Drinks and Dolls (Girls' Frontline/VA-11 HALL-A)

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The interior of the bar burns bright alight. The sun outside fell, night rose high, and the...


Guardian of Bad Opinions
The interior of the bar burns bright alight. The sun outside fell, night rose high, and the counter is now ready to serve. Lady bartender prepped for the opening of the doors, ingredients sorted, cups on display, handkerchief for idle glass and counter cleaning handy, wondering what kind of customers might find their way here today. Be they here because of a full wallet, looking for an answer, or just a strong drink, she will serve them to the best of her abilities.

It's time to mix drinks and change lives.

The first looked like she could barely wait to start the night. A smile like flint and steel, one could swear she's still exhaling smoke. She sat down at the bar and took of the fedora adorning her head, stylish as it may be a drink is to be enjoyed in full, and it gets in the way,she says. She fixes the thin glasses atop her nose, shooting a look Lady Bartender has seen too many times before.

"The usual."

"Of course. Good mood?"

"Ya bet. Mission accomplished."

"So soon? I was told it would be a night operation."

"I know, right? Everything went so smoothly under my command we were done in an hour. I even brought back a hostage!"


"Heh, just kidding. Anyway, boss was so pleased he permitted poker night, so this'll be just a quick stop to wet my throat before the real fun starts."

"A double, then?"

"Ya bet."

Eyes lit with the fires that raise hell
Throat alight with fire she knows so well
With family, partners, comrades, the gang
There's nothing more liberating than letting it bang
A new world order she could writhe
Fantasies flash in a glass of absinthe

"Take it easy on the little ones, will you?"

"No promises."

Red as a crimson rose in the evening, her usual grace less professional today, she finds her way to the bar with heavy shoulders. Hair so vibrant, must be a new shampoo. Smell so sweet, must be some new perfume. Yet her expression's so sour, like it was all for nothing.

"Gone unnoticed again?"

"I-I don't care if he noticed… I don't care about him at all..."

"Of course… will you be having the same as always?"

"Make it a large one this time… and add ice cream."



The ribbons have been tied three times
Fiddling around like a game of nimes
The rifling carefully measured and cleaned
A perfect flower in all aspects, she seemed
But thorns she has, ones she stung with often
Her pride overshadows like a cruel omen
Though she tried
Her affection she cannot express to the one she holds dearly
Now teary eyed
She confesses it all over a Strawberry Daiquiri

"I will… go straight to his office… and tell him what's what!"

"Maybe after a handful of sleep?"

"Y-yes… sleep sounds good… bed… warm… night..."

"That girl… what time was this now? You'll get him one day, you'll see."

Like a saloon, the doors flung open to let the bar's most infamous regular inside. She always comes in with a smile when the smell of beverage hits her nose, lightening even a sour mood. It's an aroma that never gets old for her, like the bar itself. Her long black braid swings side to side as her nose leads her to her favorite spot, single eye looking at Lady Bartender as she nods a hello.

"Haven't seen you in quite a while."

"Heh, what can I say? Elite work is tiring."

"I can imagine. I guess you'll be having your favorite?"

"Will you let me drink straight from the bottle?"

"I'd rather not."

"And here I was hoping you've forgotten about last time."

"Nothing goes forgotten in my bar."

"Yeah… gimmie a double."

A welcome partner on the field, as much as at a table
A veteran of hardened prowess, as much as her aim is stable
A story here, a joke there, never a dull moment
Lessons plenty, she won't leave a bad comment
As social as she is solitary, a drink's a drink
When offered a glass there's barely time to think
A loving big sister taking care of her angels
To soothe the pain she needs a bottle of Jack Daniels

"I think you've had enough."

"Yeah, any more and I'll probably start feeling fuzzy."

"Hmm… not too usual to see you stop so easily despite the free time."

"Let's just say I've gotten some… regulations… from the team leader."

"Good to see they're taking care of you."

"Not like I need it… but it's sweet for sure. Well, I'm taking off now."

"Come again."

"Count on it."

A night without unexpected patrons would be like a plan without change. Lady Bartender knows this one outside the bar, but not once has she seen her within by herself. Smile like carved by a knife, eyes a bloodmoon red like the streak across her white hair, yet wide with the curiosity and excitement of a puppy. She skipped her way towards the bar, clearly in a good mood. That's good for everyone involved.

"Oh? Your sister just left."

"What, can't I come for a visit on my own accord?"

"Of course, you're welcome any time. But do your sisters know you're here?"

"Don't worry about it! I promised them I'd play nice."

"Very well then… what will you be having?"

"What do you think?~"

Cower one, cower all, the reaper is here!
Or so she would like her entrance to be
A legend to keep you awake at night
You better spare yourself the sight!
A trophy of battle she carries as a limb
Around her the frontline grows rather grimm
There's not a single doubt that this girl is scary
Mirrored death nods its head to this Bloody Mary

"So this is where she spends most her free time? It's a nice place… a bit quiet though..."

"You should join her next time."

"Think she'll let me?"

"If you promise to behave like you do now, I can vouch for you."

"You will?! Thanks!"

"A-ahah… no hugging over the bar, please."

The sourest of moods sits on her face by far, a sign of more than just a long day. Her feet were just short of stomping, her hands a clenched pair of fists. Her whitish blue hair struggled to keep up with her fast pace, her gaze targeted at the bar. This is how she usually enters this place, alone and with a fury.

"Give me a big mojito."

"You know the rules, I can't."



"... screw the rules, if I want to drink I'll drink!"

"Not after last time's incident."

"That wasn't my fault!"

"Commander's orders, you are not to be served any alcohol in this establishment, nor anywhere else on base grounds."

"Just… let me have something, c'mon!"


The straight man often gets the shortest straw
To compensate, they develop a quick weapon draw
Training, exercise, strive to become the best
Yet forever ignored by the supposedly better rest
She hates the world for spitting in her face
It wouldn't be her first fall from grace
And in spite of it all she keeps crawling through the mud
She has a score to settle with a particular one-eyed mutt
The pressure gauge is full with anger and stress
Just one mojito would result in quite a mess
So, for everyone's good, request denied.

"... the hell's this?"

"Water. With a slice of lemon and mint. Alcohol free."


"Is the shooting range closed?"

"... no... already used up all my hours for today. The heck am I supposed to do now…?"

"I haven't been to the range today… you could use my hours."



"... thanks."

"Don't mention it."

She didn't even hear the doors open, nor were the steps particularly audible, so it was no surprise that Lady Bartender didn't notice today's last patron until her small frame was already seated at a stool, looking up. Caramel chestnut brown hair was swept away, clearing her light blue sight to the taller lady. Gaze bubbly, mouth slightly open, it might as well trigger the mother genes.

"Late night snack?"

"It's never too late for snacks!"

"Is that right? Then what can I get you?"

"Chocolate! But I'm also thirsty…"

"A chocolate shake then?"

"Nu-uh, I want a big girl drink!"

"Hmm… alright, then I have just the thing."

"Gimmie gimmie gimmieeee!"

Sweet, sugary, brown, sweet
Caters so perfectly to her every need
The creamy substance that melts on her tongue
Like her taste buds have just been stung
Whatever she lost, whatever she may lose
It is a thing almost as effective as booze
So to let the flame continue to flicker
Give this sweet child some Chocolate liqueur

"Mmm… mmm!~"

"But it's straight to bed after this one, alright?"

"You know me, big drinks make me sleepy… hehe~"

"Need help getting to your dorm?"

"Not that sleepy… I'll be fiiiiine."

"Mind the door!"

"Hmm… it's about time to close up for tonight."

It was a busy night, not the busiest but an entertaining one nonetheless. Patrons she liked, both new and old, always bring joy to the night. A job that is its own reward, work that means little, yet a lot. This cafe is her passion, one she can return to even from the harshness of the frontline, rifle slung over her shoulder.

"And he didn't show again… how worrisome~"

Making one last order to soothe herself, the coffee machine rumbles, yet there's two cup atop a plate. Still steaming, she takes them along after closing up, not going to her dorm just yet. There's one last patron that needs their little cup of something. Before the door, she politely knocks…

"Commander, I've brought your favorite coffee~"

If you're reading this, good, you haven't gone blind from my terrible attempt at poetry. Why did I write this? Not too long ago, to celebrate the recent GFLxVA-11HALL-A in-game collab event, the devs made a writer's competition with the theme "drinks and dolls", and it's exactly what it sounds like. As I writer, I wanted to join. However, by the time I realized that submissions could only be written in Chinese, the plot bunnies have already settled. So I decided to make it anyway, in English, despite the fact it won't get me anywhere. It was fun though, and I thought the readers of my quest deserved a little extra for all the times I missed my update schedule. And if you're wondering which girl is which, figure it out yourselves, I made it obvious enough ^^ Also, I'm aware that not all of the verses rhyme, but just pretend like they do, ok? Pretty please?