Dream Friends: A Kirby-Themed Lasers and Feelings Hack

Hoshino Yumemi

A Few Bulbs Short Of A Planetarium
Weirdly, as huge a fan of Kirby as I am, I've never run a proper RP in the setting. One Quest that fizzled out, but never a full RP. I think I want to change that.

So, this is Dream Friends. It's a hack I thought up of Lasers and Feelings, and it goes a little something like this:

The legend of Kirby's friends all coming together as the mighty Star Allies is known far and wide across Dream Land. Everyone who's ever met and made friends with the pink cream puff across his many, many adventures came together to help him one more time…and you guys were there, too.

Who are you? Oh, you're just some friends of his that he's mentioned maybe once or twice but never really brings up, for reasons that might become obvious the more time someone spends with you. Or maybe not, you're not automatically any more or less freaky than anything else in these parts. But the thing is, trouble always rears its ugly head, no matter if Kirby is or isn't around to deal with it. So while he's on an adventure in a faraway world, you have to fend for yourselves with your skills, your tools, and a hometown where your cool home base is…

Creating A Character

To make a character, follow these steps:

1: Choose a style for your character from the following: Mystical, Technological, Smart Guy, Tough Guy, Friendly, Stoic, Shifty.
2: Choose a type for your character. Instead of picking from a list, pick something from anything Kirby within reason, and run with it. You can't directly use canon characters, but it's okay to say your character has known or interacted with one. So, say, picking a Kirby creature of some kind that serves in Dedede's castle or is part of the Beast Pack or Squeak Squad or something is totally fine. Also, anywhere in Kirby counts, so don't limit yourself to Dream Land/Popstar.
3: Choose a number, from 2-5. A high number means you're better at DREAM stuff, which is technical stuff, magic or tech, playing by the rules of Kirby's world and cool, logical action, while a low number means you're better at FRIEND stuff, which is emotional stuff, rapport, and hot, passionate action.
4: Give your character a name. Maybe throw in a little about their appearance or background.

You have: changes of clothes appropriate to your character (assuming they wear any), a totally sweet smartphone (think the Amazing Mirror cellphone but it has a touchscreen and a camera), an Air Ride Machine (barring any Legendaries), and enough tools or weapons appropriate to your character's original brief (so, say, things like Galaxia or Adeline's paints and easel, don't go overboard). If you want to use a character that can use copy powers, like giving a name to a Kirby recolor that isn't Keeby, the yellow guy, that's fine. That's your "tool or weapon."

Your goal: get your character involved in wacky Kirby adventures and be a hero like everyone's favorite pink spud.

Your character's goal: Pick one of the following, or create your own: Grow Stronger, Meet New Friends, Fight Bad Guys, Discover New Worlds, Find Weird Stuff, Move On From The Past, Prove Yourself, Get Rich, or Keep Being Awesome (you have nothing to prove).

It might also help if you came together and gave your team a name.

Creating Your Hometown

I'll need everyone who's interested in playing to vote on properties of their hometown. This is where you get your supplies and start every adventure. Think of something like Waddle Dee Town in Kirby and the Forgotten Land; it's got all your stuff in it and everybody generally puts up with you.

Vote on two of the following strengths for your Hometown:

[ ] Shopping Capital (You can find just about anything in your hometown, making it easier to prepare and stock up tools for adventures)
[ ] Lively Nightlife (Lots of strong fighters live in your hometown, letting you bring along extra weapons or muscle should it ever be helpful)
[ ] Home to the Stars (Your hometown has connections to a canon character, up to the GM exactly who, but the connection will always be helpful)
[ ] Cultural Center (Your hometown has a lot of books and knowledge on stuff, so you're better informed on everything)
[ ] Open Roads (Your hometown has lots of Air Ride machines and parts, making it easier to make ones tuned for certain adventures, or just to get around better)
[ ] A Little Something Extra (Your hometown is home to something special, like, MacGuffin-tier special. Think Ripple Star crystal, Fountain of Dreams, Master Crown, something like that. Up to the GM exactly what, but the MacGuffin will always be helpful)

Also, vote on one of the following problems:

[ ] Bad Neighbors (Remember Ripple Star? It's like that - you're under constant attack, making it harder to get to places)
[ ] Tough Neighborhood (People are less inclined to trust you because your town has a grim reputation)
[ ] Dodgy Stores (Stuff you have tends to break at the worst possible time)
[ ] Tiny Home (And there's only one bed)

Rolling for Stuff

Whenever you do something risky, meaning, something with a significant chance for failure, roll 1d6 to find out how it goes. Roll +1d if you're prepared, and +1d if you're an expert. GM has final say on whether or not either applies. Compare each result to your number.

If you're making a DREAM roll (magic/tech, reason), you want to roll under your number.

If you're making a FRIENDS roll (friendship, passion), you want to roll over your number.

If none of your dice succeed, things go wrong, and unilaterally get worse. How is at the GM's discretion.

If 1 of your dice succeeds, you barely manage it. You achieve your goal, but at a definite cost.

If 2 of your dice succeed, you score a normal success. What you tried to do goes right without a hitch.

If 3 of your dice succeed, you score a critical success. Not only do you succeed at what you set out to do, but you get an extra effect at the GM's discretion.

If you roll exactly your number, you're being a DREAM FRIEND. Not only does that result count as a success, but you gain special insight into what's going on. Ask the GM a question, and they will answer you honestly.

Players can also help one another. Describe how you try to help another character and make a roll. If you succeed, that player gets +1d for their next roll.

So, it's just what it sounds like: a Lasers and Feelings hack, which I figure will be pretty fast and loose, episodic stuff. I'm looking for a group of maybe 4-6 folks to start with, but depending on how things go and how I'm feeling, I might be open to more.

Our Heroes

Our Hometown

Sounds interesting, if I can find time to commit...

Style: Mystic
Type: Knight
Score: 5
Name: Draconia Knight
-A being reminiscent of Meta Knight, Galacta Knight, and Morpho Knight in appearance. They were enshrined in an ancient ruin alongside the Dragon Chronicle, and awoke with the purpose of completing it and evolving further. Interacting with the residents of Dream World, Draconia Knight has since expanded it's goals, willingly acting as a guardian for the weak, and desiring to use the Dragon Chronicle for the benefit of all.
>Fierce Helm:
-A mask reminiscent of a dragon's head. As far as armor goes, it's sturdy enough that run of the mill attacks won't break it, but anything unusually strong might.
>Accursed Scales:
-A reptilian cloak capable of becoming the sturdy wings of a dragon. Damage taken seems to revert as it changes forms, and flight can be quite useful, but it seems to spread the petals of a poisonous crimson flower in it's wake... Roughly equivalent to the Shadow Star air ride machine.
>Aspirant's Fang:
-A one handed estoc that excells in both durability and as a spellcasting focus. Temporary enchantments last hours longer than they normally would when cast on the Fang.
>Dragon Chronicle:
-This tome automatically records information on enemies fought in such detail as to gradually compile a genome for any world it finds itself in, right down to the metaphysical structures of those with otherwise incomprehensible biology... Normal creatures don't fill it much, but entities on the level of a final boss can provide more information than multiple lesser species combined... The tome can be stored within the Accursed Scales when not being referenced.
-Collect enough data to complete the Dragon Chronicle's genome, and use it to evolve any willing allies beyond the constraints of nature. Including themselves, of course.

[X] Shopping Capital (You can find just about anything in your hometown, making it easier to prepare and stock up tools for adventures)
[X] A Little Something Extra (Your hometown is home to something special, like, MacGuffin-tier special. Think Ripple Star crystal, Fountain of Dreams, Master Crown, something like that. Up to the GM exactly what, but the MacGuffin will always be helpful)
[X] Bad Neighbors (Remember Ripple Star? It's like that - you're under constant attack, making it harder to get to places)
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Style: smart guy
Type: bonkers
score: 5
Name: Greese
Ever wonder where several pieces of technology scattered across Dreamland came from?

no, not those pieces of wondertech build by precursors like that clockwork star, think a little more down to earth, as it were, things like the Kings so-called Masked Hammer, to several kinds of Air Rides, or whatever iteration of the Halberd we are on at this point because the damn thing keeps getting destroyed.

Odds are your friend Greese here hand a hand in the invention or construction of them

Gear: A hardhat: its just that, simple head protection, if nigh indestructible.
A jumpsuit: getting grease stains out of fur suuuucks. it does provide decent protection against electrical shocks and fire, as safety equipment should.
A box full of standard tools: Never leave home without it, filled with several types of wrenches, pliers, and several other kinds of bits and bobs for making repairs out in the field
The Wrench: Instead of a hammer, Greese decided on something with a bit more utility. massive enough to be used as an impromptu hammer or weapon, its real purpose is for large nuts and bolts and other such things that probably can still be found around pop star after the whole Haltmann Works incident.

Goal: just keep doing what he's been doing, helping out does bring a smile to his face. If pressed, he will admit he does have ambitions to one day reverse engineer one of the legendary air ride machines.
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Style: smart guy/technological (look,if you made a venn diagram of the two, the 'inventor' archtype would be right in the middle so if you could tell me which one is more appropriate, that would mighty handy)
Type: bonkers
score: 5
Name: Greese
Ever wonder where several pieces of technology scattered across Dreamland came from?

no, not those pieces of wondertech build by precursors like that clockwork star, think a little more down to earth, as it were, things like the Kings so-called Masked Hammer, to several kinds of Air Rides, or whatever iteration of the Halberd we are on at this point because the damn thing keeps getting destroyed.

Odds are your friend Greese here hand a hand in the invention or construction of them

Gear: A hardhat: its just that, simple head protection, if nigh indestructible.
A jumpsuit: getting grease stains out of fur suuuucks. it does provide decent protection against electrical shocks and fire, as safety equipment should.
A box full of standard tools: Never leave home without it, filled with several types of wrenches, pliers, and several other kinds of bits and bobs for making repairs out in the field
The Wrench: Instead of a hammer, Greese decided on something with a bit more utility. massive enough to be used as an impromptu hammer or weapon, its real purpose is for large nuts and bolts and other such things that probably can still be found around pop star after the whole Haltmann Works incident.

Goal: just keep doing what he's been doing, helping out does bring a smile to his face. If pressed, he will admit he does have ambitions to one day reverse engineer one of the legendary air ride machines.
If pressed, I'd say Smart Guy more than Technological; somebody who knows lots of things about lots of things. Greese would just so happen to be able to apply that as an inventor would, rather than, say, a scholar of magic or a lore nerd of a different stroke.
If pressed, I'd say Smart Guy more than Technological; somebody who knows lots of things about lots of things. Greese would just so happen to be able to apply that as an inventor would, rather than, say, a scholar of magic or a lore nerd of a different stroke.

edited to reflect this, and thank you for clarifying.

and yes, the reason fora bonkers is for the grease monkey/monkey wrench pun