Drow Wizardess Quest

Drow Wizardess Quest
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You are a female Drow Wizardess during the Silence of Lolth/War of The Spider Queen
First Steps
East Coast USA
Lith My'athar is a small city of Drow ruled over by House Mae'Vir. Once the city had 200 houses, but that number has been culled down to 20 with many of those 20 having various members of the other houses adopted in. You are Silanea an adult drow female of one of the houses in Lith My'athar.

Which house are you from?

[ ]House Shadowheart: 15th House of Lith My'athar. Your house is nothing special and has little in the way of riches. To make up for it they tend to be sneakier. (-2 to Persuade. +2 to Deception and stealth.)

[ ]House Pharn: 10th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has spent quite a bit of capital to get where it is. As such they have become a burgeoning trade house in order to attempt to regain the money spent to get where they are. (+2 Insight and Investigation. -2 Religion)

[ ]House Wyrnridge: 5th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has been at the top for years, they are closely connected to House Mae'Vir and yet there's always the opportunity to fall. (+2 perception and arcana. -2 stealth)

You are the granddaughter of the Matron Mother and though you were sent to the priestesses of The Spider Queen to train when you were young you could never seem to get any connection to Spider Queen at all. The reason for that is simple. The priestesses tortured you in numerous horrifying and humiliating ways. Your body and soul were scarred by what was done and you became shy and withdrawn. Additionally you tend not to be mean or cruel very much not like many of your family members.

You spent your time after that in the library where you devoured every book there was including many on the nature of the Arcane. You were soon after sent to Sorcere where you learned even more of the Arcane weave and how to manipulate it.

Which School did you focus on?

[ ]Divination: As a diviner, you strive to part the veils of space, time, and consciousness so that you can see clearly. You work to master spells of discernment, remote viewing, supernatural knowledge,and foresight.

[ ]Evocation: You focus your study on magic that creates powerful elemental effects such as bitter cold, searing flame, rolling thunder, crackling lightning, and burning acid.

[ ] Necromancy:. As you focus your studies in this tradition, you learn to manipulate the energy that animates all living things. As you progress, you learn to sap the life force from a creature as your magic destroys its body, transforming that vital energy into magical power you can manipulate.

[ ]Transmutation: You are a student of spells that modify energy and matter. To you, the world is not a fixed thing, but eminently mutable, and you delight in being an agent of change. You wield the raw stuff of creation and learn to alter both physical forms and mental qualities. Your magic gives you the tools to become a smith on reality's forge.

At Sorcere you spent nearly all your time either in class or in the library. You lived in your own small room and kept to yourself. Even so you have learned quickly and gained in arcane power. So, when the last tests came a group of other students tried to kill you. They failed and you turned your power on them and afterwards returned home.

You are currently with your closest house members: Your cousin Zara, your adopted sisters Scylla and Herala, along with your twin half-drow brothers Drunwin and Eldrin. You are talking about what happened with the other students.

Eldrin speaks up first, his dark armor gleaming along with the holy aura you can practically feel. "You should allow me to return with you sister. I will ensure none come close to you." Scylla laughs at that and shakes her head, "I'd say the same but you know I would get bored by the long lectures and prissy males who think their little magics make them special."

Eldrin shakes his head, "What use is your martial prowess if not in service to your family." She stares back at him with a dire look and you add, "Eldrin please don't taunt her and Scylla do try not to be so haughty."

The two sit in silence as Drunwin says softly, "I could have killed them for you. A knife in the darkness and you'd need not feel bad that your hands were stained with their blood."

Herala touches his shoulder and says softly, "You need not darken your soul so brother. I fear you may not be able to join us with the Maiden some day." He shakes his head, but doesn't argue with her. You look around even though you've set up an alarm spell and a glyph of warding. Thankfully none other than your group have heard the words spoken by your adopted sister and a good thing too as anyone else would happily send a cleric of Elilistraee to be tortured and killed by the Spider Kissers.

Welcome to my first ever Quest. It is based on the D&D 5th edition ruleset and we are based in the Lith My'athar. As you can see you are a female Drow who is not evil. This does not mean you are exactly good either your decisions will determine that. This adventure is set during the Silence of Lolth and there is a potential that your character's actions could change the outcome of the War of The Spider Queen. That said, we're in the very beginning days here so let's not get too ahead of ourselves.

Additionally I should warn you that I am a woman who loves other women so there is a high potential for Yuri content here. I'll try to keep any scenes at PG-13 or thereabouts.

I'm creating an information tab for your siblings and your character once we've decided some basics of what house you're in and which school of magic you focused on. Hopefully a few people might be interested in playing.
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[X]House Pharn: 10th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has spent quite a bit of capital to get where it is. As such they have become a burgeoning trade house in order to attempt to regain the money spent to get where they are. (+2 Insight and Investigation. -2 Religion)

[X]Evocation: You focus your study on magic that creates powerful elemental effects such as bitter cold, searing flame, rolling thunder, crackling lightning, and burning acid.
[X]House Pharn: 10th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has spent quite a bit of capital to get where it is. As such they have become a burgeoning trade house in order to attempt to regain the money spent to get where they are. (+2 Insight and Investigation. -2 Religion)
[X] Necromancy:. As you focus your studies in this tradition, you learn to manipulate the energy that animates all living things. As you progress, you learn to sap the life force from a creature as your magic destroys its body, transforming that vital energy into magical power you can manipulate.

Undead workforce!

And need an drow tag
[X] Necromancy:. As you focus your studies in this tradition, you learn to manipulate the energy that animates all living things. As you progress, you learn to sap the life force from a creature as your magic destroys its body, transforming that vital energy into magical power you can manipulate.
[X]House Wyrnridge: 5th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has been at the top for years, they are closely connected to House Mae'Vir and yet there's always the opportunity to fall. (+2 perception and arcana. -2 stealth)

[X] Necromancy:. As you focus your studies in this tradition, you learn to manipulate the energy that animates all living things. As you progress, you learn to sap the life force from a creature as your magic destroys its body, transforming that vital energy into magical power you can manipulate.
Can I ask what Drow pantheon are we working with here?

[x] House Wyrnridge: 5th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has been at the top for years, they are closely connected to House Mae'Vir and yet there's always the opportunity to fall. (+2 perception and arcana. -2 stealth)
[x] Transmutation: You are a student of spells that modify energy and matter. To you, the world is not a fixed thing, but eminently mutable, and you delight in being an agent of change. You wield the raw stuff of creation and learn to alter both physical forms and mental qualities. Your magic gives you the tools to become a smith on reality's forge.

Necromancers are a dime a dozen. Becoming the Lich King of the Underdark could be cool, but I would rather we embark down the path of transmutation and use "the raw stuff of creation" to become something closer to a God.
Necromancy sounds cool, but Transmutation sounds like something that can be most interesting when used creatively. Divination looks tempting too, hmm...
[X] House Wyrnridge: 5th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has been at the top for years, they are closely connected to House Mae'Vir and yet there's always the opportunity to fall. (+2 perception and arcana. -2 stealth)
[X] Transmutation: You are a student of spells that modify energy and matter. To you, the world is not a fixed thing, but eminently mutable, and you delight in being an agent of change. You wield the raw stuff of creation and learn to alter both physical forms and mental qualities. Your magic gives you the tools to become a smith on reality's forge.
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Can I ask what Drow pantheon are we working with here?

I'll add it to the information tab. We are working with:
  • Lolth (formerly Araushnee) : Goddess of assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil and spiders.
  • Eilistraee : Goddess of beauty, dance, song, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, and hunting.
  • Ghaunadaur : God of all things subterranean, jellies, oozes, outcasts, rebels, ropers and slimes.
  • Kiaransalee : Goddess of undead, necromancy, and vengeance.
  • Selvetarm : God of drow warriors and slaughter.
  • Vhaeraun : God of drow males, evil activity on the surface, territory, thievery, and arrogance.
Drow Pantheon and your close family members
The Drow Pantheon is the same as in Forgotten Realms Materials
  • Lolth (formerly Araushnee) : Goddess of assassins, chaos, darkness, drow, evil and spiders.
  • Eilistraee : Goddess of beauty, dance, song, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, and hunting.
  • Ghaunadaur : God of all things subterranean, jellies, oozes, outcasts, rebels, ropers and slimes.
  • Kiaransalee : Goddess of undead, necromancy, and vengeance.
  • Selvetarm : God of drow warriors and slaughter.
  • Vhaeraun : God of drow males, evil activity on the surface, territory, thievery, and arrogance.
Your Closest Family Members

Name: Zara
Race: Drow
Class: Warlock
Alignment: LE

Appearance: Zara stands around 5' 7" tall. She is pretty, though not stunningly beautiful, as opposed to some of her kin. Beauty is not her goal or concern. Strange tattoos adorn her arms and shoulders that range from non-figurative scale-like outlines to webs and flowers. Some of her tattoos faintly glow in the dark with a light, almost white violet hue. She keeps her dense white hair long, usually clamped into a ponytail. And her eyes (similar to most of her kin) are red.

Personality: Zara's connection to the hells tends to make her petty and selfish much like the rest of the females in the house. The biggest difference between her and the others is that she tends to keep her word and, since she is your younger sister, she does tend to at least listen to you or at least sometimes.

Backstory: Zara is your cousin, a great niece of your grandmother, the matron mother, she hardly even had the noble status . But your house was tragically (or luckily from her standpoint) short on noble females. Thus Zara got adopted as your sister. Sadly Zara, just like yourself didn't show any signs of divine favor. At least until she delved into one of the ancient ritual books and you wished you hadn't taught her anything of the arcane since she formed some strange connection to some devil or another in the hells.

Name: Herala Hy'lin
Race: Drow
Class: Cleric of Eilistraee (Life Domain)
Alignment: CG

Appearance: Herala is not an imposing figure, as one might expect, but the young cleric carries herself gracefully enough for one faced with insurmountable odds. She is a dainty, waifish thing, roughly 5'4, clad in armor and a flowing white tabard. Her soft voice is light and airy, with a soothing quality that is more carefree than commanding. Indicative of her race, Heralahas long silvery hair, a grey complexion, and a crimson-touched gaze. However, her expressions and mannerisms couldn't be more far-flung; and, admittedly that is what gets her into trouble.

Personality: Herala honestly has no master plan, no delusions of grandeur, nor an insatiable desire to claw up the social hierarchy. She believes there is beauty everywhere, even in the most unexpected places; and, where there is beauty, there is also hope. She does her best to pretend to fit in with the priestesses of Lolth, but she usually fails and is often trying her best to spread mirth and goodwill. Yes, obviously, she knows that someday her charade is not going to end well.

Background: It's a mystery how House Hel'Vimtyr incurred the wrath of Lolth and considering which daughter survived the mystery has only deepened in your mind. Still one can be assured that House Hel'Vimtyr was forgotten as swiftly as they were destroyed. Herala came to your house after the destruction of her house. The Matron Mother didn't care to look too much into her background as your house had an over-abundance of males and a lack of clerics. Since female clerics are always in high demand...well what goddess she actually worshipped wasn't exactly studied in detail. She doesn't spend much time at the Shrine of Lolth, but having an in house healer and someone who can, at least, pretend at devotion to Lolth has been useful.

Name: Scylla T'uan
Race: Drow
Alignment: CN
Class: Fighter

Appearance: Long flowing hair as white as snow frame eyes of steel grey -- eyes that would tear your soul out as readily as her own hands would tear your heart out. Dressed in armor of obsidian, and standing at an atypical height of almost six-foot tall, Scylla certainly stands out amongst a crowd. This can either be a benefit or a hindrance depending on her mood and her objectives at any given time.

Personality: You might have thought that given the circumstances that have led Scylla to this point, exiled and houseless irrespective of the name that she continues to carry at her own risk that she would have learned the fine art of humility. However, she has not. Scylla is the very essence of wild hubris, distilled into its most potent form and injected into the drow blood that courses through her veins. Scylla clearly believes herself both possessed of, and entitled to, greatness. Never one for machinations or subtlety, Scylla interests have always been with martial pursuits, particularly that of the blade. Scylla was always keen to study and train with the Soldier Captains of her house, and under their tutelage she learned well, up to the point she could hold herself in combat with one of them.

Backstory: Scylla is another adoption into the family. She was found on the streets after the T'uan family was destroyed. Despite her bedraggled form she was very feisty and seemed to have zero manners at all befitting a female in drow society. Still your family took her in hoping that she might have some ability to connect with the divine. Sadly she failed as well and you ended up with the dubious duty of training her in proper etiquette and manners. She was not exactly grateful for your attempts but, over time, she has become a confidant and even friend.

Name: Drunwin
Alignment: NE
Gender/Race: Male/Half-Drow
Class: Rogue/Assasin

Appearance: Drunwin prefers the shadows and dresses to blend into the background, incorporating dark leather armor and black clothes in his ensemble. Doing his best to hide his non-drow heritage, Drunwin shaves his face daily and tends to slouch and stick to darker corners of the room. At full height (5'8") and in well-lit rooms, it is easy to see that is built bigger than your average male drow which brings up more questions than he cares to answer. Luckily, he retained the normal red eyes, white hair (kept short), and pale-blue grey skin tone, so most just see him as a large drow. Finding it easier to take down targets at a distance, Drunwin elects to carry a longbow but will not shy away from running someone through with his rapier.

Personality: When not hunting a bounty, Drunwin keeps to himself. He tends to be quiet and deadly in most normal social interactions. However, you have seen him become quite adaptive when need arises easily conversing and blending into a crowd before someone dies and then he is nowhre to be found and few even remember he was there.

Backstory: Adopted by your mother and raised with his twin brother Eldrin after their parents and triplet were killed, Drunwin was kept painfully aware of the fact that he was "Mongrel" who had no worth to the family. You were in charge of his education and were the only person in the family to treat him as anything worthwhile. Even so he was rather the handful always hiding from lessons and making trouble for himself.. As he grew older he was sent to Melee Magthere and when he returned he had become an assassin for hire.

Name: Eldrin
Alignment: LE
Gender/Race: Male Half Drow
Class: Blackguard

Appearance: He stands 6' tall in his deceptively well-toned body giving signs of his human half. His long white hair flows down his shoulders to mid back. His sharp and pointed ears are a tell-tale sign of his elven heritage. His eyes have a lavender gleam to them. His face is stern and serious just as life in the underdark is. He is quite handsome for drow or human standards.

Personality: Eldrin is serious and stoic, he takes everything that has been dished out to him with a grim acceptance. Except you've seen that breif flash of anger after one of your female house members has tormented him or humiliated him. He may be subservient to females, but the only person he actually respects seems to be you.

Backstory: Eldrin is Drunwin's twin brother their lives were spared but their mother, father, and their triplet's were not. You educated him when he was younger and unlike his brother he was often at his lessons. He seemed devoted to the family and was always swearing to make up for the lapse of his birth. He too was sent to Melee Magthere and when he returned he had a strange holy aura and since has always been at your side trying to keep you safe. When asked he simply says that it is his oath.
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[X]House Pharn: 10th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has spent quite a bit of capital to get where it is. As such they have become a burgeoning trade house in order to attempt to regain the money spent to get where they are. (+2 Insight and Investigation. -2 Religion)
[X]Divination: As a diviner, you strive to part the veils of space, time, and consciousness so that you can see clearly. You work to master spells of discernment, remote viewing, supernatural knowledge,and foresight.
[x] Transmutation: You are a student of spells that modify energy and matter. To you, the world is not a fixed thing, but eminently mutable, and you delight in being an agent of change. You wield the raw stuff of creation and learn to alter both physical forms and mental qualities. Your magic gives you the tools to become a smith on reality's forge.
[X]House Wyrnridge: 5th House of Lith My'athar. Your house has been at the top for years, they are closely connected to House Mae'Vir and yet there's always the opportunity to fall. (+2 perception and arcana. -2 stealth)

[X] Necromancy:. As you focus your studies in this tradition, you learn to manipulate the energy that animates all living things. As you progress, you learn to sap the life force from a creature as your magic destroys its body, transforming that vital energy into magical power you can manipulate.
Character Sheet
Name: Silanea Wyrnridge
Level: 10
HP: 84/ 84
AC: 18 (Enemies have disadvantage due to cloak of displacement)
Movement: 30' in any direction, including walls and ceilings due to slippers
Ability | Score | Mod | Save
Str | 12 | +1 | +2
Dex | 20 | +5 | +6
Con | 16 | +3 | +4
Int | 20 | +5 | +9
Wis | 14 | +2 | +6
Cha | 18 | +4 | +5

Skill Name | Total | Proficiency | Ability Mod
Athletics | 2 | 0 | 2
Acrobatics | 5 | 0 | 5
Sleight of Hand | 5 | 0 | 5
Stealth | 3 | -2 | 5
Arcana | 15 | 6 | 9
History | 13 | 4 | 9
Investigation | 13 | 4 | 9
Nature | 9 | 0 | 9
Religion | 9 | 0 | 9
Animal Handling | 6 | 0 | 6
Insight | 10 | 4 | 6
Medicine | 6 | 0 | 6
Perception | 12 | 6 | 6
Survival | 6 | 0 | 6
Deception | 4 | 0 | 4
Intimidation | 4 | 0 | 4
Performance | 4 | 0 | 4
Persuasion | 4 | 0 | 4

Cantrips: Chill Touch | Friends | Mage Hand | Mending | Ray of Frost | Spare the Dying
Faery Fire 1/day
1st Level: 4/4 Burning Hands, Charm Person, Feather Fall, Sleep
2nd Level: 3/3 Hold Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Suggestion
3rd Level: 3/3 Animate Dead, Counterspell, Vampiric Touch
4th Level: 3/3 Black Tentacles, Blight, Stoneskin
5th Level: 2/2 Dominate Person, Negative Energy Flood
Rituals: Alarm | Animal Messenger | Arcane Lock | Augury | Comprehend Languages | Contact other Plane | Detect Magic | Identify

Spells Known:
1st Level: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, False Life, Feather Fall, Find Familiar, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil and Good, Sleep

2nd Level: Acid Arrow, Alter Self, Blindness/Deafness, Detect Thoughts, Enlarge/Reduce, Flaming Sphere, Gentle Repose, Hold Person, Mirror Image, Ray of Enfeeblement, See Invisibility, Suggestion

3rd Level: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Counterspell, Dispel Magic, Fear, Fireball
Haste, Lightning Bolt, Protection from Energy, Remove Curse, Slow, Vampiric Touch

4th Level: Banishment, Black Tentacles, Blight, Dimension Door, Ice Storm, Stoneskin

5th Level: Cloudkill, Cone of Cold, Dominate Person, Negative Energy Flood

Spells Can Be found: Wizard Spells - 5th Edition SRD

Negative Energy Flood
You send ribbons of negative energy at one creature you can see within range. Unless the target is undead, it must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 5d12 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A target killed by this damage rises up as a zombie at the start of your next turn. The zombie pursues whatever creature it can see that is closest to it. Statistics for the zombie are in the Monster Manual. If you target an undead with this spell, the target doesn't make a saving throw. Instead, roll 5d12. The target gains half the total as temporary hit points.

Feats & Abilities
Darkvision 120'
Fey Ancestry - Advantage vs charm and immune to sleep
Trance - 4hrs rest needed
Sunlight Sensitive - Disadvantage in sunlight
Ritual Casting
4th Level Ability Score +2 Int
6th Level Ability Score +1 Dex +1 Cha

Arcane Recovery
Once per day when you finish a short rest, you can choose expended spell slots to recover. The spell slots can have a combined level that is equal to or less than half your wizard level (rounded up), and none of the slots can be 6th level or higher.

When you attempt to learn or recall a piece of lore, if you do not know that information, you often know where and from whom you can obtain it. Usually, this information comes from a library, scriptorium, university, or a sage or other learned person or creature.

At 1st level, you learn one necromancy cantrip of your choice from any spell list. When you cast a necromancy cantrip that normally targets only one creature, the spell can instead target two creatures within range and within 5 feet of each other.

Grim Harvest
Once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with a spell of 1st level or higher, you regain hit points equal to twice the spell's level, or three times its level if the spell belongs to the School of Necromancy. You don't gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead.

Undead Thralls
When you cast animate dead, you can target one additional corpse or pile of bones, creating another zombie or skeleton, as appropriate. Whenever you create an undead using a necromancy spell, it has additional benefits:
• The creature's hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to your wizard level.
• The creature adds your proficiency bonus to its weapon damage rolls.

Inured to Undeath
You have resistance to necrotic damage (take half damage), and your hit point maximum can't be reduced.

Cloak of Displacement
Slippers of Spider Climbing
Bracers of AC + 4
Bag of Holding: 1 skeleton of a goblin inside
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Attack on House Wynrridge Part I
Your closest family, two brothers who you have raised and see you as a mother figure, a sister, and two women adopted into the family later in life for whom you have been the only hint of kindness. These five Drow of varied personality and talents are the only people in the world you even begin to trust. Your grandmother happily sent you to the priestesses of Lolth and hardly cared about what was done to you and your own mother was literally there when some of it happened. You care for your mother and grandmother but not at all in the way you care for these people with you in this room.

So, you lay your own burden down with them and listen as each of them in turn shares their own troubles and issues from the week. Drunwin tells of yet another assassination his tone uncaring and unaffected and though your own magic is that of death you can't help but wonder where the young boy who hid from his lessons and pouted when he was found has gone to. Eldrin, as usual, says nothing of his time preferring to sit in silence and contemplate every now and again his eyes flit over to you and you can nearly feel that odd holy aura reaching out trying to keep you safe. Both of your brothers are barely in their mid 20's and yet they are full grown and mature a brief candle flicker of time in your 215 years of life. Zara asks questions about the arcane and you guide her to answers. Herala had spent the day selling her healing services and complains about how sad it is to see so many thanking the Spider Queen. Scylla is also quiet today having little to speak on beyond how boring it is to take up a watch.

You have four skeletons outside: Two guarding the main entrance with orders to stand down if the captain tells them to, one outside the escape tunnels, and another patrolling in a continuous circuit around the house. The Animate dead Spell takes a full sixty seconds to cast, but you can keep up to five skeletons or zombies up for around an entire day. You'd cast it at a higher level, but the market for dead bodies in the city has really been rather annoyingly high so you've made do with five goblins from a recent failed raid. It would have been nice to get more from the raid, but the tribe of orcs your family hired was far more interested in eating the goblins and once they'd done that trying to separate which bones belonged to which goblin was nearly impossible. In any case it the skeleton patrolling around the house that fades from the spell first. This draws you away from the conversation with the others and towards the window that looks out onto the city. As you do you note that there are a lot of duergar and male drow coming towards the house. A swath of them in numbers you can scarce count and the orc tribe along with the other defenders are already firing arrows at the group as the house alarm goes off.

Your closest family members are quickly beside you looking out and it is Scylla who says quietly, "There are far too many of them for our guard to handle." Eldrin agrees and even as they speak you can feel the two skeletons at the main entrance suddenly gone from your control and fighting can be heard below. Your first thoughts are for your mother and grandmother and yet you aren't quite sure if that is the best thing to do right now.

Drunwin is already out of the room or hidden so well you'll never be able to find him. At least he has a wand of "message" you crafted for him much like the other members of your close circle have and so you can hear his voice whisper to you saying, "I'm down the hall, which way should I scout sister?"

Eldrin is in front of the door with Scylla beside him and Zarala is next to you and you realize that their fate is in your hands along with potentially your mother and grandmother. Your choices are somewhat limited by the directions you can go from this room though. You will also need to tell your closest allies what they should do.

[] Head up to check on your mother and grandmother
[] Head to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
[] Head to the escape tunnel
[] Animate the goblin skeleton in your bag of holding
[] Write in

Herala will automatically cast a bless spell to aid you and the others. She will refuse to go help you mother or grandmother though.
[] Tell Herala to come to the library with you (she will not go on her own)
[] Tell Herala to go to the escape tunnel
[] Write in

[] Tell her to check on your mother and grandmother (will go on her own)
[] Ask her to go the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
[] Tell her to head to the escape tunnel
[] Write in

[] Ask her to come with you to check on your mother and grandmother (will not go without you or Zara)
[] Go to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there (will not go without you or Zara)
[] Head to the escape tunnel (will not go without you)
[] Write in

[] Scout ahead of the direction you are going
[] Scout the escape tunnel and kill anyone who comes in that way
[] Write in

[] Stay close to you and keep you safe (He will refuse to obey any order beyond this one.)

Thanks to everyone who voted and I hope this quest has a good beginning. If I make and errors or the like please let me know. Likely next post there will be some combat and I'll get to explain how that will work.
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Big vote and I have no clue what I'm doing but for lack of any other votes here are two vague plans.

[X] All In!
-[] Head to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
-[] Tell Herala to come to the library with you (she will not go on her own)
-[] Tell her to check on your mother and grandmother (will go on her own)
-[] Go to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there (will not go without you or Zara)
-[] Scout ahead of the direction you are going
-[] Stay close to you and keep you safe (He will refuse to obey any order beyond this one.)

[] Run you Fools!
-[] Head to the escape tunnel
-[] Tell Herala to go to the escape tunnel
-[] Tell her to head to the escape tunnel
-[] Head to the escape tunnel (will not go without you)
-[] Scout the escape tunnel and kill anyone who comes in that way
-[] Stay close to you and keep you safe (He will refuse to obey any order beyond this one.)
Right into the thick of things, I see! Or perhaps this is a normal day in drow society.
If they've got a legitimate army, speed is of the essence. We get the others, Drunwin maintains the escape route, and then everyone skedaddles.

[X] Head up to check on your mother and grandmother
[X] Tell Herala to go to the escape tunnel
[X] Tell her to head to the escape tunnel
[X] Ask her to come with you to check on your mother and grandmother (will not go without you or Zara)
[X] Scout the escape tunnel and kill anyone who comes in that way
[X] Stay close to you and keep you safe (He will refuse to obey any order beyond this one.)

Three people going towards the tunnel, three towards mom & grandmother.
Just came across this and it looks interesting. From a story point of view I think that it would be more interesting to grab as much loot as we can and then get out and damn the rest of the family. Basically All In, except that Zara comes to the library with us.

[X] Adventure!
-[] Head to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
-[] Tell Herala to come to the library with you (she will not go on her own)
-[] Ask her to go the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
-[] Go to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there (will not go without you or Zara)
-[] Scout ahead of the direction you are going
-[] Stay close to you and keep you safe (He will refuse to obey any order beyond this one.)
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Our mother and grandmother are presumably Lolth clerics, and thus useless in a combat situation, and will probably try to override our authority. And there is always the danger of a sudden backstab from a scroll or poison or magic item. Abandoning them to their fate is very much the optimal, and the drowish, choice.

Scrolls and wands will be very useful in increasing our versatility in the tumultous times to come.

[X] Adventure!
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[X] Adventure!
-[] Head to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
-[] Tell Herala to come to the library with you (she will not go on her own)
-[] Ask her to go the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
-[] Go to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there (will not go without you or Zara)
-[] Scout ahead of the direction you are going
-[] Stay close to you and keep you safe (He will refuse to obey any order beyond this one.)
If you don't X the subvotes I don't think it's counting them.

[X] Head to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
[X] Tell Herala to come to the library with you (she will not go on her own)
[X] Tell her to head to the escape tunnel
[X] Go to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there (will not go without you or Zara)
[X] Scout the escape tunnel and kill anyone who comes in that way
[X] Stay close to you and keep you safe (He will refuse to obey any order beyond this one.)
If you don't X the subvotes I don't think it's counting them.

[X] Head to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there
[X] Tell Herala to come to the library with you (she will not go on her own)
[X] Tell her to head to the escape tunnel
[X] Go to the library and grab wands and scrolls that are there (will not go without you or Zara)
[X] Scout the escape tunnel and kill anyone who comes in that way
[X] Stay close to you and keep you safe (He will refuse to obey any order beyond this one.)
I checked, it lists adventure alone. I didn't know if copying the plan with X it will count it as the same plan, so I trusted that if it wins, it can be checked
You can vote by plan. It makes it easier for me if you do. Should I put that in an information tab?
Or just at the end of the posts. I tend to avoid it unless specified because it's very all or nothing.

[X] Adventure!
Only of a couple of differences between it and what I was going for anyway. Was trying to avoid everyone piling onto the library but I guess we're sticking together.
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