Shadow Cabal Caerbannog Bun-Bun
- Location
- Arrrghhh
[X] Younger Sister of the 52nd Earth King Kuei (Born 79 AG)
[X] Earthbending
[X] Warfare
[X] Earthbending
[X] Warfare
Where are you getting that it's that bad? The show only ever made a big deal out of the Northern Water Tribe acting like that, not the Earth Kingdom. No one ever seems to disrespect or give the Kyoshi Warriors a hard time, even though they're an order of warrior women, after all, which you would expect to happen if the Earth Kingdom was super sexist. If you're taking this from Toph's parents, keep in mind that Toph is a.) blind, and b.) 12 years old. Her parents being extremely protective and keeping her under lock and key has relatively little to do with her gender.
Also, "black hole of conservative views and stubborn reluctance?" Not really getting that from the Earth Kingdom as a whole. Like, maybe to some degree, but the comics make quite clear that the moment they aren't constantly trying to fend off the Fire Nation they start making big strides in industry and the like, with the Earth-Fire Refinery and such. It becomes something similar to end-of-Qing China under Hou-Ting's rule, but that has more to do with her being a controlling bitch who thinks that modernizing her kingdom evenly would weaken her authority. Other leading Earth Kingdom figures never seem bent on forcing back progress or anything. In general the Earth Kingdom's problems stem from its unwieldy, patchwork nature that neither Kuei nor Hou-Ting ever seemed able or willing to fix.
Why would he do that? Long Feng doesn't want or need to be on the throne, he wants a puppet king that he can prop up on the throne while he makes all the real decisions.
All the noble daughters of Ba Sing Se are learning how to dress up, calligraphy and and to look beautiful.
Also I am pretty sure the comics highlight that the EK discriminates heavily against women, and aren't that far from the NWT, so I don't know about what you are talking about.
Now I am not saying its going to be impossible, but that this should be an uphill battle, the EK aren't the FN nor the air nomads, the sexes aren't even close to being equal and that means this should be hard mode, because even in option one the "crown" princess stops being ours as soon as a brother enters the equation.
I don't think Iroh would send his son to the front lines before he was thoroughly ready and his portrait makes him seem like a young man instead of a teenager. For the purpose of this quest, I'll say he was born in 70 AG.
Huh, older than I would have thought.
*checks wiki*
Although now that I look again it honestly makes him seem younger than I'd expect since Iroh was born around 40 AG (he's 60 in the series). Iroh having his first kid at 30 seems rather late in my opinion, although there could be plenty of reasons for that being the case.
They all seem to marry or have a child late, because Sozin had Azulon at 80 and if Iroh is 60, then Azulon had him at almost 40.