It was a close one, but Delving the Vrag Pit triumphed.
There are many races that survived the retreat, but there are six that stand above all. Which are you?
[ ] Human
- You know what you are.
- Beloved by none.
- Most common of all the races, you will rarely find yourself unwelcome.
- Least magical of all the races, you will have to prove yourself worthy.
[ ] Dwarf
- You are violent and unbreakable- no one can stop you when you put your mind to it.
- Beloved by Lotska, Widow God of Stone and Love
- Long-lived and long-taught, your people are very familiar with the underground, and you with them.
- Long-lived and long-loved, you will become obsessed with something or someone many times. Losing them will be… painful.
[ ] Elf
- You are above the other races, in both power and appeal- no other can truly be your equal.
- Beloved by Vyrn, Widow God of Animals and Crafting
- Magic flows through you far easier than your lessers, so you have advanced as fast as you can.
- Despite your advancement you must be perfect- you need access to a mirror once a day, and must keep yourself neat and enthralling.
[ ] Aeling
- You are never welcome, but can never be refused- you delight in your tenuous existence at odds with society.
- Beloved by Ramayad, Widow God of Strangers and Disaster
- Out of all races, you have fared the best in this new world- due to a mysterious factor, you are nearly immune to the sinister magic of the sun.
- Out of all races, you are least trusted- Aelings are considered thieves, radicals, and traitors. If not for surface trade, you would be hunted by mobs.
[ ] Wretzlow
- You are a proud willow in the wind. You are a river boring through the earth. You are strong, but the world is stronger.
- Beloved by Gofran, Widow God of Nature and Strife
- With a large body and a vast wellspring of energy, you are considered the ideal laborer or fighter.
- Alas, your mind is not up to the same task- beneath your tusks and horns, your brain will tire far faster than your form.
[ ] Merry Folk
- You are an ember. You are one, but your family is many, and together you will bring warmth to the world.
- Beloved by Great Un, Widow God of seasons and flame.
- You are a social juggernaut, able to broker a treaty in the morning, defuse a bar brawl at noon, and comfort a baby at night.
- Having others around yourself is not merely a luxury- Without the comfort of a target, your anxiety will go through the roof.
While your race is important, that's not what makes you… you. So, what defined your life?
[ ] The artistry of weapons, the soft sound of edge meeting flesh.
[ ] The catharsis of Mourning, the sermons of one above all.
[ ] The quiet crinkle of a clue, the tense moment when it all comes together.
[ ] The pure expression of power, the world at your fingertips.
[ ] The sweaty stench of your prey, the satisfaction of divining the final blow.
[ ] The machinery of a fine tuned body, the carefully controlled decimation of your enemies.
[ ] The sizzle of power through your veins, the thrill as reality buckles.
[ ] The measured balance of all things, the exposed back of your enemies.
[ ] The whispers of your patron, the surprise of all that doubted
[ ] The sweet smell of ink on paper, the glee as the universe is chained to the page
Vote for any that you wish, the top result
from each category will be chosen. Voting closes in 24 hours.