AN: *Checks date of last quest* Jesus, it's been over 2 years since my last one. I blame Kosm and her quest Deep Red for getting me back into Avatar and questing in general. This quest will be heavily narrative-driven, so nothing like raw stats or rolls, but it will have skill trees that can be leveled up to provide useful special traits and improve overall narrative performance.
You had grown up to tales of the greatness of the Earth Kingdom and, as any other curious child would, you had so many questions. The one question you were most interested in, however, was also the one question none of your teachers or parents would answer. The first time you asked the question was when you were barely more than a toddler and your mother had simply waved it off as something beyond your understanding. Ironically enough, had she actually bothered to come up with some excuse, that might have been the end of it and your underdeveloped mind would likely have turned to other topics. By the time you actually received a substantive answer from your tutor, however, you were already smart enough to understand it was nothing more than simple lies and excuses that might have satisfied any other child, but you were hardly just any child.
You are Zhang-Li, daughter of the 51st Earth King Tian and:
[ ] Crown Princess of the Earth Kingdom (Born 65 AG)
Following several decades of victories under the direct leadership of Fire Lord Azulon that have resulted in a complete naval blockade of the Earth Kingdom and the loss of half the western provinces, the Fire Nation has shifted focus toward consolidating its captured territories in preparation for a future offensive against Ba Sing Se itself. Earth King Tian desires to sue for peace with the Fire Nation by ceding the remaining western provinces, but powerful elements throughout the Earth Kingdom have openly denounced him as a coward and the Dai Li have reported military buildup by a coalition of senior warlords in preparation for coup should the offer be officially extended. Your father must be made to see reason or decisive new leadership is required to avoid a disastrous civil war and preserve the Earth Kingdom.
[ ] Younger Sister of the 52nd Earth King Kuei (Born 79 AG)
With the ascension of the infant Earth King Kuei, the Fire Nation has ended its long period of cold war with the Earth Kingdom and launched a massive new offensive under the leadership of Crown Prince Iroh, who now seeks to replicate his father's success in the early years of the war in preparation for his own imminent ascent to the throne. Real power in Ba Sing Se now lies in the hands of Grand Secretariat Long Feng, who has turned his attention inwards toward consolidating his power within the capital itself and unofficially given the various warlords and generals free reign to conduct the war as they see fit in exchange for acknowledging his position. If your brother is too weak and gullible to reclaim his authority, then you will have to rein in the renegade provinces and face the infamous Dragon of the West yourself.
You remember quite clearly the scowl that flashed across the old scholar's face when you interrupted his lecture on the dominance of the Earth Kingdom by asking him why, if your homeland was as powerful as he said it was, the Earth Kingdom was losing to the Fire Nation. To say that the old man did not respond well to that challenge would be an understatement, but, with the benefit of hindsight, you now realize the punishment he assigned you of studying ancient tomes and treatises he thought beyond your understanding actually taught you more than he and his later successors ever did. The first few years were painfully slow and often fruitless as the sanitized information you were allowed to access frequently raised more questions than answers, but, over time, you learned how to separate the lies from the truth and then used those points of reference to uncover even more information. Imagine your surprise when you realized how just shockingly easy it became to answer the question you devoted years of your life toward solving once you managed to scrape away all the blatant lies and disinformation your teachers and even your parents had fed you all your life. At first, you even refused to believe the information right in front of you, not because acknowledging it would mean accepting that the people you trusted the most had been lying to your face the whole time, but because your pride could not accept the idea that it took you this long to uncover something so obvious.
On the paper, the Earth Kingdom controlled more productive territory than the rest of the world combined, but even a simple review of what these territories actually produced revealed that the overwhelming majority produced barely enough food to feed themselves. Attempts to understand just why your people were so unproductive eventually led you to the shocking realization that Ba Sing Se actually had little to no control over the internal workings its provinces. Selfish warlords and governors would intentionally create horrifically bloated local bureaucracies to siphon tax revenue into their own pockets or just outright ignore inquiries from the central government without fear of punishment. The deeper you delved into what limited records Ba Sing Se managed to acquire and bothered to maintain, the more instances of feudal states operating with impunity from Ba Sing Se you encountered. Feudal lords and even formerly loyal military governors outright reject attempts to consolidate the military under a single unified chain of command and some have even waged wars against each other in pursuit of personal ambitions at the expense of the war against the Fire Nation. To make matters even worse, many of the more productive provinces of the Earth Kingdom seem to already sense the imminent collapse that Ba Sing Se is seemingly obvious to and have already taken steps to protect themselves at the expense of the whole by creating their own currency and even legal systems.
In your eyes, all these signs point toward anarchy and eventually civil war, provided, of course, the Fire Nation does not simply win the war outright. Something must change if your homeland is to survive and, since nobody else seems willing or able to step up, that someone must be you.
Of course, discarding thousands of years of obsolete tradition and working against the interests of some of the most powerful elements in the world is much easier said than done. The warlords that seek to crave up your birthright for themselves will do everything in their power to stop you just as Chin the Usurper did hundreds of years ago. The Fire Nation grows ever stronger and every day the Earth Kingdom remains under the leadership of weak, selfish and shortsighted old relics from another age is another step toward total capitulation. Most insidious of all is the foolish hope of the people that the Avatar will one day return and restore 'order' to the world, when it was the Avatar who had initially crippled the growth of the Earth Kingdom following Chin's defeat and then turned a blind eye to the aggression of the Fire Nation.
Thankfully, while some might call it arrogance and others might call it an extension of your divine birthright, you have always relied on your natural talent for: (Pick 2)
[ ] Earthbending
Some of the more radical scholar-sages theorize that the disappearance of bending from the royal family is a symptom of the earth itself rejecting their rule and practically every rebellion over the last few centuries have used this belief to justify their sedition. You never put much stock in spirituality, but you do recognize the potential political ramifications of you possessing a talent for earthbending not seen since the days of Chin and Kiyoshi as well as the more practical benefits such raw power offers in both warfare as well as utility.
[ ] Innovation
You are blessed with both great intellect as well as a unique gift for engineering innovative and revolutionary solutions to supposedly unsolvable problem. You were even the star pupil of the former dean of Ba Sing Se University's School of Engineering when you were still a young child, before an ideological split with your former mentor eventually led to his unofficial exile from the capital. You believe with all your heart, and more importantly, your mind, that any problem your country faces can be overcome with enough planning and a touch of your natural genius.
[ ] Warfare
For all of human history, violence has always been the ultimate source of legitimacy from such all other forms flow, which is good for you, because you want a lot of people dead and you need a lot of legitimacy, so, in a way, you get to kill two elephant koi with one boulder. As a child, you had always assumed that the generals were privy to some secret knowledge that you were missing to explain their seemingly nonsensical strategic and tactical decisions, but the sad reality is that what seems simple to you is apparently revolutionary to everyone else.
[ ] Leadership
Some say violence is always the answer to every single problem and you like to call those people idiots. Rule through fear and you might be able to force some to serve you, but if you can convince them that serving you is in their best interest, then those same people will practically line up to die for you on all their own. With a touch of your natural charisma and gift for administration, you have little doubt that even the bloated abomination that is the Earth Kingdom bureaucracy can be made efficient and the warlords returned to the fold.
[ ] 'Spirituality'
The scholar-sages never did know what to make of your…unique connection to the spirit world and, for a time, there were even theories that you might be the Avatar, until a certain incident at the Temple of Earth thoroughly put that idea to rest. As much as you despise the old dogma holding your people back, the practical benefits provided by your visions are too good to pass up. Of course, the fact that your spirit guide is an ominous tree husk pulsating with dark energy is more than a little worrisome, but the kind of power it promises can change the world and, for that, there is nothing you would not sacrifice.
The Earth Kingdom has always had the most fertile farmland, the richest mineral deposits and the potential to become the most dominant country in the history of the world, but for too long, it has been shackled by cancerous ideas of 'balance' and 'tradition'. Ironically, enough, while the Fire Nation represents the most dangerous and challenging threat to your vision of a new Earth Kingdom, it presents you with a unique opportunity to copy and improve upon the path it took to modernization and industrialization. Likewise, the various warlords that once rose in rebellion against centralization now face a very different choice between uniting in the face of a foreign invader and collaborating with an enemy that seeks nothing less than the extermination of their entire population. You will take what is useful from your enemies, exploit the opportunities they gave you and use them to sculpt a new nation with which you will remake the world as you see fit. In your new order, the obsolete mysticism designed to cripple the Earth Kingdom will be casted aside in pursuit of the only reality that matters: power. Peasants, kings and even the spirits themselves will bend to the will of the Daughter of Heaven or you will crush them.
AN: AN: The crown princess option gives you more than enough time to make dramatic changes to the world and is easier because both the Earth Kingdom and the protagonist start in better positions. The younger sister option still gives you time to make changes, but you start with little claim to the throne and under practical house arrest by the Dai Li. It is mainly there to give you guys the option of being closer to the series, but, as an added incentive, I will let you start with two talents instead of one. If the crown princess vote wins, I just take the most popular one. If the younger sister wins, I take the top two. Earthbending also includes personal combat and is the only one that starts you off as a bender, but Spirituality allows you to become one later. Warfare applies to tactics during battle as well as broader strategic issues like military doctrine. There can be overlap, like both Innovation and Warfare leading to gunpowder weapons, but Innovation would not have much control over how they are used and Warfare would have less advanced versions like a muzzle-loader vs breech-loader.