winkins] Lunar Priest. 67,000/150,000 Hp. Lunar's Light: 3/4.
[AG] Sniper. 60,000/100,000 Hp. 20% Dodge Change. Defected!
[AG] Minelayer. 12,000/90,000 Hp. Defected!
[AG-TOG] The Toros. 289,000/600,000 Hp. Defected! Elevation: 5
[AG-TOG] Cloning Vat. 300,000/300,000 Hp. Currently Cloning: The IPR. Clone Progress: 40%. Elevation: 5
[AG-Krill] I-Hand. 75,000/250,000 Hp. 10% dodge!
[AG-Krill] Z-Hand. 260,000/260,000 Hp. AC 1. Dodge: 30%.
[AG-TOG] Fire Elemental Squad A. 10,000/10,000 Hp. x2 Elevation: 5
[AG-Karpinsky] Tank 150,000/210,000 Hp. 4 AC. Bodyguarding Healer, Melee and Ranged Elevation: 5
[AG-Karpinsky] Healer. 145,000/145,000 Hp. Betterheal 3/4 Elevation: 5
[AG-Karpinsky] Melee 145,000/145,000 Hp. Multistrike 3/4 Elevation: 5
[AG-Karpinsky] Ranged 115,000/145,000 Hp. Overclock 3/4 Elevation: 5
[AG] Monsterpig. 48,000/300,000 Hp. Defected!
[AG] JOEbob. 8/20 Hp. Vulnerable this round!
[AG] Winkins. 20/20 Hp. [A] Polished Healium Staff.
[AG] ParadoxDragon. 19/20 Hp. [A] Lifestaff 2/2 Durability.
[AG] TOG. Elevation: 5


[AG] Astrec. 17/20 Hp. [A] Broadsword of Slapwilney. Durability: 5/6. [A] Orange Lance. Function: Unknown. x5
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"Gh... Gotcha."
There's something wrong with P5s plan.
well, two... no, three things.
One. it involves coming into contact with me.
Two. while oblivion is surely quite deadly, I can't be merely a disembodied soul as a result of this- I still have a health bar, which is remaining vulnerable. if it were killed here, what would happen? the body i didn't have would be killed? I would be actually dead? which? neither?
Three. the arbiter- and probably them, since everyone who isn't awesome is shackled to their intellect in terms of understanding awesome ones- doesn't understand how I'd act.
So, suppose I was panicked. what would I do? R U N . if I'm actually worried, I don't stand there and tell my troops to try harder.
Suppose I'm not panicked, but P5 is coming near me. i probably still don't want whatever they're planning. they were not stated to be moving particularly fast. so, either I Run... Or I set things up so I can get their limbs from this. and indeed, I do. that is the only reason I would stay in place.
Now, losing the radiation suit is... quite a price to pay, all told, not one I expected or would have payed if i knew, but it does not affect this action, only my future. I still have the radiation gun, at least. I can work with that.
Wait, there was a fourth flaw.
I Have no soul. I established this a while ago. What I have is an Organ. it's both metaphysical and real, it keeps track of and powers my elemental "magic" (which is rather analyzed, and can be invoked by machines, which makes it a lot more like technology with a lot of power and a super-advanced user interface), keeps track of other things, and is pretty durable.
So if my soul fled... nothing fled.
The Organ, as long as the physical sector is not completely vaporized, and Blood is of a sufficient level (mine is maxed, like everything but astral, which is approximately septuple maxed, plus 77.7%.), will reconstitute the body at a rate dependant on Blood.
since my Organ is the closest Equivalent to a soul, I probably reappeared in front of P5 about a second later.
Um... wait, all of this is logicing. I should also narrate the events I'm envisioning happening, for clarity.
as they move their hand forward to grab me, my own hands come out to meet them,grabbing their arm. if I'm extra lucky, I stop their hand from actually reaching me, which would save the radiation suit... but even if they oblivioniffy me, I'm still holding onto their arm, my body having reconstituted arm-first by force of will.
as a contingency, that one astral projection magic spell thing with the BOG LIMBS also portals here and grabs them with BOG LIMBS. they are BOG LIMBS, and so don't nullify for some reason. or maybe it's because it counts as my body.
still holding them in place, my arms turn a dark, somewhat desaturated blue, clawed slightly, with twin flames of cyan appearing in that area between the lower chin and the shoulder... mostly because I think that looks cool and by the rules of perception if I think something is cool, that implies a perception of strength, and if i think it's strong, it's stronger. it's a great excuse for dramatic flare!
first, the flames burning slightly brighter, I send out a dispelling pulse. just in case. not even waiting to see what it does, my clawed hands dig into their arm, a cyan flame on the claws, strengthening them. one BOG ARM pulls away,changing from a desaturated cyan to brilliant white. energy crackles around it, all pure white, before it punches P5 REALLY HARD. Like, so hard it sends their head flying. and possibly the rest of them, but if so, this tears off their arm,since I'm holding onto that. the oblivion energy seems to at least superficially resemble void energy from my homeworld, so the BOG ARM is charging itself with Primal energy- the antithesis of Void energy. with any luck, it'll clear away their oblivion magic. I've already coated myself with a small layer of it, just in case. having either torn off their arm or stolen their entire body, I proceed to fire a few relatively lazy beams of braided primal, astral and void energy at them, with a weak homing function from an overlay of Vintage. if I'l lucky, it'll tear off one of their other limbs. also, if this attack is interrupted at any point by them somehow neutralizing my attempts, I shrug and bend space around them. as far as they can see, they are now on the top level of science world, slightly outside the anti-teleport field.

(( ...Also they can't be immune to my radiation beams without being immune to gravity, and if they're immune to gravity they wouldn't walk, so the graviton parts of my beams should still have worked on them.))
((Also also, in case it was unclear, the bold cyan 15 represents me draining charge for the purpose of physical cohesiveness, regenerating from the oblivion, punching off their head, etc. mostly the first two, i assume.))

In most settings I know of, it's much easier to affect inanimate objects with magic then living ones, and this is attributed to the soul. this tends to be why fights aren't simply a matter of anyone half-decent making a sneak-attack; the person has spell resistance based on their magical strength, meaning what would easily disintegrate stone just cuts them a little or some such.

the FABBER starts making another guard drone. Steffan is working on a new project; aron is still trying to figure out that stasis field, and Jason decides to try to improve guard drone deflection. james helps either aron or james, whichever one he can push over the threshold to success or Aron if neither.
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Entity Orders: Descend as you're able and attack any PG forces that follow.

I take the time to activate some drone mines which will seek out and detonate on P5's forces as they come through Level 5 before joining them in their descent.
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37/40 Archailect ascension vs. transcension coalescence comparator protection

THAT PROFANITY WILL NOT STAND! (hey setup the music while I'm in wryyyy mode, thanks narration)

Acceleration technique: sanicsteel driveblade. Manifestation of pure velocity. Move through the existing holes that lead directly to P5 to reach...P5, for the purposes of reality affectation. It is time for a reckoning. I'm getting over there, and you'll find out what I'm doing there if I get my next post in this round.
Now on Level 4, I deploy a Magekiller Turret, which will attack the PG forces (a single attack when they hit Level 4) and deals damage most effectively to psychics and wizards, at the cost of not dealing much damage to other forces.
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38/40 Archailect, loading core and non-core data and optimizing integrity compatibles

What stands before me is Oblivion. I am aware of that. But 'I' is not the will in control right now. That thing, that nebulous thing on the other end of some tale that feeds the Arbiter happenings, that knows what 'I' and I really am.

And none of that matters. 'I' move, accelerated by power. But it is not power that determines my next move. It is that 'erasure' certainly stands before 'me'. The fundamental command of IS NOT, the NO at the beginning/end of the tale.

Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. Actualize. Dig deeper. The swirl of the root. The anchor of reality. All connects to all, and I connect to an ending. But 'I' am not 'power', of course. 'I' am merely 'depth'. A soul that is arbitrarily protected from Oblivion energy, as proven by the death preceding me. But I remind you, 'I' have a Stand. Before Repetition busts in, I will give it a new act. 'My soul' is both present and actionable, capable of affecting the world until 'I' am brought vincible and removed. I make of it piercing certainty, the arrow and lance and sword and all sharpness. 'I' am more than a bullet. 'I' am death-and-Death.

P5 before me has committed a heresy. The price of said heresy is execration from the tale and annihilation from the land. 'I' am one with the rite and act of passing. Leave the cycle of transmigration not above, but below, P5. The 'naught' which you have sentenced the rest to comes calling to collect you.
'I' am that isn't, and that which is not comes to kill.

Die, and be dragged with 'me', but stay instead of resurfacing. Begone, little one. Go away.
You have broken a taboo. 'I' am become Death, destroyer of worlds (starting with you). You are already dead. The eye of everything is crushed. Saigyouji has wept. Gae Bolg pierces the heart. The lines and points of death, drawn and brought to apex. Under the most certain sacrifice of Saturn, you will be ended if it destroys everything with you, P5. Let samsara burn before your sins proceed! Down, down below the nightmarish void! Down through your own Origin! Burn in violet and every neathbow banned by sun! Back, back I say! Long aside the Doors of Guf, past the dreamer's Z, escape and trouble not some buddha's day! Die, die! Far as you can go and dare not return! DEATH! DEATH! DEATH! DEATH! THE CHECK IS FINISHED! THE PLAY IS OVER! BEGOOOONE THOOOOOUGHT FROM THE THOUGHT-REALM OF GOD! REFLECT AND CONSUME THYSELF! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Since player souls are confirmed immune to Oblivion energy as of what literally just happened, use my STAND as a high-speed knife to become Death and fling P5's soul the heck away into itself outta existence with a bunch of random instant death powers
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A man in a T-shirt and shorts appears suddenly out of nowhere, with a doorway appearing of light, and disappearing just as rapidly. He says "REALLY, YOU COULDN'T HAVE WAITED FOR ME TO PUT ON BATTLE CLOTHES, I HAVE REALITY WARPING POWERS NOW IT WOULD TAKE LITERALLY TWO SECONDS." Swiftly an outfit which appears to be battle armor with plating covered with plasma shields appears on him. "That's better." Then he suddenly stands still, before teleporting off for no discernible reason.

Within the temple of SONG and the Nameless.
He reappears. "I sense a deity very close to died here, but there is enough energy left I should be able to reconstitute a body for him, if weaker." Swiftly he walks to the exact point the Nameless exploded at, before holding his hands out before himself, and suddenly, the godly essence natural to the place, specifically the energy of the last one to commence the trials, is congealed into a form. This form however is not the one that could have been seen before, as it is the form of that deity as a baby. "I had hoped I could do better, but with even as much as I could use in power at the moment (OOC: Read, 21 charge worth) I could only reconstitute a small version of the original." Suddenly a shockwave emanates from the child. "And it is still fading fast." He then strides swiftly to the center of a circle in the floor, and says "Last Chance". As quickly as everything else he has done thus far, the floor below him sinks down, as if it where an elevator. He then says, "I don't have anything to call you, and The Nameless, sounds a bit formal for a baby, even if you are also a god. I know, I will call you Pi..." another shockwave blasts him off his feet, "OH, NO" as he just barely catches the child god before it can hit the ground. He then says, "Hmm, that sounds like a good name, Piono. I will only use this as a nickname for you of course, so if, once you can speak, you have a better name for yourself, please inform me." The platform jolts to a stop in a large chamber, and at the center is what appears to be, and in fact is, a conflux of raw elemental energy of fire, water, air, and earth. The man puts the child within the conflux, and says "It is too bad you had not completed your trials before you exploded, young Piono, as if you had, this would revitalize you in minutes, as it is you may have to take anywhere from weeks to months, with days being just to where the average human would be about 11 or 12. This should, however, give you a chance to revive fully, though I fear that any progress towards fire or water you may have had has been undone, as the imbalance will be to much for you to keep any effects those trials may have done if you got to doing either. I'm not fully certain on if you did any work on that, but I digress. You will be allowed a life after this, and if you wish to join the fight, you may do so at any time, but be warned that you may till want to enter the conflux one last time before fighting once you finish your trials. any weakening the explosive event caused you should be inversed by absorbing this conflux, but trial completion is a must before doing so. I hope you have a good life, whether you want to fight or not. I wish you the best in life." With that he leaves the chamber below the trials, and once he has exited that chamber says, "I know you are both watching me, and could squash me if you wanted. I don't care, I saved his life, and intend to fight the fight he was made for, so, SONG was it? Please, simply let me not have to see if I am wrong about the whole you could easily squash me bit." And with that, he teleports out of the Trial building, appearing in the battle area, saying, "Okay, I know about the godmodder and all but could you please explain, A: what P5 is, and B: what this elevation gimick is so I can know who to start annihilating, and how." with that, he simply sits down to observe the current battle, and learn what he should be doing. (Sum up, I just gave Piono a chance to continue his whole trial thing if he wants to get back to playing the game. I am aware this is unlikely to ever pay off, but I do not care, that is my first action. Side note, I will swap between third person and third person occasionally, so try to not be two confused, it will depend on which I think describes events with more style.)
sniper: bodyguarding Fire Elemental Squad
Fire Elemental Squad: bodyguarding Mageling Hoarde
Mageling Hoarde: keep on keeping on
Cloning Vat: cloning IPR...
Toros: carrying all units downwards

Iron Godlem: spying, strengthening...
Semi-arbitrary Manameter: 89


Ghost Hand
Minor Illusion

Protection from Faction
Arcane Missiles
Mage's Armour
Summon Familiar
Detect Arcana
Comprehend Languages

Detect Thoughts
Change Size
Gentle Repose

Dispel Magic
Magic Circle
Major Image
Protection from Element

Find Creature

Contact outer plane

Create necrotic entity
Urresustable dance
Mass Suggestion
Programmed Illusion
True Seeing

Delayed fireball
Plane Shift
Reverse Gravity
Finger of Death

Antimagic Field
Fire Cloud

Astral Projection
Time Stop

I claim the sniper as one of my royal archers (in name only, obviously) and set him about bodyguarding the Fire Elemental Squad.

I open my bag of holding, pull out and use a scroll which activates a portal to my home plane.
Several dozen vampires exit, reading more scrolls that open more gates out of which more, lesser undead come out. Within a few minutes, the Imperial Workforce has finished setting up the towers for a Wizard's Duel.
The towers activate, and in the air above the towers a cube of arcane energies is created.
The Workforce re-packs itself while the portals all close, and I teleport into the cube. I set up a few enchantments, curses and spells on the field. I cast a few spells on myself.

As P5 lowers down to my level, my herald (Yes, I have a herald. His name is Arnold. Treat him well, please.) read off an official challenge to P5. Translated and abridged here:

We, [several pages worth of titles and a few dozen names], eleventh of the council of 8 and the emperor of the planes challenge you to a formal wizard duel, as decreed by the official wizard's dueling council of [so on and so forth].
On your honor as a wizard, as you claim to be, the duel will be run using only your personal ability as a wizard and the abilities of your arcane focus of choice.
The duel will, of course, be to the death.

"You are a wizard, right? A nice fight to the death with magic is a good way to prove your superiority, then, to your legions. And to a fellow wizard, obviously."

Obviously, turning down this friendly duel to the death would make P5's entities lose faith in him, and morale in general.
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24 -> 20 Charges (Using 4 Charges)

"Oof... there goes the knight... Looks like I'll have to spend some charges this turn."

Taking some charges from my reserves, I use some of the energy to speedily melt the weakest Mithral Golem into a liquid state without breaking down its properties, which I quickly take an Exo-Toa Suit, wear it, manipulate the Liquid Mithral through physic forces, and have it be seamlessly be interweaved into the suit AS I HAVE REALITY BENDING POWERS, THUS IS CAPABLE TO DO STUFF LIKE THIS, AND IS VERY PEEVED RIGHT NOW.

Finally, I get between any assaults that are aiming at my Lunar Entities, BECAUSE I LOVE THEM.

All in a span of a second.

[Note: is very angry over the loss of the Lunar Knight, caused me to go a bit crazy due to my LOVE for my entities.]
(Bodyguarding MY entities in Magic immune armor BECAUSE OF LOVE)
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I call upon the Hope Aspect and unleash a torrent of HOPE Energy destructively at DANGEROUS Shadow Wizard B

I pass Spaceship the staff of Love and Healing I then command it to create an Aegis of Light and Life around itself to hopefully protect it against the Arvada Kedavra
sniper: bodyguarding Fire Elemental Squad
Fire Elemental Squad: bodyguarding Mageling Hoarde
Mageling Hoarde: keep on keeping on
Cloning Vat: cloning IPR...
Toros: carrying all units downwards

Iron Godlem: spying, strengthening...
Semi-arbitrary Manameter: 89


Ghost Hand
Minor Illusion

Protection from Faction
Arcane Missiles
Mage's Armour
Summon Familiar
Detect Arcana
Comprehend Languages

Detect Thoughts
Change Size
Gentle Repose

Dispel Magic
Magic Circle
Major Image
Protection from Element

Find Creature

Contact outer plane

Create necrotic entity
Urresustable dance
Mass Suggestion
Programmed Illusion
True Seeing

Delayed fireball
Plane Shift
Reverse Gravity
Finger of Death

Antimagic Field
Fire Cloud

Astral Projection
Time Stop

If P5 accepted my challenge, I let him into the Duel Cube. If he requested an explanation of the rules, I explain them (actually I'll just DM them to you?). I also start removing my hilariously large variety of magic items and tossing them into my bags of holding. I hand all of them off to Arnold, who leaves the battlefield with them.
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The charge swirls around, forming the summon:
THE METAL GEAR G.U.N! (It stands for GUN. Acronyms!)
Parts: Mech Body (hp and stuff) Shield, protecting body (regens a bunch every turn, will resurrect every two turns after dying, every time)
Specials: Hailstorm (high damage to one target, shrapnel damage to three others) III
Passives: Gun Speed (Always does a lesser damage second attack on a random foe each turn)
The Gun duo leaps aboard the Metel Gear R.E.X and leap at the RAYs, guns at the ready, aiding the Metal Gear REX!
A stadium materializes around the RAYs and the REX, with a roaring crowd! The G.U.N joins the REX, ready to gun em down. Banners advertise their duel, merchandise is sold, and the fight begins!
mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfightht mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight mechfight

Astrec, safe in his base, dumps all the stolen goodies into a device which begins scanning the contents, while he tests the spears out on a training dummy.
I suddenly cease using third person descriptions as I only think it was necessary for the first bit. Just out of curiosity though, Arbiter, or whatever you call yourself, why are you here besides to sum up what happened within this round of combat in some form of telepathic messages? Just curious why I have to relay what I just did to you every time I do something of any note. Anyway, on to what I'm actually doing.

I stand up and say "Fine, if no one is going to tell me what the heck is going on then I will just begin attacking the magic guy." with that I pull out of thin air a circular capsule with the number 630 on it. I then proceed to swallow it. I then swiftly start to become shorter, my armor seems to grow four little bumps along the sides, and my face starts to look almost like a koala bear, but green. I then proceed to grow two extra pairs of arms, extending out gloves from the bumps which appeared in the armor. (For those not following I just became a green version of experiment 626, A.K.A. Stitch, but with two extra arms) I then start to cackle "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAAA" before I hurry up and pull six toy looking plasma blasters out of my armor. Though they look silly it quickly becomes apparent that they are not jokes as I warp (Man do I love this Reality warping powers) straight down to wherever the P5 guy is. I then proceed to scream out what may be one of the weirdest battle cries of all time, "I am cute and Fluffy! EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEHHEHHE" as I start pulling the triggers of all of the blasters one after the other, apparently at random. P5 would likely scoff at my lack of aim, but that overconfidence will hurt him supremely. You see, that capsule I swallowed turned me into a special experiment called 630, which is an upgrade upon the experiments known as 625, 626, 627, and Leroy, technically 629 or 628 dependent on how you are counting. All of those experiments have one useful trait, I.E. they have a brain which can out think super computers. As if to demonstrate this fact, My plasma volleys collide at perfect angles so as to all be both boosted, and aimed straight at him, all the while I start jumping around, unleashing salvo after salvo of plasma to keep even the initial shots he couldn't re aim aimed at him, so that no amount of dodging short of leaving completely will save him. I then get up to him and proceed to bite his leg before sensing that the capsule has nearly ran out of time. You see Jumba had been aware that this experiment would be too great a risk even for him, so he instead made it in a transformative format. This was limited to about as long as this strike, so I suddenly say, "BYE BYE." before blasting some wholes in the ceiling, climbing out, and laughing until I am back to the main player group. "Man am I tired." I say before asking "So what exactly are we doing besides killing the magic guy, cause I am all for shooting him, but do we have a goal past that." I finally have changed back to my usual human state, but I doubt there was no one freaked out by that.
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Reaching back in time a short distance, I grab one of the mithral golems and use them as a third set of hands, enhancing my first action by making it literally impossible for P5 to destroy the last set. I use elemental "magic" applied to special rods that can't be Sensed but can be affected by magic, which i insert into the golems limbs, to control it. one of the mithril golems hands is focusing on getting a chunk of the lower body, while the other is relatively generic aid. if I've already succeeded in my goal, I send a sample of mithril golem to the Facility... maybe they can make some magic-immune drones and coat them in electric-and-other-proofness as well?
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Charge 2/40

HP: 400,000
EoTB Actions:
1. Calls in 4 of his underlings and 1 Hired Mussel(props to DCCCV for that name) as minor entities on the field.
HP: 10,000
Attack: 2,000
Hired Mussel:
HP: 25,000
Attack: 5,000

2. Unleashes a barrage of attacks with all of his weaponry, each one having a unique property over the others.
AK-47: Fires 30 bullets that hit random opposing enemies, each dealing 500 damage for a total of 15,000.
Grenade: Tosses a grenade to a target that deals 20,000 damage to a single entity, or a distributed total of 40,000 to a horde entity.
Golden Revolver: Fires 3 targeted shots at 3 targets, dealing 5,000 each for a total of 15,000.
Sword Cane: Assaults 1 target with a flurry of slashes, dealing 30,000.

More attacking. AK-47 bullets all over the enemy side, Grenade on the Shadow Wizards that don't have their special ability available yet, Golden Revolver shots and Sword Cane flurry against one.

HP: 250,000
EoTB Actions:
- Attack an enemy for 60,000.
- Each EoTB, a random enemy entity, due to impulsive "muscle" manipulation, will accidentally attack one of its allies as their EoTB action.
- Has a passive 10% chance to dodge, or rather, cause the assailant to impulsively miss.

The I Hand claws at another Shadow Wizard without their special ability.

HP: 260,000
AC: 1
EoTB Actions:
- Attack an enemy for 15,000
- Each EoTB, a random allied attack will hit the wrong target, but there will be a +50k boost to the damage.
- 30% chance to dodge, or rather, blink out of the enemy's attack.

The Z Hand rams its smaller rods into a similar Shadow Wizard.
The view cuts to another story.

There exists a land where each and every matter borne from its earth holds potential many thousand times potent than what is found in other worlds. Its many trees stand tall, the Yggdrasil figures that they are. Each mountain pierces through what could have been multiple heavens. Every breathing being dwell in this world, the goliaths that they are, perfectly adapted to it. Even the land itself lays vast. Many other such wonders exist in it, so do an answer for why this phenomenon is at it is:

The land's soil, the birthing ground for such wonders, holds incredible properties, coveted by many other such soils, if coveting was an action they could commit. It is solely to this property that the world is as it is.

Of course, there will be moments in a land's lifetime where its resources would spray in various directions without aim. That holds true of this land, as through some strange feat, chunks of its soil enter the empty vastness that lays above, flung by an impressive power.

The jet black cauldron continues laying still, as a chunk of dirt lands into the concoction.

At first, not much occurs, before the concoction essentially flares to life, its many components individually growing wild and wilder, taking quite the toll on the cauldron.
Jet Black Cauldron Concoction:
- "Mana"
- Strange Ball of Fire
- Evergrowing Seed
- Heartfreeze Ice
- Childish Tempest
- Cosmic Storm
+ Richest Soil
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Well, this isn't good. I state at the horde of PG entities on the floor with me. SCUSEMEGOTTABUILD! I take whatever materials and junk I can find on the floor and use them to build a rudimentary defensive bunker for the AGs.
21 -> 1 Charge (Using 20 Charges!)

I once again take a look at the technology that the enemies haven't pillaged and noticed that there are still a few Cloning pods that aren't taken. Smirking a bit at my good fortune, I dash forwards to gathering them all and placing them under my possession.

I quickly make sure to bodyguard my newly gotten gains.

I quickly round the Cloning Pods and begin to structure them to MAX efficiency with what we got. I quickly designate a construction site around the Pods and cover the area in a thick construction tarp. I enter the construction site as more materials and wiring is transported inside. Construction noises come out of this and eventually, the tarp falls off to reveal the new Cloning Barrack!

Cloning Barrack
600,000/600,000 Hp.
Creates 10 Clone Units (CU) every round, store up to 30 CU
  • 1 CU = Clone Trooper 25,000/25,000 Hp. Bulletproof!
  • 4 CU = Clone Commando 80,000/80,000 Hp. Flashbang 0/3 Bulletproof!
  • 5 CU = Clone Engineer 25,000/25,000 Hp.
I quickly turned the building on, and let it start pumping some Clones.

Lunar Matriarch and Lunar Priest heal each other up.
Cloning Barrack is to spend its CU into making Clone Troopers
I Bodyguard my entities.
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